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A Lost half HEART

Directed by :
Ahmad Gusti

Now in 2000 year, I stand in front of the grave of a person whom I knew. Someone who is
very precious to me. But all that has vanished.


20 years ago.

My name is Ajeng, I am a village girl who was left by my parents. My mother was
gone last year while my father was married to someone else. I can't continue my high
school because of limited costs. I only live alone. But solitude never gave me up. I work
with people in my village. As a housewife caretaker, sometimes I wash clothes of people in
the village. With a little income can not meet the needs of my life.

The village people called me an entertaining girl. Girls who like to tease husbands and
young people in the village. But the truth is I'm a person who never did anything like that.
Maybe that issue is often done by people and it makes me uncomfortable I can't calm
down. my only friend who wants to listen to me, Risa is my best friend who wants to help
with my condition. He could not bear to see my condition towards the insults of the

Risa gave me shelter in her house. But it didn't last long I wasn't comfortable with her

Then I decided to leave my hometown.

In the rice field. I talked with Risa.

Risa said, "I know I can't force you to leave this village but I'm ready to help you."
"No need, ris. It's okay, this is my way, "I said.

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"If you go please don't forget me" Risa while hugging me.
"I promise Risa, I will not forget you, because you already consider me like my own sister."
I replied wistfully.
"What about your condition?". "I'm sorry Risa can't accompany you" I said.
"Don't worry, I can take care of this myself." Risa smiled.
As if she was covering up his sadness.
"I'll wait for you tomorrow at my house" Risa said.

Finally I departed, but I have not said farewell to Risa. I know what happened when I
visited her house. Surely his father doesn't allow me to be friends with her.


10 Years later, my condition changed, wealth made me forget about the atmosphere of
the village home even about my best friend in the village. Living in the city makes me more
comfortable than living in my hometown. I live in the city by having a job status that I
received. Job as Manager at a Hotel Company in Jakarta. My enthusiasm to work made me
to be a person, different from before, living alone, left by both parents and also insulted
by residents living in the village.

Ica, she is my work partner, I invited her to talk in the office.

"Ica, lately I have had a strange dream," I said.
"How strange does that mean" Ica said.
"I dreamed of seeing a mysterious girl, and I seemed to know the girl. I think I've met
her. " I say.
"Ah…. maybe you don't pray when you want to sleep" Ica answered.
"I don't know I always dream about it and makes me headache," I replied

I saw a bracelet on the Ica’s table.

"Where did you get this, ca?" I asked.
"This morning at the bus stop there was a girl sitting next to me, then I gave her food but
she gave me this bracelet". Said Ica.
"then ?" I asked.
"I asked her, she said she was from a remote village."

I started thinking like I knew the bracelet. The bracelet reminded me when I gave it
to my best friend Risa.

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At night I woke up from my bed. I dreamed of the same thing but the dream this
time woke me up. Suddenly I remembered Risa who needed help.
I don’t know what was on my mind, I immediately decided to go back to my hometown and
only using my office clothes. I planned to take the Train in the middle of the night, from
my nearest housing was Stasiun Kereta Tua. When I want to prepare to go to the station, I
don't know like someone patting my back, I look to the right - to the left no one is around
me. I only heard the voice of my name but I didn't care about that. Then I looked down to
see my picture with Risa falling from my back bag. I began to remember when childhood
with her. But I began to impatiently want to meet her.

Arriving at the Old Train Station, with a drizzle and gripping atmosphere I sat alone at
the front. I saw an old grandmother not far from my seat. Without any other passengers
it makes me want to chat with her. I asked the grandmother

"Excuse me, can I sit next to you ?" I asked.

"......" grandmother was silent did not want to answer with a condition of coughing.

I thought maybe grandmother needed a warm drink, because the atmosphere at the Old
Train Station was very cold. Without realizing it, my grandmother pointed to the opposite
side of the railroad tracks, and I saw with my rather dim eyes. I had seen a mysterious

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girl in the crowd of mist. She stood with her head down. I tried to think positively even in
a state of fear that bothered me. Then I said to the grandmother.

"Ah…. never mind, maybe someone else. Wait a minute, Grandma, I want to buy tea for
you”. I replied doubtfully to that grandmother

Mr. Slamet is a security guard at the Old Train Station. Mr. Slamet said to me

"Miss, who are you talking to?" Mr. Slamet.

