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General Divisions:
1. Vet. Entomology – study of arthropods
2. Vet. Helminthology – study of worms
3. Vet. Protozoology – study of unicellular organisms (protozoa)

Animal Associations:
1. Parasitism – one party benefits, the other is harmed
 Parasitosis – host manifests clinical signs
 Parsitiasis – host does not show clinical signs
 Parasitiadism – the parasite lays egg on the host
2. Commensalism – one party benefits, the other is unharmed
3. Symbiosis – the association is necessary for both and from which both benefit
4. Mutualism – similar to symbiosis but the association is not so essential and the host can
get along well even without the parasite
5. Predation – killing of the host by the parasite for survival
6. Phoresy – temporary relationship; usually with no metabolic dependence in which one
organism transports or shelters another

Host – living organism that harbors a parasite

Kinds of Host:
1. Definitive/Final host – harbors the sexual/adult stage of the parasite
2. Intermediate host – harbors the asexual/larval stage of the parasite
 First IH – harbors the early larval stage of the parasite
 Second IH – harbors the larva infective to the final host; it permits development of a
parasite in its body without developing any symptoms
3. Reservoir host – host other than the animal species that usually harbors the parasite; the
host does not show clinical signs, remains unaffected and serves as a
source of infection to other animals
4. Carrier – a person or animal that harbors a specific parasite without manifesting any
clinical symptom and serves as a potential source of reservoir of infection
5. Paratenic host – also known as the transport host; the host does not exhibit any clinical
sign and the parasite does not undergo any further development in the body

Parasite – living organism, which for the purpose of procuring food and shelter, takes up its
abode, temporarily or permanently, on or within another living organism

Classification of Parasites:
A. By kingdom
1. phytoparasite – parasitic to plants
2. zooparasite – parasitic to animals
B. By location
1. ectoparasite – outside the body
2. endoparasite – inside the body
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C. By nature of existence
1. permanent – spends its entire life cycle (from egg to adult) in one host
2. obligate – cannot exist without a host
3. facultative – could be parasitic or free-living
4. temporary – parasitic only during certain stage of life
5. erratic – found in organs not their normal abode
6. aberrant – parasites that follow a certain route of migration, reach an organ,
become encapsulated and die
7. spurious – parasite of an animal which passes through the body of another animal
without further development or without causing any damage or injury;
results from coprophagy
8. hyperparasite – parasite which is parasitic on another parasite
D. According to host
1. monoxenous – requires one host to complete its life cycle (ex. Ascaris)
2. heteroxenous – requires 2 or more hosts to comlete its life cycle (ex. Tapeworm)
3. stenoxenous – has a narrow range of final host (ex. Ascaris)
4. euryxenous – affects a wide range of hosts (ex. Trichinella)

E. By predilection site
1. hematozoic – lives inside the blood cells
2. cytozoic – lives inside the body cavity
3. enterozoic – lives in the lumen of the small intestine

F. By time and frequency of occurrence in the host

1. periodic – one which, in its larval stage, develops in a host different from that of the
adult stage
2. transitory – one which passes the larval period of development within the body of
the host while the adult becomes free-living afterwards
3. accidental/incidental – occurs occasionally in the host in which it is not usually
found and causes considerable harm

G. Others
1. pathogenic – causes injury to the host:
2. non-pathogenic – does not cause injury to the host

How Parasites Injure Their Host:

1. suck blood (i.e. mosquitoes, hookworm), lymph (i.e. midges) or exudates (i.e.
2. feed on solid tissues either directly (i.e. liver fluke, kidney worm) or after liquefying
it (i.e. chiggers)
3. compete with the host for food by ingesting intestinal contents (i.e. ascarids) or by
absorbing them through the body wall (i.e. tapeworms)
4. cause mechanical obstruction of the intestines (i.e. ascarids), bile ducts (i.e.
Fasciola), blood vessel (i.e. heartworm), lymph channels (i.e. Wuchereria) and
bronchi (i.e. lungworm)
5. causes pressure atrophy (i.e. hydatic cyst)
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6.destroy host cells by growing in them (i.e. coccidia)
7.produce various toxic substances such as hemolysin, histolysin and anticoagulants
8.cause allergic reactions
9.cause various host reactions such as inflammation, hypertrophy, hyperplasia and
nodule formation
10. stimulate the development of cancer (i.e. Spirocerca lupi)
11. carry diseases and parasites
12. reduce their host resistance to other diseases and paraistes
13. loss or reduction of aesthetic value

