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Written by:

Name : Hana Fauziah

NPM : 13612276

Advisor : Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A.

An Undergraduate Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Letters

As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Undergraduate Degree in English Department



Name : Hana Fauziah

Program : English Literature
Title : Alienation of Man in Cultural Industrialism reflected in Sandra Brown’s
Novel, The Rana Look
Advisor : Hawasi, S.S, S.Hum, M.A.

This research is to reveal alienation of man because of cultural industry in a novel entitled
The Rana Look by Sandra Brown. Alienation in this study does not describe the condition
which man faces in isolation. But, alienation, according to Fromm (2002) is the human
condition of mental insanity which man cannot get self-understanding on him. As a
consequence, the mean of activeness, freedom, and productiveness, the basis of human
characters, disappear. Alienation is the cause of the capitalism appliance in social life. In this
study, there are three categories agreed that man is alienated. They can be found from how he
relates to his work, himself and others, and consumption. In capitalistic society, it is
discovered that man cannot express his ability through work freely. He is commanded by his
master in doing his work so that this does not take him into creativeness. Man in the
disappearance of self-understanding by work will turn the mean of humanity into
dehumanization. In addition, the process of such work then will bring human into
passiveness, and because of the demand by his master, he does not have an important role of
production but consumption. Furthermore, in cultural industry, man is always spoiled by any
kinds of enjoyment and pleasure which make him accustomed to consumption. In fact, such
enjoyment and pleasure are kinds of false happiness. In the revelation of alienation, The Rana
Look is used to describe forms of alienation. That the main cast preferred to quit working in
cultural industry is the action caused by alienation.

Key words: Alienation, Work, Cultural Industry


Name : Hana Fauziah

Place / Date of Birth : Jakarta, 1st of July, 1993

Religion : Islam

Address : Jl. Gas Alam Cisalak No. 28

RT 003/007 – Curug Cimanggis-Depok 16453

Phone : 081267846736/085781602289

Educational Background

1. TK Nurul Amanah, 2000

2. SDN Curug 3, 2006

3. Mts Persis 69, 2008

4. SMK Taruna Bhakti, 2011

5. Registered as a student of Gunadarma University, Faculty of Letters Majoring English

Literature since 2012

Seminar and Training

 International Seminar – The Influence of English Culture in Indonesia

 Inspiring Session “From Zero To Hero” and Workshop “Effective Promotion”


I declare that this research project is the product of my own work, and all the sources I

quoted are stated correct.

Jakarta, April 2016

Hana Fauziah


Board of Advisor

No Name Position

1 Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A. Advisor

Date of Examination: 9th of April, 2016

Board of Examiners

No Name Position

1 Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A. Member

2 Dr. Rita Sutjiati Johan M.Pd Member

3 Dr. Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, M.Si Member

Date of Judicium: April 9th, 2016

Approved by:

Advisor, Head Board of Examiners,

(Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A.) (Dr. Edi Sukirman, S.Si., M.M.)


I praise to Allah SWT, who has given me health and strength, so that I can finish this

research project. The purpose of this research is to fulfill the requirement for Undergraduate

Degree in English Department. I realize that, without help and guide from my supporters, I

cannot finish this research. For that reason, I want to thank to:

1. Prof. Dr. E. S. Margianti, S.E., M.M. as the rector of Gunadarma University in

developing the institution.

2. Prof. Dr. Indiyah Imran as The Dean of Faculty of Letters for giving an opportunity

to study at Gunadarma University.

3. Dr. Rita Sutjiati Johan, M.Pd as the Head of English Department, Faculty of

Letters, Gunadarma University, who has given me motivation and advice while I am

in her class.

4. Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A. as the advisor who has guided me in the process of

doing this research. Suggestion that he has given to me and knowledge that he always

shares are really helpful for me in finishing this research.

5. All the lecturers of English Department in Gunadarma University who has given

a lot of knowledge and motivated me so that I always try to do my very best and never

give up. In the end, I still can stand until now.

6. My parents who always give me support and pray for my best. Without their love and

care, I’ll never go ahead.

7. All my friends in SMSA 04 as the best reminders for me, and because of their

support, I can focus on my research.

8. All my friends from New Concept English Education Center especially Novi and

Tegar as the best hearers, who are always pleased to listen to my moan and complain

when I get problem in the process of my research.

9. And Richa my best friend far from here who lives in Makassar. I remembered the first

time we met when I arrived in Kediri. She was my roommate. Even though we were

not classmates in our course, we always shared our experience in our room while we

were outside. We also reminded each other when we made any mistake. We always

try to be honest and never hide any secret so that we become closer even though we

contact each other by phone.

This research which I make reflects my ability, and there will be possibly that it is found

weakness in this research. Then, I would be glad to appreciate any critique and suggestion

given to for better study. And the last, I want to thank to all people whom I cannot

mention one by one in finishing this research. I hope this research will be useful for

development of knowledge.

Jakarta, April 2016

Hana Fauziah

For my beloved parents, who will always be number one for me


Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going

Sam Levenson




CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………………..ii

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………………………………………….…iii

PAGE OF APPROVAL……………………………………………………………………..iv


PAGE OF DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………vii

PAGE OF MOTTO………………………………………………………………………...viii



1.1 Background of The Study……………………………………………………..1

1.2 Problems……………………………………………………………………….4
1.3 Aim…………………………………………………………………………….5
1.4 Scope of Study………………………………………………………………...5
1.5 The Previous Studies…………………………………………………………..6
1.6 Position of Study………………………………………………………………7
1.7 Systematic of Study……………………………………………………………7


2.1 Theory of Alienation ………………..………………………………………...8

2.1.1 Alienation of Work………………………………………………………9

2.1.2 Alienation and Dehumanization………………………………………..15

2.1.3 Alienation of Consumption…………………………………………….19

2.2 Alienation as a Problem of Mental Health…………………………………...20

2.3 Critique of Cultural Industry…………………………………………………22

2.4 “To have” and “To be” Mode in The Elaboration of Alienation…………….24


3.1 Research Design……………………………………………………………...27

3.2 Source of Data………………………………………………………………..27

3.3 Data Collection Procedures…………………………………………………..28

3.4 Data Analysis Procedures…………………………………………………….28


4.1 Synopsis of the Novel……………………….……………………………….29

4.2 Identification of Data……………………….………………………………..29

4.2.1 Identification of Rana in Alienation of Her Work…………………...30

4.2.2 Identification of Characters in Dehumanization of Work……………32

4.2.3 Identification in Alienation of Consumption………………………...37

4.3 Analysis………………………………………………………………………37

4.3.1 Rana Alienated by Her work…………………………………………38

4.3.2 Dehumanization of Work…………………………………………….42

4.3.3 Alienation of Consumption…………………………………………..50

4.4 Alienation as a Problem of Mental Health…………………………………...53


5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………55

5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………………………………55


LISTS OF TABLE…………………………………………………………………………..xi

Table 4.2.1 Identification of Rana in Alienation of Her Work………………….…...30

Table 4.2.2 Identification of Characters in Dehumanization of Work……………….32

Table 4.2.3 Identification in Alienation of Consumption………………….………...37



1.1 Background of the Study

Alienation in the basic definition is the human’s condition in estrangement, but the term

alienation is explained further, it doesn’t always refer to the human condition in loneliness.

Person who can make good relationship with others does not mean that he is not alienated. It

is definitely possible to say that he is alienated. Alienation here is the mental condition of

man influenced by his social life. As Marx said that if one wanted to know about the

individual nature of a person, he had to find his life in social environment, where he works is

the most decisive way to know how he runs his social life.

Man experiencing himself as alienated one is commonly caused by how he works.

Alienation is Marxist critique through capitalism applied in social life. Capitalism is the most

victorious ideology practiced in many countries, especially in the United State of America.

This ideology is applied in the variety of industries. And, one of the most influenced

industries in alienating people is cultural industry. Stokes (2007) defines cultural industry as

anything related to any kinds of media called cultural industry as though states that cultural

industry is a kind of culture which has a role of production or distribution of art,

entertainment or information.

Basically in the normative view, most people think industrialization as the real

progress for modern era because industry is able to change and control environment for the

fulfillment of human’s needs (Rasmussen, 2010:98). Industry tries to help human activities

more efficiently. By creating sophisticated technology, man can do his duty easily. But, if he

cannot control himself because of the sophistication of technology, it will have an impact of
the regular dependence of man influencing him in activeness. Then, the uncontrolled

dependence of man on sophistication expresses new ideology called industrialism.

Giddens (Priyono, 2003:42) reflects industrialism as one of the dimensions in

modernity of institutional reflection. Industrialism exists after the presence of modernism

which desires easiness. For that reason, the desire of man to easiness cause everything related

to the essence of human industrialized including culture named cultural industry. Then, it

cannot be avoided that the relationship of man to industry has no difference with domination

and alienation because most industries in fulfilling human’s needs do priority profit as their

particular purpose (Rasmussen, 2010:99). Meanwhile, such priority comes out of the mean of


In cultural industry of entertainment, media culture plays an important role for the

industry itself. Sound reproduction such as albums, cassette, radio, etc.; visual reproduction

such as movies and dramas and other TV shows; and print media such as newspapers and

magazines are tools of very important media culture as means of culture media that not only

utilizes the technology advanced, but also sees the trend and popular interest of people’s. It

has created perfect pleasure then succeeded to divert the public's attention to keep watching

what is presented by the entertainment industry. (See Douglas Kellner, Budaya Media:

Cultural Studies, Identitas, dan Politik antara Modern dan Postmodern, Jalasutra,

Yogyakarta, 2010)

In fact, the public’s interest becomes more than just willing to watch, but many of

them also like to get involved in the entertainment world since there are many opportunities

gotten from it. For example, passion of singing or given penchant for beautiful voice is an

opportunity that can be taken to become a singer, given fluency in speaking can become host,

having funny character can become comedian, being good at pretending can become a movie

star, having good appearance can be a model.

Working in the entertainment industry is quite promising; for they can fill anything

they need. For that reason, people are more and more interested in working in the

entertainment industry. Moreover, the development of entertainment industry is increased by

new comers we see in every year.

