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How hygiene happens: physics and chemistry of cleaning
Centre for Formulation Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15

Cleaning is a commonplace but poorly understood operation in the dairy industries. This paper describes
recent work to identify and quantify the critical factors that control cleaning. Experiments have used
micromanipulation probes to remove deposits from surfaces; these probes can measure the force required
to remove deposits, and allow simple models of cleaning to be produced.
Keywords Cleaning, Engineering, Hygiene, Milk protein deposits.

anisms. Often there is a lag (induction) period,

during which no change in heat-transfer coefficient
Fouling and cleaning in dairy processing of pressure drop occurs, before fouling commences.
Fouling is the unwanted build-up of deposits on Visser et al. (1997) proposed three fouling mech-
a surface. This is a major problem in the dairy anisms for milk or whey protein solutions with milk
industry, particularly during thermal treatment. salts:
Build-up of deposit increases pressure drop, due to
1 Denatured whey proteins aggregate and adhere
the increase in surface roughness and the decrease
to the surface.
in cross-sectional area of the flow channels, and
2 Inversely soluble calcium phosphate and calcium
reduces heat transfer efficiency. Increased costs are
citrate precipitate upon heating. Crystallization at
therefore incurred. Fouling can also compromise
the surface can occur and form a mineral scale.
product quality by cross-contamination or microbial
3 Inclusion of product fluid within the growing
growth. It is necessary to stop production to clean
fouling layers allows the formation of different
the processing plant, often daily.
layers, which may have different compositions.
Fouling and its minimization have been inves-
This mechanism is dependent on the process and
tigated for many years (for detailed examples, see
the product conditions.
the series of conferences including Fryer et al.
(1996) and Wilson et al. (1999; 2002), together Fouling is now reasonably well understood.
with the recent books by Lelieveld (2003) and Early models (Fryer 1989) demonstrated how foul-
Lelieveld et al. (2005)). Milk is a complex fluid ing worked, and these models have been developed
with a number of thermally unstable components, into those that can be used predictively. De Jong
with equally complex fouling behaviour (Changani et al. (2002) describes the use of models based on
et al. 1997). Two major types of deposits exist β-lg reaction kinetics to predict fouling, and this
(Burton 1968); the composition and appearance of type of model has been used by authors such as
the two deposit types (type A and type B) are given Grijspeerdt et al. (2004) and Sahoo et al. (2005) to
in Table 1. The protein content of type A deposit is study fouling. The simulations suggest that holding
mainly β-lactoglobulin (β-lg, a whey protein); at times at intermediate temperatures reduce fouling
least 50% of the protein content of deposit formed through reactions taking place in the bulk rather than
at 70–80 C is β-lg (Lalande et al. 1985; Tissier and on the surface. This type of holding section has been
Lalande 1986), although it is only approximately used empirically for many years; the models allow
10% of the total protein in milk (Walstra and rational selection of process times and conditions.
Jenness 1984). In the native state this protein is a Understanding fouling helps in the understand-
dimer, above 50°C it dissociates, and between ing of cleaning. There is considerable focus on
60°C and 70°C the monomers unfold (i.e. denature). understanding how deposit is removed, and thus,
Upon unfolding, β-lg-free sulphydry (-SH) groups how to improve the efficiency of cleaning pro-
*Author for are exposed, which may irreversibly polymerize cesses. Three phases are involved in the removal of
correspondence. E-mail:
with disulphide bonds on other β-lg molecules milk soil: the heat transfer surface, the deposit and
(or with other proteins) (Roefs and de Kruif 1994). the alkali cleaning solution. Any of the following
© 2006 Society of Fouling from milk processing is thought due to a may be involved in cleaning of food deposits
Dairy Technology combination of number of different fouling mech- (Plett 1985): melting, mechanical break-up, wetting,

76 Vol 59, No 2 May 2006 International Journal of Dairy Technology

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Table 1 Composition of deposits formed by milk at different temperatures. The balance of the percentage composition is
made up by other components such as carbohydrate (Burton, 1968)

