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Version 3.0
Date issued: 10 October 2013



Abstract This document defines the guidelines on algorithms usage and key
Document Reference EPC342-08
Issue Version 3.0 Approved
Date of Issue 10 October 2013
Reason for Issue Approved by EPC Plenary
Reviewed by EPC
Produced by EPC
Authorised by EPC
Circulation Publicly available

Document History
This document was first produced by ECBS as TR 406, with its latest ECBS version published in
September 2005. Maintenance of this document has now passed to EPC.

Whilst the European Payments Council (EPC) has used its best endeavours to make sure that all the
information, data, documentation (including references) and other material in the present document are
accurate and complete, it does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

EPC will not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature arising directly or indirectly from use of the
information, data, documentation or other material in the present document.

Conseil Européen des Paiements AISBL– Cours Saint-Michel 30A – B 1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 733 35 33 – Fax: +32 2 736 49 88
Enterprise N° 0873.268.927 – –
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 6
1.1 Scope of the document ............................................................................. 6
1.2 Document layout ...................................................................................... 6
2 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................... 7
3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................. 15
3.1 Definitions .............................................................................................. 15
3.2 Acronyms ............................................................................................... 16
4 ALGORITHM TAXONOMY ....................................................................... 18
4.1 Technical characteristics......................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Primitives................................................................................................ 19
4.1.2 Elementary Constructions ...................................................................... 20
4.2 Typical Usage ......................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 Confidentiality Protection ...................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Integrity Protection ................................................................................ 23
4.3 Legal or commercial status ..................................................................... 24
5 ALGORITHM RELATED DESIGN ISSUES ............................................ 25
5.1 Primitives ................................................................................................ 25
5.1.1 Unkeyed .................................................................................................. 25
5.1.2 Symmetric Key ........................................................................................ 26
5.1.3 Asymmetric key ....................................................................................... 27
5.1.4 Security levels ......................................................................................... 31
5.1.5 Patents on cryptographic techniques ..................................................... 33
5.2 Constructions .......................................................................................... 34
5.2.1 Symmetric Key Encryption ..................................................................... 34
5.2.2 Asymmetric Encryption .......................................................................... 35
5.2.3 Hybrid Encryption .................................................................................. 35
5.2.4 MACs ...................................................................................................... 36
5.2.5 Digital Signatures................................................................................... 36
5.2.6 Authenticated Encryption ....................................................................... 39
5.3 Domain of Application ........................................................................... 40
5.4 Implementation and interoperability issues ............................................ 40
5.4.1 Security protocols ................................................................................... 40
5.4.2 Data formatting issues............................................................................ 41
5.4.3 Implementation rules .............................................................................. 41
5.4.4 Key management impact on interoperability.......................................... 42
5.4.5 Implementation quality and side-channel attacks .................................. 42
5.4.6 Algorithm OIDs ...................................................................................... 43
6 KEY MANAGEMENT ISSUES ................................................................... 44
6.1 Symmetric algorithms ............................................................................ 44

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 2

6.1.1 Key generation ....................................................................................... 44
6.1.2 Key backup and storage ......................................................................... 46
6.1.3 Key distribution ...................................................................................... 46
6.1.4 Key installation....................................................................................... 47
6.1.5 Key usage and key separation ................................................................ 47
6.1.6 Key deletion ............................................................................................ 48
6.1.7 Key cryptoperiod .................................................................................... 48
6.2 Asymmetric algorithms .......................................................................... 48
6.2.1 Key generation ....................................................................................... 49
6.2.2 Example of a hybrid key architecture ..................................................... 49
6.2.3 Key backup and storage ......................................................................... 50
6.2.4 Key distribution ...................................................................................... 51
6.2.5 Public Key installation ........................................................................... 52
6.2.6 Certificate revocation and expiry ........................................................... 52
6.2.7 Key usage and key separation ................................................................ 52
6.2.8 Key deletion and archiving..................................................................... 53
6.2.9 Key crypto period ................................................................................... 53
6.3 Key escrow and recovery ....................................................................... 53
6.3.1 Key recovery ........................................................................................... 53
7 RANDOM NUMBERS .................................................................................. 55
B.1 DES breaking.......................................................................................... 56
B.2 RSA Factorisations ................................................................................. 56

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 3

The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide guidance to the European banking industry, in the
field of cryptographic algorithms and related key management issues.
It has been written mainly for banks: security officers, risks managers, system engineers and systems
designers. Although its reading does not assume expertise in cryptology, it contains some sections which
require a basic mathematical background.
There is constant progress in the science of cryptology, either to create new algorithms or to break
existing ones, such that any recommendation on cryptographic algorithms and key management is liable
to become obsolete before it is published. Also, it is usually an over-simplification to categorise an
algorithm or key management technique as being either 'good' or 'bad'. In practice some are weaker or
stronger, and some are subject to one or another type of attack, depending on how and for what they are
Consequently the choice of a cryptographic technique to protect data should always be the result of a risk
assessment process. This process should consider not only the potential loss in case the cryptographic
technique fails to prevent an attack, but also the operational conditions that may allow some kinds of
attacks and prevent others. For example, algorithms, which are subject to known plaintext/cipher text
attacks when used in a certain way, may be strong enough if used in another way that does not allow the
attacker to access an adequate sample of plaintexts and matching cipher texts.
As most algorithms are subject to attacks that will succeed given sufficient time, this risk assessment
should consider the period during which data must be protected. As an example, an algorithm that may
be broken within 24 hours would be safe enough to protect data for 10 minutes, but not for a week.
Using a cryptographic algorithm, which is considered as weak by the specialists may be a bad political
decision as it may alter the reputation of a financial institution, although it may have no operational
consequences for many systems.
A system using cryptography should always be designed with a possible algorithm migration in mind.
Nevertheless the cost and difficulty of migrating from one algorithm to another (or of changing the size
of the keys) should not be underestimated.
Notwithstanding the difficulty to give general recommendations, the EPC Information Security Support
Group would like to emphasise the following points:
• For assuring confidentiality of data, symmetric block cipher algorithms are still the best choice.
They are subject to attacks, made easier if the secret key is shorter. Any legacy system using 56-
bit keys (i.e. Single DES) should now have been replaced. Two-key Triple DES is still
appropriate for legacy applications under certain circumstances (e.g. limited key use or data
protection time). AES using 128-bit keys is today's recommended standard for new applications.
Additionally, the use of three-key Triple DES is acceptable. In all cases, the secret key
cryptoperiod should be as short as possible and therefore usage of non re-usable session keys
should always be preferred.
• For assuring data integrity, the SHA-1 hash function may still be used 1, but migration towards
SHA-256, SHA-512, Whirlpool or to SHA-3 should be considered. Alternatively a symmetric
algorithm MAC computed with a secret key may be used. And this may also provide data origin
authentication. When a symmetric algorithm MAC is used, similar considerations on the length
of the key as for confidentiality apply: use of Triple DES or AES should be preferred.

E.g., integrity of data may be assured by protecting the hash of the data.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 4

• For assuring data integrity and data origin authentication (which are the bases to provide non
repudiation of origin), an asymmetric algorithm and a hash function based digital signature is
recommended. SHA-1 may still be used for legacy applications, but more recent hash functions
such as SHA-256, Whirlpool or SHA-3 are preferred. Legacy systems restricted to using RSA
moduli less than, or equal to 1024 should be rapidly phased out, with moduli longer than 1024
bits recommended for any new applications. When digital signatures are to be kept for some
time, and especially if validity periods longer than three years are required, 1536 or even 2048-
bit moduli may be considered. Elliptic Curve DSA algorithms are beginning to be adopted on the
grounds of smaller key sizes and signing efficiency, but their usage in Europe is not very
common and is subject to various patent issues.
• Key management for asymmetric algorithms requires distribution of authenticated public keys
and secured storage of private keys. The best solution to the first requirement is to use
certificates, however this leads to the problems of certificate management and of establishment
of Certification Authorities. For secured storage of private keys, different techniques are
possible, the use of smart cards with RSA capability being one already widely adopted.
• Keys (either symmetric or asymmetric key pairs) should be dedicated to one purpose only. For
instance, separate symmetric keys should be used for MAC computation and for confidentiality,
and an asymmetric key pair should be dedicated to digital signature or for key encryption.
Amongst the benefits of such a policy are: design flexibility, facilitation of exploiting audit trails,
simplification of archiving, prevention of many attacks.
• ISO Technical Committee 68 “Financial Services” Sub Committee 2 “Security” has developed a
Technical Report “Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use”, ISO TR
14742. It is strongly recommended to EPC members to refer to this ISO TC 68 SC 2 Technical
Report when being confronted with cryptographic technical choices.
• When implementing and integrating cryptography into protocols or schemes, algorithms, key
sizes and randomness of key material are essential, but other security aspects beyond the scope
of this document become equally important such as side-channel countermeasures and protocol
layer interdependency checking.

Since the publication of version 2.0 of this Technical Report in June 2012, there have been a number of
newsworthy developments in cryptography that should be noted:
• The selection of Keccak as winner of the SHA-3 hash function competition.
• Recent evolutions of so-called "padding oracle attacks".
• The impact of poor random number generation.
The relevant sections in this document have been updated to reflect these developments.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 5



This Technical Report is aimed to provide guidance to the European banking community on algorithm
usage and key management issues.
It contains some recommendations from EPC on algorithm usage and key management issues that the
banks may consider together with their own security policy and the professional or national regulation
they have to comply with.
This Technical Report recommends use of International Standards where appropriate.
It also addresses the points that should be considered whenever the banks wish to provide interoperable
services based on cryptographic mechanisms. These points may be of particular interest for secured
cross-border services.
The scope of this Technical Report is limited to cryptographic algorithms. Amongst the mechanisms
excluded from the scope of this Technical Report are:
• error detecting mechanisms such as Cyclic Redundancy Check,
• data compression facilities such as Zip or Huffman coding,
• side-channel countermeasures and protocol layer interdependency checking,
• secret algorithms, about which no technical features are available.
The world of cryptography being wide and rapidly expanding, this Technical Report focuses on
algorithms which are suitable for the banking business, and which are already adopted by the banking
industry or which are likely to be in the foreseeable future.
In order to cope with the rapid evolution of the technology, this report should be updated at least every
two years.


The management summary section (unnumbered) summarises the most important issues addressed and
the main recommendations contained in this Technical Report. More technical or specific
recommendations are included later in the document.
Section 1 describes the scope of this Technical Report and the layout of its different sections.
Section 2 contains a bibliographical list of the textbooks, publications or standards (either international,
national or de facto) referenced.
Section 3 contains definitions of terms used in this Technical Report and lists most of the acronyms used
in it.
Section 4 provides an introduction to cryptographic primitives and a taxonomy for cryptographic
algorithms and their typical usage.
Section 5 discusses design issues for constructing cryptographic mechanisms from cryptographic
primitives and describes implementation and interoperability issues.
Section 6 deals with key management for symmetric algorithms and for asymmetric algorithms and
introduces the topic of key escrow and key recovery.

Annex A contains information on random number generation and Annex B provides some information
about algorithm breaking.
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 6

ISO Standards
ISO standards are available from ISO at, or from the national standardisation bodies
(such as AFNOR, BSI, DIN,...).

Technical Committee TC 68 Financial Services, Sub-Committee SC2 Security

[1] ISO 9564-2, "Banking -- Personal Identification Number management and security -- Part 2:
Approved algorithms for PIN encipherment"
[2] ISO TR 14742, "Financial services -- Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their
[3] ISO 15782-1, "Certificate management for financial services - Part 1: Public key certificates"
[4] ISO 15782-2, "Banking - Certificate management - Part 2: Certificate extensions"
[5] ISO 16609, "Banking – Requirements for message authentication using symmetric techniques"
[6] ISO TR 19038 "Triple DEA — Modes of Operation — Implementation Guidelines"
[7] ISO 11568-1, "Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 1: Principles"
[8] ISO 11568-2, "Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 2: Symmetric ciphers, their key
management and life cycle"
[9] ISO 11568-4, "Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 4: Asymmetric cryptosystems – Key
management and life cycle"
[10] ISO 13491-1, "Banking - Secure cryptographic devices (retail) - Part 1: Concepts, requirements
and evaluation methods"
[11] ISO 13491-2, "Banking - Secure cryptographic devices (retail) - Part 2: Security compliance
checklists for devices used in financial transactions"
[12] ISO 13492, "Financial services -- Key management related data element -- Application and
usage of ISO 8583 data elements 53 and 96 "
[13] ISO 21188, "Public key infrastructure for financial services -- Practices and policy framework"

Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology

[14] ISO 7498-2, "Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic
reference model - Part 2: Security architecture" (equivalent to ITU-T Rec X 800)
[15] ISO/IEC 10181-1, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 1: Overview" (equivalent to ITU-T Rec X 810)
[16] ISO/IEC 10181-2, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 2: Authentication framework" (equivalent to ITU-T Rec X
[17] ISO/IEC 10181-3, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 3: Access control framework"
[18] ISO/IEC 10181-4, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 4: Non-repudiation framework"
[19] ISO/IEC 10181-5, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 5: Confidentiality framework"
[20] ISO/IEC 10181-6, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Security
frameworks for open systems - Part 6: Integrity framework"

Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology, Sub-Committee SC 6,

Telecommunications and information exchange between systems
[21] ISO/IEC 9594-8, "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory:
Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks" (equivalent to ITU-T Recommendation X 509)

