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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of City Schools
Culianan National High School
Culianan, Zamboanga City


Name: ______________________ Score: ___________
Year and Section: _______________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ____________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Shade the circle which corresponds the correct answer.

________ 01. It is a science process skill that uses the sense organs in making a scientific investigation.
A. Observing B. Classifying C. Making a Hypothesis D. Measuring
________ 02. Ana wants to measure the temperature of the water in a beaker. What laboratory tool does Ana need?
A. test tube B. thermometer C. stirrer D. weighing scale
________ 03. It is a tentative answer or a guess in a specific investigatory problem.
A. conclusion B. analysis C. hypothesis D. prediction
________ 04. In conducting an investigatory investigation, what is the first thing that you need to do?
A. conduct an experiment C. identify the problem
B. make a conclusion D. make a hypothesis
________ 05.The following are the steps in making scientific investigation, except_____?
A. observing B. identifying the problem C. experimenting D. comparing
________ 06. What is the correct sequence in conducting a scientific investigation?
A. observing, identifying the problem, making a hypothesis, conducting an experiment, analyzing
the data, making conclusion.
B. making a hypothesis, identifying the problem, making conclusion
C. conducting an experiment, making conclusion, analyzing the data
D. identifying the problem, making a conclusion, conducting an experiment
________ 07. ______ are called solutions.
A. Homogeneous mixtures C. Heterogeneous mixtures
B. Element D. Compound
________ 08. Which of the following is an example of a solution?
A. Sand in water C. Mud in water
B. Sugar dissolved in water D. Rice powder in water
________ 09. Which statement describes the solute?
A. It is the solid formed in solution.
B. It is the liquid part of the solution.
C. It is the component in a solution in smaller amount
D. It is the component in a solution in bigger amount.
________ 10. A brick is an example of a _____.
A. liquid B. solid C. gas D. plasma
________ 11. Seawater is a solution having a higher percentage of ____and other minerals.
A. sugar B. salt C. aquatic life D. marine life
________ 12. How many percent of nitrogen does dry air consist?
A. 0.04% B. 21% C. 78% D. 1%
________ 13. What are the two components of a solution?
A. solvent and solute B. saturated/unsaturated
C. homogenous/heterogenous D. elements/compounds
________ 14. A solution is ______ when it contains less solute than the maximum amount it can dissolve at a
given temperature.
A. saturated B. unsaturated C. homogeneous D. heterogeneous
________ 15. Where does sugar dissolve faster?
A. Cold water B. Hot water C. Ice cubes D. Juices
________ 16. The following are the factors affecting solubility of salt in water EXCEPT ___
A. effect of stirring B. temperature C. particle size D. mixture
For questions 16-18, refer to the data below.
Joel wanted to find out how much salt is needed to make saturated solution in 100 mL of water.
Step Number Amount of salt added Observations
1 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
2 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
3 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
4 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
5 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
6 6 grams After stirring, salt completely dissolved.
7 6 grams After stirring, some salt is seen at the
bottom of the container.
________ 17. In which step is the solution described as saturated solution?
A. Step 1 B. Step 3 C. Step 6 D. Step 7
________ 18. What is the solute of the solution?
A. Water B. Salt C. Coffee D. Sugar
________ 19. What is the concentration of solution in step 4?
A. 45 g/100 mL B. 24 g/100 mL C. 40 g/100 mL D. 18g/100 mL
________ 20. A group of students was asked to investigate how fast sugar dissolves in cold and hot water?
If this is going to be a fair test, what variables should they control?
A. Amount of water and sugar in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added to water and how
long each solution is stirred.
B. Amount of water and sugar in each cup, method of stirring, how long each solution is stirred.
C. Amount of sugar in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added to water and how long the
solution is stirred.
D. Amount of sugar in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added to water, how long each
solution is stirred.
________ 21. The solid that is left behind an evaporating dish is called ___.
A. decant B. leftover C. residue D. distillate
________ 22. Ben wants to separate the monggo a seed from the water, what process is he going to use?
A. evaporation B. magnet C. filtration D. distillation
________ 23. In preparing the distillation set up, what must be the source of heat?
A. Wire gauze B. Test tube C. Tripod D. Alcohol lamp
________ 24. Which of the following is considered as a substance?
A. Distilled water B. Seawater C. Rainwater D. Air
________ 25. Sodium chloride is the chemical name for ____.
A. Sugar B. Coffee C. Salt D. Juice
________ 26. Kyle wants to study about the different kinds of elements and its symbols, what kind of material
does he need to refer to?
A. newspaper B. journal C. map d. periodic table of elements
________ 27. Calcium chloride is a compound of the two elements calcium and chlorine. Which of the following statements is
A. Calcium chloride was listed in the periodic table.
B. The symbol for calcium chloride includes Ca and Cl.
C. Chlorine may still be broken down into a simpler form.
D. Calcium and chlorine belong to the same group in the periodic table.
________ 28. Appearance may not be the best basis to differentiate substance from mixture. Which of the following might help
identify the difference?
A. The behavior during the melting and the boiling.
B. The behavior during stirring.
C. The behavior during mixing.
D. The behavior during heating.
