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July 2018, VOLUME 3 | Issue 13

This 5-Minute Trick STOPS Heart Attacks

It’s Scientifically PROVEN… And You Can Start TODAY
Richard Gerhauser, M.D.
Editor, Natural Health Response

The older we get, the more fright-

ening the idea of a heart attack
We all know somebody who woke
up one morning feeling fine… and
was dead by the end of the day
from a heart attack.
And if you’ve been lucky enough to
survive a heart attack, I’m sure it’s an
experience you don’t want to repeat.
Fortunately, there’s an incredibly
easy way to slash your chances of
having a heart attack or stroke…
and of dying from them, too.
Sun exposure actually helps prevent clogging of the arteries, and promotes smooth
And the best part? blood flow.

It’s absolutely FREE and starts You’re more likely to die from heart that hide from the sun.
working in as little as five minutes. disease than anything else – so you
don’t want to ignore it. Additional studies give us a big
What Mainstream Medicine clue as to why:
FORGETS About Heart Most doctors will tell you that the
Spending time in the sun can
Health best things you can do for your
heart health include exercise, reduce your risk of massive heart
Heart disease kills more Americans attacks.
than cancer and lower respiratory weight loss, and reducing stress.
diseases combined. But there’s one factor that conven- And not just of HAVING a heart
tional doctors leave out. attack, but of DYING from one.
WHAT’ S INS I D E It’s completely FREE, and I believe A massive heart attack is the most
it’s the most important. serious kind because it occurs
3 Banned Breakthrough
when an artery becomes completely
ERASES Anxiety
Studies have shown time and again blocked. This prevents blood from
that people who get more sun getting to the heart, causing it to
6 Which Cancer Screenings
exposure live longer than people immediately start to die.
You NEED…And Which
You Can SKIP
Mounting evidence is showing people with adequate vitamin D
that these massive attacks occur in levels. Can You Get Too
seasonal patterns:
In addition, people who had low Much Sun?
• There are far more heart vitamin D levels had twice the
Evidence clearly shows that spend-
attacks in the winter than in level of impairment three months ing more time in the sun can reduce
the summer. after a stroke. your risk of having—or dying from—a
• In the summer, attacks are Does that mean you can just pop a heart attack.
more likely to happen at vitamin D pill and call it a day? On the other hand, dermatologists
night than during the day. and the skin care industry will tell
In this case, the answer is no.
you that exposing your skin to the
In other words, lack of sunlight
Randomized controlled studies have sun will increase your risk of skin
seems to be a trigger for deadly
shown that giving vitamin D pills to cancer.
massive heart attacks.
people DOESN’T lower the risk. Does that mean you’re just trading
Why Vitamin D ISN’T the I know that might sound contradic- one cause of death for another?
Answer tory, but there’s a simple explanation. The answer is no.
Population studies have shown It has to do with what catalyzes Studies continue to show that sun
that low vitamin D levels can the formation of vitamin D in exposure decreases your risk for
correlate to a greater risk of heart humans… which is the ultraviolet death from skin cancers such as a
attacks and strokes. B light from our sun. melanoma, which is by far the most
lethal form of skin cancer.
One study measured the vitamin So the vitamin D itself isn’t what’s
D levels of people who had had causing the benefit. Instead, the In fact, the states with the highest
a stroke. The study found that higher levels of vitamin D are melanoma incidence are the northern
people with low vitamin D had simply a marker that’s indicative of states with low sun.
strokes with twice the severity of more sun exposure.
The evidence is so strong that back
in 2012, even the United States
Preventive Services Task Force deter-
mined, after reviewing the research,
that the notion that the sun causes
basal cell and squamous cell cancers
is in doubt.

A different way of saying it is

this: The real benefit is coming
directly from the sun itself, and
the high vitamin D levels prove
you’re getting more sun.

Here are 3 key reasons why

Sunlight quickly lowers blood pressure, and studies have shown that extra sun exposure sunshine… or “vitamin S”… is so
is NOT linked to the deadliest form of skin cancer. So get as much sun as you can!
good for your heart.