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 7

Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology, Sub-Committee SC 27, IT
Security Techniques
[22] ISO 8372, "Information processing - Modes of operation for a 64-bit block cipher algorithm",
[23] ISO/IEC 10116, "Information processing - Modes of operation for an n-bit block cipher
[24] ISO/IEC 9796-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signature scheme
giving message recovery - Part 1: Mechanisms using redundancy", replaced by 14888
[25] ISO/IEC 9796-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signature scheme
giving message recovery - Part 2: Integer factorisation based mechanisms"
[26] ISO/IEC 9796-3, "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Digital signature schemes
giving message recovery -- Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms"
[27] ISO/IEC 9797-1, "Information technology - Security techniques – Message Authentication
Codes (MACs) Part 1: Mechanisms using a block cipher”
[28] ISO/IEC 9797-2, "Information technology - Security techniques – Message Authentication
Codes (MACs), Part 2: Mechanisms using a dedicated hash function”
[29] ISO/IEC 9798-1 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 1:
[30] ISO/IEC 9798-2 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 2:
Mechanisms using symmetric encipherment algorithms"
[31] ISO/IEC 9798-3 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 3:
Mechanisms using digital signature techniques",
[32] ISO/IEC 9798-4 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 4:
Mechanisms using a cryptographic check function"
[33] ISO/IEC 9798-5 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 5:
Mechanisms using zero knowledge techniques"
[34] ISO/IEC 9798-6 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication Part 6:
Mechanisms using manual data transfer"
[35] ISO/IEC 10118-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Hash functions - Part 1:
[36] ISO/IEC 10118-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Hash functions - Part 2:
Hash functions using an n-bit block cipher algorithm"
[37] ISO/IEC 10118-3, "Information technology - Security techniques - Hash functions - Part 3:
Dedicated hash functions"
[38] ISO/IEC 10118-4, "Information technology - Security techniques - Hash functions - Part 4:
Hash functions using modular arithmetic"
[39] ISO/IEC 11770-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Key management - Part 1:
[40] ISO/IEC 11770-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Key management - Part 2:
Mechanisms using symmetric techniques"
[41] ISO/IEC 11770-3, "Information technology - Security techniques - Key management - Part 3:
Mechanisms using asymmetric techniques"
[42] ISO/IEC 11770-4 "Information technology - Security techniques - Key management - Part 4:
Mechanisms based on weak secrets"
[43] ISO/IEC 14888-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signatures with
appendix - Part 1: General"
[44] ISO/IEC 14888-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signatures with
appendix - Part 2: Identity based mechanisms"
[45] ISO/IEC 14888-3, "Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signatures with
appendix - Part 3: Certificate-based mechanisms"
[46] ISO/IEC 15946-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Cryptographic techniques

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 8

based on elliptic curves - Part 1: General"
[47] ISO/IEC 15946-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Cryptographic techniques
based on elliptic curves - Part 2: Digital signatures", withdrawn
[48] ISO/IEC 15946-3, "Information technology - Security techniques - Cryptographic techniques
based on elliptic curves - Part 3: Key establishment", withdrawn
[49] ISO/IEC 18014-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Timestamping services -
Part 1: Framework"
[50] ISO/IEC 18014-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Timestamping services -
Part 2: Mechanisms producing independent tokens"
[51] ISO/IEC 18031, "Information technology - Security techniques - Random bit generation"
[52] ISO/IEC 18032, "Information technology - Security techniques - Prime number generation"
[53] ISO/IEC 18033-1, "Information technology - Security techniques - Encryption algorithms -
Part 1: General"
[54] ISO/IEC 18033-2, "Information technology - Security techniques - Encryption algorithms -
Part 2: Asymmetric ciphers"
[55] ISO/IEC 18033-3, "Information technology - Security techniques - Encryption algorithms -
Part 3: Block ciphers"
[56] ISO/IEC 18033-4, "Information technology - Security techniques - Encryption algorithms -
Part 4: Stream ciphers"
[57] ISO/IEC 19772, "Information technology - Security techniques - Authenticated encryption"

ETSI Standards
ETSI standards available from
[58] ETSI TS 101 733, "Electronic Signature Formats"
[59] ETSI TS 101 903, " XML Advanced Signatures (XAdES)”
[60] ETSI TR 102 176-1, "Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Algorithms and
Parameters for Secure Electronic Signatures – Part 1: Hash functions and asymmetric
[61] ETSI TR 102 176-2, "Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Algorithms and
Parameters for Secure Electronic Signatures – Part 2: Symmetric algorithms and protocols for
secure channels"

ANSI Standards
ANSI standards are available from:
ANSI X 9 standards are available from:
[62] ANSI X3.106, "American National Standard for Information Systems- Data Encryption
Algorithm - Modes of Operation", 1983
[63] ANSI X9.24-1, "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards – Retail Financial
Services Symmetric Key Management - Part 1: Using Symmetric Techniques"
[64] ANSI X9.24-2, "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards – Retail Financial
Services Symmetric Key Management - Part 2: Using Asymmetric Techniques for the
Distribution of Symmetric Keys"
[65] ANSI X9.42, "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards - Public Key
Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: Agreement of symmetric keys using Discrete
Logarithm Cryptography"
[66] ANSI X9.44, "Key Establishment Using Integer Factorization Cryptography"
[67] ANSI X9.62, "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards - Public Key
Cryptography For The Financial Services Industry - The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature
Algorithm (ECDSA)"
[68] ANSI X9.63, "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards - Public Key
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 9
Cryptography For The Financial Services Industry – Key Agreement and Key Transport Using
Elliptic Curve Cryptography"
[69] ANSI X9.80 , "American National Standard - Financial Industry Standards - Prime Number
Generation Primality Testing, and Primality Certificates"
[70] ANSI X9.82-1, "Random Number Generation, Part 1: Overview and Basic Principles"
[71] ANSI X9.102, "Symmetric Key Cryptography For the Financial Services Industry - Wrapping
of Keys and Associated Data"

NIST FIPS standards

All FIPS standards are available at:
[72] FIPS 140-2, "Security requirements for cryptographic modules", Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 140-1, US National Institute of Standards and Technology
(supersedes FIPS PUB 140-1)
[73] FIPS 180-3, "Secure Hash Standard (SHS)", Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 140-1, US department of Commerce/NIST National Technical Information Service,
Gaithersburg, Maryland
[74] FIPS 186-3, "Digital signature standard", Federal Information Processing Standards Publication
186, US National Institute of Standards and Technology
[75] FIPS 197, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication 197, US National Institute of Standards and Technology
[76] FIPS 198-1, "The Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)", Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 198, US National Institute of Standards and Technology

Internet drafts, "standards" and RFCs

Internet standards and RFCs are available from:
[77] A. O. FREIER P. KARLTON P. C. KOCHER, "The SSL Protocol, version 3.0", Internet Draft,
November 1996 (expired in May 1997),
[78] RFC 1421, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encryption and
Authentication Procedures", Internet Request for Comments 1421; J. Linn.
[79] RFC 1422, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II: Certificate-Based Key
Management", Internet Request for Comments 1422; S. Kent.
[80] RFC 1423, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes,
and Identifiers", Internet Request for Comments 1423; D. Balenson.
[81] RFC 1424, "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV: Key Certification and
Related Services", Internet Request for Comments 1423; B. Kaliski.
[82] RFC 1847 "Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted",
Internet Request for Comments 1847; J. Galvin, S. Murphy, S. Crocker and N. Freed.
[83] RFC 2104 "HMAC: keyed-hashing for Message Authentication", Internet Request for
Comments 2104; H. Krawczyk, M. Bellare, and R. Canetti, updated by RFC 6151.
[84] RFC 2268 "Description of the RC2(r) Encryption Algorithm", Internet Request for Comments
2268; R. Rivest, + Errata.
[85] RFC 3279 "Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", Internet Request for Comments 3279;
L. Bassham, W. Polk, R. Housley, + updates (see web site).
[86] RFC 3370 "Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Algorithms", Internet Request for
Comments 3370; R. Housley, + updates (see web site).
[87] RFC 3447 "Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications
Version 2.1", Internet Request for Comments 3447; J. Jonsson, B. Kaliski.
[88] RFC 3766 "Determining Strengths For Public Keys Used For Exchanging Symmetric Keys",
Internet Request for Comments 3766; H. Orman, P. Hoffman.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 10

[89] RFC 3874 "A 224-bit One-way Hash Function: SHA-224", Internet Request for Comments
3874; R. Housley.
[90] RFC 4055 "Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for RSA Cryptography for use in the Internet
X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile",
Internet Request for Comments 4055; J. Schaad, B. Kaliski, R. Housley, + Errata (see web site)
+ RFC 5756 Updates for RSAES-OAEP and RSASSA-PSS Algorithm Parameters.
[91] RFC 4056 "Use of the RSASSA-PSS Signature Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax
(CMS)", Internet Request for Comments 4056; J. Schaad.
[92] RFC 4301 "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol", Internet Request for Comments
2401; S. Kent, K. Seo, + Errata.
[93] RFC 5246 "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", Internet Request for
Comments 5246, T. Dierks, E. Rescorla, + updates (see web site).

W3C Recommendations
[94] XML Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition), W3C recommendation 2008:
[95] XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1, W3C Candidate Recommendation 2011:

PKCS "standards"
PKCS standards are available from
Note that PKCS #1 is now instead maintained as RFC 3447 [87].
[96] PKCS #1, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 1: RSA encryption standard", version
1.5, 1993.
[97] PKCS #1, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 1: RSA cryptography standard",
version 2.1, 2002.
[98] PKCS #3, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 3: Diffie-Hellman key-agreement
standard", version 1.4, 1993.
[99] PKCS #6, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 6: Extended-Certificate Syntax
Standard", version 1.5, 1993 (superseded by x.509 v3).
[100] PKCS #7, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 7: Cryptographic message syntax
standard", version 1.5, 1993 (see S/MIME RFC 5652).
[101] PKCS #9, "The Public key cryptography standards - Part 9: Selected Object Classes and
Attribute Types", version 2.0, 2000 (now maintained as RFC 2985).
[102] PKCS #10, "The Public key cryptography standards – Part 10: Cryptographic request syntax
standard", version 1.7, 2000 (now maintained as RFC 2986).
[103] PKCS #11, "The Public key cryptography standards – Part 11: Cryptographic token interface
standard", version 2.30, 2009.
[104] PKCS #13, "The Public key cryptography standards – Part 13: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
standard", under development.
[105] PKCS #15, "The Public key cryptography standards – Part 15: Cryptographic Token
Information Format Standard", version 1.1, 2000 (see ISO/IEC 7816-15).

EMV specifications
EMV specifications are available from EMVCo,
[106] EMV 4.3, "Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems: Book 1 Application
Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements, Book 2 Security and Key Management,
Book 3 Application Specification, Book 4 Cardholder, Attendant and Acquirer Interface
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 11
Requirements", Version 4.3, EMVCo, 2011.

NIST Special Publications

All NIST Special Publications on cryptography are available from

[107] NIST SP800-22, A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators
for Cryptographic Applications."
[108] NIST SP 800-38A, "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and
Techniques", + Addendum.
[109] NIST SP 800-38B, "Recommendation for block cipher modes of operation: The CMAC mode
for authentication".
[110] NIST SP 800-38F, "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key
[111] NIST SP 800-57, "Recommendation for key management Part 1: General guideline".
[112] NIST SP800-90A, "Recommendations for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic
Random Bit Generators".
[113] NIST SP 800-131A, "Recommendation for Transitioning the use of Cryptographic Algorithms
and Key Lengths".
[114] NIST SP 800-133, "Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation".
[115] NISTIR 7896, 2012, "Third-Round Report of the SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm

Other references
[116] R. RIVEST, A. SHAMIR and L. ADLEMAN, "A Method for obtaining Digital Signatures and
Public Key Cryptosystems". Communications of the ACM, Vol.21(2), pp 120-126 (1978).
[117] J. DAEMEN and V. RIJMEN, "AES proposal: Rijndael", AES Algorithm Submission,
September 3 1999,
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[137] S. MURPH and M.J.B. ROBSHAW, "Comments on the security of the AES and the XSL
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[139] S. HABER and B. PINKAS, "Combining Public-Key Cryptosystems", Proceedings of the
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Standard". in T. Okamoto (ed.), Proc. CT-RSA04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.

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WACHTER, "Ron was wrong, Whit is right,

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 14


Whenever a definition is copied without alteration from an International Standard, the reference of the
standard is given.
Asymmetric algorithm: A cryptographic algorithm employing a public key and a private key. Together
these form an asymmetric key set.
Block cipher: A cryptographic algorithm, which maps n-bit plaintext blocks to n-bit ciphertext blocks. n
is called the block length or block size (both terms are used here).
Confidentiality: The property that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorised
individuals, entities or processes. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Cryptography: The discipline, which embodies principles, means, and methods for the transformation
of data in order to hide its information content, prevent its undetected modification and/or prevent
its unauthorised use. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Cryptoperiod: See key cryptoperiod.
Data integrity: The property that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorised manner. (ISO
7498-2 [14])
Data origin authentication: The corroboration that the source of data received is as claimed. (ISO 7498-
2 [14])
Decipherment: The reversal of a corresponding reversible encipherment. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Decryption: See decipherment. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Digital signature: Data appended to, or a cryptographic transformation (see cryptography) of, a data unit
that allows a recipient of the data unit to prove the source and integrity of the data unit and protect
against forgery e.g. by the recipient. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Encipherment: The cryptographic transformation of data (see cryptography) to produce ciphertext. (ISO
7498-2 [14])
Encryption: See encipherment. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Hash function: A (mathematical) function, which maps values from a large (possibly very large) domain
into a smaller range. A 'good' hash function is such that the results of applying the function to a
(large) set of values in the domain will be evenly distributed (and apparently at random) over the
range. (ISO 9594-8 [21])
Key: A sequence of symbols that controls the operations of encipherment and decipherment. (ISO 7498-
2 [14])
Key cryptoperiod: The time period over which a key is valid for use by legitimate parties.
Key encapsulation: a class of encryption techniques designed to secure symmetric cryptographic key
material for transmission using asymmetric (public-key) algorithms.
Key establishment: A process whereby a shared secret key becomes available to two or more parties, for
subsequent cryptographic use.
Message Authentication Code: A keyed hash function whose specific purpose is data integrity and
message origin authentication.
Modification Detection Code: An unkeyed hash function whose specific purpose is message integrity.
Private key: (In a public key cryptosystem) that key of a user's key pair which is known only by that
user. (ISO 9594-8 [21])
Public key: (In a public key cryptosystem) that key of a user's key pair which is publicly known. (ISO
9594-8 [21])
Repudiation: Denial by one of the entities involved in a communication of having participated in all or
part of the communication. (ISO 7498-2 [14])
Secret key: A key used with symmetric cryptographic techniques and usable only by a set of specified
entities. (ISO/IEC 11770-1 [39])

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 15

Stream cipher: A symmetric encryption system with the property that the encryption algorithm involves
combining a sequence of plaintext symbols with a sequence of keystream symbols one symbol at a
time, using an invertible function (ISO/IEC 18033-1 [53]).
Symmetric algorithm: A cryptographic algorithm employing the same value of key for both enciphering
and deciphering or for both authentication and validation.

