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Basic Education Department

#1 Holy Angel Avenue, Sto. Rosario, Angeles City

Name ___________________________________________ Grade/Score _______________

Year and Section ____________________________ Date ______________________
Subject: GRADE 10 - SCIENCE Teacher:___________________
ACTIVITY: (Please check the appropriate box)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Journal
Skills/Drill/Exercise Drawing/Art/Plate Informal Theme Quiz
Others ___________
References: Science Links by Melissa P. Valdoz (2015) Rex Book Store, Inc.
Manosca, L.G., (2015). Exploring Life Through ScienceL 10 -Learning Guide. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Valdoz, M.P., (2015). Science Links 10. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.


DIRECTION: Read and understand the situation. Perform the following tasks with your group.

You are a field researcher in a well- known television broadcasting network. The
management has assigned you to be part of an environmental documentary show created to
inform the public about the different phenomena in the environment. For the pilot episode, your
task is to have a five-minute documentary film about chemical reactions that affect the
environment. Include in your documentary pictures or videos of industries emitting fumes and
disposing wastes into bodies of water, among others. Your documentary must be accompanied
by chemical equations and other related chemical representations and scientific explanations.
It will be evaluated based on the clarity of the theme, message, and main idea; logical
organization and flow of the contents; accuracy and relevance of the information used and

The growing concentration of people, traffic and industries affects and worsens the air
quality in urban cities which makes air pollution as the major concern in the Philippines.
In response to Republic Act 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act under its Implementing
rules and regulations which requires the designation of air sheds to effectively manage the
country’s air quality program, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of
Health and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources launches its program
entitled: “Strengthening the Philippines Clean Air Act 2015.” One of the activities of the said
program is the CLEAN AIR ACT EXPO. The Expo will provide opportunities to present Science,
Math and Engineering Fair Projects to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers in
fostering Clean Air Philippines.
As a member of DOST Science and Research Center, you are asked to join and present
scientific investigations about the air quality of the Philippines. Your presentation can be in the
form of Infomercial or a documentary that give information from studies and data especially in
an original and informative manner.

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