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Sun-Protective Benefit #1 Cholesterol is a lipid that is not become resistant to clotting.
Exposure to sunlight has been dissolvable in water. But when the
shown to reduce blood pres- cholesterol molecule is activated by Sun-Protective Benefit #3
sure—a key risk factor for heart light, it forms sulfated cholesterol
The other benefit from the sun is
when in the presence of sulfur-con-
attack and stroke. the infrared frequencies of light.
taining amino acids.
Studies have shown that ultraviolet This has numerous benefits in
This makes the cholesterol water
A light on our skin releases stores the body—and specifically for the
soluble, which means it can travel
of nitric oxide in the blood vessels heart. One of the primary ones is
freely in the blood and not form
in the skin. that it causes spikes in nitric oxide,
plaque that can clog arteries.
the compound that helps relax
Nitric oxide is an important signal- your blood vessels.
Sulfated cholesterol is also incor-
ing molecule that helps blood
porated into the cell membrane of
vessels relax and dilate. Advanced technology reveals that
the red blood cells, where it gives
these nitric oxide spikes happen
Your skin has a lot of nitric oxide, them a negative charge on the
in as little as 5 minutes. In other
and when it is exposed to UVA outer membrane.
words, the sun itself produces
from the sun, it gets transferred powerful—and practically imme-
This negative charge interacts with
from the skin into circulation. diate—benefits for your heart.
the negative charge on the inner
That means that when the sun lining of our arteries, which also
contains sulfate (think of what In addition, red and infrared light
increases nitric oxide, it causes are absorbed by the water in our
increased blood flow to the skin, happens when two batteries with
negative charges push one another blood and tissues to form an exclu-
which immediately lowers blood
away). sion zone (liquid crystalline struc-
ture) that increases energy in our
When this happens between your cells. I suggest reading the book,
Sun-Protective Benefit #2 arteries and blood, it pushes the The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond
The sun activates the formation of two away from one another, which Solid Liquid and Vapor by Gerald
sulfated cholesterol in the skin. allows the blood to flow freely and Pollack to learn more.

“Banned” Breakthrough ERASES Anxiety

It Can Replace a Medicine Cabinet Full of Pills
If you suffer from anxiety, you Our government spent decades You can guess mainstream medi-
know how quickly it can take over blacklisting it, banning it, and try- cine’s approach to dealing with anx-
your life. ing to drive it underground. iety: drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

The negative thoughts and wor- But it’s available RIGHT NOW – And each one is more harmful than
ries never seem to stop… you can’t and I’m going to show you how to the next.
sleep at night… and panic attacks get your hands on this anxiety-bust-
ing miracle, so you can FINALLY Antidepressant medications can
can strike out of nowhere. cause sexual dysfunction, an
get the relief you deserve.
increase in suicidal and violent
And what does mainstream medi- behaviors, increased fracture risk,
cine do to help? The Problem With
and weight gain. Some studies even
Anxiety Drugs suggest that they increase the risk
They load you up with risky pills
According to a survey conducted of breast and ovarian cancer. Plus,
that can turn you into a zombie – for the American Psychiatric they can be practically impossi-
and that can be downright deadly Association, Americans’ levels of ble to stop because of a prolonged
for seniors. anxiety are at an all-time high. withdrawal syndrome.
But, believe it or not, a power- Baby boomers lead the pack with a The benzodiazepine class of drugs
ful natural CURE for anxiety has 7% jump in anxiety in the past year has a list of side effects that would
existed for around 5,000 years. alone. encompass this entire article if I
listed them all. And they can cause But now that CBD oil is being
a severe withdrawal syndrome that legalized, there has been a resur- Lifestyle and Anxiety
can include seizures and death. gence in research on its anxiety-re-
lieving powers. If you’re not comfortable using CBD
Then there are the MAO inhibitors, oil—or if it’s not yet legal in your
antipsychotic medications, and And science confirms it may be the state—there are a few lifestyle factors
anti-seizure medications—all of greatest natural anxiety treatment you can focus on that might increase
which have their own potentially on Earth. your own endocannabinoid levels.
serious side effects.
The Only Anxiety Drug This consists of the environmen-
With 40 million adults in the U.S.
still suffering from anxiety, it’s
You’ll Ever Need tal factors that I’m always harping
obvious that we need a safer alter- Anyone who suffers from anxiety
native to these dangerous drugs. knows that it’s not a one-size-fits- • Getting adequate sun expo-
all condition. Anxiety is a broad sure and reducing your
5,000-Year-Old Remedy term that covers numerous, serious exposure to artificial light.
Solves the Anxiety Dilemma life-altering conditions.
• Reducing stress through
There is a solution to the anxi- And THAT’S exactly what makes
practices such as meditation,
ety problem—one that has been CBD oil practically a miracle drug
prayer, getting out in nature,
shown to ease anxiety, improve when it comes to treating anxi-
and walking.
mood, and reduce depression— ety—the fact that it’s been shown
all while lowering blood pressure to be effective against virtually • Cleaning up your diet. This
and heart rate and increasing blood every form of the condition you includes cutting out tox-
flow to the brain. can think of. ins and including plenty

