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International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

Some Contributions of In Situ Geophysical Measurements to Solving

Geotechnical Engineering Problems
Kenneth H. Stokoe, II
University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
Sung-Ho Joh
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Richard D. Woods
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Keywords: geophysics, geotechnics, seismic testing, in situ tests, body waves, surface waves, case histories

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on one in situ geophysical method, seismic measurements. Seismic (stress
wave) measurements have been used for more than 50 years in geotechnical engineering, primarily in the
areas of soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering. In the past 30 years, their role has steadily
increased to the point where they also play an important part in characterizing sites, materials and processes
for non-dynamic problems. Case histories and applications are presented to highlight some examples.

thods are noninvasive which make them well suited

and cost effective in profiling spatially and tempo-
The geotechnical engineer has always been faced
The geotechnical engineering profession has not
with the problem of characterizing near-surface ma-
adopted other geophysical methods as rapidly as
terials. The near-surface region is often within 10 to
seismic methods. One reason is that seismic methods
100 m of the ground surface. Traditionally, field ex-
directly measure a mechanical property, the initial
ploration programs have involved boring, sampling,
slope of the stress-strain relationship, which is used
and penetration testing. In the 1960s, in situ geo-
in the solution of many geotechnical engineering
physical measurements began to be employed in
problems. However, new demands in geoenviron-
geotechnical engineering. This work primarily in-
mental, geotechnical, and military applications are
volved seismic (stress wave) measurements which
constantly increasing the need for improved and
were adapted from exploration geophysics. Seismic
higher-resolution site characterization methods.
measurements were used to characterize geotechnic-
Geophysical methods have an important role to fill
al sites (e.g. layering, top of bedrock, depth to water
in these areas. Technical papers in the Proceedings
table) and geotechnical materials (e.g. stiffnesses in
of the First International Conference on Site Charac-
shear and compression). The real demand for seis-
terization (Robertson and Mayne, 1998) emphasize
mic measurements grew out of the need to evaluate
this point.
the dynamic properties of near-surface soils, specifi-
cally the shear-wave velocity, Vs. Vs is a key para- 1.1 Organization
meter in soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake The information and examples presented in this pa-
engineering. Today, however, in situ seismic mea- per focus on the use of in situ seismic measure-
surements are used in many more applications as ments. However, this material demonstrates the re-
discussed herein. levance of geophysical methods in geotechnics. A
The discipline of geophysics and in situ geophys- brief background on stress waves is presented in
ical measurements encompass much more than Section 2 to facilitate subsequent discussions. An
seismic methods. Other geophysical methods in- overview is presented in Section 3 of four noninva-
clude electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, ground- sive surface-wave methods. The reason is that the
penetrating radar, and gravity. All of these methods use of this generalized method is rapidly increasing
offer the geotechnical engineer new and improved in in geotechnical engineering. Case histories and ap-
situ techniques to characterize sites, materials and
plications are presented in Section 4 that involve
processes. These opportunities arise from the strong geosystems loaded statically as well as dynamically.
theoretical bases upon which geophysical methods The use of in situ Vs measurements in evaluating
are founded, the complementary physical principles
sample disturbance and in predicting nonlinear soil
that support various field tests, and the ability to per-
response is discussed in Section 5 followed by con-
form the same basic measurement in the laboratory
clusions in Section 6.
and in the field. Furthermore, many geophysical me-
Undisturbed Medium

• • • •
2.1 Types of Stress Waves
Traditionally, in situ seismic testing has been con- W avelength, λ P
ducted by initiating a mechanical disturbance at
Direction of Propagation
some point in the earth and monitoring the resulting
motions (stress waves) at other points in the earth.
a. Compression (P) wave
The modes of propagation most often used are body
waves, compression and shear waves, and one type U ndisturbed M edium
of surface wave, the Rayleigh wave. These waves, in
terms of their far-field particle motions, are illu-
strated in Figure 1. Compression waves (P waves)
have particle motion parallel to the direction of wave
propagation, while shear waves (S waves) have par-
W avelength, λ S
ticle motion perpendicular to the direction of wave
D irection of P ropagation
propagation. Rayleigh waves (R waves) exist be-
cause of the exposed ground surface. R waves have
particle motions that are a combination of vertical b. Shear (S) wave
(shear) and horizontal (compression) motions. Near
the surface of a uniform material, R waves create Undisturbed Medium

particle motion that follows a retrograde elliptical

pattern as illustrated in Figure 1c. The decay with
depth of the vertical and horizontal components of
R-wave particle motion is illustrated in Figure 2.
The depth axis is normalized by the Rayleigh wave- Wa velength, λR
length, λR. It is interesting to see in Figure 2 that the Direction of Propagation
horizontal component changes sign at a normalized
depth around 0.15. The meaning of this change in c. Rayleigh (R) wave
sign is that R-wave particle motion changes from a  
retrograde ellipse to a prograde ellipse in a uniform Figure 1. Wave propagation modes: body waves within a uni-
half-space. form, infinite medium and Rayleigh waves along the surface
of a uniform half space (after Bolt, 1976)
2.2 Stress Wave Velocities
Amplitude at Depth z
Stress waves are non-dispersive in a uniform elastic Normalized Motion =
Amplitude at Surface
medium. The term non-dispersive indicates that the
propagation velocity is independent of frequency.

These waves are also considered non-dispersive in
low-loss homogeneous soil and rock at small strains

and low frequencies. However, stratigraphy and oth-
er forms of heterogeneity cause frequency- Depth

dependent velocity. (This dependency is the funda-

mental premise on which surface-wave testing is
Normalized Depth =

based as noted in Section 3.) The far-field velocities

of stress waves depend on the stiffness and mass
density of the material as,

P-wave velocity:
4 Figure 2. Variation in normalized particle motions with norma-
B+ G lized depth for Rayleigh waves propagating along a uniform
M 3 = E (1 − ν)
VP = = (1) half space (from Richart et al., 1970)
ρ ρ ρ (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)

S-wave velocity: where ρ is the mass density and M, B, G and E are

G the constrained, bulk, shear, and Young’s moduli,
VS = (2) respectively, and ν is Poisson’s ratio. For a homoge-
neous, isotropic material, compression and shear

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

wave velocities are related through Poisson’s ratio, 3 .0

ν, as,
C onstrained
1− ν 2 .5

Normalized Wave Velocity, V/VS

VP = VS (3) C om pression W ave, V P
0.5 − ν
2 .0

The far-field velocity of the Rayleigh wave, VR, is

related to the velocities of P and S waves as (Achen- 1 .5

bach, 1975), Shear W ave, V S

1 .0
2 1 1
⎡ ⎛V ⎞
⎤ ⎡ ⎛V ⎞
⎤ 2
⎡ ⎛V ⎞
⎤ 2

⎢2 − ⎜ R ⎟ ⎥ − 4 ⋅ ⎢1 − ⎜ R ⎟⎟ ⎥ ⎢1 − ⎜ R ⎟ ⎥ =0 (4) R a yleigh W a ve, V R

⎢ ⎜⎝ VS ⎟ ⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ VP ⎢ ⎜⎝ VS ⎟ 0 .5
⎠ ⎥ ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
0 .0
A good approximation for VR in terms of Vs and 0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3
P oisson's R atio, ν
0 .4 0 .5

Poisson's ratio is (modified from Achenbach, 1975),  

Figure 3. Relationship between stress wave velocities in a uni-

0.874 + 1.117ν form half space and Poisson’s ratio (from Richart et al., 1970)
VR ≅ VS (5)
1 +ν

These equations permit computing the relative 2.3 Wave Velocities and Degree of Saturation
values of VP, Vs and VR as a function of Poisson’s
ratio, as shown in Figure 3. At ν=0, VP=√2 Vs and The shear wave velocity is related to the shear stiff-
VR= 0.874 Vs. At ν= 0.5 (which theoretically ness of the soil skeleton. In clean coarse sands,
represents an incompressible material; hence, an in- where capillary effects are negligible, the effective
finitely stiff material), VP=∞ so that VP/Vs=∞. At stress controls the shear stiffness, and the effect of
ν=0.5, VR=0.955 Vs. The ratios of body wave ve- saturation on shear wave velocity is only related to
locities (VP / Vs) typically determined with small- changes in mass density ρ, through Vs=√(G/ρ). The
strain seismic tests on unsaturated soil and rock are relevance of capillary forces at interparticle contacts
around ~1.5 to 2.0, which corresponds to Poisson's on shear stiffness increases with fines content. And,
ratio ~0.10 to 0.33; therefore, the small-strain Pois- the lower the degree of saturation, the higher G and
son's ratio is relatively low. Vs become (Cho and Santamarina, 2001).
It is important to note that the S-wave velocity is On the other hand, P-wave velocity is controlled
the same in an infinite medium as in a rod (torsional by the constrained modulus, M=B+4G/3. Therefore,
motion). However, the longitudinal P-wave velocity the fluid and the granular skeleton contribute to VP.
is different, being VP=√(M/ρ) in an infinite medium For degrees of saturation, Sr, less than about 99 per-
and VL=√(E/ρ) in a rod. The “L” denotes a longitu- cent, P-wave velocity is controlled by the stiffness of
dinal wave. The relationship between VL and E is for the soil skeleton in constrained compression in the
tests in which wavelengths are much greater than the same fashion as shear waves; that is, the main influ-
radius of the rod. For shorter wavelengths, VL de- ence of water on VP over this range in Sr comes from
creases as frequency increases. Also, wave velocity, unsaturated conditions which impact the soil skele-
V, wavelength, λ, and frequency of excitation, f, are ton stiffness. However, if the degree of saturation
related for any type of stress wave as, equals 100 percent, the constrained modulus of this
two-phase medium is dominated by the relative in-
V=fλ (6) compressibility of the water in comparison to the
soil skeleton. The resulting value of VP varies with
It is also worth mentioning that the terms “elas- the void ratio or porosity, n, the bulk stiffness of the
tic” and “small strain” are often used to describe material that makes the grains, Bg, and the bulk
stress waves and associated propagation velocities stiffness of the fluid, Bf. The bulk stiffness of the
and moduli when dealing with in situ seismic mea- fluid phase is very sensitive to the presence of air.
surements. These terms are used because transient Therefore, when the degree of saturation Sr is about
mechanical disturbances created in situ during test- 99.5 to 100 percent, the value of VP is very sensitive
ing generate stress waves in geotechnical materials to Sr. Figure 4 shows the typical influence of degree
that have maximum strain amplitudes less than of saturation on VP over this very small change in
0.0001%. As a result, the stress waves exhibit prop- degree of saturation (the shear wave velocity re-
agation behavior that is independent of strain ampli- mains unaffected by such a small change in satura-
tude and possess only a minor amount of energy dis- tion). For completeness, it is also noted that the im-
sipation due to material damping. pact of Sr on Vs and VP of rock is very small (only a
few percent change) for Sr going from zero to 100%.

