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Cristine I. Valenzuela ICT 001 SAT.

BEED Dr. Marygin E. Sarmiento

1. John Napier Napier’s Bone Manually- Operated 1617
Calculating Device
2. William Oughtred Oughtred’s Slide Rule Its movable bars for
solving problem like 1622
multiplication and
division, roots,
logarithms and
3. Blaise Pascal Pascaline Calculator Adding Machine 1642

4. Gottfried Leibniz Leibniz Calculator ( stepped drum) 1672

Improved PASCALINE Completed 1694
for multiply and divide

pg. 1
5. Charles Babbage Babbage’s Difference Automatic Computing 1837
and Analytical Engines Engines

6. Herman Hollerith Hollerith Card Used for punched card 1890

to store data

7. Joseph Marie Automatic Weaving Uses the concept

Jacquard Loom punched card to control 1804
a sequence of operation

8. Howard H. Aiken Automatic Sequence Uses electrical switches 1944

Controlled Calculator and circuitry
( MARK 1)

9.John Atanasoft ABC ( Atanasoft-Berry- Digital Computer that 1942

Computer) solves simultaneous
10. John Mauchly and Electronic Numerical It is electronic general 1943
J. Presper Eckert Integrator and purpose in digital Completed 1944
Calculator ( ENIAC) computer

pg. 2

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