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Sct. Torillo St., Diliman, Quezon City

Pre-Test Examination
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Second Semester S.Y. 2018-2019

A. Read the following questions and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is basically anything that can be used in a school or classroom. It can include school
books, newspapers, articles, textbooks and anything that has been written by someone with
experience in the field.
A. Reaction paper C. literature
B. Academic text D. Studies
2. This method of paragraph development explores a subject matter fully representing both
denotation and connotation and by distinguishing the subject from other topics to clearly draw the
A. Illustration C. Definition
B. Process Analysis D. Cause and Effect.
3. Which of the following statements implies the importance of academic writing?
A. Academic writing aims to communicate
B. Academic writing aims to influence other’s thought
C. Academic writing develops skills in evaluating, analyzing, criticizing, comparing and
D. All of the above
4. It is a technique of rewriting a text so that the language is substantially different while the
content stays the same.
C. Outlining C. Summarizing
D. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
5. What are the elements of effective paraphrasing?
A. A. Has a different structure to organize C. Retains the same meaning
B. Has many different vocabularies D. All of the above
6. It is an intellectual crime that is mostly commited by writers.
A. Intellectual property theft C. plagiarism
B. Counterfeit D. fraud
7. How is plagiarism commited?
A. By taking ideas or words from a source and acknowledging the source of information
B. By taking ideas or words of others without acknowledging its source
C. By summarizing, paraphrasing and outlining
D. By citing the source of information
8. A response or reaction to some sort of prompt.
A. concept paper C. critical evaluation paper
B. reaction paper D. technical or scientific report
9. A paper in which you analyze and evaluate an author's work.
A. concept paper C. critique paper
B. reaction paper D. technical or scientific report
10. A shorter piece of research, either individual, or group work, with the topic chosen by the
A. Essay B. Paper C. Thesis/ Dissertation D. Report
11. An inter-office document distributed to inform employees, request data, give responses,
confirm decisions, and provide directions.
A. Essay B. Paper C. Thesis/ Dissertation D. Memorandum
12. A piece of academic writing that aims to explain a concept in scientific discipline.
A. Essay B. Paper C. Thesis/ Dissertation D. Report
13. An official workplace document that presents and analyzes data to provide information and
A. Essay B. Paper C. Thesis/ Dissertation D. Memorandum
14. A lengthy piece of writing normally done by a student often for a higher degree, on a topic
chosen by the student and approved by the instructor.
A. Essay B. Paper C. Thesis/ Dissertation D. Report
15. Refers to the degree of formality of language use.
A. Registry B. Tone C. Objectivity D. Hedging
16. Pertains to the writer’s attitude or treatment of the subject matter.
A. Registry B. Tone C. Objectivity D. Hedging
17. A technique used by writers by resorting to tentative language, is often employed in
argumentative essays to show high level of credibility on the part of the writer.
A. Registry B. Structure C. Objectivity D. Hedging
18. Involves understanding a text and restating it in a much shorter form using one’s own words
and interpretation.
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
19. It can be Filipino, English or mother tongue specifics that you can employ in academic writing
which will depend on the readers.
A. Structure B. Content C. Style D. Language
20. Pertains to the process of creating a framework for writing.
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Paraphrasing D. Citing sources
21. It explains or clarifies a subject by presenting examples to support a general statement.
A. Illustration C. Definition
B. Process Analysis D. Cause and Effect.
22. It shows how to do something or how something works by analyzing and presenting the steps
in an orderly sequence.
A. Illustration C. Description
B. Process Analysis D. Cause and Effect.
23. What method of paragraph development analyzes why something happened and what
consequences are or might be?
A. Illustration C. Description
B. Process Analysis D. Cause and Effect.
24. The ___ is the overall idea or argument of your work.
A. Thesis statement C. Essay
B. Topic sentence D. Subject
25. It works by clustering objects, people, or events on the basis of their similarities and
characteristics thus forming categories.
A. Illustration C. Classification
B. Process Analysis D. Cause and Effect
26. It is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence.
A. Fact C. Opinion
B. Argument D. proposition
27. It is an expression of feeling, judgment, belief, or conclusion that cannot be proven true by
objective evidence.
A. Fact C. Opinion
B. Argument D. Proposition
28. The following are the different purposes in writing an academic text, except one. What is it?
A. To provide a solution to a problem
B. To persuade reader to accept a point of view
C. To report a fact that has been taken from reliable source
D. To show one’s skill in writing
29. Which of the following is not a reason to avoid plagiarism?
A. Copying the work of others will nog help you develop your own understanding
B. Plagiarism may lead to failing a course.
C. Plagiarism is not an intellectual crime.
D. Plagiarism is easily detected by teachers and computer software.
30. ________________ will improve communication skills and this will benefit college students
after graduation in their field of expertise or chosen profession.
A. Writing a Review C. writing a diary entry
B. Academic writing D. writing a reaction paper

B. Write FACT if the sentence states a fact and OPINION if the sentence states an opinion.
1. Exercise is the only sure way to lose weight.
2. Alexander the Great is one of the military leaders in world history.
3. Babies generally start to talk between 18 and 24 months of age.
4. Italian is an easier language to learn than Spanish.

C. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
1. It is not necessary to capitalize articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, but, or), or prepositions
(in, on, of, etc.) unless they are the first or last word of the title.
2. When you paraphrase you either directly state a person’s exact words or directly report them.
3. Use brackets to show missing information in a text
4. An ellipsis can be used to cut words from the quote that aren’t necessary to include.
5. If you put quotation marks around a sentence, you don’t need to change it to fit grammatically
with the other text.
6. You do not have to cite the source of information that is considered “common knowledge”

D. Substitute the single-word verb for the two-word verb in the following sentences.
1. The dollar rate went up and down.
2. Oil price has gone up.
3. Parents turned down the proposal.
4. The chemical gives off a foul odor.
5. Senate set up the Meralco committee.

E. Rewrite the following sentences to observe a more formal tone.

1. Writing can’t be done effectively if you don’t burn the midnight oil.
2. Parenting is a 24/7 job.
3. Watching the romcom gave the audience the feels.
4. The class is cooking up something big.
5. Adventure may mean doing something epic.

Prepared by:

Ms. Ibarlin Tome, LPT.

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