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Ocean of Siddhis of the White Mahakala

The Sadhana of the Uncommon Mahakala

from the Shangpa Tradition

Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center

254 Cambridge Ave., Kensington, California 94708
(510) 527-7363,
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Again, light emanates out sharply and touches the hearts of the surrounding dei-
ties, and effortlessly their minds are subdued.
All the siddhis of the universe are collected together, and one must now think that
one is surrounded with wealth the size of Mount Sumeru.

Light is extended and touches the hearts of kings, wealthy people, the famous,
the well-established families, men, women, all dakinis, wealth gods, and all their
minds are subdued.

Once again, repeat the 13-syllable mantra (you may add “OM” at the beginning):


This is called “the essence of subduing the three realms.” If one is interested in
accomplishing this extensive meditation, one must repeat the mantra 300,000 times
without the interference of other words. The highest result of this practice is that one
will see Guru Mahakala. The mediocre result is that Guru Mahakala will appear to
one in visions. The lesser result is that he will appear to one in dreams.

The other good signs of accomplishing the siddhis is that one will meet in dreams
and visions lamas at the cemetery, or one will receive things from yoginis, or one will
dream that one is giving initiations to all sentient beings, or there will be a sun rise,
or one will dream about wearing a white cloth or finding a skull cup or jewel. These,
then are the signs of accomplishing the practice. One will then become rejuvenated.

Dedication and Sharing of Merits

Through our praise and supplication to you,
May sickness, poverty, and warfare subside
Wherever we may be,
And may Dharma and good omens increase.

© 2001 by Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center, Kensington, California.

Compiled and translated from traditional sources by Lama Kunga Tharts Rinpoche;
formatted by Wolfgang Saumweber, 2/2004.

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Offerings Preliminaries
To make the sense offerings (outer offerings), one must say Say the Refuge Prayer and Four Immeasurables, then:
SHABDA RUPA SHABDA GANDHE RASA PRATISHTHA SOHA The person who is interested in the Vajrayana and especially devoted to this particu-
One must then press the thumb and ring fingers of the left hand together, dip the ring lar Mahakala, in order to ripen his mind, should obtain the initiation—especially
finger in the cup of offering water, recite the names of the lineage gurus and at the the initiation of Mahakala as well as the common and uncommon torma initiations.
end say, Afterwards, he must pray to Guru Mahakala for many months and years.

OM GURU MAHAKALA HARI NI SA SIDDHI DZA The practitioner should arrange extensive tsog offerings. He must first please the
Guru and then receive the complete abhisheka. He must make the necessary altar
arrangements in a suitable place. Then, sitting on a comfortable seat, he must do the
prayers of Refuge and the Mind of Bodhichitta (the Four Boundless Minds).
Then say, The practitioner must then say:
while sprinkling water as an offering. “I shall free all sentient beings from poverty and liberate them to the
state of Buddhahood. In order to do that, I shall meditate upon the wish-
Mantra Recitation and Visualization fulfilling Tathagata (the White Mahakala).”
In the heart of the red Dakini, around the rim of the thiglé are lined up counter-
clockwise the syllables of the mantra (GU RU MA HA KA LA HA RI NI SA SI Visualization
DHI DZA) like a rosary of red coral. From these syllables shine forth red lights—
In the center on one’s own heart is the undissipating drop of essence
very sharply, like razors. These rays draw all the virtues of the world and beyond
(thiglé) which is red, clear and round and the size of a large bean. In the
effortlessly. Then these rays return and absorb into the thiglé.
center of the thiglé is a mercury white letter HUM. (This should be visual-
Respectfully recite the following phrase to Guru Mahakala: ized clearly. )
From this letter HUM light rays emanate making offerings to the Buddhas
and Bodhisattvas, removing all poverty of sentient beings and liberating
them to the state of Guru Mahakala.
The light reabsorbs into and becomes inseparable from one’s heart.
GONPO LAMA YERME LA Because of this inseparability, all appearances turn into the triangle—the
DAGNI KUPAY KYABSU CHI Source of Dharma. It is clear like crystal. Flames burn on its rim. In its
DAGNI SEM CHEN TAM CHAY KYI center is the letter BAM. The letter BAM turns into an eight-petalled
OL PONG MA LU SEWAR SHOG lotus seat. In the center of the lotus seat is the wish-fulfilling conqueror
Mahakala, whose body is like a conch shell. His complexion is reddish-white.
White Mahakala, teacher and protector,
With respect I pay homage to you. He has one face, six arms and three eyes. His face is somewhat wrathful but at the
For myself and all sentient beings, same time also smiling. His mouth is slightly opened with fangs visible inside. The
May all obstacles be removed. hair is orange in color and flowing upwards. In the center of his forehead he has
a yellow-colored dot. On his head he wears a tiara of five skulls. He also wears a
Protector and teacher, necklace of fifty freshly cut heads.
With respect, I pay homage to you.
For myself and all sentient beings,

