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4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Aguinaldo - The
Maligned Hero
An inquiry into the meaning of the events of 1896 to
1906 as contemporary Filipinos should understand

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Why Filipinos are not a patriotic

(There is an update version: "The Filipino Tragedy")

It is truly amazing that Filipinos are not patriotic

people. Yet, a decade and a hundred years ago this
country teemed with great heroes.

Men like Sancho Valenzuela, Flaviano Yenko,

Ananias Diokno, Maximo Abad, Luciano San Miguel,
Eugenio Daza, Julian Santos, Faustino Guillermo,
Ambrosio Flores, Simeon Ola, Arcadio Maxilon,
Martin Delgado, Urbano Lacuna, Juan Cailles, Licerio
Geronimo, Sixto Lopez, just to name a few of the
unheralded. But today ineptitude, helplessness,
indifference and disregard for law and order prevail.
Seekers of favor, privilege, and position outnumber
those who are willing to make sacrifices for the
country. And not one among contemporary public 1/98
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officials shows any real interest in leading the people

out of poverty, ignorance, and apathy. The puzzle
becomes even more pronounced whenever the
question is asked why the likes of Aguinaldo, Rizal,
Bonifacio, Jacinto, Del Pilar, Luna, Lopez Jaena,
Mariano Ponce are nowhere to be found. Did
something unusual happen then that we are not told

"Ang isang lahi na walang marangal na gunita hinggil sa sarili ay isang lahing

madalîng alipinin at patuloy na may isip-alipin kahit bigyan ng kalayaan." - Virgilio


( Photo source: University of Michigan Digital Library)

Revisiting the Aguinaldo era

A diligent student of Philippine history could use the
internet to get to the facts that would lead to the
solution of the puzzle much faster. With some luck, he
might find himself in a gold mine of information, The
student would find books, pamphlets, and documents
containing unfamiliar accounts and events, facts that
an average Filipino student could not have
encountered in his school days or professional career. 2/98
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Indeed, so much had been deliberately missed out in

Philippine school textbooks concerning the events
that took place after the United States succeeded
Spain as the colonial master of these islands at the
turn of the twentieth century.

It will take a little while to gather the data and digest

the facts, but eventually, a clear scenario will form in
one’s mind like several frames as in a graphical
presentation. First to show would be the frame of
Bonifacio, then Aguinaldo, then the battle of Manila
Bay, then the Filipino army and navy, then the siege of
Spanish garrisons throughout Luzon, Visayas, and
parts of Mindanao, then the victorious Filipino flag
flying in towns and cities, then the first Filipino
republic, then the armed intervention by the
Americans, then the Filipino war of resistance, then
the defoliation, reconcentrado and water cure, then
the surrender of Filipino guerrilla fighters, then the
American colonial government, then the public school
system and the final frame, the new Filipino.

The student would realize no sooner that the reason

why today's generation of Filipinos are not patriotic is
that they are descendants of the new Filipino or those
that William Howard Taft condescendingly called the
little brown brothers (Taft, 125). These were the
generation of Filipinos who had undergone a process
of re-education, which the nationalist historian,
Constantino, called the remaking of the Filipino. The
parents were the patriotic Filipinos who fought side by 3/98
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side with Aguinaldo, but the offspring were taught to

become subservient Filipinos of the American colonial

But what would likely escape notice by the unwary

student is that the re-education process was not
accidental, or a result of teaching English or other
American-oriented subjects. As will be proved later,
the re-education process was deliberate. It was
carefully designed to erase from the memory of the
Filipinos a very sad chapter in their country's history.
The public school system was utilized to implement a
systematic process of indoctrination in order that
Filipinos will have no recollection of the horrors they
went through in their heroic resistance to American
occupation. That the process was successful can be
gleaned from its product, the new Filipino whose
descendants today are wrestling with lost national
identity, unfamiliar with the blood and tears that their
forefathers shed in a bitter struggle to establish a
government of their own, free and independent.

McKinley's clever ploy

The story of the transformation of the Filipino from the
patriotic to the subservient came about with the rise of
America as a world power in the late 19th century.
U.S. President William McKinley wanted to take the
Philippine Islands as an American colony following the
British model. However, a territorial expansion that
ignored the rights of the inhabitants to American
citizenship violated the constitution of the United 4/98
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States and the libertarian tradition of the American

people. Nevertheless, President McKinley was
obsessed and completely consumed by his
imperialistic design.

He ignored the favorable opinion of Admiral Dewey

and the other American generals about the capability
of Filipinos for self-government and their superiority
over the Cubans who the United States freed after the
Spaniards were driven out of Cuba. He also refused
to acknowledge the accomplishment of the Filipinos in
defeating the Spaniards and establishing a de facto
government that held ninety-three percent of the
country and administered to ninety-four percent of the
population. The so-called Philippine republic,
according to Washington officials, was not recognized
as a belligerent by the powers, e.g., England, United
States, Germany, Japan or Russia, and therefore, for
practical purposes, did not exist. But whenever the
American generals needed anything from Aguinaldo -
oxen, horses, wagons, timber, encampments,
supplies or information, he was addressed as
Commanding General of the Philippine Forces.

Rather than sympathize with a struggling people, the

McKinley administration concocted a very clever ploy.
The American public was made to believe that the
Filipinos were savages, uncivilized, and unfit for self-
government. The Filipinos were likened to the
American Indians who lived among several tribes
scattered all across the Philippine archipelago. 5/98
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McKinley presented himself as the knight in shining

armor that Divine Providence had anointed to lead the
Filipinos out into the bright sunlight of western
civilization. (Storey and Lichauco, 177). But what the
American public was not made privy to was the
prospects of enormous profits from hemp, sugar,
timber, India rubber, gold, silver and other precious
metals, coaling stations, and control of commerce in
the east that made the Wall Street schemers very
excited about. Neither was the American public told
that the Filipinos fought the Spaniards to gain their
independence and will fight the Americans to defend
that independence. And so McKinley's obsession to
colonize the Philippines proceeded with the ayes of
the members of the United States Congress and
applause of the American people.

War of extermination and devastation

What Aguinaldo thought was an alliance with the
Americans against Spain was eventually exposed to
him as a masquerade to the real motives of the
Americans. Soon after Aguinaldo had defeated the
Spaniards and a large of contingent of American
troops had arrived in Manila, war was commenced by
the U.S. military in February 4, 1899, which influenced
a wavering U.S. Congress to ratify the Treaty of Paris,
the treaty between Spain and the United States which
ceded the Philippines to the latter, by a majority of
only one vote, i.e., 57 ayes to 27 nayes. McKinley
gave the Filipinos only one choice - submit to
American authority or be killed. The Filipinos chose to 6/98
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fight a vastly superior army rather than submit to a

new master. For almost a year, the Filipino army faced
the superior American forces in open-field or
conventional warfare only to be clobbered in each
engagement. Filipino initiatives for a truce were
rebuffed by the Americans with a demand for an
unconditional surrender of the entire Filipino army
before any talks are opened. But the Filipinos refused
the terms of an unconditional surrender without a
clear commitment that a government under an
American protectorate will be respected. And so the
fighting continued.

Eventually, the succession of defeats in various

battlefields forced Aguinaldo to change strategy. He
issued an order to disband the 30,000 strong Filipino
army in November 1899 and constitute the officers
and soldiers into guerrilla units in their home
provinces. The change in strategy surprised the
Americans who began to suffer heavier casualties
from sneak attacks and ambuscades by Filipino
guerrillas. A Washington paper printed this report, viz:

”Dispatches from Manila stating that more

troops are needed and that the American
army is suffering embarrassment and
unnecessary losses on account of the lack of
a sufficient force to occupy the territory from
which the insurgents are driven, attract much
attention here. “ (Swift, 257) 7/98
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And from an American officer:

”Much of the news sent home by

correspondents is so shamefully false that it
does our cause great injury among the foreign
interests here. Gen. Otis keeps sending
reports that the insurrection will soon be
suppressed. Nobody in the field believes such
stuff. The insurgents can fight a guerilla
warfare with 10,000 men, such as will keep
100,000 American troops busy for five years.
In the rainy season all campaigning on a large
scale must stop. Meantime the insurgents can
recuperate, replenish their supplies of
ammunition, go on cultivating their fields in the
interior and suffer comparatively little
hardship. In all the 300 years of Spanish
occupation, war raged continuously in some
parts of the group. The interior and larger part
of Luzon never has been conquered. The
volunteers have done the heavy fighting so
far, and they fight all around the regulars, too.
Have that Philippine strategist at Washington
choked off. His articles are ludicrous. In an
issue of the papers received last mail he
speaks of no fighting having occurred south of
the Pasig River. That is exactly where all the
heaviest fighting occurred prior to the
movement against Malolos. The American
losses south of the Pasig River foot up over
500. “ (Swift, 261) 8/98
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So the bloody conflict, the first modern guerrilla

warfare in Asia, dragged on for three more years. The
tenacity of the Filipinos was reflected in a statement of
Teodoro Sandico, a member of the Aguinaldo cabinet,
who issued a proclamation on May 16, 1899, which
said in part:

“Before accepting autonomy (which we shall

do only as a last resort) I think it is our duty to
exhaust all our resources for war, organize all
our forces, and not consider ourselves
conquered until the last cartridge has been
fired.” (Philippine Information Society[v1n7],

McKinley did not want a prolonged war because he

was facing a reelection. Neither was he willing to let
the American public know exactly what was
happening in the Philippine islands. McKinley refused
to accept General Arthur MacArthur's report that the
whole Filipino nation was loyal to Aguinaldo and that
practically every town served as a base of Filipino
guerrilla operation with full moral and material support
from the townspeople. McKinley was following a very
clear objective – put the Philippines on the map of the
United States. Therefore, he had to misrepresent to
the American people that the war was being waged
only by what he called the Tagalog tribe and that the
several other tribes were willing to accept American
authority. He had to keep the American public hold on
to the misconception that the Filipinos were savages 9/98
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and unfit to govern themselves and justify his intrusion

into their purely domestic affairs.

Accordingly, the American generals were put under

severe pressure to end the war soonest because the
American public might soon ask why a small savage
tribe is able to resist the most powerful army in the
world with 70,000 soldiers manning 500 stations by
June 1900 (Storey and Lichauco, 160). And it was at
this point that all rules of civilized warfare were thrown
aside and strict press censorship was enforced.

McKinley’s predicament and the unusually stiff

resistance of the Filipino guerrillas drove the
American command to adopt a counter strategy. The
new strategy involved the “cutting off of the income
and food of insurgents, and by crowding them so
persistently with operations as to wear them out"
(Ramsey, 7). The civilian population became the
primary target of this new strategy who was
deliberately made to suffer by such means as
reconcentration, defoliation, and devastation in order
to force the populace to deny any further support to
the guerrillas and make them long for peace.

In his circular order no.22, U.S. Brigadier General

Franklin Bell, in implementing his pacification
campaign in Batangas province, said:

"To combat such a population, it is necessary

to make the state of war as insupportable as 10/98
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possible, and there is no more efficacious way

of accomplishing this than by keeping the
minds of the people in such a state of anxiety
and apprehension that living under conditions
will soon become unbearable. Little should be
said. The less said the better. Let acts, not
words, convey the intention." (Storey and
Lichauco 120).

Accordingly, the war turned into a war of

extermination and devastation characterized by a very
lopsided ratio ratio of combat prisoners vis-a-vis
deaths (historical data is about 4 prisoners to 1 dead),
accompanied by torture, indefinite incarcerations,
indiscriminate killings, defoliation and devastation of
towns and farms, and fueled mainly by racist
contempt - a colored race had no right to stand up
before a supposedly superior white race -
accentuated by retaliation from the Filipino side.

A prominent American anti-imperialist, George

Seawall Boutwell, observed that one pretext for the
war has been the assertion that the Filipinos were
uncivilized, and, therefore, that they were not entitled
to consideration. (Willis, 250). The Filipinos were
called niggers, gugus, khakias and ladrones. As the
war dragged on American loathing of Filipinos
amplified to higher levels. One observer who
described the conflict as a war of extermination said: 11/98
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“ ...the slaughter of women and children was

frightful, the Americans burning and
devastating all before them, conducting a war
of extermination and shooting every Filipino.”
(Valentine, 18).

