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This College Management System project developed using android and Java programming language. The
main aim of this project is to develop an android app which covers all the details of college. The android
application will be used by students and Teachers. Admin is the Super user of this project.This provides a
simple interface for the maintenance of student information. The paper presenting information in an
easy and intelligible manner which provides the facility of central library, the library include e-resource
like e-books, audio/video lectures etc. The IVRS interactive Voice Response system most interesting
concept in our project.IVR is phone technology that allow a computer to detect voice and touch tones
using a normal phone calls. This system can reply with pre-recorded or dynamically generated voice to
further direct callers on how to proceed. [2] URPOSE This document is the softwareThis College
Management System project developed using android and Java programming language. The main aim of
this project is to develop an online website which covers all the details of college. The android
application will be used by students and Teachers. Admin is the Super user of this project.This provides a
simple interface for the maintenance of student information. The paper presenting information in an
easy and intelligible manner which provides the facility of central library, the library include e-resource
like e-books, audio/video lectures etc.The IVRS interactive Voice Response system most interesting
concept in our project.IVR is phone technology that allow a computer to detect voice and touch tones
using a normal phone calls. This system can reply with pre-recorded or dynamically generated voice to
further direct callers on how to proceed. [2] URPOSE This document is the software


This document is the software application for the College Management System for College project. The
purpose of this document is to describe the functionality, requirements and general interface of the
CMS. Now-A-Days every institute needs automation. As a part of college automation, we have decided to
do a project Voice Based Student and College System. Our project allows the Parents to know the
students attendance, marks and fees structure quickly through the telephone line without the intention
of the college authority. .


The requirement of the user is to:

 Access/ Search information.

 Login to the system through the first page of the application

 Change the password after logging into the system.

 View/change his/her details.

 Can get help through the help option to view different features of the system.

 Students can give feedback on college/staff/any other student.


International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XI, Issue XII, Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469 S.A.Kalane, A.S.Jadhav, S.S.Kadam, Prof.S.B.Khedkar 76
Figure contains the following three modules they are follows:

1) User Layer

2) Application Layer

3) Database Layer

1.1 User Layer:

In this layer we are check whether the user is an authorized person to use the system or not. For this the
user should give the correct user name and password.

The different types of users are

1. Admin

2. Students

3. Staff

4. Parents

1.2 Application layer:

The application layer provides a set of APIs and service tool tools for user to access information which is
store on central server.

Following different concept use in our system.

4.2.1 Website:

This application use by admin, staff, student, and

Parents for viewing information about our college.

Admin and Staff having modified and update the database.

The website specially use for alumni meet for pass out student.

4.2.2 Mobile App:

This app useful for staff and student to view and download the require data. View any notice &

App includes following modules: College profile:

This module includes information about college like college establishment, college mission, college
vision. Course:
Course module include following sub modules, ANDROID APPLICATION FOR COLLEGE MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM S.A.Kalane, A.S.Jadhav, S.S.Kadam, Prof.S.B.Khedkar 77 Central Library:

These modules include e-resources like eBooks, previous question paper, news paper clipping
Audio/video lectures, photo gallery and previous projects in collage. Noticeboard:

This module includes college level notice. Academic Calender:

It display the academic process of college like exams, functions Functions memories:

This module includes memories of function like photos, videos.

4.2.3 IVRS:

Interactive Voice Response systems (IVRS) allow callers to interact with the communications system over
the telephone. IVR is used to enable the caller to retrieve information from a database, enter
information into a database, or both. IVR systems allow the user to efficiently exchange information,
reducing clerical processing. IVRS provides a voice response to parents and guide them to the
information they require. The parents can call up on the toll-free number and obtain any information
regarding student by simply pressing certain button on his mobile as per the guidance of voice fed into
computer. An IVRS system talks to callers following a recorded script. It prompts a response to the caller
and asks him to respond by pressing a touchtone key, and supplies the caller with information based on
responses made. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XI, Issue XII,
Dec. 17, ISSN 2321-3469 S.A.Kalane, A.S.Jadhav, S.S.Kadam, Prof.S.B.Khedkar 78

Sequence followed in the IVRS service:

 Caller dials the IVRS service number.