Significant standardized endings in nomenclature:

Order -ptera (commonest ending) Diptera
Superfamily -oidea Muscoidea
Family -idea Muscidae, Culicidae
Subfamily -inae Muscinae, Culicinae
Tribe -ini Culicini


Aedeagus – the male intromittent organ of insects

Aestivation – dormancy during warm or dry season
Ametabolous – without metamorphosis
Antenna – pair of segmented appendages located above the mouth parts and usually
sensory in function
Antennule – the first antenna of crustaceans
Apterous – wingless
Apterygote – primitively wingless
Arista – a large bristle usually located dorsally on the apical antennal segment
Aristate – bristle-like
Carapace – a hard dorsal covering in crustaceans consisting of fused sclerites
Cercus – one of the pair of appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen
Chelicera – one of the anterior pair of appendages in arachnids
Chitin – nitrogenous polysaccharide which forms the outer covering of arthropods
Chrysalis – the pupa of butterfly
Clavus – the oblong or triangular portion of the front wing
Clypeus – the sclerite on the lower part of the face, between the frons and the labium
Cocoon – a silken case inside which the pupa is formed
Compound eye – an eye composed of many individual elements; each of which is
represented externally by a facet
Ctenidium – a row of stout bristles like that of a comb; found in fleas
Diapause – a period of arrested development and reduced metabolic rate, during which
growth, differentiation and metamorphosis cease
Dichoptic – the eyes separated above
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Diecious – having the male and female organs in different individuals; any one individual
being either male or female
Dormancy – state of quiescence or inactivity
Ecdysis – molting; the process of shedding the exoskeleton
Elytra – a thickened, leathery or horny front wing
Endopterygote – having the wing developed internally; with complete metamorphosis
Endoskeleton – supporting framework/structure on the inside of the body
Endomophagous – feeding on insects
Epipharynx – a mouth part structure on the inner surface of the labrum or clypeus
False gid – grub (holey hide) in head due to Oestrus ovis
Festoons – plate like structures at the posterior margin of the tick
Fly specks – fecal spots of flies
Frons – the anterior head sclerite
Gena – the part of the head on each side below and behind the compound eyes
Grub – a scrabeiform larva, thick bodied, with well-developed head and thoracic legs,
without abdominal pro-legs and usually sluggish
Haller’s organ – olfactory organ of tick
Halter – a small, knob like structure one each side of the metathorax representing a hind
wing; it is actually a vestigial wing which serves as balancer
Host specificity – when a parasite of a particular species lives on or in a particular preferred
Hibernation – dormancy during the winter or during cold months
Holometabolous – with complete metamorphosis
Holoptic – the eyes are contiguous above
Imago – young adult
Infection – entry, development and multiplication of a pathogen in the body; water, milk,
food, etc. cannot be infected with pathogens, they can only be contaminated
Infestation – lodgment, development and reproduction of arthropods on the surface of the
body or in the clothing of man or in the fur of animals
Instar – the stage between successive molts; the first instar being between hatching and
the first molt
Labellum – the expanded tip of the labium
Labium – the lower lip
Labrum – the upper lip
Labrum epipharynx – the mouth representing the labrum and the epipharynx
Larva – the immature stage; between egg and pupa of an insect
Maggot – a vermiform larva; a legless larva without a well-developed head capsule
Metamere – a primary body segment
Metamorphosis – change in form during development
Myiasis – skin invasion by dipterous larva
Notum – the dorsal surface of the body
Nymph – the immature stage of an insect that does not have a pupal stage
Ocellus – a simple unit or visual section of a compound eye
Ootheca – the covering or case of an egg mass as in cockroaches
Paedogenesis – the production of eggs or young by an immature or larval stage of an
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Parasite impasse – survival of the parasite in the host without multiplication
Parthenogenesis – development of an egg without fertilization
Pedipalps – the second pair of appendage of an arachnid
Phallus – the male copulatory organ, including any processes that may be present at its
Pheromone – a substance given off by one individual that causes a specific reaction by
other; individuals of the same species, such as sex attractants or alarm substances
Phytophagus – feeding on plants
Pleuron – the lateral area of a thoracic segment
Plumose – feather-like
Predator – an animal that attacks and feeds on other animals, usually those that are smaller
and less powerful than itself
Proboscis – the extended mouth part
Proctodeum – the hind gut
Pronotal comb – a row of strong spines borne on the posterior margin of the pronotum
Pronotum – the dorsal sclerite of the prothorax
Prosternum – the ventral sclerite of the prothorax
Prothorax – the anterior of three thoracic segments
Protonymph – the second instar of a mite
Pterygote – winged member of the class Ptrygota
Pseudoparasite – an object that looks like a parasite but is not
Ptilenium – a temporary bladder like structure that can be inflated and thrust out through
the frontal structure, just above the base of the antenna, at the time of
emergence from the puparium
Pupa – the stage between the larva and adult in insects with complete metamorphosis, a
non-feeding and usually inactive stage
Quantitative Host Range or Qualitative Host Spectrum – it is the amount of parasitism in the
various hosts
Pygidium – the last dorsal segment of the abdomen
Saltatorial ability – jumping ability
Saprophagous – feeding on dead, decaying plant or animal material
Sexual dimorphism – distinct differences between male and female
Sclerite – a hardened body wall plate bounded by sutures or membranous area
Scutum – the middle division of a thoracic notum just anterior to the scutellum
Seed tick – larva of tick which has three pairs of legs
Sternum – sclerite on the ventral side of the body
Stadia – different stages of metamorphosis separated by ecdyses
Stylostome – tunnel produced by Trombicula thru which hydrolyzed tissue is sucked in by
Tibial spur – a large spine on the tibia; holding organ of lice
True gid – grub in the head due to Coenurus cerebralis
Trochanger – the second segment of an insect’s leg
Tympanum – a vibrating membrane, an auditory membrane or eardrum
Vermiform larva – a legless wormlike larva without a well-developed head
Vector – an animate or inanimate object that carries the infective stage of a parasite
Zoophagous – feeding on animals
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ORDER: DIPTERA “2-Winged Flies”
Suborder: Nematocera
1. Family: Culicidae (mosquitoes)
2. Family: Ceratopogonidae
3. Family: Simuliidae
4. Family: Psychodidae