Then, the question regarding to this phenomenon is can working in the entertainment

industry, which people consider that it is the convenient way to achieve their success, really

bring them to happiness? The answer should not be totally right since entertainment is also a

kind of capitalistic appliance. Working in capitalistic system, people cannot escape to

freedom to have their creative activity. They are demanded to do their master’s activity, in

addition, they have to spend their energy almost the whole day with their limited time for

rest. They are given time to take a rest in order to charge their energy so that they can work

for their master again.

As discussed above, entertainment industry is on top greatness besides it is regularly

in the development every year. The development of media is more sophisticated. We can get

any kind of information by way of media, with the result that people always depend on media

such ad television, magazine, etc. considered as their need. Entertainment industry is always

flooded by consumers, as consequence workers in the industry are accused to keep serving

consumers. This makes workers in the industry be able have no time for the family even for


The exploitation of workers by the industry is described in a novel written by Sandra

Brown ‘The Rana Look’. This novel tells the story of a famous model. She was Rana getting

fed up with her life as a model; moreover her materialistic mother made of Rana as ‘ATM

walk’. Her mother with full of ambition utilized Rana’s look to be a model; moreover her

mother, who seemed to have sense of no compassion as a mother to her daughter, forced

Rana to marry an old but rich man for the sake of herself. Because Rana did not put up with

her mother’s ambition, she decided to escape from any kinds of glamorous life in

entertainment industry and move to a small town. She changed her name and appearance

drastically. By leaving all her glamorous habits and earning a simple life, Rana felt that her

life was much better than before.

The novel clearly describes how capitalism has exploited workers. By working should

bring man to be creative and to find his identity. But capitalism has created man in alienation

of life. Rana’s decision to leave entertainment world then prefer to live in a small town is the

action done by her because she felt alienated.

The appliance of economy assisted on capitalism leaps a critique from the most

influential philosopher, Karl Marx. What should be criticized? The answer is that in modern

society of capitalism round, they have a condition called alienation. In his study about this, he

found the answer after meeting radical socialists of Paris. When Marx was in Paris, he

definitely got sure that the most basic one is in the process of work. Work is an activity that

should make human find his identity, but the capitalism’s system of ownership right has

overturned the mean of work to be the mean of exploitation. Through working, man doesn’t

find his identity but estranges himself, for the system of ownership divides society into

people owning authority and people exploited. (Magnis-Suseno, 2005)

1.2 Problems

Based on the background above, the problems are as below:

1. What are the impacts of the appliance of capitalism in social life?

2. How does capitalism, especially in cultural industry reflected in novel The Rana Look,

exploit workers?

1.3 Aims

And for the aims for this research are such bellows:

1. To describe forms of alienation in capitalistic society. From this research, it is

supposed to get the further understanding of alienation if it is seen from the condition

of capitalistic society.

2. To observe the way people, as reflected in the novel, are exploited so that they feel


1.4 Scope of study

This research is focused on how the appliance of capitalism in cultural industry can

cause alienation. Actually, there are several cases causing man alienated. But, in this study,

capitalism through cultural industry is discussed as the cause of alienation. To prove that most

people have experienced alienation, this research will introduce the main role of the novel,

Rana, who decided to leave entertainment world. Her decision is the evidence that she is

definitely alienated. Her story is told in a novel entitled The Rana Look written by Sandra

Brown. The novel is picked because it is one of American novels telling about how the

appliance of cultural industry; moreover it is appropriated to the topic chosen, cultural

industry. And, this research uses social psychology approach by Erich Fromm’s theory. He

points out that alienation is a problem of mental health caused by social life. To explain

alienation further, this research takes The Sane Society by Erich Fromm as one of several

references discussing alienation.

1.5 The Previous Studies

Artinawati (2012), in her research titled entitled Melawan Dampak Kapitalis Industri

Hiburan Di Amerika, analyzes the same novel by using two theories, structuralism and

Freud’s phycology. Based on the structural analysis, She finds that the main role is a quiet,

patient, introvert, obedient as well as rebel woman while based on psychological analysis, she

finds that the main role undergoes inner conflict caused by a variety of events, namely: the

injustice of her mother, sincere love of a playboy, and live in falsehood, as a consequence the

main role undergoes anxiety and trauma. Finally, the solution to solve her inner conflict is by

renewing ego defense mechanisms Freud, namely: reaction formation, repression,

sublimation, displacement, nomadism and primitive idealization.

Zulva Amalia (2014), in her research Kajian Psikologi Sosial Dalam Novel Negeri 5

Menara Karya Ahmad Fuadi, uses also social psychology approach. Her explanation about

social psychology is pointed to man’s activities related to social situations such as situation in

group, mass and others. She also discusses about conflicts of man in adapting himself to

others. In talking about conflicts of man, she divides them into physical and inner conflicts.

Physical conflict explains how man adapts himself to his fellows while inner conflict explains

how man adapts himself to nature. Because her research analyzes a novel, the story of which

takes place in an Islamic boarding school, she reflects the condition of man in his school.

Annas Sholehudin (2009), in his research entitled Tema Alienasi Pada Puisi-Puisi

Karya W.S Rendra, uses the same discussion, alienation, in analyzing Rendra’s poems. In his

discussion, Annas explains alienation based on Rendra’s poems as the condition of people’s

refusal to the government, for those poems contain injustice values occurred in social life.

Then, the effect is the condition which describes that people faces themselves in loneliness,

the lack of solidarity, powerlessness, and antipathy. From the factors mentioned above, they

then become alienated.

1.6 Position of Study

In this position of study, the same novel is used to do this research. Artinawati uses

psychology approach through Freud’s theory while this research uses social-psychological

approach through Fromm’s theory. And in the approach of social psychology, this research

analyzes man in the problem to his work by using term alienation. Annas also discusses

alienation in his research, this research will differentiate it from the factors why people are

alienated. Annas mentions four factors as told above; meanwhile this research has another

view that the appliance of capitalism in social life through the process of work will cause

people in alienation.

1.7 Systematics of Writing

In this research, it has five chapters. First is introduction consisting of background,

previous studies, position of study, problems, aim and scope of study. Secondly, chapter two

is theoretical review which discusses novel as a literature work, plot, and the definition of

alienation, its division, alienation and mental health, critique of cultural industry, and “to

have” and “to be” mode in the elaboration of alienation. The third is research method. The

next chapter is divided into analysis and result of study. And the last has conclusion and




2.1 Theory of Alienation

Fromm (2002) defines alienation as the human’s condition in the self-experience of being

alien; however, he doesn’t clarifies alienation as the condition of solitude but illuminates that

man encounters himself as the one obeying his created objects instead of being a creator. This

is emphasized that an alienated person considers himself as a thing existing from human’s

creation that should obey its creator. In contrast, it is the creator obeying objects he has


The term “alienation” is used to refer insane human. Then, it is developed by Hegel

and Marx who points it as a self-estrangement which is illustrated that man does his activity,

practically matching with the reason, but the fact proves that it is actually a socially patterned

defect which describes that man in his unconscious never sees any defect, for it has brought

him to happiness. While according to Burston and Olfman (Olfman, 2003:206), socially

patterned defect is a system of pathogenic belief which comes to be normative in the

arrangement of behavior and lifestyle impairing the capacity for reason and love but

receiving them in the very intense and widespread social validation, as a consequence both of

them do not bring about inner conflict.

In the quotation of Marx, alienation is explained as an activity which man cannot

defeat. In contrast, his own activity controls him. As emphasizing in the term ‘polytheism’ (“

Konsep Manusia Menurut Marx,” 2004) which is defined as idolizing man’s own creation,

Fromm illustrates human in the control of his activity through term “idolatry” as mean by

man creating an idol then worshiping it while the idol does not have any excess but man’s


Alienation as mentioned above, then will bring human to the unproductiveness, for he

doesn’t internalize himself as human but a thing. Man should be in the process of

productiveness to show his essence; otherwise he will be receptive and passive. But,

industries have turned man into machine which will make him in passiveness; as a

consequence he never gets self-understanding.

2.1.1 Alienation of Work

The unproductiveness of human’s life which alienates human can be seen in the process of

work. Alienation of work is in the sociological definition as the condition which people face

in the boredom and disappointment for they do not get achievement, appreciation, or even

higher position in work as Aiken and Hage argue (Schant, 2012). Both Aiken and Hage

consider that they have the same conception as Marx. But, the fact is that they totally have

different conception as Marx. This is because alienation of work by Marx refers to the

problem of the existence of human’s creativity.

Marx’s idea through work states that man should have an active connectedness to the

nature by working (Fromm, 2004). Working in the essence manner means that man takes

something produced from the nature for the purpose of reproduction (Magnis-Suseno, 2005).

As the basic mean of work just explained, it can be said that man is to think like a statement

stating that man is a thinking being. And, if the statement is connected to man in the

relationship to the nature, it will find that man in Marx’s thought (Magnis-Suseno, 2005)

needs the nature to live; both man and animal have dependence on the nature, but what makes

them different is that animal has direct dependence on the nature while man has to reproduce

what he has taken from the nature. As a result, man will express his creativity to produce

something from the nature. He exports all his ability through work, and then he can find

himself from his product which describes the creator. Then from the result of his production,

he will get himself in the satisfaction.

Furthermore, the sense of work is seen not only from his production but also how man

can show up as a social man because everyone impossibly creates something only for his

need but for his fellow. So, work awakens him as useful person for many people for he can

help others. For that reason, if the essence of work were such a way in modern society, man

should get happier. They must have been glad to do much goodness through his product

without any fact of being forced as the argument underlined by Fromm such below.

‘In the process of work, that is, the molding and changing of nature outside of himself,
man molds and changes himself.’ (Fromm, “The Sane Society,” page. 172)

The point of that statement is that work satisfies not only man himself but also others. In the

process of work, man keeps trying to get an idea and do the action for the purpose of creative

person, as Fromm states that man with his idea keeps improving and comes out every single

of his ability to reproduce everything from nature, in order that, his skill keeps increasing.