Torture was resorted to all throughout the islands.

John Morgan Gates said that by the middle of 1900,
Americans and Macabebes resorted to the water cure
and other forms of terror. They seized people and
forcibly filled their stomachs with water until they
revealed the hiding place of guerrillas, supplies, or
arms. (Gates, 175). According to Blount, the water
cure was practically the only way the Americans could
get a Filipino betray his own countrymen. (Blount,
204).There was no room for neutrals. Every inhabitant
should either be an active friend or be classed as an
enemy. (Ramsey, 49)

Reconcentration was extensively used. Civilians were

herded into the designated security zone and any
person, animal, food, or anything useful to the
guerrillas, that were found outside the security zone
were either killed or destroyed. U.S. General J.W.
Bell, in his report of December 6, 1901, to Washington
discloses the methods he will employ to rid Batangas
of rebels, viz:

"I am now assemblying in the neighborhood of

2,500 men who will be used in columns of fifty
men each. I take so large a command for the 12/98
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purpose of thoroughly searching each ravine,

valley and mountain peak for insurgents and
for food, expecting to destroy everything I find
outside the towns. All able-bodied men will be
killed or captured... These people need a
thrashing to teach them some good common
sense, and they should have it for the good of
all concerned." (Storey and Lichauco, 120)

Moorefield Storey quotes a Republican Congressman

who visited the islands in 1902 expressed these

"You never hear of any disturbance in

Northern Luzon; and the secret of its
pacification is, in my opinion, the secret of the
pacification of the archipelago. They never
rebel in Northern Luzon because there isn't
anybody there to rebel. The country was
marched over and cleaned in a most resolute
manner. The good Lord in heaven only knows
the number of Filipinos that were put under
ground. Our soldiers took no prisoners, they
kept no records; they simply swept the
country, and wherever or whenever they could
get hold of a Filipino they killed him. The
women and children were spared, and may
now be noticed in disproportionate numbers in
that part of the islands." (Storey and Lichauco,
121-122) 13/98
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The indiscriminate target of American military

campaign was best described by John Rich McDill
when he said:

"During our military operations in the field we

saw a most beautiful country, but week after
week we passed through abandoned and
silent towns, villages, and fields, ... The
women and children, the old and feeble, and
the sick, were hiding unsheltered in the woods
and mountains. We, a perfectly armed and
equipped army of the most powerful republic
in the world, were pursuing and killing sad-
eyed little brown men and boys, who were
scantily clothed, poorly nourished, and almost
unarmed..." (McDill, 2).

Despite the strict censorship employed by the U.S.

military on reports by U.S. national newspaper
correspondents, numerous documented accounts of
the use of harsh methods found their way into local
newspapers from letters of American soldiers to their
families in the United States. This one in San
Francisco Call from a corporal of the California

"We sleep all day here, as we do duty all night

walking the streets. We make every one get
into his house by 7 P. M., and we only tell a
man once. If he refuses we shoot him. We
killed over 300 men the first night. They tried
to set the town on fire. If they fire a shot from a 14/98
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house, we burn the house down, and every

house near it, and shoot the natives, so they
are pretty quiet in town now." (Swift, 249)

And this, from Capt. Elliot of the Kansas regiment as

told by the Chattanooga Times:

"Talk about war being hell, this war beats the

hottest estimate ever made of that locality.
Caloocan was supposed to contain 17,000
inhabitants. The Twentieth Kansas swept
through it, and now Caloocan contains not one
living native. Of the buildings, the battered
walls of the great church and the dismal prison
alone remain. The village of Maypaja, where
our first fight occurred on the night of the 4th,
had 5,000 people in it at that day - now not
one stone remains upon top of another."
(Swift, 249)

And this letter from A. A. Barnes, Battery G, 3d U. S.

Artillery, published first in Greensburg, Indiana.,

"Last night one of our boys was found shot

and his stomach cut open. Immediately orders
were received from Gen. Wheaton to burn the
town and kill every native in sight; which was
done to a finish. About 1,000 men, women,
and children were reported killed. I am
probably growing hard-hearted, for I am in my
glory when I can sight my gun on some dark 15/98
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skin and pull the trigger.... Tell all my inquiring

friends that I am doing everything I can for Old
Glory.... (!!! ). (Swift, 253)

Some of these letters led to investigations by the U.S.

Congress. A transcript of one such investigation
contained the testimony of two American soldiers,
William Lewis Smith and Charles Riley (Riley and
Smith), describing in detail the administration of water
cure to the presidente (mayor) of Igbarras, Iloilo and
three of the town’s policemen, including the
subsequent burning of the whole town.

The new American strategy worked. By sowing fear,

inflicting pain, causing death, or destroying property,
the Americans succeeded in forcibly isolating the
guerrillas from the civilian population, the main
support base, and this was the principal factor that
caused the weakening of the resistance and bringing
it to an end. General Miguel Malvar, the last of the
great Filipino generals to surrender, in explaining why
he and three thousand of his men gave up in April
1902, wrote that he could no longer bear the
sufferings of the people.

The estimate of the death toll in Luzon attributed to

the war was one-sixth of the population. (Storey, 121).
The population of the Philippine Islands in 1900 was
somewhere between eight to nine million. An
American war protester made this comment: 16/98
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"There is no doubt that we have caused the

destruction of more lives in the last three
years than the Spanish did in any century of
their misrule. " (Ministers, 13).

Blot on an immaculate linen

Definitely, against the backdrop of the great American
heritage, this McKinley misadventure in the
Philippines was destined to become an ugly episode
in the glorious pages of American history. It would be
a contradiction to the long-held constitutional and
democratic principles of liberty that the American
people hold dear - that men are created equal and
have inherent rights to freedom and democracy.
Certainly, American authorities would not allow the
true story of Philippine conquest blemish American
honor. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that
steps were taken to muddle this section of Filipino
history, erase it from the memory of the Filipinos,
make them forget the horrors they went through, and
hide it from the prying eyes of the future generation.

True enough, steps were taken to make Filipinos


Francis Burton Harrison, the first Democrat-appointed

Governor General of the Philippine Islands, whose
administration was marked by liberality and sympathy
to the Filipino cause for independence, described the
steps taken: 17/98
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"The exhibition of the Filipino flag, under which

they had fought their war against us, was
made by statute a criminal offense. Patriotism
was never encouraged in the schools, nor
ideas which tended to arouse their own
national consciousness. Everything which
might help to make the pupils understand their
own race or think about the future of the
country was carefully censored and
eliminated. Nevertheless, the good sound
stock of American ideas which they received
instructed them inevitably in our own
democratic ideals, and in our pride in own
liberties." (Harrison, 45).

The irreconcilable former General of the Filipino army,

Artemio Vibora Ricarte, who took to his grave his
refusal to take the oath of allegiance to the United
States, preferring solitary confinement, then a self-
exile in Yokohama, Japan, saw beyond the facade of
American altruism an insidious design when he said:

"The truth is America taught our young people

the things that commemorate the lives of
Lincoln and Washington in order that we will
forget in our hearts the exemplary deeds of
our nation's great heroes. The Americans
believe that once we are able to speak good
English is proof enough that we have learned,
yet in our minds is being instilled a wrong
thinking, the superiority of the white race." 18/98
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(author's translation of Tagalog text found in

Ricarte[Kabataan], 12).

Many political and military leaders of the defunct

Aguinaldo government accepted a generous offer of
the high position in the American colonial government.
Those who did not and refused to take the oath of
allegiance to the United States were exiled to the

War relics and voluminous captured Filipino

government records and documents officially labeled
as Philippine Insurgents Records (PIR) were shipped
to the United States. American teachers came to
inaugurate an American-sponsored public school
system. English supplanted Spanish, a language
change that was not done by the Americans in Puerto
Rico or Cuba, and with it went the loss of Hispanic
literary and intellectual heritage, making the
succeeding generation of Filipinos fertile grounds for
the propagation of the good sound stock of American

Filipino schoolchildren were taught to revere America

and belittle the land of their birth. The first line of a
beautiful Tagalog love song, for instance, was
translated to English with emphasis on the state of
being borne poor, instead of placing the focus on the
demigod character of the hero, who was born on top
of a mountain with the clouds as his cradle; he played
with thunder and was caressed by lightning. In 19/98
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another case, the popular Tagalog folk song, the

bahay-kubo, was translated into English as “My nipa
hut is very small”, again, the emphasis on smallness.
And yet this popular folk song is supposed to depict a
prosperous small rural farm where all kinds of
vegetables abound.

Another important step that American authorities did

was discredit Aguinaldo and designate Rizal as the
hero of the Filipinos. Carl Crow, says:

"Among other things the Filipino people lacked

to make them a nation was a hero - a safe
hero, the only safe ones, of course, being
dead. Aguinaldo held the highest place in the
eyes of his countrymen, as the leader of the
recent insurrection, but he was ... one who
might be of considerable danger to the
American administration. It was expedient to
establish a hero whose fame would
overshadow that of Aguinaldo, and thereby
lessen that leader’s ability to make future
trouble. ... Governor Taft, ... at once fixed on
Jose Rizal…" (Crow, 53).

The designation of Jose Rizal as the national hero

was calculated not only to lessen Aguinaldo's ability to
make future trouble. It had the effect also, and this is
the more important, of making the future generation of
Filipinos identify the Spaniards as villains and the
Americans as saviors. On the other hand, if Aguinaldo 20/98
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were the national hero, the future celebration of the

hero's day would not only highlight the victory over the
Spaniards by the Filipinos and the government they
established, but also the unjust war of conquest
waged by President McKinley on the Filipinos to
deprive them of their freedom. The choice of Rizal
over Aguinaldo saved the Americans from being
remembered as the butcher of the Filipinos, the
pillager of their land, and the destroyer of their

The new Filipino

From the day the American colonial administration
was inaugurated in 1901, the new Filipino emerged,
known today as the little brown Americans. These are
Filipinos by appearance, but Americans in thought,
word, and deed. True to Harrison's specifications, the
new Filipino spoke English very fluently, knew much
about American ideals, history, arts, literature, and
music by heart, but have a very vague notion of their
ancestors' struggle for freedom, or their sacred
dreams and aspirations that drove them to arms. They
would usually turn into very competent professionals
but would lack one very important trait – patriotism,
thanks to the methodical classroom strategy that
Harrison described.

While the legislature, the judiciary, and executive

cabinet positions were Filipinized during the later part
of American colonial government the Department of
Education was kept under American control. The 21/98
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process of making Filipinos forget did not stop after

the Americans let go of the Philippines in 1946. A
Grade IV pupil in the year 1951 was still being taught
to sing Star spangled banner, God bless America, etc.
By the time the same child stepped into High School,
he would be made to study American history on the
First Year and in later years memorize the address of
Lincoln at Gettysburg and the poem, The Song of
Hiawatha. In other words, for more than five decades
the Filipino was subjected to something that was
considered in the cold war as diabolical -

In sum, the American conquest of the Philippines was

not just a case of subjugating an unwilling people. It
was also a case of making the same people forget
that they were subjugated.

For as long as schoolchildren are taught Jack and Jill,
rather than Leron Leron Sinta, and are precluded from
learning or even hearing the tune of Pamulenawen or
Sarumbanggi, the Filipino is doomed to national
perdition. In other words, the malaise that afflicts the
Filipino character will remain unrecognized and no
serious steps will be taken to correct it. Unless the
Filipino national character changes the heavy burden
of the corrupted sense of identity will blur the vision of
the future and the Filipino will be confused which path
leads to national liberation. The salvation of the
Filipino will not come from foreign aid, foreign 22/98
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investment, preferential treatment, free trade, or from

remittances of OFWs. Rather, it would depend
primarily on the rejuvenation of the Filipino mind, the
rekindling the spirit of 1898 - the love of country and
the aspiration to be free and independent. The best
recourse of the Filipino would be to reclaim the
patriotic character of the heroes held hostage by the
muddled past and to acknowledge that the Filipino
race could accomplish great things just as Aguinaldo
did. It will give the Filipino today the confidence,
strength, and courage to remedy the present and
approach the future.

