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Why does dreaming big is Not always Good?

Dreaming. A visionary creation of our own imagination. An area where we can see
the feature of our self in the future.

Being ambitious is not harmful. But let me ask you something, which way of
thinking is better, dreaming big or being satisfied with small thing? Dreaming big
means expecting something big, and too much expectation leads to

In my past 16 years of existence, I learned to aim high and dream for the future of
me and my family. As I raise and trained to be in honor role. I have been motivated
by my parents that I can make it to the top. However, my motivation turned into
something unhealthy. I started to believe that I can meet their expectations, and I
carry that as I grew up and face the real world. Until I enter a new stage of my life
being a high school student. I thought I was already doing great, I thought I can still
maintain the set standard my parents had made. But that was just a pure
imagination, and reality hit me when I wasn't able to make it to top ten. Though it
was okay with my parents, I still felt disappointment and it became my greatest
what if. I started to feel like a failure. Because I know that I didn't gave my best
shot. I just dream big without even working for it.

Now you are probably wondering, " What does it have to do with dreaming big?

Well, it is because I always aim for something big and it made me overlook those
simple achievements that I have and feel entitled for admiration and victory.

After that phenomena,I just let myself go with the flow. I just did my best without
expecting a better outcome, and just accept what might God give to me. And I have
realized that we have to work hard, to achieve our goals. We have to deal with
failures and rejection.

Dreaming big is good, it helps a person set far- reaching goals and do bold things.
But it only works out with someone who has a healthy relationship with failure,
tryouts and small achievements. Success takes time and it is a process, you have to
sweat and give a drop of your blood in order to earn it.It is not something you can
easily get whenever you want to. You can't expect an outcome that always favors
you because it is not how it is supposed to be.

So, don't teach anyone just to dream big- teach them to dream big while taking
small steps. This is always better than staying in one place and wishing to be
teleported to the valley of success. This is how you will be able to achieve success.
And the fruit of success is sweeter when it is nourished by your own sweat and

Submitted to:

Ma'am Ma. Nanette C. Nibalvos

Submitted by:

Alma Rose Salde


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