________29. Which of the following statement best describes a compound?
A. Made up of 2 or more substances.
B. Made up of single atom.
C. Made up of heterogeneous mixture.
D. Made up of colloids.
________ 30. Which of the following is NOT a compound?
A. Sugar B. Oxygen C. Salt D. Water
________ 31. How can you differentiate element from a compound?
A. Element can be broken down into simpler substance while the compound cannot.
B. Element has two or more atoms while the compound has only one.
C. Element has only one atom while a compound has two or more atoms.
D. Element and compound has no difference at all.
________ 32. Our planet is surrounded by different bodies of water. What are the components of a water molecule?
A. Oxygen and nitrogen C. Hydrogen and oxygen
B. Hydrogen and carbon D. Hydrogen and boron
________ 33. Which component of the water is highly combustible?
A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Carbon
________ 34. Chemists use periodic table for their research and in the discovery of a new breed compound. How
many atoms are there?
A. 115 B. 116 C. 117 D. 118
________ 35. What process that is capable of purifying water molecule into simpler form?
A. Electrolysis B. Distillation C. Electrophoresis D. Analysis
________ 36. What is the product form when 1 carbon atom chemically combined with 2 atoms of oxygen?
A. Carbon monoxide B. Carbonates C. Carbon dioxide D. Carbon Dating
________ 37. Which of the following is the chemical symbol for Gold?
A. Ba B. Br C. Bm D. Au
________ 38. Which of the following is the chemical formula for Sodium Chloride?
A. NaCl B. Cl- C. ClO3 D. NH4
________ 39. Most parents encourage their kids to drink milk every day for strong bones and teeth. What element can be
found in milk?
A. Phosphorus B. Potassium C. Calcium D. Iron
________ 40. Some people love to eat banana because it regulates proper heartbeat. What beneficial element
can be taken from it?
A. Phosphorus B. Potassium C. Calcium D. Iron
________ 41. Tony is suffering from anemia. What kind of food he must take in?
A. Rich in phosphorus B. Rich in potassium C. Rich in calcium D. Rich in iron
________ 42. Miss Imelda is a workaholic teacher. To complete her daily routine, she talks very loud in class
during discussion. After her class, she also loves to promote camaraderie with her colleagues. What kind of
food you suggest her to eat to prevent the possibility of having goiter?
A. Rich in Phosphorus B. Rich in potassium C. Rich in iodine D. Rich in protein
________ 43. Food products have list of different nutrients with corresponding percentage share on daily
recommended dietary allowance. What do you call this?
A. Nutrition Facts B. Nutritional Status C. Nutrients D. Ingredients
________ 44. Which of the following BEST describes ingredients of food products?
A. List of the materials in making the wrapper of food.
B. List of the materials needed in manufacturing the food.
C. List of the materials that have been added to make the food products.
D. List of the materials that have been taken out in making the food products.
________ 45. Which of the following element is important for human to be able to breathe?
A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Sodium D. Potassium
________ 46. He discovered the periodic table of elements.
A. Dmitri Mendeleev B. Albert Einstein C. Neil Armstrong D. Isaac Newton
________ 47. The following are the properties of an acid, except_______?
A. turns the litmus paper red B. has a sour taste
C. turns the litmus paper blue D. neutralizes bases and reacts with active metals
________48. An example of a strong acid is __________________________?
A. laundy detergent B. lemon juice
C. muriatic acid D. vinegar
________49. Which of the following is most likely a basic substance?
A. tomato B. detergent bar C.vinegar D. calamansi extract
________ 50. What is the neutral pH of a substance?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
________ 51. Which of the following juice is most acidic?
A. Calamansi juice B. Buko juice C. Nestea juice D. Coconut juice
________ 52. Which of the following natural alternatives can be used to test the acidity and basicity of certain
A. Red mayana leaves C. Rice plant leaves
B. Papaya leaves D. Coconut leaves
________ 53. Kylle was conducting an experiment in Chemistry. Unfortunately, the reagent bottles of sodium
hydroxide and sulfuric acid were not labeled. What is your BEST suggestion to solve his problem?
A. Use lithmus paper- Red to Blue- Base
B. Use lithmus paper- Blue to Red –Acid
C. Use lithmus paper- Red to Blue –Neutral
D. Use lithmus paper- Blue to Red- Neutral
________ 54. Most of the households in our country use hydrochloric acid to clean toilet bowls and tiles. What is
the common name of this solution?
A. Sulfuric acid B. Nitric acid C. Butyric acid D. Muriatic acid
________ 55. When will be a substance becomes acidic?
A. When the pH is lower than pH 7
B. When the pH is higher pH 7
C. When the pH is 8
D. When the pH is 10
________ 56. What will happen if you deep a blue litmus paper in an acidic solution?
A. it will turned into red C. it will turned into pink
B. it will remain blue D. it will turned into yellow
________ 57.How are you going to secure an acidic products?
A. place it in a closed and dry areas C. leave it in an open area
B. place it near the kitchen D. place it in an area where children can reach it
________ 58. Which of the following compounds is most basic?
A. Sodium hydroxide B. Sodium chloride C. Sodium bicarbonate D. Citric acid
________ 59. Arrange the following household items: toothpaste, bath soap, tap water, vinegar from the most
acidic to most basic?
A. tap water, milk, toothpaste, vinegar
B. milk, tap water, vinegar, toothpaste
C. toothpaste, milk, tap water, vinegar
D. vinegar, bath soap, toothpaste, tap water
________60. It is an indicator used to determine the acidity and basicity of common household items.
A. plant indicator B. ph indicator C. base indicator D. artificial indicator
________61. Noel is using a blue litmus paper to identify acidic and basic mixtures. Which possible mixtures could
turn his litmus paper to red?


