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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Topic: Clash Between NATO and Russia Due To The Syrian Civil War.
Dear Delegates,

It is our immense pleasure to welcome you to the 2017 Tarbut Model of the United
Nations, which is going to be held in our school this spring. Each of you is a key element
in making this event a success.
As previous participants ourselves, we promise an exciting learning experience.

The topic on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agenda for 2017 is:
-The Clash Between NATO and Russia Due To The Syrian Civil War.

NATO’s main objective is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through
political and military means.
This is precisely the reason why the organization urges you to work together during the
two days of debate, exposing your ideas and concerns to solve the issue that matters a
lot to us as delegates and as human beings.

As delegates simulating this body, you are expected to strive towards excellence in your
research, writing, and most importantly, in your teamwork during negotiations.

This background guide is your first step in the preparation process up to the conference.
Please take note of the TarbutMUN policies on the website and in the delegate preparation
guide regarding plagiarism, codes of conduct/dress code/ awards/evaluation method, etc.
Adherence to these guidelines is mandatory.

We have been working hard for TarbutMUN 2017 to be a success, and we hope you can
enjoy it as much as we will.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or at
school, we wish you luck in your preparation for the debate, and look forward to welcoming
you in person.

Chair of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Committee mail:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO’s main function is to ensure the security and freedom of its members through
military and political measures.

Focusing on the political tactics, NATO works to promote democratic values, requests and
encourages the consultation on diverse topics like security and defense issues, build trust
among countries, and therefore, prevent conflict.

On the other hand, NATO’s military actions involve the commitment to peaceful solutions
to disputes. If diplomatic actions fail, the military is the one assigned to undertake the
conflicts. These actions are backed up by the Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which is
a NATO’s creation treaty, or under any UN order. The interventions can be carried out by
NATO’s members, alone or in cooperation with other international organizations and

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded on April 4, 1949, when the
Washington Treaty was signed.
The treaty obtains its recognition and force from Article 52 of the United Nations Charter,
which grants the right to independent states to collective or individual defense.

NATO has three purposes: The first one is to forestall the revival of nationalism militarism
(fascism) in Europe through a North American presence in this territory; also, it was
created to encourage the European political integration, and finally, to stop the Soviet
expansionism policies and actions.
Member Countries:
● Albania ● Latvia
● Belgium ● Lithuania
● Bulgaria ● Luxembourg
● Canada ● Netherlands
● Croatia ● Norway
● Czech Republic ● Poland
● Denmark ● Portugal
● Estonia ● Romania
● France ● Slovakia
● Germany ● Slovenia
● Greece ● Spain
● Hungary ● Turkey
● Iceland ● United Kingdom
● Italy ● United States of America

Observer Countries:
● Russia
● Syria
● China
● Ukraine
● Iran
● Belarus
● Irak
● Jordan
● Israel
Topic: Clash Between NATO and Russia Due To The Syrian Civil War.



For more than two decades, NATO has tried to build a partnership with Russia, developing
a cooperation in areas of common interests with dialogue and mutual aid. Due to Russia´s
military intervention in Ukraine, this partnership has been suspended and condemned by
the Allies. The channels of communication, either political or military, between the two
remain open. NATO is worried by Russia’s destabilizing pattern of military actions, which
goes well beyond Ukraine.

 The relation between Russia and NATO began after the end of the Cold War, when
Russia became part of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the
Partnership for Peace Program (1994)
 NATO-Russia Founding Act (1997) established the formal basis for the partnership.
 In 2002, the cooperation and the dialogue was strengthened when the NATO-
Russia Council (NRC) was established in order to serve as a forum for consultation
on current security issues and to provide a practical cooperation in a wide range of
 The military actions taken place by the Russians, in August of 2008 in Georgia, led
to the suspension of formal meetings of the NCR and the cooperation in some of
the areas until spring of 2009. The Allies continue to ask Russia to reverse its
recognition of the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent
 In April 2014, as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, all cooperation under the
NCR was suspended. However, the channels of political and military
communication were kept open and NCR as such was never suspended. Since
then, in 2014 only two meetings of the NCR took place, and three in 2016, as well
as two meetings of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council including Russia, in 2014
and 2015.
 According to the Wales Summit Declaration in September 2014, NATO leaders
condemned the military actions taken place by Russia, and demanded Russia to
respect the international law and its international obligations and responsibilities.
They asked Russia to put an end to the illegal occupation and “annexation” of
Crimea; retain its aggressive actions against Ukraine; withdraw its troops, stop the
flow of weapons, equipment, people and money across the border for the
separatists; and stop fomenting tension across the Ukraine border.
 NATO is also concerned about the increasing military actions taken by the
Russians along NATO’s borders, which makes the Euro-Atlantic security
environment less stable.