2TDES Two-key Triple DES
3TDES Three-key Triple DES
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ATM Automated Teller Machine
CA Certification Authority
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CFB Cipher Feedback
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CRT Chinese Remainder Theorem
CV Control Vector
DEA Data Encryption Algorithm
DES Data Encryption Standard
DSA Digital Signature Algorithm
DSS Digital Signature Standard
DUKPT Derived Unique Key Per Transaction
ECB Electronic Code Book
ECBS European Committee for Banking Standards
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EESSI European Electronic Signature Standardisation Initiative
EMV Europay Mastercard Visa
EPC European Payments Council
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
GCM Galois/Counter Mode
HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFES Integer Factorization Encryption Scheme
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
ISSG Information Security Support Group
ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria
IV Initialisation Vector
KEK Key Encrypting Key
MAC Message Authentication Code
MDC Modification Detection Code
MDn Message Digest n
MQV Menezes Qu Vanstone
NESSIE New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
OCB Offset Codebook Mode
OCSP On-line Certificate Status Protocol

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 16

OFB Output Feedback
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
PIN Personal Identification Number
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards
PKIX Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme
RFC Request For Comments
RIPEMD RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest
RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman
SET Secure Electronic Transaction
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
TC Technical Committee
TDES Triple Data Encryption Standard
TLS Transport Layer Security
TRSM Tamper-Resistant Security Module
TTP Trusted Third Party
XML Extensible Markup Language

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 17


The choice of an algorithm may be done according to functional, technical, legal, or commercial
concerns. Thus it may be useful to propose an algorithm taxonomy based upon different criteria. In this
section we propose to sort algorithms according to their:
• Technical characteristics
• Typical usage
• Legal or commercial status


• Unkeyed (hash functions)
• Symmetric (stream and block ciphers)
• Asymmetric (also known as public key algorithms).

Figure 1 proposes a taxonomy of cryptographic primitives and mechanisms based on their technical
characteristics. Commonly used algorithms sorted according to this taxonomy are given as examples.
It should be noted that agreement of which algorithms to use is a necessary, but not sufficient condition
for interoperability. A scheme implementing a cryptographic service must also ensure consistent
understanding of encoding, padding, compression and filtering of data. These methods are not a main
part of this document, but discussed briefly in section 5.3.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 18

4.1.1 Primitives

Hash functions

Message Authentication HMAC
Codes (MACs) Stream
ciphers RC4
SYMMETRIC KEY Symmetric key
Block AES
ciphers IDEA

Public key RSA

ciphers EL-GAMAL

Figure 1: A technical taxonomy of cryptographic primitives and mechanisms Un-keyed (Hash Functions)

The most important un-keyed cryptographic primitives are hash functions. Cryptographic hash functions
take as input a message of arbitrary length and produce a fixed length message digest, guaranteeing
collision resistance, second pre-image resistance and one-wayness.
Collision resistance means it is infeasibly hard to find two messages that map to the same message digest
under the hash function.
Second pre-image resistance means it is infeasibly hard to find a second message that has the same
message digest as a given first message.
One-wayness means it is infeasibly hard to find a message that maps to a given message digest.
The three properties collision resistance, second pre-image resistance, and one-wayness are related, with
collision resistance implying second pre-image resistance, which in turn implies one-wayness. If the
collision resistance of a function is broken, the second pre-image resistance and one-wayness may still

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 19

Most hash functions are specifically designed for this purpose, such as the SHA family and RIPEMD
[37] and [89]. There are also hash functions based on a modified block cipher, like Whirlpool [37] or on
generic block ciphers [36], or functions based on modular arithmetic [38]. A hash function can also be
derived from block ciphers where the key required by the algorithm is no longer secret and may be
derived from the message to be processed: see ISO/IEC 10118-2 [35].
A hash function is normally employed as a component of a data integrity mechanism2. It is generally a
central component of a digital signature scheme.
Examples: SHA-1/-2, Whirlpool Symmetric key

The most relevant symmetric key primitives are block ciphers and stream ciphers. Block ciphers provide
a key-specific reversible mapping of a given message block to a cipher block. Stream ciphers produce a
pseudo-random stream from a given key, which can be used to encipher a message.
Block ciphers are more versatile than stream ciphers, in that they facilitate constructions both for
encryption and for message authentication codes (MACs). On the other hand, although usually still quite
efficient and designed for hardware implementation, block ciphers are generally less efficient than pure
stream ciphers. Numerous high quality international standards for block ciphers are available.
Stream ciphers are generally very efficient and suitable for hardware implementation and are thus often
used for confidentiality protection in high-speed telecommunication applications. Often they are
proprietary algorithms and their specifications are confidential.
Examples: Block Ciphers (AES, Triple DES, IDEA), Stream Ciphers (RC4) Asymmetric Key

Asymmetric or public key primitives have two different keys, a public and a private key, where data may
be transformed under the public key, but the transformation can only be inverted using the private key.
This enables non-repudiation functions, certain one-to-many and many-to-one schemes and exchange of
secret keys without a pre-existing secret channel. Public key primitives are usually much less efficient
than symmetric key primitives. For that reason, they are generally only applied to small amounts of data,
and where the asymmetric property is advantageous. Typical applications include key exchange, key
encapsulation, signatures and hybrid encryption (see
Examples: Station-to-Station protocol (i.e., enhanced Diffie-Hellman), Elliptic Curve DH (ECDH), RSA

4.1.2 Elementary Constructions

In this section we review the most common constructions in which the primitives discussed above are
used in actual applications.

E.g., integrity protection of the hash of a message can provide integrity protection of the message itself.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 20 Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric encryption is used to ensure confidentiality. Communication partners must hold the same
(symmetric) key to encrypt or decrypt a message. Symmetric encryption can be constructed from block
ciphers or from stream ciphers. Block ciphers are more flexible than stream ciphers and generally quite
efficient, but not as efficient as stream ciphers.
Stream ciphers generate a reproducible, pseudo-random key stream from the key, that is generally used
to encipher a message using bitwise modular addition. Note that stream cipher encryption is always
malleable, allowing the manipulation of the transmitted data, even if confidentiality is assured.
Block ciphers can be used in one of several modes of operations to encrypt a message.
Details of the modes can be found in section Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric (or public key) encryption is used to ensure confidentiality. In the case of message
transmission a sender uses the recipient's public key to encrypt the message, while the recipient uses the
corresponding private key for decryption. The recipient's public key may have been obtained from a
trusted key directory, for example. This allows for effective key management, when many senders are to
encrypt data for a single recipient (e.g. e-mail encryption).
A popular way of establishing trust in keys is the use of public key certificates. Public key certificates
may be published in an online key directory but with a trusted authority's signature (see below) certifying
the owner of the key. Prospective senders then only need to hold the authority's key in order to be able to
establish secure communications with the intended recipient.
Asymmetric key encryption is generally not very efficient, and therefore mostly used for small data items
such as symmetric keys i.e., for hybrid encryption as described below.
Examples: RSA-OAEP (PKCS#1, ISO/IEC 18033-2), EL-GAMAL, ECIES (IEEE P1363), Cramer-
Shoup, Paillier Hybrid Encryption

Hybrid encryption schemes use both symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Typically a public key is
used for encrypting an ephemeral symmetric key which is then used for encrypting the message. The
recipient uses its private key to decrypt the ephemeral key and then uses this to decrypt the message.
See section 5.2.3 for more information.
Examples: S/MIME, SSL, TLS MAC
Message authentication codes (MACs) are used to guarantee message authenticity and integrity.
Communication partners must hold the same (symmetric) key. Then upon transmitting a message over a
public channel the sender using the key computes a MAC, which is attached to the message, and can be
verified by the recipient using his key, ensuring authenticity and integrity of the received message.
MACs are generally constructed from hash functions or block ciphers using cipher-block chaining.
Examples: HMAC (ISO/IEC 9797-2, mechanism 2), CMAC and CBC-MAC (ISO/IEC 9797-1)

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 21 Signatures
Signatures employ the properties of asymmetric primitives to allow for non-repudiable authentication. To
sign a message it is usually hashed with a cryptographic hash function to obtain a short message digest.
The digest is then transformed with the signer's private key to obtain a signature.
Any holder of the signer's public key can check if a signature authenticates a message under the
corresponding private key, but public key holders are unable to generate signatures themselves. As such
the signature uniquely authenticates the message as originating from the signer, enabling non-repudiation
As with asymmetric encryption, public keys can be published in a public directory.
Examples: RSA-PSS (PKCS#1, ISO/IEC 9796-2), DSA (FIPS PUB 186-3, ISO/IEC 14888-3), ECDSA


Elementary constructions may be classified according to the security services or functions they are suited
• Confidentiality protection
o Data confidentiality,
o Key encapsulation,
o Key establishment.
• Integrity protection
o Data origin authentication,
o Entity authentication,
o Non-repudiation.

The following matrix shows which kind of elementary construction is considered suitable for a given
Construction Symmetric Asymmetric Hybrid MAC Signature
Encryption Encryption Encryption
Data Yes No(1) Yes (2) No No
confidentiality (one to one) (many to one)
Key Yes Yes Yes (2) No No
encapsulation (one to one) (many to one)
Key No Yes No No No
Data origin No No No Yes Yes
authentication (one to one) (one to many)
Entity No No No Yes Yes
authentication (one to one) (one to many)
Non-repudiation No No No No Yes

Table 1: Matching of techniques and security functionalities

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 22

(1) Usage is possible, but the computational complexity is generally excessive for the given purpose.
(2) Hybrid encryption as defined in section is for data confidentiality and key encapsulation.

4.2.1 Confidentiality Protection

Confidentiality means that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorised individuals,
entities or processes. This is usually ascertained by means of encryption. An encryption scheme achieves
confidentiality if an attacker cannot distinguish between any two given data items of his choosing once
the data has been encrypted. Data Confidentiality

Data or message confidentiality pertains to stored information or to data being exchanged in a
communication. A symmetric cipher may be used to protect the confidentiality of data in either scenario.
Stream ciphers typically execute at a higher speed than block ciphers and have lower hardware
complexity, but block ciphers are more flexible. An asymmetric algorithm can also be used to encrypt
data, but is for performance reasons only recommendable for small volumes of data. If many to one
confidentiality is required, for instance for e-mail encryption, hybrid encryption is the method of choice. Key Encapsulation

Key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) are a class of encryption techniques designed to secure
symmetric cryptographic key material for transmission. Key encapsulation is sometimes based on
symmetric key schemes, but more generally uses asymmetric (public-key) algorithms. Public keys,
which are only suitable for encryption of small data volumes, are used to encipher a symmetric key to be
shared between two parties. Key Establishment

Key establishment is the process of exchanging a cryptographic key between two parties, using
cryptographic techniques. Asymmetric (public key) encryption techniques lend themselves to key
establishment, because they allow the secure construction of shared secret keys from freely accessible
public key certificates.

4.2.2 Integrity Protection

Integrity protection refers to messages arriving as they have been sent, or data being retrieved as it has
been stored. Generally, one speaks about authentication when the assurance about message origin is only
towards the communication partner. If there is an added requirement that this assurance be transferable to
third parties as well, one speaks of non-repudiation. Data origin / Message / Entity Authentication

Authentication means assurance that a message or data item has been delivered as sent by a specified
communication partner. Entity authentication refers to assuring the presence of a specified
communication partner and can be seen as a special case of data origin/message authentication where the
message is empty. Authentication can be achieved by means of MACs or digital signatures. MACs offer
better performance, but signatures allow for authentication towards multiple recipients (one to many), as
the public verification key can be freely distributed. Non-Repudiation
Non-repudiation means transferable (e.g. to a judge) assurance about the originator of a data item. Digital
signatures are used to provide non-repudiation. Only the originator of the data holds the private key and
can generate signatures. The public key can be freely distributed to receivers and third parties, allowing

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 23

verification of data origin. Once a public key has been accepted as belonging to an originator, the
originator cannot later repudiate signed data items, as he is the only party capable of generating such
signatures. Symmetric techniques cannot provide non-repudiation, because sender and receivers hold the
same key, making any receiver another potential originator of the message.