Suborder: Brachycera
1. Family: TABANIDAE

Suborder: Cyclorrhapa
1. Family: Muscidae
2. Family: Sarcophagidae
3. Family: Hippoboscidae
4. Family: Calliphoridae
5. Family: Oestridae
6. Family: Cuterebridae
7. Family: Gasterophilidae
8. Family: Sarcophagidae


1. Family: Staphylinidae “rove beetles”
2. Family: Silphidae “sexton beetles”
3. Family: Scarabeidae “dung beetles”
4. Family: Histeridae “black carrion beetle”
5. Family: Meloidae “vessicating beetle” (source of cantharidae)


Suborder: Heteroptera (True Bugs)
1. Family Cimicidae “Bed Bugs/Mahogany Gnats”
2. Family Reduviidae “Assassin Bugs”

1. Family Blattidae “cockroaches”



Suborder: Anoplura (Sucking Lice)
1. Family Haematopinidae
2. Family Linognathidae
3. Family Pediculidae

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Suborder: Mallophaga (Biting Lice)
1. Superfamily Ischnocera (mandibles bite vertically
2. Superfamily Amblycera (mandibles bite horizontally)

Order: Ixodida
Suborder: Ixodoidea
1. Family Argasidae (soft ticks)
2. Family Ixodidae (hard ticks)

Order: Mesostigmata
1. Family Dermanyssidae

Order: Trombidiformes
1. Family Trobiculidae “chigger mites, red bug, harvest mite”
2. Family Demodicidae
3. Family Cheyletidae

Order: Sarcoptiformes
1. Family Sarcoptidae
2. Family Psoroptidae

 Derived from the greek words “artros” (joint) and “podos” (feet)
 Largest phylum in the animal kingdom (80% of the known animal species)
 General characteristics:
1. Metameric segmentation – head, thorax and abdomen
2. Bilateral symmetry – appendages are always paired

