Choose The Correct Answer: 1. Create The Plan (Sample Plan Shown Below)

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Choose the correct answer

1. When we right-click the page number in the status bar, Writer will show
a) Comments b) Headings c) Captions d) Bookmarks

Say true or false

2. A document can be part of several master documents.
3. Custom styles in documents are automatically imported into the master document when the
document is inserted into the master document.
4. Style in master document overrides the style in a subdocument
5. To record changes in a document, you should prepare the document for that by clicking
Edit->Changes->Protect Records
6. Once changes are recorded, to accept/reject changes, first recording should be stopped by
clicking Edit->Changes->Records, then clicking Edit->Changes->Accept or Reject
7. To compare two documents(original and the edited copy), first one should open the
original, then click Edit->Compare and select the edited copy.

Use master document to create a book. Follow the steps given below.
1. Create the plan (Sample plan shown below)

Part of book In master/doc? Page Style Page Numbering

Title page master Title page None
Copyright master Copyright page None
Table of Contents master FM First Page, FM Left Page, Roman
FM Right Page
Preface doc FM First Page, FM Left Page, Roman
FM Right Page
Chapters doc First Page, Left Page, Right Page Arabic (starts from 1)
Alphabetical Index master First Page, Left Page, Right Page Arabic

Paper format: A4
Orientation: Portrait
2. Create the template
Add the page styles planned in the previous step . Configure Paper format, Layout, Page
numbering format, Margins, Headers, Footers .
Header Paragraph Styles: Header, Header Left, Header Right (Insert Tab-stops based on paper size
and margins)
Character Styles: Alphabetical Delimiter (if you plan to have index)
Edit style (to create headers that show page number and chapter name)
• Change the style of the empty page to page style that supports header
• Insert header data
• Change the style of the empty page to another page style that supports header, Insert header
data. Keep doing this for all styles with headers
If you forget something at this point, not a problem, the template can be modified later
3. Create the documents
• Preface
• Chapter1
• Chapter2
• Chapter3
• Add entries to Alphabetical Index
• Do not create any new styles in the documents
◦ If any new styles are needed, create in the template, save the template
◦ Reload the document File->Reload, Click Update Styles in the dialog
4. Create the master document
• Click File->New->Template and Documents
• Select the template, then click Open button
• Now a blank document appears (Created from the common template)
• Set the page style for the first page as “Title page”
• Click File->Send->Create Master Document
• Click ¶ in the tool bar, to show invisible characters
• Type the Title and Subtitle
◦ Now to bring title down to the center
◦ Edit template, then Reload master document
• From last para, Insert a Page break
◦ Select Style “Copyright Page”
• Do not select “Change page number” option
• Type copyright information
• Then keep cursor in last paragraph
• Insert another manual break (page break), this time select FM First Page
◦ Do not select “Change page number”
• Create one or two blank paragraphs for TOC etc.
5. Insert the documents into the master document
• In the Navigator, Click the component above which the document should appear
• In the Navigator, click the Insert button, then click File, select the document, click OK
• Change the position of the document if required by selecting it and using the up/down
buttons above the Navigator
6. Add TOC, Alphabetical Index
• Insert TOC in the master doc
◦ To number the first level headings in the book (chapter titles), Click Tools -> Outline
Numbering, then select Level 1, set Number as 1,2,3
◦ Preface is not listed in TOC, So introduce a paragraph style called Non-Chapter
Heading in the template, then under Outline & Numbering, Set Outline Level as 1,
Numbering Style as None. Now bring this style to the document “Preface.odt”, then
apply the style “Non-Chapter Heading” to the heading “Preface” in Preface.odt. (Idea is
, paragraphs using style with setting “Level 1” is automatically added in TOC)
• To insert Alphabetical Index at the end of master doc, you need to have “Text” entry at the
end in the Navigator.
◦ Insert it, using the navigator buttons
▪ Select the last chapter
▪ Click Insert button, then Text
▪ “Text” appears above the last chapter
▪ Now push “Text” after the last chapter using Move down button in the navigator
◦ Bring Alphabetical Index in TOC, by changing the style of its heading to “Non-Chapter
Heading” (Hint: Right click on Index, click Edit index/table, and then click “Styles”
tab, then assign the new style to the title)
7. Export as PDF

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