Processing conditions Temperature Composition Appearance

Type A Pasteurization Up to 100°C Protein: 50–60% Soft voluminous,
Mineral: 30–35% curd-like material,
Fat: 4–8% white or cream in colour
Type B UHT 100–140°C Protein: 15–20% Brittle, gritty and
(ultra high Mineral: 70% grey
temperature) Fat: 4–8% in colour

swelling, desorption, emulsification, hydrolysation, metals (Grasshoff 1997). Recovery and re-use of
saponification and dispersion. Removal may be CIP chemicals reduce the load on sewerage, although
governed by a combination of mass transfer, in all cases the effluent must at some point be
diffusion and reaction (Bird and Fryer 1991), any released, either by processing on site or by release
of which may be controlling. to a local plant for indirect disposal.
Historically, process equipment was opened Cleaning processes are currently carried out
and cleaned individually. Large-scale production semi-empirically, using either a fixed time or a
led to the need for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) systems, cleaning solution volume that is known to give
in which chemicals are circulated to remove the repeatable clean results. Although much research
deposit. Alternatively, surfaces can be subjected has been carried out to optimize the operation of
to sprays or jets of the cleaning chemicals. These milk processing plants through understanding of
processes are highly developed and automated, fouling (for example Georgiadis et al. 1998; Peter-
but are rarely if ever optimized. Cleaning regimes meier et al. 2002; Grijspeerdt et al. 2004), little
generally involve a number of cycles: 1 prerinse — work on systematic optimization of cleaning exists.
circulation of water to remove loosely bound Potentially, this might be combined with cleaning
substances from the surface; 2 detergent cycle — schedules to optimize overall plant operation. Under-
action of the cleaning chemical (acid or alkali) to standing cleaning requires knowledge of how the
release the deposit from the surface, and in which deposit is removed, as well as the effect of process
the majority of cleaning takes place during this parameters (such as temperature, chemical type
cycle; 3 postrinse — in which deposit and cleaning and concentration, flow rate) and plant design on
chemical are removed by circulation of water, cleaning. Monitoring the extent of cleaning is also
possible 4 sanitization — disinfection and surface critical and would be easier to optimize if the state
conditioning, and then 5 final rinse — circulation of of the level of cleaning throughout the plant is
water prior to product processing. sensitively and accurately known. The aim of this
Fouling and subsequent cleaning have both paper is to review recent work on cleaning, espe-
economic and environmental impact. The costs cially in terms of identifying the critical chemical
have been categorized (Pritchard 1988) as: and physical factors that influence removal, and
to attempt to show how useful models might be
1 Loss of production: reduced process efficiency developed.
and the need to shut down to clean.
2 Maintenance costs: the need to install complex Cleaning of dairy deposits
cleaning processes. Traditional dairy CIP involves circulation of alkali
3 Fuel costs: increased heating and pumping and acid solutions, although single stage cleaners
power. can also be used, as they involve only one chemical
4 Capital expenditure: larger heat exchanger area rinse (Timperley and Smeulders 1987). Protein
and extra pump capacity. deposits swell when they adsorb water, and alkali
solutions can reinforce this swelling and also dis-
In addition, environmental effects are increasingly
solve the protein (Jeurnink and Brinkman 1994).
important, especially given legislative pressures
Cracks can then form, which increase penetration
towards zero emission processes. Solutions used
of the cleaning solution into the deposit layer. Plett
for cleaning must be neutralized before being released,
(1985) described the possible steps involved in
so the products of this step are of main environmental
concern (Grasshoff 1997). Phosphates (added to
cleaning agents to reduce water hardness) are of 1 Possible bulk reaction between components of
ecological risk due to excess water phytilication/ the chemical and the bulk fluid (e.g. hard water ions).
eutrophication. Complexing agents added to 2 Transport of chemical to the surface, affected by
cleaning solutions may also remobilize heavy temperature, concentration and flow.

© 2006 Society of Dairy Technology 77

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These stages have been seen by many workers,

such as Bird (1992), Gillham (1997), Grasshoff
(1997) and Tuladhar (2001) using visual methods,
heat-transfer monitoring and fluid dynamic gauging.
The effect of swelling is seen in Figure 1(a),
which shows the pressure drop across a section of
a plate heat exchanger (PHE) during cleaning. The
pressure drop increases due to swelling before
removal of deposit. Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) analysis shows that a more open structure is
formed when whey proteins come in contact with
alkali solution (Bird 1992; Gillham 1997). This
expansion increases the volume of the deposit and
thus the pressure drop through the processing
plant. Figure 1(b) shows that swelling and removal
processes are simultaneous. The figure shows the
cleaning of a PHE by pulses of sodium hydroxide
(shown in grey): during the first pulse of chemical,
swelling raises the pressure drop, and then removal
lowers it, but when the chemical is replaced by
water, the pressure increases again for a short time.
This is because the removal rate is reduced by using
Figure 1 Change in pressure drop with time for a plate heat water while the swelling process continues due to
exchanger fouled with proteinaceous deposit, undergoing sodium hydroxide that has diffused into the deposit.
cleaning from sodium hydroxide, showing (a) initial increase The process reaches a point where no more removal
in pressure drop due to swelling, followed by final decrease occurs, but the exchanger is still fouled, as shown
in pressure drop to a clean state; and (b) the effect of pulsing by the second pulse of chemical, which results in a
chemical (grey sections) and water. further increase in pressure drop due to swelling.