Compression Wave Velocity, VP, m/s


R a n g e fro m
900 V o id R a tio
C hanges
a. One surface reflection arrangement: normal moveout (NMO)

ic ic
V2 >V1
9 9 .4 9 9 .6 9 9 .8
D e g re e o f S a tu ra tio n , S r , P e rc e n t b. Surface refraction testing
Figure 4. Typical variation in compression wave velocity with
degree of saturation changing from 99.4 to 100 % for sand (af-
ter Allen et al., 1980)

2.4 Traditional Field Methods

Field testing methods can be classified as active or Rayleigh Wave Propagation Particle
passive. Active-type methods are generally em- Motion
ployed in geotechnical engineering. In this case, a
wave is radiated into the medium from a source that c. Surface-wave testing
is energized as part of the test. Passive-type methods
are used less frequently. However, a passive system Figure 5. Generalized field arrangements used in noninstru-
can be selected when background noise can be used sive, active seismic methods
as the excitation source. Field testing methods can
also be classified as nonintrusive if all instrumenta-
tion is placed on the ground surface, or intrusive ession wave measurements are performed using ei-
when boreholes or penetrometers are used. The most ther mechanical sources that are vertically oriented
common stress-wave based methods in field use to- or explosive sources. Waves reflected from interfac-
day are briefly reviewed below. es at depth are monitored with vertically-sensitive
geophones. The main purpose of testing is typically
2.4.1 Nonintrusive, active methods to identify and approximately locate key interfaces
Nonintrusive methods have many advantages includ- at depth.
ing: (1) elimination of the time and cost of drilling, Surface Refraction Method - The surface refrac-
(2) avoidance of potential environmental conse- tion method is an established geophysical method
quences of drilling, and (3) effective coverage of for nonintrusively identifying sediment stiffnesses
large areas. These methods include surface refrac- and layer interfaces at depth. The method is based
tion, surface reflection, and surface waves as illu- on the ability to detect the arrival of wave energy
strated in Figure 5. that is critically refracted from a higher velocity
Surface Reflection Method - The surface reflec- layer which underlies lower velocity sediment.
tion method is one of the oldest and most common Seismic signals are generated with an active source,
seismic methods. This method is well documented in and wave arrivals are detected on the surface with an
array of receivers as shown in Figure 5b. As with the
numerous textbooks in geophysics (e.g., Dobrin and
surface reflection method, compression wave mea-
Savit, 1988, and Burger, 1992). The main principle
surements are typically performed using vertical
of the seismic reflection method is illustrated in Fig- mechanical sources or explosives. The arrivals of re-
ure 5a which shows one arrangement of the source fracted waves on the ground surface are monitored
and receivers. Both the source and receivers are with vertically-sensitive geophones.
placed on the ground surface. Typically, compr-
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

Surface-Wave Method – The surface-wave me- 1989, and Santamarina and Fratta, 1998). Third, P,
thod can involve Rayleigh and Love waves, and test- SV and SH waves can be generated and measured.
ing has been conducted on land and offshore (Stokoe (SH waves are shear waves with particle motions in
et al., 1994, Stoll et al., 1994, Tokimatsu, 1995, and the horizontal direction.) The main disadvantage in
Luke and Stokoe, 1998). Most testing in geotechnic- crosshole testing is the time and cost associated with
al engineering involves R waves. Several variations drilling boreholes; however, ongoing developments
of the generalized method are currently being used in penetrometer-deployed sources combined with ef-
or are under development as discussed in Section 3. fectively deployed receivers promise efficient cros-
The most common approach used on land is called shole implementations under the appropriate soil
the spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) me- conditions (e.g., Fernandez, 2000).
thod. This test method involves actively exciting Downhole Method - In the downhole method, the
Rayleigh wave energy at one point and measuring times for compression and shear waves to travel be-
the resulting vertical surface motions at various dis- tween a source on the surface and points within the
tances (receiver points) away from the source as il- soil mass are measured. Wave velocities are then
lustrated in Figure 5c. Measurements are performed calculated from the corresponding travel times after
at multiple source-receiver spacings along a linear travel distances have been determined. Travel dis-
array. The generalized method and variations under tances are typically based on assuming straight ray
development have tremendous potential in geotech- paths between the source and receivers, although the
nical engineering and are therefore discussed in analysis may sometimes account for refracted travel
more detail in Section 3. paths. Figure 6b shows a conventional setup which
requires the drilling of only one borehole. One of the
2.4.2 Intrusive, active methods main advantages of the downhole method in com-
Intrusive active methods have been widely used in parison to the crosshole method is the need for only
geotechnical engineering, particularly in soil dynam- one borehole, so the cost is less. However, the dis-
ics and geotechnical earthquake engineering begin- advantage is that wave energy has to travel increa-
ning in the 1960s. The crosshole and downhole me- singly larger distances as the depth of testing in-
thods were initially developed/adapted for use creases. In the writers’ experience, the optimum
followed by development of the seismic cone pene- testing depths range from about 10 m to 50 m unless
trometer (SCPT) and suspension logger. Each me- specialized personnel are involved. This depth is, of
thod is briefly discussed below. course, dependent on the energy developed by the
Crosshole Method - Shear and compression wave source (various high-energy, mechanical sources
velocities are determined from time-of-travel mea- have been constructed, e.g., Liu et al., 1988).
surements between a source and one or more receiv- Seismic Cone Penetrometer - The cone penetro-
ers in the crosshole method. Testing is generally meter (CPT) is a well established tool for characte-
conducted by placing the active source and receivers rizing soil properties by measuring tip and side resis-
at the same depth in adjacent boreholes, as illu- tances on a probe pushed into the soil (Lunne et al.,
strated in Figure 6a. The times of travel from the 1997). The SCPT test is a modification of the cone
source to the receivers, called direct travel times, penetrometer test that allows measurement of shear
and the times of travel between receivers, called in- wave velocities in a downhole testing arrangement
terval travel times, are measured. Vertically oriented (Campanella et al., 1986). Seismic energy is gener-
impacts with mechanical sources are usually applied ated at the surface near the insertion point of the
to the borehole wall using a wedged source. Verti- cone. Usually a horizontal impact on an embedded
cally oriented receivers are used to monitor horizon- anvil is used to generate the SH waves. Travel times
tally propagating shear waves with vertical particle of the shear wave energy, either direct or interval,
motion; hence SV waves. Radially oriented receivers are measured at one or more locations above the
are used to monitor horizontally propagating P cone tip as shown in Figure 6c. After testing at one
waves. Compression and shear wave velocities are depth, the cone is penetrated further into the soil,
determined by dividing the borehole spacings at the and the test is repeated. One of the important bene-
testing depth by the respective travel times. The test fits of this method is that the seismic data can be
is repeated at multiple depths to compile a complete combined with the cone resistance values to build a
profile of shear and compression wave velocities clearer picture of both soil type, strength, stiffness,
versus depth. and layering. This is an excellent example of using
There are several strengths associated with cros- multiple techniques to investigate sites.
shole testing. First, the source and receivers are Suspension Logger - Logging tools can be lo-
placed closed to the material/target to be evaluated, wered into a borehole to determine material proper-
thus enhancing resolution. Second, measurements ties with stress waves, electromagnetic waves,
can also be gathered along multiple inclined ray gamma radiation, and other physical principles. The
paths which can be processed together to render a main limitations in borehole logging are the effect of
tomographic image of the cross section (Menke,
casing and drilling fluids on the measured response and

Direct P
and S
Direct P
and S

Source 3 –D Receivers

a. Crosshole test b. Downhole test


b. Downhole Testing Arrangement

S Wave
Various Receiver 1
Modes (body Receiver 2
Horizontal and interface
Receiver waves)

c. Seismic cone penetrometer test d. Suspension logging test

Figure 6: Field arrangements used to perform intrusive seismic tests (from Stokoe and Santamarina, 2000)

tested and it does not work well within about 7 m of

the depth scanned by the technique relative to the the ground surface.
zone affected by drilling the borehole. One of the 2.5 Additional Information
more recent advances in borehole shear wave me-
thods is the suspension logger (Kitsunezaki, 1980, Most of the information presented above was ex-
Toksoz and Cheng, 1991, and Nigbor and Inai, tracted from the article by Stokoe and Santamarina,
1994). This test is performed in a single, mud-filled 2000. The information is briefly presented to facili-
borehole. The device is lowered on a wire line into tate the following discussion. However, much more
the borehole, and seismic energy is generated and information is available in the article and in the lite-
received by a receiver array in the borehole as rature because of the strong theoretical bases upon
shown in Figure 6d. The shear and compression which seismic and other geophysical measurements
wave velocities of the surrounding material are de- are founded. Textbooks such as Richart et al. (1970),
termined from the arrival times of these waves fol- Aki and Richards (1980), Ward (1990), Sharma
lowing standard travel-time procedures. One of the (1997), and Santamarina et al. (2001) are excellent
advantages of this method is that the wire-line nature references. Manuals such as ASCE Press (1998) and
of the test allows for measurements at significant NRC (2000) are also good references. Many impor-
depths (hundreds of meters). Two drawbacks of the tant topics such as material damping, geotechnical
method are that it generally can not be performed in spreading, near-field effects, mode conversions, ef-
a steel or thick plastic casing if soft soils are to be fects of stress state on wave velocities, inherent and
stress-induced anisotropies could not be covered
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

herein but can be important in properly applying became the theoretical basis for modeling the phase-
these seismic methods. velocity dispersion curves to yield the Vs profile of
the site. Advances continue to occur in this aspect of
the test (Roësset, et al., 1991, Gucunski and Woods,
3 OVERVIEW OF EVOLVING SURFACE- 1991, Al-Hunaidi, 1994, Al-Hunaidi and Rainer
WAVE METHODS 1995, and Joh, 1996).
Recently many other methods have been devel-
There is one field seismic method that is under ac- oped for determination of phase-velocity dispersion
tive development and deployment today. That me- curves in the generalized surface-wave method. The
thod is the surface-wave method. The great interest four most widely used methods are the spectral-
in this method arises, in large part, from the nonin- analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method, the fre-
strusive nature of the method combined with the ca- quency-wave number (f-k) spectrum method, the
pabilities of imaging softer layers beneath stiffer ma- multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW)
terials and testing large areas rapidly and cost method, and the continuous surface wave (CSW)
effectively. One test configuration is described in method. Currently, the SASW method is used
Section 2.4.1 and illustrated in Figure 5c. The me- around the world including Asia and Europe, the
thod, in terms of a generalized method, can be di- MASW method is mostly used in the America and
vided into two basic parts: (1) monitoring Rayleigh- some Asian countries, and the CSW method is ac-
wave propagation along the ground surface (“field tively used in the United Kingdom, Australia and
testing”), and (2) empirical or numerical modeling some Asian countries. In Table 1, general features of
of the field measurements to yield the subsurface Vs each method are compared. Advantages and disad-
profile. The objective of field testing is to determine vantages of each method are summarized in Table 2.
the phase-velocity dispersion curve for the test site. In the following sections, the fundamental principles
This objective is discussed in detail below as are the of these methods are described and some important
different approaches to meeting this objective. issues are discussed.
Modeling of the field measurements, either empiri-
cal or numerical, can vary significantly from one 3.1.1 SASW method
analysis procedure to another. The strengths and li- In the SASW method, the dispersive characteristics
mitations of the modeling procedures are discussed of Rayleigh waves propagating through a layered
in Section 3.2. However, since the forward modeling material are measured and then used to evaluate the
theory of surface-wave propagation was introduced S-wave profile of the material (Stokoe et al., 1994).
by Thomson (1950) and Haskell (1953), empirical SASW measurements involve generating waves at
procedures should no longer be used to analyze the one point on the ground surface and recording them
field measurements. as they pass by two or more locations, as illustrated
in Figure 7a. All measurement points are arranged
3.1 Surface-Wave Techniques: Determination of
along a single radial path from the source. Mea-
Phase-Velocity Dispersion Curves and
Associated Modeling Approaches
surements are performed with several (typically six
or more) sets of source-receiver spacings. In each
The steady-state, Rayleigh-wave method (Richart et set, the distance between the source and first receiv-
al., 1970) is one of the initial surface-wave methods er is kept equal to the distance between receivers.
that was used in geotechnical engineering, which di- The phase shift versus frequency relationship is
rectly measure the wavelengths of Rayleigh waves measured for surface waves propagating between the
for the determination of phase velocities (velocities receivers for each receiver spacing. A typical phase
associated with wavelengths or frequencies). The plot is shown in Figure 7b. From each phase plot,
two-station method (Landisman et al., 1968 and Sa- the phase velocity of the surface wave is calculated
to, 1971) is another surface-wave method based on at each frequency knowing the frequency, phase an-
the inter-station phase difference. Sato used a trans- gle and distance between the receivers. The result is
fer function to determine phase velocities of surface a plot of phase velocity versus frequency for a given
waves for a range of frequencies, and Landisman et receiver spacing, called an individual dispersion
al. used an inter-station cross-correlogram to elimi- curve (Figure 7c). This procedure is repeated for all
nate the adverse effects of low-energy noises. In the source-receiver spacings used at the site and typical-
1980s, the University of Texas at Austin (Heisey, et ly involves significant overlapping in the dispersion
al., 1982, Nazarian and Stokoe, 1984, and Stokoe data between adjacent receiver sets. The individual
and Nazarian, 1985) established the SASW method dispersion curves from all receiver spacings are
to determine phase-velocities of Rayleigh waves. combined into a single composite dispersion curve
The SASW method was an innovative method to called the experimental or “field” dispersion curve
make faster and more efficient measurements than (Figure 8). Once the composite dispersion curve is
any previous methods. In addition, the dynamic generated for the site, an iterative forward modeling
stiffness matrix method (Kausel and Roësset, 1981) procedure or an inversion analysis algorithm is used
to determine a shear-wave velocity profile by match- determined dispersion curve (Figure 8).
ing the field dispersion curve with the theoretically-
Table 1. Key features of four, widely used surface-wave methods
Surface-Wave Method Key Features
x phase velocities from phase differences
x two to four receivers typically used
x superposed-mode phase velocity (apparent phase velocity)
SASW method x global property over receiver-spread area
x shear-wave velocity profile from the apparent phase velocities
x comprehensive forward modeling or inversion analysis
x impulsive source, swept-sine source, or random vibration source
x phase velocities from frequency-wave number spectrum
x multiple receivers (e.g. 128, 256, etc. receivers)
x fundamental and higher-mode phase velocities
f-k spectrum method
x global property over receiver-spread area
x shear-wave velocity profile from fundamental and higher modes
x impulsive source
x limited number of receivers (usually 24 receivers)
x fundamental and higher-mode phase velocities
x walk-away measurement
MASW method x same measurement configuration as common-midpoint reflection survey
x global property over receiver-spread area
x shear-wave velocity profile from the fundamental mode
x impulsive source or swept-sine source
x phase velocity from the average phase-angle slope over receiver-spread area
x four to six receivers used
x superposed-mode phase velocity (apparent velocity)
CSW method
x global property over receiver-spread area
x shear-wave velocity profile from the apparent velocities
x steady-state harmonic source