But as with most safe, natu- In 2015, a meta-analysis of 49 pub- of natural fats, which are
ral, inexpensive solutions, Big lished studies on CBD found that it transformed into endocan-
Pharma—and the government— is a promising treatment for every- nabinoids in the body.
have done everything they can thing from social anxiety disorder,
• Including food sources of
to make sure you don’t get your panic disorder, and compulsive
cannabinoids such as spices,
hands on it. disorder, to generalized anxiety
disorder and posttraumatic stress vegetables, dark chocolate,
I’m talking about cannabidiol disorder. coffee, and tea.
oil—better known as CBD oil.
It’s also been used with impres-
CBD oil is an extract from the sive results among people with • Anxiety patients experienced
cannabis plant, more commonly bipolar disorder, autism, and even an 85% improvement in
referred to as hemp or marijuana. schizophrenia. mood.
But before you start having flash- • Depression patients experi-
In fact, you could say that CBD is… enced a 55% improvement.
backs to the 60s or 70s, you should
know that CBD oil is the non-psy- Nature’s one-size-fits- • And post-traumatic stress
choactive component in mari- all anxiety treatment disorder (PTSD) patients
juana—which means it won’t get reported an unprecedented
you high. In a study that evaluated nearly 100% improvement in mood.
2,500 patients who had been using
Cannabis and its oils have been CBD-rich medical marijuana, 80% A study published in the Journal
used in healing and natural medi- of patients who had a mood disor- of Psychopharmacology found that
cine for 5,000 years. der reported improvements in their when patients with seasonal affec-
mood. tive disorder (SAD) took 400 mil-
And because CBD oil is so safe, doz- ligrams per day of CBD it reduced
ens of states have now legalized it. I promise you… there’s not a single their overall anxiety levels.
prescription drug on the market
That’s a seismic shift from where with a success rate like that. Another study published in the
we were a decade or so ago, when same journal found that in people
anything related to cannabis was More specifically, the survey with generalized social anxiety—
illegal just about everywhere. showed that of people taking CBD: one of the most common anxiety

It seems odd, but when you

add this one thing to your
morning coffee you can
experience a 287% BOOST in
your memory.

It’s not sugar or cream, and

it’s not anything that will
affect the taste…

But it’s clinically shown

to improve your memory
starting in just 1 hour.


conditions—taking CBD signifi- CBD has numerous mechanisms of DETAILS.
cantly decreased their anxiety. action that work in the exact same
Brain scans confirmed these effects way as some of the most popu-
by showing an increase in brain lar anti-anxiety drugs (except it’s 2. It increases GABA.
blood flow. MUCH safer).
GABA is a neurotransmitter that
A study published in Getting to the Root helps calm the mind—in turn
Neuropsychopharmacology put CBD of Anxiety helping you to feel happy and
oil to the true test in people with relaxed. It’s even been called
social anxiety disorder: public CBD works in three powerful ways “nature’s Valium.”
speaking. In addition to reporting that impact brain chemistry—ulti-
mately getting right to the very People with anxiety tend to have
less anxiety during the speak-
root of anxiety itself. low levels of GABA. Without
ing, the people experienced lower
this chemical calmer, it can feel
heart rates and blood pressure – 1. It increases serotonin. like your brain is stuck in the
two objective measures of reduced
Boosting serotonin is the KEY “on” position—and it results in
anxiety. feelings of being anxious and
to stopping anxiety and depres-
And remember those nasty drug sion—and it’s how SSRIs (selec- overwhelmed.
side effects I mentioned ear- tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors) Benzodiazepine drugs—commonly
lier? CBD could eliminate them. like Zoloft and Prozac help combat called benzos—work by increasing
Because first-hand accounts show mood disorders. GABA. But as I mentioned earlier,
that… the side effects range from uncom-
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter
This natural remedy could make that improves your mood and pro- fortable to deadly.
depression drugs obsolete. motes positive feelings. A defi- By increasing GABA, CBD could
ciency in serotonin can produce offer a safe, effective alternative to
According to the survey, 95% of symptoms of anxiety and nega- dangerous benzos.
anxiety patients taking prescrip- tive thoughts. It’s also common in
tion pills reported being able to depression. 3. It can grow new brain cells.
cut back on their meds when using
medical cannabis—and a full 40% CBD works by stimulating the Studies have shown that people
completely came off their drugs 5HT1A serotonin receptor, which who suffer from anxiety have a
altogether when using CBD. means it can boost serotonin with- smaller hippocampus, which is a
out the negative side effects of the small organ that forms a part of the
And it’s no wonder! SSRI antidepressants. brain that regulates emotions.
Animal studies show that CBD can disorder, attention deficit disor- energy production in the cells, aid-
help regenerate brain cells in the der, multiple sclerosis, depression, ing memory, lowering blood pres-
hippocampus area of the brain. addiction—and anxiety, too. sure, preventing strokes, helping
obesity, reducing the severity of
Mainstream’s drugs definitely can’t Using a plant-based cannabinoid epilepsy, and treating addiction.
say that! like CBD helps replenish these low
levels—helping to bring about the It also has anti-cancer proper-
The Secret Behind CBD internal balance that’s necessary for ties, helps chronic pain, decreases
anxiety relief. inflammation and decreases stress
Animals and all vertebrates have
an endocannabinoid system of And the fact that studies continue
transmitters and receptors that to verify CBD’s safety—in addi- If you think you’d like to give CBD
are involved in the health of cells. tion to its effectiveness—makes it a a try, be sure to work in conjunc-
This endocannabinoid system no-brainer. tion with a physician or other
regulates hormones, the brain, expert that is skilled in its use.
organs, connective tissue, glands In fact, there has never been a
and immune cells. reported overdose death related If your doctor isn’t open to this
to cannabinoids. natural solution, try working with
Studies show low levels of our own one through the American College
internal endocannabinoids in con- Plus, CBD comes with additional for Advancement in Medicine
ditions like posttraumatic stress benefits including protecting (