 The computer waits for ringing tones at the end of which, the connection is established.

 The connection is established by lifting the handset of telephone base from ON-HOOK condition.

 Now, a pre-recorded audio greets the caller conforming that the number dialed corresponding to the
particular service.

 Next, the menu is presented to the caller again in the voice form, giving him the various options to
choose from. If the information to be relayed back is confidential, then the system may even ask the
dialer, to feed in a password number.

 The database is accordingly referenced and the necessary information is obtained.

 Next, the same information is put across to the user in voice.

 The caller generally given the option to : a. Repeat whatever information was voiced to him. b. Repeat
the choices c. Break the call by restarting ON-HOOK condition.

1.3 Database Layer:

The system uses MySQL as its database to store data creating by user.

The client requires the following features:

 The administrator governs the working of the system.

 The staff can view & update the student’s details.

 A mechanism to uniquely identify each student

 The students can view their marks/ attendance/ exam schedules/assignment/ download library details
 The system should have a login.

 Parents check attendance of our student.


The project entitled as College Management System is the system that deals with the issues related to a
particular institution. This project is successfully implemented with all the features mentioned in system
requirements specification. The application provides appropriate information to users according to the
chosen service. The project is designed keeping in view the day to day problems faced by a college.


The Android applications are creeping into every aspect of student life. We are living in a fast paced
world where everything is done instantly. Many students are using android phones to ease the time and
burden just on a ‘click of finger’. Good software and meaningful applications provide substantial benefits
for students and administrators as well: vastly improved communication, greater accountability, better
student compliance, and greater objectivity in evaluation. With the advancement of android phones, the
android applications suddenly became an important aspect for local and global connectivity. Portal is
defined as web site that provides a single point of access information and one of the many hosted within
a single web portal server. With the introduction of android phones, colleges started developing android
applications that would make student information and activities in collegesaccessible up-to-date 24/7. It
is now termed as college communicator. An online college communicator is one of the essential parts of
colleges. As technology evolves alongside, the information revolution, the power of computer makes it
easy to distribute and view information needed with just a few clicks.