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of four, widely used surface-wave methods

Advantages Disadvantages
x good sampling of shallow material
x multiple measurements using different source-receiver confi-
x more sensitive measurements for layer stiff-
SASW method gurations are required
ness contrast, using apparent velocity inver-
x expertise required for phase unwrapping and forward modeling
sion analysis
x aliasing problem in wave number domain
x inaccurate mode separation in case of poor resolution in f-k
xdispersion curves separated for fundamental
and higher modes
x large number of traces required for good resolution in wave-
f-k method x body-wave effect extracted
number domain
xdispersion curve global to the receiver-spread
x limitation due to topographic constraint and instrumentation
x long measurement time
x aliasing problem in wave-number domain
MASW method x mode separation of surface waves
x use of the fundamental mode only in inversion analysis
x the effects of local anomalies minimized with
x dedicated inversion analysis required but not used
the use of average phase-angle slope
x near-field effects included
CSW method x no expertise required to calculate phase ve-
x exploration depth limited
x frequency-content of vibrator is limited
x reliable measurements with controlled source

The SASW method is a simple technique that is The SASW method measures apparent phase ve-
easily implemented in terms of field testing. The re- locities, which correspond to the superposed mode
quirement of several measurements using different of higher-mode surface waves and body waves. De-
source-receiver configurations is time and labor in- termination of apparent phase velocities incorporates
tensive. However, the multiple source-receiver con- phase unwrapping. In a complicated multi-layered
figurations employ multiple sources which are se- system, phase unwrapping may be non-systematic
lected appropriately for the measured wavelength and sometimes requires expertise, which is cumber-
range at each source-receiver configuration, There- some to inexperienced personnel. However, the non-
fore, time- and labor-intensive measurements prefer- systematic nature of phase unwrapping can be im-
ably lead to high-quality results. proved by a signal processing technique such as the
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

impulse-response filtration technique (Joh et al., 1997) and Gabor spectrum.

D D Swept Sinusoidal
(a) Vibration, or
Random Noise
Receiver 2 Receiver 1

Spectral Amplitude

Spectral Amplitude
3 3
Difference :
φ –φ2 1
2 (c)
1 1 600

Phase Vel., m/sec

0 0 400 Dispersion Curve
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz

(b) 1 10 100
Wavelength, m
150 Deleted

Unwrapped Phase, deg

Phase Angle, deg

50 2000
-50 1000
-100 Phase Unwrapping
-150 00
200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800 Frequency, Hz
Frequency, Hz
Figure 7. Spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method: Calculation of phase velocities

100 D = 1m 800
Phase Angle, deg


Experimental Dispersion Curve
Phase Velocity, m/sec



0 200 400 600 800

Frequency, Hz 400

100 D = 2m
Phase Angle, deg




-150 0 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3
0 100 200 300 400
1 10 100
Frequency, Hz

100 D = 4m Wavelength, m Inversion

Phase Angle, deg

50 Analysis


-100 Shear Wave Velocity, m/sec

-150 0 200 400 600 800
0 50 100 150 200
Frequency, Hz

100 D = 8m
Phase Angle, deg


0 5



0 20 40 60 80 100

Frequency, Hz 10
Depth, m

D = 16m
Phase Angle, deg




0 10 20 30 40 50

Frequency, Hz


100 D = 32m 20
Phase Angle, deg




-150 25
0 5 10 15 20 25

Frequency, Hz

Figure 8. Spectral-analysis-of-surface-waves (SASW) method: Determination of a dispersion curve and shear-wave velocity profile
Importantly, the SASW method uses the appar- problems and for required testing time. Also, the
ent phase velocity dispersion curve along with data acquisition required for a large number of
source and receiver locations in the forward mod- traces may be expensive, and the topographic con-
eling or inversion analysis. The dynamic stiffness straints may limit the reliability of the measure-
matrix method (Kausel and Roësset, 1981), which ments.
is the forward modeling algorithm used in the
matching or inversion process, can simulate the 3.1.3 Multi-channel analysis of surface waves
apparent phase velocity specific to the source- (MASW) method
receiver configuration. The inversion analysis In the MASW method (Park et al., 1999, and Mil-
based on apparent phase velocities and the dynam- ler et al., 1999), a large array of time traces is
ic stiffness matrix method are key features of the measured using a swept-sine vibratory source or an
SASW method, which improves the reliability and impulsive hammer, using the walk-away method
accuracy of the shear-wave velocity profile. (Figure 10). The basic field configuration and ac-
quisition procedure for the MASW measurements
3.1.2 Frequency-wave number (f-k) spectrum me- is generally the same as the one used in conven-
thod tional common midpoint (CMP) body-wave reflec-
The frequency-wave number (f-k) method is tion surveys. In the MASW method, the dispersion
another method which has been widely used in the curve can be determined in two approaches: the
geophysical area and recently adopted for geotech- swept-frequency record approach and the frequen-
nical engineering applications. In the f-k method, cy-wave number spectrum approach. In the swept-
the propagating surface waves are measured at a frequency record approach shown in Figure 11a,
significant number of locations in a line with the the linear slope of each component of a swept-
source. The measurement of propagating surface frequency record is determined and used to calcu-
waves at many sequential locations in a line can late the phase velocity. The frequency-wave num-
reveal the wavelengths of the surface waves, which ber spectrum shown in Figure 11b is almost the
are basically the reciprocals of the wave numbers. same approach as the frequency-wave number
Along with the frequency information obtained spectrum method described in the Section 3.2. In
from the time-domain waveform, the wave number the frequency-wave number spectrum method, the
information is used to determine phase velocities. ridge of the frequency-wave number contour plot
To describe the f-k spectrum method, a total of is identified and used to determine the phase veloc-
256 synthetic seismograms were generated using ity from the relationship among frequency, wave
the dynamic stiffness matrix method. The layered number and phase velocity. On the other hand in
system shown in Figure 9a was used as the model the MASW method, the phase velocity-frequency
profile. The stacked traces in the time-space do- contour plot is first determined from the frequen-
main are shown in Figure 9b. These results can be cy-wave number contour plot and then the ridge of
transformed to the frequency-wave number domain the phase velocity-frequency contour plot is identi-
by means of a 2-D FFT or slant-stack analysis fied for the calculation of the phase velocity cor-
(McMechan and Yedlin, 1981). Figure 9c displays responding to a frequency.
the frequency-wave number (f-k) contour plot The MASW method uses only the fundamental
transformed from the time-space domain data in mode for the inversion analysis. For the site with a
Figure 9b. The fundamental and higher modes of normally dispersive dispersion curve, in which
the surface-wave propagation are identified by the phase velocities increase with increasing wave-
ridge analysis of the frequency-wave number con- length, the fundamental mode alone may be
tour plot. In the frequency-wave number contour enough to resolve the layer stiffness reliably.
plot, the modes of the surface-wave propagation However, for a typical geotechnical site with a
refer to different wave numbers for a given fre- more complex stiffness profile, where the meas-
quency, and correspond to the loci identified by the ured dispersion curve may be inversely dispersive
ridge analysis. Figure 9d is the phase-velocity dis- or heavily fluctuating with a up-and-down pattern,
persion curve determined from the modes identi- the inversion analysis using the fundamental-mode
fied in Figure 9c. This approach to determine only can not work well (Tokimatsu et al., 1992).
phase velocities from the frequency-wave number To make the MASW method a reliable exploration
spectrum is called the f-k spectrum analysis (Ga- method, it is crucial to incorporate higher modes as
briels et al., 1987). well as the fundamental mode in the inversion
The f-k spectrum method is superior to any oth- analysis. Recently, an effort to use higher modes in
er method in characterizing the fundamental and the inversion analysis was made (Kansas Geologi-
higher modes from the measured surface wave. cal Survey, 2003).
However, the required use of numerous receivers
is the main disadvantage both for repetitiveness
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

(a) Shear-Wave Vel., m/sec Mass Density, kg/m3 Poisson's Ratio

0 200 400 600 800 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 0 0

5 5 5

10 10 10

15 15 15
Depth, m

Depth, m

Depth, m
20 20 20

25 25 25

30 30 30

35 35 35

Figure 9. Numerical simulation illustrating the frequency-wave number (f-k) spectrum method: (a)layered geotechnical site, (b)
synthetic seisograms, (c) f-k contour plots, and (d) phase-velocity dispersion curve.

Figure 10. Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method: walk-away method for measuring a large array of traces
(Kansas Geological Survey, 2003)

between -180 degree and 180 degree due to the na-

3.1.4 Continuous surface wave (CSW) method ture of Fourier transformation. Usually the phase
The continuous surface-wave (CSW) method is a wrapping can be easily identified in the plot of the
geophysical exploration technique to evaluate the source-to-receiver distance versus the phase angle,
subsurface stiffness structure using a vibrator and which has more than two parallel lines. In the case
more than four receivers, as depicted in Figure 12. with wrapped phase angles, the phase unwrapping
Since the CSW method was initiated by British re- operation can be applied to recover the original
searchers (Matthews et al, 1996, and Menzies and phase angles.
Matthews, 1996), it has been used in Europe, Aus- After the phase velocities are determined for all
tralia and some Asian countries. Unlike other sur- the excitation frequencies, the shear-wave velocity
face-wave methods, the CSW testing only uses a profile can be determined from an empirical rela-
vibrator to generate surface waves. The application tionship or an inversion analysis like the one for
of the CSW method is limited to shallow stiffness the SASW method. Presently an empirical analysis
profiling like compaction-quality control, because is used. One advantage of the CSW method is to
the vibrator source does not generate enough ener- use an average phase-angle slope. The average of
gy for sampling deep material. the phase-angle slop eliminates the local anomalies
The CSW testing shown in Figure 12 uses four which may mislead the evaluation of the global S-
geophones to measure the particle-velocity history wave velocity profile. The other advantage of us-
of the ground for sinusoidal vibration induced by ing the average phase-angle slope is that expertise
the vibrator. The geophones are placed in a linear is not needed in determining the phase velocities,
array with an equal spacing. Sometimes five or six which enables the automation of the phase-velocity
geophones are used to improve the accuracy of the calculation. The controlled source like a electro-
measurement. The time history of particle velocity mechanical vibrator allows reliable measurements
that is measured at each geophone is transformed only in the frequency range compliant to the vibra-
into the frequency domain by Fourier transforma- tor specification, and measurements of frequencies
tion. And the phase angle is determined for an ex- out of the vibrator specification lose reliability.
citation frequency at each geophone. Then, the This indicates that very shallow and very deep ma-
phase angles are plotted against the location of the terials can not be sampled, which turns out to be a
geophone, as shown in the lower portion of Figure disadvantage of the CSW method. Also, the mea-
12. If the soil is homogeneous, the phase angle surement time is usually long compared with other
should have the tendency to linearly increase with surface-wave methods. Finally, the CSW method
the distance from the source. In some cases, the needs to be more refined in that an inversion anal-
phase angle goes over 180 degree or below -180 ysis specific to this method needs to be developed
degree because, the phase angle is wrapped to fall for reliable use in the future.
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

(a) Analysis procedure: Swept-frequency approach (Park, Miller and Xia, 1999)

(b) Analysis procedure: Frequency-wave number approach

Figure 11 Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method: Analysis Procedure (Kansas Geological Survey, 2003)

(frequency = f)


d Distance fro

m Source


Best-Fit Line Phase Velocity :