General Structure and Function

A. Integument
 Chitin – outer covering of arthropods; modified into:
1. Stomodeum – anterior part of the alimentary canal
2. Proctodeum – posterior part of the alimentary canal
 Sclerite – typical body segments formed by chitinous plates; divided into:
1. Tergum – dorsal sclerite
2. Sternum – ventral sclerite
3. Pleuron – lateral sclerite
B. Circulation
The body cavity is not a coelom but a hemocoele which is a space full of blood which
baths all organs of the body. The system is composed of:
1. Enlarged dorsal blood vessel (heart)
2. Pericardium (encloses the “heart”)
3. Paired ostia (opening in the pericardial walls)
4. Short arteries
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C. Respiration
The arthropod may possess any or 2 of these structures:
1. Gills (bronchiae) – found in larva, nymph and adult aquatic species of various kinds
2. Trachea – fine elastic tubes in the chitinous lining which branches and ramifies
amoung the internal organs
3. Lung book – found in spiders
4. Gill book – found in crabs
5. Spiracles – small circular opening in the exoskeleton
6. Stigmata – external opening in the internal organs
D. Digestion
1. foregut or stomodeum – buccal cavity, pharynx, proventriculus, gizzard
- involved in ingestion, passage and disintegration of food particles
2. midgut or mesenteron – storage of food and enzyme secretion
3. hindgut or proctodeum – absorption of food and expulsion of fecal materials
E. Excretion
1. paired nephridia – crustaceans
2. malpighian tubules – insects
3. coxal glands – this together with malpighian tubules are present in class Arachnida
F. Nervous System
1. supraesophageal center (brain)
2. ganglionated ventral nerve cord
G. Reproduction
Paired testes Paired ovaries
Vas deferens Oviduct
Paired seminal vesicle Uterus
Penile organ Vagina
Spermatheca (sperm receptacle)

General Information:
A. Types of Development
1. Direct/incomplete metamorphosis – one or two of the stages are missing with the
exception of the adult; hatched insect is a miniature of the adult
2. Indirect/complete metamorphosis – characterized by having the four stages: egg,
larva, pupa, adult; the hatched insect differs morphologically from the parent

B. Stages in the Life Cycle of an arthropod:

1. Egg – stage that undergoes a series of segmentation
2. Larva – developing form after it has emerged from the egg and before it is
transformed to the pupa; it is the feeding stage of the parasite
3. Pupa – the quiescent stage of metamorphosis that emerge from the larval stage
4. Nymph – form that leaves the egg with similarity in morphology with the adult
5. Adult – the reproductive stage of the parasite

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C. Types of Larva:
1. Polypod – larva with a well-marked head, a 3-segmented thorax with legs, a 10-
segmented abdomen and pairs of abdominal legs (prolegs) or fleshy
hooked legs (i.e. caterpillar)
2. Oligopod – larva with a well-marked head, 3 pairs of thoracic legs but no abdominal
legs (i.e. beetles)
3. Apodus larva – larva with no legs on the thorax and abdomen (i.e. maggots)

D. Types of Pupa:
1. Free or exarate – the wings and legs are free from the body hence, can be seen
externally (i.e. beetles)
2. Obtectate – pupa with legs and wings bound to the body by molting fluid but still
visible externally (i.e. mosquitoes)
3. Coarctate – last larval skin is retained which hardens (puparium) and encloses the
pupa hence, it cannto be seen externally

E. Types of Female:
1. Oviparous – lay eggs
2. Larviparous – lays live larva
3. Pupiparous – lays larva that immediately turns into pupa

Modes of Transmission:
1. Mechanical
a. Direct – hitch hiking in leg or mouth parts (does not undergo development in the
insect’s body)
b. Transmission by biting
2. Biological
a. propagative – undergoes multiplication and the insect serves as culture (i.e. Xenopsylla
cheopis-Pasteurella pestis)
b. cyclopropagative – develop and multiplies in the insect’s body (i.e. Anopheles-
c. cyclodevelopment – undergoes development but there is no multiplication (i.e.
mosquito – Anopheles)
3. Transovaial – organism is transmitted by the succeeding generation of ticks but there is
no multiplication
4. Transtadial – organism is transmitted by the next developmental stage of ticks

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1. FAMILY: Culicidae (mosquitoes)