3 Transport into the deposit: penetration of chemi- FA C T O R S I N C L E A N I N G
cals into deposit is dependent on its structure. Surface
active agents can increase penetration due to wetting. A large number of studies have been carried out
4 Reaction between deposit and cleaning chemical to examine the effects of different factors on the
including melting, mechanical break-up, wetting, cleaning of dairy soils, including studies of physical
swelling, desorption, emulsification, hydrolysation, factors such as flow rate as well as examination of
saponification and dispersion. the effects of chemistry on cleaning.
5 Transport to the interface: reaction products
diffuse out of the deposit. Effect of temperature
6 Transport to the bulk: concentration gradients In general, as temperature increases, the cleaning
and hydrodynamic conditions allow the transport rate increases (Hankinson and Carver 1968; De
of the reaction products into the bulk. Goederen et al. 1989; Fryer and Bird 1994; Alfa
Laval 2003). Gillham et al. (1999) found that removal
Visualizations of the cleaning of milk and whey of whey protein deposits from stainless steel pipes
protein concentrate deposits (such as Grasshoff was strongly dependent on temperature. The swell-
1989; Bird and Bartlett 1995; Christian 2004) have ing phase did not seem to be a strong function of
shown the non-uniform nature of deposit removal. temperature, although the rest of the process shows
The process has three stages: a strong sensitivity to temperature. The length of
the decay phase significantly decreased when
1 Swelling — alkali solution contacts the deposit the deposit–liquid interface temperature exceeds
and causes swelling, forming a protein matrix of 50°C. Above this temperature little further effect
high void fraction. on the length of the decay phase is seen.
2 Erosion — uniform removal of deposit by shear
stress forces and diffusion. There may be a plateau Effect of chemical concentration
region of constant cleaning rate, but this depends Increasing cleaning solution concentration decreases
on the balance between swelling and removal. the time to clean (for example Gallot-Lavallee
3 Decay — the swollen deposit is thin and no et al. 1984). Plett (1985) reported a near linear
longer uniform, so that removal of isolated islands increase in cleaning rate with increasing detergent
occurs by shear stress and mass transport. concentration, but that a maximum cleaning rate