That work shows human’s creativity and the existence of social man can be also found

in Hegel’s idea. He states that the process of work is capable of identifying and expressing

the essence of man and the social structure by an alive, conscious and free activity to show all

his ability, potencies and the signifier of human existence. The essence of work in such a way

is also emphasized by Marcuse. He mentions that people in the consciousness and freewill is

to do any kind of their activity in their process of work. Furthermore, he explains that praxis

related to strategies of work is meant by people can express their awareness in the right place

and time, as the result, their work or product is a part of reflection, spark, and description of

their potency, desire, idea, and hope. (Saeng, 2012)

Work, in the basic way, is assembling all capabilities in order to create man to be

active, productive, being as creator as thought Fromm (2002) narrates that western people in

the 13th and 14th had made their skill be in the top evolution of creative work so that they

considered work not only as a useful activity but also as a satisfying activity. The process of

work in such manner will be considered as a positive and expected activity, but in the

contemporary society, people in the reality do not consider work as the part of both

unhampered and creative and both meaningful and satisfied activity for them (Schacht, 2012).

Work for them does not describe their personality or their identity.

But, in the 18th and 19th century, the essence of work which can create productive and

active man has turn into the opposite side; people in modern era consider that the process of

work is not a part of their creativity. They work toward their master. They are controlled and

demanded like robots. They become machine human. They are not provided freedom to

realize them toward work. Work is no more the real concept of human. They work only for

their physical needs.

The process of work in capitalistic society is in the opposite of the process of work

above, Fromm (2002), borrows words from observer of the industrial scene stating that

human is personality economic atoms moving with the atomistic management. The economic

atom accompanied by the atomistic management, based on the observer’s industrial scene,

always follows every movement. It means that the essence of work, commonly in the modern

society, is not the same as the essence of work applied by people living in the 13th and 14th

century. They consider that they do their activity planned by the one having power, so

workers just do the demand. So that, they just use their energy without getting occasion to

think how to develop them.

That people in modern era only consider the mean of work as the physical need can be

found in the Lukacs’ idea in History and Class Consciousness. He states that man cannot

actualize his own human dimension in social life as an authentic one being capable of

internalizing his freedom, and the mean of his freedom has been objectively changed by the

existence of value exchange, money, as a consequence of such applied life, man is lack of

almost his creativity for he does not get the self-understanding as an agent but a thing; then,

the process of human dimension in such a way is called commodification while the result of

the process is called commodity fetishism (Saptawasana & Cahyadi, 2005).

The value exchange as Lukacs discusses means that people work and then the work or

the product which they have created will be exchanged into fee by an industry. Such value

exchange then will cause the existence of product is not anymore a mirror of themselves for

the product has belonged to the industry through the agreement of value exchange. So, this

can be said that man faces himself in alienation since he does not anymore find himself as a

creator at thought Marx (Saptawasana & Cahyadi, 2005) mentions that man does not

anymore does his duty in the real human but in the tools of production; moreover in modern

society under controlled by capitalistic power, their humanistic life has been taken over into

materialistic life. Such applied life in modern society has clearly proven that people only

consider the mean of work as the alternative for them to survive.

The value exchange by fee does not mean that it is an appreciation given to the

workers but it is a part of force in exploiting them, in addition the value exchange is

identified only by the industry; workers are never involved in any agreement of value

exchange. Furthermore, the system of ownership causes them helpless so that they have no

choice. As a consequence, they have to receive it otherwise they will lose their job. (Saeng,


Alienation of work describing people who do not reflect themselves as creator is also

discussed by a literary critic and humanist, Walter Benjamin. He uses two concepts “aura”

and “flâneur” to criticize capitalism. He mentions that people will miss the power of aura if

they renew reproduction culture meant by technical activity to get economic-capitalistic

purpose while the existence of aura is to give the mean of the product; meanwhile flâneur is

meant by man does not totally have his own identity (Saptawasana & Cahyadi, 2005).

In the exploitation of work, Fromm narrates about people in modern era spending

most of the day and also depleting nearly all their energy to produce "thing". They work so

hard and not because of their desire to for creating a work, but they work only for one

purpose, to survive. Unfortunately the process of work is not on the ground of creativity but

demand, a kind of passive work but seen like work hard. The process of work in such

regulated manner would only hide the human’s potential for creativity and make people

passive although they seem to work hard. This is vividly described by Fromm in To Have And

To be, as follows:

‘Alienated activity, in the sense of mere busyness, is actually "passivity," in the sense
of productivity; while passivity, in terms of nonbusyness, may be nonalienated
activity’. (Fromm, 2008:75)

Besides activeness, the exploitation in working is found on the ground

professionalization which has changed from profession. Professionalization is commonly

described as workers do their activity respectably and sincerely. As a matter of fact,

Professionalization is the condition which workers face in manipulation and repression by

industry. As long as their skill and energy are still useful for the industry, they will get

respected economically. Furthermore, Professionalization is a kind of imitated consciousness,

for the purpose workers never realize that there is actually practices of exploitation to them,

the imitated consciousness by professionalization is a tool used by the industry to keep their

business well organized. (Saeng, 2012)

That alienation of work occurs because man never gets the understanding of being a

creator is caused by the system of ownership so that what has been produced will belong to

only the industry. Workers never get any right of having such product. This argument is as

though Fromm argues that they have a little role in the process of production, and they also

never receive their work totally. Furthermore, they are not considered as the ones who

produce but the ones who consume, moreover, they have to buy “their own” if they want to

have it. They are not involved in the aspects of production, economic, or even social. They do

run an important duty but it is not related to management of work. They are commended to

create something without any curiosity about both the reason why they have to produce it and

what are the functions of those products in people’s needs. They don’t have an active role,

and the machines become their master. The machines have controlled human’s work instead

of being participants in human’s work. (Fromm 2002:174-175)

The result of alienation in work can be found from man impoverishing himself, for he

can’t develop himself. As discussed above, man will be in his freedom when he isn’t at work

although he has to take the risk of income decreasing. As a matter of fact, it is a kind of

policy given by the owner of company in order that he will go back to the owner. Working for

him is no more a part of his activeness, creativity, or even productivity except the purpose for

avoiding the feeling of hanger. If the process of work is in such an appliance, this might be

said that man has come back to the evolution of animal. As most of us know that animals (

Magnis-Suseno, 2005) does their activity for their physical needs only. In consequence of

alienation of work, the meaning of work, according to Marcuse (Saeng, 2012), has changed

from humanization into dehumanization meant by no human characteristic in the process of

work but exploitation.

2.1.2 Alienation and Dehumanization

The consequence of alienation in work will add other kinds of alienation. They are alienation

of self and alienation of fellow. Alienation is the condition illustrating that man has lost the

understanding of humanization; meanwhile dehumanization, in this context, is the synonym

of alienation. Then, dehumanization defined by Marx for this context is meant by separability

between man and his humanity; moreover he has lost it almost totally. (Schant, 2012)

Fromm (2002) mentions self-alienation in the term “marketing orientation” describing

that man considers himself as a thing which will be succeed if it is sold out in market. Fromm

continues that man does not internalize himself as human for his internalization as human has

a role as his socio-economic, furthermore, he has disappeared human characterization for all

of his characterization is changed into commodity, called as “personality package” considered

as being worth higher price on the personality market.

Self-alienation is defined as a person internalizing himself out of his humanity is also

emphasized by Karen Horney. He explains that man loses all his feelings. Furthermore, he

divides self-alienation into two categories. The first one is the actual self-alienation meant by

the relationship to the disappearance his the activeness power, and the other is the real self-

alienation related to the totally disappearance of the activeness from the source which is the

point of human existence (Schant, 2012). Both Fromm and Horney find self-alienation as the

human existence coming out of humanity, for the self-understanding has changed into a thing

as though this can be found in Marcuse’s argument (Saeng, 2012) stating that there is

paradoxically terrible reality; the product is now the synonym of subject because it is the

product becoming the human controller while human is the opposite of subject since human

is now controlled by product, or this can be called man as commodity.

Man in the consideration of commodity can be also discovered in the relationship of

fellow. Fromm (2002) explains man to his fellow in the two abstractions which illustrated as

two separated relationships but using each other. This kind of alienation is more cleared by

Schant’s writing (2012) mentioning that man to his fellow has considered each other as

instrument for their own egoistic purpose which is motivated by only self-interest, for that

reason he tries to make a friendship to protect the fact; he actually consider his college as a

defend. This is clear to assume that in the modern era the relationship to each other is not

definitely bonded in a good manner. In the process of work, they try to have good connection

to their peers only for “particular” purpose.

Most people have become commodity both for them and for other people around

them. In the relationship of man to fellow, it finds an odd case between two peers of people.

Even though it seems that they have good bonds each other, the fact catches dishonesty

between them. They create love in their relationship in the forced way as though it can be

seen in Fromm’s statement (2002) written that man can’t find both feelings to love or hate,

but he just finds more superficial friendship and falseness in his honesty, moreover, he can

find further that there are distance and indifference.

Man to his fellow has been connected by capitalism through various kinds of

exchanged commodity, as a consequence proven in the process of reification, in Marxist

view, this will debase human if the social relation is the economic domination for all the

individual status are identified by value (Saeng, 2012). Indeed, the consideration of human as

commodity in capitalism is not a part of humanization but dehumanization. This will be more

explained in the labor theory of value.

The labor theory of value discusses about how economic value toward commodity can

run well. For the purpose, what should be known first is the comparison between the terms

used value and exchanged value. Used value means a thing bought for the use while

exchanged value means a thing for the sale-purchase in market (Magnis-Suseno, 2005). Both

kinds of value have the important role in trading; however, used value (Saeng, 2012) has an

important role only as main precondition appeared from the existence of production in the

forms of link and reciprocal relation, so used value is very common in the process of trade.

From this argument, it can be assumed that capitalism indeed concerns to the exchanged


The exchanged value of commodity is determined by duration time in production, so

the labor theory of value here means the exchanged value; for more information, exchanged

value is the same as commodity but the difference is that commodity is determined not only

by the duration of time but also how it markets (Magnis-Suseno, 2005); meanwhile the

source of exchanged value can be found in Marcuse’ explanation stating that the looking for

value is not from the essence of work but the type of work, abstract work (Saeng, 2012).