Parameters Culex Aedes Anopheles
Eggs egg rafts singly singly with float
Larva with siphon tube; same; well- none
tracheal gills; feed at
bottom of water
hang perpendicular same Lies parallel to the
to the water surface water surface
Pupa breathing trumpets same breathing trumpets
long and narrow short and broad
Adult at rest proboscis and same proboscis and
abdomen imparts a abdomen forms a
humped back straight line and
appearance angle against the
Distinct appearance white bands in legs
“tiger bands”

Anopheles plasmodium of man; dirofilaria of dogs
Culex plasmodium of birds, filaria of man (Wuchereria), dirofilaria of dogs, equine
Aedes plasmodium of birds, filarial of man (Wuchereria), Borrelia, yellow fever,
encephalitis, dengue fever, hemorrhagic fever

Control Measures:
1. Biological control against larva (i.e. fish)
2. Reduce breeding sites (i.e. stagnant water)
3. Put larvicides in breeding areas
4. Insecticide for adult mosquitoes (i.e. pyrethrins)

2. Family: Ceratopogonidae
Culicoides – “biting midges”, punkies, no-see-ums, sand fly

3. Family: Simuliidae
Simulium – “black flies/buffalo gnats”

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4. Family: Psychodidae
Phlebotomus – “sand fly/ owl midges”

Culicoides vector of Leukocytozoon caulleryi, Onchocerca reticulata, O. gibsoni,
Queensland Itch of horses, Blue Tongue virus
Simulium transmits L. caulleryi and Onchocerca volvulus
Phlebotomus Transmits Leishmania donovani (Kala-azar) and Bartonella

1. Family: TABANIDAE
Tabanus “horsefly” IH of Loaloa; mechanical transmitter of Bacillus anthracis, tularemia,
equine infectious anemia, surra, nagana, Mal de Caderas
Hematopota transmitter of T. evansi (surra), T. equinum (Mal de Caderas), T.
vivax and T. brucei (nagana), T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense
(sleeping sickness)
Chrysops vector of Pasteurella tularensis and Loaloa


1. Family: Muscidae
Musca domestica “housefly”  Mechanical transmitter of:
Cholera “eltor” virus, typhoid fever, TB, pink eye,
antrhrax, dysentery, amoebic dysentery, coccidian
 Intermediate host of:
Railletina tetragona, Choanotaenia infundibulum,
Thelazia rhodesii, Habronema megastoma, H. muscae
 feeds on human food, serum and blood
 leaves fly specks (feces) and vomit spots
Stomoxys calcitrans “stablefly”  Mechanical transmitter of:
T. evansi (surra), T. equinum (Mal de Caderas), T. brucei
and T. vivax (nagana), T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense
(sleeping sickness)
 Intermediate host of:
Habronema megastoma (stomach worm of horses), B.
anthracis, hemorrhagic septicemia and EIA

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2. Family: Sarcophagidae
Lyperosia “buffalo fly”  Mechanical transmitter of:
T. evansi, B. anthracis, Onchocerca volvulus,
Leucocytozoon anatis
 Causes foreign body pneumonia and gadding
Hematobia “hornfly of N. America” Transmitter of Stephanofilaria (skin of cattle)
Glossina “tsetse fly” Intermediate host and transmitter of:
G. palpalis & G. morsitans (nagana) T. vivax, T. brucei, T. congolense; T.
gambiense and T. rhodesiense (sleeping

3. Family: Hippoboscidae
Hippobosca Transmits T. theileri (biggest, nonpathogenic tryps
of cattle)
Melophagus ovinus Transmits T. melophagium (nonpathogenic tryps of
“sheepked” (wingless adult) sheep)
Pseudolyncha canariensis Transmits Hemoproteus columbae (nonpatho. Tryps
of pigeons

Ovipositing Habits:
a. Accidental – eggs/larva deposited on manure/decaying matter; maggots are then
i. ingested; if eggs are deposited around the anus, upon hatching the
ii. migrate into the rectum
b. Specific – egg/larva deposited on or near living tissue; i.e. Callitroga, Gastrophilus,
c. Semi-specific – eggs/larva deposited on decaying matter or diseased tissues and
neglected wounds; i.e. Lucilia, Calliphora, Phormia, Sarcophaga

