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FACTS: Sec. 4 BP Blg.

52 disqualifies retired elective officials who has received retirement benefits and is
already 65 years old to run for the same elective local office from which he has retired. Petitioner said it is
concocted and designed against him to prevent him from running again.

HELD: No violation of equal protection. It is subject to rational classification. If the groupings are based on
reasonable and real differentiations, one class can be treated and regulated differently from the others.
Here, persons over 65 are classified differently from younger employees to promote emergence of
younger blood. Persons similarly situated are similarly treated. It does not forbid all legal classification,
what is prohibited is a classification which is arbitrary and unreasonable. That constitutional guarantee is
not violated by a reasonable classification is germane to the purpose of the law and applies to all those
belonging to the same class.

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