Because of the market’s need and requirement in responding the quality of commodity

itself, this makes the essence of work reduced by the quantity of energy spent so that the

peculiarity of work is seen only from the duration of work, and the surplus value is gotten

from the distinguish between the activity of production and the duration of work (Saeng,

2012). Furthermore, what has been given to workers is also determined by the same way. In

this case, workers’ energy used as commodity; they sell their energy and the industry

purchases it. Then, how the exchanged value of energy can run objectively?

Marcuse in Saeng’s writing (2012) answers it through two strategies. The first is that

workers never measure how much energy they have spent for it is the consequence in

exchanging commodity; and the second is the way the industry pay for their energy from their

work duration not the quantity of production. And, the way workers spend their energy is

determined by the number of their needs to survive (Magnis-Suseno, 2005). For that reason,

the two strategies are considered in the normal, fair and objective way.

From the clear explanation about man in the commodity which they totally use their

energy only to fill their physical needs, this will create relationship to fellow like two

abstraction but needing each other. People empirically have opposite purposes. And, the

system of ownership causes the divisions by the two classes of the one having and the one

working for the one having; the opposite classes will not create emotional feeling of hating,

but their purpose, in the objective manner, is in compatible (Magnis-Suseno, 2005).

The example from the argument above is that the owner of company wants to have

many consumers in order to earn much income, for that reason, his effort is decreasing cost

for consumers, but he also has to decrease his workers’ salary. As that the result, workers

must take more time to produce more because the more products they make the more income

they earn even though they his energy almost totally. By bringing their master’s happiness,

they think that they will get more earning if they apply such a way.

Such effort to bring happiness for the owner is actually a kind of alienation, for their

product keeps belonging to the owner’s. The success of a company will be just appreciated

for the owner of company while workers keep being consumers. They never become a part of

the ones who produce. They work for filling their physical needs. That they have a role of

being consumers can affect them keep consuming. For the reason of making happy for their

boss, other workers do not want to be defeated, and then we can see insane competition

among them. They play kicking out each other. They consider the less competitors they have

the better for them. According to Fromm (2002), Creating such insane relationship seems to

be life like “atoms” (he borrowed the Greek equivalent of individual) as small particles away

from each other but keeping unity for selfish interests and necessities to be useful for others.

2.1.3 Alienation of Consumption

Since workers have a little role in the production, they are not considered as producers but

consumers, this also can cause man in alienation of consumption. Fromm (2002) elaborates

that the modern society dependence on buying something just to satisfy the desire more than

the need is likewise a form of alienation. As long as he has a lot of money, he can buy

anything he wants; no matter he really needs it or even not at all. According to Fromm, most

people in modern era consider that the most important things for them are the way they get

goods not the way the use them and that they can buy things in order to own them.

They are satisfied with such ownership. Fromm (2008) divides the essence of having

into the norms of the objects applied by industrial society, and they are the wish to get the

property, to keep it, to make it increased for a profit; and that anyone owning it expects that

others will admire and envy as a superior being. After getting a thing and then particular

status from others, they are not finished in such purpose. They commonly will keep finding

out anything new to have in order that they still can keep their particular status given by

others around them; as though Fromm (2008) notices that a thing emphasized to consumption

is what they buy not for the preservation but “throw-away”.

Alienation of consumption is the same as the admiring of a thing like the term

idolatry. This is also analogized by Baudrillard in Consumer Society (Tumenggung, 2005).

His analogy is consumption in modern society reflected to language while in primitive

society reflected to the system of sign. For example, man in the past needed tree or statue

used to worship, and man in modern era uses other idolatries like packages, image, television,

and other concepts of progress and growth.

The presence of such idolatries in modern era will ease industry to market products.

Industry keep marketing through advertisement, as a consequence this will bring consumers

to calculated need and eager (Fromm, 2007). In the argument of Philip Smith (Tumenggung,

2005), the strength and influence of culture and mass media makes economic and social life

more concerned to consumption and lifestyle.

Then, the dependence of ownership will create a new culture, consumerism. Herry-

Priyono (Tumenggung, 2005) in Konsumerism published by Kompass make a brief definition

about consumerism as trump up consumption. This means that the process of consumption

related to not only socio-phycology but also economy-politic has become the absolute

requirement for business and life style. The ownership of status, comfort, and confidence are

the basis issues toward consumerism because in the Baudrillard’s argument, it says that those

basis issues become the consumption objects which have been out of the value of use.

2.2 Alienation as Problem of Mental Health

Then, what does alienation impact on the mental health? According to Fromm, the answer

depends on what is the mean of mental health itself. If it is meant by that man can run his

social function well, continue both his production and reproduction, he can be considered that

he is healthy mentally. In Fromm’s argument (2002), man has created not only the most

influential production machine but also the most influential destruction machine, which is not

inaccessible to the grip of the madman.

This is assumed that most psychiatrics define mental health in the normative manner

that most people are indeed in the healthy condition. That is why most people consider that

they are healthy in mentality since they just look into the normative manner. They argue that

people are insane if they are in the conscious mind. As a matter of fact, if they try to find out

their mental health in the deep surface, they will see themselves as insane people.

In the quotation of Sullivan’s concepts of mental health, it mentions three kinds of

mental health. They are the need for personal security that means freedom from any anxiety,

the need for intimacy that means collaboration with one or more persons and the need for

lustful satisfaction. Those concepts are normal in mental health for human’s aim, but the

critical approach of these concepts has proven another different thing in the alienated globe

(Fromm, 2002).

The point of personal security, in the discussion of The Sane Society, is that most

people try to avoid anxiety in order to be protected by the safety and security. And, this is

considered as a normal thing. But, life is in mental and spiritual aspects actually in the

security and uncertainty and the solving is that man should fight for the unsafe feeling itself.

Meanwhile, people in modern era solve such anxiety problem by conformity or following the

majority, but this even can cause the insecurity increasingly for they cannot decide what they

expect from heart, as consequence the self-understanding toward “I” disappears. The

expectation of conformity will get worse because it has created insecure life regularly in the

hidden manner, fear, dependence on others, the weakness of self-confidence, and


Another concept of mental health is love. Freud defines love as the basis of sexual

phenomenon, in contrast to Sullivan; he has different idea between sexuality and love. He

defines love as the synonym of intimacy, a sort of situation in the involvement of two people

permitting validation of all personal worth components which require a kind of relationship

called collaboration, meant by formulated adjustments of one’s behavior to the expressed

needs of the other one in the pursuit of increased identic—which is almost equal satisfaction

and the maintenance and the increase of equal security.

But, in the modern centuries the description of intimacy has been referring to “

egostism a deux” or egoistic as discussed in the sub-chapter Alienation and Dehumanization

as though Fromm (2014) elaborates love in the contemporary society through modern

capitalism in The Art of Loving. He states that capitalism needs the large number smoothly

cooperated people wanting more consumption; people who want to be independent but

pleased to be demanded without any force.

Happiness is the other concept of mental health. People in modern era commonly

define happiness as satisfaction of pleasure related to consumption (Fromm, 2007). For that

reason, the concept of happiness in such a way is just seen as “pleasure” which will bring

human to passiveness (Fromm, 2002), as a consequence if the concept of happiness has

changed into pleasure, sadness or sorrow is not the antonym of pleasure but the right

opposite concept of pleasure is depression, a part of inability to feel the sense of both joy or


2.3 Critique of Cultural Industry

Culture, the handle hold by people, for the purpose that it can take people to good morals, has

been shared by industry. This is mostly considered as a positive action because industry is an

easy access in spreading values. Because of such assumption with big expectation on them,

cultural industry (Adeline, 2005) gets more important and involved in social life.

Cultural industry (Stokes, 2007), found in essays written by Adorno and Horkheimer

entitled Culture Industries, should take human to the higher degree with the bravery to reject

the system bringing human to dehumanization, but this will have very little possibly because

the cultural industry itself is in the capitalistic control, as a result, the freedom potency which

man deserves to get is never exist. Cultural industry, in fact has no difference with other

industries. The industry is not a sort of attempts to realize human to get to humanization


In Dialektika Pencerahan (2002), they continue that in the context of modern society,

culture in the industry interference is not an art that should be appreciated totally because all

the essence has been an opportunity for running business by industry. Industry shares an art

by mass culture which is the most identic one in an art itself, for the purpose consumers keep

being satisfied by any enjoyment given by industry. Furthermore, Adorno and Horkheimer

add that art in the business goal has come out of the basic mean and it has been manipulated.

Manipulation through style is never realized, but it is even considered as a normal thing.

Almost all fields have been used as business opportunity including culture. That is

why culture has been a part of industries called cultural industry because industry (Bima &

Haryanto, 2005) in running business does priority profit but forget value as critical action and

freedom for human. As a consequence, art as the main basis for human has come out of

authentic characteristic for profit is the main culture basis.

Industry indeed target consumers to keep business well. By spoiling consumers

through various kinds of entertainment, they go on enjoyment served by industry, as a result

it just will create passiveness to them. In addition, consumers have missed their independence

and critical power because of such indulgence so that it can be stated that art in the industry

control is not more than just pseudo happiness (Bima & Haryanto, 2005).

In fact, cultural industry commits fraud by serving joy, but all the services are only

illusion which has the sameness as pseudo joy. In this case, such joy will never satisfy

human. The phenomenon of pseudo joy is found in the quotation of Baurillard through the

term communication hype-reality (Astar, 2005). It beautifully states that communication

hype-reality means that cultural industry makes condition describing artificiality considered

as the reality while the absolute reality itself considered as falsity. To tell the truth, everything

related to reality has been turn into lie created as if it was the truth.

Furthermore, Adorno and Horkheimer, in the critique of cultural industry, points that

commodity fetishism applied by industry is an attempt to make people adore false idolatry, as

a consequence they might be unable to compare between the true reality and not for all

idolatry have been pointed to symbol and brand of a product ( For

example, when a person buys a thing, he does not totally use the thing as the actual function

but as the symbol he admires. The unreal function has taken place of the real one. Man has

got the wrong idolatry through the brand.