4. Family: Calliphoridae
a. Calliphora – “bluebot fly”
b. Lucilia – “greenbot fly”
c. Phormia – “black blow fly”
d. Callitroga – Screw worm fly”
e. Chryzomyia – “Phil. Screw worm fly”
f. Cordylobia – “skin maggot” fly
g. Booponus intonsus – “foot maggot fly”

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Calliphora, Lucilia, Phormia  Maggots produce “strike” in the crotch, tail,
prepuce, poll, withers
 Produce deep tunnels attracting secondary bacterial
 Emaciation
Chryzomyia Maggots liquefy tissues
Cordylobia, Booponus lameness

1. Dress wounds properly
2. Soak cotton in kerosene and pack the area with dieldrin and grease

5. Family: Oestridae
Oestrus ovis “sheepbot fly, head maggot fly”  False gid/grub in the head
 Erosion of turbinates and nasal bone
 Treatment – trepining, apply pepper to
induce sneezing
Hypoderma “ox warble fly, cattle grubs”  Gadding during oviposition, boils,
“grubby hide”
 Produce exudates from fistulas
created by escaping larvae

6. Family: Cuterebridae
Cuterebra emasculator – parasitizes scrotum (Parasitic Castration)
Dermatobia hominis – “human bot fly”

7. Family: Gasterophilidae
Gasterophilus – “horsebot fly”
- Adult darts to horse and glue eggs on the hair
G. nasalis Intermandibular space>enter into mucosa between
molar>attached to pyloric part of duodenum
G. intestinalis Forelegs, belly, shoulders, fetlock, underside of
knees> enter into the tongue & mucosa>attached to
the cardiac portion of stomach
G. inermis & G. hemorrhoidalis Mouth, cheek > enter into the tongue & cheek
mucosa>attached to the stomach and rectum
G. pecuorum Hooves> enter cheek mucosa>attached to rectum

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General Harm:
1. Panic during oviposition on head
2. Larvae cause inflammation during migration, intestinal obstruction, GI injury and
competes with nutritional absorption
- Neguvon with feed, stomach with carbon disulfide piperazine mixture
Control Measure:
- groom horse, clip hair, apply carbolic acid on hair coat to kill the eggs

8. Family: Sarcophagidae
1. Sarcophaga – “flesh fly”
2. Wolfahrtia – “flesh fly”

- severe disfigurement and suffering


1. Family: Staphylinidae “rove beetles”

2. Family: Silphidae “sexton beetles”
3. Family: Scarabeidae “dung beetles”
4. Family: Histeridae “black carrion beetle”
5. Family: Meloidae “vessicating beetle” (source of cantharidae)

General Pathogenesis:
Intermediate host of:
1. Stomach worms of pigs 6. Moniliformes
 Ascarops strongylina 7. Tapeworm of rats
 Physocephalus sexalatus  Hymenolepis nana
2. Esophageal worm of pig 8. Tapeworms of poultry
 Gongylonema pulchrum  Raillietina cesticellus
3. Thorny headed worm of pigs  Hymenolepis carioca
 Macrocanthorynchus hirudinaceus  Choanotaenia infundibulum
4. Esophageal worm of dogs Transmitter of:
 Spirocerca lupi  B. anthracis, Pasteurella tularensis,
5. Stomach worm of dogs P. multocida
 Physaloptera preputiales

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1. Family Cimicidae “Bed Bugs/Mahogany Gnats”

- adults with stink glands responsible for bug odor
a. Cimex lectularius
b. Hematosiphon inodora
c. Oeciacus

- mechanical transmitter of anthrax, tularemia, Bubonic plague

2. Family Reduviidae “Assassin Bugs”

Subfamily: Triatominae (Kissing Bugs)

1. Triatoma (Bloodsucking Conenoses)

T. infestans –
Bite can cause severe allergic reaction in many humans. Bite and defecation into bite
can transmit Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoa.


