Changing Leeway of Industry That Offers Good Opportunity and Job Security

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Changing Leeway of Industry that Offers Good Opportunity and Job Security

Gary L. Ordoña

There are lot of arguments when it comes to the implementation of the Revised
Basic Education Curriculum or so called K to 12. The said program had been fully
implemented in the year 2016 and until now, experts from various professions has many
criticisms. Some of them mostly from teachers perceived that the efficacy and efficiency
of the new curriculum is expected positively because it is aligned from other country who
are using it.

It says that the vision of the Department of Education is to promote highly and
globally competitive young generations that would uplift their own living and contribute
much on the progress of the country. But somehow, among positive insights about this,
there are also some attributes observed by the people who are afar concerned on the
new educational system. Coming from the clutch of writers from Manila Bulletin, The
League of Filipino Students, they inferred that the K-12 does not address problems on
education but worsens unemployment. They said that among factors affects worsening
unemployment are from the government and private business sector.

From the government trustee who have ironic power influenced the stagnant
movement of the young. Failure of ending contractualization prolonged the hardship of
looking permanent job for a reason that most of the graduates decide from working abroad
for a better income. It is also tackled the free tuition fee implementation in college. The
education capitalists have now reasons to increase tuition fees. The students will now
suffer for the commercialized educational system of the government where students are
forced to pay excess payments and other miscellaneous fee.

The predictable movement of our education nowadays is perceived from previous

graduates who failed finding jobs that offers appropriate wages. For this reason, how
could we develop strategies in honing skilled workers? And if so, how could they find job
that offers high wages that would help them suffice their needs?

We could think that educational system would be changed however the

government wasn’t looking for the resolution of the problem. There are mushrooming
skilled workers but preferred working abroad for the other opportunity. Because of this
contractualization, the business sector has increased their profit and the workers limit the
income itself.

As observed that the first product of the K to 12 program is in need more of the
development of the acquired skills of the students then the improvement is required for
our educational system from the management and teaching. And if the system of
education will be improved, the government should also cooperate from changing leeway
of industry that offers good opportunity and job security.

(Tags: Education, K-12, League of Filipino Students, LFS, Manila Bulletin, unemployment
unemployment/ )
Farmers in Pain
Gary L. Ordoña

“By then, the sons will be encouraged to touch the life of farming that could possibly
provide food stability and avoid hunger.”

Philippines is the country with high production of crops from decades of time. Aside
from the growing economy shows high infrastructure, our place is the bountiful source of
plantation and experimentation of varied plants provide people enough source of foods.
However, when we go beyond of what is in us, farmers nowadays burden much on

On the production of rice, our place is abundant. Farmer in every cropping

produces tons of rice enough for citizen consumption. But the trend now, still farmers
suffer short budget of rice because at the end of the harvest they sell almost of their
products to private buyers for the good offer. Didn’t know at the end, merchant sells back
to them the rice twice higher than the offer.

Moreover, compared to other country, farmers mostly have the highest source of
income because they were supported by the government. In us, during plantation, farmers
force to buy expensive seeds, fertilizers, medicines, and other materials used on tilling.
They even force to pay water for irrigation and fuels for machinery.

Also, one that affects plant growers is the changing climates and the destructive
typhoons. And in every year, our place suffers El Nino that causes drought to our land.
No one is excused on the phenomena and it gives pain to the farmers. Instead of earning
money, farmers nowadays hamper from reinvesting. They don’t receive subsidy for the
maintenance and other factor that break them to good harvest.

Our farmers suffer poverty. One thing that can help farmers is the good system.
Leaders that will abolish corruption. Trustee that will behold status of the farmers. Helping
them by giving free agricultural maintenance from good seedling, fertilizers, irrigation and
other subsidy from the unpredictable phenomena that much burden the life of the tillers.
By then, the sons will be encouraged to touch the life of farming that could possibly
provide food stability and avoid hunger.

GOVERNANCE MATTERS Agriculture and inclusive growth

Published May 2, 2018, 12:05 AM
Jejomar C. Binay
Former Vice President

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