Multiply - DLL

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School: OCNHS Grade Level: 7

Teaching Date: July 24, 2019 Quarter: First

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and
the real number system.
B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate challenging situations
involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competency: 75% of the students are expected to multiply integers with at
least 75% proficiency level.
Strategy: Direct and Inquiry Approach


1. Teacher’s Guide pages: 38-40
2. Learner’s Materials pages: 27-29
3. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, cartolinas, cut-outs, chalk.


A. Motivation
Directions: The teacher will introduce the topic by facilitating a game called
“Four pics, One word”. The teacher will show four (4) pictures with rumbled letters to
the students and ask them to guess the hidden word based on the pictures. Then the
teacher will elicit insights from the students about their schema regarding operations on

A. Established a purpose for the lesson

Students will be able to multiply integers.

B. Presentation of the Lesson/ Discussion

Review the definition of the word 'integer' (a positive or negative number or
zero). After showing back the meaning of integer, show the focus problems:
- When is the product of two integers a positive number?
- When is the product of two integers a negative number?
Discuss with the students that there are rules for multiplying integers. Present the
“Love-Hate Analogy” to help the students remember.
Start off by asking the following:
a. Is love a positive or a negative thing?
b. Is hate a positive or a negative thing?
C. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
After the students performed the activity, the teacher discusses the different rules
for multiplying integers.

SAME SIGNS Multiply and have a positive sign to the result.

DIFFERENT SIGNS Multiply and have a negative sign to the result.

E. Developing Mastery:
GROUP Activity: Divide the class into 6-8 groups. Let them compute the
products of the given exercise in order to answer the question. Write the letter of the
problem corresponding to the answer found in the box.
QUESTION: How can a person fairly divide 10 apples among 8 children so that
each child has the same share?

P (6) x (-12) = A (-15) x (2) = J (-5) x (-5) x (-5) =

U (-13) x (-3) = C (-18) x (-1) = L (-2) x (-2) x (2) =
K (9) x (-7) = E (-5) x (-20) = I (4) x (-3) x (2) =
M (165) x (0) =
_____ _____ _____ _____
0 -30 -63 100
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !!!
-30 -72 -72 8 100 -125 39 -24 18 100

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

How important integers to our lives?

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Give the general definition of integers and the rules of multiplying them.

H. Evaluate learning
Directions: Use the rules and multiply the following:
1. (13) x (− 3) =
2. (−12) x (−5) =
3. 6 x 11 =
4. (−9) x (6) =
5. (−15) x (4) =

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

LEVEL UP Directions: Use the rules and multiply the following.
1. (−3) x (7) x (−1) =
2. (− 8) x (−2) x (−10) =
3. (−4) x (− 5) x (7) =
4. (3) x (3) x (3) =
5. (1) x (−2) x (3) x (−4) =

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