1. Family Blattidae “cockroaches”

- eggs laid in ootheca and carried about by ovipositors
a. Blattela germanica
b. Blatta orientalis
c. Blatella americana
d. Periplaneta australacia

1. Intermediate host – Oxyspirura mansoni (eyeworm of poultry), Tetrameres


1. Echidnophaga gallinacea “stick tight flea” – wattle and comb lesions of chicken
2. Tunga penetrans “sandflea/chiggers”
3. Pulex irritans “human flea” – intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum,
Dipetalonema reconditum
4. Xenopsylla cheopis “rat flea” – transmitter of bubonic plague
5. Ctenocephalides felis “cat flea” – IH of D. caninum and D. reconditum
6. Ctenocephalides canis “dog flea”
7. Ceratophyllus fasciattus “rat flea” – transmits T. lewisi
8. Ceratophyllus gallinae – “chicken flea”

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Dr. Clarissa Yvonne J. Domingo, DVM, MPH, Dr.PH Page 15

1. Family Haematopinidae
a. Hematopinus suis – pigs
b. H. asini – horse
c. H. eurysternus – “short nosed” cattle louse
d. H. quadripertusus – cattle
e. H. tuberculatus – cattle

2. Family Linognathidae
a. Linognathus vituli – “long nosed” cattle louse
b. L. africanus – goat
c. L. stenopsis - goat
d. L. setosus – dog
e. L. ovillus – sheep (face and body)
f. L. pedallis – sheep (foot)
g. L. capillatus – cattle

3. Family Pediculidae
a. Pediculus humanus capitis – human head louse
b. P. h. corporis – human body louse
c. Phthirus pubis – crab louse

General pathogenesis:
Transmitter of
P. tularensis, Vagabond’s disease, Classical Swine Fever, Borrelia recurrentis
(relapsing fever), Rickettsia prowaseki (typhoid fever)


Superfamily Ischnocera (mandibles bite vertically)

Mammals Avian
Cattle – Damalinia bovis Chicken – Cuclotogaster heterographs (head louse)
Horse – Damalinia equi - Lipeuris caponis (wing louse)
Goat – Damalinia caprae, D. limbata - Goniodes gigas, G. dissimilis
Sheep – D. ovis - Goniocotes gallinae (fluff louse)
Turkey – Goniodes meleagridis

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Superfamily Amblycera (mandibles bite horizontally)

Mammals Avian
Dog – Heterodoxus spiniger Turkey, duck, geese, pigeon – Menopon gallinae (shaft louse)
Kangaroo – H. longitarsus Turkey, pigeon – Menacanthus stramineus (yellow body louse)
M. pallidulus, M. cormitus
Pigeon – Columbicola columbae, Companulotes bidentatus,
Colpocephalum turbinatum
Turkey – Oxylipeurus polytrapezius
Duck, gees – Anaticula crassicornis, A. anseris, Trinoton anseris

T. canis, H. spiniger – transmit Dipylidium caninum
M. stramineus – vector of equine encephalitis virus
M. gallinae – vector of Ornithosis virus


Order: Mesostigmata
Family Dermanyssidae
1. Dermanyssus gallinae – “red mite”
2. Ornithonyssus
O. bursa
O. bacoti – “tropical rat mite”
O. sylviarum
3. Pneumonyssus

Order: Ixodida
Suborder: Ixodoidea
Family Argasidae (soft ticks)
1. Argas persicus – “fowl tick”
2. Otobius megnini – “spinose ear tick”
3. Ornithodorus
Family Ixodidae (hard ticks)
1. Ixodes
2. Boophilus (one host tick)
B. microplus
B. annulatus
B. decoloratus
3. Margaropus (one host tick)
4. Dermacentor
(one host tick) – D. nitens, D. albopictus
(three host tick) – D. reticulatus, D. venustus
5. Hyalomma (two host tick)
6. Rhipicephalus
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(two host tick ) – R. evertsi, R. bursa
(three host tick) – R. sanguineus “brown dog tick”
7. Haemaphysalis (three host tick)
8. Amblyomma (three host tick)
9. Rhipicentor
10. Aponomma

Order: Trombidiformes
Family Trobiculidae “chigger mites, red bug, harvest mite”
1. Trombicula
2. Neoschongastia

Family Demodicidae
1. Demodex folliculorum canis – cigar shaped mite

Family Cheyletidae
1. Cheyletiella parasitivorax – rabbit
2. Psororgates
3. Syringophilus

Order: Sarcoptiformes
Family Sarcoptidae
1. Sarcoptes scabiei
2. Cnemidocoptes
3. Notoedres cati