Δr Δr
v ph = 2πf
Distance fro
m Source, r

Figure 12 Continuous surface wave (CSW) method

3.2 Theoretical Aspects Associated with the higher modes, because the source is far enough
Surface-Wave Methods from the receivers and the modes are well sepa-
rated. Specifically, the f-k spectrum and MASW
Most surface-wave methods as applied today are
methods use a large array of receivers which helps
sophisticated in measurement and analysis, and
the separation of surface-wave modes.
therefore give rise to important issues in terms of
Figure 13 shows the differences among the
theoretical background aspects. In this section, two
normal-mode solution, 2-D solution and 3-D solu-
major issues related to the surface-wave methods
tion of propagating surface waves. The 2-D solu-
are discussed. These issues are the forward model-
tion is different from the 3-D solution in that the 2-
ing procedure and the inversion analysis; that is,
D velocity is a superposed-mode velocity of plane
how to theoretically calculate phase velocities for a
Rayleigh-wave modes without body-wave interfe-
given layered system and how to evaluate a shear-
rence (Roësset et al, 1991). The dynamic stiffness
wave velocity profile from a measured dispersion
matrix method was used to calculate theoretical
curve. These issues are important topics for better
phase velocities for the layered systems in Figure
and more reliable profiling of subsurface stiffness.
13. Case 1 is a soil system with increasing stiffness
with depth, and Case 2 is a soil system with a soft
3.2.1 Higher-mode velocities and apparent
layer trapped between a harder surface layer and a
half-space. Phase velocities were calculated for:
Fundamental and higher modes in surface-wave
(1) different modes of plane Rayleigh waves, (2)
propagation are the distinctive features in a multi-
the 2-D solution of a plane Rayleigh wave, and (3)
layered system. When surface waves propagate
the 3-D solution, which is an apparent dispersion
through a multi-layered system, the stiffness of
curve for the cylindrical Rayleigh wave. The con-
each layer affects the propagation of the surface
tribution of different modes to the simulated dis-
waves (Gucunski and Woods, 1992, and Al-
persion curve is presented in Figure 13b. In the
Hunaidi and Rainer, 1995). The different stiff-
case of the soil system with increasing stiffness
nesses in the layers may confine the stress waves
with depth, the apparent dispersion curve essential-
in some layers or cause multiple refractions and
ly coincides with the fundamental mode of the
reflections, leading to different ray paths, which
Rayleigh wave over the complete frequency (hence
result in different propagation velocities even for
wavelength) range. However, in Case 2, the 2-D
the same frequency. Both the transfer matrix me-
and 3-D solutions in the higher-frequency region
thod (Thomson, 1950, and Haskell, 1953) and the
(smaller-wavelength region) are not just from one
dynamic stiffness matrix method (Kausel and
mode but a superposition of several modes. Also, it
Roësset, 1981) can determine fundamental- and
is important to realize that: (1) the 2-D solution re-
higher-mode velocities. These modes correspond
sides between the modes of a plane Rayleigh wave,
to plane waves in 2-D space, and can be calculated
and (2) the 3-D solution may become lower than
from the eigenvector analysis of the transfer matrix
the fundamental mode at low frequencies. This
or the dynamic stiffness matrix.
phenomenon is probably due to the multiple reflec-
The superposed mode in surface-wave propaga-
tions and refractions of body waves. The compari-
tion is also an important feature, because this mode
son of the normal-mode solution, 2-D solution and
is actually generated during testing. The super-
3-D solution in Figure 13b implies that the 3-D so-
posed mode corresponds to the 3-D wave propa-
lution may be the closest to the actual measure-
gating in a cylindrical pattern, not like the planar
ments contaminated with body waves and higher-
pattern of a 2-D wave. This propagation is often
mode Rayleigh waves.
observed when the source is close to the receivers
and the wavefront still has a significant cylindrical
3.2.2 Inversion analysis to evaluate a shear-wave
pattern. The superposed mode does not fall into
specific normal modes, but is somewhere between velocity profile
the normal modes. The superposed mode is often In the surface-wave methods, two different catego-
called an apparent velocity or an effective velocity. ries of inversion analysis are available, dependent
Calculated or measured apparent phase velocities on the type of experimental dispersion curve. The
are dependent on the actual locations of the source first one is to use the normal-mode solution. The f-
and receivers. k spectrum method and the MASW method belong
to this category. Most of the available inversion
In surface-wave measurements, there are two
different approaches in terms of using surface- techniques are based on this approach (Hossian
wave modes. The SASW and CSW methods use and Drnevich, 1989, Addo and Robertson, 1992,
the superposed mode, because the source is close Yuan and Nazarian, 1993, and Xia, et al., 1999). In
to the receivers and mode separation of the meas- this category, the most crucial step is to well sepa-
ured surface waves is not practical. The f-k spec- rate fundamental and higher modes. Specially in
trum and MASW methods use the fundamental and the high-frequency range, the phase velocities for

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

4.5 m 4.5 m 4.5 m 4.5 m

VS = 60 m/sec 0.3 m VS = 90 m/sec 0.3 m

VS = 90 m/sec 0.3 m VS = 60 m/sec 0.3 m

VS = 120 m/sec VS = 120 m/sec

Case 1 Case 2

a. Layered systems used to model two soil profiles

140 140

120 120

Phase Velocity, m/sec

Phase Velocity, m/sec

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40
Normal modes Normal modes
3-D Solution 3-D Solution
20 20
Case 1 2-D Solution 2-D Solution
Case 2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency, Hz Frequency, Hz

(b) Theoretical dispersion curves for each layered system

Figure 13 Contribution of different modes of the Rayleigh wave to the 3-D solution of wave propagation

normal modes are very close to each other. There- In inverting the dispersion curves determined in
fore, if the field measurement configuration is not the SASW or CSW method, it is more beneficial to
good enough to differentiate modes, the inversion incorporate information on the source and receiver
analysis may end up with misleading results. Fig- locations rather than to neglect them by assuming
ure 9c is a good example of difficulty in resolving the measured phase velocities are far-field veloci-
lower modes in the high-frequency region. In the ties. Figure 14 compares the resulting shear-wave
high-frequency region, the evaluated mode is not velocities of two approaches: (1) the global inver-
necessarily the fundamental mode, but is one of the sion analysis, and (2) the array inversion analysis
higher modes. In this case, it is almost impossible (Joh, 1996).
to identify which higher-mode the measured mode In the global inversion analysis, information on
belongs to. Therefore, the inversion analysis using the source and receiver locations is ignored, and it
the normal-mode solution needs to focus on only is assumed that the receivers are located in the far
the low-frequency region to avoid the problem in field. In this inversion analysis, the theoretical
miscounting the normal-mode number. phase velocities are calculated for receivers dep-
In the second category of inversion analysis, the loyed at virtual locations of 2λ and 4λ ( λ is wa-
apparent phase-velocity dispersion curve is (or velength for a specific frequency) and optimized to
should be) used. The SASW and CSW methods match the general trend of the dispersion curve. On
belong to this category (Gucunski and Woods, the other hand, the array inversion analysis uses
1991, Rix and Leipski, 1991, Tokimatsu et al, the phase velocities specific to the source and re-
1992, Joh, 1996, and Ganji et al., 1998). In this ceiver locations, and finds the optimum shear-
case, it is very important to calculate the apparent wave velocity profile to match all the individual
theoretical phase velocity. The apparent theoretical experimental dispersion curves with theoretical
phase velocity should be calculated using the exact dispersion curves corresponding to each source-
locations of source and receivers, which can have a receiver configuration. As shown in Figure 14b,
significant influence on the resulting phase- the array inversion analysis made a fit between
velocity dispersion curve. Several sets of the expe- five experimental dispersion curves with the cor-
rimental dispersion curves from different sets of responding theoretical dispersion curves, while the
receiver combinations should be included to eva- global inversion analysis made a fit to follow
luate the layer stiffness contrast more reliably.
a. Global inversion b. Array inversion

Figure 14 Comparison of global and array inversion analyses (Joh, 1996)

the general trend of the experimental dispersion 4 CASE HISTORIES AND APPLICATIONS
curve. The resulting shear-wave velocities also
show the superiority of the array inversion analy- The purpose of this section is to present some case
sis. The array inversion analysis was able to pro- histories and applications that demonstrate the im-
duce the shear-wave velocity profile almost the portance of in situ geophysical methods to the so-
same as the exact model assumed to generate the lution of geotechnical engineering problems. The
synthetic dispersion curves. However, in some examples focus on the use of in situ seismic mea-
cases, environmental noise and undesirable effects surements, but demonstrate the relevance of geo-
due to lateral geologic variability may intervene in- physical measurements in geotechnical engineer-
to real measurements so that this approach may not ing. The examples include problems that involve
work perfectly and needs to be applied with care. geosystems loaded statically as well as dynamical-
ly and loaded in the linear (small strain) and nonli-
near ranges.
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

them to determine small-strain (10-6) soil moduli at

4.1 Soil Modulus for Settlement Analysis and Soil
multiple depths in the ground.
Structure Interaction
Swiger acknowledged the benefits of using
Settlement predictions/calculations based on the shear wave velocity (Vs) over compression wave
ultimate strength of soils have been made for a velocity (Vp) because Vs is unaffected by the water
century or more. However, beginning in the late table and calculation of shear modulus from shear
1960s in the construction of nuclear power plants wave velocity requires only an estimate or mea-
and other very large and heavy structures, it was surement of soil density. Shear modulus is calcu-
evident that geotechnical engineers had to find bet- lated using Equation 2. Furthermore, for isotropic
ter ways of analyzing the deformation behavior of materials, shear modulus can be converted to other
soils including analyses of settlement and soil moduli including Young’s modulus or constrained
structure interaction. However, the geotechnical modulus using Equation 1. The simplified equa-
community has made very slow progress in pur- tion relating shear and Young’s moduli is,
suing a rational approach to these analyses. The
following four case histories describe some at- E = 2G(1+ν) (7)
tempts to use elastic modulus derived from seismic
wave velocity measurements to estimate the set- Swiger further pointed out that shear modulus
tlement of foundations on sands, gravels, heavily measured at low strain can be adjusted to larger
overconsolidated clays, and soft rock. strains through relationships provided by Hardin
and Drnevich (1972a and 1972b) or as shown by
4.1.1 Case history 1- settlement analysis of large Seed (1969) in Figure 15. Based on the first cycle
and heavy structures of a large load test at the Brookhaven National La-
In an early recognition of the prevailing irrational boratories and on modulus derived from crosshole
approach to settlement prediction based on ulti- shear wave velocity at the site, he found reasonable
mate strength, William Swiger of Stone and Web- agreement in back calculated Young’s modulus
ster in 1974 (Swiger, 1974) suggested an im- and E determined from seismic wave velocity at a
provement to the geotechnical practice of strain level of 4 x 10-5 as shown in Table 3 for two
settlement prediction using elastic moduli derived values of ν. At the time, Swiger decided to use a
from seismic waves. His description of the prob- range in ν but noted that ν = 0.3 seemed more rea-
lem and potential solution is presented here as the sonable. Today, we realize that ν in the range of
basis for a modest advancement over the past quar- 0.15 to 0.35 is appropriate for the soil skeleton.
ter century in use of elastic modulus for settlement
In a rational approach to settlement (deforma- Table 3 Moduli calculated from load test and crosshole shear
tion) prediction, stress and strain should be related wave velocity (from Swiger, 1974)
through modulus. The complication for soils is that Poisson’s Ratio ν = 0.3 ν = 0.45
Seismic Modulus (E) 3.7 x 106 psf 4.2 x 106 psf
soil is a nonlinear material, starting from very low Load Test Modulus (E) 3.9 x 106 psf 3.4 x 106 psf
strain levels, so application of any approach using
modulus has to recognize and accommodate the
nonlinear behavior. Swiger determined, based on
calculations for five power plant structures, that
the average strain causing settlement under large
structures was on the order of 10-3 throughout a
depth about equal to the minimum dimension of
the loaded area. He then outlined an approach for
determining a soil modulus at an appropriate strain
Swiger pointed out correctly that methods of
modulus determination requiring sampling of soils
and testing specimens in the laboratory suffered
from a major inescapable drawback, sample dis-
turbance. (The subject of sample disturbance is
presented in more detail in Section 5.0). He also
noted that techniques exist by which modulus
could be measured in situ and without disturbance,
namely seismic wave velocity measurements. Figure 15. Modulus-strain relations used by Swiger, 1974
Crosshole and downhole seismic tests were well (from Seed, 1969)
established by the mid-1970s and Swiger used

At the site of the turbine room of the Shipping-
port nuclear power station, a site underlain by
about 60 ft (18m) of medium dense to dense sand
and gravel, strain-adjusted modulus determined
from seismic wave velocity was compared to mod-
ulus computed from observed settlement by Swig-
er as shown in Figure 16. These moduli show very
good agreement.

