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Welcome to my Thai Foot Reflexology

Massage course

The Western theory of reflexology:​ by stimulating the reflex points on the

feet we then stimulate the peripheral nerve endings which sends a
message to the central nervous system and that then generates and motor
response to affect the part/s or areas of the body

The Eastern​ ​theory of reflexology:​ there are not only reflex points but
also sen lines which have energy flowing through them and by stimulating
the reflex points on the feet and the sen lines on the legs we create a
healing/balance within the body.

The reflex points on the feet: ​we will be treating the feet so completely
that we will not have to be overly concerned about the exact points
throughout the treatment. As you will see, the Thai system works the whole
foot so thoroughly there is no need to get too bogged down in exactly
where are all of the organs etc. Yes, you should learn them but do not be
overly concerned especially as so many charts out there completely
contradict each other.

Sen lines​: These are the Thai equivalent of chinese meridians in

Traditional Chinese Medicine. They do not have the same pathways
however, but the theory is very similar.

What you need: ​you can use a reclining chair, a massage table, a sofa or
even just a bed like I use in the course. A bowl of warm soapy water to
bathe the feet, or even just some simple wipes. Some towels and a Thai
massage stick or you can use a sharpie, a pencil, or various other things
from the kitchen which have a rounded end like I show you in the course.
Some moisturizer or oil and a box or chair to sit on

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