Paper1: Research Paper on College Management System In this Paper is being developed for associate
degree engineering faculty to keep up and facilitate quick access to info. For this the users should be
registered with the system when that they'll access further as modify information as per the permissions
given to them. CMS is associate degree computer network primarily based application that aims at
providing info to any or all the degree of management with in a company. this method is often used as a
knowledge/information management system for the school. For a given student/staff
(technical/Nontechnical) will access the system to either transfer or transfer some info from the info.
Paper2: Web Based Student Information Management System In this paper assists in automating the
present manual system. This can be a paperless work. It is monitored and controlled remotely. It reduces
the person power needed. It provides correct info invariably. Malpractice is reduced. All years along
gathered info is saved and may be accessed at any time. The info that is keep within the repository helps
in taking intelligent choices by the management. Therefore it's higher to possess an internet based
mostly info Management system. All the stakeholders, school and management will get the desired info
directly. This method is crucial within the colleges/hostels and universities. Paper3: Android College
Campus In this Paper the robot primarily based Mobile field is developed to supply students with info
concerning library due dates, any placement activities, general notices, attending and marks details. This
info ought to be provided to students in an exceedingly price effective means. Therefore to realize an
equivalent, we've got developed this application, whereby students will access this info victimization
their robot enabled mobiles. The mode of communication is robot. Students needn't line up close to
board / go surfing to varsity web site for any of the higher than mentioned details. Simply acquire the
proximity limit of 1 of the numerous out there robot points and explore the service Paper4: The
development and design of the student management system based on the network environment. In this
paper discusses the maneuver of the management data in instruction. On the thought of a
comprehensive investigation and analysis on the scholar management in instruction, we have a tendency
to tend to ascertain the models of the varsity students' management data by adopting the advanced
data technology, and construct the scholar management data platform. Moreover, we have a tendency
to tend to investigate the characteristics of the information management in instruction, and elaborate
the ways to unravel the difficulties endeavor at intervals the scholars management of the higher
education. Finally, the key methodology and technology to carry out the information management
platform unit given Paper5: Mobile Web Based Android Application for College Management System The
system offers responsibility, time savings and straightforward management. Students and their oldsters
also will read results, group action and information details mistreatment this application. Additionally
students will read details, notifications anyplace and anytime. The applying can greatly change and
speed up the result preparation and management method. It provides high security and a system that
reduces the work and resources needed in ancient method. The projected system provides the new
means of computing and displaying operations with responsive and enticing user-interface. Thus, on the
idea of literature survey and by analyzing the prevailing system, we've got come back to a conclusion
that the propose system won't solely aid the automation to the faculty, but also will facilitate to digitalize
the system and successively facilitate to deploy resources with efficiency. III. EXISTING SYSTEM
Traditional approach utilized in faculty wherever school use bulletin board to share any data. And
teacher dictates the notes before of scholars and students additionally write notes in their notebook.
This method is time intense for teacher and students. Just in case any imperative notices by higher
management like box or Principal take time to achieve everybody. Your time few students out of school
premises in order that they don’t get that imperative notices. This might be making some downside to it
Student. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 @
IJTSRD | Available Online @ Existing System Disadvantages: 1. Existing System is not
efficient because sometimes it is time consuming. 2. Existing system fails in case of any emergency to
HOD and principal. 3. Staff communicates with HOD by meetin face. IV. OBJECTIVE 1. Providing the
online interface for students, faculty etc. 2. Increasing the efficiency of college record management. 3.
Decrease time required to access and deliver student records. 4. To make the system more secure. 5.
Decrease time spent on non-value added tasks V. PROPOSED SYSTEM We proposed an android App for
collage activities. This innovative system permits Faculty College share vital information additionally as
notifications with students through our App. It consists of OTP based mostly Teacher, box and Principal
login in conjunction with student login. Since faculty teacher operates through Mobile App and
document uploading is less complicated through a mobile, the teacher login is to be performed through
a mobile App. teacher might transfer documents of subject information, notifications, e notes and
update attendances etc through their provided login. The documents square measure uploaded by
teacher to totally different corresponding Departments. Here students solely read group action and
transfer information of their specific semester. Teacher might access and upload/edit International
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 @ IJTSRD | Available Online
@ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Existing System is not efficient because
sometimes Existing system fails in case of any emergency to Staff communicates with HOD by meeting
face to Providing the online interface for students, faculty Increasing the efficiency of college record
Decrease time required to access and deliver value added tasks We proposed an android App for collage
activities. Faculty College to share vital information additionally as notifications with students through
our App. It consists of OTP Teacher, box and Principal login in conjunction with student login. Since
faculty teacher operates through Mobile App and document uploading is less complicated through a
mobile, the teacher login is to be performed through a mobile App. teacher might nsfer documents of
subject information, notifications, e notes and update attendances etc through their provided login. The
documents square measure uploaded by teacher to totally different corresponding Departments. Here
students solely read and transfer information of their specific semester. Teacher might access and