Figure 17. Typical seismic survey results at power plant site

(from Konstantinidis et al., 1986)

Moduli from all methods used except moduli from

seismic crosshole tests overestimated the measured
settlement by a factor of at least two. Using the
Figure16. Modulus profiles from observed settlements and moduli from seismic crosshole tests, the estimated
seismic measurements (from Swiger, 1974) settlements were within +/- 15 % of the measured
Since the time of Swiger’s paper, another im- It is noteworthy that the laboratory tests, al-
portant seismic method has become available per- though performed with special refinements de-
mitting modulus profiles to be determined without signed to eliminate sample disturbance and con-
the boreholes or any ground disturbance, namely ducted on carefully sampled specimens,
surface-wave testing as discussed in Section 3. consistently produced unrealistically low estimates
With this nondestructive and nonintrusive method, of soil stiffness. It was postulated that the highly
elastic moduli profiles for homogeneous and overconsolidated soils at this site were more sus-
layered soil sites can be readily obtained for the ceptible to disturbance during sampling than “av-
purpose of settlement analysis and soil structure in- erage” soils. The overconsolidated state of this
teraction. Surface-wave testing mitigates one of the site, compared to a soft soil site, may have also
high-cost elements of crosshole and downhole added to the applicability of seismically deter-
seismic testing, namely boreholes. mined moduli in this case.
The authors conclude that field-determined
4.1.2 Case history 2 – settlement analysis of a moduli produce better estimates of soil compressi-
power plant bility than laboratory tests, and that the modified
Konstantinidis et al. (1986) reported a case study version of Swiger’s suggested method based on
in which moduli developed for prediction of set- seismic wave velocity measurements produced the
tlement of a power plant were based on the ap- most comprehensive and realistic assessment of
proach suggested by Swiger, 1974. The site con- settlement.
sisted of both sand and clay layers of about equal
thicknesses to a depth of 200 ft (61 m). Seismic 4.1.3 Case history 3 – settlement of a water tank
wave velocities measured at the site are presented John Burland, in his Bjerrum Lecture, focused on
the need for small-strain soil properties for many
in Figure 17. Other methods of estimating moduli
geotechnical problems, including soil structure in-
for settlement prediction considered by Konstanti- teraction (Burland, 1989). He emphasized the non-
nidis et al. (1986) included the CPT, pressuremeter linear behavior of soils and promoted the use of
testing (PMT) and laboratory tests including con- strain-appropriate strength or stiffness for analysis.
solidation and triaxial compression. Short-term set- Since soil strains in most geotechnical problems
tlement measurements (initial elastic settlement) fall in the range of 0.1% or smaller, Burland urged
showed about 1 inch (0.68 to 1.19 inch) [17 to 30 that geotechnical engineers recognize the impor-
mm] of settlement for Unit 1 of a two-unit plant. tance of strain-appropriate soil properties. The de-
Unit 2 did not have the same sequence of settle- velopment of laboratory techniques capable of pre-
ment measurements so it could not be compared. cise measurement of small strains convinced him
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

that the gap between dynamic and static measure- with an ASCE Specialty Conference at Texas
ments of soil stiffness was being closed. Previous- A&M University (Briaud and Gibbens, 1994).
ly, dynamic measurements of soil stiffness gave Full-scale footings of five sizes / configurations
values so much higher than static measurements were tested to failure with detailed measurements
that many engineers discounted the dynamic mea- of load-settlement. Thirty-one predictors were bold
surements. However, Burland cited cases where enough to make first class predictions of settlement
accurately determined static small-strain values of based on detailed characterization of the site.
stiffness were compatible with seismically meas- Three of the 31 predictors used seismic wave ve-
ured stiffness, giving greater credibility to dynami- locities from crosshole tests to determine modulus
cally measured values. As an example, he pre- for settlement prediction.
sented a case where Young’s modulus deduced The predictors used 22 different settlement pre-
from a static water tank loading test on Mundford diction methods based on soil properties deter-
Chalk produced stiffness very nearly the same as mined by five field tests and two laboratory tests.
those determined from a seismic refraction survey. Several measures of accuracy of prediction were
Figure 18 shows Young’s modulus versus depth compared with predictions including settlement at
determined by three methods; 0.86-m diameter several stages of loading and the factor of safety at
plate loading tests at seven depths, finite-element ultimate load. Table 4 is a compilation of factors of
back calculation, and seismic refraction. safety for the five footings computed from predic-
tions by the 31 predictors. Those who used seis-
mically determined moduli were numbers 22, 23
and 28. Two of those (numbers 22 and 28) were
consistently better than the mean of all predictors.
The other predictor, number 23, was better than the
mean for the three larger footings. Although this
prediction event did not specifically showcase set-
tlement predictions based on seismically deter-
mined moduli, it provides further evidence that this
method of prediction has potential for future appli-

Table 4. Factors of Safety F = Qf / Qd (measured design

load*/predicted design load) [*ultimate with FS =3] (from
Briaud and Gibbens, 1994)

Figure 18. Young’s modulus determined from three methods

for settlement analysis of a water trunk on Mundford Chalk
(from Burland, 1989)

Burland concluded that these results along with

others open up the way for a whole new area of
study linking dynamic and static deformation
properties of soils. He speculated that studies of
this kind would lead to wider application of geo-
physical measurements for determining in situ
stiffness properties of geotechnical materials. The
writers agree wholeheartedly.

4.1.4 Case history 4 – settlement analysis of

In 1994, the Geotechnical Division of ASCE held a
settlement prediction symposium in conjunction
4.1.5 Summary The plan view of the site, Figure 20, shows the
A few successful demonstrations of the use of footprint of four new foundation blocks and loca-
seismically determined soil modulus for settlement tions for compaction grouting, chemical grouting
predictions have been presented. Other case histo- and boreholes for crosshole tests. Figure 21 shows
ries can be found in conferences dealing with the the shear wave velocity versus depth profiles de-
pre-failure deformation characteristics of geomate- termined from crosshole seismic tests after each of
rials such as Shibuya et al. (1994), Jardine et al. the two stages of grouting. Compaction grouting
(1998), Jamiolkowski et al. (2001), and Di Bene- achieved the minimum shear wave velocity at this
detto et al. (2003). The potential for use of this location, but chemical grouting was performed as
more rational approach to determining soil stiff- an added factor of safety. The crosshole tests con-
ness has been confirmed, but not yet widely firmed a significant increase in shear wave velocity
adopted. In some cases, engineers report that ob- leading to successful operation of forging ma-
taining the seismic wave velocities is too expen- chines at this site. No excessive settlements were
sive (Konstantinidis et al, 1986), but with the de- observed and vibration levels throughout the plant
velopment of surface-wave methods, the cost of were not noticeable.
boreholes has been eliminated. The writers hope
that elimination of this cost impediment will allow
broader application of seismically determined
moduli for geotechnical engineering purposes.
4.2 Crosshole Seismic Velocity for Grouting
When soil improvement in the form of grouting is
selected in geotechnical applications, some means
of confirming the expected improvement is neces-
sary. Seismic wave velocity can be used to quanti-
fy soil improvement by measuring wave velocities
before and after grouting. Following are three case
histories describing the successful use of seismic
wave velocity to confirm the extent of ground im-
provement by grouting.

4.2.1 Case history 1 - forge foundations

Seismic shear wave velocities determined from
crosshole tests were used to confirm the degree
and extent of soil improvement from combined
compaction and chemical grouting, (Woods and
Partos, 1981). New forging machines were to be
installed in a forge shop located on deep beach de-
posits near the Atlantic coast. Figure 19 shows
blow count versus depth for two locations at this
site, B1 and B3. The blow count ranged from 2 to
about 20 in the upper 5 meters. The new forge Figure 19. Composite soil profile (from Woods and Partos,
machines were considerably larger than the old 1981)
forges and vibrations within the plant from the
new, larger installations were of concern as were
differential settlements of the forges. Based on pre-
liminary calculations, it was clear that the loose
sand deposits were susceptible to shake-down set-
tlement if large-amplitude vibrations occurred.
There was also a potential for transmission of
large-amplitude vibrations through the plant, so
soil improvement in the form of grouting was se-
lected to mitigate these concerns. Both compaction
and chemical grouting techniques were chosen to
be performed in series, with compaction grouting
being performed as a first stage and then chemical
grouting in a second state if sufficient stiffness had Figure 20. Site plan of new forges (from Woods and Partos,
not been achieved in the first stage. 1981)
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

4.2.3 Case history 3 - old bridge support

New design loads on a railway line in Italy re-
quired structural and ground improvements along
the entire line and particularly on two XIX century
masonry arch bridges (Volante et al., 2004). A
need for careful ground movement control during
upgrading of the old bridges led to design of a
multistage-multiport, low-pressure grouting tech-
nique. Careful grout control was exercised during
the injection process, but in the long run it was im-
portant to determine the strength and deformation
parameters of the newly grouted soil. Figure 22
shows P-wave and S-wave velocities before and
after grouting at one of the bridge sites. In this
case, the modulus of the ground under the piers
was increased by a factor of about 2.5.
Wave Velocities (m/s)
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000

2 V before
Figure 21. Shear wave velocity profiles after compaction s
grouting and then after chemical grouting (from Woods and
4 Vp after
Partos, 1981)
Vs after

4.2.2 Case history 2 - subway construction Depth (m) 8

One route of the subway in Pittsburgh, Pennsylva-
nia was constructed under a part of Sixth Avenue, 10 Vp before

a narrow street with old, heavy masonry structures 12

on both sides (ENR, 1982). The invert of the sub-
way was well below the lower elevation of the 14
spread footings supporting the heavy buildings.
The foundation material consisted of coarse sand, 16
gravel and cobbles. Construction of the subway 18
called for excavation in a cut-and-cover process,
but stability of the adjacent building foundations 20
was in question. Chemical grouting was chosen to Figure 22. Seismic velocities before and after grouting (from
improve (stabilize) the soil, and crosshole seismic Volanta et al., 2004)
tests were used to confirm achievement of suffi-
cient improvement over the un-grouted condition. 4.2.4 Summary
Crosshole equipment was fabricated that made The three case histories presented here clearly
use of the grout pipes for placement of the source show that seismic wave velocities can be used to
and receivers. Shear wave velocities were used to advantage in confirming quality and extent of
characterize the soil before and after chemical grouting operations. While the examples cited all
grouting. A target shear wave velocity was deter- used the crosshole seismic method, applications of
mined in the laboratory using resonant column surface wave methods may provide economies
tests, and a test section of crosshole tests was per- where there is sufficient lateral extent to apply
formed at the site to confirm expectations from the them. For a broad-area dynamic compaction
laboratory study. Before-grouting shear wave ve- project, the writers have also successfully used the
locities ranged from about 500 ft/sec to 1000 ft/sec SASW method to confirm ground improvement by
(150 m/s to 305 m/s) and after-grouting velocities showing increased shear wave velocities. Stokoe
ranged from about 1400 ft/sec to 3000 ft/sec (425 and Santamarina, 2000 have also shown evaluation
m/s to 915 m/s). The criteria for satisfactory soil of blast densification by the SASW method.
improvement by grouting was either: (1) a doubl- 4.3 Underground Cavity Detection
ing of the shear modulus (1.41 times increase in
shear wave velocity) over the before-grouting con- Many engineering situations require the determina-
dition, or (2) a minimum of 1400 ft/sec (425 m/s). tion of the existence or absence of underground
The Sixth-Avenue section of the subway was suc- obstacles, solid or void, as well as their locations
cessfully completed without disturbance of the ad- and depths. Probing for these obstacles with pene-
jacent buildings. trometers is a time consuming and expensive
process. Several currently available geophysical
techniques have been proposed and used to identi-
fy underground anomalies. The following example
and two case histories describe the use of some of
these techniques.