Any kind of enjoyment through symbol or brand is no difference with pseudo

enjoyment as discussed above. Talking about artificiality, there is a philosophical concept

states that man never finds reality but representation (sense datum) or sign which cannot be

reached except appearance (Astar, 2005). It is more emphasized that what can be seen or felt

does not mean that in our senses, it is the reality.

Enjoyment provided by industry to consumers indeed involves the essence of their

work. The desire of getting enjoyment absolutely will make them work hard. But, it seems

that the mean of work has come out of the important values of work (Kelner, 2007:23). The

only purpose of working is that they want to fulfill anything related to enjoyment spoiling

them so that the essence of work has been out of the total productiveness.

2.4 “To have” and “To be” Mode in The Elaboration of Alienation

Discussing about basic definition and kinds of alienation, this becomes an existential problem

about “to have” and “to be”. People mostly consider “to have” mode as a thing that shouldn’t

be made as a problem because this is a normal thing. Fromm does not make a problem out of

such opinion as long as people apply “to have” mode in the existential way. This means that

the eager of having is rationally used for people’s needs.

In the opposite of existential having, “to have” in this era describes that people apply

such mode in the greedy way. Based on Tawney’s idea, Fromm (1976) mentions that human

life is always full of prejudices, for private own, profit and power hold as the pillars of

existence are supports to run their life. Besides that, the norms in industrial society like the

wish to acquire, keep, increase property and make the profit for that through exploitation to

others will make human greed.

In order to keep their own property more, greedy people use a way hurting others.

That is applying the round of exploitation. They exploit workers by using up their energy.

Then to create the profit, the owner will target the production to workers and other

consumers. Indeed, workers alienated by their work have lost their creativity, and they mostly

try to decrease that feeling by enjoying false pleasures. By consuming the greedy people’s

products will make their profit more and more.

While, in the “to be” mode, it will be found any difference with the reflection. “To

have” is reflected to a thing, but “to be” is reflected to experience. Those two reflections are

categorized into describable and indescribable. To get more understanding if someone is

alienated from his activity, it can be differentiated from the reflections through the

explanation about activeness belonging to “to be” and passiveness belonging to “to have”


In “to be” mode, activeness is the most available qualification. Activeness, in this

context, does not mean externally active but internally active. Fromm (1976) elaborates that

internal activeness means when man can express the ability and wealth of his talents

humanly. That is one of the real actions in the internal activeness. Unfortunately, Fromm

discovers people in modern era interpret activeness referring to behavior; activeness is only

meant by business. Anyone will seem to be active if he does several activities even though he

does not certainly do the activities as he expects. In the truth, activeness existentially refers to

a person internalizing as a subject which means that a person who can utter a thing and have a

relation with it. Because of that, such activity is productive. Productiveness means that

activeness is not only external but also internal.

The elaboration of activeness has also existed since pre-industry era although it has

little different explanation, for alienation, in the era, was not in the high level yet like industry

era. But, Aquinas (in the quotation of Fromm’s), one of philosophers in the same era as

Meister Eckhart, agrees that activeness coming from individuality will be called sane activity

if it is the basis of ethnical and spiritual guidance. For that reason, activity outside the

spiritual guidance is a part of insanity.

And, spirituality is etymologically an important basis which is able to motivate and

guide the way people think and behave. In this case, social character has an important role in

forming people’s thought and behavior well as explained by Fromm that religious needs

attached to people have to be filled by social character in order to bring people into humanity.

It is exactly called religion, but which kind of religion could be? To answer the question,

Fromm explains that religion is means by a group of people following a particular system of

idea and act which can give orientation framework and a loyalty object to each individual.

From the explanation above according to him, religion which is rooted in the specific

structure of character can be indeed considered specific if it can motivate behavior

effectively. To conclude, this can be argued that spiritual approach can solve man existential

problem especially alienation and create human social character.



3.1 Research Design

In this study, the qualitative method was used to interpret through description (Ratna,

2004). Furthermore, the method gives attention to scientific data related to the context. The

literary study will involve not only the origin where the author lives including the common

culture elements. Qualitative method holds the essence of value. In the social study, the

source data are the societies while the research data are the actions, and in the literature study,

the source data are work and the texts while the research data are words, statements, and

discourse. In the sociology and psychology of literature, the source data can be societies for,

they themselves create the work. (Ratna, 2004: 46-47)

3.2 Source of Data

The primary source for this research is a novel entitled “The Rana Look” written by

Sandra Brown. The story begins that Rana who lived in simple apartment of small town. She

got fed up with her occupation as a model, and then she decided to leave everything related to

her glamorous life. She left New York, where she found fame and wealth from her occupation

as model. By changing her nice look into the opposite appearances like wearing unbranded,

unfashionable, and big-size clothes for covering her nice body; wearing a pair of glasses for

covering her glittering eyes; and turning her occupation as a cloth painter, she has found the

real of herself in a simple life. Meanwhile, several books related to critics toward capitalism

in the entertainment industry were used as the secondary source.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

In collecting the data, several procedures are first reading the novel then making a

short synopsis from the novel. The second is picking the topic of the novel, which points to

the appliance of capitalism in the entertainment industry, and the theory that is related to the

causes of the appliances of capitalism. The last step is collecting the data from the novel

evidenced that there are some alienated acts caused by capitalism in the entertainment


3.4 Data Analysis Procedures

After collecting the theories and data, there are two procedures used to analyze the

data. And the procedures are classifying the data based on the kinds of alienation and

interpreting the classified data based on the theory with the writer’s argument. And for the

last, this research will take the conclusion from the findings.



4.1 Synopsis of The Novel

In “The Rana Look”, it tells about a famous model having so much pressure which she

got from her work. The pressure she got was not only from her work but also her mother at

once her manager, Susan Ramsey. Her mother with the huge materialistic ambition utilized

Rana to be a famous model to fulfill her materialistic needs. Rana loved her mother very

much so that she always tried to make her mother happy although it was very hurt for her.

The materialistic ambition of Susan was getting worse so that Rana could not bear it

anymore, and then she decided to leave her mother and all colleagues. Her decision to leave

New York caused conflict among them. But in the other side, she finally found the real

happiness through simplicity which she never got before. That is pure love from Ruby, an

owner of apartment, where she lived after leaving New York, and her nephew named Trent.

4.2 Identification of Data

In this chapter, the data that have been collected from the first until the last chapter will be

divided into three categories for the identification of data. They are identification of Rana in

alienation of her work, characters in dehumanization of work, and alienation of consumption.

This research is just going to identify them by using two intrinsic elements: characterization

and plot.

In the identification based on characterization, this research will apply the technique

of telling and showing. The technique of telling means as the direct method because the story

of a fiction is told by the narrator who can be played as the author or the character.

Meanwhile, the technique of showing means as the indirect method because the story of a

fiction is told by the characters through dialogs. And, identification of plot has several kinds.

Those are exposition, rising conflict, climax, and anti-climax. Exposition plot is meant by the

introduction of the basic information given to readers; rising conflict/crisis occurs when the

events are almost going to the peak of story’s action; climax is the top of the most important

decisive action; and anti-climax/denouement describes the action which gets close to the end

of the events (Kirszner & Mandell, 1994:61).

4.2.1 Identification of Rana in Alienation of Her Work

Table 4.2.1 Rana in alienation of her work

Text Telling Showing Plot

Chapter 1

You truly are selfish and self-centered, Rana. I got you

out of that unfortunate marriage. I sold my home to get

the money to bring you to New York. I.m sacrificing Exposition

my own life for your career. And this is the thanks I get.

All you do is whine (TRL, 2002:14)

Chapter 2

Through it all Rana had lain there, bored, tired, her

back aching from holding the pose so long and her Exposition

stomach growling from perpetual hunger. (TRL,


Her idea of hand-painting articles of clothing had

captured his imagination, and he had enthusiastically

agreed to put some of her designs in his store on Anti-climax

consignment. They had sold immediately, and his

clientele began clamoring for more. She now worked

almost solely on commission. (TRL, 2002:24)

Good I’ve got four more orders for you


Yes, four, and I’ve raised your price Anti-climax

Barry! Again? I’m not doing this for money I can

still support myself on my residuals (TRL, 2002:25)

Chapter 4 and 5

The first denial

“I can’t, Morey. Not now” Rising

“Then, when?” Conflict

“I don’t know Maybe never” (TRL, 2002:46)

The second denial

“Well, have you thought it over?”

“Yes, Morey”

“Spare me the suspense”

“My answer is no”

………………………………………………………… Climax


“Do you realize what you’re passing up, Rana?”

“Please don’t try to talk me out of my decision,

Morey My mind’s made up I’m not saying I’ll never

go back Just not right now” (TRL, 2002:67-68)

4.2.2 Identification of Characters in Dehumanization of Work

Table 4.2.2 Characters in dehumanization of Work

Text Telling Showing Plot

Chapter 2

There she was, svelte and sexy, reclining on a white

sheet. Her mahogany hair was spread like a fan behind

her head. It had taken the hairdresser and photographer

a full hour to get it just right. Her cheekbones stood out Exposition

prominently, and above them her eyes were sultry. Her

lips glistened, sulky and suggestive, in a half smile.

(TRL, 2002:22)

The bikini panties she wore sliced well below her

prominent hipbones. In the photograph her tank top was

being pushed up to the undercurve of her breast by a

man’s hand. The man, lying beside her but out of the

camera.s range, had had a face like a potato, but the Exposition

hands of a poet. He made his living doing everything

from patting babies. be- hinds in disposable-diaper

commercials to opening cans of beer so they would

foam over the top. (TRL, 2002:22)

Chapter 3

These were the ones who used her to decorate

themselves. Since Rana was often photographed by Exposition

paparazzi avid for candid shots of heron the streets of

New York, leaving a restaurant, entering a party, in the

park eating an ice-cream cone.her escort also got the

rewards of the free publicity she generated. (TRL,


She had been courted by numerous politicians, rock

stars, and businessmen, all of whom wanted to benefit Exposition

from a well-publicized romance with Rana. (TRL,


Where do you get off, making a toy out of a human

being? You think of me only as a game to keep you

occupied while you’re here. Well, forget it. If it weren’t

for the fact that I like Ruby and don’t want to hurt her Climax

feelings, I wouldn’t even speak to you for the remainder

of your stay. In summation, Mr. Gamblin, I think

a class-A jerk. (TRL, 2002:36)

She slammed the door in his face before he had time to

utter a single word. She felt better than she had in Anti-climax


Lord, it felt good to tell him off! (TRL, 2002:36)

You’re absolutely right. I behaved like a class-A jerk.