teacher and students. Just in case any pressing notices by higher management like box or princi to
achieve everybody. These days it's of the necessary to not solely use the certain sorts of statement,
however conjointly new forms like telephone technology, for quicker and easier communication among
the scholars. The approach of communication is humanoid. this paper we tend to develop AN application
that provided info like assignments, timetables of examinations, result and group action, notices and
therefore the department details. Here we tend to conjointly use Authentication, on (OTP) play a
significant role for authentication and wont to give higher layer of security over static passwords.
Student’s group action is additiona monitored by the applying. W propose the notification that send n
activity to the scholars, workers or box whether or not they square measure on-line or offline. In [1] is
being developed for AN engineering faculty to keep up and facilitate quick access to data. For this the
users should be registered with the system when that they'll access still as modify information as per the
permissions given to them. In [2] assists in automating the present manual system. This is often a
paperless work. It may be monitored and controlled remotely. It reduces th person power needed. [4]
Discusses the tactic of the management info in instruction. On the idea of a comprehensive investigation
and analysis on the scholar management in instruction, we tend to establish the models of the school
students' management in adopting the advanced info technology, and construct the scholar
management info platform. Moreover, we tend to analyze the characteristics of the knowledge
management in instruction, and elaborate the strategies to unravel the difficulties braving w Dec 2017
Page: 881 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 1 Scientific (IJTSRD) International Open Access Journal
Android App for College Management System Sumit Ghardale, Vaibhavi Avachat, Aarti Erande, Prof.
Bhavesh Shah in case any pressing notices by higher management like box or principal take time days it's
of the necessary to not solely use the certain sorts of statement, however conjointly new forms like
telephone technology, for quicker and easier communication among the scholars. ation is humanoid.
During this paper we tend to develop AN application that provided info like assignments, timetables of
examinations, result and group action, notices and therefore the department details. Here we tend to
conjointly use Authentication, only once passwords (OTP) play a significant role for authentication and
wont to give higher layer of security over static passwords. Student’s group action is additionally
monitored by the applying. We tend to conjointly propose the notification that send notification of
recent activity to the scholars, workers or box whether or not line or offline. In [1] is being developed for
AN engineering faculty to keep up and facilitate quick access to data. For this the users should ed with
the system when that they'll access still as modify information as per the permissions given to them. In
[2] assists in automating the present manual system. This is often a paperless work. It may be monitored
and controlled remotely. It reduces the person power needed. [4] Discusses the tactic of the
management info in instruction. On the idea of a comprehensive investigation and analysis on the
scholar management in instruction, we tend to establish the models of the school students'
management info by adopting the advanced info technology, and construct the scholar management info
platform. Moreover, we tend to analyze the characteristics of the knowledge management in instruction,
and elaborate the strategies to unravel the difficulties braving within the students International Journal
of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Available Online
@ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 882 management of the upper
education. Finally, the key methodology and technology to hold out the knowledge management
platform square measure given II. LITERATURE SURVEY Paper1: Research Paper on College Management
System In this Paper is being developed for associate degree engineering faculty to keep up and facilitate
quick access to info. For this the users should be registered with the system when that they'll access
further as modify information as per the permissions given to them. CMS is associate degree computer
network primarily based application that aims at providing info to any or all the degree of management
with in a company. this method is often used as a knowledge/information management system for the
school. For a given student/staff (technical/Nontechnical) will access the system to either transfer or
transfer some info from the info. Paper2: Web Based Student Information Management System In this
paper assists in automating the present manual system. This can be a paperless work. It is monitored
and controlled remotely. It reduces the person power needed. It provides correct info invariably.
Malpractice is reduced. All years along gathered info is saved and may be accessed at any time. The info
that is keep within the repository helps in taking intelligent choices by the management. Therefore it's
higher to possess an internet based mostly info Management system. All the stakeholders, school and
management will get the desired info directly. This method is crucial within the colleges/hostels and
universities. Paper3: Android College Campus In this Paper the robot primarily based Mobile field is
developed to supply students with info concerning library due dates, any placement activities, general
notices, attending and marks details. This info ought to be provided to students in an exceedingly price
effective means. Therefore to realize an equivalent, we've got developed this application, whereby
students will access this info victimization their robot enabled mobiles. The mode of communication is
robot. Students needn't line up close to board / go surfing to varsity web site for any of the higher than
mentioned details. Simply acquire the proximity limit of 1 of the numerous out there robot points and
explore the service Paper4: The development and design of the student management system based on
the network environment. In this paper discusses the maneuver of the management data in instruction.
On the thought of a comprehensive investigation and analysis on the scholar management in instruction,
we have a tendency to tend to ascertain the models of the varsity students' management data by
adopting the advanced data technology, and construct the scholar management data platform.
Moreover, we have a tendency to tend to investigate the characteristics of the information management
in instruction, and elaborate the ways to unravel the difficulties endeavor at intervals the scholars
management of the higher education. Finally, the key methodology and technology to carry out the
information management platform unit given Paper5: Mobile Web Based Android Application for College
Management System The system offers responsibility, time savings and

