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At the end of this lesson, the students can:

a. explain each steps for a production of rice;

b. enumerate the process in agricultural rice production; and

c. appreciate the importance of rice production in everyday living.


Topic: Process of Rice Production

Materials: Laptop, Projector, Whiteboard Marker, Pictures, Visual Aids.

Reference: About Rice. (n.d). International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. (January 2012). Rice and Corn-Situation and
Outlook Vol.26 No.1 ISSN-2012-0346.
Castillo, Gelia T. (March 23, 2008). Rice Production, Population, and Natural
Resources Endowments. The Manila Bulletin.
Dalrymple, Dana G. (1986). Development and Spread of High Yielding Rice
Varieties in Developing Countries. Washington D.C. Agency for International
De Leon, John C. (2005). Rice that Filipinos Grow and Eat (Discussion Paper
Series No. 2005-11). Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
FAQS on Philippine Seedboard (PSB)/NSIC Rice Varieties. (April 28, 2010).
Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank.
Flores, Helen. (September 10, 2009). Rice varieties that can withstand drought,
floods being developed. The Philippine Star.
Garris, Amanda J., Thomas H. Thai, Jason Coburn, Steve Kresovich, and Susan
McCouch. (January 16, 2005). Genetic Structure and Diversity in Oryza Sativa L.
Genetics 169(3) 1631-1638
In 23 Years, PhilRice Bred 28 Rice Varieties. (November 22, 2008). Agriculture
Business Week.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Introduction *the students will rise and close their eyes for a
*Hello Guys! Before we will start our class for
today, May I request everyone to please rise
for a prayer. Okay! For those who are Catholic
please sign of a cross.
*Our father who art in heaven………Amen.
*Okay! Please arrange your chairs and pick up
some pieces of papers under your chairs.
*okay! Good morning class! *Good Morning Maam,
*you may now take your seats, *Thank you mam…
*By the way, I am Miss Mapiot and I will be *Yes mam.
the one to handle this subject. Are you okay?
*Before we proceed to our discussion this
morning, I have here some class rules that you
should follow during our discussion.
*kindly read Miss Yangao
Yangao: 1)avoid using cellphones during
discussion. 2)observe silence.

*is it clear? *Yes mam.

b. Review

c. Motivation *Yes mam!

*You guys are ready for our discussion?
*Okay, I guess you are all ready.
*Whose father/parents here is a farmer? Kindly Student (fathers are farmer): Mam.
raise your hands. Okay. Few from this class are
come from farm.
*What did your fathers planted? Zapanta.. Zapanta: Cassava, Corn, Camote, Rice and etc.
*Okay! Speaking of rice? Have you ever Looc: Yes mam. I help my father planting rice
experience planting rice? You, Mr. Looc. in our farm.
*who has an idea about the process of planting Bongolto: I think the first process is that we
rice? Miss Bongolto, must prepare our land for planting rice.
*Okay thank you bongolto. Who has another Camarillo: Mam, as what Ive experience, the
idea? Yes, Mr.Camarillo. first thing we do is that we first prepare the
seed or the grains. And then, we prepare the
land and then, we plant the seed. And after it
will grow, we put fertilizers.
*Okay.Thank you so much for sharing your Abing: Mam? I guess its all about rice
ideas. Since, we are talking about rice, any idea production.
about our topic for today? Raise your
hand?okay, Mr. Abing.
*Alright, Thank you so much Mr. Abing.
d. Presentation of the topic

*Today we will be tackling the process of rice

production. But before that, let us read first our
*Okay Miss Balaod kindly read the objectives. Balaod: explain each steps for a production of
rice. Enumerate the process in agricultural rice
production and appreciate the importance of
rice production in everyday living.
*0kay thank you.

e. Discussion
Eramel: its all about the production of rice
*What comes to your mind when hear the mam.
words rice production? Mr. Eramel.
*Okay its all about production of rice. Another Camarillo: Steps mam in rice production.
idea? Yes, Mr. Camarillo.
*Okay, Thank you. Okay!Please lend me your
ears so that you can understand me.
*Today, we are going to discuss the process
inorder to produce a rice.
There are 9 process inorder to come up with a Manato: 1. Seed Selection
rrice grains. This are the following. Kindly 2. Land Preparation
read Miss Manato. 3. Crop Establishment
4.WaterUse and NutrientManagement
5. Crop Health
6. Harvest
7. Drying
8. Storage
9. Milling
*Thank you Miss Manato. So, the first is the
seed selection.
* Seed is a living product that must be grown,
harvested, and processed correctly in order to
realize the yield potential of any rice variety.
Good quality seed can increase yields by 5-
20%. Using good seed leads to lower seedling
rates, higher crop emergence, reduced
replanting, more uniform plant stands, and
more vigorous early crop growth. Vigorous
growth in early stages reduces weed problems
and increases crop resistance to insect pests
and diseases. All of these factors contribute to
higher yields and more productive rice farms.
Good seed is pure(of the chosen variety), full
and uniform in size, viable(more than 80%
germination with good seedling vigor), and
free of weeds seeds, seed-borne diseases,
pathogens, insects, or other matter. Choosing
seed of a suitable variety of rice that suits the
environment it will be grown in and ensuring
the seed choosen of that variety is of the
highest possible quality is the essential first
step in rice production.