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Of his six hands, in his upper right hand he Prayer to White Mahakala
holds a blue crooked knife raised in the air, in
HUM! From the cemetery filled with sandalwood trees,
the second right hand—at his heart—the jewel
You who are like a white cloud moved by the wind,
known as “King of Gems”, and in the third
The supreme lord protector who is the manifestation of Avalokiteshvara,
right hand a sandalwood damaru. In his upper
The one who brings the rain of wealth, please come here!
left hand he holds the three-pronged staff (tri-
shula), in the second left—at his left thigh—a
You, the great deity, the Guru who is the wish-fulfilling Jewel,
great skull cup filled with nectar and the vessel containing precious
The one who controls the entire world in the ten directions,
jewels, and in the third left hand a vajra lasso with hooks.
Together with the assembly of dakinis
He also wears a precious crown, earrings, necklace, armlets, Who bestow siddhis on the excellent yogis, please come here!
bracelets, anklets, rings, a jeweled apron and a shawl of elephant skin. His lower
garment is a skirt made of tiger skin with a belt made of golden bell-tassels. He is By the act of your compassion,
ornated with the garments of the deities. Appearing as though he has just arrived Vibrate the wealth in the world and the universe beyond that.
from the great cemetery of Silwai Tsal he looks like he is about to sit down. Bestow without hindrance all wealth
And remove the poverty of sentient beings!
Under his feet is Ganesha (the elephant-faced one). Ganesha’s right hand holds a
turnip which he is eating. His left hand is holding a mongoose that is vomiting Invocation
jewels as gifts to the yogis. From every opening of Ganesha’s body jewels are being
exuded. Thus, Ganesha has been subdued.

Mahakala is surrounded by the flames of wisdom as well as innumerable power-

ful dakinis and all other wealth deities (such as yakshas). On top of his head sits
Lama Dorje Chang who is red in color. He is the source of wealth. He is smiling. Repeat the last syllable “DZA” 21 times.
His right hand holds a wish-fulfilling gem and his left a bell to his hip. His legs are
Then say:
crossed in the vajra posture.
At Mahakala’s heart is the powerful Dakini who is red like a ruby. She is sixteen
(which causes the Yeshe Sempas—the Wisdom Deities which have been
years old. Her right hand holds a hook and her left hand holds a skull cup filled
invoked—to dissolve into the Damstig Sempa—the Commitment Being
with nectar. Her legs are in the gesture of dancing, her three eyes searching the
sky. She controls the three realms and surveys the universe.

In her heart is the nature of the Tathagata manifested as the red thiglé. Light rays Then recite the following prayer:
emanate from it towards the cemetery, Silwai Tsal, to the single sandalwood tree
where Guru Mahakala sits surrounded by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the In the center of the burning mountain
wealth deities, etc. They are invoked and come playing instruments and dancing. Of the white source of the dharma,
The triangle, on top of the luminous mandala of brilliant light,
On top of the white lotus seat,
You whose body is like a snow mountain with six arms,
I pay homage to you from the depth of my heart.

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