4.3.1 Example 1 – use of GPR, SASW and cros-

shole testing for cavity detection
Three geophysical methods were studied for the
detection of buried cavities (Al-Shayea, 1994, and
Al-Shayea et al., 1994). A soil bin, 7 m in diameter
and 2 m in depth, was used in this study. The soil
bin is shown in Figures 23 and 24. A three-cell
cavity was buried in the bin at a depth to center of
the cavity of 614 mm. SASW data were collected Figure 24. Cross section of sand bin with SASW setup for
cavity detection (from Al-Shayea et al, 1994)
along five lines identified by the source and re-
ceiver symbols and the skew lines marked a-c on
Figure 23. The general SASW test arrangement is
shown in Figure 24. Ground-penetration radar
(GPR) data were also collected along the grid lines
identified on Figure 23. Crosshole shear-wave tests
were performed across both long and short axes of
the buried cavity and in the free-field. GPR gave
the most obvious identification of the cavity as in-
dicted on Figure 25. In this figure, it is very clear
where the electromagnetic wave field produced by
GPR was distorted, (Figure 25b) compared with
the wave field of the free-field (Figure 25a). Ap-
proximate depth and size of the cavity were calcu-
lated from Figure 25b knowing the frequency of
the GPR source and the dielectric constant of the
SASW tests were performed directly over the
centerline of the cavity with various states of filled
and empty cells. (The cells were filled using the
same sand as in the bin.) Differences in cavity

Figure 25. GPR Scans: (a) free-field and (b) parallel to and
over the long axis of the cavity with all cells empty (from Al-
Shayea et al, 1994)

showed substantially different dispersion curves,

Figure 26. A smoothed free-field dispersion curve
is shown as a solid line while the empty and par-
tially empty void dispersion curves are shown with
other symbols. For this discussion, the symbols
representing cavity conditions need not be identi-
fied because the key result is that the existence of a
void and the size of the void both influenced the
shape of the dispersion curve.
Figure 23. Plan view of sand bin with buried three-cell cavity
(from Al-Shayea et al, 1994)

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

Figure 27. Crosshole velocity profiles along two paths, free-

Figure 26. Dispersion curves for free-field and for lines over field and along centerline of the cavity (from Al-Shayea,
the long axis of the cavity with various cells filled (from Al- 1994)
Shayea et al., 1994)

Other SASW tests were performed directly over It is worth noting that some of the drawbacks of
and on lines skewed to the centerline of the cavity. the SASW method that were cited above for cavity
These varying lines also showed substantially dif- detection may be mitigated by using recently de-
ferent dispersion curves. veloped wavelet theory (Shokouhi and Gucunski,
Results of SV-wave seismic crosshole tests per- 2003, and Gucunksi and Shokuohi, 2004). Conti-
formed on lines S-R1 (free-field) and S-R2 (over nuous wavelet transforms (CWT) are a new class
cavity) in Figure 23 are presented in Figure 27. of transformations that can produce a time-
Here it can be seen that the shear wave profile for frequency map of the ground surface from which
the free-field direction is quite consistent for three indications of near-surface cavities can be derived.
conditions of the void, all cells empty, 1 cell filled The data collection required for CWT can be
with sand, and all cells filled with sand. The cases achieved simultaneously with SASW data collec-
of all cells filled did not exactly match the free- tion.
field condition because the cell filling process
could not duplicate the free field density of the 4.3.2 Case history 1- mine collapse under a
sand. In the case of line S-R2, the average shear highway
wave velocity in the depth region of the cavity was High resolution SH-wave reflection tests were pre-
clearly reduced by the existence of the cavity. Had formed along the right-of-way of Interstate High-
the crosshole boreholes been closer together, shear way I-70 in southeastern Ohio, (Guy et al., 2003).
wave velocity differences would have been more A portion of the east bound lane of I-70 at this lo-
dramatic at depths representative of the cavity. cation collapsed into old underground coal-mine
All three of the geophysical techniques used in workings. A plan view of the east bound lanes of
this study have characteristics that allow identifica- I-70, the location of the collapsed highway, and a
tion of cavities or anomalies in the underground, projection of the old underground mine workings
but each have their limitations. To mention just the are shown in Figure 28. High-resolution SH-
most salient drawbacks, GPR suffers from ability reflection surveys were performed along two lines
to penetrate clay, SASW is limited by the need to straddling the east bound lanes of I-70, lines GUE-
run multiple lines of data, and crosshole boreholes I70-1 and EBPassYY. The interface between soil
need to strategically located to straddle the cavity. and rock was clear for most of the lengths of both
Some of these limitations may be minimized of these survey lines, but in the interval between
through future study while others are inherent to stations 48320 and 48360 on line EBPassYY the
the basic principles of the geophysical methods. SH-wave stacking velocity plot showed a disconti-
Some of these drawbacks simply point to the ne- nuous segment of the soil/rock interface in the re-
cessity of performing suites of complementary gion indicted by the angled bars in Figure 29
geophysical tests for cavity detection.

Figure 28. Plan view of site showing eastbound lanes of I-
70, seismic reflection lines and projection of Murray Hill No.
2 Mine Workings (from Guy et al., 2003)

and on the geologic cross section shown in Figure

30. The continuous soil/rock interface as inter-
preted is indicated on Figure 29 by the dash-dot
line across the plot. Soil borings and rock coring
were performed at six locations selected by inter-
preting the soil/rock interface reflector in Figure
29. These voids indicate stopping from the former
coal mine upwards, but that stopping had not pro-
gressed to the pavement level.
This seismic method penetrated relatively deep,
about 20 meters in this case. The results of the
tests show a potential for future subsidence and
Figure 30. Geologic cross section for line EBPassYY for sta-
sinkhole development along this highway. Based tions 48300 thru 48360 including exploratory borings and
on this kind of information, remedial efforts could identification of voids (from Guy et al., 2003)
be applied to stop progression of the stopping or
stabilize the ground above the current voids. backs cited previously. However, the work by Hil-
Because high resolution SH reflection utilizes tunen et al. confirmed that quality geophysical-
steady-state ground excitation, wavelengths can be measurements could be made in close proximity to
controlled for good wavelength/cavity size ratios an active interstate highway with heavy truck traf-
and may permit better cavity size and depth deter-
fic. Both GPR and SASW testing at this site could
mination than other seismic wave based cavity de-
tection methods. not probe deep enough to explore the soil/rock in-
terface, GPR because of clay in the soil and SASW
4.3.3 Case history 2 – other geophysical testing because of the lack of a sufficiently energetic exci-
at the mine collapse under highway I-70 tation source. The crosshole test did not happen to
All of the geophysical techniques cited in Section encounter a void or loose soil. A major conclusion
4.3.1 (except CWT) were applied by Hiltunen et from these tests was that no single technique could
al., (2004) at the mine-collapse site on I-70 de- unambiguously detect voids or other anomalies
scribed above. The results confirmed the draw throughout a wide range of depths.

Figure 29. Interpreted stacked time record for line EBPassYY for Stations 48300 thru 48480 (from Guy et al., 2003)

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

4.3.4 Summary An extensive investigation was conducted in

While geophysical methods, including several which SASW testing was performed at more than
seismic wave propagation methods, have consider- 100 locations along the longitudinal axis of the
able potential for locating and sizing buried ob- tunnel. SASW testing was performed with hand-
jects, no single method is appropriate for all sites. held hammers as sources and accelerometers as re-
In the past, engineers and geophysicists have often ceivers. The accelerometers were held magnetical-
chosen one method in an attempt to locate cavities ly to metal disks attached to the liner. This general
or buried objects and have been disappointed with configuration is shown in Figure 31b. Testing was
the results. Indications from the cases cited herein conducted to profile along two planes into the lin-
are that, while any one method may provide some er-rock system. One profile was along the sprin-
parts of the identification puzzle, a suite of tests gline, and the other profile was near the crown as
can provide more confidence in finding cavities or illustrated in Figure 31b.
buried objects The SASW testing program was designed to in-
4.4 Tunnel Investigation vestigate the following: 1. thickness and quality of
the concrete liner in the springline and crown
Sometimes, Vs measurements are used to profile areas, 2. thickness and quality of any grout in the
constructed systems and their geotechnical founda- area of the crown, 3. identification of any voids in
tion materials to assist in forensic studies. A foren- the crown area, and 4. stiffness and variability of
sic study of a concrete-lined tunnel in rock is de- the rock behind the liner. (Grouting in the crown
scribed below (Stokoe and Santamarina, 2000). A area was done some time after construction of the
generalized cross section of the tunnel is shown in liner.) The program successfully answered these
Figure 31a. The tunnel is approximately 3 m in di- questions. Examples showing how some of the
ameter, with a concrete liner that has a nominal questions were answered follow.
thickness of 30 cm. An interpreted Vs profile at one springline loca-
tion is shown in Figure 32a. The profile shows a
Grout high-quality concrete liner (Vs > 2500 m/s) that is
about 35 cm thick. At this location, the liner is in
direct contact with the rock, and the rock is stiffer
(and presumably stronger) than the concrete.
Results from one crown location are shown in
Figure 32b. In this case, the liner is thicker than 40
Liner cm, and there is grout between the liner and the
rock. Based on the Vs values, both the concrete and
grout are high quality. The concrete-grout-rock in-
terfaces have intimate contact; hence, no voids. Al-
so, the rock is less stiff than the concrete at this lo-
a. Generalized tunnel cross section Clearly, SASW testing was successfully and
cost-effectively applied in the tunnel investigation.
The writers have had other successful projects in
Plane many other underground applications (for instance,
Madianos et al., 1990, Olson et al., 1993 , and
Liner Luke et al., 1998).
Springline SASW 4.5 Offshore Shear-Wave Velocity Profiling
Investigation Array Axes
Plane Using Seismic Interface Waves
Hammer As offshore construction moves into deeper water
(depths greater than 1.6 km), traditional drill-and-
sample geotechnical site investigations become
expensive and less reliable. The expense of drilling
in deep water often dictates the extraction and test-
b. SASW Testing Arrangement and Planes of Investiga- ing of only a few samples. Furthermore, the quality
tion (from Stokoe and Santamarina, 2000)
of these samples can be severely compromised
Figure 31. SASW testing performed inside a concrete-lined when extracted through great water depths. Other
tunnel (from Stokoe and Santamarina, 2000) geotechnical site investigation methods, such as
the seismic cone penetrometer (e.g. Robertson et
al., 1986), are effective on land and in shallow wa-
ter, but become more difficult and costly to apply

0 Shear Wave Velocity, m/s
0 100 200 300 400
concrete liner 0
(thickness ~ 35 cm)

2 VS from SASW
rock behind liner
Depth, m

stiffer than concrete


Depth, m
Station 1 6
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Shear Wave Velocity, VS , m/sec
a. Interpreted Vs profile at a springline station
concrete liner
{ 10 VS from SCPT

>40 cm) {
2 grout 12
(good stiffness
Figure 33. Results from the SASW testing performed at the
and thickness > 30 cm)
Depth, m

offshore near Vancouver, B.C. (Rosenblad and Stokoe, 2001)

4 Rock behind liner
softer than concrete composed of loose silty-sands and sands that were
unsaturated (gaseous). Testing was conducted in
6 shallow water depths, ranging from 12.2 to 76.2 m,
Station 2 to demonstrate the potential of the method. Per-
sonnel from ConeTec also conducted SCPT mea-
surements at the site. The SASW results agree rea-
0 1000 2000 3000 sonably well with the SCPT values at depths
Shear Wave Velocity, m/sec between 5.5 and 10 m as seen in Figure 33. The
b. Interpreted Vs profile at a “crown” station differences that are observed are likely due to the
localized versus global nature of the SCPT and
Figure 32. Examples of Vs profiles measured inside a con- SASW tests, respectively. Based on the writers’
crete-lined tunnel (from Stoke and Santamarina, 2000) experience on land, development of a lower-
frequency source and longer arrays would allow
in the deep-water environment. One seismic me- SASW profiling to significantly greater depths at
thod that has potential for deep-water seafloor in- this site, certainly to depths on the order of 30 to
vestigation is the surface-wave method for Vs mea- 50 m. However, the results do demonstrate the fea-
surements of the sediment. Shear-wave velocity is sibility of the surface-wave method offshore. Stoll
used because it is essentially unaffected by the et al. (1994), Luke and Stokoe (1998) Rosenblad
presence of water (and air if the sediment is unsa- (2000), and Rosenblad et al. (2003) are among
turated) and because, in a saturated soil, Vs is far others who have also shown this surface-wave ap-
better correlated with shear strength than Vp wave, plication.
which has been used to predict shear strength in
4.6 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
previous offshore investigations (Blake and Gil-
bert, 1997). The importance of the shear stiffness of geotech-
The SASW method is being applied to the off- nical materials in calculating their response during
shore environment to determine shear-wave veloci- dynamic loading initially stimulated the develop-
ty profiles of the seafloor. In this application, a ment of in situ seismic methods tailored to meas-
soil-water interface wave, called a Sholte wave ure Vs. This development began in earnest in the
(Wright et al., 1994), is measured. The measured 1960s with modifications/refinements to the cros-
Sholte-wave dispersion curve is used to determine shole and downhole methods. It is continuing to-
a shear-wave velocity profile. Figure 33 shows the day with improvements to surface-wave methods.
results from SASW testing performed by ConeTec, The following two case histories and one applica-
Inc. off the coast of Vancouver, B.C. (Rosenblad tion describe some recent work in geotechnical
and Stokoe, 2001). The soils in this region were earthquake engineering.
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