Family Psoroptidae
1. Psoroptes communis
2. Chorioptes
3. Otodectes cyanotis

Poultry Mites:
1. Cnemidocoptes mutans
2. Ornithonyssus bursa
3. Megninia cubitalis
4. Pterolichus obtossus


1. One Host Tick
egg>>>larvae>>>HOST>>>molt to nymph>>>molt to adult>>>drop to ground to lay

2. Two Host Tick

egg>>>larvae>>>HOST 1>>>molt to nymph>>>drop to ground>>>molt to
adult>>>attached to HOST 2
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3. Three Host Tick
egg>>>larvae>>>HOST 1>>>drop to ground>>>molt to nymph>>>HOST 2>>>dropt
to ground>>>molt to adult>>>attached to HOST 3

Differences between soft and hard tick:

Parameter Soft Tick Hard Tick

Scutum Absent Present
Sexual dimorphism Indistinct Marked
Festoons Absent Present
(plate-like structures at
posterior margin)
Pedipalps Long, flexible Rigid, straight
Mouthpart Ventral Anterior
Resistant to dryness No yes
Live longer 5 years < 1 year
Eggs Laid in small batches Laid in mass
Feeding frequency Frequent but moderate Once until engorged

Diseases Transmitted by Ticks

Ticks Diseases
Dermacentor andersoni “American tick paralysis”
Hyalomma spp Sweating sickness
Ixodes holocyclus Australian tick paralysis
Rhipicephalus spp Tick toxicosis, anaplasmosis,
Boophilus spp babesiosis, anaplamosis
Amblyomma spp Heart water disease

Other effects of ticks on their hosts:

1. bites cause injuries and predispose animals to myiasis or secondary bacterial infection
2. suck blood and cause anemia
3. tick infestation is also called “tick worry”
4. destroy hides and thus reduce quality and price
5. secrete toxins which cause paralysis
6. results in poor production, poor weight gain, depressed milk production

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Injurious Non-parasitic Arthropods:
1. Piercing/biting – spider, centipede
2. Stinging – ants, scorpion, wasp, honeybee
3. Nettling (hairs) – caterpillars
4. Cryptotoxic (irritating body fluids) – blister beetles

Tick Control:
Effective control will require the integrations of all available methods.
1. Control of ticks off the host
a. Use of predators and parasites
a.1) self-licking - the host reduces the number of ticks by ingesting them
a.2) tick birds – some species of birds feed on ticks and other ectoparasites
(i.e. Philippine heron)
a.3) rats and mice – they are predators of tick eggs and larvae
a.4) ants – they are predators by feeding on eggs, larvae and nymphs of ticks

b. Alteration of their environment

b.1) regular plowing of the pasture – render the environment not suited to the
development of the ticks.
b.2) removal of the host from the pasture – starves the ticks the various
developmental stages
b3) use of alternative grazing area – reduces the tick infestation
c. Use of chemicals to kill adults, eggs, larvae and nymphs on the ground
d. Burning of pasture to kill the ticks
2. Control of ticks on the hosts
a. Increasing the host’s immunity
a.1) resistance is seen when the animal resists infestation by the inability of the
larvae to attach themselves to their host and thus continue their development.
Through breeding, the zebu type cattle is more resistant than the Hereford,
Holstein Friesian and short horn breeds. Improved proper nutrition also enhance
a.2) Artificial immunization (vaccination)
Inoculation of antigen derived from various parts of adult ticks have shown to
result in active immunity against tick infestations.

b. Application of ixodicides/acaricides
b.1) dipping
b.2) spraying
b.3) dusting or aerosol sprays
b.4) fumigation
b.5) ointments
b.6) combination of the above methods
b.7) insecticide impregnated collars and ear tags

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Myiasis Control
1. Treatment – clip hair and apply wound dressing compounds
2. Control – apply fly repellants on fresh wounds
- regular application of insecticides

Flea Control
1. control of fleas off the host
a) spray grounds with insecticides
b) burn old beddings and litter
c) vacuum carpets and connection of walls and floors

2. control of fleas on the host

a) spray or dip animals in insecticides
b) dust with insecticides
c) use insecticide impregnated collars
d) fumigate and dip poultry birds in insecticides

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