A. I only B. I & II C. II & III D. III & IV

________62. Which of the following object is NOT made up of metal?

A. Plastic bottles C. Tin cans
B. Aluminum foil D. Gold
________ 63. Which of the following elements has ductile property?
A. Sulfur B. Chlorine C. Copper D. Iodine
________ 64. How are metals similar to nonmetals?
A. It is a substance. C. It is colloid.
B. It is a homogeneous mixture. D. It is a heterogeneous mixture.
________ 65. Which of the following best describes a metalloid?
A. It exhibits properties of metals only.
B. It exhibits properties of non-metals only.
C. It exhibits properties of both metals and non-metals.
D. It exhibits properties of both metals and non-metals.
________66. It conduct heat and electricity without changing into a new substance.
A. insulator B. conductor C. luster D. ductile
________ 67. Copper, aluminum and gold are metals. Which incorrectly describes a metal?
A. Metals are ductile. C Metals are good insulators.
B. Metals are malleable. D. Metals are good conductor of heat.
________ 68. The following are properties of a metal, except_______?
A. hard and opaque B. malleable C. conductor D. insulator
________ 69. Rubber is mainly made of nonmetal compounds. Why nonmetals do are used to cover a metal?
A. Nonmetals are nonconductors of electricity.
B. Nonmetals are oxides.
C. Nonmetals are colloidal.
D. Nonmetals are malleable.
________ 70. Maria wants to avoid the ground effect that she feels everytime she cooks food in an induction
cooker. To avoid this incident what kind of kitchen utensils does she needs to buy?
A. a utensils with a metal handle C. a utensils without a handle
B. a utensils with a rubber handle D. a utensils with a steel handle

G   D L U C K

Prepared by: Grade 7 Teachers

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