78 © 2006 Society of Dairy Technology

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occurs. Some authors have reported optimal chem- had negligible effect on the initial ‘swelling’ phase,
ical concentrations that minimize cleaning time but had significant effect on the latter stages of
(De Goederen et al. 1989; Fryer and Bird 1994; removal phases. Enhancement of cleaning is evi-
Jeurnink and Brinkman 1994). This action of the dently controlled by a combination of surface shear
cleaning solution on the deposit structure has been stress (amplitude) and frequency affects, and does
studied using SEM (Tissier and Lalande 1986; not solely depend on the shear stress. Flow reversal
Belmar-Beiny and Fryer 1993). After exposure to a seems especially useful, but is difficult in practice.
2 wt percentage NaOH solution, images showed a Trials on a ‘pigging’ system, which uses a mixture
less open structure than at 0.5 wt percentage, that may of water and ice combined with a freezing point
not be as susceptible to fluid shear, and is therefore depressant to remove deposits such as jam, mar-
more difficult to remove than more open structures. garine, salad cream and toothpaste, have been
Other authors have explained this effect by: 1 the reported (Quarini 2002). Results show a significant
swelling of the deposit inhibiting transportation at improvement on cleaning behaviour compared to
higher concentrations (Plett 1985); 2 formation of a water at 20°C. Results are not, however, compared
‘glassy’ deposit (Bird and Fryer 1991); or 3 a rubber- to cleaning with chemicals. It is also not clear yet
like deposit (Jeurnink and Brinkman 1994). The to what extent pigging removes very thin deposits,
existence of cleaning optima has not been proved for example, but it may reduce rinsing times.
generally, but the data do suggest that the solution Friis and Jensen (2002; 2005) discussed the use
to a given practical problem might not be simply to of computational fluid dynamics in predicting the
increase the concentration of chemical. ability to cleaned, an interesting approach that offers
Alternative chemical formulations include the the possibility of designing cleanable equipment
use of enzymes. Initial issues with respect to the more efficiently.
use of enzymes to clean dairy equipment included
high costs and low cleaning efficiency (Grasshoff Different modes of removal
1997). With increasing environmental concern, Visual observation of deposit shows that there are dif-
however, enzymes are a promising alternative to ferent modes of removal. For an extreme example,
traditional chemicals (Grasshoff 2002; 2005). Figure 2 shows removal of a disc of tomato paste
soaked in a flow of water. The area of the surface
Effect of flow covered by the paste and the heat transfer through
In CIP processes shear force is provided by fluid the paste are followed as a function of time. Removal
flow. Increased flow rates induce greater surface of the tomato paste comes all at once because diffu-
shear on the deposit. This reduces the contact time, sion of water through to the interface lowers the inter-
however, while cleaning solution must remain in facial forces between surface and deposit. In most
contact with the soil for long enough for it to take cases, removal is less clear cut. Removal of deposit
effect. The underlying effect of flow rate on clean- in chunks, however, by fracture of deposit–deposit
ing is difficult to determine as both mass transfer bonds or deposit–surface bonds is often important.
and surface shear stress are related to flow. It has Often, the removal of protein deposits occurs
been suggested that boundary layer thickness may in a different way, through gradual dissolution of
control cleaning, that is, as the boundary layer the surface and dissolving of the deposit. Figure 4
becomes thinner, more deposit is protruding into shows a series of images that illustrate this, although
the turbulent flow and is removable (De Goederen it is more difficult to see removal here as the white
et al. 1989). Some workers have found a threshold deposit first becomes transparent and is then
below which the mechanical effect of flow is removed gradually.
negligible (Jennings et al. 1957; Schlüssler 1976; To model cleaning we need to understand how
Jackson and Ming Low 1982) on tomato deposits, these different modes of removal arise and how
although Bird and Fryer (1991) noted that there different types of deposit are cleaned in practice.
was no significant change in cleaning rate when The section below describes ongoing work to study
moving from laminar to turbulent flow, and Bird and model cleaning.
(1992) found no minimum flow velocity. Timper-
ley and Smeulders (1988) found that the cleaning
time of a PHE decreased with increasing flow rate,
the greatest reduction occurring upon increasing The above has shown the complexity of cleaning,
the flow velocity from 0.2 to 0.5 m/s. In general, it which can occur by gradual dissolution and reac-
is clear that the higher the flow rate, the shorter the tion, or through removal and fracture of chunks of
cleaning time, but the cost of pumping the cleaning the deposit. The physical properties of the deposit,
fluid may become excessive. Non-uniform flows and how they change during cleaning, are obviously
have also been investigated to determine whether critical. Better understanding of the materials’
they could have increased cleaning behaviour. properties has been developed to allow the use of
Gillham et al. (2000) concluded that flow pulsing micromanipulation equipment (Liu et al. 2002).

© 2006 Society of Dairy Technology 79

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Figure 2 Removal of tomato paste by a flow of water, showing the surface area covered by deposit and the heat transfer coefficient
(HTC) through the deposit. Inserts show surface after (a) 50, (b) 1000, (c) 1250, and (d) 1260 s, showing how all of the deposit
can be removed in one go.

