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 Why Junkins distrust of  Junkins start to suspect except that the car was

Arnie? involved and Arnie too.

 Which was Arnie’s reaction  Will Darnell and Arnie were arrested.
when he noticed that he was  Michael received the bad news.
under arrest?  Dennis Guilder finally left Libertyville Community
 How their parents handled Hospital.
that situation?  Regina talking to Vicky and she cries because of
 Why Arnie didn’t want to Arnie's situation.
talk?  Regina hired a lawyer called Tom Sprague and he
 What kind of dreams did insisted that Arnie had to talk.
Arnie have with Christine?  Arnie didn't want to talk because he felt that Will knew
 Why Leigh had fear? something related to Christine and he had a dream in
 Why Christine did start to which Christine and he Escaped.
move?  Leigh Cabot was at home, alone and she started to feel
 Why Christine did kill Don fear.
Vandenberg?  Leigh phoned Dennis and they agreed to talk about
 With which purpose Dennis Christine After Christmas.
and Leigh did meet  Christine began to move and went to killed Don
together? Vandenberg who father's gas station his father's gas
 What happened when Leigh station and that night she killed Will Darnell also.
visited Dennis?  Leigh went to visit Dennis and they put their information
 Which information they together they talked about the headline: service station
could collect? attendant killed in Christmas eve hit-and-run, Leigh's
 Why Arnie seemed like murder attempt, Christine's smell and Arnie's
another person? autograph. After that, they kissed together.
 Why new Year is so  Dennis and Leigh played to be detectives, and they fell
important to Arnie and in love.
Dennis?  Dennis Guilder called Mr McCandless in order to get
 Who was George LeBay? George LeBay's address and Mr McCandless also
 Why Junkins was murdered provided information about Christine.
for?  Dennis called Arnie on New Year's Eve with the end of
 Why Arnie suspect that the hanging new year together, but Regina answered the
Colombians killed Darnell? phone and persuade Arnie to make him talk with Arnie
 Why Roland LeBay was so about college.
Mad?  When Arnie answered the phone he sounded more like
 In which way Arnie can save LeBay than like Arnie, anyway, Dennis need to see him
his friend? and his father took him until Arnie's house.
 Which are the plans made  Richard McCandless the secretary of the Libertyville
by Leigh and Dennis? American Legion Post found George LeBay's home
 Why those plans may not address in Paradise Falls, Ohio.
work?  Arnie saw a headline that said that Rudolph Junkins of
 What happened when Arnie the Pennsylvania State Police was killed and he
saw that Arnie and Leigh remembered that Arnie had mentioned him New Year's
were together? Eve. So now Christine's list had Seven people dead.
 Why LeBay has control of  Arnie started to connect the dots and called George
Arnie’s body? LeBay begging for help he said that his brother, his
dead brother, had possessed Arnie's body.
 How to kill something which  George LeBay told Arnie that Rollie had been evil even
shouldn’t even be alive? before met Christine. He had burned down a bully's
house and said to George 'If you tell, Georgie, I'll kill
 How big have been the you.' and he also murdered Randy Throgmorton
emotional impact in Dennis? because he laid open Rollie's head with his stick.- A
week later, Randy Throgmorton fell through the ice and
 What did Dennis think when finally, he offered his daughter up as some kind of
he saw his friend asking for human sacrifice.(like Niccolo Machiavelli's)
help?  Arnie said that he will destroy Christine and save his
 Why Arnie rented petunia?  Arnie proposed a toast to all the shitters of the world in
1979, but Dennis proposed a toast for them.
 What had to do Leigh to help  They talked about college and Arnie said that he
Dennis to destroy Christine. wanted to get in in a university but when he was ready.
He said that he wanted to go far from Libertyville with
 How Dennis hurt his leg Christine and Leigh and that he will look for a job fixing
even more? cars.
 Dennis asked Arnie ''What do you think happened to
 How was the final fight Darnell?" and he said that he knew too much
between the characters? information about illegal stuff and that the Southern
Mob or the Colombians could have killed him.
 Why Dennis passed out for  the return journey that lasted ten or twelve minutes
few minutes? seemed have taken hours. Dennis felt like into an
asylum and was LeBay corpse who was driving instead
 Who was Richard Mercer? of Arnie and the horror had changed to a deep and
terrible sorrow( "Just stay on my side, Dennis," ) when
 Why Dennis told the whole he finally came out of the car.
story to the police?  Arnie and Leigh were kissing each other.
