Course Information: Educational Program (Major) : LICENCIATURA EN RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES

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Dirección General de Educación Superior



Semester February - August 2019
Course information

Type: ( ) Module (X) Course Semester: 2 Group(s): C


Professor of course: De La Mora Cuevas Jose Manuel

Hours per week

Credits Total hours Under academic guidance Independent work

6 6 5 1

Term Exam 1º Evaluation 2º Evaluation 3º Evaluation

Will it be mandatory to attend class
80% of the time in order to be (X) Yes ( ) No Date 03/15/2019 05/10/2019 06/14/2019
entitled to present term exams?
Unit(s) to be considered I II III

Evaluation Ordinary Extraordinary Regularization

Date 06/24/2019 07/01/2019 07/30/2019

Course objective(s)

Students will analyze the national and international historical processes of the end of XIX century and the first half of XX century, to develop a
multicausal from the historical interpretation.

Competence or elements developed in this course which contribute to the graduate profile

To develop a historical interpretation and to analyzing national and international historical processes

Level of mastery of the course Description of the level Number equivalence

Demonstrate complete knowledge of the topics, integrate the contents

and the data completely and correctly, collaborates in discussions with
original ideas based on authors and concepts and is able to build well-
Overachiever founded arguments to defend his position, contribute with relevant from 9.5 to 10
questions that enrich the knowledge on the subject, actively collaborates
with colleagues in the construction of the knowledge and leads the work
team. Attend all of the sessions.

Demonstrates knowledge of most topics, integrates content and data

correctly, collaborates in discussions with original ideas and is able to
Competent construct sufficiently linked arguments, contribute with relevant from 8.0 to 9.4
questions that enrich the knowledge on the subject, collaborates with
colleagues in the construction of knowledge.

Demonstrates knowledge of some subjects, integrates the contents and

Satisfactory data, collaborates in the discussions and is able to construct simple from 6.0 to 7.9
arguments, make questions.

It does not prove to know the subjects, it does not manage to integrate
the contents and the data, does not collaborate in the discussions and is
Not competent Less than 6.0
not able to build arguments, does not make questions, does not
collaborate with his colleagues.
Unit(s) to be considered

Unit I: National State: Concepts and processes

Learning outcomes

Knows and explains the main causes, consequences and the process of constitution of national states

Period of the unit: 02/05/2019 - 03/15/2019

Content to be learnt Teaching strategies and learning experiences under the guidance of a professor

• Short presentation by the students.
Concepts and their construction
• Dialogue and group discussion of the scheduled topics.
Nationalism and national unifications (Italy and Germany)
• Participation and performance in the Integrative Project.
Empires and colonialism: the cast of China, Africa and
• Use of the Educ platform for communication, discussion forums and sending of
India in the Victorian era.
The rise of modernity: science, religion and ideology.

Independent work activities

Documentary research by the student for the development of deliverables. Individual and team work in the preparation of presentation on the topics.

Basic bibliography and teaching resources to develop the unit

Gómez, Pedro. (2000) Las ilusiones de la identidad. Madrid: Ed. Frónesis.

Escalante Gonzalo, Fernando (1992) Ciudadanos Imaginarios. México: El Colegio de México
Febvre, Lucien (1999) Honor y Patria. México: FCE
Ferrer Muñoz Manuel (1995) La formación de un Estado Nacional en México. México:UNAM
Palacios, Guillermo. (2007) Ensayos sobre la nueva historia política de América Latina Siglo XIX. México: El Colegio de México
Sommer, Doris (2004) Ficciones fundacionales. México: FCE
Bernecker, Walther (2004) Historia y presente del Estado Nación: Alemania y México en perspectiva comparada. México: El Colegio de México García
Jordán, Pilar (2013) La articulación del Estado en América Latina. Barcelona : Universidad de Barcelona

Performance criteria

The evaluation will be continuous, taking into account each and every one of the activities carried out by the student
1. Advances of the Integrative project
2. Originality, in the sense that it reflects the student's point of view
3. Reflective use of quotes and bibliographical sources
4. Quality of information
5. Argumentative ability

Evidence/ Instrument Grading tool Weighting

Portfolio of evidence 30

Integrative project 30

Online evaluation 20

Self-assessment. 10

Classroom participation 10

Unit II: From the Empires and Colonies to the National States

Learning outcomes

Knows and explains the main causes, consequences and the process of constitution of national states

Period of the unit: 03/18/2019 - 05/10/2019

Content to be learnt Teaching strategies and learning experiences under the guidance of a professor
• Short presentation by the students.
• Dialogue and group discussion of the scheduled topics.
- Latin America and the construction of the Nation-State in
• Participation and performance in the Integrative Project.
the second half of the 19th century.
• Use of the Educ platform for communication, discussion forums and sending of

Independent work activities

Documentary research by the student for the development of deliverables. Individual and team work in the preparation of presentations on the

Basic bibliography and teaching resources to develop the unit

Gómez, Pedro. (2000) Las ilusiones de la identidad. Madrid: Ed. Frónesis.

