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1. Would you consider teaching profession as a full time job? Why? Why not?

Yes, when we are a teacher, it means many sacrifices just to perform our duties and portray
our obligations as professional educator. If we look at the teachers’ program, it seems that
wow there are a lot of vacant time to use for something else, but analyzing it better or to
think of it, even at home there are lots of requirement/documents to be done in order to
fulfill the obligations we have had in our hands. It is indeed that supposedly the time to use
for family will be deducted because of this matters. But then, if we are committed in the
service we may not think of the circumstances but rather just enjoy our profession that we
2. Are the conditions in the classroom conducive to the welfare of both the learners and
teacher? How will you improve it?
Yes, at Allacapan Vocational High School classrooms were ventilated, motivating, and
safe for the students to be
3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, are you motivated to continue on
becoming a teacher? What in the teacher’s practices inspire you to become a professional
4. How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when I become a teacher?
a. Classroom arrangement
b. Bulletin Board display
c. School playground

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