Primitives and elementary constructions may also be viewed according to their legal or commercial
status, such as:
• De jure or de facto standard,
• Government/military specifications,
• Proprietary algorithm.
Some algorithms have been standardised by ISO (usually by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 or ISO TC68/SC2) or
by national bodies such as ANSI and are de jure standards. Other algorithms have never been
standardised, but are recognised by the industry as de facto standards. For instance, RSA PKCS and
IETF PKIX (information at specifications may be considered as de facto standards.
An algorithm that occurs or is referenced in a standard is usually published and open for scrutiny by
independent researchers. Being able to withstand research and theoretical attacks for many years builds
trust in such an algorithm.
Standards organisations or industry consortia may also publish recommendations concerning key lengths
or implementation guidelines for cryptographic algorithms.
Algorithms for governmental/military usage are typically kept secret. However some government
algorithms may be released with the expectation that they will be used for government and civil business.
An example of this is the algorithms and protocols made freely available by NIST. These are sometimes
the results of public competitions (e.g. AES and SHA3) and will frequently then be adopted as ISO
Proprietary algorithms are usually designed for a specific industry but are often less well reviewed by the
open cryptographic community, especially if they are kept confidential and so are not recommended for
banking applications. An example of a proprietary algorithm which has been widely adopted is RC4 that
was developed and made public by RSA Data Security, Inc. and has been used in SSL [77] and S/MIME
[82] .
EPC recommendation 1
Only algorithms whose specifications have been publicly scrutinised (ideally with a public design phase), and
whose strength has been assessed by crypto experts can be recommended. Algorithms described or referenced in
International Standards should be preferred.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 24


Cryptographic functions such as unkeyed hash functions, symmetric algorithms and asymmetric
algorithms can be combined in many ways to achieve a variety of objectives. Often the cryptographic
'primitives' come as a standard toolbox, which can be used flexibly by many applications. Care must be
taken when developing the compound functions from the primitive functions so as to ensure
interoperability, security and efficiency.
This section describes the main primitives and ways in which they are combined.


5.1.1 Unkeyed Hashes
Primitive hash functions are unkeyed and designed to create a short 'digest' of a long string of input data.
These functions are designed to be one-way (i.e. difficult to find a pre-image of a given hash) and
collision resistant (i.e. difficult to find two inputs that hash to the same digest). Most signature functions
depend on the use of hash functions as do some asymmetric encryption functions (see section 0).
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 are algorithms defined by NIST (FIPS 180-3 [73])
and that produce 160, 224, 256, 384 and 512-bit hash results, respectively. The longer result algorithms
tend to be known collectively as the SHA-2 family. Together with Whirlpool (which produces a 512-bit
hash result) and RIPEMD-160 [136] (which produces a 160-bit hash result) they are now also
standardised in ISO/IEC 10118-3 [37] (the ISO standard does not include SHA-224). SHA-224 is based
on SHA-256. Computation of a SHA-224 hash value involves two steps. First, the SHA-256 hash value
is computed, except that a different initial value is used. Second, the resulting 256-bit hash value is
truncated to 224 bits.
MD5 is an old algorithm producing only a 128-bit hash result (see section MD5 has been so
extensively attacked that its use is no longer recommended. There are a few collision search attacks on
SHA-1 [150]. However, there is a new method developed by Marc Stevens [166] that allows to discover
an attack attempt, given a message. The false positive rate of this method is negligible. If it is necessary
for some reason (e.g., backward compatibility) to still support MD5, it is recommended to apply such a

In consequence, for message signing, MD5 should no longer be used and legacy message signing
systems that rely on the collision-resistance of SHA-1 should be migrated to a member of the SHA-2
family or to SHA-3.
Next to the SHA-2 family, NIST has recently completed the SHA-3 hash function competition and
announced on October 2nd 2012 the selection of a hash function called Keccak (see [115], [164] and
[163]) as the winner. FIPS standardisation of this new algorithm is expected in Q1-Q2 2014. Systems
requiring interoperability should await the final publication of the standard before adoption. Modification Detection Code

A block cipher may be used as a kind of hash function to compute a Modification Detection Code. In this
usage, the key required by the algorithm is no longer secret and may be replaced by data that is being
protected. This technique is described in ISO/IEC 10118-2 [36] where a 128-bit hash result is produced.
The DES algorithm may be used to compute such an MDC (known as DES in MDC mode). Since 2005,
128-bit hash results are considered to be too short for general usage, so ISO/IEC 10118-2 [36] should not
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 25
be used with 64-bit block ciphers. Length recommendations

In the long term hash functions with less than 256 bits output length should not be used. We recommend
the use of SHA-2 or Whirlpool and a migration to the SHA-3 standard in due course (see Table 2). For
legacy systems SHA-1 may 3 still be acceptable, but, unless the lifetime of the system is limited, plans
should be made to replace SHA-1 according to the above recommendations.

5.1.2 Symmetric Key Triple DES

The key length of Triple DES is 112 bits (for two-key Triple DES, 2TDES) or 168 bits (for three-key
Triple DES, 3TDES). Triple DES consists of three invocations of the DES primitive. The key is split into
two or three single DES keys. First the data is encrypted with the first key, then it is decrypted with the
second key, and finally encrypted again with the first key (in case of 2TDES) or the third key (in case of
An ISO Technical Report (ISO TR 19038 [6]) on Triple DES modes of operation was published in 2005.
This technical report specifies modes of operation consistent with ISO/IEC 10116 [23] and provides
implementation guidelines specifically for Triple DES and the financial industry. Advanced Encryption Standard

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has been developed by NIST as a replacement for DES and
has been approved, as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 197 [75]), in 2001.
AES is a symmetric block cipher that supports block lengths of 128 bits and key lengths of 128, 192 and
256 bits. It has been designed to be considerably more efficient than Triple DES. It is now standardised
in ISO/IEC 18033-3 [55].
In [107] NIST has defined modes of operation for AES consistent with ISO/IEC 10116 [23].
Updated information on AES may be found at Efficiency
In software implementations, the computation of an AES encryption takes about as much as one or two
DES encryptions. This implies that encryption of a file or a data stream by AES will be much faster than
Triple DES, since Triple DES takes six encryptions per 128 bits.
In the special case of PIN block encryption, both DES and AES encryptions are just one block of data,
but AES encryption will still be faster.
However, for PIN block encryption, there is an issue with the block size. At the time of this writing, the
standard PIN block length (by ISO 9564 [1]) is 64 bits, which is smaller than the AES block length of
128 bits. There is urgent need for an agreed encryption mode for encrypting PIN blocks with a 128-bit
block cipher, so that standards can be developed for payment systems of the future.

For example, if the collision-resistant property of SHA-1 is not relied on.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 26 Algorithm and Key length recommendations
EPC recommendation 2
Single DES (56 bits) should be considered broken.
For legacy systems 2TDES (112 bits) may still be acceptable, but, unless the lifetime of the system is limited, plans
should be made to replace 2TDES with 3TDES or AES.
AES is the recommended standard for new systems.

Note that 2TDES may have an effective key length of less than 112 bits if the volume of data enciphered
under a key is large. See section 5.1.4 for more details on security levels of Triple DES.

5.1.3 Asymmetric key

The primary asymmetric key primitives considered in this Technical Report are primitives whose
security is based on the difficulty of factorisation, such as RSA and primitives whose security is based on
the difficulty of solving discrete logarithms in a finite group (and related problems), such as DSA and
Diffie-Hellman (DH). The latter category can be separated into those where the group is in a finite field
(such as DSA and DH) and those where the group elements are points on an elliptic curve 4 (such as the
elliptic curve versions of DSA and DH). RSA specific issues

An RSA key pair comprises
• A public key modulus N (that is the product of two large secret prime numbers p and q) and a
public exponent e.
• A private exponent d that is determined given knowledge of p and q.

The RSA public key operation (the basis for encryption and signature verification) applied to data X is
X mod N
The RSA private key operation (the basis for decryption and signature generation) applied to data Y is
Y mod N.

Reblocking problem
It may be necessary to sign a message (by RSA with the sender's private key) and then encrypt the
resulting signature (by RSA with the receiver's public key). One must be concerned about the relative
sizes of the moduli involved when implementing this procedure. If the sender's modulus is greater than
the receiver's there is a chance that the receiver cannot recover the signature.
There are different ways of solving this issue some of which are discussed in [122], for instance.
When requiring authenticity and confidentiality there are pros and cons as to whether messages should
first be signed and then encrypted or vice versa. See section 5.4.3 for a discussion on this.

Random padding and redundancy

The basic transformations that implement RSA decryption and signature (complemented by encryption

In this case the attacker cannot utilise the faster algorithms which exploit the field structure of the group and so
cryptographic keys can be shorter.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 27

and verification, respectively) are essentially the same but have diametrically different requirements, the
first for confidentiality and the second for authenticity. This leads to different processing requirements in
order to defend against one of the most basic types of attack, namely guessing (followed by application
of the public RSA function to corroborate the guess).
With confidentiality5 the designer must ensure that the chances of an attacker guessing the plaintext are
sufficiently small. So for instance with PIN encryption, padding with an unpredictable value (see Annex
A) must be introduced. This is to prevent an attacker who has an encrypted PIN-message from being
able to exhaustively encrypt every possible PIN-message until the correct one is found.
With authenticity the designer must similarly ensure that the chances of an attacker guessing a useful
signature are sufficiently small. This effectively requires that a specified redundancy function be applied
to messages before applying the RSA private function (thereby reducing the probability that the
application of the RSA public function to a signature-guess will result in a valid message). Such a
redundancy function may be implemented by specifying fixed message headers and trailers and also by
padding the message with data derived from the actual message (e.g. a modified copy of the message or a
hash of the message).
A redundancy function will combine information with the hash value in order to create a specially
structured field. Doing so may prevent some published attacks (for instance some attacks based on the
multiplicative property of RSA), and allow the verifier to check the structure of the signed data before
verifying the hash itself. Thus it will be possible to distinguish erroneous signatures:
• produced with a wrong private key (the redundancy is not respected)
• produced with the good private key over corrupted data or on a false hash value (the redundancy
is correct, but the hash is wrong)
Current Standards address this requirement.
The mathematics and usage of RSA can be subject to far subtler attacks and the straightforward use of
random padding and redundancy functions may not always be sufficient. [125], [126] and [127] provide
useful starting points for further reading on this subject, [139] and [121] may also be consulted about
RSA padding.

Computational Enhancements
RSA computation can be made significantly quicker for the owner of the private key if the
implementation takes advantage of the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). Using the CRT the signer
(or decryptor) performs calculations modulo each prime factor of the RSA modulus N, instead of
performing the calculations modulo N. Because the factors of N are half the length of N, the CRT
method is much faster. The CRT method requires that the prime factors of the modulus are kept and used
for the computation involving the private key. These prime factors must be stored with the same level of
security as the private key.
Using CRT when signing (or decrypting) is purely a local decision, and has no impact on the signature
verification process (or encryption process). CRT can make signing and decrypting 3 to 4 times quicker.
Some attacks on RSA implementations using CRT have been published. These attacks involve the
controlled introduction of errors into the signature or decryption computation. They may be prevented by
a sound design (e.g. verify generated signatures before releasing them).

This point is not RSA specific and may be pertinent for any encryption algorithm

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 28

RSA computation can be made significantly quicker for the user of the public key if the public exponent
is small compared to the modulus. This approach is sometimes referred to as low-exponent RSA. Typical
values for the exponent are 3 and 65537 (216+1). This brings significant performance benefit for resource
constrained RSA encryption and RSA signature verification however care may be needed especially with
encryption because the use of low-exponent RSA may expose the system to certain attacks. For example
the use of e=3 immediately reveals half of the private key and this may help side-channel attacks that
seek to reveal the whole key and for encryption the use of secret random padding becomes important
when using e=3 (see for example [127], [132], and [133]).
It is also possible to choose small private exponents in case the signature generation or decryption device
is resource constrained. However there are attacks against this approach (see for example [127]) and so
normally it is recommended instead to use more powerful devices. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) specific issues

Domain Definition
ECC keys and certificates are claimed to be shorter in terms of storage and communications than keys
and certificates of some other schemes.
Whereas some other schemes, such as RSA, use ordinary integers for the underlying number system,
ECC systems use points that are solutions for a particular elliptic curve, with the result that ECC systems
require users to make a choice of parameters to define the domain:
• The curve itself – defined by two parameters a and b.
• The base field – defined by one parameter q that can be one of two forms; a prime number or a
power of two (binary).
• A point on the curve defined as the generator – parameter G, with its order – parameter n.
For any given domain a large number of key pairs can be created resulting in public keys Q and private
keys d.
In a large multi-user system the domain parameters could be individually selected by each user or could
be shared by mutual agreement. If the parameters are not shared, then the domain choice becomes part of
the public key. Typically the domain parameters are some three times the size of the basic public key.
Domain Sharing
If the domain parameters a, b, q, G & n are all shared, then for each user the public key consists only of
Q. This results in small public keys and the possibility of optimisation of hardware and software to suite
the domain parameters.
If only the base field q is shared, the result is that the public key size increases significantly (threefold or
more), but there may be an advantage from a security point of view.
Finally, if no parameters are shared, but become part of each public key, then there is complete freedom
of choice of the parameters to the user, but a resulting further increase in the public key size, plus any
implementation optimisations will have to be customised for each domain.
It should be noted that sharing domain parameters could increase the prospect of an attack since the
rewards could be perceived as being larger and it may become possible to design attacks that exploit
specific properties of the shared domain parameters.
Computational Enhancements
Computational efficiency is strongly influenced by parameter choice and curves defined over binary
fields, including Koblitz curves, are sometimes selected since scalar multiplication (the dominant
computational step) is efficient. Binary fields can be represented in two forms; polynomial basis or
normal basis – the former being most efficient for software implementations and the latter for hardware.
If the base field is known in advance, then a speed-up can be obtained by pre-computing certain

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 29

components of the calculation and storing as partial results – these are sometimes known as public key
multiples. The technique is applicable for both signing and verification and can be extended if the public
key is also known in advance. Comparison of RSA with ECC

With such speed-up efficiencies the signing performance for ECC can be several times faster than an
RSA implementation, whereas the verification performance can be about twice as slow as RSA (using
Storage of an ECC public key including domain parameters and public key multiples can take of the
order of ten times the space of an equivalent RSA key. Storage of an ECC private key takes a little over
twice that of an RSA key. Certificate sizes are comparable, with RSA certificates being some 30% larger
for equivalent key strength.
For key generation, then for a known domain, ECC is much faster – less than 10ms compared to a second
or so for RSA (for example).
From a security perspective ECC implementations are thought to be less susceptible to timing and power
analysis attacks than equivalent RSA implementations, although not immune. Fault analysis attacks
which lever on the Chinese Remainder technique used for RSA speed-up have no equivalent in ECC
implementations, however the random numbers used by ECC implementations are potentially a target for
side-channel attacks.
The state of the art in cryptanalysis is not so clear, however, the best known algorithm to attack ECC
systems (Pollard’s rho) is less efficient than the Number Field Sieve (NFS) algorithm used to factor RSA
moduli - hence one reason why ECC keys can be shorter. A further advantage is that Pollard’s rho has no
constant in the run-time formula (unlike NFS) and thus the security level for ECC can be more accurately
predicted and the algorithm cannot be “improved” by developments that lower the value of the constant
(although increased parallelisation might). Koblitz curves are slightly more susceptible and keys should
thus be a few bits longer than for generally selected curves. Algorithm and Key length recommendations

It is difficult to state precise requirements on key lengths without precise details of usage and
implementation. However it is recommended:
EPC recommendation 3
- no longer use RSA keys of 768 bits and ECC keys of 130 bits, or less ;
- use 1024-bit RSA keys and 160-bit ECC keys only for short term protection (e.g. ephemeral authentication);
- use at least 2048-bit RSA or 224-bit ECC for long term protection (e.g. 30 year confidentiality).

