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Social Change - refers to an alteration in the social order of a society.

Social change may include changes in nature, social institutions,
behaviors or social relations.

Cultural Change - term that deals with evolution of cultural

components. - modification of a society through innovation,
invention, discovery or contact with others.

Political Change - is a significant disruption in a government that

leads to new or modified leadership or policies.

Sources of Changes in Social, Cultural and Political

Innovation - is the social creation and institutionalization of new

Example: Techonological Advancement

2. Diffusion - is the spread of innovations from one social setting to

another. It occurs when one group borrows something from the
other group such as values, norms, clothing and other innovation.
Example: Visibility of K-POP culture in the Philippines

3. Assimilation and Acculturation - Assimilation - is the process

where some of the “majority community’s” (dominant community)
cultural aspects are absorbed in such a manner that the home
cultural aspects get mitigated or lost.
Example: English-only policies in some schools
Acculturation - is a process where the cultural aspects of the
“majority community” are adapted without losing the traditions and
the customs of the “minority community” Example: Filipinos
wearing a korean clothing

Both of them describes cross cultural effects on both minorities as

well as majority in societies.

4. Social Contradictions and Tensions * it may include inter ethnic

conflicts, class struggle,armed conflict, terrorism, protests,gender
issues and etc.
Example: The struggle of LGBT community to be fully accepted.

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