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Quantum Fourier Analysis

Zhengwei Liu

Harvard University → Tsinghua University

May 9, 2019, NCGOA, Vanderbilt University

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Quantum Fourier Analysis

We propose a program of Quantum Fourier Analysis, to investigate analytic

aspects of quantum symmetries and their Fourier dualities.

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Arthur Jaffe Chunlan Jiang

Yunxiang Ren Jinsong Wu

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Fourier Analysis on Groups

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Classical Fourier Duality
In the early 1800’s, Joseph Fourier introduced his transformation to solve
differential equations describing heat.
The Fourier transform F on measurable functions f on R is
Z ∞
F(f )(x) = f (t)e −2πitx dt .

Convolution for such functions is:

Z ∞
(f1 ∗ f2 )(s) = f1 (t)f2 (s − t)dt ,

yielding the Fourier duality

F(f1 ∗ f2 ) = F(f1 )F(f2 ) . (1)

Pontryagin studied Fourier duality on locally compact abelian groups

through their characters. Tannaka and Krein introduced Fourier duality for
compact groups, leading to a categorical understanding of Fourier duality.
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Inequalities on R
Take 1/p
Z ∞
kf kp = |f (t)|p dt , 0 < p < ∞.
For p > 1, k · kp is the p-norm of measurable functions and kf k∞ is the
essential maximum of f .
Plancherel formula (1910):
kFf k2 = kf k2 .
Interpolating with the elementary inequality kF(f )k∞ 6 kf k1 , one obtains
the Hausdorff-Young inequality,
kF(f )kq 6 kf kp , 1 6 p 6 2, 1/p + 1/q = 1 . (2)
Young’s inequality for convolution (1912):
kf1 ∗ f2 kr 6 kf1 kp kf2 kq . (3)
for p, q, r > 1, 1/p + 1/q − 1/r = 1 .
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Optimal Inequalities

In 1975, Beckner obtained optimal constants. For p, q, r as above and

Ap = p 1/2p q −1/2q , he showed that

kF(f )kq 6 Ap kf kp , kf1 ∗ f2 kr 6 Ap Aq A r −1

r kf1 kp kf2 kq ,

and that Gaussian functions yield equality.

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Brascamp-Lieb inequalities

In 1976, Brascamp and Lieb proposed a fundamental inequality:

Let Bj : Rn → Rnj , 1 6 j 6 m, be linear maps. LetP fj be a non-negative,
measurable function on R , and let pj > 0 satisfy m
n j
j=1 nj /(pj n) = 1.
Then Z Y m m
fj ◦ Bj 6 C kfj kpj , (4)
Rn j=1 j=1

This includes Young’s inequality, Hölder’s inequality, and the

Loomis-Whitney inequality as special cases.
In 2008, Bennett, Carbery, Christ, and Tao found the optimal constant C ,
which is obtained at certain Gaussian functions.

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Example: Young’s inequality
Take n = 2, B1 (x, y ) = x, B2 (x, y ) = y , B3 (x, y ) = x + y . Then
X 1
= 2.
Z m
fj ◦ Bj
Rn j=1
= f1 (x)f2 (y )f3 (x + y )dxdy
= f1 (x)f2 (t − x)f3 (t)dxdt
= f1 ∗ f2 (t)f3 (t)dt
6Ap1 Ap2 Ap3 kfj kpj .

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Heisenberg Uncertainty Principles

In 1927, Heisenberg showed in quantum theory that position and

momentum cannot simultaneously be precisely measured (the Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle). This has been reformulated by Kennard and by Weyl.
It says that the standard deviation of positiion σ x and of momentum σ p
must satisfy
σx σp > ,
where ~ is Planck’s constant.
Mathematically, this is a general phenomenon for a pair of noncommutative
operators x and p = F(−id/dx)F −1 , which satisfy

kxf k2 kpFf k2 > (4π)−1 , kf k2 = 1 .

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Entropic Uncertainty Principles on R

In 1957, Hirschman
R∞ studied the Shannon entropy
H(|f | ) = − −∞ |f (x)|2 log |f (x)|2 dx of |f |2 , proving

H(|f |2 ) + H(|F(f )|2 ) > 0 , kf k2 = 1 .

Everett conjectured the lower bound is log e2 , which is proved by Beckner in

1975. Another quick proof is given by Bialynicki and Birula in 1975. The
extremizers of these inequalities are Gaussians. The Hirschman-Beckner
uncertainty principle ensures Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

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Uncertainty Principles on Finite Abelian Groups

In 1989, Donoho and Stark established an uncertainty principle for functions

f on cyclic groups G in terms of the cardinality of their support:

|S(f )| |S(F(f ))| > |G | ,

here f is a function on G , S(f ) = {x : f (x) 6= 0}, and |A| is the cardinality

of the set A.
This type of uncertainty principle has been applied in compressed sensing by
Candes-Romberg-Tao and by Donoho in compressed sensing in 2006.