See section 5.1.4 for more details.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 30

5.1.4 Security levels
Cryptographic algorithms provide different “strengths” of security, depending on the algorithm and the
key size used. The concept of algorithm "strength" expressed in "bits of security" is described in the
NIST guideline on key management [111]. ECRYPT publishes a yearly report on algorithms and key
sizes [156] which addresses the same issue. The following text and table is adapted from the NIST
Two algorithms are considered to be of equivalent strength for the given key sizes (X and Y) if the
amount of work needed to “break the algorithms” or determine the keys (with the given key sizes) is
approximately the same using a given resource. The strength of an algorithm (sometimes called the work
factor) for a given key size is traditionally described in terms of the amount of work it takes to try all
keys for a symmetric algorithm with a key size of "X" that has no short cut attacks (i.e., the most efficient
attack is to try all possible keys). In this case, the best attack is said to be the exhaustion attack. An
algorithm that has a "Y" bit key, but whose strength is equivalent to an "X" bit key of such a symmetric
algorithm is said to provide “X bits of security” or to provide "X bits of strength". An algorithm that
provides X bits of strength would, on average, take 2X-1T to attack, where T is the amount of time that is
required to perform one encryption of a plaintext value and comparison of the result against the
corresponding ciphertext value.

Bits of Symmetric Hash RSA ECC

security key algs. functions (key (key length
length in in bits)
80 2TDES SHA-1 1024 160
112 3TDES SHA-224 2048 224
128 AES-128 SHA-256 3072 256
192 AES-192 SHA-384 7680 384
256 AES-256 SHA-512 15360 512

112 Keccak
truncated to
224 bits
128 Keccak
truncated to
256 bits
192 Keccak
truncated to
384 bits
256 Keccak

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 31

truncated to
512 bits

Table 2: Equivalent strengths (adapted from [111])

Note that:
 For 2TDES the key strength depends on the number of plaintext and ciphertext pairs the attacker
has available. In those cases where the number is limited, as will often be the case for payment
systems, 2TDES equates in strength to 3TDES. The lower strength of 80 bits occurs when the
attacker has of the order of 240 plaintext and ciphertext pairs (see reference to SC27 SD12
 When collision resistance is not required the security level of hash functions is doubled.
 For DSA and DH the key sizes are comparable to RSA, with subgroup parameter comparable to
 Additional information on key strengths for AES and RSA and ECC are provided in [161] and
 Keccak allows the choice of two parameters. At the time of publication of this document no
default values have been assigned; see [164], chapter 2.1 for the values listed in this table.

To quote ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 SD12:
"The security level of two-key Triple-DES may be assessed at less than the number of bits in the keys
(112 bits) because of a “meet-in-the-middle” attack on the Triple-DES construction. An attacker with
access to 240 plaintext/ciphertext pairs encrypted under the same key will benefit from an exhaustive
key search equivalent to 80 bit key search according to the attack described in [9]. The implication of
this is that the effective key-length of two-key Triple-DES in specific applications can only be regarded
as 80 bits (instead of 112 bits).

For many practical applications this degradability of the effective key-length is not necessarily a
problem as access to 240 plaintext/ciphertext pairs encrypted under a single key is quite unlikely.
However, conservative system security design will not encrypt a too huge amount of data under the
same key before re-keying."

The ECRYPT report on Algorithms and Keysizes [156] assesses that 2TDES restricted to a million
plaintext/ciphertext pairs might provide 10 years protection at a 96-bit legacy standard security level. ISO Recommendation for Financial Services

In the ISO Technical Report [2], ISO TC68 provides a list of recommended ISO cryptographic
algorithms for use within applicable ISO TC68 – Financial Services standards. It also provides strategic
guidance on key lengths and associated parameters and usage dates.
The focus is on algorithms rather than protocols, and protocols are in general not included in this
document. However, in some cases, for example for some key agreement and some authentication
protocols, there is no "underlying" algorithm, but the protocol in a sense is the algorithm. In this case the
mechanisms are included, in particular where they have security parameters that can be adjusted for
higher or lower security.
Algorithmic vulnerabilities or cryptographic keys of inadequate lengths are less often the cause of
security compromises in the financial industry than are inadequate key management or other procedural
flaws, or mistakes in the implementation of cryptographic algorithms or the protocols that use them.
However, compromises caused by algorithmic vulnerabilities are more systemic and harder to recover
from than other kinds of compromises.
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 32
This document deals primarily with recommendations regarding algorithms and key lengths. For
standards on key management, see ISO/IEC 11568 [7].
The categories of algorithms covered are:
• Block ciphers
• Stream ciphers
• Hash functions
• Message authentication codes (MACs)
• Asymmetric algorithms
• Digital signature schemes giving message recovery
• Digital signatures with appendix
• Asymmetric ciphers
• Authentication mechanisms
• Key establishment and agreement mechanisms
• Key transport mechanisms.
This document does not define any cryptographic algorithms, however the standards to which this
document refers may contain necessary implementation information as well as more detailed guidance
regarding choice of security parameters, security analysis, and other implementation considerations.

5.1.5 Patents on cryptographic techniques

Many cryptographic techniques have been patented, many in the United States, but also in some
European countries.
Before designing a system, users should consider whether the cryptographic techniques involved are
currently protected by an unexpired patent valid for the countries where the system is to be used.
Cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms that have been standardised may have a statement in the
standard if the contributor participated in the standardisation process. This will indicate that licenses will
be available on “reasonable and non-discriminatory” terms, but such statements should not be relied
upon as they do not address the whole picture.
[122] contains an extensive discussion on cryptographic patents.
Table 3 contains information about some well-known patented cryptographic primitives. As most patents
are filed in the US, US patent numbers are given. A US patent is only valid in the United States. But in
some cases, a technique covered by a US patent may also have been patented under European, or other
international patent organisations. In some cases, patents are for efficient implementation techniques,
rather than a complete algorithm.
US patents are valid either for 17 years after the date of issue, or 20 years from the date a patent
application was filed, thus most of the patents listed in Table 3 have already expired (for instance, RSA
patent expired on September 20th 2000).

Inventors US Patent # Issue date Major claim or area

Rivest-Shamir- 4,405,829 September 20 1983 RSA system
Hellman-Diffie- 4,200,770 April 29 1980 Diffie-Hellman
Merkle agreement
Massey-Lai 5,214,703 May 25 1993 IDEA cipher

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 33

Kravitz 5,231,668 July 27 1993 DSA signatures
Collins-Hopkins- 5,848,159 December 8 1998 Multiprime RSA

Table 3: Patent information

More information on US or international patents may be obtained from:
When using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) it is generally advisable to clarify potential patent
issues, as some standards and implementation techniques are known to be covered (e.g.,docs_member_patents).


5.2.1 Symmetric Key Encryption

A block cipher is a keyed function that encrypts an n-bit block of data, where n is a fixed characteristic of
the cipher, or a chosen parameter. For the purposes of this report it is an example of a ‘primitive’
cryptographic function. Within the financial industry, Triple DES and AES are the most commonly used
block ciphers. These ciphers have different block and key lengths as detailed below.
Block ciphers are standardised in ISO/IEC 18033-3 [55]. Modes of Operation

Messages exceeding the block size are partitioned into blocks and are then processed using the block
cipher 6 in one of its Modes of Operation (see ISO/IEC 10116 [23]). The Modes defined in [23] are:
• Electronic Code Book (ECB)
o This is the simplest mode. Each block of data is encrypted independently using the block
cipher. This method can be subject to cryptanalysis based on known ciphertext (or
"dictionary attacks") and so is rarely used for messages longer than one block. The use of
ECB is discouraged except for exceptional purposes.
• Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
o This mode of operation is the most commonly used. It solves the problems with ECB mode
by adding the last cipher block to the next plaintext block before encryption. Specifically
each input block is first xor’ed with the encrypted text of the previous block (or an
initialising vector for the first block in the sequence), and then the result of the xor’ing is
enciphered with the block cipher.
o The resulting cipher is secure under common definitions of security, but only if the
initialisation vector added to the first block is chosen freshly random, independently from
the entire message content.
• Cipher Feedback (CFB) and Output Feedback (OFB) modes
o In their simplest form, the input message is partitioned into a stream of r-bit blocks (r<=n)
and each block of this input stream is encrypted to a cipher stream block by xor’ing it with
a key stream block:

For messages shorter than the block size, one block is built using a suitable padding technique.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 34

• in CFB each key stream block is created by truncating to r bits the encipherment of a block of a
feedback buffer containing previous cipher stream blocks (or an Initialisation Vector (IV) block if
first in sequence).
• in OFB each key stream block is created by truncating to r bits the encipherment of the previous
key stream block (or an IV block if first in sequence).
o It may be noted that CFB mode is self-synchronising (decryption can start in the middle of
a message without having to know the exact position in the key stream).
• Counter (CTR)
o This mode operates like a stream cipher.
o The input message is partitioned into a stream of r-bit blocks (r<=n). Each block of this
input stream is encrypted to a cipher stream block by xor’ing it with a key stream block.
Each key stream block is generated by encrypting an incrementing counter block. The first
counter block is initialized with a starting variable and it is important that this variable is
such that the value of counter blocks never repeat during the lifetime of the key.
The five modes have different properties from one another (e.g. error propagation, self-synchronising)
and security. They require specific techniques for partitioning into blocks (using padding bits and
auxiliary data) and IV management. [23] should be consulted for more information on these modes
including their usage and security properties.
Other modes have been described in ISO TR 19038 [6]. These include pipelined and interleaved modes
of CBC, CFB and OFB for Triple DES and Counter Mode.
Authenticated encryption modes are addressed in section 5.2.6.

5.2.2 Asymmetric Encryption

Due to performance limitations, asymmetric algorithms are not recommended for bulk data encryption
but rather for encrypting symmetric keys and performing signatures.. Therefore the typical way of using
asymmetric cryptography for encrypting data involves hybrid techniques (see next section).

5.2.3 Hybrid Encryption

Hybrid encryption combines the key management advantages of asymmetric schemes with the efficiency
of symmetric schemes.
Hybrid encryption can be understood as an asymmetric scheme based key exchange combined with a
symmetric encryption scheme.
To encrypt a message, a key for a symmetric encryption schemes (and optionally for a MAC) is chosen
at random. The message is encrypted under the symmetric scheme (and optionally MACed). The
symmetric keys are in turn encrypted with an asymmetric scheme under the receiver's public key. Both
the symmetric ciphertext and the encrypted keys constitute the final ciphertext that is transmitted to the
receiver. The receiver can recover the symmetric keys using his private key. He can then (optionally
verify the MAC and) decrypt the message.
A good example of a hybrid encryption scheme is the RSAES-OAEP encryption scheme based on the
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) by Mihir Bellare and Philip Rogaway [129].
Hybrid encryption schemes are defined in PKCS#1 [97] and in IEEE P1363-2000 [124] and in ISO/IEC
18033-2 [54].