I’m sorry. We can either sign a mutually agreeable

truce, smoke a peace pipe, or go jogging together. I opt Anti-climax

for the latter. I’d take it as a sign of forgiveness if

you’d join me. Please. (TRL, 2002:37)

Chapter 4

I didn’t mean to make light of it. Living with your

mother would be like sharing a den with a barracuda. Exposition

(TRL, 2002:46)

I see I’ve finally got your attention. I didn’t say we’d

accept four hundred. I’ll counter with six hundred and I

think we’ll get an even half a million. How does that



Ridiculous Conflict

He chuckled, Not so ridiculous. I could use the bread

(TRL, 2002:47)

All I’m asking is that you be nice to him, Rana. You’re

such a strange girl, Susan Ramsey had said in

exasperation. Any other girl would be beside herself if

Mr. Alexander paid some attention to her

Then let ‘any other girl’ marry him Rising


Who said anything about marriage?

I know you, Mother. You wouldn’t be foisting Mr.

Alexander off on me if matrimony hadn’t entered your

mind. And it doesn’t have anything to do with morality.

You’re just too good a bargain hunter to settle for less

Would marriage to the owner of one of the largest

cosmetics empires in the world be so terrible? she asked

sarcastically. Think of what such an alliance

would mean to your future

And to yours, Mother

I’ll take none of your sass! Now, Mr. Alexander called,

and his car is picking you up at eight. He sent this

lovely diamond bracelet for you to wear tonight. Please

go get dressed (TRL, 2002:46)

I’m not a prostitute, Rana had informed her mother

calmly, but coldly. Mr. Alexander can keep his

diamond bracelet and I’ll keep my self-respect (TRL, Climax


Chapter 5

Tears filled her eyes as she stared wordlessly into the

cluster of daisies. She lowered her face, nestling her

nose among the dewy petals. She had been sent flowers

often. Extravagant arrangements of roses and orchids Anti-climax

had come from counts and corporate presidents. None

had ever meant anything to her. This small,

unpretentious bouquet of humble daisies was the most

precious gift she had ever received. (TRL, 2002:65)

As a child she’d never been allowed to play in the dirt.

She had never been allowed to do anything that spoiled

her perfection. Every hair had to be in place. She wasn’t

allowed to ride a bicycle or roller-skate because she

might scrape her knee. Scabs or scars were to be Exposition

avoided at all costs. As a teenager, she had rebelled

occasionally, but when her little acts of defiance were

discovered, her mother.s wrath made the adventures

hardly worthwhile. (TRL, 2002:70)

Stand up straight, Rana . . . . Don’t slouch, Rana .. Is

that a pimple, Rana? Honestly! I’ve taught you how to

clean your face, but you don.t do it .... Are you wearing

your retainer? Do you want crooked teeth? ... You Exposition

wrinkled your dress, after I spent a half an hour ironing

it. (TRL, 2002:73)

4.2.3 Identification in Alienation of Consumption

Table 4.2.3 Alienation of consumption

Text Telling Showing Plot

Chapter 1

Those topaz-green eyes that had lured hundreds of

thousands of women into buying eye-shadow

collections with names such as Sahara Sands and Forest

Gems stared back at her. Artfully made up, they were

spectacular. Even without makeup, their slanting Exposition

almond shape was distinctive and arresting. Too

arresting not to be camouflaged by tinted glasses if she

wanted her identity to remain a secret. (TRL, 2002:13)

4.3 Analysis

In the previous chapter, it has discussed about alienation caused by cultural industry. Industry

is a tool used by capitalism to bond human and to avoid him from productiveness, freedom,

and creativeness. For that reason, the way to dissociate such human characteristics is

manipulating him through enjoyment and pleasure so that he will forget the most important

thing pointing to the three nature characteristics.

Pleasure and enjoyment that man gets will create a new idolatry in modern society. In

this case, industry uses those with requirement to him. What industry requires is that he has to

deal cooperation with the industry in creating products for pleasure and enjoyment given to

others as just mentioned. In the deal, he has to be pleased to do any kinds of activity without

any questions. Indeed, this will cause the disappearance of human productiveness. In the

appearance, it can be seen than human produces a thing, but the production is out of the


Entertainment industry or cultural industry is a kind of industries considered that it

has many opportunities in various fields. The other industries even use media in marketing

their products because media is an easy access to add more production and consumption. The

success of industry in developing production and consumption will possibly interest people in

involving themselves in the industry as just discussed in the first chapter of study. People’s

interest in working in entertainment motivated by materialistic achievement definitely will

miss the three human characteristics as just mentioned. It can be evidenced through the way

people relate themselves in work, self, others, and consumption.

4.3.1 Rana Alienated by Her Work

Alienation of work has changed the essence of work in activeness, creative, and productive.

Industries have turned upside down the real means of work. Like other industries,

entertainment industry demands workers to do activities as required.

Through it all Rana had lain there, bored, tired, her back aching from holding the pose
so long and her stomach growling from perpetual hunger. (TRL, 2002:23)

It occurred when Rana had left New York. She just received some packages, and then

she tried to look for package to her. Accidentally, she found a magazine with her picture in

the pose of lying for an underwear product. She remembered the process of taking the

picture. She was made up for almost an hour to get the best capture. She had to pose several

times as the photographer instructed. From the description, it clearly proves that Rana totally

did not do her own activity. She did the activity as demanded. Working in such a way brought

her to passiveness. Rana as a famous model was admired by many companies so that she

spent almost all her time involved in various kinds of photography. Her full schedule did not

mean that she was active because doing several poses required by the photographer was

passive activity although she seemed to be very busy.

Her decision to quit is the cause that she was alienated by her work. This is more

emphasized in the saying which takes a place when Morey, Rana’s agent, called her. He

expected that Rana would deal to a new cooperation with a company, but she, in real, rejected

to go back to New York and sign an agreement of new cooperation which Morey craved.

The first denial

I can’t, Morey. Not now

Then, when?
I don’t know Maybe never (TRL, 2002:46)

The second denial

Well, have you thought it over?

Yes, Morey
Spare me the suspense
My answer is no
Do you realize what you’re passing up, Rana?
Please don’t try to talk me out of my decision, Morey My mind’s made up I’m not
saying I’ll never go back Just not right now (TRL, 2002:67-68)

Those two rejections of the cooperation were proved that she was very helpless because of

her activities while she became a model. One of obligations to be a model was that she had to

do all instructions by the photographer. Indeed, working in the demand by somebody else will

not bring anyone into the real happiness because any kind of activity in the order separates

man from his freedom to do what comforts him.

Then, she tried to find her own happiness by starting up her life in her new stay in

simplicity. She developed an idea to get new job through her passion in painting. She found

her real ability. She could create a thing and decide whom her work was given to. From her

ability at painting, she finally found herself in the work.

Her idea of hand-painting articles of clothing had captured his imagination, and he
had enthusiastically agreed to put some of her designs in his store on consignment.
They had sold immediately, and his clientele began clamoring for more. She now
worked almost solely on commission. (TRL, 2002:24)

Her bravery to take such decision, in fact, gave good result. The process work for Rana had

given back to the essence. Active, creative and productive work had taken her to the real

purpose to freedom.

The right essence of work should make creative man and give the satisfaction to him.

Someone will be proud if everyone likes his work and admits that it is his work. That people

like his work means that he is successful. He will be so satisfied if he can create something

by his own hard work. And for sure, he will be happy if he can share his work to others

without asking for reward because he likes to help each other.

Good I’ve got four more orders for you

Yes, four, and I’ve raised your price
Barry! Again? I’m not doing this for money I can still support myself on my residuals
(TRL, 2002:25)

It is more emphasized that Rana in the essence of positive work even did not priority money

for her appreciation. She was very glad to express herself to people through her ability. If

people liked her work, it meant that people saw her as a friendly person. It was definitely

different when she became a model. People considered her as a person more deserving to be

with other higher-class people. That was why as told in the novel she did not have many

friends while she was a model. But, when she left all her glamour life style and preferred to

be a painter then many people admired her work, she just felt that she was indeed a social


In the opposite of positive work, the process of work in capitalistic society has turned

the real mean of work. By working, it does not change people to be creative. They work in

the control by their master. They do not find the real action from themselves through the

work; as a consequence they work only for physical needs. It is can be found in the novel told

about Susan’s ambition to utilize Rana to be a model, for the purpose that she could enjoy

materialistic needs as most higher-class people did.

You truly are selfish and self-centered, Rana. I got you out of that unfortunate

marriage. I sold my home to get the money to bring you to New York. I.m sacrificing
my own life for your career. And this is the thanks I get. All you do is whine (TRL,

It is a feeling expression leveled by Susan to her daughter. Rana was not only alienated by her

work but victim of alienation of her mother’s. Long years ago, Susan Ramsey was left by her

husband’s death caused by car accident. And, it was a huge and hurt hit for her; moreover, she

could not enjoy pleasures after her husband passed away. She cannot think logically to start

up new life as widower. Through Rana’s nice look, she used her daughter as live hood. What

has just stated by Susan was fear. She kept looking for agents and pleased to get accepted to

work (even though it was Rana going to work). So, this can be concluded that Susan Ramsey

worked to fill her materialistic needs because she was accustomed to earn in a glamour life

when she was still with husband.

4.3.2 Dehumanization of Work

Alienation of work can influence the relationship human to himself and others. Man

internalizes himself out of the totally self-understanding. He does not understand himself as

human, but he commoditizes himself in the sale of market. In the entertainment industry,

appearance is the most important tool in doing duty. Chaney (Handayani, 2005) states that

one of the most important things in doing an activity is ‘outside appearance’, number one.