 The doctor had removed the huge cast on Dennis left
 It was a happy ending? leg and replaced it with a brace.
 Leigh proposed Molotov cocktails to finished with
 Why Leigh didn’t finish Christine, on the other side, Dennis proposed
college? Dynamite but both methods were dangerous.
 Arnie discovered Leigh and Dennis together,
 Was Christine truly nevertheless, the face was gone and Leigh saw for the
destroyed? first time LeBay's face.
 Dennis had an idea.
 Who was Sandy?  Dennis called Michael to ask him a favour. To call him if
Arnie decided to get out of town for some reason.
 Why is Dennis worry about  Later he called Johnny Pomberton Jimmy (who used
Sandy’s dead? to work with Darnell)because he needed the keys- set
of tools.
 What means that epilogue?  Dennis was suffering an emotional impact.
 The summers of reading and swimming and playing
games: Monopoly, Scrabble, Chinese checkers. The
ant farms. The times I had kept him from getting killed
in all the ways kids.
 All ended Friday the 19th of January.
 Dennis went to Jimmy's house for the keys.
 He came upon Arnie, They got into an argument but in
the middle of the argument, it seemed that Arnie
recovered control over his body and he said sorry and
cried out for help, but when Lebay come back to take
over Arnie's body Dennis challenged LeBay to go to
Darnell's that night,( blackmailed him.) or Leigh and
Dennis will start talking the day after.
 Dennis rented a tanker truck to Pomberton that was
painted bright pink. The word PETUNIA was written
across her. Pomberton said that she was a Kaka
sucker and was really noisy P. asked Dennis if he could
run a clutch.
 Leigh met with Dennis and despite all Denni's plan, she
was worried about the poor state of Dennis' leg.
 Arnie told Regina that he had decided to go to Penn
State, so he won't be at Libertyville.
 They drove across town to Darnell's Garage and
Dennis' leg folded underneath him and he landed on it.
He hurt his leg.
 Dennis explained the trap. Leigh will be standing over
there to get that door shut again to keep Christine in.
 When Leigh got out of Petunia, Christine has been
busy setting them up, The Fury's tires screamed
violently as she leapt at Leigh.
 Leigh's head smashed back against the wall with
battering force as Christine reversed.
 Petunia's engine stalled. , so Dennis started to scream
''Leigh, run''.
 Dennis got into reverse again. They saw Michael's
 Dennis hit Christine but he could see her regenerating,
coming back, a tire that suddenly popped up full and
 Dennis hit Christine, and the gas tank ruptured
 Christine sat there, a refugee from a demolition derby.
Her engine ran choppily, missed, fired again, and then
 Dennis collapsed and when he woke up Christine
wasn't there anymore. It was a spread-out pile of
twisted, gored metal and glittering broken glass. He
saw his family and Arnie.
 On January twenty-first Dennis started to come back
and Richard Mercer State Police Inspector, said to him
Welcome back to the land of the living, Dennis, and
gave him the bad news that Arnie and his mother had
an accident because of LeBay.
 Dennis told Mercer and his father the whole history.
 Leigh Ackerman married to an IBM customer service
rep. She sells Amway and has two girls and although
they were together for two years.
 They trade cards.
 Michael, Regina, and Arnie Cunningham were buried in
a family plot.
 Dennis saw a news about a guy named Sander Galton
(Sandy) who was killed out in California.
 Dennis keep thinking of George LeBay in Ohio.His
sister in Colorado and Leigh in New Mexico.

The last chapters tell us how Detective Junkins seemed obsessed with Arnie, then they talked
about Will Darnell and planned an ambush on Arnie who was taking an order from Darnell to
Albany, they arrived at the house of William Upshaw and the police closed the premises to
Darnell, they arrested Arnie when he was on his way to deliver his order, Michael and Regina
found out and felt devastated by what had happened to their son. So, they hired a lawyer to
take Arnie's case, they went to visit Arnie in Albany where he was detained.
Arnie had a dream where Christine was in, he was worried about her, meanwhile, Leigh who
was at home thinking about Arnie and Christine felt a little awkward so she called Dennis.