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 35


Two parties can encrypt messages to one another using a block cipher in some mode of operation.
However if all that is required is data integrity or authentication rather than confidentiality then the
message can be sent in clear but with a Message Authentication Code appended to it. For CBC MACs
this code is calculated as the final ciphertext block (often truncated to three or four bytes) of the CBC
encrypted message. For computing MACs, the most commonly used block cipher algorithm is the Triple
DES algorithm (more details on MAC computation may be found in ISO/IEC 9797-1 [27]).
Retail and wholesale banking requirements for MACs are defined in ISO 16609: “Banking -
Requirements for Message Authentication using symmetric techniques” [5]. This standard, which
combines and replaces two separate retail and wholesale MAC standards, identifies two approved
implementations of CBC MACs that are defined in ISO/IEC 9797-1. Namely Algorithm 1 (plain CBC)
using Triple DES as the block cipher and Algorithm 3 (CBC with two-key EDE on final block) using
single DES as the block cipher. In regard to the security analyses provided in Annex B of ISO/IEC 9797-
1, the standard recommends that implementations of Algorithm 1 consider using Padding Method 3
(where the length is coded in the padding) and that implementations of Algorithm 3 consider using
session keys. Furthermore, both implementations should consider using truncated MACs that are shorter
than the block length (see also section
The CMAC mode of NIST can be used to compute MAC values based on AES. See [109] and Algorithm
5 of [27]. Hash MACS

Applications may sometimes need to build keyed authentication functions from hash functions. This may
either be because the resultant function is faster or more secure or because they happen to have access to
the primitive hash function but not an encipherment function. HMAC defined in ISO/IEC 9797 [28] is an
example of such a function. A NIST standard FIPS 198 "The keyed-hash Message Authentication Code
(HMAC)" [76] which claims to be a generalisation of RFC 2104 [83] and of the withdrawn ANSI X 9.71
was published in 2002. Length of MACs

MAC algorithms often output a data block that is then truncated to form a MAC of shorter length (e.g.
CBC MACs that truncate the output from 8 bytes down to 4 bytes or in some cases even 3 bytes). This
approach clearly reduces the amount of data that needs to be sent to the recipient but in certain
circumstances it can actually increase security as it provides a would-be attacker with less information to
work with.
However an argument against the use of short MACs is that the chances of an attacker being able to
guess a short MAC are greater than those for longer MACs. As a rule of thumb for estimating a
minimum MAC length, the cost of guessing a MAC value must be balanced against the profit for
guessing it correctly, from the viewpoint of an attacker.
For example, if a MAC is used to protect a payment of up to €100, and an attacker can get away with a
few inconspicuous attempts per day at €.01 per attempt.
Then if the probability of guessing the MAC right is less than 1 in 10000, the expected gain of guessing
is less than the cost of an attempt. The minimum MAC size is 14 bits in this case.
Annex B of [27] contains security analyses relating to length of MAC.

5.2.5 Digital Signatures

Digital Signature functions typically use a public key algorithm, the private key providing the signature
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 36
function and the public key providing the verification function.
In most cases, a digital signature function is a complex process in which one or more transformations
may be applied to the data to be signed before the cryptographic operation is performed. This process is
sometimes called a digital signature scheme.
The ISO/IEC 9796 [25] and ISO/IEC 14888 [43] standards and IEEE P1363 [124] describe signature
schemes using Integer Factorisation methods (i.e. RSA [116]) and Discrete Log methods. The PKCS#1
[96], [97] specification describes schemes based on RSA. Signatures with appendix and signatures with message recovery

The most general type of digital signature scheme is one that conforms to the hash and sign paradigm. In
this case the signed message comprises the whole message in clear appended with a signature block. This
type of scheme is known as signature with appendix.
If, however, the message to be signed is very small and bandwidth is limited then a signature scheme
with “message recovery” may be attractive. In this case the signed message comprises part of the
message in clear appended with a signature block, and that part of the message not sent in clear is
recovered from the signature block during the signature verification process. The bandwidth saving (i.e.
the amount of message that can be embedded in the signature and therefore recovered from it) is upper-
bounded by the key size less the hash size. Thus if the message is small compared to the key then the
whole message might be recovered from the signature and no part of the message need be sent in clear.
ISO/IEC 14888 describes signature schemes with appendix and ISO/IEC 9796 describes signatures
schemes with message recovery.
The EMV specifications [106] use the first of the three RSA-based mechanisms standardised in ISO/IEC
9796-2, but this mechanism is not recommended for new systems. Length of Hash

The length of the hash is important because
• The application of the signature scheme may require that it be collision-resistant and in this case
160-bit hashes (which provides at most an 80-bit security level) may not be suitable;
• It must be consistent with the algorithm and key size. Efficiency
This sub-section provides a comparison between three digital signature schemes: RSA [25], DSA [71]
and a digital signature scheme based on Elliptic Curves [74].

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 37

Comparison criteria for digital signature schemes
The following aspects are of importance with respect to digital signature schemes:
• Security
o The certainty that the digital signature is uniquely linked to the signatory and to the
data being signed
• Complexity of setting up the system
o Here a distinction is made between the one-time generation of the system parameters
(used by all users) and the generation of the key-material (user specific).
• Required computational capability of users hardware
o The complexity of the hardware required for users to employ the system (e.g. a simple
smart card, or a Pentium processor).
• Required data storage capability of users hardware
o The required capability for storing the system parameters, public keys and private keys.
• Required time for creating a digital signature
• Required time for verifying a digital signature
• Required space for storing a digital signature (i.e. the size of a signature)
To employ digital signatures not only cryptographic techniques are required, but also other security
techniques (e.g. hashing, time stamping, smart cards). Moreover, also non-technical measures (e.g.
procedural, organisational, legal) and services (e.g. TTPs) are required. These are not discussed in this
In the table below, the results of the comparison are listed: τ stands for a negative point, while σ stands
for positive point. For this table, RSA with 1024-bit keys is considered, and the security of the three
algorithms is assumed to be the same.


Complexity System Set up τ (< Hours) σ (<Minutes) σ (< Minutes)
Users computational capacity σ (simpler τ (more τ (more
chip) complex chip) complex chip)
Users storage capacity σ (160 bits per τ (1024 bits τ (1024 bits per
key) (*) per key) key)
Creation time digital signature σ τ (6 times τ (4 times
Verification time digital τ ( 4 to 7 times σ τ (28 times
signature RSA) RSA)
Size digital signature σ (320 bits per τ (1024 bits σ (320 bits per
sig.) per sig.) sig.)

Table 4: Comparison of signature schemes

(*) Note that system parameters and pre-computation storage may be significant and may need to be
taken into account.
One can conclude that ECC signatures schemes such as ECDSA may have advantages over RSA and
DSA in applications where the available computational or data storage capacity in signer's hardware is

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 38

limited, e.g. in smartcard applications. However, unless the system parameters (Base Field, Curve and
Generator) are implicitly known by the verifier, then these also need to be stored and made available.
Sharing and distribution amongst users depends on trust and risk issues and if none of the parameters
were implicitly known it would add approximately an additional 1000 bits to the storage requirements for
In a similar vein, for maximum performance pre-computation can be used with a trade off between the
partial results to be stored and the amount of speed-up. For a twofold improvement approximately 1,300
bytes of additional storage are required.
EPC recommendation 4
Except for systems where computational or data storage capacities are dramatically restricted, or where a
strategic long-term migration is needed, there is no strong reason to move from RSA to ECDSA signature scheme.

5.2.6 Authenticated Encryption

If a message requires both confidentiality and integrity protection then one may use both encryption and
a MAC or signature. Whilst these operations can be combined in many ways, not all combinations of
such mechanisms provide the same security guarantees. For this reason special dedicated constructions
have been designed and standardised in ISO/IEC 19772 [57]. These constructions can provide the
optimum level of security and efficiency. They typically involve either a specified combination of a
MAC computation and data encryption, or the use of an encryption algorithm in a special way such that
both integrity and confidentiality protection are provided. The constructions are:
• OCB (Offset CodeBook) 7
• Key Wrap
• CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC)
• EAX (by Bellare, Rogaway and Wagner)
• Encrypt then MAC
• GCM (Galois/Counter Mode)
These methods can provide both confidentiality and authenticity/integrity protection under the same
symmetric key and provide better performance and simplified key management as opposed to separate
encryption and authentication.

OCB patent status can be found at

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 39

Algorithms may be selected according to the domain of application for which they were designed or for
which they are best suited. Such domains may be:
• Home banking,
• On-line transactions - retail (PIN generation or PIN verification),
• On-line transactions - host to host,
• Batch transfer of individual transactions,
• File transfer (EDI)
• Email
• Electronic purse
• Debit or credit cards
• Secure back-up
• ...
When the domain of application is concerned, typical criteria that may be used to select the most
appropriate algorithm and key management scheme may be:
• Expected performance (including response time requirements in interactive systems),
• Volume of data to protect,
• Key management suitable for an open or closed user group,
• Necessity to use a Trusted Third Party and acceptance of such a TTP by the users,
• Scalability,
• Costs (to set up the system and to keep it running),
• Perceived sensitivity of the data to protect,
• Requirements on how long time protection is needed
• ...


5.4.1 Security protocols

As soon as different applications using cryptographic techniques must interact many design issues must
be addressed. The choice of appropriate algorithms and modes of operation is the most obvious decision
to make, but is far from being sufficient. Data formatting issues, padding or redundancy rules, filtering of
binary results, interactions between compression, confidentiality and integrity techniques, scope of
application of the algorithms and bit ordering issues are examples of typical sources of operational
Solving such problems may be easy in a closed user application, but if interoperability within an open
environment is required, then all these issues must be resolved, if not by a previous agreement then
automatically set up by means of a security protocol.
SSL [77] or S/MIME in the Internet world are examples of such security protocols.
This issue is not covered satisfactorily by any international standard. The standards from the set of
ISO/IEC 10181 "framework standards" [15] define the conceptual models for authentication, access
control, non repudiation, integrity, and confidentiality, but are not aimed at being sufficient to define
unambiguously a security protocol.
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 40
EPC recommendation 5
In designing a security protocol the following should be identified:
- the security service provided,
- the parties involved,
- the security verification values (MACs, hashes, digital signatures, ...) that will need to be generated and verified
- the algorithms and their modes of operation,
- the key material to be generated,
- the random number generators to be used (e.g. key generation, challenges, padding),
- the key establishment material (this could be key names, encrypted session keys, public key certificates or
certificate references, initialisation vectors if any, ...),
- unambiguous definition of the data used as input in the cryptographic mechanisms,
- the formatting techniques used in the signature generation/verification process (such as RSASSA-PSS [97], for
- the transformation techniques used to represent binary data (known as filtering), if any

5.4.2 Data formatting issues

Whenever hash functions are used for data integrity, it is essential that the input data for the hash
functions is exactly defined, such as padding, representation, field sizes, use of binary data.
The evolution of so-called 'padding oracle attacks' continues. Such attacks are particularly relevant to
decryption algorithms that reveal whether a possibly tampered ciphertext is correctly formatted when
decrypted. These attacks are especially relevant to PKCS#1v1.5, PKCS#11 and CBC encryption and may
be avoided by the detection of such tampering (e.g. by using authenticated encryption).See also EPC
Recommendation 6 in Section 5.4.3.

5.4.3 Implementation rules

As soon as different transformations must be applied to the data, the order in which these transformations
are performed may be important. The transformations and their purpose are as follows:
• Encryption: to protect confidentiality - this may be absolute (such as for cryptographic keys, not
to be seen as plaintext outside an HSM) or for transmission or storage
• Data compression: to reduce message or storage size
• Digital signature or MAC: to give origin authentication (asymmetric cryptography only) and data
integrity - also for use in authentication
• Legal signature (asymmetric digital signature): to achieve the equivalent of a handwritten
signature - which may achieve non-repudiation in the legal sense of providing evidence to a third
party or a court as to intent (also known as electronic signature).

The following rationale should be considered in conjunction with the recommendations given below:
• Sending encrypted data that is not integrity protected enables attacks on encryption keys and
plaintext through error analysis: it is better to encrypt first and then sign or MAC, so that the
receiver can first verify the integrity of the ciphertext. But note: some signature algorithms are
weaker when signing unintelligible data.
• Signing the data in plain text format is necessary for legal signature, but not for other purposes.
• Performance of encryption is better if there is less data to encrypt.
• Data compression of encrypted data has no effect.

The following basic principles should be respected:

• Separate keys should be used for each transformation (where relevant).
• Keys should be reserved for specific associated functions, and this association should be
protected. For example, keys used for legal signature might be associated with that purpose
through a public key certificate.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 41

EPC recommendations 6
If two or more transformations are required:
- For the originator, sign the plaintext data first for legal signature (if required), then compress (if
required), then encrypt (if confidentiality is required), then sign or MAC (if required - but it should
always be done if data has been encrypted)
- For the recipient, perform the steps in the reverse order. Verify that signatures are from an authentic
- The encryption and signature/MAC can be performed as separate steps, or can be achieved by use of
authenticated encryption or signcryption.

5.4.4 Key management impact on interoperability

As long as cryptographic techniques are used within closed user groups, any technically suitable and
sufficiently secure key management scheme may be used.
When cryptographic techniques are used in an open environment, key management issues may become
the major obstacle to interoperability.
It is commonly agreed that public key technology is better suited to open environment than symmetric
algorithm technology. If symmetric algorithms are required and secret keys must be exchanged then
using a mix of public key for key exchanges and secret keys for encryption is a good solution.
But public key technology usually requires usage of certificates to convey the public key and thus needs
Certification Authorities. In many of today's implementations, public key based systems work as closed
user groups around one Certification Authority. In this context interoperability between user groups
would require efficient implementations of cross-certification schemes, which are not commonly used
As long as the application concerned may be considered as "low-risk application", use of commercial CA
services may be an acceptable way of solving this interoperability issue. One danger is to use the root
keys of too many commercial CAs simultaneously (such as is the case with current internet browsers).
The security of such a system is as strong as the weakest of the CAs in the list.

5.4.5 Implementation quality and side-channel attacks

A bug in an algorithm implementation can transform a good algorithm into a bad one. Therefore, quality
control during the development process and testing against other implementations of the same algorithms
are crucial.
Implementation of protocols is equally important for the security of the protocol, and needs as much care
as the implementation of the underlying protocols.
For high risk application usage of evaluation criteria (Common Criteria or FIPS 140-2 8) and of formal
description languages may be considered.
Any component of a protocol using secret data is a potential target for side-channel attacks (e.g. timing
attacks, glitch attacks, DPA). If the component is not in a controlled usage environment (e.g., smart
cards, SIMs) then attempted side-channel attacks are a certainty and components must be certified to be
sufficiently resilient.
Generally, side-channel attacks need special equipment – for example malicious software on POS
devices and smart phones cannot be used for side-channel attacks).