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Quantum Fourier Analysis (QFA) on Subfactors

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Suppose N ⊂ M is a subfactor (of type II1 ). Jones index theorem (1983):

{[M : N ] := dimN (L2 (M))} = {4 cos2 , n = 3, 4, · · · } ∪ [4, ∞].
We assume that N ⊂ M has finite index δ 2 .
M is an N -N bimodule.
The N -N bimodule maps homN −N (M) form a C ∗ -algebra A.
The multiplication map m : M ⊗N M → M is an N − N bimodule
The convolution * on homN −N (M) is x ∗ y = m(x ⊗ y )m∗ . It makes
homN −N (M) into another C ∗ -algebra B.

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Examples: Group Subfactors

When M = N o G , for an outer action of a finite group G , we have

[M : N ] = |G |.
M = ⊕g ∈G Ng as an N -N bimodule
homN −N (M) = A ∼= L∞ (G ), with Haar measure
The convolution * is the usual convolution on L1 (G ).
B∼= L(G ), the left regular representation with trace
The identity map on G induces a map F : A → B, which can be considered
as the Fourier transform.

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Measurements and Plancherel Formula

For a finite-index subfactor, the C ∗ -algebra A has a Haar measure induced

from the unique trace of the factors.
The C ∗ -algebra B has a Dirac measure at the Jones projection
e : L2 (M) → L2 (N ).
We can define Lp spaces for A and B using these measures.

Plancherel Formula: For any x ∈ A,

kF(x)k2 = kxk2 .

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The Norm of the Fourier Transform
Theorem (L-Wu 19)
Given an irreducible subfactor with index µ, let F be the Fourier transform
from A to B. For any x ∈ A, kxk2 = 1, and any p, q > 0, we have

kF(x)kq 6 K (1/p, 1/q)kxkp .

Hausdorff-Young inequality: 1/p + 1/q = 1, 1/2 6 1/p 6 1.


K(1/p,1/q):= RTF
1 1
1 •µ q − 2 RT
+ q1 −1
µ p
RF 1
0 • •
1 1 1
2 p

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Bisch 94: intermediate subfactors ↔ biprojections
Jiang-L-Wu 16: modulation and translation → bishifts
bishifts of biprojections ∼ Gaussian functions

Analysis Algebra
Regions Extremizers
1/p + 1/q > 1, 1/p > 1/2 trace-one projections
1/p + 1/q = 1, 1/2 < 1/p < 1 bishifts of biprojections
1/p = 1, 1/q = 0 extremal elements
1/p = 1/2, 1/q = 1/2 A
1/p + 1/q < 1, 0 < 1/q < 1/2 Fourier transform of trace-one projections
1/q = 0, 0 6 1/p < 1 extremal unitary elements
1/q = 1/2, 0 6 1/p < 1/2 unitary elements
1/q > 1/2, 1/p = 1/2 Fourier transform of unitary elements
1/q > 1/2, 1/p < 1/2 biunitary elements if exist
Table: Table for extremizers
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Rényi entropic uncertainty principles

For p ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞), the Rényi entropy of order p of x in A is defined as

hp (x) = log kxkp .

h1 (x) = H(x) = tr2 (−kxk log kxk).

Theorem (L-Wu 19)

Let x ∈ A be such that kxk2 = 1. Then for any p, q > 0,

(1/p − 1/2)hp/2 (|x|2 ) + (1/2 − 1/q)hq/2 (|F(x)|2 ) > − log K (1/p, 1/q).

The weights 1/p − 1/2 and 1/2 − 1/q can be modified as 1.

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Uncertainty Principles
When 1/p, 1/q → 1/2, we recover the Hirschman-Beckner uncertainty
Theorem (Jiang-L-Wu 16)
For any x ∈ A, we have

H(|x|2 ) + H(|F(x)|2 ) > −2kxk22 log kxk22 .

Moreover, “ = ” holds if and only if x is a bi-shift of a biprojection.

When 1/p, 1/q → ∞, we recover the Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle:

Theorem (Jiang-L-Wu 16)
For any x ∈ A, we have

S(F(x))S(x) > δ 2 .

Moreover, “ = ” holds if and only if x is a bi-shift of a biprojection.