The force required to disrupt a surface film is deter- layer. This behaviour is reflected in the cleaning of
mined by drawing a probe across the film, and the surfaces. As seen in Figures 2 and 3, tomato paste
effectiveness of removal followed both by filming removal tends to occur by fracture at the surface,
the process and by examining the surface afterwards. where the bonds are weakest, whereas milk removal
The method was developed to study biofilms (Chen occurs gradually from the surface down.
et al. 1998), but has been extended to study mate- In practice, the deposit will fail or be removed by
rials such as tomato pastes, milk and egg proteins the mechanism which requires least energy. One
(Liu et al. 2002; 2006a; 2006b). long-term wish of the industry has been to find
The force required to remove the deposit is a surface that does not foul or that cleans quickly.
measured by drawing the micromanipulation probe Surface treatments have been investigated for a
across the surface of the deposit. Two types of number for years; for example Britten et al. (1988)
measurement are possible: 1 total removal, in which studied the effect of coatings such as polymethyl-
both adhesive and cohesive forces are overcome, acrylate, nylon and cellulose acetate, and Yoon and
and 2 partial removal of deposit to measure co- Lund (1994) investigated electropolished stainless
hesive strength. For tomato paste, the force required steel and Teflon- and polysiloxane- coated plates.
for partial removal of the deposit exceeds that for Ion implantation magnetron spluttering, plasma-
the total removal, showing that cohesive forces enhanced vapour deposition, dynamic mixing and
between the deposits exceed those of adhesion autocatalytic Ni-P-PTFE are among the more recent
between surface and deposit (Liu et al. 2002). Sim- surface modifications investigated (Zhao et al. 2002).
ilar types of measurement have been made for milk Beuf et al. (2003) showed that the cleaning efficiency
proteins. The initial thickness of the deposit layer of NaOH is considerably increased with Ni-P-PTFE-
was around 1300 µm. Force measurements were treated surfaces and Rosaninho et al. (2003) found
taken after leaving the gap between the probe and that surface with low electron donor values (such as
substrate to 900, 600, 100 µm (partial removal) Ni-P-PTFE-treated surfaces) are less susceptible to
and 20 µm (total removal), respectively. Here, as fouling from calcium phosphate solutions.
shown in Figure 4, the energy required to remove Such low-adhesion coatings (Müller-Steinhagen
the deposit decreases with distance from the sur- and Zhao 1997) have been shown to reduce fouling
face. Only at the smallest gap is all of the deposit from mineral scales, and work is underway to
removed, corresponding to the breakage of surface– study the application of modified surfaces in food
deposit bonds, whereas larger gaps leave layers of cleaning (Santos et al. 2004).
deposit on the surface, so the energy corresponds For bacteria, it has been known for a long time
to the breakage of deposit–deposit bonds. The energy that surface energy can affect adhesion (the ‘Baier
required to remove deposit decreases with distance curve’, Baier 1980). Zhao et al. (2004) developed
from the surface, suggesting that the cohesive forces a theory for the minimum adhesion energy between
between elements of the deposit are weaker than deposit and surface exists, given by:
those of adhesion. This is opposite to the behaviour
of tomato starch, in which it is easier to remove the  1 
whole of the deposit than it is to remove a surface γ surface =    γ LW
foulant + γ fluid  (1)
 2  

80 © 2006 Society of Dairy Technology

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Figure 4 Pulling energy for partial removal and total removal

of milk protein deposits. The gap between probe and substrate
was kept at 900, 600, 100 and 20 µm, respectively (Reprinted
from the International Dairy Journal, 16, Liu W, Christian
GK, Zhang Z and Fryer PJ, Direct measurement of the force
required to disrupt and remove fouling deposits of whey
protein concentrate, 164–172, Copyright (2006), with
permission from Elsevier).

then used to measure removal forces. The effect

of surface treatment can be quantified by the
probe. Experiments have studied the removal of
tomato paste from surfaces with energies ranging
from 15 to 40 mN/m. Details of surfaces are given
in Zhao et al. (2002; 2004): topography and
roughness can be significantly different.
Figure 5(a) shows data for unbaked pastes of
different thicknesses. At the lowest thickness there
is a minimum adhesive strength between surface
energies of 20 and 25 mN/m. The data are scattered,
but the minimum is clear. The force measured by
the micromanipulation probe is a composite of
the cohesive forces between deposit elements and
the adhesion to the surface. This is shown by data
for different thicknesses:

Figure 3 Images recorded during a whey protein deposit 1 As the thickness increases, the force required
removal experiment (1% NaOH, 50°C) showing gradual increases, reflecting the need to overcome
removal. cohesion between elements of the deposit and to
force the deposit to break and flow with the probe
away from the sample surface; as the thickness
LW increases, so does this force.
where γ surface , γ LW LW
foulant and γ fluid are the Lifshitz-
2 The minimum becomes more difficult to identify
van der Waals (LW) surface free energy of the
as the thickness of deposit increases, reflecting
surface, foulant and fluid (e.g. water). If the surface
the decreased contribution of the surface forces to
energy of the stainless steel surface is reduced to
the whole. At the highest thicknesses used, there is
the fouling-resistant value, foulant adhesion force
no measurable minimum; the curve simply flattens
to the surface could be decreased significantly, and
out at the lowest surface energies.
the fouling deposit could be removed more easily.
The effectiveness of this approach has been demon- The simplest model for the relationship between
strated by Zhao et al. (2004) for microbial adhesion. the measured apparent adhesive strength per unit
Liu et al. (2006c) discuss adhesion to a range of area, σ, and the deposit thickness is that it increases
stainless steel disks modified by Ni-P-PTFE linearly with the thickness, x, of the deposit:
composite coatings, using tomato pastes as model
σ = ω s + ψv x (2)
foulants. Contact angles of the Ni-P-PTFE
composite coatings and tomato paste (baked and where ωs is the work needed to overcome surface
unbaked) were obtained and the theoretical minima bonds and ψv is the force per unit volume required
identified in the region of 25–26 mN/m. The to overcome the deposit–deposit bonds. This
micromanipulation probe of Liu et al. (2002) was implies that all of the deposit is removed, and that