But a nation can only succeed if the people make

sacrifices. And without patriotism, there can be no

1. Blount, James H.: "The American Occupation of the
Philippines, 1898-1912", New York, London, G.P.
Putnam's Son, 1912, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University
of Michigan Library 2005,

2. Crow, Carl: "America and the Philippines", New

York, Double, Page and Company,1914, Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

3. Gates, John Morgan: "Schoolbooks and Krags; the

United States army in the Philippines, 1898-1902", 23/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1973, Ann Arbor,

Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

4. Harrison, Francis Burton: "The Cornerstone of

Philippine Independence", New York, The Century
Co., 1922, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of
Michigan Library 2005,

5. McDill, John Rich: "Injustice of American opposition

to Philippine independence",1900-?, Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

6. Ministers' meeting of protest against atrocities in

the Philippines: "Address of Rev. E. Winchester
Donald, Rev. B.F. Trueblood [and others]", Tremont
Temple, Boston, May 22, 1902, Ann Arbor, Michigan:
University of Michigan Library

7. Philippine Information Society,"The Luzon

Campaign",Vol. 1, No. 7, Boston, 1901, Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

8. Ramsey III, Robert D.: "A Masterpiece of

Counterguerrilla Warfare: BG J. Franklin Bell in the
Philippines, 1901–1902", Combat Studies Institute
Press, US Army Combined Arms Center, Fort 24/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Leavenworth, Kansas, 2007

9. Ricarte, Artemio: "Sa Mga Kabataang Pilipino",

Japan, s.n. 1920, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of
Michigan Library 2005,

10. Riley, Charles S. and Smith, William

Lewis: "Testimony of Charles S. Riley [and William
Lewis Smith]", United States Congress, 1902, Ann
Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

11. Storey, Moorfield: "Secretary Root's record.

'Marked severities' in Philippine warfare. An analysis
of the law and facts bearing on the action and
utterances of President Roosevelt and Secretary
Root",Codman, Julian, joint author, Boston: G.H. Ellis
co., printers, 1902, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of
Michigan Library

12. Storey , Moorefield and Lichauco, Marcial

P.: "The Conquest of the Philippines by the United
States", New York and London, G.Putnam's Sons,
1926, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
Library 2005,

13. Swift, Morrison I.: "Imperialism and liberty", Los

Angeles: The Ronbroke press, 1899, Ann Arbor, 25/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

14. Taft, Helen Heron: "Recollection of Full Years by

Mrs. William Howard Taft", New York, Dodd, Mead,
1914, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
Library 2005,

15. Valentine, John Joseph: "Imperial Democracy:

Dutch colonizers in Malaysia; annexation of the
Philippines", San Francisco, Cal., 1899, Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University of Michigan Library 2005,

16. Willis, Henry Parker: "Our Philippine Problem; A

study of American colonial policy", New York, H. Holt
and Company, 1905, Ann Arbor, Michigan:University
of Michigan Library 2005,
#TUKLAS 26/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people



Dimasalang April 15, 2007 at 8:43 PM

"The day on which you would see me in the clutches
of the friars, do not waste time making petitions or
uttering complaints or lamentations — it is useless. Try
to put another in my place who may avenge me and
make them pay dearly for my misfortune! If I would
see a son of mine in the mouth of a shark, I would not
try to pull him out — for it is useless and all I would
achieve is to destroy him — I would kill the shark if
possible, and if not, I would waylay him!"

-Dr. Jose Rizal to Mariano Ponce

Paris, 18th April 1889


"When the people is gagged; when its dignity, honor,

and all its liberties are trampled; when it no longer has 27/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

any legal recourse against the tyranny of its

oppressors; when its complaints, petitions, and groans
are not attended to; when it is not permitted even to
weep; when even the last hope is wrested from its
heart; then..! then..! then..! it has left no other remedy
but to take down with delirious hand from the infernal
altars the BLOODY and SUICIDAL DAGGER of

Dr. Jose Rizal,

To Our Dear Mother Country, Spain, 10 October 1889


“I am readying myself for death. I am making

arrangements for what I will leave behind and am
preparing myself for any eventuality; Laong Laan is
my real name. That is why I wish to finish the second
volume of Noli at any cost and if it is possible, I do not
wish to leave what I have begun without anyone to
continue it…

May our compatriots there obey the voice of their

heart and devote the precious time of their youth to
something great, which is worthy of them.

We do not have the good luck of other young men

who can dispose of their time and their future. 28/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

We have upon as A DUTY; TO REDEEM OUR

pawned; WE MUST REDEEM HER before we amuse

-Dr. Jose Rizal to M. H. del Pilar

Brussels, 11 June 1890


Anonymous May 2, 2007 at 8:40 AM

The Philippines suck! It is a corrupt country filled with
morons. The government are equally stupid. The
United States offered the country a place within it's
unity as a whole. Instead the Morons yes that's the
Philippines opted to have keep their 3rd world country
identity intact. It is so hilarious how morons lead the
morons in that country. What a shame. In order for a
filipino to get a decent job they would have to travel to
the middle east to become servants or janitors. They
do not have ambitions except to either be a stupid
caregiver, a servant for some prince in the middle east
or a burger king employee. How sad. hopefully one
day they will disappear from the face of the earth and
have a worthy race to manage the country because
these degerates do not deserve to run it. 29/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people



tevita palu October 2, 2016 at 4:14 AM

Ulol, isang araw at malapit na iyon. Ang
inyong pang aapi ay babalik sa inyo itoy
nagsimula na. Panonoorin namin masunog
ang inyong mga syudad, mga bahay at
bukirin. Naway matikman nyo ang sinapit
ngbaming mga ninuno

Unknown May 29, 2017 at 12:09 AM

Morons & degerates? Your comment is typical
of a stupid pompous ass, who's a self-
righteous know it all and idiotic better than the
other racist. No wonder the american pathetic
society is falling apart, crumbling like cheap
cookies and it's international policies are shitty
as ever. And who said we don't have dreams?
We have, but it's the americans who tell us
that we are only their little monkey joes (racist
as ever). The meddling of america in our
politics has forced Filipinos into poverty, thus
limiting us of our true full potential. But who
ever you are punk anonymous, soon you will
see, give it 2 decades, and we will shine like
no other country and race. And then your
pathetic stars and stripes will be burned down 30/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

to ashes and your greatness will soon be



ellumbra November 1, 2008 at 1:55 PM

Well now - comments by Anonymous certainly
deserve being flamed down.
It would be no surprise at all to learn that the seductive
influence of capitalism has a very profound effect on
the national psyche of the Philippines.
I have been aware for some time of the sad history
thrust upon the Philippines - believe me when I tell you
it wrenches my heart.
And yet there are still those - concealed behind the
mask of affluence - like leaches - sucking the country
dry - and pretending moral superiority. Tragically, they
are believed - such is the conditioning of the people.
For too long they have been passive to interests other
than their own.
For such a beautiful country and people it is a great
tragedy indeed.
Thanks for this article.

Elle November 10, 2008 at 6:30 PM

Great work.
Reply 31/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Anonymous December 19, 2008 at 12:32 AM

Which is most appropraite?

"Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people?"


"Why people from Luzon are not patriotic people?"

Much of what is written in Philippine history are all

based on events that happened in Luzon. Even
personalities are those coming from Luzon like Rizal.

Researcher December 26, 2008 at 5:16 AM

Interesting discussion, but a bit of perspective, please.
Patriotism is an offshoot of nationalism, a worldwide
phenomenon in the 19th century. "Nations" as old as
Italy were not even in existence as such, and we were
riding on the same wave. Some countries also
happened to be more threatened by war than others
(against Napoleon, for one - the "patriotic duty"
concept). In other places, the idea led to chauvinism
and racism (in a "national" idea based on ethnicity, I
suppose it has to be a stage). Hence, I can't help
questioning everything I was taught in high school and
college, including patriotism. 32/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

I do have to agree that corruption is a pending

assignment. Have you seen the Transparency
International Corruption Map?

Rizal continues to be relevant: "There are no tyrants

where there are no slaves".

Macapili January 7, 2009 at 7:23 PM

Anonymous said: "The United States offered the
country a place within it's unity as a whole. Instead the
Morons yes that's the Philippines opted to have keep
their 3rd world country identity intact." No, the U.S.
applied the traditional English colonial model. See
item on this site: "McKinley's imperialist policy"

Anonymous January 19, 2009 at 10:22 AM

an incomplete recipe for a new Filipino

1/2 cup idealism

2 tbsp. hospitality
5 cups patriotism
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4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Papampam January 19, 2009 at 11:20 AM

please do read this site:

Led Led January 23, 2009 at 9:10 AM

For all of You who's keeping that look of downess to
the philippines, Guy's You should be thankful that Your
lucky to not be a filipino. I may not be as good as You
in english and as You noticed; and will be noticing that
there's a lot of gramatical errors. There is no
requirements on being a nation, if we are unlucky on
being filipino's then help us! even if we live in diferent
countries seperated by seas You should always
remember that we are all in one world! even if how
great and rich or famous your country is You should
not be proud! a small dirt on a plate is enough to ruin a
restorant! what i mean is we all live in one place, the
earth so why not instead of underestemating the
capacity of a country to rise, why not suport and help
that certain country in building its little dreams?
beautifying something is not only beautifying a piece
of it, it is about make the whole of it perfect! the piece i
mean is the philippines, no matter how you beautify
your own country iy wouldn't still count for we are all in
one place! hope that you understand, I LOVE MY
DO LOVES OUR COUNTRY SO MUCH! that is why 34/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

we keep on struggling to other countries and make our

selves slaves!

sonnie January 29, 2009 at 4:45 PM

we filipinos we are survivor and known as good
workers around the world,why u hate filipinos that
much? history is part of our past we have to focuse as
an individual filipinos by heart how to make changes
and how to help or inspire the young generation,
because i believe if we help young filipinos tell them
our great history , motivate them by the bravery of our
heroes who sacrifice their lives for freedom like
bonifacio, aguinaldo, rizal andt etc., inspire them to
believe in their dreams, and learn from our history.
Filipinos are smart people but one of our biggest
problem is crabmentality......

Anonymous March 7, 2009 at 11:22 PM

I think it's a great article, but maybe the scope of
history should be widened. The Americans may have
reeducated and formed us into the white-wannabes
we are today, but the Spanish did have a bit of an
impact on our colonial mentality.
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Anonymous March 7, 2009 at 11:41 PM

To the first Anonymous:

Shut the hell up! It's obvious that you're not American,
there might even be a possibility that you're Filipino,
but please, stop whining about something you don't
know anything about.

It's people like you who keep the Philippines from

rising from poverty. Selfish people who think of
themselves before the country.

So what if it sucks. Go do something about it. Or

better yet, go learn some English so you can be a part
of the America you love so much. I'm not anti-
American but the way you commented on a article
written to motivate nationalism is pissing me off.

And what the hell is so wrong with being a janitor or

caregiver? Every time you walk into a building, your
feet are touching the floor someone else cleaned.
Whenever you're too busy to take care of a loved one,
a caregiver does it for you. That and the fact that
Filipinos are the most preferred workforce in the world
should prove that we're a worthy race.

And even if we aren't, it doesn't matter because you

are no better. So please, spare me the pain of trying to
read your awful English and stop posting comments
like that. It's disgusting. 36/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Sana nag-Tagalog ka na lang. Sana sineryoso pa

yung opinyon mo.

