Wicked: (+future Event) (Karenlust+1)

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Chapter 1:

Shout = Wicked+1
Open your eyes = Pure +1
Enter to your room
Black Flip = Gameover 1
Try the normal way.
Start Masturbating.
Chapter 2:
Unique! = Wicked+1
Just like any other! = Pure +1
Who the heck would refuse that? Of course, I'm in! = Wicked+1
I'm sorry but I'm not into this. = Pure +1
Don't use it.
Definitely, use it! = Wicked+1 | Wall Banger
Calm down and relax before telling her the incident. = Submissive +1
Just tell her the story right away! = Dominance +1
Yes, maybe she's having a nightmare or something. = (+Future Event) (Karenlust+1)
No! I think she's fine, I'm just overthinking this.
Chapter 3:

If you caught Karen having sex with someone else:

She has the right to speak first as I invaded her privacy. = Submissive +1
Req: Dom 1| I should confront her because that was not acceptable; it was immoral! =
Dominance +1
Req: Wicked = 3| Get rid of him! | NO NTR
Req: Wicked = 2| Make him your tagteam champion! | SHARING (NO CONTENT)
Req: Wicked = 1| It doesn't matter with or without him! | NTR (NO CONTENT)
This is not right, I shouldn't even thinking this way. | NO KAREN (NO CONTENT)
Req: Pure 3| He is not doing anything wrong; I should focus on other things.
Chapter 3: Love Path
No, it is not worth the risk; there would be a better opportunity compared to this. =
Game Over 2: Friendzone
I only live once! Now or never!
It's just only 30 minutes; it's not a big deal.
I just got here. = chapter 3 date +1
Definitely! I am the man here so I should be the one who makes the initiation.
= chapter 3 date +1
Of course not! I should not take advantage of this, and we should respect any women.
Req: chapter 3 date = 0 | Game Over 3 - Classmate Zone
Req: chapter 3 date = 1 | Game Over 4 - Trauma
Req: chapter 3 date = 2 | Game Over 5 – True Love
Chapter: 4 (NO NTR PATH)
Use your creativity: Game Over 6 – Road to Military
Hide to the left corner.
Open the door slowly but silent.
If “Stay and continue watching” was chosen:
- No. It will create unnecessary noise that will end my life.
Req: Wall Banger - Of course! Only stupid would not take advantage of this. = Door Banger
I do not want to risk my life any longer, I have to leave.
If “She deserves to know the truth but I understand that she might get hurt.” was chosen:
- Nobody is here, I do not need to make things more complicated. She needs to know.
- I'm not sure if this place is safe, we need to move somewhere safe. = Game Over 7 – The
Abandoned Room
Req: Wicked 4 If “No! I do not want to hurt her feelings; I should find another way.” was
- His name is Aizenberg = Murderer Path
- His name is Jon Sand = Game Over 8 – Breaking Good

Chapter: 5 (NO NTR PATH)

It does not matter; I'll be back right away anyway. = Game Over 9 – One Last Swing
I am not sure; I have to get back.
Req: Dom 1 | Just barge in, it's my own room anyway.
Make haste and grab your clothes inside the cabinet!

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