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Grade : VIII Junior High School


1. There are six different pictures and choose only one picture randomly to be asked to
2. Ask five related questions to the picture before they orally describe it.
3. Present the dialog in 3-5 minutes.
4. Assess students’ speaking test with the provided oral proficiency scoring categories.

1. Language Function: Asking, giving, and rejecting help

Part A
Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. How many people are there?
3. Do you think that they need each other?
4. If you experience difficulties, what should you do?
5. How do you ask someone to help you?

Part B
Guided Dialog:
Anton and Toni were climbing the mountain together, in the middle of the trip, Anton's legs
were dislocated, and it was difficult to stand up. Anton asks Toni for help to help him stand
back and continue the journey.

2. Language Function: Accepting and declining an invitation

Part A

Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Do you know about Invitation
3. What is the function of the Invitation ?
4. Have you ever got an Invitation from others?
5. If you get an Invitation from others, what should you do?
Part B
Guided Dialog:
Next week Ani will hold a birthday event, so she has to spread invitations to her friends,
written and oral invitations.

3. Language Function: Asking, giving, and rejecting items

Part A

Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. How many people are there?
3. Do you think that they need each other?
4. If you need something, what should you do?
5. How do you ask someone to give you something?

Part B
Guided Dialog:
Agus has the task of making miniature mosques, he needs some tools that must be purchased
in the character of buildings and stalls near his house, but he does not have money, he asks
his mother for money to buy all the necessities for his duties.
4. Language Function: Congratulations and Compliment
Part A

Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. How many people are there?
3. Do you know about Congratulations and Compliment?
4. Have you ever got a Congratulations from others?
5. If your friend get a good score, what should you do?

Part B
Guided Dialog:
Today the report cards were distributed in the meri school, and it turned out that Amri won
first place and the best value. meri congratulated on the success and achievements of Amri.
5. Language Function: Giving attention to the speaker
Part A

Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. How many people are there?
3. Do you know about seminar and speaker?
4. Have you ever be a speaker at an event?
5. If you don’t get attention, what is your feeling?

Part B
Guided Dialog:
In class 8 today the lesson of discussion and Raja as the speaker, but many other students
were busy with their respective affairs and conversation. then, Raja asked them to pay
attention to the material he was describing.
6. Language Function: Asking and giving agreement
Part A

Answer the following questions!

1. What do you see in the picture?
2. How many people are there?
3. Do you know about Agreement?
4. Have you ever join the conference and ask for agreement?
5. If you disagree, what should you do?

Part B
Guided Dialog:
Alex attended the Student Council member election meeting and determined the event to be
held in this semester, Alex agreed with the decision to carry out the competition at the
commemoration of August 17.

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