Anonymous March 30, 2009 at 7:58 AM

I am glad that I have come across this site, I feel that
or I thought that I was patriotic to my mother land even
though I was raised in the U.S. I recently been
searching for the history of our HEROES and how
they defended the rights of the people. I feel really bad
on how we got oppressed by countries that over time
we now served them again and again. Philippines will
only change if the people will accept responsibility and
act accordingly from richest of the rich and poorest of
the poor. The government is corrupt because the
people of the Philippines are letting it to be corrupt.
One can make a difference but others need to follow.
We all love and proud to be Filipinos/Pilipinos even
the one that we're born outside the Philippines. Maybe
not all but most of them are proud. The others are just
lost because they don't know their roots. The author is
right not to forget our history specially the real history
that nobody cares or intend to open to the public. This
opened my eyes and I will definitely tell my kids about
our Philippine history so maybe they could find or take
back their identity as a FILIPINO. THE REAL
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Anonymous March 31, 2009 at 3:14 PM

I don't see a point in this blog. I'm only a kid and I
myself as a Filipino, I find these comments offensive.
Are you guys RACIST or something? OPEN YOUR
EYES! We are all created equal! Seriously, this made
me feel stepped on. And what the hell? The
Philippines suck?? That's just immoral okay?? So very
childish of you guys, as a kid, I find this very very
immature! Not just being immature but, this is a put-
down to us Filipinos, I never knew someone could say
horrible things like this! I don't understand how other
people could say things like this. I could just kneel
down right now and pray to the Lord that you people
will realize what you have done wrong.

the showroom manager April 1, 2009 at 6:12 AM

thanks for the great post. i am just relieved that you've
pointed out one of the culprits to our situation and i
agree with the Anonymous (posted at March 30, 2009
7:58 AM) that it's never too late.

the title (at first, i thought that it was a flamer but i'm
just happy that i'm wrong) made me read the post.

here's a quote from National Artist Virgilio Almario that

i'd like to share:

"Ang isang lahi na walang marangal na gunita hinggil 38/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

sa sarili ay isang lahing madalîng alipinin at patuloy na

may isip-alipin kahit bigyan ng kalayaan."

more power to you!


Erichan April 2, 2009 at 5:12 AM

If I were you, I would rather start the article with "It is
truly DISHEARTENING that Filipinos are not a
patriotic" because I can feel that our people do not
have sense of History!

I am a small businessman with History as my hobby.

What you have written is an eye-opener for me. I have
bookmarked it as reference for my research. More

Erichan April 2, 2009 at 6:02 AM

I have long known our people to be deprived of a clear
national identity and without sense of History. And
after reading your article, I gained an insight on how
Filipinos have lost themselves in the process of
benevolent intoxication of their patriotic soul. But sad
to say I don't see any hope of national identity revival
when I observe young people today in poverty-stricken
squatter areas dancing zestfully with American rock
tunes despite their obvious sign of malnutrition. 39/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


Macapili April 2, 2009 at 5:22 PM

TO: Erichan. I adopted your suggestion. Thank you.

Macapili April 4, 2009 at 4:59 PM

To the showroom manager: Thank you for sharing
your quote from national artist Virgilio Almario. I
adopted it as the catchphrase.

Erichan April 5, 2009 at 6:12 AM

I have emailed your article to about hundred of my
friends whom I suppose to be belonging to the
diminishing patriotic few! We have a long vacation
now that I believe they will surely have time to read it
in detail. This will serve also as my moral support for
you! If you don't mind, please give me your email ad
for future contact!

Macapili April 5, 2009 at 3:25 PM

To Erichan: here's my email ad: Thank you for your
support. 40/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


Teacher RJ April 7, 2009 at 5:08 PM

as an english teacher i think im brainwashed myself!
but now im fully aware.. long before i have even come
to teach english, nationalism came to me but i did not
fully understand how come i only felt it now, not when i
was still a child. but now it is clear to me. if we were
tricked through education, then i believe education
itself is the answer to restoring nationalism. schools
should focus on philippine history and nationalism, as
to what our anscestors died for. so that their
contributions, their lives would never be but to waste
or worse, FORGOTTEN.
we may have western clothing, or listen to western
music or even adopt the western way of living, BUT
let our children know, let us as adults remember.
PILIPINO TAYO. i believe if we really care about
patriotism or nationalism, we should contribute to
nationalism through our skill. i would do my best to
teach our history and nationalism in our classes. you
can do the same in your proffession. lets focus on
spreading nationalism first then i believe everthing
else will fall into place. the government is just a part of
our decline, a small part. but through education, at
least i would know we may have a glimpse of a
brighter future with a next generation of nationalistic
filipinos. 41/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


Anonymous April 11, 2009 at 9:31 AM

It is a sad thing that most Filipinos aren't that patriotic
these days. Heck, I even started to think like another
race. But that was only because we have forgotten our
ancestors' struggle.

If America hadn't colonized us, we would end up being

a German colony (Germany nearly took over our
country), and would also end up as a Japanese colony
(the Treaty of Versailles would still be in effect since
Germany would lose the Philippines as a reparation
requirement), so either way, we're screwed over by
either America, Germany, or Japan. (Unless, by a
miracle, Germany would allow Austria-Hungary to use
the Philippines as a penal colony for its subject races)

As of today, our nationalism is pointed inwards as a

result of family loyalty and the interests of America
being the number one priority. However, let us not
forget that the Spaniards also injected to us another
bitter medicine in the forms of family loyalty that
resulted in the corruption that happens today.

So, as Filipinos, we should take this opportunity to

take back what's rightfully ours and turn our nation
from a 'nation of servants' as a certain Hong Kong
jackass of a journalist would say, to a 'nation of
patriots and warriors' in the same line as the 42/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

nationalists that dominated the rest of South East

Asia, and to a lesser extent, the Balkans.

Nikki D. April 16, 2009 at 3:27 AM

rot in hell you sucker!

Even BEFORE the colonizers came, the Philippines

has already established its own "mini" government
and social groups in the form of Barangays.

Kung Pilipino ka at hindi mo alam to, magduda ka na

dude!? Baka HINDI ka tao.

Anyway, I'm currently going through a subject called PI

100 (philippine institution) and it basically deals with
the Life and Works of Rizal. However, we also delve
into our nation's history, along with the other heroes. I
stumbled into this site because I am making a report
on the subject regarding Ilustrados and the Clase

My professor in that certain subject has told us how

RICH our culture was before the Spaniards came. It
was quite a shock too, really. He said that the early
natives and inhabitants of our archipelago had its own
writing system, the Alibata (kung tanga ka di mo din to
alam kingina mo! ~> to 1st anonymous) and we also
have already started trade with the Malay and Chinese 43/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


A language is considered developed if it is simple, it is

a proof that it has already matured through the years.
Complicated languages therefore have yet to evolve.
(e.g. the complication of European language is due to
it being "young", only 1000 years old)

Alibata is already a 2,000 year old language. It

originated from one of the native languages in India
(?) (i was just listening to the prof) and was one of the
earliest languages formed. This proves how
developed we already were before the colonization
period and how we have already come in contact with
other civilizations as well.

In relation to Filipinos being UNpatriotic nowadays, we

can trace it to the geographical situation of the
country. We were merely separate islands before we
became a nation/country. Hence, there is a vast
difference in dialects, traditions, cultures, etc. The first
nationalistic value was instilled when the middle class,
specifically the Ilustrados, emerged. Even though it is
quite ironic that they used the term Filipino to unite the
people (Filipino initially referred to the Insulares,
Creoles, and other mestizos), it was a starting point
since it gave a sense of "identity" to the people - not
as mere individuals but as members of a nation.

Patriotism. As to why we do not have that much

TODAY from our fellow countrymen, I really cannot 44/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

answer. The individuality of people, the differences in

the POV, and the status in life may contribute to how
one would feel for his/her country.

Not every Filipino is given the chance to enter

elementary - malamang wala silang alam tungkol sa
bansa natin kung ganoon.
And there's even a smaller percentage of those in
elementary who will be able to enter high school. At
hindi naman lahat ng paaralan ay maayos ang
pagtuturo - and more so, hindi lahat ng nangyari sa
ating kasaysayan ay itinuturo sa high school. I am a
living proof for that. I was totally shocked when I
reached college. It was only then that I learned the
smudges behind the history books, the blurred events
of out past. For instance, hindi ko na-imagine na si
Aguinaldo pala ang nag-utos na ipa-chop-chop si
Bonifacio!? And where are they now? Magkatabi pa
ata sila sa ibang national heroes list!

Unang presidente pa lang natin, corrupt na,

opurtunista pa!

BUT I still have not lost hope for my country. Mahal ko

ang Pilipinas. I want my country to gradually open its
eyes, to be able to have a change in perspective and
be able to struggle, to fight and to finally emerge

PILIPINO tayo, matatapang, matatalino. Amerikano,

Español at Hapon nga kinaya natin eh. Now is the 45/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

time for us to stand up for ourselves. Sarili na natin

ang kalaban natin.
(along with some others na walang magawa kundi
siraan ang sariling bayan at kapwa. And if ever they're
actually not Filipinos, they have no right to judge us.
We are all human beings. Discriminating us will not
raise you to a higher level than us or make us bow
down to you. To actually insult another race, tsk.tsk. I
think you're a SUB-human. An underdeveloped homo
sapien existing amongst the elite of the species. OR
WORSE! you're a lost homo erectus.

Mabuhay ang PINOY! =)

tuloy ang laban!

(for any comments, opinions, or criticisms, you can

contact me on my URL)

Valentin April 23, 2009 at 10:10 AM

Your website article needs views from other fields of
in Latin America is a result of the OUTDATED


ANDRES BONIFACIO KILLED is similar to the Civil
Wars of Latin America. THE ELITE CLASS VERSUS
THE MASSES ( examples: Mexico---Porfirio Diaz 46/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

versus Madero, Pancho Villa, Zapata. ).

Another important field of study is the HERITAGE OF


Spaniards are outdated. THE MALAY NATIVE

Industries, Government are not developed enough to
run a nation. (Example: JAPAN-BUDDHIST-

You remember the incompetence to maintain CDCP,

PNR, NAWASA, MMTC, etc. It's a trait of the natives
called NINGAS-KUGON. Do you want to run a nation
with that?

Macapili April 23, 2009 at 8:35 PM

To Valentin: you should read the over 40 pages of
report of Messrs. Sargent and Wilcox, two navy men
from Admiral Dewey's squadron, who toured northern
Luzon and observed the life of the Filipinos under the
new regime of president Emilio Aguinaldo, a few days
before war was commenced by the American military
in Feb. 4, 1899. The report said in part: "As a tribute to
the efficiency of Aguinaldo's government and to the
law-abiding character of his subjects, I offer the fact
that Mr. Wilcox and I pursued our journey throughout 47/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

in perfect security, and returned to Manila with only the

most pleasant recollections of the quiet and orderly life
which we found the natives to be leading under the
new regime." The failure to keep CDCP, NAWASA,
etc. happened under the watch of the new (or

Macapili April 23, 2009 at 8:43 PM

To Valentin: Let me quote a section of my blog:
McKinley's Imperialist Policy in which an American
officer described his observation of the machinery of
the Aguinaldo government after Santa Ana, a town
near Manila was overran on the second day of the war
by advancing American troops:
"When we reached the headquarters at Santa Ana
another surprise awaited us, for here was found some
of the machinery of Aguinaldo's government. Among
the papers scattered about in confusion by the
retreating officials were telegrams, letters, and
commissions, showing something of their system. One
letter was from a township governor asking relief from
his duties; a surgeon's certificate was inclosed. It had
been forwarded through official channels to
Aguinaldo's secretary of state and returned with
abundant indorsements approved. With it was an
order to the governor of the province to have a new
election. Another letter was a complaint made against
another local governor for mal-administration. It stated
the charges in real legal form, and was duly signed. 48/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

The numerous papers concerning school teachers'

appointments showed that the Filipinos had already
perfected arrangements for the education of the youth
on a large scale. I might also mention the deeds of
property, records of births, deaths, etc., to show that
Aguinaldo's organization is at least not a laughable
farce. I might mention also meteorological and other
scientific instruments and records to show that the
Filipinos didn't neglect science during those busy,
warlike times. Letters dated February 4 from Malolos
showed that they had a good courier system. A book
on tactics, engravings of the several uniforms,
beautiful topographical maps, copies of the declaration
of independence and the revolutionary constitution,
military and state seals, and other articles all went to
show that labor and intelligence were united in their
production. "

Valentin April 24, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Efficiencies are more in Latin American nations, and
yet they all still went to civil wars. They're closer to
Europe where they get latest education (remember
elites Rizal, Luna, etc. studying in Europe).