Present Situation

With the current situation in Ukraine, and the opposite sides of the US and Russia in the
Syrian Civil War, the relations between Russia and NATO are not very strong.

This continuing dispute has taken Russia and NATO to have military actions in all the
European continent, as both sides try to show the other their military capabilities.

Due to a NATO statement in April, saying that it would consider extending troops to Poland
and the Baltic states to protect these members from the Russians, Russia announced in
May that they were strengthening their military in Europe.

This new posture was seen when Russia placed three new divisions in the west and
south, throughout the border with Europe. Additionally, Russia executed some high-
profile “attacks” directed to NATO.
In June, a Russian submarine was intercepted over the deployment of ships in the
Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

Russia’s military intervention and presence in Syria is a risk for the Alliance. On October
5, 2015, the Allies told Russia to stop their attacks on civilians and the Syrian opposition.
They asked Russia to fight ISIS instead, and to focus on giving a solution to the conflict
through politics. Allies condemn Russia’s actions in Turkey’s airspace on October and
November 2015, supporting Turkey and showing solidarity for its territorial integrity.

Through history, NATO and Russia have always had deep disagreements. NATO’s
decision to stop civilian and military cooperation with Moscow is still in place. However,
political and military communications are still open. Dialogue is extremely necessary
between nations that share Euro-Atlantic space, including the reduction of risks of military

Moscow and NATO could also potentially clash in Syria. Russia is using its air power to
carry out attacks on rebel groups opposed to the Assad regime, including the Islamic
State. If these air strikes spread to areas where the U.S. and NATO are carrying out air
operations, it could result in a clash between NATO and Russian aircrafts. Things in Syria
might get worse, if the Western countries decide to turn their threats concerning President
Bashar al-Assad into actions, and begin military operations against the Syrian
Government´s troops.
Analysts say that in that case, military confrontation with Russian troops, which support
Assad's army, is possible. However, according to Anatoly Tsyganok, a military expert and
docent at Moscow State University’s department of world politics, even theoretically, this
is highly unlikely in the upcoming months.

The United States sent C.I.A troops to arm and train rebel groups to fight Assad’s regime.
It sent spy services to some bases in Syria, and some other countries. However, a C.I.A
spokesman declined to comment about any American assistance to Syrian rebels.

NATO and its allies have been targeting Islamic State militants for more than a year.
Moreover, Turkey and Jordan have both proposed the creation of safe zones for rebels to
fight against the Assad regime in northern and southwestern Syria. These safe zones are
likely to be used as bases for some of the very same rebel groups that are now being
targeted by Russian air strikes.

He explains that in the near future the U.S. will "transfer its affairs" to Donald Trump, who
will not have time for Syria. Then, the season of dust storms will begin in Syria. For this
reason, if some sort of escalation is possible, it will not be earlier than the end of March.

The United States of America received an ultimatum from the Russian government, they
had to completely dismantle their military bases (disarmament) in Eastern Europe,
compensate Russia’s losses, and cancel all of its sanctions.

Russia has recently claimed that they have only enlarged Its military presence in Syria to
support the international community’s efforts to fight the Islamic State, despite the fact that
most of Russia’s actions have been toward rebel groups and they have supported Bashar
Al Assad’s government in many ways.

Alexander Golts, an independent military expert and editor-in-chief of the opposition online
publication Yezhednevny Zhurnal (Daily Magazine), connects the situation going on in
Syria with the recent change of presidents in the White House. The U.S. President Donald
Trump has stated more than once that it is necessary to review Washington’s foreign
policies, which is now the reason why it is difficult to predict his actions.

Golts says that experts who have been talking about the threat of a conflict in Eastern

Europe, is based on Russia’s opposition to Barak Obama´s policies. However, with

Donald Trump’s power takeover the situation will be completely different.

Key Words:
Civil War: A conflict between political sides or regions within the same country.

Dictatorship: The total control of a country under an absolutist leader. They are known
for the power abuse and for staying a lot of time in the power.
Extremist: Term used for groups or individuals who have ideas outside of what is
considered “normal”.

Federalism: Governmental system in which states and provinces share the power with
a national government.

Intervention: Is to take a part in something.

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The group began in 2004 as al Qaeda in Iraq,
before renaming as ISIS two years later. It is a militant group that declares itself a state
and has been governing territory in the Middle East for several years.

Islamic Law (Sharia): Is the religious law of Islam’s traditions.

Jihad: It is an Arabic word that means striving or struggling. It is one of the correct terms
to make reference to a struggle for some cause, violent or not, either religious or secular
and has acquired so many meanings; violent as non-violent. Islamic extremist groups
often define it as a fight against opponents of Islam.

Radical: A person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles.

Rebel groups: Groups who refuse allegiance to, resist, or rise in arms against the
government or ruler of their country.

Links for further reading:

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