*The second step in rice production is land

*Kindly read and explain Miss Caballes. Caballes: Before rice can be planted, the soil
should be in the best physical condition for
crop growth and the soil surface is level. Land
preparation involves plowing and harrowing to
“till” or dig-up, mix and level the soil. Tillage
allows the seeds to be planted at the right
depth, and also helps with weed control.
Farmers can till the land themselves using hoes
and other equipment or they can be assisted by
draft animals, such as buffalo, or tractors and
other machinery. Next, the land is leveled to
reduce the amount of water wasted by uneven
pockets of too-deep water or exposed soil.
Effective land leveling allows the seedlings to
become established more easily, reduces the
amount of effort required to manage the crop,
and increases both grain quality and yields.

*Thank you Miss Caballes.

*Mr. Ocariza kindly read the third process Ocariza: The two main practices of
which is Crop Establishment. establishing rice plants are transplanting and
direct seedling.
Transplanting is the most popular plant
establishment technique across Asia. Pre-
germinated seedlings are transferred from a
seedbed to the wet field. It requires less seed
and is an effective method to control weeds,
but requires more labor. Seedlings may be
transplanted by either machine or hand.
Direct seeding involves broadcasting dry seed
or pre-germinated seeds and seedlings by hand
or planting them by machine. In rain feed and
deep water ecosystems, dry seed is manually
broadcast onto the soil surface and then
incorporated either by ploughing or by
harrowing while the soil is still dry. In irrigated
areas, seed is normally pre-germinated prior to
*The fourth process is Water Use And
Management Nutrient Management. Cultivated
rice is extremely sensitive to water shortages.
To ensure sufficient water, most rice farmers
aim to maintain flooded conditions in their
field. This is especially true for lowland rice.
Good water management in lowland rice
focuses on practices that conserve water while
ensuring sufficient water for the crop.
In rain feesd environments when
optimal amounts of water may not be available
for rice production, a suite of options are
available to help farmers cope with different
degrees and forms of water scarcity. It includes
sound land preparation and pre-planting
activities followed by techniques such as
saturated soil culture, alternate wetting and
drying, raised beds, mulching, and use of
aerobic rice that can cope with dryer

Nutrient Management
At each growth stage, the rice plant has
specific nutrient needs. This will make nutrient
management a critical aspect of rice farming.
The unique properties of flooded soils
make rice different from any other crop.
Because of prolonged flooding in rice fields,
farmers are able to conserve soil organic matter
and also receive free input of nitrogen from
biological sources, which means they need
little or no nitrogen fertilizer to retain yields.
However, farmers can tailor nutrient
management to the specific conditions of their
field to increase yields.