Mother Spain herself went to not just one, but two civil

Here's why. 49/98
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World history's three major divisions:

-Medieval (European event)

Ancient times had great Empires with great ancient

learning (Roman, Middle East, India, & China, etc.).
Rome fell hence the Dark Ages, then the Medieval

In the Medieval, a lot of great Roman Ancient learning

were lost(example massive water supplies). SPAIN &
Portugal came into power during this time.

Modern Era came led by the Industrial Age among

others(advent of Democracy, French Revolution, Age
of Enlightenment, etc).

Spain and colonies were NOT able to keep pace,

available to the masses.

The rest of the world(Middle East, India, China)

jumped from Ancient to Modern. In the transition,
some had great difficulties. China is a classic
example. Maraming hirap thru most of the 20th
century, but they're coming back.

As far as running facilities, deep character such as

usually come from philosophies. PHILOSOPHIES 50/98
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ARE TIED UP WITH RELIGION, hence convictions.

It is beyond university learning.

There is an article – Towards a Philippine Philosophy -

by Paul Kenkai Manansala researching Filipino
philosophies. Guess what? They are not developed

Kung malalim ang pinangalingan ng mga Filipinos, the

short 48-year American rule with its modern learning
will not be enough to change us... because
philosophies are about convictions.

Macapili April 26, 2009 at 12:49 AM

To Valentin: It is unreasonable to expect the Filipinos
to own a philosophy when they were not even a nation
before Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence in
June 12, 1898. However, it was clear that a truly
Filipino political ideology was starting to develop that
was nipped in the bud by force of American arms. This
political ideology sprouted from the seed sown by
Rizal and the propagandists who urged the Filipinos to
improve themselves and be worthy of being
assimilated into the body politic of the mother country,
Spain. Then came the katipunan which advocated
separation. But Bonifacio knew independence meant
responsibility so he prescribed self-education and self-
improvement. Thus, it was katipunan’s purpose not 51/98
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only to recruit members but also to teach the path to

righteousness through Jacinto’s “Liwanag at Dilim”
and Bonifacio’s “Kartilya”. These documents contained
teachings that essentially catechized the members
into the proper understanding of basic human rights,
religion, love of country, responsibility to family, and
relationship with neighbors. Aguinaldo took advantage
of the bond and unity created by the katipunan and
brought together the various ethnic groups into one
Filipino national organization, the Malolos republic,
whose first congress was convened in September 15,
1898. From here on, the basic principles of
republicanism – a constitutional government,
separation of church and state, the absolute power of
the executive versus the supremacy of congress
became issues before the new government. Even
after the capture of Aguinaldo in March 23, 1901 , the
remnants of the army resuscitated the katipunan and
used its sacred oaths, solemn rituals and teachings to
initiate new recruits. Even as late as 1906 Macario
Sakay was still out fighting in the field and reports of
men who signed their names in blood was reported in
Ilocos Sur. These are proofs that convictions guided
actions. Too bad, the Americans intervened.

Valentin April 26, 2009 at 10:47 AM

You keep on referring to Philippine History inside the
country only, and no reference to the whole colonies of
Spain. Where would Aguinaldo GET his modern 52/98
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learning to give to the masses?

Please study Latin American History(Mexico,

Argentina, etc) and we are the only Spanish
colony(along with Puerto Rico and Guam) that did not
go through Civil Wars because of American Modern

Had America not annexed us, we will be like Mexico or

a central American country. No modern learning
means no global Pinoy, and it won't be annual 35
billion dollars remittance to the country.

Macapili April 26, 2009 at 5:08 PM

To Valentin: You presupposed that Filipinos would
have no access to modern learning without American
intervention. I think this is preposterous. The
propaganda movement brought knowledge from most
of Europe that was mainly responsible for the
enlightenment of the masses. Bonifacio learned from
the French revolution while Aguinaldo was enamored
with the concept of the great North American
Republic. Isabelo delos Reyes brought in from Europe
the ideas of socialism. The Hongkong junta
contributed the Asiatic experience, more so with
Mariano Ponce’s Japanese connections. Sixto Lopez
spent time in the United States sufficiently long
enough to draw ideas from the American system.
Galicano Apacible talked about the early use of 53/98
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electricity in the country in presenting to the American

public how modernization had come to the Filipinos.
Among the first major acts of the Malolos government
was the establishment of a university of arts and
letters, along with a military academy. An American
POW, Albert Sonrichsen, closely observed the
Filipinos’ efforts at education and wrote:”In September
we were taken up the Abra River to Bangued, in the
heart of the Abra Mountains, and here we were
allowed the full liberty of the town, well treated and
cared for. I was able to teach school here, for which I
received a pay almost equal to that of a second
lieutenant in the insurgent army. Many of my
companions were able to do likewise; all, in fact, that
were capable of speaking the Spanish language. Even
during the war the Filipinos established schools in
every town, and Vigan could boast of an excellent
college which followed its daily routine as in times of
peace. Upon the arrival of the Americans these
schools and colleges were broken up, and the
buildings ever since have been confiscated as
barracks.” (follow this link) I think the conclusion that
without American annexation the Philippines would
have no source of modern learning and fall into the
Latin American propensity to civil war lacks strong
historical basis given the character of the government
that Aguinaldo had established. Also, no local armed
force could have stood up before the expanding, fully
armed 30,000-strong Filipino army that some
ambitious regional upstarts might try to muster to
wage a civil war. 54/98
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Valentin April 26, 2009 at 10:53 PM

The first half of the twentieth century saw MILLIONS
OF LIVES LOST in most of the world because of the
masses do not have modern learning to get income

The result: massive poverty, massive internal wars

and of course, COMMUNISM.

-Russian Revolutions(1905,1917,1918 to 1922)

-Chinese Revolutions(1911 to 1912, 1913, 1917 to
1922, 1926 to 1928, 1927 to 1949)
-Korean Wars North versus South (1950 to 1953, etc)
-Vietnam/Indochina wars (North versus South – 1941
to 1954, 1959 to 1975)
-Indonesia(Dictator and communistic ideals)
-Eastern European Nations became communists
-Latin American nations revolutions (from Mexico to
Argentina) Socialistic/Communistic ideals
-African nations communistic/socialistic ideals.

Filipinos with no deep heritage, no modern learning

What are your chances of applying all those concepts
you've mentioned?

P.S. Aguinaldo KILLED Bonifacio then how can he

apply French Revolution knowledge? He is dead. 55/98
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Don't you think Latin American countries would learn

more from the US and Europe since they are closer.
Why on earth they went to wars?

cals April 27, 2009 at 12:44 PM

Wow. Thank you for this article.

I have to agree about how history is being taught

today and that many Filipinos do not have a sense of
patriotism. If you ask a typical pinoy student when the
Philippine Revolution broke out, he probably couldnt
answer. Even when singing the Lupang Hinirang,
many do not respect the national flag. Its tragic that
Filipinos have become decadent and that only a few
seem to care.

to Anonymous (march 31,2009), Im also a kid but i

dont think this has no meaning. Maybe you could read
'veneration without understanding' by Renato
Constantino. That'll help you see the point.

Macapili April 27, 2009 at 8:44 PM

To Valentin: Do you know that the Malolos congress
enacted a law to sell government bonds - 40-year, 6%,
$20 million Mexican dollars, of which $5 million was
floated with $388,650 actually sold. The many 56/98
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heretofore unknown facts that I have learned about

the Aguinaldo government is completely changing my
outlook. I am convinced that Filipinos can learn from
the achievements of that government and take them
for inspiration which can give a clearer view of present
day realities. You keep on harping that Aguinaldo
killed Bonifacio and Luna. These are the same
propaganda lines used by the Americans to discredit
Aguinaldo and neutralize him as a potential source of
future trouble. The truth is both Bonifacio and Luna
were misfits in the great drama of the revolution.
Bonifacio clung to his ragtag katipunan and refused to
accept a more appropriate national organization. He
counted on the loyalty of the Magdiwang faction of
Noveleta and tried to get Miguel Malvar to his side to
mount a counter revolution by setting up his own
government. But Aguinaldo sternly warned that such
actions against the new government was tantamount
to treason and for this reason Bonifacio was arrested
and tried. He voluntarily accepted the jurisdiction of
the court martial which sentenced him to death by
firing squad. On the other hand, Luna condemned the
Bonifacio-led revolution but volunteered his services to
Aguinaldo after 9,000 Spanish prisoners were taken.
When Luna was in the midst of battle against the
Americans at Bagbag, Bulacan, in May 1899, he took
off with a battalion of troops and marched to Guagua
to arrest General Mascardo, who refused to obey his
orders. Only General del Pilar and a smaller number
of troops were left behind to defend the lines, and the
Filipinos lost. Eventually, Luna secretly divided the 57/98
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army by enlisting fellow Ilocanos and Macabebes, the

latter being the mortal enemy of the Tagalogs. This
action of Luna was taken as a preparation for a coup
and for this reason he was assassinated. Bonifacio
fought the Spaniards for only 4 months, August to
December, 1896, while Aguinaldo waged the struggle
for four and a half years, from August 1896 to
December 1897, and then again from May, 1898 to
March, 1901, the year he was captured. However, the
remnants of his army continued the fight until
September 23, 1906, the date the die-hard katipunero,
Macario Sakay, was treacherously captured and
hanged. Mr. Valentin, I am totally impressed by the
exploits of the Filipinos of the Aguinaldo era. What you
see today are the workings of the new breed of brain-
washed Filipinos, and I am very cognizant of that

Valentin April 29, 2009 at 12:28 PM

I'm on a deadline and super-busy.

I'll get back to you.


JED July 7, 2009 at 9:09 PM

From what I've read, Filipinos lack a great deal.
Though I am an ordinary filipino citizen it is with great 58/98
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concern and interest to me that many of us lack

something, and that is the obedience, responsibility,
and above all the compassion for our beloved country.
For the past Centuries our forefathers gave their lives
for us to be united and free ourselves against our
foreign oppressors and to have a country for ourselves
to run in prosperity and development. But now the
freedom that they died to accomplished was but a
waste. Though we have accomplished our
sovereignty, we lack traits to run it, the once united
filipinos in the past are now selfishly killing each other
for their own ambitions, deceiving their fellow filipinos
for their selfish ways. Remember that "Love one
Another as you love your self."(Mark 12:31) And also I
tell you "It is not only how good we are to the world!
But also how good we are for our country!". As I've
said we lack the responsibility, obedience and
compassion for our country. What's lacking is not
within only our Government but also within our selves
as filipinos. For even ordinary people do extra ordinary
things. And rebellion is not the solution nor is Blaming
others not the answer also. What we must do is to
reach out to every filipino in the Philippines and also to
the whole world. To give a helping "Hand to Hand" to
fully develope and prosper as filipinos, so the world
will know that in this time patriots still exist in our
country. For its not how big you can do for your
country but how little you can do for your fellow
filipinos. 59/98
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Jozhua Rey Dagasuan
C.D.O., Phil.

Anonymous July 8, 2009 at 12:16 PM

To Macapili:

"Bonifacio clung to his ragtag katipunan and refused to

accept a more appropriate national organization. He
counted on the loyalty of the Magdiwang faction of
Noveleta and tried to get Miguel Malvar to his side to
mount a counter revolution by setting up his own

Er, no. Caviteno spin doctors got to you. The most

recent findings indicate that Bonifacio in fact headed a
republican revolutionary government called Haring
Bayang Katagalugan (Sovereign Tagalog Nation), or
simply Republika ng Katagaluhan (Tagalog Republic),
which was the Katipunan transformed. Far from being
a ragtag group as you put it, Bonifacio's Katipunan
was the people's government even before Aguinaldo
formed his own. Aguinaldo was the subversive or
upstart. Hell, even Wikipedia has this already.