Chaney’s statement is more cleared by Handayani (2005) that in the process of purchase-sale

in modern society, workers utilize their body as the commodity treated to serve market

requirement. That is why a company is very selective in finding workers in good appearance

so that the company can be succeed in marketing products. Companies commonly select

entertainers as the icon of product. For high income, workers will do various kinds of

treatment for their appearance. In this era, they do several body treatments for market

requirement. To emphasize that most workers especially woman commoditize their body to

market, it can be seen in the telling such bellow.

As a child she’d never been allowed to play in the dirt. She had never been allowed to
do anything that spoiled her perfection. Every hair had to be in place. She wasn’t
allowed to ride a bicycle or roller-skate because she might scrape her knee. Scabs or
scars were to be avoided at all costs. As a teenager, she had rebelled occasionally, but
when her little acts of defiance were discovered, her mother’s wrath made the
adventures hardly worthwhile. (TRL, 2002:70)

This was one of other alienation undergone by Rana in doing her work as model. Treating

body for market requirement marker tortured her very much. She could not be free to do

other kinds of activity since childhood until she grew up because her mother was afraid if

each part of Rana’s skin would get blister, as a consequence a company might not use Rana to

promote product. Then, her mother got depressed for she lost a chance of it. For that reason,

Rana had to look perfect and no defect might be seen in her look.

Stand up straight, Rana . . . . Don.t slouch, Rana .. Is that a pimple, Rana? Honestly!
I’ve taught you how to clean your face, but you don.t do it .... Are you wearing your
retainer? Do you want crooked teeth? ... You wrinkled your dress, after I spent a half
an hour ironing it. (TRL, 2002:73)

Talking about body in the essence, according to Peursen (Sianipar, 2005:297), is

meant by organism; by the research of physiologist, it is not considered as an object but body

shows a situation and the existence of human. In opposite, body by modern society is

considered as an object for public as though the argument about body as commodity is agreed

by Muley whose statement is quoted by Thornam (2010). In his essay, after Muley sees Allen

Jones’ work entitled “Women as Furniture” describing woman as slave and sexually

provocation, he argues that their image as woman is meaningless even though they are

regularly contorted and used as the object of appearance for male consumers to see, look at,

and to glance.

There she was, svelte and sexy, reclining on a white sheet. Her mahogany hair was
spread like a fan behind her head. It had taken the hairdresser and photographer a full
hour to get it just right. Her cheekbones stood out prominently, and above them her
eyes were sultry. Her lips glistened, sulky and suggestive, in a half smile. (TRL,

The narration above is more proven that workers in entertainment industry commonly priority

appearance more than others. Rana in doing her duty was commoditized through her good

appearances like slim body, nice hair, good cheeks, glittering eyes, and sexy lips.

Argument’s Muley about woman as the appearance object in the sense of sight to

male consumers is shown in the novel.

The bikini panties she wore sliced well below her prominent hipbones. In the
photograph her tank top was being pushed up to the undercurve of her breast by a
man’s hand. The man, lying beside her but out of the camera.s range, had had a face
like a potato, but the hands of a poet. He made his living doing everything from
patting babies. be- hinds in disposable-diaper commercials to opening cans of beer so
they would foam over the top. (TRL, 2002:22)

That the hands’ male model grabbed her shoulders describes that Rana’s nice appearance is

indeed intended to male consumers. The quotation above took place while Rana was doin

photos for an underwear product. That the photographer was trying to capture Rana’s picture

with two awesome hands of male models holding her shoulders meant to invite male

consumers to keep looking at the appearance object. That is more emphasized by the

photographer’s assistant’s joke which he said that the male model slowly touched Rana’s
breast but no one realized it. Although it was just a joke, it might be possibly right that the

model touched her breast for it was a big chance for him to do such sexual violence since

Rana was almost naked.

Rana was alienated by herself because she commoditized her own body so that she

could not consider herself as human totally. It was because Rana was shocked after finding

her picture in the magazine. Her shock was the respond describing she was definitely


Rana in self-alienation was because most people especially men admired her as a

sexual object. For that reason, she could find male characteristic in three categories, most of

which refer to man looking at her beauty. The three categories were described from Trent

who very often had sex with various women only for his fun, and he expected it from Rana.

So, those categories of male characteristic that Rana could recognize emphasize that Muley’s

idea that woman is considered as slave and sexual provocateur.

Trent’ personality is the top of alienation for Rana because she still got such annoying

man in her new stay. It made her become so mad. Her anger can be seen in the quotation of


Where do you get off, making a toy out of a human being? You think of me only as a
game to keep you occupied while you’re here. Well, forget it. If it weren’t for the fact
that I like Ruby and don’t want to hurt her feelings, I wouldn’t even speak to you for
the remainder of your stay. In summation, Mr. Gamblin, I think a class-A jerk.
(TRL, 2002:36)

“Where do you get off, making a toy out of a human being?” is an angry expression which is

proven that most men staring at her as the sexual object had alienated her. From the

expression, she at least succeeded to realize a man that she never expected such consideration

by most men.

She slammed the door in his face before he had time to utter a single word. She felt
better than she had in months.

Lord, it felt good to tell him off! (TRL, 2002:36)

And, it was really successful. Tomorrow morning, Trent put a letter into Rana’s room. He was

really sorry for that.

You’re absolutely right. I behaved like a class-A jerk. I’m sorry. We can either sign a
mutually agreeable truce, smoke a peace pipe, or go jogging together. I opt for the
latter. I’d take it as a sign of forgiveness if you’d join me. Please. (TRL, 2002:37)

Meanwhile, the human relationship to others has no difference with the relationship to

self. The point of man relationship to others is separately but likely united. It means that man

expects particular purpose in having a relationship. Their relationship is like two abstractions,

it seems to be solidification. It is because, in particular purpose, they expect something each


I didn’t mean to make light of it. Living with your mother would be like sharing a den
with a barracuda. (TRL, 2002:46)
In modern society, if they do not want to loss job and he cannot fill his physical needs, there

are several attempts that they have to do, for the purpose such unexpected things never

happen. Having good relationship even though he never expects is one of those attempts.

From the quotation above, it has shown that Susan and Morey, by coercion, try to have good

relationship. Both Morey and Susan disliked each other. No matter they really wanted it or

not, both of them had to refrain in order that they could save their job. Susan Ramsey never

dreamt that she wanted to miss her job and all pleasure of it, so did Morey, who did not want

his agency insolvent if he ignored Susan Ramsey; moreover, he also did not want Rana as the

source of his income leave him. Then, this can be said that it was the coercion in having such

relationship with conflicted personal interest. They were hostile each other, but to some

extent, they needed each other.

Matched to alienation of man to himself illustrating that man, in the loss of self-

understanding as the real human, realizes himself as commodity sold out in market, such

dehumanization is also reflected in alienation to others. In this case, man is alienated because

others did not totally consider him as human but commodity.

These were the ones who used her to decorate themselves. Since Rana was often
photographed by paparazzi avid for candid shots of heron the streets of New York,
leaving a restaurant, entering a party, in the park eating an ice-cream cone.her escort
also got the rewards of the free publicity she generated. (TRL, 2002:36)

It is the description why Rana also got alienated to people among her. Even though many

people especially men expected to accompany her, Rana realized that they had particular

interest. They wanted to get popularity from Rana because she was one of the most famous

entertainers. For that reason, they exploited her popularity in order that they could get

advantage of their personal interest.

She had been courted by numerous politicians, rock stars, and businessmen, all of
whom wanted to benefit from a well-publicized romance with Rana. (TRL, 2002:36)
Man in alienation to others has created man’s relationship out of humanity. Working

for getting profit as the priority structured perfectly by capitalism through industry makes

people in the end unable to compare between the right benefit and the wrong one for himself

and others as this can been seen in the saying below. The dialog between Rana and Morey

took place on phone. Morey just got a call from a company offering them to continue

corporation again with high income; for that reason, he insisted Rana to receive the offer.

I see I’ve finally got your attention. I didn’t say we’d accept four hundred. I’ll counter
with six hundred and I think we’ll get an even half a million. How does that sound?


He chuckled, Not so ridiculous. I could use the bread (TRL, 2002:47)

Morey actually treated her step daughter like his own daughter, but in the other side he also

craved to get profit offered by the company. For that reason, he got Rana to agree with the

cooperation without realizing her that Rana was tired of it. That Morey did not realize how

Rana felt after he informed the corporation first agreed by him is the evidence which signifies

that man considers that both kinds of benefit mentioned above are the similar things because

of the structure prioritizing profit for human life in surviving. From the quotation just

attached, it really proves that eager based on material profit will cover humanity from his

view; his life is surrounded by condition of dehumanization.

Dehumanization through commodity can be found in the dialog between Susan

Ramsey and Rana. She commoditized her daughter whom she sold to somebody else in order

that she became rich by forcing Rana to marry an old but rich man, a businessman of famous

cosmetic product, who Rana should have considered him as her grandfather.

“All I’m asking is that you be nice to him, Rana. You’re such a strange girl,” Susan
Ramsey had said in exasperation. “Any other girl would be beside herself if Mr.
Alexander paid some attention to her”

“Then let ‘any other girl’ marry him”

“Who said anything about marriage?”

“I know you, Mother. You wouldn’t be foisting Mr. Alexander off on me if matrimony
hadn’t entered your mind. And it doesn’t have anything to do with morality. You’re
just too good a bargain hunter to settle for less”

“Would marriage to the owner of one of the largest cosmetics empires in the world be
so terrible?” she asked sarcastically. “Think of what such an alliance would mean to

your future”

“And to yours, Mother”

“I’ll take none of your sass! Now, Mr. Alexander called, and his car is picking you up
at eight. He sent this lovely diamond bracelet for you to wear tonight. Please go get
dressed” (TRL, 2002:46)

The dialogs above clearly show that the relationship of man to others is created for his

personal interest. Susan Ramsey did expect to be successful in career. In order to get the

success, she tried to create relationship to others, one of whom is Mr. Alexander giving a lot

of advantages for her. She never gave up using various kinds of attempt to make good

relationship to Mr. Alexander by compelling her daughter to approach him. Susan Ramsey,

because of her material obsession, could not see Rana as her daughter anymore but as

commodity which had to be worth a lot of profit for her. It infuriated Rana by emphasizing

her mother that she was not a commodity.

