SH 004 James Group 2

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The Effects of Food Spoilage to the Specialized Subject of Grade 12 TVL Students of

Olivarez College DPRO

Leader: Javines, Kevin M.


Acuzar, Jude Alexis

Doculan, Therese Andrea

Enriquez, John Ryan

Espanola, Edrose

Fajardo, Lennard Lawrence

Garcia, Exequela

Garlejo, Nazarene

Gonzales, Celina

Guetan, Shiela Mae

Hernadez, Mhark Lloyd

Ragunton, Robin

Each kind of foods is considered normal and has its natural characteristics that
distinguish it from others such as appearance, texture, smell, taste, and flavor. If food items are
kept for a long period of time and stored properly, they get spoil such food items are bad for
health. When food items stored for a long time it gets spoil as germs start growing in it. Once the
food is spoiled, it cannot be eaten and has to be thrown away. Food spoilage is a disagreeable
change or departure from the foods original condition. Such change can be identified with senses
of smell, taste, touch, or vision. Changes arrived in food depend upon the form of food and the
microorganisms present in it and outcome from chemical response report to the metabolic
exercise of microorganisms raise in the food.

Food spoilage may be marked as a progress or change which delineate an outcome of

unwanted or dissatisfactions for consumption. This unusual thing is the product of the
biochemical activity of microbial chemical progress which will eventually the outcome
according to the hold out ecological determinants. Food spoilage is caused by various reasons as
air, oxygen, moisture, light, microbial growth and temperature. Therefore, any change in one or
more of these characteristics might take the validity of food unresolved. Spoiled foods may cause
illness because of the presence of pathogenic or pesticides which make the food unhealthy and
unsuitable for human. To ensure the safety and quality of foods and beverages, the effective
monitoring of the chill chain through production, transportation, distribution, and storage in retail
cabinets and home refrigerators is essential.

To prevent food spoilage, block the harmful foodstuffs and handle food appropriately.
Considered the quantities of food are lost because of food consumption and spoilage by rodents
and insects but to focus on bacteria and fungi, which cause most of the spoilage. Some spoiled
foods are harmless to eat, and may simply be lessen in quality. The toxic effects from consuming
spoiled foods are known as “food poisoning” and more properly as “foodborne illness.” “Food
security exists when all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe
and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy
life.” (World Food Summit, 1996).
Review Related Literature

Listeria monocytogens is a small, non-spores forming rod gaining public awareness

because of its presence in food products. Contamination of food products with Listeria
monocytogens has resulted in the closing of business or discontinued production of profitable
food products (Kellum et al., 2002).Listeria is widely found on foods and most raw foods are
likely to be contaminated. Listeria is easily killed by heat although cooked foods can easily
become decontaminated through poor handling .This is one of the few pathogen that can grow in
the refrigerator. Although it can grow in the fridge, it will do so only vary slowly so make sure
your refrigerator is keeping your food at or less than 5ºC (Bunning et al., 1986).

Bakery products are subjected to spoilage problems. These include physical, chemical
and microbial spoilage. Since the most common factor of bakery products is water activity,
microbiological spoilage, in particular mould growth is the major economic importance of
bakery products. Mould spoilage is a serious and costly problem for bakeries. Bacterial
contamination is more dangerous because very often the food does not look bad, even though
severely infected, it may appear quite normal. The presence of highly dangerous toxins and
bacterial spores is often not detected until after an outbreak of food poisoning (Sockett, 1991).
Cakes undergo bacterial spoilage due to their usually high concentration of sugars, which restrict
the availability of water. The baking process is generally sufficient to destroy microorganisms.
Microorganism may enter baked cakes from handling also from air. Growth of microorganisms
on the surface of cakes is favoured by high humidity and growth of moulds on cakes results in a
hardening of the product (Bamford, 1973).

 To know what sickness and unhealthy problems that can food spoilage affects the food.

 The research aims to give knowledge to those grade 12 TVL students of how to prevent
or to avoid food spoilage.

 This research will also be a source to the future researcher that will also research about
our topic or close to our topic.

 To show the effects of food spoilage to grade 12 TVL students.


 What will happen to the evaluators , if they eat a spoiled food?

 What are the effects of Food Spoilage?

 How do TVL students will prevent the spoilage on food?

 What are the causes of spoiled food?

 How to know if the food is spoiled or not contaminated?

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