A new version of FIPS 140-3 is currently under development and should be officially published in 2009.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 42

It should be noted that timing attacks can be attempted at long distances, for example [141] describes
timing attacks on SSL implementations performed over the Internet.

5.4.6 Algorithm OIDs

OIDs or Object Identifiers are a mode of identification of objects originally defined in ASN 1 syntax,
which is widely used today. For example, X 509 certificates make a very extensive usage of OIDs.
International standardisation bodies (e.g., ISO, IEC, ITU) have defined a hierarchical way of assigning
OIDs, such that the same OID may not be assigned twice to two different objects.
On the other hand, nothing prevents standards writers or users to define new OIDs for an object, which
has been already given one elsewhere.
So when designing a security protocol, or when creating a certificate request one must consider which
OIDs will be used to identify the algorithms and algorithm parameters.
Choosing the correct OID is not always straight forward and implementers should refer to the relevant
standard for the OID of the algorithm they are implementing.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 43


This section focuses on issues related to key management. Section 6.1 addresses the management of keys
used with symmetric algorithms (i.e. symmetric keys) and Section 6.2 addresses the management of keys
used with asymmetric algorithms (i.e. asymmetric keys).
More information on this topic may be found, for instance in: HAC [122], ISO 11568-1 [7], ISO/IEC
11770-1 [39] , ISO/IEC 9594-8 [21], Davies and Price [120].
These Guidelines do not address any particular commercial products for key management. Specific key
management techniques may be imposed by the device being used and in this case the device vendor’s
instructions should be followed.


This section describes key management for symmetric algorithms, and in particular block ciphers,
covered by ISO 11568-2 [8] and ISO/IEC 11770-2 [40]. For many years Triple DES has been the most
commonly used block cipher in the banking industry and this using double-length (112 bits) keys.
However many new systems, especially those providing general security protection, are implemented
using Triple DES with triple-length (168 bits) keys or the AES block cipher with 128, 192 or 256 bits
Key management involves the managing and protection of cryptographic keys throughout their lifecycle
– from generation to active use to de-activation and destruction. Such key protection includes both key
confidentiality and key integrity, often with separate "superior" keys providing various levels of
protection. This section of the Guidelines primarily discusses key confidentiality for symmetric keys,
however the requirements for key integrity are similar (e.g. Key MAC’ing Keys instead of Key
Encrypting Keys).

6.1.1 Key generation

Keys should be generated in a TRSM (Tamper-Resistant Security Module) – as described in standard
FIPS PUB 140-2 [72] and ISO 13491. The TRSM should have a master key that is generated inside the
TRSM and never exists in clear text outside the TRSM.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 44

Master key

Recovery key (RK)

Optional Backup in safe
encrypted by KM


encrypted by encrypted by encrypted by
RK or KM RK or KM RK or KM

Data Keys MAC keys PIN keys

encrypted by Data KEK encrypted by MAC KEK encrypted by PIN KEK

Figure 2: Example of key hierarchy for symmetric keys

Key encrypting keys are also generated in the TRSM but may be exported for backup/storage encrypted
under the master key (or a dedicated recovery key that is encrypted under the master key). Master key
generation is therefore the most sensitive as this key encrypts all other key encrypting keys.
Access control mechanisms should be implemented that provide Dual Control over the TRSM. This
prevents a single person from generating or accessing the master key on his or her own.
• Access control mechanisms are used to control access to the systems operations. Typically, the
users must log on to the system with a password or a PIN and a smart card to get access to the
operations. In key management, smart cards are often used because they are more secure than
passwords 9, and may have many other applications.
• Dual control means that the operation needs (at least) two people. Typically, in the case of
master key generation the first person logs on to the system and generates the first key
component in the TRSM (which in the case of Triple DES is a full-length 128 bits or 192 bits
component with parity bits). Then the second person logs on to the system and generates the
second key component in the TRSM. The two key components are now combined (e.g. XOR’ed
together) and the result is the new master key. This scheme also supports backup of a master key
whereby each component is securely retained by the person that generated it so that no single
person knows the master key. More complex secret sharing systems such as Shamir's threshold
scheme may be used (described in [122]). When generating a new master key for a TRSM all
keys protected by the old master key must be decrypted and re-encrypted under the new master
key. This is an example of key translation and specially designed secure functionality must be
supported in the TRSM for this purpose (see the paper "The unbearable lightness of PIN
cracking" at

A PIN usually protects usage of smart cards, thus access control based on smart cards requires both possession
of the smart card and knowledge of the PIN.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 45
For key generation, it is critical that the TRSM use a good random source. Many implementations of
cryptosystems have been broken on account of an inadequate source of randomness or ‘pseudo-
randomness’. This topic is discussed in [122] where an extensive bibliography on randomness may be
found. See Annex A of this Technical Report.

6.1.2 Key backup and storage

Subsidiary symmetric keys (i.e. those other than the master key) can be stored inside the hardware or
encrypted outside. The advantages and disadvantages are comparable. Multiple copies of encrypted keys
may be made in case a single instance is destroyed, but an intact master key will still be needed to
decrypt it within the TRSM.

EPC recommendation 7
If a master key needs to be backed-up outside of a TRSM then it should be split into key components in a secure and
resilient manner. Secret sharing techniques should be used to allow recovery of the master key from all or a fixed
number (threshold) of the master key components. The security level of the storage of the master key components
should be commensurate with the protection afforded the operational master key itself.

6.1.3 Key distribution

In hybrid crypto systems (ones using both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography) data is protected
using a symmetric key, and the symmetric key is distributed encrypted under the recipient’s public key.
Assuring the authenticity and integrity of this public key is paramount and techniques addressed in
Section 7.2 may be used.
When using only symmetric cryptography, key-encrypting keys (KEKs) must be distributed or a
hierarchic key derivation scheme may be used. KEKs are used to encrypt other keys. After the first KEK
is interchanged between the parties, this KEK can typically be used to encrypt the successor KEK and so
on. The first KEK distribution is then called the initialisation exchange. The security of this exchange
must be very high, this means physical attendance of bank personnel who are responsible for the security
of the system in question. If any of the KEKs is compromised then all its successor KEKs are assumed
compromised. In this case a re-initialisation exchange is needed, and the old keys must be deleted.
The most difficult part of key distribution is most often the initialisation phase. It may require manual
procedures such as:
• key components in sealed envelopes or smart cards
• face-to-face identification
• key components to be distributed by different channels
• installation of a security module with pre-installed keys.
For other symmetric key distribution schemes refer to ISO/IEC 11770-2 [40] and other references
provided at the beginning of this section.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 46

6.1.4 Key installation
Often symmetric keys are generated in one place and are used somewhere else. This could be two
different machines inside the same organisation or it could be two parties in a communication, e.g. two
There are several ways to install these keys:
• Key split into key components: the key is split into components that must be combined (e.g.
XOR’ed together) to form the actual key. At the most elementary level the key components may
be securely printed in plaintext on different pieces of paper (key component letters). A separate
trusted person holds each key component letter thereby providing split knowledge and dual
control. This way of installing keys can be used when installing initial keys, e.g. initial KEK’s
between parties with different master keys.
• Smart cards: The key component letter installation method can be done more securely using
smart cards (chip cards) with PIN. Each smart card contains a component of the key. When
installing the key the person holding the card enters the PIN on the smart card reader and installs
the component of the key.
• Encrypted installation: The key which is going to be installed is encrypted by a key-encrypting
key (KEK). The sender’s KEK must already be installed in the TRSM of the recipient and so no
additional dual control is needed. This method is the simplest and most often used – the use of
fragmented keys is only necessary to initialise or reinitialise a secure communication between
When installing a key, especially if manual methods are used, its integrity should be verified. This can
either be done using a MAC (using a pre-established Key MAC’ing Key) or by a key check value, which
is calculated when the key is generated. This value is distributed with the key and the receiver of the key
makes the same calculation and compares his result with the key check value. If they are equal the key is
A common way to calculate a key check value for verification is to encrypt a fixed string (e.g. zeros or a
pre-selected number) with the key, and the result is then the key check value. It must be noted that these
key verification techniques are intended only to allow error detection during the key installation process.

6.1.5 Key usage and key separation

To increase the level of security, one key should be dedicated to only one usage. Furthermore the keys
and their intended usage should be connected in a reliable way (key wrapping). Key usage information
tells the system, what the key can (and cannot) be used for. This is sometimes called the key control
vector (CV). All cryptographic operations other than those specified in the CV will fail. The control
vector method only works if all parties involved use compatible CV’s with the same certified TRSMs
that enforce the key usage policy. Although there is still no standard on control vectors and key
wrapping, use of TRSMs that make use of control vectors and key wrapping is recommended so that at
least within a system the keys are used only for their intended purposes. See NIST SP800-38F [110],
ANSI x9.102 [71] and TR 19038 [6]. See also [160].
Irrespective of the technique used, key separation should be implemented.
EPC recommendation 8
Symmetric keys should be dedicated to one usage (e.g. encryption or MAC computation, but not both).

EPC recommendation 9
TRSMs that control the key usage (e.g., making use of control vectors) and that bind the key to the key control
information in a secure way (key wrapping) should be preferred.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 47

6.1.6 Key deletion
Keys should be deleted when they are compromised or expired. Key component letters should be
destroyed after use. Storage media with old keys should be destroyed magnetically. EPROM should be
destroyed physically.

6.1.7 Key cryptoperiod

General principles of key cryptoperiod management should be based on ISO 11568-2 [8] and NIST SP
800 57 [111].
Whenever possible, session keys should be used. This means that instead of using the same key for many
"sessions", different keys are used for different sessions. These session keys are typically derived
(securely) from a single common parent key but may, as is the case with DUKPT x9.24 [63], be a
sequence of keys where each key is derived from its predecessor using a 1-way function.
KEKs are less exposed than session keys and consequently their cryptoperiod may be longer. The precise
frequency at which KEKs are changed will vary according to the level of risk – for low risk applications
years may be enough, whilst for higher risk applications changing the KEK after several hours or days
may be needed.
Master keys are even less exposed (but of course are more valuable) and so may be kept for longer
period (many months or even years depending on the risk exposure and type of application). In
determining the cryptoperiod for master keys, the procedural risks surrounding over-frequent
initialisations should also be considered, against infrequently invoked, perhaps forgotten, procedures.


This section describes key management for asymmetric algorithms, i.e. public-key cryptography such as
RSA, which is the most commonly used. For other key distribution schemes refer to the Diffie-Hellman
protocol [98], [124], ISO 11568-4 [9] and ISO/IEC 11770-3 [41].
On Certification Authorities and public key certificate management, the reader is referred to ISO 15782
and ISO 21188 [13].
Asymmetric algorithms use key pairs comprising a public key and a private key. A key pair has several
phases in its lifetime:
1. Generation phase. The key pair is generated and waiting to be activated.
2. Usage phase. The private and public keys are used.
3. Verification-only phase. The private key is no longer used (it may be archived or terminated) but
the public key is still used e.g. for verification of issued certificates or digital signatures. This
phase will last as long as the issued certificates or digital signatures are valid. This phase doesn’t
apply for key pairs used for data or key encryption.
4. Decryption-only phase. The public key is no longer used (for example because the public key’s
certificate has expired) but the private key may still be used for decrypting previously encrypted
data or keys. This phase will last as long as the scheme requires. This phase doesn’t apply for
key pairs used for digital signatures.
5. Archival phase. The private key and/or the public key are archived from normal operational use.
This phase could be omitted.
6. Termination phase. The private key is deleted, the public key certificates are revoked if not
already expired.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 48

6.2.1 Key generation
Keys should be generated in a dedicated hardware security device.
The hardware should contain a TRSM (Tamper-Resistant Security Module) – described in standard FIPS
PUB 140-2 [72], or in ISO 13491 [10]. The keys should be generated inside the TRSM and the private
key should never exist in clear text outside the TRSM.
EPC recommendation 10
Keys should be generated inside the TRSM and the private key should never exist in clear text outside the TRSM.
As with the generation of symmetric keys, it is critical to use a good random number generator (see
Annex A).
The generation of asymmetric keys will often imply usage of prime numbers and recommendations may
be found to use ’strong’ primes. Strong primes are prime numbers generated to have a particular structure
that makes them more impervious to particular cryptanalytic attacks. Nowadays it is less necessary to
explicitly require that prime numbers be strong, this is for two reasons: because all randomly generated
primes of the size used in modern cryptographic systems will be strong with overwhelming probability
anyway and, to a lesser extent, because new attacks such as elliptic curve factorisation are 'immune' to
weak primes.

6.2.2 Example of a hybrid key architecture

Private and public keys may be deployed within a fixed hybrid key hierarchy, for instance with the
following keys:
• Master key: stored inside TRSM. Typically a symmetric key – e.g. double- or triple length DES
key or AES key.
• Key-encrypting key (KEK) – optional. Typically a symmetric key – e.g. double- or triple length
DES key or AES key. Encrypted by the master key.
• Private key: e.g. 2048-bit RSA key – with corresponding public key. The private keys are
encrypted by the master key or a key-encrypting key when outside the TRSM.
• Public key (corresponding to a private key) authenticity may be protected with a certificate
created by a Certification Authority signature.
• Session key: key used in a protocol between nodes in a network. Typically a symmetric key, e.g.
single or double length DES key or AES key.