Which Cancer Screenings You NEED…

And Which You Can SKIP
Don’t Get Another Screening Until You Read This
Cancer has become big business in Should You Rethink Routine mortality, but NONE of the stud-
America. Cancer Screening? ies showed a decrease in overall
With nearly 2 million people diag- I’ve always been skeptical of main-
nosed with cancer every year—and stream cancer screening. In other words, the science clearly
600,000 deaths—the fear of cancer shows that…
The potential for biased studies is
is very real. high, while the overall lack of evi- Cancer screening tests DON’T
dence that screening “saves lives” save lives after all.
Mainstream doctors will tell you
is surprisingly low.
that the best way to beat cancer is Because of the potential risks that
to get routine cancer screenings. An article published in the British go along with the diagnosis and
Medical Journal in 2016 reviewed treatment of cancer, I would expect
And people dutifully undergo these the results of 12 randomized con- that the average person that gets
unpleasant tests—not in the hopes trolled trials related to screening screened is just trading one cause
of preventing cancer, but in the for cancer. of death for another.
hopes of catching it early enough
to do something about it. While several studies showed a It’s also very likely that this
reduction in deaths caused by the screened person would have a
But do these screening actually specific condition studied, over- poorer quality of life because of the
save lives? all mortality was unchanged or typically harsh treatments (not to
increased. mention the numerous cases where
The answer will surprise you.
Another recent review and cancer is treated unnecessarily).
That’s why I’ve come up with my meta-analysis of published studies At the end of the day, I always
own personal guidelines to help on cancer screening showed that come back to this question:
you navigate the cancer screening in one third of the studies there
minefield. was a decrease in disease-specific If the screening isn’t going to help
you live any longer—and if it
could lead to additional treatments
that could dramatically impact
your quality of life—then what’s
the point?
For the medical system, it’s about
the money.
For you, the patient, it’s about a
personal decision that will likely
determine your future.
Whether or not to do cancer
screening is a shared decision
between you and your doctor. I
don’t try to play God and tell my
patients what to do.
What I do aim to do, to the best of
my ability, is to give my patients
all of the evidence on both sides
of the story so that they can make
their own informed decisions for
their lives. Mammograms are heavily promoted, but they’re not proven to save lives.