*Kindly read and explain the sixth process Albania: Harvesting is the process of collecting
Miss Albania. the mature rice crop from the field. Depending
on the variety, a rice crop usually reaches
maturity at around 105-150 days after crop
establishment. Harvesting activities include
cutting, stacking, handling, threshing, cleaning,
and hauling. Good harvesting methods help
maximize grain yield and minimize grain
damage and deterioration.
Harvesting can be done manually or
Manual harvesting is common across
Asia. It involves cutting the rice crop with
simple hand tools like sickles and knives.
Manual harvesting is very effective when a
crop has lodged or fallen over, however it is
labor intensive. Manual harvesting requires 40
to 80 hours per hectare and it takes additional
labor to manually collect and haul the
harvested crop.
Mechanical harvesting using reapers
or combine harvesters is the other option, but
not so common due to the availability and cost
of machinery. Following cutting the rice must
be threshed to separate the grain from the stalk
and cleaned. These processes can also be done
hand machine.
*Thank You Miss.
*The Seventh process drying is the process that
reduces grain moisture content to a safe level
for storage. It is the most critical operation
after harvesting a rice crop. Delays in drying,
incomplete drying or ineffective drying will
reduce grain quality and result in losses.
*Next process is to be explain by Miss Custorio: Storing grain is done to reduce grain
Custorio. loss to weather, moisture, rodents, birds,
insects and micro-organisms. Usually rice
should be stored in paddy form rather than
milled rice as the husk providers some
protection against insects. In the International
Rice Genebank where rice is conserved, rice
seed is kept in vacuum packed, freezers at -
18C, where they can remain viable for 100
Rice storage facilities take many forms
depending on the quantity of grain to be stored,
the purpose of storage, and the location of the
A good storage system should include:
 Protection from insects, rodents, and
birds by allowing proper storage
 Ease of loading and unloading
 Efficient use of space
 Ease of maintenance and management
 Prevention of moisture re0entering the
grain after drying
 Specific solutions to meet the
challenges of storing rice in the humid
*Thank you Custorio. The last but not the least Dela Cerna: Milling is a crucial step in post-
is to be explain by Miss Dela Cerna. production of rice. The basic objective of a rice
milling system is to remove the husk, and
produce an edible, rice grain that is sufficiently
milled and free of impurities. If only the husk
is removed then ‘brown’ rice is the product. If
the rice is further milled or polished then the
bran layer is removed to reveal ‘white’ rice.
Depending on the requirements of the
customer, the rice should have a minimum of
broken grains. A rice milling system can be
simple one-or two-step process, or a multi-
stage process. Depending on whether the
paddy is milled in the village for local
consumption for the marketing rice milling
systems can be classified into the categories
village rice mills and commercial mills.
*Okay!thank you so much. Now, it is very Students: Seed Selection
important to know the nine process of rice 2. Land Preparation
production inorder for us to have a good 3. Crop Establishment
quality of rice to produce. And that nine 4.WaterUse and NutrientManagement
process are. 5. Crop Health
6. Harvest
7. Drying
8. Storage
9. Milling
*That’s all for our lesson for today. Any Students: None mam
clarification,questions and violent reactions?
f. Application
*Now, I want you to prepare a one half sheet
of paper because we have a quiz. Students: Yes mam.
*Are you ready?
*Okay. This is a 50 points quiz. Enumerate and
briefly explain the 9 process of rice production.
I will give you 5minutes for that.
(after five minutes)
*okay done? Pass your paper forward. *students pass their papers forward*
*This paper will also serve as your attendance
for today. Sorry to those who didn’t pass their
g. Generalization

*Okay class I want you to group into two. This

row will be the group 1. And this row will be
the group 2. Each group will select a leader.
I want everybody to participate in this activity.
Please pepare a one whole sheet of paper per
*In this activity, I want you to list down your
ideas about how important the process of rice
production. Okay 5 minutes will do.
(AFTER 5 MINUTES) (Students presentation)
*The group 1 will be the first to present their

*Okay, lets clap our hands together.

Rice is one of the oldest subsistence food
crops. It was first cultivated in Asia 8000 years
BCE. Rice is referred to in historical, social,
and religious documents. It is most important
food crop and it’s production is regarded as the
single most important economic activity on the
Due to the adverse effects of climate
change, rice production here in the Philippines
has been threatened tremendously. The food
sufficiency target of the government for the
year 2015 has been stalled. This module will
equip you with the necessary knowledge and
skills in rice production and make them agents
of the new technologies to boost rice
production. Through this module, your
knowledge, skills, and attitudes will be
enhanced in line with selecting good quality
seed of rice, preparing the land for planting
(irrigated/rain feed) varieties, preparing
seedbeds and sowing of seeds, demonstrating
care and management of seedlings, pulling of
seedlings, transplanting of seedlings/direct
seedling, fertilizer application, irrigation and
drainage practices, controlling weeds,
controlling pests and diseases, harvesting,
threshing, drying, and storage and marketing.

Additional: Rice is the staple food of all the

Filipinos hence, rice production is an important
industry in the Philippines. It is the backbone
of Philippine economy for it does not only
give benefit to rice growers but also to the
other industries like rice threshing,
warehousing, milling, seed production, and
many others that offer a lot of job
opportunities. Being the prime commodity, rice
leads the growth of the agricultural sector. It is
indispensable to sustainable development. Rice
accounts for the majority of the total value of
production in agriculture. This is primarily
because rice is the most prefer commodity of
the. Furthermore, rice is the majority of people
depend on farm labor and rice related business
for their livelihood.


 What is the first thing you should do before planting of rice?

 What is the most popular method for drying rice grains?
 What equipment in rice production is used to draw water from a source?


For your assignment. Make a research about the different types of rice here in the Philippines.

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