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 49


Master key

Key-encrypting key (KEK)

encrypted by master key

Certificate Certificate

Private key Private key

Public key Public key
encrypted by KEK encrypted by KEK
Signature Signature

Session keys Session keys

encrypted by public key encrypted by public key

Figure 3: A hybrid key hierarchy with asymmetric and symmetric keys (for data

6.2.3 Key backup and storage

Public keys may be stored in plaintext in certificates outside the cryptographic hardware. Private keys
can be stored in various ways, for example:
• Inside one piece of cryptographic hardware in plaintext (or even encrypted under a Master key).
• Outside but encrypted by e.g. a Triple DES or AES key (KEK). This KEK key must be stored
inside the hardware or stored outside encrypted under the master key or another KEK. When a
private key is needed it is taken into the cryptographic hardware and decrypted by the KEK
inside the TRSM.
• Inside many pieces of hardware but in plaintext fragments (or even encrypted under a Master
key) - securely and resiliently fragmented in such a way as to require co-operation of a threshold
number of fragments in order to operate the private key.
The first two ways both have a very high level of security. The advantage of the first one is performance,
but there is no backup of the keys. The second one has an easy way to make backup and the scalability is
better, because only one key is needed inside the cryptographic hardware. The disadvantage is that the
security of the KEK must be very high, a compromise of this key would lead to disclosure of all other
keys and destruction of this key (and any backups it may have) would effectively destroy the private key
that it protects.
The third approach is described as ISO 15782-1 [3] can provide the resilience of the second approach
with the security of the first, however the fragments must be managed carefully. This approach can be
modified to provide a secure procedure for back up (as opposed to operational storage) of private keys.
With this modification a backup copy of the private key is fragmented using techniques similar to those
used for symmetric keys – a threshold number of key fragments are needed to reconstitute the key (and
only then can the reconstituted key be operated).

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EPC recommendation 11
Whenever back up of keys is needed, the private key should be kept encrypted out of the TRSM. The symmetric key
used to encrypt or decrypt the private key requires a very high protection level itself.
When no backup is required, storage of the private key within the cryptographic hardware should be preferred in
plaintext, or encrypted under the master key.
In special cases key fragmentation should be used, however then special attention should be paid to the
management of the fragments.

6.2.4 Key distribution

The private key usually remains on the hardware that generated the key pair or within a secure
environment concerned with production (e.g. smart cards). However the public key must be distributed to
the parties to whom communication will take place.
Distribution of the public key is a very important security issue. The receiver of the public key must be
absolutely sure of the authenticity and integrity of the delivered and stored public key, i.e. he must be
sure that the key belongs to the declared owner of the key and that the key has not been modified at a
later point in time. If for example the original public key is replaced with a public key from a malicious
person or organisation, then the receiver will be misled to accept false signatures on transactions, or send
data encrypted with the false public key, which can be decrypted by the malicious person. So, the risk of
public key substitution during its distribution requires appropriate security controls.
There are various ways to distribute public keys. For example:
• Electronically (e.g. download from a web site).
• Delivered on a disk.
• Public key in a certificate.
In the first method the integrity and authenticity of the distribution channel has to be provided e.g. by
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) [77] or by a multiplicity of sources (e.g. hashes published in national
newspapers and website). The disadvantage of the second ‘disk’ method is that the distribution has to be
performed either personally, which almost always is impractical in large user communities, or by post
where the user must be sure that it is a genuine and unbroken envelope. Neither of these methods
preserves the integrity of the public key after installation on the user’s computer unless a hash or a MAC
is applied. Where the operation of a certification authority is practical and appropriate the third method is
therefore recommended.
EPC recommendation 12
Where appropriate public keys should be distributed within certificates.

A third party called a Certification Authority (CA) must sign certificates. Certificate Management and
Certification Authorities are complex subjects warranting separate discussion outside of this Technical
For certificate management ISO TC 68 published two standards: 15782 [3] and 21188 [13] .
Some PKCS specifications cover certificate management: certificate format in PKCS #7 [100] and
certificate requests in PKCS #10 [102].
The widely used standard format for certificates is the X.509 [21].
EPC recommendation 13
Usage of X 509, version 3, format certificates is recommended.

Often there is confusion between public key certificate and attribute certificates. A public key certificate
binds the identity of a person or an organisation to a specific public key. In an attribute certificate
EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 51
different privileges of a particular user are bound to the identity of the user or the serial number of their
public key certificate. The lifetime of an attribute certificate is foreseen to be shorter than the lifetime of
a public key certificate.

6.2.5 Public Key installation

Before an installation of a public key can take place, the validity of the public key and related parameters
must be verified. This is done either as part of the distribution process or, if certificates are used, by
using the public key of the CA which issued the certificate. The process of verifying certificates in a
chain back to the trusted root public key is called validating the certification path.

6.2.6 Certificate revocation and expiry

If a private key is compromised then the associated public key certificate must be revoked. The CA must
keep updated information about certificate revocations. When verifying a certificate, users must have
access to the most recent information about the certificate status. This may be provided by the CA
distributing regularly Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) or giving interactive access to a certificate
status database through an on-line protocol (OCSP).
A key pair and the related certificate have a lifetime that must be indicated in the certificate by a validity
period. As soon as this validity period expires the public key must not be used any longer. Copies of
expired certificates must be kept as long as there may be a need to verify signatures generated by the
corresponding private key (the use of a trusted archive or time stamping techniques may be needed in
this case – see ISO/IEC 18014 [49]).
When validating a certification path, it should be checked that no certificate of the path is present in a
Certificate Revocation List (CRL), nor expired.
EPC recommendation 14
When verifying a digital signature, users should check that the certificate status (either valid, expired or revoked)
when the signature was generated does not make it invalid. When a certification path is involved, this verification
should be performed for every certificate of the path up to the root certificate. Efficient verification may require
that the date and time when the signature was produced is unambiguously defined.

If certificates are not distributed along with the signed message, then users should either have online
access to up-to-date certificates or they should keep track of certificates in local databases and update the
database when new certificates are issued.
A timestamp may be included in the signed message so that the signer can attest to the time the signature
was created. An agreed time source may be sufficient for some implementations, however, there are
certified time sources being developed, i.e. Time Stamping and Notary Services, that are being supplied
by trusted third parties. Trusted timestamps allow the user to be sure of when the message was signed (in
case they do not trust the signing entity for such things).
Similarly a user must have access to a trusted time source when verifying signatures and certificates
containing dates and times.
EPC recommendation 15
Whenever possible, trusted time sources should be used, in order to allow reliable verification of certificate

6.2.7 Key usage and key separation

Public and private keys have different usage. For example:
Public key usage:
• key and data encryption,

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• digital signature verification.
Private key usage:
• key and data decryption,
• digital signature creation,
• certificate signing for issuing certificates,
• CRL (Certificate Revocation List) signing.
Furthermore an entity with a private key can authenticate itself to an entity that has the corresponding
public key, and key pairs can also be used for establishing shared secret keys.
It is good security practice to have separate key pairs for different purposes, e.g. a separate key pair
reserved for signing and another for encryption. In that way key recovery can more easily be
implemented, as the private encryption key can be stored at a trusted place apart from the private signing
key. Another advantage of key separation is that a large key is often required for signing, whereas shorter
keys may be sufficient for short-term encryption, and different certification policies may apply to
encryption and signature keys. X 509 certificates [21] contain an extension which indicates the purposes
for which the certified public key is used.
EPC recommendation 16
An asymmetric key pair should be dedicated to one usage, for instance: one of entity authentication, non-
repudiation of data, symmetric keys encryption.

6.2.8 Key deletion and archiving

If a private key is suspected compromised the private key should no longer be used by the owner. Then
the owner should delete any copy of it and request the prescribed entity (e.g., the CA) to revoke the
relevant certificate. However it may be necessary to archive the certificate as long as verification of
signatures produced with the private key may be required.

6.2.9 Key crypto period

The crypto period of an asymmetric key pair is related to the size of the key and therefore to its
cryptographic strength. A typical crypto period for RSA key pair will be measured in years (one or two
years for a 1024-bit signing key are crypto periods commonly used). Considerations on key length and
crypto period may be found in [8], [88], [121], [130], [131], and [136].


6.3.1 Key recovery

Key recovery and key escrow are two terms that are often used as synonyms. A key recovery system is
defined [123] as an encryption with a back up decryption capability that allows authorised persons to
decrypt cipher text with the help of information supplied by one or more trusted third parties who hold
special data recovery keys. More specifically, a key escrow system is a system in which copies of private
or secret keys are escrowed by a Third Party, which will be allowed to use them under legally specified
Key recovery is used to ensure that stored, enciphered data can be retrieved and deciphered even if the
ordinary way of deciphering data is not possible. This may be an essential part in disaster recovery
planning and in the sections below, key recovery will usually be discussed in the context of
governmental or other external agencies wanting to get access to information.” Key recovery can also be
essential for companies to retrieve information enciphered by employees who have met with misfortune,
or who have left the company.
Key recovery was proposed as a technique for complying with due diligence to provide law enforcement

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and national security agencies with legal access to encrypted information. In this context key escrow is
the term used when the keys for access are held by a third party. However in practice this objective is
nowadays achieved through normal key recovery allowing for providing the data itself.
It is possible to build key recovery either into the key management or into the cryptographic algorithm
itself. However, introducing a secret trapdoor into an algorithm contravenes the good cryptographic
design principle, which states that only keying material should require secrecy protection.
Requirements to apply key recovery may restrict the choice of key management schemes and algorithms.
Key recovery requirements might add increased cost to the solutions, both because trusted third parties
representing the key recovery authorities will be needed and because complexity will be added to the
technical solutions.
EPC recommendation 17
Banks do not use key escrow, but key recovery is part of their due diligence and business continuity obligations.

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The production of high quality random numbers is critical for cryptographic applications, and indeed
some implementations of cryptosystems have been broken on account of an inadequate source of
randomness or "pseudo-randomness".
The importance of good random number generation has recently received wide attention, especially in
the area of prime selection for RSA key generation where some internet research (see [167]) has revealed
that a significant proportion (e.g. thousands) of TLS/PGP public keys shared common factors (and so
could be broken). The cause of this is bad RSA key generation probably resulting from the use of bad
random number generators or poorly seeded random number generators.
Random numbers can be generated using true hardware RNGs or using deterministic algorithmic
methods, preferably both. Recommendations and requirements for generating random numbers can be
found in the following standards:
ISO/IEC 18031: Information Technology – Security Techniques – Random bit generation [51];
ANSI X9.82: Financial Services – Random Number Generation [70];
Part 1: Overview
Part 2: Entropy Sources
Part 3: Deterministic Random Bit Generators
Part 4: Random Bit Generator Construction

NIST SP 800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit
Generators [112];
NIST SP 800-22, A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for
Cryptographic Applications [107].

EPC342-08 Guidelines on algorithms usage and key management v3.0 clean.doc 55


This informative annex presents some news collected on the Internet about cracking DES keys and
factorising RSA keys.
The information on breaking DES is presented as found (except for some commercial references that
were suppressed) and the fact that it is published in this EPC Technical Report does not mean that the
EPC Information Security Support Group approves the statements therein or wishes to endorse any
responsibility about their content.


(collected at, on February 10th 1999).

DES Challenge III Broken in Record 22 Hours

RSA DATA SECURITY CONFERENCE, SAN JOSE, CA -- Breaking the previous record of 56 hours,
Distributed.Net, a worldwide coalition of computer enthusiasts, worked with the Electronic Frontier
Foundation's (EFF) "DES Cracker," a specially designed supercomputer, and a worldwide network of
nearly 100,000 PCs on the Internet, to win RSA Data Security's DES Challenge III in a record-breaking
22 hours and 15 minutes. The worldwide computing team deciphered a secret message encrypted with
the United States government's Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm using commonly available
technology. From the floor of the RSA Data Security Conference & Expo, a major data security and
cryptography conference being held in San Jose, Calif., EFF's DES Cracker and the Distributed.Net
computers were testing 245 billion keys per second when the key was found.
RSA's original DES Challenge was launched in January 1997 with the aim of demonstrating that DES
offers only marginal protection against a committed adversary. This was confirmed when a team led by
Rocke Verser of Loveland, Colorado recovered the secret key in 96 days, winning DES Challenge I.
Since that time, improved technology has made much faster exhaustive search efforts possible. In
February 1998, Distributed.Net won RSA's DES Challenge II-1 with a 41-day effort, and in July, the
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) won RSA's DES Challenge II-2 when it cracked the DES message
in 56 hours.


From 2002 much attention has been paid to papers written about specially designed devices for
factorisation (see for instance the papers [142], [143], [144]). These types of devices if implemented
could have the capability of dramatically decreasing the cost of factorisation. Until such designs are
proven by actual implementation it is difficult to predict the precise impact on RSA key lengths.
However it is prudent to consider such devices when developing policy in this area.
In 2009, a group of hobbyists broke the 512-bit RSA key used by Texas Instruments to sign the firmware
of one of their programmable calculators. There was no financial incentive here, and no malicious intent.
The computation to find the private key took under three months on a single computer. The keys of the
other calculators have been broken shortly thereafter using a collaborative computation. From this it
easily follows that a 512-bit RSA key can be broken by criminals.
At the end of 2009 a factorization of RSA-768 was completed by world experts. This factorization used
the General Number Field Sieve algorithm. See the paper for details:

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The authors estimated the effort for factoring RSA-768 to have been about 2,000 years on a single core
2.2GHz AMD Opteron and noted:
"If we are optimistic, it may be possible to factor a 1024-bit RSA modulus within the next decade by
means of an academic effort on the same limited scale as the effort presented here. From a practical
security point of view this is not a big deal, given that standards recommend phasing out such moduli
by the end of the year 2010.
Another conclusion from our work is that we can quite confidently say that if we restrict ourselves to an
open community, academic effort as ours and unless something dramatic happens in factoring, we will
not be able to factor a 1024-bit RSA modulus within the next five years. After that, all bets are off."

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