Inferring The Speaker's Tone

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Inferring the speaker’s tone.

Tone – is the attitude that an author takes toward the

audience, the subject, or the character.
-- is conveyed through the author’s words and details
A. Read the following utterances and infer its tone. Choose
your answer from the stars.
anger sorrow excitement terror happiness
1. “We won! We won! We won the car!” shouted Myra.
2. People ran out into the street crying, “Help! Help! Help!”
3. Oscar suddenly switched the television into another
channel. Frank shouted in a loud voice, “How impolite!”
4. “Do not pit your hen against the rooster,” I cried to Roy.
“That is not a chicken. It is a Texas.”
5. Looking at the scene they cried, “Ate! We are ruined!
Ruined! There will be no food for months again”.
B. Read the following utterances and infer its tone. Encircle
your answer from choices.
1. “What a place! Cockroaches everywhere, cobwebs, and
dust thick enough to plant potatoes in.” (excitement, disgust,
2. “Only one-peso? What can I buy with that these days?”
(discontentment, honesty, curiosity)
3. “That was a close fight and I’m glad our team won! You
were marvelous on the court boys.” (jubilation, displeasure,
4. “You are always late for work and you don’t even finish half
of what you are assigned to do. You might be fired.”
(assurance, anger, threat)
5. “The world is coming to an end. Wars are everywhere,
famine stalks the land, and earthquakes kill millions yearly.”
(optimism, pessimism, hope)

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