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Jeckfred Tereso

Effective speaking is also means leading your life to success.

Being an effective speaker you should need to know the
efficient ways on how public speaking done: Biotic or Abiotic

Brett Heart C. Cababat

Humans have different ways in expressing thoughts in order to

become an effective speaker, you need to have the capability to
get the attention of your audience. Therefore, you must have
the knowledge in speaking.

Trisha Joy Inot

Effective speaking is just like a tree, your confidence has roots-

the stronger you make those roots, your confidence will get. As
such, we can identify the similarities and differences.

Kissem A. Pagobo
You must have skills in polishing shoes for marvelous
appearance. For effective speaking, you must have the skill to
put your words together in a meaningful way. All speaker have
something similar in polishing their speeches but differ on how
they perform.
Hejara T. Andang

One must know that it takes time to learn and improve to

deliver an effective speech and considering the verbal and
non-verbal language is important to out stand on stage.

Denna Mae R. Villavert

Effective speaking are very important to the student’s success.

Being able to speak effectively means you need to consider the
important aspect of communication (non-verbal and verbal

Noriana and Cathrina

Everyday we are expose to different types of speaker. At school

we encounter guest and teacher. Effective speaking is important
because it allows us to form connection, influence decision and
motivate change.

Mary Jane Congayo

Speaking effectively means speaking in such a way that your

message is clearly heard and, if possible acted upon. But we
should consider the key components on how we should speak
to other people.

Eurika Montebon & Prince Cyrus Morillo

Public speaker is intended to be an effective speaker. The way

they deliver the speech is like having conversation between the
speaker and the audience. It maybe verbal or non-verbal

Gegie Padillo

Effective speaking as a “stone” you would be a brave every time

you have a sorrow to fighting all odds until you over come it.

Angelie M. Maguinda

Effective communication, like growing a tree, needs you to

nurture it. Nurturing a person’s effective communication skills
require two things: the mastery of verbal and non-verbal

Angela R. Baclohan

In order to become an effective speaker, you need to have the

ability and skills to attract the attention of the listener. Speaking
is one of the ways to inform and persuade someone and you
should consider the important details of the certain matter.

Elgie Mencede

Effective speaking is important to us, to know how to deliver

our speech. Being good in speaking can lead us to success and it
develops our skills in speaking.

Grace Maurice Augusto

Effective speaking is a conversational skills, as speaking in such a
way that your message is clearly heard. It has the important
aspects of communication: verbal and non-verbal.

Corina Mae Lapingcao

People have different ways in expressing thoughts and feelings,

same as the speakers. Speakers have their own ways on how
they are going to deliver their message with different styles and

Catherine D. Tausa

One way to communicate is through speech. To effectively

delivers the speech, speakers must master the two aspects:
verbal and non-verbal language.

Diana Rose Magallanes

Effective speaking is tantamount to your dreams, your aiming

for something to happen with success. But in order to achieve,
it needs a faith, efforts, sacrifice and hard work.

Hardnes Mae Rosales and Christian Lym Canales

One of the basic success of a student is having effective
communication skills. Which is communicating verbally or
non-verbal that needs to be consider in speaking.

Anabel C. Benigay

Effective speaking skills are one way to defined such as students

improve in speaking. As being a good speaking means you have
to consider the important aspects.

Mary Grace Bolonos

Effective speaking is like a painting, it needs artistry and colors

to make it beautiful and sensible as you communicate.
Improving speaking skills is an element.

Analyn A. Troyo

Effective communication is important when it comes to public

speaking. It enhances the different aspect of our community or
speaking in public. It improves our skills in public speaking.
Effective speaking is very important for us to know and how we
do public speaking. Effective speaking is one of the
requirements for us to become a good speaking it could also
enhance your speaking.

Jevens Noel Ochea

Effective speech is just like a music that you need to express

your introduction with confidence and living the valuable
speaking with the verbal and non-verbal cues.

Rowela Ponce

Effective communication is very important when it comes to

speaking. So, to enhance it more we have to learn different
aspects for us to improve our skills.

Christian Yves Kho

Effective speaking is when we communicate with people

effectively as being socially responsive to speak fluently. In
order to have this skill, we need to know that aspects of
communication; verbal and non-verbal.
Novelyn Colaste

Speaker have their own skills and knowledge to capture the

audience attention. Each of the speaker have their similarities
and differences in the entire presentation of speech.

Jovelyn Silawan

Effective speech is an achievement for a speaker. It cannot be

obtained easily, rather you need to consider it’s important
aspects: verbal and non-verbal cues.

Tricia Marie O. Gurne

Public speaking is a process and act of speaking or giving a

lecture to a group of people in a structured in order to become
an effective speaker. Effective public speaking is an important
skill in communicating knowledge in speaking ideas to group of

Johanna Colcol
If you want to make beautiful music, you must play the black
and white notes together. If you want to enhance your effective
communicating skills, you must learn more.

Le-ann P. Araneta

An effective speaker guide and influence the perception and

emotion of the listener. In order to do so, it is important to
consider the verbal and non-verbal language.

Reynald Fiel A. Buico

I have seen four different video last week, there are different
people who was delivering their respective speeches they had
different ways in delivering their thoughts and meanings.

Hachi Mae Luba

Every good speaker needs more practice, its like a rubrics cube
you need to practice the patterns step by step in order to
master the speech. Effective speaker must have a unique style,
skill and must have a similar and different strategies to capture
the attention of the listeners.

Christine S. Cabanog and Eva Mae Timbalaco.

Just like courting, effective speaking needs to exert more efforts,

have techniques and emotions in your delivery and work hand
in order to receive her sweetest yes.

Athena Ju S. Paquibot

All people could be a speaker but not all speaker are effective.
An effective speaker should convey a message in a concise,
simple yet very informative and clear manner in order for the
audience to understand a certain topic.

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