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Dibuat oleh :

Nama : Nanda Wijaya

NIM : 1811062002
Prodi : D4 Manajemen Rekayasa Konstruksi




I. My camera → It can capture the moment that i want

1) The functions
2) As a hobby and increase the level of my creatifity
3) Can earn some money by making something
II. Ridwan Kamil → The connectivity of his power as a governor and his
ability as an engineer
1) His educational background
2) His track record as a governor that related to engineer’s problem
3) The advantages of having the engineer skill when having power in
government field
III. Mecca → The holy place that must be visited
1) Obligation for muslims
2) Beautiful place to explore
3) Can study about islam in this place


My favorite possession is a camera, because it can capture anything that i

want either pictures or videos, i used to using my camera as a tool for capture
the moments that quickly disappear, for the example, i was traveling with my
family to my hometown that have a lot good place to visited so i use my camera for
capture the moments when i was there with my family, so when i miss the memories
when i was there with my family, i can take a look again to the pictures or videos
that i captured in there.
This camera also a tool for one of my hobbies, i used to be making some
short movie or some video that depend on the situation i have. It can be just for
fun video, a task from school that need making a video, or project video that
really need extra attention from the preparation until the post production. Using
this camera is also can increase my level of creativity, because when i take a
picture or shoot some video i need to thinking how to achieve the best result i
can get, so i upgrading my creativity again and again everytime i hold the camera
in my hands.
Because of this camera i can earn some money for making a video, my client
is usually from the school that want to make a video about their school or from
the community that want me to make some documentation video for them, that was so
exciting when i can earn money from doing that i love.

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