"Bonifacio fought the Spaniards for only 4 months,

August to December, 1896"

What about December 1896 to May 1897? 60/98
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Macapili July 27, 2009 at 11:28 PM

The transition from the Katipunan:

"The first attempt to break away from the authority of

the Katipunan occured as early as in October 31,
1896, when Emilio Aguinaldo, himself a katipunero,
issued a manifesto entitled 'Liberty,Equality and
Fraternity' in which he outlined a proposed
revolutionary government, republican in form and
"similar to that of the U.S.A.", and invited all good men
to support it. The second attempt took place toward
the end of December, when a Katipunan convention
was held in the town of Imus, in the province of Cavite,
for the purpose of uniting the two provincial councils of
that province and checking thereby the rivalry between
them, and of adopting a proposed constitution.
Nothing definite, however, was accomplished beyond
the adoption of an agreement that another convention
invested with power to decide this question should be
held at some later time. The third step was taken on
March 22, 1897, when a second convention,
presumably larger and more representative than the
preceding one, was held in Tejeros, San Francisco de
Malabon, under the presidency of Andres Bonifacio. It
was here that an agreement was reached, in spite of
the opposition of certain elements, to create a
revolutionary organization that would replace the
Katipunan supreme council and take charge of 61/98
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general affairs. ... The transition from the Katipunan to

the revolutionary organization was not accomplished
without difficulties. Andres Bonifacio believed in the
vindicating virtue of the association he had founded,
and his mission was one of defending and propagating
it and leading it to victory. Emilio Jacinto had much the
same opinion; for as late as February 1898, he was
still laboring to further the interest of the society in
Laguna There were many who, in deference to
Bonifacio, opposed a change; but they were in the
minority, and in the end yielded to the wishes of the
stronger party. The new organization was acclaimed
apparently by all. Then Bonifacio, who had agreed
with the rest to abide by the decision of the majority
and who presided over the convention at Tejeros,
refused to recognize the validity of the elections held
under its auspices and the authority of the government
set up. He was arrested by order of Aguinaldo, and
tried before a court martial presided over by General
Mariano Noriel. Convicted of sedition, the court martial
sentenced him to be shot, but Aguinaldo commuted
the death sentence to imprisonment for life. This act of
grace, however, proved ineffective, for he was finally
executed at Mount Buntis on May 10, just as Primo de
Rivera's victorious forces were making themselves
masters of Cavite province." (Fernandez, 29-30)

jawbone August 2, 2009 at 6:34 PM 62/98
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I am curious that you Filipinos celebrate your

'independance day' from Spain as 1898. True
Independence day for the Philippines should be July
4th 1946.
The Philippines never gained independance from
Spain, it was 'handed over' to the USA at the Treaty of
Paris. That is not independance. In fact the reason the
current date was agreed was only to appease ultra
nationalist politicians in the Philippines at the time it
was agreed. And yes the USA did consider offering
the Philippines autonomous territory status, such as
Guam and Puerto Rico and of course the first
annonymous blogger is correct in saying the filipinos
turned it down. Ultra nationalist politics at play again
no doubt. The rest is history. One also detect a hint
racism in some blogs against the Spanish? For those
Filipino armchair critics and psudo intellectuals who
have never set foot outside the Philippines and who
pretend to know it all, Spain today is part of the EU
and is a vastly different developed multi cultural
democratic society than it was 100 to 500 years ago.
Some Filipinos should come into the 21st century.

dr August 16, 2009 at 6:46 AM

I would like to ask peoples who read this, Are you one
of those Nationalist and patriotic narrow-minded

Is it your pride that holds you back succumbing on the 63/98
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cave called Nationalistic pride?

Try to open up your minds, and answer this question:

"Are you a filipino before you are a Human? Or are
you a Human first before a Filipino?"

Honestly, I won't care much what race, what nation,

what color, what religion, or what status you are. All for
I care is that you are a Human, a superior Intellectual
Being, who can use his brains and intellect over his
instincts, for me to respect that person. I'd rather like
to see a human who's using his intellects, trying to
prove that he's a human, rather than seeing a bogus
patriotic dummy trying to cause ruckus for such idiotic
reasons such as nationality.

Nationalism, patriotism, and racism. Those are the

causes of Discrimination, which in turn invites war.

I'd like to leave a little note before ending my


"We are Humans, not Americans, British, Filipinos.

You are like me, creatures with higher intelligence, no
matter what nation you came from. Let's stop trying to
create more fuss with this stupid idiocy."

No matter what color you are, what race you came

from, what your nationality is, you are still a human
having the capacity to be superior than your
counterparts. We have brains, and if we use them, 64/98
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then we shall be called as a human. That's all that

matters, and not this stupid pre-historic ideal.


Irwin Kevin Carpio September 27, 2015 at

7:13 PM
dr, I must first commend you for the higher
thinking required to consider the concept of
the unification of human ideals and values.
Truly, all humans naturally espouse the same
basic virtues of respect for life and the pursuit
of intellect and happiness. Although I believe
in the shared virtues of humanity, however, I
must argue that the homogenization of the
human race is something I would hate to see
in my lifetime or any of my children's or
grandchildren's lifetime, for nationalism, or
what you call, "this stupid pre-historic ideal," is
a central aspect of culture and arts. Let me

To ensure that we are on equal

understanding, I want to address some of
your points. Firstly, nobody in the comments
section ever referred to the Filipino as a
master or superior race. Therefore, there was
never any intent in the discussion to usurp the
importance of being human by replacing it
with a higher ideal of the Filipino. In fact, the 65/98
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higher ideal of the Filipino was a product of

the intellectual discourse of that time.
Numerous times, the cosmopolitan and
learned men of the time were contributing the
most modern ideas into the administration of
government. This is very different from what is
happening here today. Is it not the more
human thing to do to aim for something better
and to aspire for what he have lost over the

Second, most of the culture and art we enjoy

today are not a result of the direct pursuit of
the higher ideals of humanity. In fact, the
greatest accomplishments in human history
were products of competition, nationalism or
patriotism, some of which you decry, coupled
with the higher pursuit for humanity. For what
art can you create with no pride as a Filipino,
Austrian, German, Egyptian, or any other
race? What distinctness can be created then?
What uniqueness in human experience can
you offer with no ties to your cultural heritage?
If we all cease to see each other as unique
individuals borne out of unique contexts and
rather as unique individuals all borne out of
the same homogenous mold, what a loss for

In closing, I would hate to see us all cast

aside our national identity, as you have 66/98
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proposed, because of the loss it would mean

for the human race. There is nothing
inherently wrong with nationalism or
patriotism. But there is something wrong in
racism. Do not mix up higher ideals with
wrong ones and instead, pursue higher ideals
of humanity for the good of your nation and be
proud of its contribution to the culture and
richness of humanity. No nation is above
humanity but humanity inherently contributes
to nationhood. There is no separating the two.


josé miguel September 11, 2009 at 6:37 PM

How can we Filipinos be expected to have love for our
nation when even the designation of our national hero
is a product of that Heredity Injuring Virus transmitted
to us by the Americans to cut us from our link with our
elder warriors who lead the Filipino resistance against
the American invasion of 1899?

Anonymous October 5, 2009 at 12:10 AM

I will state this in Tagalog so it may be easily
understood by our fellow Filipino. Ang hunting falcon
ay sinasanay sa pagkakatali kapag nakatulog na siya
saka siya tatangalan ng tali at sa ganung pagkakataon 67/98
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hindi nya alam kung naktali pa siya o nakakalag na.

Kaya kapag siya ay pinakawalan babalik at babalik
siya dahil yun ang nakasanayan nya. I would like to
quote a song of Asin "kalagan ang tali sa paa, imulat
na ang iyong mga mata".

the showroom manager October 22, 2009 at 3:51

Macapili, with your permission, I would like to post this
in my blog.

Maraming salamat!

Macapili October 26, 2009 at 5:12 AM

To Showroom manager: By with all means, with

baluca October 28, 2009 at 6:47 PM

Of course the Filipinos aren't patriotic: America sucked
the lifeblood out of it.

Its the game of great powers and has been the case
pretty much since the beginning of time. Caesar
conquered Gaul (modern day France), wiped out its 68/98
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people and culture and made it a province of Rome.

To this very day, French is a Romance language not a
Celtic one (the Celtics were the original inhabitants).

Look what Cortes did to Mexico. Mexicans speak

Spanish not Nahautl, the language of the Aztecs. Etc.,
etc. etc.

If there is anything that I would have taught in the

Philippines from elementary on up, it would be
Baybayin, its ancient script. I taught myself it by
visiting a website (its very easy to learn) and I
downloaded the fonts and I can type it on my
computer on a Word processing program. Cool stuff!

Imagine seeing the script atop government named

agencies that are in Tagalog throughout the country.
This visual representation of someone pre colonial
may animate Filipinos. And, perhaps as a result, a
new consciousness can emerge. If I were a lawmaker,
I'd introduce such a law.

fonts you can download
Reply 69/98
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mine December 15, 2009 at 6:55 AM 70/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Dear Macapili,

My name is Jasmine Ferrer, a research assistant for

the study, "Filipino blogging and political participation,"
an independent research funded by the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada
through its Strengthening ICT Research Capacity in
Asia (SIRCA) grant program. A component of this
study aims to: (1) look into the motivation of Filipinos
for reading political blogs; (2) determine if and how
Filipino political blog readers participate in politics,
offline or online; and (3) examine whether reading
political blogs have affected the nature and level of
their political participation.

We'd like to request your participation as one of the

survey respondents for this study. If you're interested
to participate, please provide us your email address so
we can send you the survey form in Word file. Feel
free to send questions/clarifications to the principal
researcher, Ms. Mary Grace P. Mirandilla at or at To learn more about her
work, visit
Info about the SIRCA grant program can be found at

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you very much. 71/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


Jasmine Ferrer

Macapili December 16, 2009 at 6:46 PM

Ms. Ferrer,

My email ad is:


Anonymous March 12, 2010 at 10:19 PM

hanggang ngayon tuluy-tuloy pa rin ang amerika sa
kanilang paghasik at paglason sa utak ng mga
pilipino. kahit ako nuong nag-uumpisa pa akong
magkaisip, ang tingin ko sa amerika ay isang
tagapagligtas dahil yon ang pinapakita ng mga aklat at
mga babasahin. Clearly, the US successfully poisoned
the minds of the Filipino people. But, i am certain
inspite of that there is still in the inner chamber of the
heart of the Filipinos, the patriotism and nationalism
that is inherent upon us. This patriotism and
nationalism were just suppressed by the mere
necessity of existence, na kailangan nating lunukin
ang pride natin para tayo mabuhay. Eto ang
nakakarimarim na status natin which i know the US 72/98
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still ha part of it, still up to now using the scheme the

likes they used in countering the guerilla warfare but in
other form by using the same filipinos na sugapa sa
kapangyarihan at nagpapagamit sa nais ng Amerika. I
just wonder why, US is so eager of controlling us...

Anonymous April 28, 2010 at 4:54 AM

Can I post Your Article in my facebook account?

josé miguel June 14, 2010 at 8:48 AM

To Macario A. Capili,

I would like to request your permission to post your

posts in my blogsite and facebook.

José Miguel García


Macario A. Capili June 15, 2010 at 4:28 AM 73/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

To: Jose Miguel Garcia,

Yes, you may do as you please with my postings. I
visited your site and I find it intellectually challenging
and very impressive. Thanks for your interest.