Paper4: The development and design of the student management system based on the network
environment. In this paper discusses the maneuver of the management data in instruction. On the
thought of a comprehensive investigation and analysis on the scholar management in instruction, we
have a tendency to tend to ascertain the models of the varsity students' management data by adopting
the advanced data technology, and construct the scholar management data platform. Moreover, we have
a tendency to tend to investigate the characteristics of the information management in instruction, and
elaborate the ways to unravel the difficulties endeavor at intervals the scholars management of the
higher education. Finally, the key methodology and technology to carry out the information
management platform unit given Paper5: Mobile Web Based Android Application for College
Management System The system offers responsibility, time savings and straightforward management.
Students and their oldsters also will read results, group action and information details mistreatment this
application. Additionally students will read details, notifications anyplace and anytime. The applying can
greatly change and speed up the result preparation and management method. It provides high security
and a system that reduces the work and resources needed in ancient method. The projected system
provides the new means of computing and displaying operations with responsive and enticing user-
interface. Thus, on the idea of literature survey and by analyzing the prevailing system, we've got come
back to a conclusion that the propose system won't solely aid the automation to the faculty, but also will
facilitate to digitalize the system and successively facilitate to deploy resources with efficiency. III.
EXISTING SYSTEM Traditional approach utilized in faculty wherever school use bulletin board to share any
data. And teacher dictates the notes before of scholars and students additionally write notes in their
notebook. This method is time intense for teacher and students. Just in case any imperative notices by
higher management like box or Principal take time to achieve everybody. Your time few students out of
school premises in order that they don’t get that imperative notices. This might be making some
downside to it Student. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
ISSN: 2456 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ Existing System Disadvantages: 1. Existing
System is not efficient because sometimes it is time consuming. 2. Existing system fails in case of any
emergency to HOD and principal. 3. Staff communicates with HOD by meetin face. IV. OBJECTIVE 1.
Providing the online interface for students, faculty etc. 2. Increasing the efficiency of college record
management. 3. Decrease time required to access and deliver student records. 4. To make the system
more secure. 5. Decrease time spent on non-value added tasks V. PROPOSED SYSTEM We proposed an
android App for collage activities. This innovative system permits Faculty College share vital information
additionally as notifications with students through our App. It consists of OTP based mostly Teacher, box
and Principal login in conjunction with student login. Since faculty teacher operates through Mobile App
and document uploading is less complicated through a mobile, the teacher login is to be performed
through a mobile App. teacher might transfer documents of subject information, notifications, e notes
and update attendances etc through their provided login. The documents square measure uploaded by
teacher to totally different corresponding Departments. Here students solely read group action and
transfer information of their specific semester. Teacher might access and upload/edit International
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 @ IJTSRD | Available Online
@ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Existing System is not efficient because
sometimes Existing system fails in case of any emergency to Staff communicates with HOD by meeting
face to Providing the online interface for students, faculty Increasing the efficiency of college record
Decrease time required to access and deliver value added tasks We proposed an android App for collage
activities. Faculty College to share vital information additionally as notifications with students through
our App. It consists of OTP Teacher, box and Principal login in conjunction with student login. Since
faculty teacher operates through Mobile App and document uploading is less complicated through a
mobile, the teacher login is to be performed through a mobile App. teacher might nsfer documents of
subject information, notifications, e notes and update attendances etc through their provided login. The
documents square measure uploaded by teacher to totally different corresponding Departments. Here
students solely read and transfer information of their specific semester. Teacher might access and
upload/edit documents to any semester or add any Post as desired. Teacher additionally updates student
group action by exploitation mechanical man Application. additionally login through its mobile device,
his role is to observance specific division activities and share document, notes like timetable document.
and also the role of principal is to watch overall activities perform by totally different departments.
Proposed System Advantages: 1. OTP based Login that permits registered user to login an preventing
unauthorized access. 2. The android mobile user will be able make quick download from anywhere using
internet. 3. Usage of application can greatly cut back time in