When Screening United States for men and women. If you have a first-degree fam-
is Beneficial But it’s also one of the most ily history of colon cancer, you
Having said all of that, there are cer- preventable. should start these tests start at age
tain situations that warrant testing, 40. For everyone else, start at age
But I don’t necessarily recommend 50. Cologuard is generally cov-
and a handful of screening tests that a routine colonoscopy.
are more beneficial than others. ered by commercial insurance and
There’s a new screening test on the Medicare.
For example, screening makes market that is about as simple and
more sense if you are at a higher painless as they come. It’s called Screening Test #2
risk of cancer. You would fall into Cologuard. Another test that I consider for
this category if you have a his- those at high risk or for those who
tory of exposure to carcinogens For this non-invasive test, you are concerned about their risk
or a family history of cancer in a simply collect a stool sample and is the anti-malignin antibody
first-degree relative (your parent, send it away for analysis. A special- screen (AMAS).
sibling, or child). ized technology called sDNA can
identify any alternated DNA in the AMAS is a blood test that searches
In those situations, it may make stool that could be associated with for the presence of a cancer
sense to try to catch a cancer early the presence of cancer cells. marker called AMA. What makes
when it’s more likely to be curable.
this test unique is that it’s not
If this test is positive, only then cancer-specific.
But whether you’re high-risk or not, do I recommend getting a colo-
there are a handful of select cancer noscopy and staying vigilant with AMA is an antibody that is present
screening tests that, in my opinion, ongoing screening until the test in malignant cells regardless of the
are more likely to be helpful.
becomes negative. type or location of a cancer.
Here are 5 cancer screening tests that
Cologuard is extremely accurate. That means that with this one test,
I do recommend for my patients.
Out of 100,000 people tested, it’s possible to detect the presence a
Cologuard detected 92% of colon variety of cancers, including breast,
Screening Test #1 cancers present—and 42% of pre- lung, brain, melanoma, lymphoma,
Colon cancer is one of the lead- cancers. That means the chance of leukemia, colorectal, and many
ing causes of cancer death in the a false negative is extremely low. others.
The AMAS is extremely accurate, recommends getting a low dose CT vessels and inflammation in breast
with a false positive rate of only scan yearly. tissue—which translates to higher
5% and a false negative rate of 7%. skin temperature.
Screening Test #4
The AMAS test is covered by Thermography is far safer than a
Medicare and may be covered by Breast cancer is the second leading mammogram because it doesn’t
other commercial insurances. Your cause of cancer death in women. use any radiation or compression,
doctor can order this test through Before I tell you my recommended it can detect cancerous changes far breast cancer screening, I have to earlier, and it’s 90% accurate.
tell you what NOT to get.
Screening Test #3 But here’s where it really shines:
Lung cancer is the leading cause Recently, the United States
of cancer death in both men and Numerous studies have found Preventive Services Task Force
women in developed countries. no difference in mortality among raised the age of recommended
women who got mammograms vs. screening to 50 years and for scans
For staying ahead of this deadly those who didn’t. be done every other year instead of
cancer, I recommend the low dose
But while they’re busy NOT saving yearly.
CT scan (LDCT) of the chest.
lives, these tests can cause cancer
These scans are far superior to by exposing sensitive breast tis- Screening Test #5
standard chest X-rays. Studies sue to massive amounts of ionizing The second leading cause of cancer
comparing these two screening radiation. death in men is prostate cancer.
methods found that people who
Screening for breast cancer is Screening can be beneficial—as
got the CT scans had a 20% lower
important—but there’s a better way long as it’s done using a careful
risk of dying from lung cancer than
to do it. multi-step process.
people who got X-rays.
I recommend a technology called First, I advise my patients to do the
They also had a 7% lower risk of
digital thermography. PSA blood test—but with a caveat.
dying overall.
PSAs are notorious for false posi-
The CT scans are more detailed, Thermography is a non-invasive tives that lead to unnecessary—yet
they use lower doses of radia- test that uses digital infrared ther- life-altering—treatments. That’s
tion, and they don’t require the use mal imaging to detect temperature why it should only be considered
of non-contrast dye (which has changes on the surface of the skin. as a first step.
Any cancerous growth will show If your PSA numbers are high,
If you have a history of heavy up red, indicating heat. That’s the second step is NOT to get a
smoking, the United States because cancer growth involves prostate biopsy. Instead, a safer,
Preventive Services Task Force the excessive formation of blood more accurate step 2 is to get the
4Kscore test.
This unique test calculates your
risk for aggressive prostate can-
cer (defined as 7 or higher on the
Gleason score)—which gives you
a better handle on what your next
steps should be (watch and wait
vs. slice and dice, etc).
The test is incredibly accurate, with
fewer than 2% of significant can-
cers being missed, and ZERO more
aggressive cancers being missed.
If you’ve had a PSA test and are con-
sidering a biopsy, talk to your doctor
Don’t rush to get a biopsy after a high PSA score. about getting a 4Kscore test first.

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