Anonymous August 2, 2010 at 9:46 PM

I have always thought that one of the greatest
weapons of mighty America is a weapon that is not
visible. And after I read the articles in this website, I
have confirmed my suspicion. Some of the great
weapons of 'Imperial' America is DECEPTION,
AND CONCEALMENT OF TRUTH. And i believe that
this its first line of defense to protect its National
Security. However, if this weapon fails, migthy America
becomes a bully, and shows off its military might. Its a
chance to showcase its intelligent weapons to conceal
its dumb soldiers.

filcon December 8, 2010 at 8:15 AM

More than four centuries ago, we were under the
colonization of Spaniards. We have no idea at all if we
did not study history books. Our people did not like the
way invaders or foreign soldiers were treating us. Until
the last century came and our list of heroes were our
last hope because they had guts and fearlessly 74/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

fighting for the freedom of our country. And Dr. Jose

Rizal became the big sacrifice. Nowadays, our OFWs
are called the new heroes. There will be no sacrifice
needed but a wise leader.

sid lactao January 23, 2011 at 8:06 PM

The Jews are the most persecuted people on earth,
driven out from their own country, stripped off of their
rights and dignity, ostracized in foreign lands and
almost completely exterminated by the Holocaust. But
they endured and was restored as a nation in 1948
after 1,800 years of struggle and suffering.
Today, they are one free and independent nation.
Whether they are hated or respected, they never
blamed history but 'overcame' it.
There is wisdom here to be learned. Spain and the US
had colonized our country and abused our freedom in
many ways.
Yet it is never right to completely blame other races for
what the Filipinos have become today. Let's stop the
blame game.
The colonization of our land brought the good and the
ugly side of Spain and the US. We must pick up
whatever is good and condemn whatever is evil. It is
our moral obligation to learn from our mistake and
shape our own destiny as a people. It is never too late.
This article gives light. It gives perspective to the
Filipino identity. Now I understand the Filipino better. I
am a Filipino and even proud to be one! 75/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Kudos to you, Mr Capili. I give your work a double


Anonymous May 9, 2011 at 9:35 PM

patriotism and nationalism is never wrong, what is
wrong if nationalism and patriotism were use in the
wrong path of life just like north Korea. they where
patriotic and nationalistic of their country as what they
where told but its never a good idea for they imposed
fear and death to those who will opposed them.

the Filipinos should be patriotic and nationalistic in

ways that we love and serve our own it is never to late
to do such things.

today foreigners have a very strong influenced on the

Philippines but we still holding on to our own, "NO
EXCEPT OUR OWN" there is still hope for the
Philippines, the Filipino people and all those country
who are poor and deprive of things.

Anonymous July 29, 2011 at 8:07 AM

A few other factors need to be mentioned:
1) Filipinos as a race/culture do not hold grudges that
long but remember favors forever. 76/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

2) There was WWII in which Kanos and Pinoys

became very close friends and allies and bygones
became bygones forever. They fought side by side
and shed blood together.
3) Americans allowed millions of Pinoys to immigrate,
get US citizenship and serve in US armed forces.
They helped millions to discover opportunities that
they never had. The 'sister Asian countries" such as
Japan, Korea and China did not give the RP anything
like this.
4) Americans traded, invested, employed, helped and
educated more than they killed and abused. The
average Filipino would always benefit more from being
a friend/employee/business partner of a Kano than
anyone else.
5) American popular culture is very attractive and
entertaining to the masses. And the Philippines does
not have a national culture that is just as attractive.
This is why you always see Filipinos with Us flags,
playing US music, but you do not see an Indonesian
with Dutch flags singing Dutch songs or a HK person
running around with a UK flag T shirt and singing
Beatles all day. They already have a strong local
culture to fall back on.
Americans did many bad things in RP but they also
did a lot of good and the locals liked it.

Anonymous July 31, 2011 at 3:26 PM 77/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

all the people in the Philippine American war are long

dead; the US now is not the same US that was before.
It is run by a Black man, most white Americans that
you meet are descendants of immigrants that came
after that war. The US has pumped billions of not
trillions of aid to the Philippines, employed and
changed lives of millions of Filipinos and helped you
more that any other country ever did. So, maybe it is
time to put the grudge to rest?

Basilio Ibabawan August 10, 2011 at 12:42 PM

@previous anonymous: I take exception to your
statement that Philippines receive billions, if not
trillions of U.S. aid. That may be true to Pakistan,
Israel or other countries but certainly not Philippines. If
this is so, why would U.S. require Philippines to pay
Php 405 million for a second hand frigate "Hamilton"
class? And look at the state of the military hardware
provided by US to Phils, most of the ships and planes
have been scrapped.

truthfulinsights September 9, 2011 at 1:08 AM

94 million in aid in 2009, over 100 million in aid in
2010 78/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


How much is that over 10, 20 years?


Anonymous November 25, 2011 at 8:55 AM

The Filipino is not patriotic because he finds little in
the current system to be PROUD of. His government
rots due to corruption in every place in society, his
elected leaders are kleptocratic, his cities fester with
poverty, pollution and horrendous traffic, few but the
rich can afford healthcare in the most serious cases,
there are no inventions and innovations originating
from this society that he can truly claim as his own, he
has to send his wife, husband, sons and daughters to
foreign countries to survive and for the country to
receive remittances in order to stay afloat. Patriotism
comes from the ability to be independent, to run an
efficient and clean government so that people can rise
to middle-class status. When there is widespread
poverty, injustice, and corruption, there can be no
patriotism. How can people think of their country when
their immediate family is starving, deprived of their
rights by a corrupt government, ruled buy a few rich
and powerful, the same political dynasties and cronies
plundering the system in turns?
Reply 79/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Anonymous February 17, 2012 at 2:55 PM

I just happened across this page but my first
impression is --great!

The globalists are "brainwashing" students in our

current education system just as they did in 1901

Also, did you know Ron Paul is the only candidate to

publicly support H.R.210 – Filipino Veterans Fairness
Act of 2011.

Tomas de Torquemada May 29, 2012 at 9:32 PM

The underlying problem was Spain herself. After 1812
she had changed her constitution to a more liberal
one. within the same century right wing liberals were
in control and centralized the colonial governments
which was long before governed by fueros which are
autonomous constitutions that were used within the
regions of Spain and her colonies. The abolition of the
Inquisition was also a result of the 1812 constitution
which also consequently resulted into the flourishing of
masonic lodges brought from liberal Europe. On these
lodges were initiated those so called "national heroes"
who were no other than a bunch of heretics and
Reply 80/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Cecilia Avanceña January 8, 2013 at 1:04 AM

Interesting discussion, but a bit of perspective, please.
Patriotism is an offshoot of nationalism, a worldwide
phenomenon in the 19th century. "Nations" as old as
Italy were not even in existence as such, and we were
riding on the same wave. Some countries also
happened to be more threatened by war than others
(against Napoleon, for one - the "patriotic duty"
concept). In other places, the idea led to chauvinism
and racism (in a "national" idea based on ethnicity, I
suppose it has to be a stage). Hence, I can't help
questioning everything I was taught in high school and
college, including patriotism.

I do have to agree that corruption is a pending

assignment. Have you seen the Transparency
International Corruption Map?

Rizal continues to be relevant: "There are no tyrants

where there are no slaves".

sugarcaneplanter September 26, 2015 at 12:54 AM

This article's presentation was also presented (in
similar point of view: america's white superiority-how
the press presented Filipinos-like negritos who wore 81/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

G-strings and spears- in other words, America's first

Vietnam. And there is a short documentary on that).
What this article missed, is that in provinces like
Negros Occ, we didn't fight the Americans, on the
contrary, we asked USA to make us another country
as long as the landowners can keep their land. Not all
provinces were for Aguinaldo. As a matter of fact, in
Negros, after the Spaniards left on Christmas day
1899, Aguinaldo telegrammed Lacson and Araneta
and asked them to join him. However Lacson-Araneta,
refused. They didnt' want to be under teh command of
Aguinaldo. That is one reason of our disconnect. We
only get the side of the "patriotic" Filipinos who fought
the Americans, but we don't get the side of the Pro
American Filipinos.

Ian Dipalupig September 26, 2015 at 11:25 PM

Ang husay ng gawa ng Blogger na ito makatotohanan.
Matagal na akong naninilbihan sa kompanyang
Americano. Ito ang nag dulot ng pag usad ng aking
kabuhayan sapul ng aking mga kapamilya. Ang
kompanyang ito ay nag papahintulot ng pag kilala sa
sariling kakayahan. Sa dami kong na katrabaho na
Pilipino at mga iba't ibang uri ng lahi ang Pilipino
laging napupuri sa taglay nitong galling na maka
pareha at umangat sa larangan ng kanyang
ginagalawan. Ako'y lahi ng iba't ibang tribu, ang Tatay
Bikolano ang Nanay ay Waray. Sila man ay galing sa
halu-halung lahi, may dugong tagalog at Bisaya sa 82/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Tatay, ang Nanay naman ay intsik at Waray.

Samakatuwid wala akong maitataggi na Pilipino nga
ako. Anu ba talaga ang Pilipino?
Minsan sa aking hanap buhay may Amerikanong
minura ang Pilipino sa wikang ingles "Fucking lazy son
of a bitch.. you mother fucker" tumawa lang ito ni
walang halaga sa kanya iyon. Maka launan may
kapwa Pilipino ang nag mura nakakataas ito ng
katungkulan, "Ay sa putang ina mo tamad ka wala ka
pang alam".. away ang kinahinantnan ng dalawa. Sabi
nga ng manunulat na si Jane Austen (English hindi
Kano)..."it isn't what we say or think that defines us,
but what we do". Ika nga ng Batangueno--"Ikaw ga'y
anu?"...Daghan Salamat, Mabalos!

kagbalete September 27, 2015 at 11:05 AM

By Pilipino I presume the writer means the Tagalogs....
as for the US army being the most powerful during
that time I don't think so. During that time the
Europeans, specially the Germans and the British
were much more powerful militarily. The feeling of
regionalism was paramount during those times and to
some extent it still does in the present. Pilipinos tend
to identify more with their ethnic group rather than with
being Pilipino. The American occupation exacerbated
the already loose cohesiveness between the different
groups. The Americans applied divide and rule tactics
(also used by the Spaniards) when they conquered
the islands... as for making the blanket statement that 83/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Pilipinos are unpatriotic, it would depend on how

define being a Pilipino is....

Drift wud September 28, 2015 at 3:21 PM

Why is it that the Philippine history that is taught in
schools is mosly all about the tagalog and luzon? Not
much of visayas and mindanao... as far as i know we
too in Cebu and Central Visayas had fought hard
against colonialism too, and we also have our very
strong and reputable heroes.. even until today, we
continue to struggle from domination, this time not
from some white skinned people, but the imperial
manila, that belittle our existence as FILIPINOS. And
how they systemized us to an economic and
governing disparity. By creating this centralized form
of government, where manila imperialistically rule.

Drift wud September 28, 2015 at 3:21 PM

Why is it that the Philippine history that is taught in
schools is mosly all about the tagalog and luzon? Not
much of visayas and mindanao... as far as i know we
too in Cebu and Central Visayas had fought hard
against colonialism too, and we also have our very
strong and reputable heroes.. even until today, we
continue to struggle from domination, this time not
from some white skinned people, but the imperial 84/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

manila, that belittle our existence as FILIPINOS. And

how they systemized us to an economic and
governing disparity. By creating this centralized form
of government, where manila imperialistically rule.

Drift wud September 28, 2015 at 3:21 PM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Drift wud September 28, 2015 at 3:43 PM

This comment has been removed by the author.

