OJT Matrix Performance Evaluation Form

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OJT Performance Evaluation Form

To the on-site Supervisor:

Following is the instrument for evaluating our students. Please answer the questions the way you
would appraise their performance. You may also attach your own instrument(s) to support your
assessment on the trainee.

Name of Trainee: ___________________________ Position/Line of Training: __________________

Division/ Department/ Section: ____________________________ Number of Hours: ___________
Duration of Work: Date inclusive From; _______ ___________ to; _________ _____
Time inclusive From: _____ _____________ to; ______ _________
Job Description of Trainee: ________________________________________________
Name of Evaluator: ____________________________ Position/ Office: _______________________
Company Division/ Department/ Section: _____________________________________

Evaluation Criteria Legend:

1 – Very Poor 2 – Poor 3 – Average 4 – Good 5 – Very Good NA – Not Applicable

Task Score
1. Demonstrated the ability to integrate theories learned in school and the practical _____
work in your company
2. Demonstrated evidence of growth as a result of his On-The Job training (OJT). _____
3. Demonstrated initiative to new endeavors in the course of his training. _____
4. Demonstrated a knowledge of work done:
a) Identified the different phases of work _____
b) Did work neatly and accurately regardless of its quantity _____
c) Demonstrated the ability to grasp instructions speedily, accept criticisms _____
gracefully, and show enthusiasm towards learning
5. Demonstrated prompt and active attendance:
a) Did the assigned tasks and handed them in on time _____
b) Contributed, developed and implemented new ideas and/or methods _____
6. Demonstrated skills in interpersonal relations:
a) Showed tact and concern in dealing with supervisors and peers _____
b) Showed practical courtesy and professional ethics _____
Total ______

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
Grade Computations: 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 = 𝑥 100% Note: Passing grade = 75%

Additional Comments:

_____________________________ _ __________________
Signature of Evaluator Date

Note: Please enclose this form in an envelope bearing the company’s letterhead and sign across the flap of the
envelope after sealing it. Thank You.

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