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School Logo School Grade level Grade 7

Daily Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS

Lesson Plan Teaching Date June 17 - 21, 2019 Quarter 1st Quarter
in Grade 7 Teaching Time GRADE 7 CATTLEYA (7:30-8:30 AM), CAMIA (8:30AM-9:30AM), DHALIA (1:00PM-2:00PM)
I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jun 17, 2018 Jun 18, 2019 Jun 19, 2019 Jun 20, 2019 Jun 21, 2019
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies Illustrates the union and intersection of sets and the difference of two sets. M7NS-Ia-2 Solves problems involving sets
Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets, and set operations. M7NS-Ib-1 M7NS-Ib-2
SUBTASK: The students To illustrate and determine To find the intersection of To get the difference between To determine the To solve word problems
are expected; the union of two sets two sets two sets complement/s of a set involving sets with the use of
Venn diagrams and Apply set
operations to solve a variety
of word problems.
A. References: TG pp. 23-26
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials/ LRMDS downloaded material: NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning Material. LM. pp.14-18
Textbook pages Sets, Sets and Sets. 2001. pp. 20-25
B. Other Learning Next Century Math p. 9-12 ; chalk, board, activity sheets, pictures
A. Reviewing previous or (Speed Test) Let the students pass their Collect their assignment and Check the assignment. Collect the assignments
presenting the new What does it mean if we say assignment. check it immediately. (Speed Test)
lesson. the two sets are equal sets? (Speed Test) . (Speed Test)
Equivalent sets? What is the meaning of Review:
union of sets?
B. Establishing a purpose for Today, your goal is to The task for you today is to Let the student read the Your goal today is to This lesson will reinforce
the lesson illustrate and determine the Find the intersection of two objectives of the day: determine the compliment of a what you’ve learned about
union of two sets. sets. To get the difference between set. sets, set operations and the
two sets Venn diagram in solving
C. Presenting The union of two sets A and B, The intersection of two sets The difference of A and B The complement of A denoted Try solve the problem below:
examples/instances of which is denoted by A ⋃ B denoted by A – B, is defined by A’ is the set of elements In a class of 40 students, 17
the new lesson A and B is denoted by A ⋂
as the set whose elements are found in the universal set but have ridden an airplane, 28
(read as A union B), means B, (read as A intersection B) in A but not in B. not found in A. have ridden a boat. 10 have
the set whose elements are means the set of elements ridden a train, 12 have ridden
the elements found in A or in
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B or in both A and B. or elements found both in A Example 1 both an airplane and a boat. 3
and B. have ridden a train only and 4
Example: have ridden an airplane only.
Some students in the class have
not ridden any of the three
Example: modes of transportation and an
equal number have taken all
a. How many students have used
all three modes of
Sets A and B has no common transportation?
elements. There are some sets b. How many students have
with no common elements. taken only the boat?
Then A ⋃ B
Example 2: Present examples For instance, let the students (Let the student answer this in
using numbers. answer the following on the group.)
Present example 3 from the
book p. 11 and on p. 21. Present more examples for
the students to analyze.

D. Discussing new concept Explain how to illustrate union Board Works: Workshop: Let the students Venn diagrams can be used
and practicing new skills of two sets with no common do it individually. to solve word problems
elements then with common involving union and
elements. intersection of sets.

A group of 25 high school

students were asked whether
they use either Facebook or
Twitter or both. Fifteen of
these students use Facebook
and twelve use Twitter.
E. Developing mastery (lead Have the students give (Show to the students how to (Illustrate it in Venn diagram) Let the student illustrate a. How many use Facebook
to Formative Assessment) questions and let it be the way illustrate intersection through complement of sets on the only?
of discussing other examples Venn diagram) board. b. How many use Twitter
on p. 22 only?
(Present here how union of two c. How many use both social
sets illustrated in Venn diagram.) networking sites?
F. Finding practical What does it mean to have Union? How will you apply the What is the application of this What application can you
applications of concepts How to describe them in Venn concept of intersection in your lesson in our life? draw from the complement of
and skills in daily living diagram? life? two sets?
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G. Making generalizations The Union of two sets A and B is If the two sets have no If you find the difference of In order to get the complement Present the answer for the
and abstractions about the set whose elements are common elements then its the two sets, you just have to of a set you have to list the opening activity. on p.26
the lesson those which belong to set A, or intersection is null { }. list the elements found in the elements which not belong to
to set B, or to both sets. However if there is a common first set. that set.
element then it will be counted Ex. A – B , list all the elements
Gather reaction/explanation as one.
of A never mind with the
from the students.
elements of B and their
H. Evaluating Learning Let A, B and C be three sets Let A = { 2,4,6,8}, Answer the following: Answer the following below. The following diagram shows how
such that: B= {1, 3,5,7}, and Let A = { 2, 4, 6,8), all the Grade 7 students of
Let ⋃ = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Manila High School go to school.
C= {3, 6, 9} B = { 1, 3, 5, 7} and
Set A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, Find the following: C = { 3, 6, 9} 8, 9 } , Answer the questions that follow:
set B = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} and Find the following: A = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and B=
1. A ⋂ B { 2, 3 , 5, 7}
set a. A – B
C = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16}. 2. A ⋂ A b. B – C Find the following:
a. A‘
3. (A ⋂ B) ⋂ C c. (A ⋃ B) – C b. B’
Find the following
A⋃B 4. A ⋂ (B ⋃ C) d. A – (B ⋂ C) c. (A ⋃ B)’
5. B ⋂ C d. (A ⋂ B)’ a. How many students ride in a car,
e. A’ – B’ jeep and the MRT going to their school?
f. (A – B )’ b. How many students ride in both a car
and and a jeep? _______
c. How many students ride in both a car
and the MRT? _______
B ⋃ C. d. How many students ride in both a
jeep and the MRT? _______
e. How many students go to school
in a car only ______ a jeep only
_______ in the MRT only ______
walking _______
f. How many Grade 7 students of
Manila High School are there?
I. Additional activities for Make any sets illustrating Using the same given from your Illustrate each item from your Illustrate the following in Venn Agreement:
application or remediation quiz, find the following: quiz in a Venn diagram. diagram.
A ⋃ B and B ⋃ C.
1. B ⋂ U 2. A ⋂ (B ⋂ C)
3.( A ⋃ B) ⋂ C

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A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher Mathematics Department Head School Head

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