“I’m not a prostitute,” Rana had informed her mother calmly, but coldly. “Mr.
Alexander can keep his diamond bracelet and I’ll keep my self-respect” (TRL,

The emphasizing “I’m not a prostitute” is the top of Rana’s anger caused by Susan’s

ambition. She tried to realize her mother that such harshness by her mother had been treated

to her own daughter. But, the attempt to realize her mother did not get good respond from her.

From the quotation above, it is clearly seen that it was an emphasizing describing that

Rana was in the inner level of alienation which she felt so far. In her very early age, she had

to marry a man getting much older than her. She definitely had been suffered from a loss of

her freedom to go through her life as most women of her age did. That’s why, as told in the

novel, Rana could not spend her time making many friends because she was too busy with
her occupation; moreover, she was not allowed to have love relationship to man of her choice

because Susan Ramsey was too regularly to interfere her personal life, and she always

rejected every Rana’s decision. Rana had to do anything demanded by her mother.

As mentioned above, that she in her personal life actually had less friends but at work

she had more friends, colleagues, and other people admiring her so much. In fact, she realized

that people approaching her had particular purpose. This is because there is the showing

which narrated that Rana was crying happily because Trent had given her a small bouquet of

humble daisies.

Tears filled her eyes as she stared wordlessly into the cluster of daisies. She lowered
her face, nestling her nose among the dewy petals. She had been sent flowers often.
Extravagant arrangements of roses and orchids had come from counts and corporate
presidents. None had ever meant anything to her. This small, unpretentious bouquet of
humble daisies was the most precious gift she had ever received. (TRL, 2002:65)

That such unpretentious flower given by Trent as his apology to her made Rana cry happily

establishes that happiness even comes from simplicity. Rana saw the simple flower from

Trent as his sincerity. She often received bouquet of various flowers, but those flowers meant

nothing for her because she concerned that flowers were not given to her as Rana but as

commodity. By giving expensive and luxurious flowers, they expected Rana beauty

physically to be theirs. They wanted to use Rana’s beauty in order that all their products could

be sold in market. In opposite to Trent, he really gave the flower for Rana. He did not

consider the flower for Rana’s beauty as known that Rana in her new stay, where she met

Trent, changed her appearance to cover her beauty.

4.3.3 Alienation of Consumption

Alienation of consumption discusses about the separated state of man from the need of things

he bought. For that problem, this alienation refers to the dependence of man on buying a lot
of products pushed by something out of his need. In cultural industry, life style has the most

important role in the process of consumption, and it does determine their image as the

workers of cultural industry. Most well-known entertainers absolutely will get increase of

finance and life style. According to Celia Lury (Christina, 2005), life style refers to the action

of consumption meant as the way renewed by most people in the attempt of showing their

individuality and taste through the selection of particular products and the personality of

products; and the way renewed by most people in using those products actively. While, life

style by workers shows the way they use products indeed separated from the use. Entertainers

with their popularity commonly try to prove their success through their ability in buying

products which other people cannot afford to get. That is why it is very often found with their

very expensive collections.

The novel also narrates that entertainers are able to buy luxurious things to show that

they are successful in their career. In the novel, Rana was supposed to look graceful in front

of public by wearing nice clothes with the accessories as the evidence of her success.

Furthermore, Susan Ramsey emphasized the success by staying in a luxurious house in order

that people considered that she still could enjoy her life without husband. From that case, it

can be more shown that the eager of getting things for life style alienates man because

products have come out the function.

The dependence of man on buying products is not always for the ownership. Man also

buys a thing for his need. But, the term ‘need’ itself should be more elaborated by the

definition of consumption. Rachel Bowlby (Thornam, 2010) divides the definition of

consumption into two, hedonic consumption manipulated by various interesting

advertisements; and rational consumption calculating efficiently in the consciousness of the

goal and the desire. In industrial society, the first kind of consumption is more common than

the second. Hedonic consumption as just discussed above is matched with Fromm’s idea in

chapter 2. People have been spoiled by industry in giving various kinds of need which make

them think that they really need.

In similar to cultural industry, it is very often found various kinds of media trying to

manipulate consumers through celebrities with nice look. By using cultural industry,

advertisement for example, consumers are manipulated as if they really need the product.

While, advertisement, quoted from Williamson’s writing based on Marxist Analysis

(Thornham, 2010), tries to avoid the real problems in society and takes apart of building

ideological structures based on ‘false differences’. To take the point of the quotation above,

advertisement which should have a role in sharing information does not really inform real

solution of problems reflected to people’s need, but it tries to creates problems as it they were

serious problems which needed to be solved.

That is more emphasized by Van Zoneen (Sarwono, 2013) mentions one of three ritual

functions by most media; what is shared by media is actually satisfaction and need in falsity,

for example, female teenagers ensure that they have to take care of their look; for that reason,

they always do several body treatments by consuming beauty products, they then think that

their beauty standardization is normal if requirements of beauty standardization such as

white-skin, slim body, long hair are fulfilled. It is considered as false need because, Van

Zoneen continues, female character in real is not determined from appearance but

intellectuality, religion and many others out of appearance.

Those topaz-green eyes that had lured hundreds of thousands of women into buying
eye-shadow collections with names such as Sahara Sands and Forest Gems stared
back at her. Artfully made up, they were spectacular. Even without makeup, their
slanting almond shape was distinctive and arresting. Too arresting not to be
camouflaged by tinted glasses if she wanted her identity to remain a secret. (TRL,

This shows that consumers have been laid by false need provided by industry. They think that

they really need the product for their look considered as the important requirement in order

that other people like them. Advertisement, an important tool for media in promoting

products, actually shares false information through natural beauty of Rana’s used for a picture

illustrating the result after using the product. From the illustration, consumers then believe

that the product is really working, for that reason they think that they really need it.

Manipulation by media with the false need causes people become objects of

consumption alienating them to things they consume. It is because people (Liestyasari, 2005)

have been persuaded and brought into the exploitation circle of global capitalism. Then with

the skill at manipulating consumers by giving needs unnecessarily to get, they believe that

everything shared by media is important information that should be found out.

The dependence on purchase will take people into consumptive society, and it has

become culture, consumptive culture of consumerism. Most people of modern era, in

Maesaraturrijal’s writing quoted from his web, cannot avoid any kinds of information related

to the process of consumption in their full bustle; cultural industry never stops serving

various information which stimulating consumption through varieties of media ( Furthermore, he continues that in modern era various of information is

easy to access so that this can increase welfare for social life, but this also can decrease

society’s rationality because will cause the lack of people’s criticism toward vital things for

their life, government policy, or other phenomenon.

4.3.4 Alienation as a Problem of Mental Health

To ensure whether someone has a problem of mental health, people in modern in find out

through the way he can adapt himself in social life well. In this case, Rana, normatively, can

be diagnosed that she was healthy because she could run her social life well. At work, she

was professionally able to adapt herself to others and do her duty as a model. And, it can be

shown that Rana was successful in career; she often existed in various famous magazines and

became an icon of products. For her fame, many people admired her. But, a problem of

mental health is found out through concepts of mental health by Sullivan, security, intimacy,

and happiness; it will be found the opposite phenomenon.

The desire of being safe by following majority to avoid anxiety will make self-

understanding disappear. It can be proven that Rana had been alienated for long years exactly

since childhood, but her decision she to escape from alienation took long time. She tried to

comply with her mother’s wishes which she never expected. It took very long time for her to

leave her work which most people dreamt. And, that was an action which she needed to get


Meanwhile, intimacy is explained as the relationship of man to others for their

personal interest. The dependence of man on collaboration to others is very necessary for

them to run their social life well, but it will cause alienated man if the essence of intimacy is

misunderstood by egoism. In the recent case, it is often discovered that people egoistically

create collaboration to others. It can be established that Susan Ramsey, to get achievement,

ignored her daughter’s feeling. In this case, her ambition is a part of egoistic which will

alienate others.

Besides egoistic, the misunderstanding of intimacy in collaboration can be discovered

from the relationship of man to others like two abstractions which people have particular

purpose in making good relationship to others as described in the novel which has been

discussed in the dehumanization of work. And, that people commoditize others is also a part

of misunderstandings about collaboration.

The last concept is happiness. Of course, all people want happiness, and that is

something normal. But, if the mean of happiness is similarly meant by pleasure, it only

creates consumptive pleasure. The desire of consumptive pleasure will take people into

passiveness, and that is a desire alienating people. Through luxurious life style, entertainers

commonly enjoy their pleasure. Life style is not a part of happiness but pleasure.

When they cannot enjoy any pleasure anymore, they will be depressed. Most workers

in entertainment industry with their popularity will be depressed if their career in

entertainment is extinguished. In the novel, Morey committed suicide because of depression.

Even though from the diagnosis, it said that he forgot to take his daily medicine, it was

because he was depressed. In opposite to Rana, she could avoid depression by leaving

pleasures and finding the real happiness. And, she had got the happiness through pure love

from Ruby, a landlady which she never got from her mother and Trent who did not see her

physical beauty. She found the real happiness even from simplicity.



5.1 Conclusion

In brief, the process of work in capitalistic society has changed the essence of work from

activeness into passiveness, creativeness into laziness, and productiveness into

consumptiveness. The activeness turned into passiveness is because people work in the

command of their master’s. Passiveness then will bring people to laziness; they cannot

express their idea to do any kind of activity since they do not get their freedom to think.

Furthermore, they never become productive, for the way they work depends on how their

master commands them; for that reason, they keep being consumers. Consumptive enjoyment

and pleasure given by cultural industry are not meant by the real happiness. Such enjoyment

and pleasure even make people do irrational things out of their humanity as the casts in the

novel The Rana Look did like Susan Ramsey and Morey. In fact, the real happiness comes

from simplicity as described by the novel when Rana earned a simple life as a painter, one of

occupations returning the real mean of work.

5.2 Suggestion

From the phenomenon of alienation caused by work, it reminds us that we, at least, have

to do any kinds of activity based on our passion. Because of passion, we cannot be directed to

material things bringing into consumptive. Furthermore, consumptive because of

sophistication by industry does not mean that it should be left and gone back to

traditionalism. But, we have to use it more humanely and wisely


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