Escalante Gonzalo, Fernando (1992) Ciudadanos Imaginarios. México: El Colegio de México
Febvre, Lucien (1999) Honor y Patria. México: FCE
Ferrer Muñoz Manuel (1995) La formación de un Estado Nacional en México. México:UNAM
Palacios, Guillermo. (2007) Ensayos sobre la nueva historia política de América Latina Siglo XIX. México: El Colegio de México
Sommer, Doris (2004) Ficciones fundacionales. México: FCE
Bernecker, Walther (2004) Historia y presente del Estado Nación: Alemania y México en perspectiva comparada. México: El Colegio de México García
Jordán, Pilar (2013) La articulación del Estado en América Latina. Barcelona : Universidad de Barcelona

Performance criteria

The evaluation will be continuous, taking into account each and every one of the activities carried out by the student
1. Advances of the Integrative project
2. Originality, in the sense that it reflects the student's point of view
3. Reflective use of quotes and bibliographical sources
4. Quality of information
5. Argumentative ability

Evidence/ Instrument Grading tool Weighting

Portfolio of evidence 30

Integrative project 30

Online evaluation 20

Self-assessment. 10

Classroom participation 10

Unit III: Towards International Organizations

Learning outcomes

Know and explain the main causes of the constitution process of the main international organizations

Period of the unit: 05/13/2019 - 06/21/2019

Content to be learnt Teaching strategies and learning experiences under the guidance of a professor

• Teacher`s presentations
The first world war and its consequences.
• Portfolio of evidence.
The economic crisis (1929)
• Short presentation by the students.
Democracies and totalitarian governments (fascism,
• Dialogue and group discussion of the scheduled topics.
Nazism and communism) The Second World War.
• Participation and performance in the Integrative Project.
Hispanic America and the contemporary world
• Use of the Educ platform for communication, discussion forums and sending of

Independent work activities

Documentary research by the student for the development of deliverables. Individual and team work in the preparation of presentation on the topics.

Basic bibliography and teaching resources to develop the unit

Gómez, Pedro. (2000) Las ilusiones de la identidad. Madrid: Ed. Frónesis.
Escalante Gonzalo, Fernando (1992) Ciudadanos Imaginarios. México: El Colegio de México
Febvre, Lucien (1999) Honor y Patria. México: FCE
Ferrer Muñoz Manuel (1995) La formación de un Estado Nacional en México. México:UNAM
Palacios, Guillermo. (2007) Ensayos sobre la nueva historia política de América Latina Siglo XIX. México: El Colegio de México
Sommer, Doris (2004) Ficciones fundacionales. México: FCE
Bernecker, Walther (2004) Historia y presente del Estado Nación: Alemania y México en perspectiva comparada. México: El Colegio de México García
Jordán, Pilar (2013) La articulación del Estado en América Latina. Barcelona : Universidad de Barcelona

Performance criteria

The evaluation will be continuous, taking into account each and every one of the activities carried out by the student
1. Advances of the Integrative project
2. Originality, in the sense that it reflects the student's point of view
3. Reflective use of quotes and bibliographical sources
4. Quality of information
5. Argumentative ability

Evidence/ Instrument Grading tool Weighting

Portfolio of evidence 30

Integrative projec 30

Online evaluation 20

Self-assessment 10

Classroom participation 10

Ordinary Evaluation

Performance criteria

Proven argumentative capacity and reflexive use of bibliographic sources

Evidence/ Instrument Grading tool Weighting

Online evaluation 50

Short Essay in english 20

Evidence portfolio corrections 20

Essay presentation in english 10

Created by: Revised by:

- De La Mora Cuevas Jose Manuel Pérez Andrade Gabriela Elizabeth

Date of creation Date of updating Date of approval

02/05/2019 10:30 pm 02/22/2019 11:01 am

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