Algorithm 2: Authentication Process 1. During authorization, besides a user’s login and password, a user
will be asked for a one-time password that he/she will have to enter in the form after generating it with
one of our tokens. 2. The one-time password is sent through the API to Protectimus. 3. In real-time
mode, the ОТР and the user are verified, and your application instantly receives a positive or a negative
response. 4. Your application responds to the authentication attempt based on the response received.
System Requirement and Specification Hardware resources required 1. Processor : Pentium –IV 2.
Speed : 1.1 GHz 3. RAM : 256 MB(min) 4. Hard Disk : 20 GB 5. Key Board : Standard Windows Keyboard 6.
Mouse : Two or Three Button Mouse 7. Monitor : SVGA Software resources required 1. Operating System
: Windows 07/08/Above 2. Programming Language : JAVA/J2EE/XML 3. IDE : Android Studio, SDK 4.
Database : MY SQL VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE We proposed system on on-line server that
enables teacher to transfer notes and updates Attendances and students could read own group action,
transfer needed documents through their automaton device. owning to this faculty activities and spot
share with student directly. we offer OTP based mostly authentication to forestall unauthorized access.
In future we introduce, Parent Teacher Communication may additionally be developed. Attendance
proportion calculators are often introduced. Assignments are often submitted through on-line and mail
etc. Online library system is often introduced. VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by Prof.
Bhavesh Shah. (Suman Ramesh Tulsiani Technical Campus - Faculty of Engineering) REFERENCES 1. Lalit
Mohan Joshi, “A Research Paper on College Management System”, International Journal of Computer
Applications (0975–8887) Volume 122 – No.11, July 2015. 2.
ShiplaHamale,ThakurGaneshsingh,SyedArshadHus sain “Android College Campus ”,International journal
of ethics in Engineering & Management Education,ISSN:2348-4748, 2014 International Journal of Trend
in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2017 Page: 885 3. S.R. Bharamagoudar, Geeta R.B.,
S.G.Totad (2013 "Web Based Student Information Management System”,International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013. 4. Zhi-gang
YUE, You-wei JIN, “The development and design of the student management system based on t network
environment”2010 5. A.J.Kadam, Aradhana Singh, Komal Jagtap, Srujana Tankala,”Mobile Web Based
Android Application for College Management Sysytem”2017 6. Priyanka Jichkar1,Kalyani Gawande2,
Arshadkhan Pathan3, Prof. Gangotri Nathaney, “Android Based Department App – Using Smart Phone”
2017 7. Vishwakarma R Ganesh,”Android College Management System”,2016 8. Siti Aisah Mohd Noor,
Norliza Zaini, Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip, Nabilah Hamzah “Android Based Smart Learning and Attendance