4.6.1 Case history 1 - profiling hard-to-sample was the smallest. This division allowed the overall
alluvium characteristic Vs profile of the alluvium to be pre-
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, was approved as the site served. The four depth intervals were: 1.5 to 4.6 m
for development of the geologic repository for (layer no. 1), 4.6 to 9.2 m (layer no. 2), 9.2 to 18.3
high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel m (layer no. 3), and 18.3 to 30.5 m (layer no. 4).
in the United States. The U.S. Department of An example of the results from this procedure at
Energy has been conducting studies to characterize one borehole is presented in Figure 34. Figure 34a
the site and assess its future performance as a geo- shows the profiles determined from downhole,
logic repository. As part of these studies, a com- suspension logging and SASW measurements in
prehensive program of in situ seismic investiga- and near borehole RF-19. Figure 34b shows the
tions was performed at the proposed site of the averaged Vs profiles.
Waste Handling Building (WHB). The purpose of Comparison of the average Vs profiles is pre-
these investigations was to characterize the veloci- sented in Figure 35. Also shown in the figure is the
ty structure of the subsurface for seismic design of variability in the Vs values measured with each
the WHB facilities. method, expressed by ± one standard deviation
In situ seismic velocity measurements were per-
Shear Wave Velocity, m/s
formed by three different methods at this site. The
seismic methods include two borehole methods, 0 400 800 1200
downhole and suspension logging, and one sur- 0
face-wave method, spectral-analysis-of-surface SASW
waves (SASW). The borehole surveys were con-
ducted in 16 cased boreholes to a maximum depth
of 198 m. SASW surveys were performed at 34 lo-
cations around much of the proposed area which 10 Suspension

Depth, m
was about 300 m by 450 m in plan dimensions. Downhole Logging
The SASW surveys were aimed at evaluating the
top 50 m of the site and investigating lateral varia- 15
bility. The SASW surveys provided greater spatial
coverage of the site while the borehole surveys 20
added critical deeper information. Material Profile:
Stokoe et al., 2003 presented a comparison of Alluvium (Qal)
the Vs profiles determined by the three seismic me- 25 from 1.5 to 37 m
thods in the material where the most overlap in
measurements existed. This material is a hard-to- 30
sample Quaternary alluvium/colluvium (Qal) a. Vs profile measured with each seismic method
which ranges from a poorly graded gravel (GP) to
Shear Wave Velocity, m/s
a silty gravel (GW). The alluvium contains varying
amounts of sand, cobbles and boulders, and it va- 0 400 800 1200
ries in thickness, depth, and amount of cementation 0
over the WHB site. The alluvium was measured in Downhole
Layer #1
15 of the 16 boreholes. The results form the most 5 SASW
comprehensive set of Vs measurements, in terms of Layer #2
multiple seismic methods in a localized area and in
one material type, that has ever been compared. In 10
addition, this comparison represents a “blind com-
Depth, m

Layer #3 Logging
parison” overseen by URS personnel, in that each 15
measurement team was not aware of the other’s re-
sults until after they were all submitted to URS.
Therefore, not only did the seismic tests at the 20
WHB site provide the information needed for the
seismic design of the facility, but they also pro- Layer #4
vided an interesting comparison of Vs profiles 25
measured by different methods as described below.
The comparison of the Vs profiles is presented 30
as an average profile for each method. The average b. Averaged Vs profile computed for each seismic method
profiles were determined by first dividing the 1.5- from Figure 34a above
to-30-m depth range into four intervals, with the Figure 34 Example of measured and averaged Vs profiles
smallest near the surface where the Vs gradient was used in comparing the seismic methods; Measurements in or
the greatest and largest at depth where the gradient near Borehole RF-19 (from Stokoe et al., 2003)
Shear Wave Velocity, m/s the averaging effect of placing straight-line seg-
ments through the measured travel times in down-
0 400 800 1200 hole data reduction, and (3) wave refraction and
0 lateral variability in the Qal affecting each method
differently. The standard deviations determined
from the measurements and the COV values sup-
Downhole port points (1) and (2) above. The COV values are
about 0.21 for SASW measurements in layers no. 1
SASW and no. 2 and about 0.11 for the downhole mea-
surements in the same layers. It should be noted
10 that the variability shown by ±σ includes both
Depth, m

measurement uncertainty and variability in materi-

al properties.
15 Average Suspension
Value Logging 4.6.2 Case history 2 - deep Vs profiling
Another part of the seismic investigations at the
20 Yucca Mountain site discussed above involved
deep Vs profiling along the top of Yucca Mountain
(Stokoe et al., 2004). Deep profiling is defined as
25 ± one evaluating the shear-wave velocity structure to
standard depths of about 200 m. This work involved the
SASW method and required the use of a Vibroseis
deviation (see Figure 36) to generate the low-frequency
(hence long wavelength) waves necessary to pro-
Figure 35. Comparison of average Vs profiles from 15 loca-
tions in the WHB area (Stokoe et al., 2003)
file to 200 m. Yucca Mountain consists of stacked
layers of tuffs with Vs generally above 900 m/s.
Therefore, the lowest excitation frequency was in
(±σ). These data are presented numerically in the range of 3 Hz and the farthest measurement
Table 5, including the coefficient of variation point from the source was around 500 m.
(COV = σ/Avg Vs). The comparison is shown in SASW measurements were performed at 22 ar-
Figure 35 and demonstrates the strength and ro- ray sites along the top of Yucca Mountain. These
bustness of S-wave velocity measurements today. sites were spread over a distance of about 5 km.
First, identical trends of increasing VS with depth The SASW surveys were aimed at evaluating: (1)
were measured with all three methods. Second, the top 150 to 200 m of the mountain, (2) an ap-
differences in average Vs values in each layer are parent Vs gradient in the near surface (within about
small. The two largest differences are 16% and 5 to 15 m), and (3) any lateral variability over the
12% and are found between the downhole and 5-km distance. The mean Vs profile that was de-
SASW measurements in layers no. 1 and no. 2, re- termined from the 22 profiles is presented in Fig-
spectively. These layers are the shallowest layers ure 37 along with the 16th and 84th percentile Vs
(less than 9.2 m deep) and are the ones which values. The coefficient of variation (COV) about
should be expected to show the largest differences the mean profile was calculated by assuming the
due to: (1) the SASW method having the most Vs values follow a lognormal distribution.
resolution of these methods near the surface, (2)

Table 5 Numerical Analyses of Average VS Profiles (from Stokoe et al., 2003)

Depth In- Downhole Surveys SASW Surveys Suspension Logging Surveys
terval (m) St. σ St. St.
Avg. Avg. σ Avg. σ
No. of Dev., Avg. V No. of Dev., No. of Dev.,
Meas. σ S
Meas. S
σ Avg. VS Meas. S
σ Avg. VS
(m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
(m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
1.5 – 4.6 10 432 53 0.12 10 502 101 0.20 0 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
4.6-9.2 12 526 56 0.11 12 590 126 0.21 21 549 ⎯ 2 ⎯
9.2-18.3 13 662 59 0.09 123 736 54 0.07 9 669 75 0.11
18.3-30.5 8 732 43 0.06 73 798 88 0.11 8 768 118 0.15
1 Suspension logging was not successfully performed at shallow depths due to high attenuation, backscattering and tube-wave in-
2 Insufficient data to perform meaningful calculations.
3 SASW surveys were performed at one less borehole than the downhole surveys due to surface obstructions.

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

Figure 36. Photograph of Vibroseis truck in operation on the top of Yucca Mountain (from Stokoe et al., 2001)

be predicted without field measurements of this

Several interesting trends are evident in Figure kind. Another important result shown in Figure 37
37. First, it is observed that the near-surface Vs is the nearly constant value of the mean Vs below
gradient is quite abrupt. The values of Vs change the 5-m-thick, near-surface zone. The measure-
from approximately 300 m/s in the top meter to ments show a mean value of approximately 1000
over 800 m/s at a depth of only 5 m. Below 5 m, m/s in the depth range of 10 to 150 m.
the mean Vs value increases gradually from about
900 to 1000 m/s at a depth of 150 m. A gradient 4.6.3 Application 1 - liquefaction resistance
near the surface is expected due to the effects of Evaluation of the liquefaction resistance of soils
weathering on the near-surface rock. The abrupt- can be a critical factor in many geotechnical engi-
ness of the gradient, which has important implica- neering investigations. Such an evaluation is typi-
tions in terms of the ground motion hazard, can not cally performed with field test such as the standard

Shear-Wave Velocity, m/s COV No. of Profiles

0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25


Depth, m



16th and 84th Percentile

Figure 37 Statistical analysis of VS profiles from SASW measurements on top of Yucca Mountain (Stokoe et al., 2004)

Cyclic Stress or Resistance Ratio, CSR or CRR

Data Based on:
Mw = 5.9 to 8.3; adjusted by Mw = 7.5 SAMPLING ON PREDICTED NONLINEAR
dividing CSR M
by ( w/7.5)-2.56
Uncemented, Content (%)
Holocene-age soils
Average values of
VS1 and amax
One of the strengths of seismic measurements, as
0.4 well as other geophysical measurements, is that the
same basic measurement can be performed in the
field and in the laboratory. Field measurements of
Vs are performed in the small-strain or elastic
Liquefaction range as discussed earlier. Therefore, laboratory
measurements of Vs also have to be evaluated in
this small-strain range if they are to be compared
Fines Content directly with the field values. This comparison pre-
< 5%
6 to 34%
sently forms the way sample disturbance is eva-
> 35 % Field Performance luated in geotechnical earthquake engineering
No liquefaction when dealing with nonlinear deformational charac-
0.0 teristics. Field and laboratory values of Vs at small
0 100 200 300
strains are used to adjust the nonlinear response of
Overburden Stress-Corrected Shear Wave
Velocity, VS1, m/s
soil measured in the laboratory to field conditions.
  The nonlinear response is typically shown in terms
of the nonlinear variation in shear modulus with
Figure 38. Curves recommended by Andrus and Stokoe
(2000) for delineating liquefiable and nonliquefiable granular shearing strain (G – log γ ). This comparison, the
soils based on field Vs measurements adjustment procedure, and the impact on the G –
log γ and stress-stain (τ – γ) curves are discussed
penetration tests (SPT) or cone penetration test 5.1 Comparison of Small-Strain Field and
(CPT). The general procedure, called the “simpli- Laboratory Values of Vs
fied procedure,” was initiated by Seed and Idriss
(1971) using SPT blow counts correlated with a Invariably, when field and laboratory values of Vs
parameter called the cyclic stress ratio that are compared, values of Vs, lab range from slightly
represents the earthquake loading. This procedure less to considerably less than the in situ values,
has been updated over the years. CPT measure- Vs, field (Anderson and Woods, 1975, Long, 1980,
ments have been added, initially by Robertson and Yasuda and Yamagushi, 1985, Yokoa and Konno,
Campanella (1985). A national workshop was con- 1985, and Chiara, 2001). A just-completed project
vened in 1996 which further updated the SPT and dealing with the resolution of site response issues
CPT procedures and added an in situ geophysical in the 1994 Northridge, CA earthquake, called the
method to the suite of field tests (Youd et al., ROSRINE project, involved numerous field and
2001). The geophysical method is in situ seismic laboratory investigations. Sixty-three intact sam-
measurements of Vs. Values of Vs are correlated ples were recovered and tested in the laboratory at
with earthquake loading in the same manner as the University of Texas using combined resonant
done in the SPT and CPT procedures. column and torsional shear equipment (Darendeli,
The procedure involving Vs was presented by 2001, and Choi, 2003). Additionally, in situ seis-
Andrus and Stokoe, (2000). The procedure is based mic measurements were performed during the field
on field performance data from 26 earthquakes and investigation phase, mainly be GeoVision Geo-
in situ Vs measurements at over 70 sites. The case physical Services, Corona, CA using a suspension
history data from this procedure, adjusted to an logger. Therefore, the ROSRINE project afforded
earthquake moment magnitude (MW) of 7.5, is an excellent opportunity to investigate further the
shown in Figure 38. Of the 90 liquefaction case relationship between field and laboratory values of
histories shown in the figure, only two incorrectly Vs .
lie in the no-liquefaction region. These two points An example field Vs profile measured in this
are, however, very near the boundary. Clearly, the study is presented in Figure 39. At this site, called
procedure based on field Vs measurements can be La Cienega, in situ seismic tests (shallow crosshole
used as a supplement or in lieu of the SPT and testing and deep suspension logging) were per-
CPT procedures. The procedure is especially im- formed. A depth of nearly 300 m was logged. In-
portant for use with hard-to-sample soils such as tact samples were recovered from depths ranging
soils containing gravel and/or cobbles. The nonin- from 4 to about 240 m. The laboratory values of
trusive nature of the SASW and other surface- Vs, shown by the solid circular symbols, are plot-
wave methods make them especially well suited ted at the corresponding sample depths. There is
for this application in hard-to-sample soils. considerable variability in the field Vs profile. The
International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