© 2006 Society of Dairy Technology 81

Vol 59, No 2 May 2006

The results demonstrate that modifying the

surface energy can affect the energy required to
clean the surface. The problem in practice will be
in producing surfaces that are cheap (and safe)
enough for use in the food industry, and ensuring
that they do not get broken down in operation, as
the surfaces must stay effective over the lifetime of
a plant. It might be that other approaches are more
feasible, such as the addition of a chemical during
the last stages of cleaning that changes the surface
properties to resist fouling and/ or aid subsequent


Fouling from milk results from protein and mineral
deposition, each of which results in different
problems for cleaning. Cleaning time is a function
of a number of variables, both chemical (such as the
cleaning chemical type and concentration, and the
temperature) and physical (such as the flow rate, which
affects the fluid shear on the surface of the deposit).
In milk cleaning, protein deposit is first swollen
by the action of hydroxide and then removed by
shear. The cleaning rate increases with increasing
temperature and surface shear stress, but there can
be an optimal concentration of hydroxide, above
which the deposit becomes difficult to remove.
Figure 5 Variation of apparent adhesive strength for unbaked Recent work on developing new cleaning methods
tomato paste samples of different thicknesses (a) plotted as a includes the use of pulsed flows, enzyme cleaners
function of surface free energy, showing both surface and bulk and ice pigs, as well as surface modification.
effects, and (b) plotted as a function of thickness for three It is possible to separate adhesive and cohesive
surface energies, showing a common straight line (Reprinted effects in cleaning: some deposits (such as tomato
from Innovative Food Science and Technologies, Liu W, Fryer paste) are essentially cohesive, whereas protein
PJ, Zhang Z, Zhao Q and Liu Y, Identification of cohesive and deposits (such as milk) are adhesive. Cleaning
adhesive effects in the cleaning of food fouling deposits,
involves reaction of the deposit into a viscoelastic
Copyright (2006), with permission from Elsevier. (Article
gel that adheres to the surface. This classification is
will appear in an upcoming issue)).
useful as it allows decisions to be made about
selection of cleaning protocols. Use of modified
all is equally deformed (ψv being constant implies surfaces shows that 1 the theoretical minimum
that all parts of the deposit require the same work adhesion condition can be found in practice (at
input to be deformed and removed). Figure 5(b) least for tomato deposits), but that 2 the effect of
replots some of the data of Figure 5(a) as a function the surface decreases with increasing deposit thick-
of thickness. For surfaces of surface energy 20– ness, as would be expected. More work needs to be
25.5 mN/m shown in Figure 5(b), the data all lie carried out to see the extent to which these types of
on a single straight line, with a slope of 240 kJ/m3 result can be applied to dairy processing, and how
and an intercept of 540 mJ/m2. Where the surface dairy deposits behave in practice. A very simple
energy exceeds 28 mN/m, the graph is a curve model for the work required to remove the deposit
rather than a line (i.e. the higher the surface energy has been developed and gives a very promising fit
the more curved the data). to the data. This type of model offers the potential
The success of the simple model for removal is of being able to predict the effects of changing
encouraging, and shows that both surface and bulk the physics and chemistry of the cleaning system,
processes are involved in cleaning. At higher through changes in surface or chemical treatment.
surface energies the model breaks down. It might The modelling of cleaning is in its infancy,
be expected that under these circumstances a which is surprising given its importance as a dairy
different mode of failure might take place. Liu process operation. The work described here is not
et al. (2006d) discuss more detailed models and yet suitable for industrial practice, but hopefully
develop a better understanding of the fracture modes offers indications of how the problems of cleaning
by which cleaning takes place. can be reduced.

82 © 2006 Society of Dairy Technology

Vol 59, No 2 May 2006

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