Abstract— This project is aimed at developing an Android Application on College Management on mobile
phones that is of importance to either an educational institution or a college. This Application can be
used as a knowledge/information management system for the college. For a given student/staff
(technical/Non-technical) can access the system to either upload or download some information from
the database. This application is a combination of integrated Android and Web Application. In Android
application we can view all information and download files where as in Web Application we can store all
the information related to attendance marks student details. I. INTRODUCTION Introduction-College
management application is an integrated android application that handles various academic and non
academic activities of a College/Academic Institute. The application can access by every
students/faculties of the institution through mobile devices with the aid of his user name and password.
Every user will have a customized home page with his/her profile management facilities. Through links
that displays in the home page the user can access different options of the application assigned to him.
Though the application allows access to everyone there is a significant security risk involved in this
project. To tackle this problem we suggest a modular structure in the proposed application and a
complete isolation of the administrative modules from the public portal. Only trusted IPs can access
these modules. A self driven module in the proposed will raptor. II. METHODOLOGY In this project we
mainly deal with three modules namely Admin module, Faculty and Student Module. Main page
contains three buttons named as admin, faculty, and student, upon clicking any one of the buttons
provided, the respective login page is displayed, and Admin contains all the information such as login
information, student information and staff information. Faculty and Students can login by giving the user
name and password. Admin is responsible for maintaining the database. Fig1. Dataflow diagram for
Admin login Fig.2 Architectural diagram for college management III. REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION A.
Functional Requirements a) User authentication Introduction: It includes authenticating users. ANDROID
Hubli, India 2B.E, Computer Science, AGMRCET, Hubli, India 3B.E, Computer Science, AGMRCET, Hubli,
India 4B.E, Computer Science, AGMRCET, Hubli, India 5Asst.Professor, CSE Dept., AGMRCET, Hubli, India
6Asst.Professor, CSE Dept., AGMRCET, Hubli, India International Journal of Emerging Technology in
Computer Science & Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 14 Issue 2 –APRIL 2015 812 Inputs:
Inputs include username and password. Processing: Username and passwords are checked against the
database to ensure valid user. Output: Valid users are allowed to access the homepage. b) Admin
authentication Introduction: It includes authenticating admin. Inputs: Inputs include username and
password. Processing: Username and passwords are checked against the database to ensure valid admin.
Output: Valid admin is allowed to access the admin page where he can create accounts for users. c)
Attendance Introduction: It allows the admin to keep a record of present and absent numbers. Inputs:
Inputs include date, class, semester, name and roll no of the student. Processing: The present and the
absent numbers of the particular student are stored in the database. Output: It can then be viewed by
the user. d) Marks Introduction: It allows the user to keep a record of marks. Inputs: Input includes name
of the student, roll no, class, semester and the marks of the student. Processing: The marks of each
student is stored in the database. Output: It can then be viewed by the user. e) Exam Notification
Introduction: It allows the user to read exam details. Inputs: Inputs includes name of the class, semester
and exam details. Processing: Examination dates will be notified to the user. Output: User can view exam
details. f) Search Introduction: It allows the user to search student. Inputs: Inputs include name and roll
no of the student. Processing: Details of the students are fetched from the database. Output: These
student details are then displayed. g) Event Notification Introduction: It notifies the students about the
events to be conducted. Inputs: Input includes event name, place, description and date. Processing:
Admin input is stored in the database. Output: Later this can be viewed by the user. B. Non-Functional
Requirements 1) Performance Short response time for given piece of work. The software shall support
use of multiple users at a time. 2) Reliability The system recovery should be speed. The application
should be highly reliable and it should generate all the updates information in correct order. Data
validation and verification needs to be done at every stage of activity. C. Behavioral Attributes a)
Security: The system should be secured. b) Availability: The system should be available 24X7. c)
Maintainability: The system should meet new requirements. d) Portability: This application should be
portable on any system and can be opened in any browser IV .CONCLUSION The project entitled as
Android Application on College Management that deals with the issues related to a particular institution.
The application provides appropriate information to users according to the chosen service. The project is
designed keeping in view the day to day problems faced by a college. Deployment of our application will
certainly help the college to reduce unnecessary wastage of time in personally going to each department
for some information. Awareness and right information about any college is essential for both the
development of student as well as faculty. So this serves the right purpose in achieving the desired
requirements of both the communities. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to avail this opportunity to
thank all of the people who have stood by us in, encouraged us, inspired us and have contributed greatly
in providing us with the joy of achievement and thrill of creative effort experienced by us in all the way
through the accomplishment of this paper. It is our greatest privilege to express gratitude to our guide
Mr. Amaresh Patil, Asst. Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Dept. for excellent guidance. We
wish to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Rama Chandra Rao M., Associate Professor and HOD,
Computer Science and Engineering Department for his valuable suggestions, help and support. We
sincerely thank Dr. Sunil Kumar D, Principal of AGMRCET, Varur for the support he has provided in
permitting us to undertake this paper publication. REFERENCES [1] Garima Pandey, Diksha Dani(2014).
Android Mobile Application Build on Eclipse. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication.
Volume4, Issue2. [2] Li Ma, Lei Gu(2014).Reseach and Development of Mobile Application for Android
Platform.International Journal Of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, ISSN:1975-0080 IJMUE. [3]
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