0 0
In-Situ Suspension Logger

In-Situ Shear Wave Velocity, Vs,field, m/s

In-Situ Crosshole
Laboratory Resonant Column No. of Specimens = 63
Trend Line

Depth, m

Shear Wave Velocity, ft/sec

400 600 800
Denotes “Average” 600
0 0 Range
Depth, m

Field Value Used in

Depth, ft
200 10
5 Comparison with
20 Laboratory Values
150 200
Shear Wave Velocity, m/sec

300 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Shear Wave Velocity Ratio, Vs,lab / Vs, field
Shear Wave Velocity, m/sec

Figure 40. Variation in the ratio of laboratory-to-field

Figure 39. Example profile of small-strain field and laborato-
shear wave velocities (Vs, lab/ Vs, field) with the in-situ value
ry shear wave velocities evaluated at a strong-motion earth-
of Vs, field determined in the ROSRINE project
quake site on the ROSRINE project (from Stokoe and San-
tamarina, 2000)

With the in situ Vs value and the laboratory G –

“average” field values associated with the labora- log γ curve, the final step is to estimate the field G
tory values are shown by the short vertical lines – log γ curve. This step is accomplished by scaling
through the field Vs profile in the vicinity of the the laboratory G – log γ curve using Gmax deter-
sample depth. mined from the field seismic tests as,
A summary of all field-lab Vs comparisons from
the ROSRINE project is presented in Figure 40. A ⎛ G γ , lab ⎞
total of 63 samples were tested in the laboratory. Gγ, field = ⎜⎜ ⎟ Gmax, field

⎝ max, lab ⎠
There is a clear trend in the data, with the velocity
ratio (Vs lab /Vs field) decreasing as the in situ value where,
of Vs increases. (There was essentially no correla- G γ, field = in situ shear modulus at a shearing
tion with sample depth.) In general terms, the ve- strain of γ,
locity ratio is around one at Vs ≅ 160 m/s. Howev- G γ, lab = shear modulus determine in the -
er, at Vs ≅ 725 m/s, the velocity ratio is about 0.6, laboratory with an intact specimen
which means that the small-strain shear modulus at a shearing strain of γ,
from laboratory testing is on the order of 1/3 of the Gmax, lab = small-strain shear modulus
value in the field. This comparison strongly sup- determined in the laboratory, and
ports the need to perform field seismic tests, cer- Gmax, field = in situ shear modulus measured
tainly in studies dealing with siting and retrofitting by seismic testing.
of important facilities. It is assumed, of course, that evaluation of the G –
log γ curve in the laboratory was performed at a
5.2 Estimated Field G - log γ Curves from Field confinement state, excitation frequency, number of
and Laboratory Measurements loading cycles, drainage condition, etc. that
Once the Vs profile has been determined at impor- represent the field conditions. Also, Gmax, field was
tant or high-risk sites, the next step in the geotech- calculated from Vs, field using Equation 2.
nical earthquake engineering investigation is de- The estimated field G – log γ curves are shown
termination of the nonlinear characteristics of the by the dashed lines in Figures 41a, 41b and 41c for
soil. This step typically involves cyclic and/or dy- the soft, medium stiff and very stiff soil examples
namic laboratory testing of intact specimens. In taken from the ROSRINE project. Clearly, adjust-
terms of nonlinear shear modulus, these results are ment of the laboratory curve is critical to correctly
presented in the form of the variation in norma- predicting the earthquake ground motions at the
lized modulus, G/Gmax, with shearing strain ampli- site.
tude,γ, or simply G – log γ. Typical examples of G 5.3 Laboratory and Field Stress-Strain (τ – γ)
– log γ curves from the ROSRINE project for soft, Curves
moderately stiff and very stiff soils are shown in
Figures 41a, 41b, and 41c, respectively. The labor- The laboratory shear stress-shear strain (τ – γ)
atory G - log γ curves are shown by the solid lines curve can be calculated from the laboratory G –
in the figures. log γ curve as,
τ=G*γ (9)
100 0.08
Range in estimated Estimated field curve
field curve if no Vs, field using Vs, field
Estimated 0.06

Shear Stress, τ, MPa

Shear Modulus, G, MPa

field curve
60 using Vs, field
Range in estimated
field curve if no Vs, field
Lab Curve (Clay, CL)
σ ' = 0.61 atm 0.02 Lab Curve (Clay, CL)
20 o
σ ' = 0.61 atm

0 0.00
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Shearing Strain, γ, % Shearing Strain, γ, %
a. Vs,in-situ = 180 m/s (soft soil) and Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.92 a. Vs,in-situ = 180 m/s (soft soil) and Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.92
500 0.6
Range in estimated
field curve if no Vs, field Range in estimated
400 0.5 field curve if no Vs, field

Shear Stress, τ, MPa

Shear Modulus, G, MPa

Estimated field
curve using Vs, field 0.4
300 Estimated field curve
0.3 using Vs, field


Lab Curve (Clay, CL) 0.1 Lab Curve (Clay, CL)
σ ' = 2.86 atm σ ' = 2.86 atm
o o
0 0.0
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Shearing Strain, γ, % Shearing Strain, γ, %
b. Vs,in-situ = 360 m/s (moderately stiff soil) and b. Vs,in-situ = 360 m/s (moderately stiff soil) and
Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.81 Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.81
1200 1.5
Range in estimated Range in estimated
field curve if no Vs, field field curve if no Vs, field
Shear Stress, τ, MPa

Estimated field
Shear Modulus, G, MPa

Estimated field curve

800 1.0
curve using Vs, field using Vs, field


400 0.5

200 Lab Curve (Sand, SW)

Lab Curve (Sand, SW)
σ o' = 8.17 atm
σ´o = 8.17 atm
0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100
Shearing Strain, γ, %
Shearing Strain, γ, % c. Vs,in-situ = 540 m/s (very stiff soil) and Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.60
c. Vs,in-situ = 540 m/s (very stiff soil) and Vs,lab/Vs,field = 0.60
Figure 42. Calculated laboratory τ – γ curves, estimated field
Figure 41. Measured laboratory G – log γ curves, estimated τ – γ curves using Vs field, and possible range in field τ – γ
field G – log γ curves using Vs, field, and possible range in curves using range in Figure 40 but no measurement of
field G – log γ curves using range in Figure 40 but no mea- Vs field; Examples for soils from the ROSRINE project with a
surement of Vs field; Examples for soils from the ROSRINE range in shear stiffness
project with a range in shear stiffness

International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, Portugal, September 19-22, 2004

with companion sets of G – γ values taken from the wide ranges for the estimated field G – log γ and τ
dynamic laboratory curve. The laboratory τ – γ – γ curves.
curves that were derived from the laboratory G –
log γ curves for the soft, medium stiff and very
stiff soils in Figures 41a, 41b and 41c are shown 6 CONCLUSIONS
by the solid lines in Figures 42a, 42b and 42c, re-
spectively. The estimated field τ – γ curves for Geophysical methods have an important and ever-
these soils were determined following the proce- increasing role to play in the solution of geotech-
dure expressed by Equation 9, except that the esti- nical engineering problems. Seismic methods have
mated field G – log γ curves were used. The esti- been embraced by geotechnical engineers over the
mated field curves are shown by the dashed lines past 50 years. They have been heavily used in the
in Figure 42. solution of soil dynamics and geotechnical engi-
This example is presented to show the impor- neering problems, especially in the evaluation of
tance of Vs, field in predicting the field τ – γ curves small-strain shear and compression stiffnesses.
which are used for deformational analyses like the Today, Vs, measurements in the field and laborato-
ones presented in Section 4.1. In such deforma- ry form a critical link in evaluating sample distur-
tional analyses, shear strains rarely exceed 1 % bance and in predicting nonlinear G – log γ and τ –
which is the reason why the τ – γ curves are shown γ curves.
with a scale of 0 to 1 %. Unfortunately, many geo- The adoption of geophysical methods in the so-
technical engineers are not aware of this adjust- lution of non-dynamic problems has occurred more
ment procedure for sample disturbance or the im- slowly in geotechnics, excluding geoenvironmental
portance of Vs. and military applications. Seismic testing is still
5.4 What If No In Situ Vs Values Are Measured? the most widely used method, particularly for eva-
luating site characteristics (layering, top of be-
At times, the owner or client may elect to test only drock, voids, etc.) and monitoring processes
intact samples and not perform in situ Vs mea- (grouting, damaged or changed zones from con-
surements. This decision may be based on cutting struction activities, etc.). The use of strain-adjusted
cost, incomplete understanding of the importance moduli in settlement and other deformational ana-
of Vs, field or other reasons. In any case, the field G lyses offers a rational approach to the solution of
– log γ and τ – γ curves can not be estimated using many of these problems. This approach will con-
the adjustment procedure discussed above. There- tinue to grow.
fore, a wide range in the estimated nonlinear field The seismic method that continues to evolve in
curve will result. Figure 40 can be used in reverse geotechnical engineering is the surface-wave me-
to find the range in the expected field curves if one thod. The nonintrusive nature of the method makes
only had laboratory G – log γ curves. These ranges its application very cost effective, and its useful-
are shown by the shaded zones in Figure 41 for the ness will continue to increase. It would be very
three different soil stiffnesses. The ranges are quite beneficial to this method, as well as other geophys-
large, exceeding factors of two and three for the ical methods, to incorporate increased automation.
moderately stiff and very stiff soils, respectively. Adoption by the profession would also benefit
The same relative comparison is shown by the from increased coverage of geophysical methods
shaded zones in Figure 42 for the ranges in ex- in the civil engineering curriculum. Finally, the
pected τ – γ curves. engineer also needs to consider that the robustness
5.5 What If No Laboratory G – log γ Curves of the solution is significantly enhanced in many
Are Measured? applications by the use of a suite of geophysical
Obviously, the other situation that the geotechnical
engineer might face is having only the in situ Vs
measurements. In the writers’ opinion, this situa- 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion may not be as troublesome as the case above
with no Vs, field values. Hopefully, the engineer has The writers sincerely appreciate the opportunity
a boring log and the soil types identified. In this given by the organizers of this conference to
case, empirical soil models can be substituted for present these results. The patience and understand-
the laboratory G – log γ curves (assuming no un- ing of Prof. António Viana da Fonseca is espe-
usual or difficult soils). The empirical models cially appreciated.
should include variables such as soil type, con- Support from the California Department of
finement state, some measure of uncertainty, etc. Transportation, the National Science Foundation,
such as the model by Darendeli (2001). However, the United States Geological Survey, the RO-
this approach would only be used if no laboratory SRINE project, and the U.S. Department of Energy
G – log γ curves were measured and will result in through a subcontract to Bechtel SAIC is gratefully
acknowledged. Interaction, encouragement and Geotechnical Specialty Publication No. 6, Samuel P.
guidance from many colleagues is appreciated as is Clemence (ed.), Blacksburg, VA, June, pp. 116-130.
Chiara, N. 2001. Investigation of small-strain shear stiffness
the work of many excellent graduate students. measured in field and laboratory geotechnical studies.
Several of the case histories involved work with M.S. Degree, University of Texas.
geotechnical consulting firms and their clients. Cho, G. C., and Santamarina, J. C. 2001. Unsaturated parti-
Permission to publish the results is appreciated. culate materials: particle-level Studies. Journal of Geo-
Finally, a special thanks is given to Ms. Alicia Za- technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, January
pata for assisting in preparation of this paper. Vol. 127, Issue 1, pp. 84-96.
Choi, W.J. 2003. Linear and nonlinear dynamic properties
from combined resonant column and torsional shear tests
of ROSRINE phase-II specimens. Masters Thesis, Uni-
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