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Main Results on Subfactors

Schur product theorem (May Not hold on the dual of fusion rings)
Hausdorff-Young inequality
Young’s inequality (Hold on Temperley-Lieb-Jones iff δ 2 =Jones Index)
Hirschman-Beckner uncertainty principle
Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle
Sum set estimate (Suggested by Terrence Tao in 2014)
The characterization of operators which attain the equality of the
above inequalities
Hardy uncertainty principle
Rényi entropic uncertainty principle
Block maps (“Renormalization maps”, non-linear, even new for Z2 )
(Central limit theorem for finite-index subfactors)

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Bishifts of Biprojections

Theorem (Jiang-L-Wu 18)

For any non-zero x ∈ A, the following are equivalent:
(1) x is a bi-shift of a biprojection;
(2) x is an extremal bi-partial isometry;
(3) S(x)S(F(x)) = µ;
(4) H(|x|2 ) + H(|F(x)|2 ) = −2kxk22 log kxk22 ;
(5) kx ∗ x ∗ kr = kxkt kxks for some 1 < r , t, s < ∞ such that
1 1 1
r +1 = t + s;
(6) kx ∗ x ∗ kr = kxk1 kxkr for some 1 < r < ∞;
1 1
(7) kx ∗ x ∗ kr = kxkt kxks for any 1 6 r , t, s 6 ∞ such that r +1 = t + 1s ;
(8) kF(x)k t = kxkt for some 1 < t < 2;

(9) kF(x)k t = kxkt for any 1 6 t 6 2;


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Fourier Analysis on Groups

S.S. I.S.

H.Y. 1974 E.F.

N.F. Y. 1977 E.P. E.N.

H.B. 2004 Min

R. 1989-90
D.S. I. S. : Exact inverse sum set theorem
E. F. : Extremal functions of Hausdorff-Young in-
E. N. : Extremizers of the norm of the Fourier trans-
E. P. : Extremal Pairs of Young’s inequality
S. S. : Sum set estimate
Min : Minimizers of the uncertainty principles
N. F. : Norm of Fourier transform
H. Y. : Hausdorff-Young inequality
Y. : Young’s inequality
H. B. : Hirschman-Beckner uncertainty principle
D. S. : Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle
R. : Rényi entropic uncertainty principle

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Quantum Fourier Analysis on Subfactors

Inequalities S.S. I.S.

H.Y. S.P. E.F.

N.F. Y. E.P. E.N.

H.B. Min
Bi-shifts of

S. P. : Schur Product theorem

I. S. : Exact inverse sum set theorem
S. S. : Sum set estimate
E. F. : Extremal functions of Hausdorff-Young
N. F. : Norm of Fourier transform
H. Y. : Hausdorff-Young inequality
E. N. : Extremizers of the norm of the Fourier
Y. : Young’s inequality
H. B. : Hirschman-Beckner uncertainty principle
E. P. : Extremal Pairs of Young’s inequality
D. S. : Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle
Min : Minimizers of the uncertainty principles
R. : Rényi entropic uncertainty principle

Figure: It shows the logic net of our proofs about the quantum Fourier analysis on
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Topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality

Quanhua Xu: Brascamp-Lieb inequality on subfactors?

Brascamp-Lieb inequality:
Z m
Y m
fj ◦ Bj 6 C kfj kpj , (5)
Rn j=1 j=1
Bj : Rn → Rnj , fj : Rnj → R+ , pj > 0, j=1 nj /(pj n) = 1.

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Topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality

Quanhua Xu: Brascamp-Lieb inequality on subfactors?

Brascamp-Lieb inequality:
Z m
Y m
fj ◦ Bj 6 C kfj kpj , (5)
Rn j=1 j=1
Bj : Rn → Rnj , fj : Rnj → R+ , pj > 0, j=1 nj /(pj n) = 1.

Answer: topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality!

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Topological Quantum Field Theory

A 1+1 Topological Quantum Field Theory is a monoidal functor F from

the category of (oriented) 1+1 cobordisms Cob to the category of finite
dimensional vector spaces Vec. (TQFT was studied by Witten, Atiyah,
Jones, Reshetikhin, Turaev, Viro and many others).

Oriented Circle → Vector space V (or its dual)

Oriented Surface with boundary → Multi-linear transformation on V
Disjoint Union → ⊗
Gluing Boundary → h·, ·i

→ hom(V 2 , V 2 )

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Surface Algebras

A surface algebra with reflection positivity is a monoidal *-functor F from

the category of 1+1 cobordisms with non-intersecting strings CobS to Vec.
It extends Jones’ subfactor planar algebras from the plane to surfaces.
(Liu 2019 CMP)

Oriented Circle with n points → Hilbert space Hn

Reflection → Riesz representation

→ hom(Hn2 , Hn2 )

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Pictorial Fourier Duality

In surface algebras, we can represent the string Fourier transform Fs , the

multiplication and the convolution on H4 as the action of the following
surface tangles respectively:

, , .