Junius Dee September 28, 2015 at 10:48 PM

We need to stop or remove the name mckinley in our
streets or locality . He is a tyrant and imperialist that
does not deserved any special mention in our country

Unknown January 13, 2016 at 5:43 AM


Pages 157 and 158 'The Capture of Aguinaldo'

Emilio Aguinaldo's surrender to the American's was a 85/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

cowardly act. There was no doubt that he coveted the

presidency. He surrendered for fear that others more
competent than he would occupy the post of president
of tne Republic.
Had he fought with his captors, regardless of whether
he succumbed so that he might be considered a hero,
at least to vindicate his crimes, by this time we would
be admiring a monument to the second hero of the
Philippines, unlike what he did delivering himself as
prisoner and afterward taking an oath of allegiance to
the American flag.
The crimes he committed against Andres Bonifacio
and Antonio Luna, and his attempt to assassinate the
undersigned (i.e. Julio Nakpil) should be condemned
by history, and Universal Freemasonry ought to expel
him and declare him a spurious son. The coward finds
many dangers where none exist!
March, 1897 - A persistent rumor circulated that
Andres Bonifacio was paid by the friars to promote the
rebellion against Spain and also it was said he was
sanguinary. Is this the work of his enemies to discredit
Emilio Aguinaldo censured by those from Cavite. On
account of the abuses and immoralities of his soldiers,
such as robberies and rape of married women as well
as single, many complaints were brought to E.
Aguinaldo; but, instead of punishing the culprits, he
would reply invariably: "Please be patient because we
do not pay our soldiers."
Among the despicable ones was a Major surnamed
Ritual who boastfully recounted with the greatest 86/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

pleasure and effrontery the following: He and two of

his soldiers went up a house in one of the towns of
Cavite finding there two sisters, single and pretty. As
they would not accede to their satyric de sires, he
kicked one of them several times on the hips, and
when the other protested and shouted for help, then
Ritual himself hit them with the butt of his gun until
they fell on the floor; and once the two sisters had
fainted, they succeeded to satisfy their vile appetite.
Many of these barbarous acts occurred in Cavite
principally, inasmuch as they were left unpunished.
Under Andres Bonifacio and Antonio Luna these
cases were severely punished. Ritual related this in
the presence of Atilano Sta. Ana, two Spanish soldiers
who were deserters, and the undersigned in the town
of Cainta. I was very indignant. Thanks that I was able
to refrain from shooting him with my revolver for fear
of committing murder.
Finally, Emilio Aguinaldo ought to give an example of
national solidarity. Considering those murders
committed by him on the precious lives of Bonifacio
and Luna and others their indignant relatives as well
as their friends and the people in general did not rise
against him for the sake of national unity.
His ambition to occupy the presidency is fully
demonstrated when General L. Wood promised it to
him (deceiving him for his own purposes) when we
would' be granted our independence'. It is a common
belief that this post would be occupied by one who
held it during the Revolution, and for this reason he
persists in winning sympathy, using as an instrument 87/98
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the Veterans of the Revolution, endeavoring to

establish throughout the Archipelago Commandancias
Departamentales (Departmental Commands.)
Another reproach against Aguinaldo was his
acceptance of P12,OOO as annual life-pension so that
he is already paid for his services during the
He himself destroyed his work due to his excessive
ambition for grandeur and riches, and the like. Had he
renounced this great amount in favor of the invalid
veterans of the Revolution. he would have performed
an act of patriotism and charity.
I swear before God and before History that everything
related in these notes is the truth and I entreat the
historian not to publish this until after my death.
(Signed) JULIO NAKPIL - Year 1925

Anonymous July 1, 2016 at 5:46 PM

Here's a good answer to the allegation that Aguinaldo
is a traitor:

Mark Payumo September 29, 2016 at 7:46 PM

I'm curious about the bibliography. Can the author
provide one? Thanks! 88/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people


Áron May 26, 2017 at 1:01 PM

The problem is:
Filipino is NOT a Race "lahi" NOR an Ethnicity.
The Problem is that, the Imperialist-Tagalogists'
definition of being patriotic is to become Tagalized.

Macario A. Capili August 15, 2017 at 3:03 AM

Mark Payumo, the bibliography page is hidden but can
be displayed on screen by the user by clicking on the
hyperlinked reference on the text of any blog. While
the bibliography page is displayed the book if digital
copy is available can be accessed directly online by
from the bibliography page by clicking on the

Basilio Ibabawan August 15, 2017 at 3:36 AM


""Ito, ng matanto nina General Mariano Noriel,

General Pio del Pilar, na mga Kagawad ng Consejo de
Guerra ay dali daling tinawagan ang aking pansing at
sinabing, ‘Kung ibig po ninyon magpatuloy ang 89/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

kapanatagan ng ating Pamahalaan sa Paghihimagsik,

at kung ibig ninyong mabuhay po tayo, ay inyo pong
bawiin ang iginawad na indulto sa magkapatid na
iyan.’ Dahil ditoy aking binawi at iniatas ko kay
General Noriel na ipatupad ang kahatulan ng Consejo
de Guerra, na barilin ang magkapatid, alang-alan sa
kapakanan ng Bayan.”

"Emilio Aguinaldo
"Kawit, Kabite, 22, Marso, 1948"

English translation:
Here, when General Mariano Noriel and General Pio
del Pilar, members of the Council of War learned (the
commutation of the sentence - translator) they
immediately called my attention and said: "If you want
to have peace in our revolutionary government, and if
you want us to continue to live, you have to recall the
commutation of the sentence of the Bonifacio
brothers." Because of this I recalled it and instructed
General Noriel to implement the what the Council of
War has decided, to shoot the brothers, in the interest
of the country."

Basilio Ibabawan August 15, 2017 at 8:42 PM

Here's a post by Tommy V Matic in fb page "Philippine
Camelot: Asia's first republic..." which describes how
Bonifacio reacted during the Tejeros convention and
the reason for his downfall: 90/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Tommy Matic IV
Top Contributor · June 7


Everyone's heard of the alleged plot to kill General

Luna and many Filipinos seem to believe it even if
there is ZERO actual evidence of President
Aguinaldo's involvement and only circumstantial
evidence to the contrary.

However this was not, it seems, the only plot to kill a

Filipino general. There might have been another plot
enacted by two top Filipino leaders to betray the
greatest general of the Revolution.

By mid-1897 the rivalry between the two Caviteno

councils of Magdalo and Magdiwang had become
bitter and hostile. Both groups looked to an election to
be held at Tejeros to resolve the issues even as both
groups were desperately holding out against a
massive pincer offensive that the ruthless Spanish
governor general, Camilo de Polavieja, and his top
general Jose Lachambre, were leading.

At Tejeros, the Supremo of the Katipunan, Andres

Bonifacio, was made president of the convention. In
this he was being honored by BOTH Magdalo and
Magdiwang despite the months of building animosity
that he had helped stoke. Bonifacio made everyone 91/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

swear to respect the election results. He also had the

power to investigate any anomalies and cheating. In
the end, however, he did neither.

Bonifacio lost to Emilio Aguinaldo for the presidency.

Severino de las Alas then asked that Bonifacio be
made Vice President because Bonifacio had garnered
the second highest number of presidential votes. The
suggestion was met with dead silence. Bonifacio
eventually won Director of the Interior but this was
challenged, infamously, by Daniel Tirona. And this is
where everything went downhill for Bonifacio.

He violated his own oath to respect the results by

declaring the results null and void because, like a
spoiled child he didn't get what he wanted and he
threw a violent fit in front of all the attendees by
threatening Daniel Tirona with death. In this he lost the
respect of both Magdalo and Magdiwang - the
Magdiwang particularly because the Magdiwang
ACTUALLY WON the Tejeros Convention, taking 7 of
the 9 electoral seats INCLUDING BONIFACIO'S
Director of the Interior. (see continuation in next post)

Basilio Ibabawan August 15, 2017 at 8:43 PM

Continued from previous post - Tommy V Matic:

Feeling angered, entitled and betrayed, Bonifacio 92/98
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betrayed Filipino heroes at Pasong Santol. Angered at

his electoral defeat Bonifacio conspired with newly
elected Captain General Ricarte to prevent badly
needed Spanish reinforcements from reaching the key
Filipino defenses at the Perez-Dasmarinas line at
Pasong Santol. This was defended by none other than
his rival, Emilio Aguinaldo. When Aguinaldo heard of
his election victory he REFUSED to leave the field
because he knew that the Spanish assault was
imminent. He only left to take his oath of office after
his elder brother Crispulo offered to hold the defenses,
promising that "if they reach [Emilio Aguinaldo] it will
be over my dead body".
Because Bonifacio and Ricarte ACTIVELY
PREVENTED Filipino reinforcements from reaching
the field, the Spanish overwhelmed the Filipinos (who
had successfully held the defenses which had been
built by General Edilberto Evangelista before his
death) and Crispulo was killed.
Bonifacio was responsible it is IGNORED in Philippine

More than this though, Bonifacio may have been

targeting not the Filipino soldiers whose lives he
callously ignored, but Emilio Aguinaldo himself.
Bonifacio had been at the election, Emilio had not.
Bonifacio had lost at the election and he knew that
Emilio was at the battle front of Pasong Santol.
Preventing the critical reinforcements from reaching 93/98
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the field might have been Bonifacio's way of

ASSASSINATING the newly elected Emilio Aguinaldo
before his rival could even take office. Unfortunately
for Bonifacio, Crispulo, Emilio's Kuya, "Took the bullet"
for his kapatid.

And the rest, as they say, is history.


Ariel Zabat August 23, 2017 at 4:10 AM

I do not agree that Filipinos are not a patriotic people.

We may have lost the war against the US, and we

may have adopted the English language as one of our
official languages, but love for country is there.

We refused to pay taxes unless we have

representation in the US Congress. America had to
grant this, and although our representatives did not
have the right to vote, they can participate in the
debates and introduce legislation. These great men
gained our independence by fighting in the halls of the
US Congress.

Basilio Ibabawan September 9, 2017 at 8:27 PM

As regards the Aguinaldo-Bonifacio issue, here's an
enlightening comment by Tommy Matic IV, regular 94/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

poster in fb/Philippine-American War group:

"Remember also that 1) the Supremo lost all his

battles with the Spaniards in Manila/Morong. Lives
were lost and that tends to make people angry. His
losing hundreds of men to very minimal opposition
made him look like an agent provocateur (an agent of
the Spaniards meant to lure Filipino patriots into the

"He divided rather than unified the Magdalo and

Magdiwang councils which led to more defeats.

"The weakened and divided resistance was pushed

back and lost ground to Lachambre, and the
previously victorious Cavitenos were looking for
someone to blame.

"... and given his track record Bonifacio was the

obvious choice.

"The stupid ignorant thing about Filipinos today is they

don't consider these facts. They never see how
Bonifacio was seen through the eyes of his
contemporaries and how Bonifacio's selfish, entitled
attitude came to be seen as treachery."

Basilio Ibabawan January 4, 2018 at 2:09 PM 95/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Aguinaldo is the greatest Filipino of all time. He

bequeathed the Filipino people with their national flag,
their national anthem, their independence day, their
first republic, the first in all of Asia. He organized the
first Filipino republican army and navy, defeated the
Spaniards and held 9,000 of them prisoners. He gave
the Filipinos their first taste of freedom and
independence. He inspired the best, the bravest and
the most learned Filipinos to rally around him so that a
truly Filipino government can be established and
worked for the benefit of the Filipino people (all other
governments established in the Philippines were done
by foreigners - Spaniards, Americans and Japanese).
He led the resistance and defense of this Filipino
republic and government to the very end against
American aggression that needed 125,000 troops and
$400 million and more than three years to put down.
His feat has raised the dignity of the Filipino and
commanded the respect of other nations then
struggling under similar foreign domination and
oppression incuding the deference by the colonialists
themselves. No Filipino can ever come close, not even
Rizal. Any Filipino who does not know Aguinaldo's
accomplishments or even deny them is an ingrate or
ignorant of this sacred national heritage. And despite
all the calumnies and false accusations hurled against
his person he will remain the greatest and his legacy
shall be enduring because, as General Douglas
McArthur said, his monument is the Republic of the
Reply 96/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

Basilio Ibabawan January 4, 2018 at 2:09 PM

Aguinaldo is the greatest Filipino of all time. He
bequeathed the Filipino people with their national flag,
their national anthem, their independence day, their
first republic, the first in all of Asia. He organized the
first Filipino republican army and navy, defeated the
Spaniards and held 9,000 of them prisoners. He gave
the Filipinos their first taste of freedom and
independence. He inspired the best, the bravest and
the most learned Filipinos to rally around him so that a
truly Filipino government can be established and
worked for the benefit of the Filipino people (all other
governments established in the Philippines were done
by foreigners - Spaniards, Americans and Japanese).
He led the resistance and defense of this Filipino
republic and government to the very end against
American aggression that needed 125,000 troops and
$400 million and more than three years to put down.
His feat has raised the dignity of the Filipino and
commanded the respect of other nations then
struggling under similar foreign domination and
oppression incuding the deference by the colonialists
themselves. No Filipino can ever come close, not even
Rizal. Any Filipino who does not know Aguinaldo's
accomplishments or even deny them is an ingrate or
ignorant of this sacred national heritage. And despite
all the calumnies and false accusations hurled against
his person he will remain the greatest and his legacy
shall be enduring because, as General Douglas 97/98
4/8/2019 Aguinaldo - The Maligned Hero: Why Filipinos are not a patriotic people

McArthur said, his monument is the Republic of the


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Virgilio C Leynes a.k.a. Macario A. Capili
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