That night Christine was in Darnell's garage when he turned on and left for the gas station of
Don Vandenberg, and she killed him, then headed for Darnell's garage where he was watching
television and kill him too, even if he tried to run away, at the end of all the car that had been
badly damaged was regenerating until he was in perfect condition.
Leigh went to visit Dennis to talk about Christine, they started talking about the death of
Darnell and Don, they found a connection with the deaths of Buddy and his friends, then Leigh
confessed to Dennis that Christine tried to kill her the time she went out with Arnie, Dennis
told him that he had talked to LeBay's brother and told him that LeBay’s wife and daughter
died in the car, Leigh felt bad, they talked about the stench that Christine has and how different
Arnie was since he had Christine and also the signatures on Dennis' plaster, both were
different, in the end Leigh and Dennis kissed and he felt that he betrayed his friend and
believed they had angered Christine. They had a conversation where Dennis told his father
that he did not know what was going on between him and Leigh and his father recommended
him not to say anything to Arnie yet. Leigh had done research on the purchase of the car and
Dennis spoke with a man who met Roland and told him that Lebay put his life in Christine and
that she was very important to him at that time, Dennis told him a little about the situation of
Arnie and this added to his story an experience he had with Lebay and Christine.
Dennis called Arnie to go out as in the old days, but Arnie was acting as LeBay and Dennis
did not like it, they talked about Junkins, Arnie told Dennis that he was going to get a job and
wants to go to college to persuade Leigh, Dennis tells him not to do that and Arnie sounds a
little jealous, Dennis asks if he knows what happened to Darnell and he tells him that maybe
those from the south or the Colombians killed him, he was expressing himself as LeBay and
and when they were in the car Dennis was scared because he felt that Lebay was the one
with him.
Dennis called Richard McCandless to get George LeBay's address and when he saw the
newspaper talking about Junkins' death, he suspected something and asked LeBay's brother
for help, he told him that LeBay when he was a child he behaved very badly, and did many
bad things like burning a house, George asked Dennis why he wanted to know all that and he
told him he was planning to destroy Christine and George told him he didn't believe that It was
possible to do that.
One day Dennis and Leigh were in his car kissing and having a good time and started talking
about the way they were going to destroy Christine they came up with several ideas like
dynamite and then Arnie appeared and discovered them, got very angry and then Arnie
became Lebay and Leigh was very scared to see him like that, Arnie wanted to kill them but
could not because there were many people and Dennis told Leigh that they had to destroy
Christine as soon as possible, so Dennis and Leigh began to carry out the plan to stop
Christine, Dennis took his sister with him because he knew that Christine was killing without
leaving witnesses. Michael thanked Dennis because Arnie was interested in going to
University, Dennis told him to please let him know if Arnie was going to be busy in those days
so he could execute the plan. Leigh told Dennis that she still hadn't gotten over what he had
with Arnie and that he was homesick for what was happening.
Dennis went to see Jimmy to ask him to let him into Darnell's garage to find some tools from
Arnie which was a lie because what he wanted was to carry out his plan, when Dennis was
there he met Arnie and they started discussing Leigh, and Dennis told him to remember when
they were children and played, he tried to make him react since it was LeBay who was
possessing Arnie, then he asked his friend for help, at times he transformed into LeBay and
then returned to being Arnie, Dennis challenged him to go to Darnell's garage with Christine
and Leigh and they argued for a moment and he accepted.
Dennis rented a truck called petunia to destroy Christine, Leigh met Dennis and they drank
coffee to finish planning everything and Dennis showed Leigh the vehicle with which he was
going to crush Christine, Leigh worried about Dennis's leg since he wasn't very well at all, but
he told her not to worry because he was going to be very good. Dennis called Michael, Arnie's
father, to ask him to tell Dennis and Leigh's parents to meet and not leave to avoid being killed
by Christine, Dennis explained to Leigh what the trap was going to be for Arnie and Christine,
Leigh She was scared because she had to push a button to kill Christine, the car chases her
and hurts her, Christine killed Michael, Dennis was very injured and her leg hurt a lot, the car
tried to kill Leigh again and Dennis crushed Christine but she regenerated again, then crushed
her again until she was destroyed, Dennis passed out, called the police and took Dennis to
the hospital where his whole family was, he was very bad and he believed that everything had
been a He dreamed and saw Arnie and thanked him, asked Mercer for Arnie and asked
Dennis to tell him what had happened to Arnie.

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