3D Pictorial Fourier duality: the 90◦ rotation around the z−axis.

(For shaded tangles, Fs : H4,+ → H4,− )
In general, a surface tangle (with 4 boundary points on each input/output
disc) is a multi-linear map on H4 .

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Topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality

Brascamp-Lieb inequality:
Y m
k fj ◦ Bj k1 6 C kfj kpj , (6)
j=1 j=1
Bj : Rn → Rnj , fj : Rnj → R+ , pj > 0, j=1 nj /(pj n) = 1.
Topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality:
 


tr  Tj (xj ) 6 C
kxj kpj , (7)
j=1 j=1

where C is the best constant.

(1) Bj∗ → a surface tangle Tj with kj input discs and n out put discs
(2) R → H4 , xj → vectors in H4 j

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Topological identity for pj ’s.
Take the (shaded) tangle T , such that
 
T (⊗j xj ) = tr  Tj (xj ) .

We define the genus of the topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality as the

genus of T .
Suppose T has r+ unshaded regions, r− shaded regions, m+ unshaded
inputs with parameters pj,+ , 1 6 j 6 m+ , and m+ shaded inputs with
parameters pk,− , 1 6 k 6 m− .
(3) Genus-zero identity: (two are equivalent)
m+ m−
−1 −1
r+ − m− − pj,+ + pk,− −1=0;
j=1 j=1
m− m+
−1 −1
r− − m+ − pk,− + pj,+ −1=0.
j=1 j=1

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Optimal Inequalities

The genus-0 topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality includes Hausdorff-Young

inequality, Hölder inequality, and Young’s inequality.
We gave the best constant of the first three inequalities which are achieved
at bishifts of biprojections.

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Questions on Topological Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities:

There are three central problems for the Brascamp-Lieb inequality on Rn .

1. The finiteness of the best constant.
2. Whether the best constant can be achieved as Gaussian functions?
3. Whether all extremizers are Gaussian?

Since H4 is finite dimensional, the best constant C of the topological

Brascam-Lieb inequality is finite and the extremizer exists by the
compactness. We ask the following questions:
1. In which case, the best constant is achieved by biprojections.
2. Whether the extremizers are all bishifts of biprojections.
The topological Brascamp-Lieb inequality also suggests an inequality on Rn
generalizing both the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and the Hausdorff-Young

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Depth two Subfactors and Kac algebras
Symanski 94 (claimed by Ocneanu)
finite-index irreducible depth-2 subfactors ↔ finite dimensional Kac
The co-multiplication of the Kac algebra H4 is given by the following
surface tangle:

The Hopf-axiom reduces to the string-genus relation of surface tangles

Enock-Nest 96
infinite-index irreducible depth-2 subfactors ↔ discrete (or compact)
Kac algebras, (based on certain regular conditions.)
Inspired by this connection, we also investigated the QFA on infinite
quantum symmetries, such as infinite dimensional Kac algebras and locally
compact quantum groups. Various inequalities have been established.
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Quantum Fourier Analysis (QFA) on Various Quantum Symmetries

Infinite type Kac Algebras

Locally Compact Quantum Groups
Topological Type Planar algebras
Surface algebras
Categorical Type Unitary Fusion Categories
Unitary Modular Tensor Categories
Multibody system Multiple qubits
Multiple quons
Lattice modes
Tensor networks

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Thank you!
A paper on Quantum Fourier Analysis will be posted soon!

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A Question on Biprojections

Given an irreducible, finite-index subfactor, we obtain two C ∗ -algebras A

and B as above. The two C ∗ -algebras A and B are P2,+ and P2,− in
terms of subfactor planar algebras.
For any ε > 0, there is a ε0 (depending on ε and the index), such that if
x ∈ B, kx − Pk2 < ε0 and kFs (x) − λQk2 < ε0 , for some projections
P ∈ B, Q ∈ A and some positive scalar λ, then there is a biprojection B,
such that kx − Bk < ε.

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A Question on entropic Uncertainty principles

• William Helton’s observation.

Theorem (Jiang-L-Wu 16)
Take h(t) = −t log t. For any x ∈ A, φ = φ̂ = tr , we have

φ ◦ h(|x|2 ) + φ̂ ◦ h(|F(x)|2 ) > h ◦ φ(|x|2 ) + h ◦ φ̂(|F(x)|2 ).

Question: For which φ and h, the above inequality holds?

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