"I spoke with the grandmm ..." while pointing at the grandmother.
I am shocked and it turned out that the grandmother was not in the original place I

"Whatt ... I was with the old grandmother, she was cold then I went for a while to find
warm tea for her" I said aloud.

Then Mr. Slamet explained that the grandmother was not a train passenger, but as a guard
at the Old Train Station. The grandmother didn't look like a train station guard, because
the grandmother didn't wear a uniform. Mr. Slamet told me with rumors circulating that
the grandmother had died since becoming the guard of the Old Train Station during the
Dutch colonial period. This made me surprised to hear the news.

The train arrived at the station, I got the train at the most behind carriage.
When the train departed I looked outside the train window, the seat I was sitting in
looked like the mysterious girl again but the girl was in the same state head down. Then I
didn't dare to look at her. I sat on the train carriage. There is a mother sitting in front of
me, the mother looked at me with a sad face. Then I asked the mother

"Sorry, mother, you look at me, what's wrong?" I asked.

The mother smiled smilingly at me. Shortly thereafter the mother told me that mother
remembered her child had died because of illness and was not treated with the illness that
did not heal. The mother had already been convinced that her child would die. I was sad to
hear the story shortly afterwards and then I told mother that I missed my best friend in
my hometown. But the mother paused for a while looking at me again. Mother told me

" Your best friend's life will not be long anymore" The mother cried.
"Pardon, ma'am?" I said, asking questions with confuse face.

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"She misses, she misses, she asks for your help, girl ..." The mother held my hand and said
firmly to me.

With a face wondering,

I can guess from this mother's story that she can see a person's future and past. But
that might just be my hunch. I will not trust her fully.

Again and again I see a mysterious girl who doesn't stop haunting me. The mysterious
girl finally revealed her face in front of me. With a pale blue face, and the girl's blackened
eyes are Risa but it's different from Risa whom I knew. I immediately woke up from my
sleep on the train carriage. But that is only a dream.


Morning comes…

I arrived at my hometown, the atmosphere was a little different than before. People
look at me with a little foreign glance. I arrived in front of Risa's house and the one who
comes out of the house was an old man with white hair and a wrinkled face that was her
He was amazed to see me now.

Her father came to me and suddenly cried to see me.

"How are you, sir?" I asked.

"I’m so gratefully, Ajeng, I'm fine." Said the father while crying.
"Sir, why are you crying?" I asked again.
"Risa is gone, Jeng." Said Risa’s father slowly

I was immediately shocked to hear that.

When I heard the answer from Risa's father that Risa had died, I was immediately
shocked as if I could not believe it had happened to her. Her father told me Risa turned
out to have died 5 years ago since I left her.

"At that time Risa was looking for you, Jeng. She can't hear from you at all. Then she was
reckless going to Jakarta, I forbid it but she insisted on wanting to meet her best friend
in the City. After that the disease recurred, she had lost hope because she felt she could

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not meet her friend. She returned home in a state of tiredness pale face shortly
afterwards she fainted and did not wake up again”. Her father told me while crying.

I was shocked and felt guilty for not contacting her, so far Risa went to town just to
find me, the result she could not meet me. No wonder all this time dreaming about her, I
was haunted by a mysterious girl who kept haunting my life indeed it turned out that the
girl was Risa, so it's all a sign that I have to go back to my hometown to meet her. Finally, I
was silent and could only cry over the death of my best friend, if time could be played
back I would not leave her. Even when I left, I hadn't had the chance to say goodbye from

- END –

My name is Ahmad Gusti, I was born on March 8, 1997 in Jombang.

I took Vocational time in the Multimedia field then. I learned
about designer science and film. After graduating from vocational
high school. I studied in English Village Pare, because I was
interested in the knowledge of English. I became a teacher in
Kampung Inggris Pare. Not only that, I also became a tour guide in
several schools. But when becoming a teacher without a title
makes me uncomfortable. Finally I studied at STKIP PGRI
Jombang by taking an English education, even though I hoped to
become a filmmaker but instead went into the field of English
education when the English department had to become a teacher.
My weakness is the lack of focus in seeking knowledge but I learned that all the knowledge
must be useful in the future. I try to make simple short films with English, but the people
around me are very supportive for making films. Even though it's only an experiment, it
makes me not give up on making other works, one of them is the story above.

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