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Facts about Indus Valley Civilization, the cradle of world civilization.

o The Indus Valley Civilization was a part of the advanced Vedic culture and its
centre at the time was near the Saraswati River. This mighty and perennial
Saraswati river rose from the Himalayan Glaciers and flowed to the Rann of
Kutch and drained into the Arabian sea. There is a mention in the Rig Veda
about Saraswati river flowing between River Yamuna to the East and the
River Sutlej to the west.

o The Manu-samhita verse (2.17-18) points out that the region of the Vedic
Aryans is between the Saraswati and the Drishadvati Rivers, and so does
the Rig-veda (3.24.4).

o The city planning of Saraswati Valley Civilization reveals its advanced material
culture and its highly advanced and organized urban civilization. It is
incredible and unbelievable to us that its city planning is on par with the
modern one.
o Recent excavations done at Mehrgarh show that the antecedents of the Indus
Valley culture go back earlier than 6000 B.C. in India. J. F. Jarrige and R. H.
Meadow mentioned this in an article ' The Antecedents of Civilization in the
Indus Valley ' in Journal ' Scientific American' dated August, 1980.

o In his book, Vedic Glossary on Indus Seals, Dr. Natwar Jha in his
interpretation of the ancient script of the numerous recovered seals of the
Indus Valley civilization concluded that the words on the Indus Valley seals
were in Brahmi script, from the ancient Nighantu text. It is a glossary of
Sanskrit compiled by the sage Yaksa. Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata has
an account of Yaksa's search for older Sanskrit words. This certainly shows its
ancient Vedic connection.

o In the skeletal remains at the Harappan sites bones of horses are found at all
levels of these locations. The horse was one of the main animals of Vedic
culture in India and this is mentioned in the Rig-veda.
o Terracota figurines were carbon dated. Results indicate that they belonged to
the period between 3500 to 3000 BC; which also clearly indicates that Rig
Veda belongs to the period of 3500 BC.
o A report published in the 'India Today', in 2001 states that NIOT, an
organization that specializes in oceanic explorations for the purpose of finding
metallic nodules were working on a project to find the cause for water
pollution by industrial affluence in the gulf of Cambay, south of Gujarat. A
research ship was sent by NIOT took several pictures of the under water bed.
The ruins of the ancient civilization were found in these pictures.
o The pictorial evidence from Terracota pictures and metal figurines reveal that
the inhabitants were highly cultured and were not nomadic. One picture
depicts a person with two horns on his head sitting in the Yogic padmasana
posture. He is identified as Pasupati, the most ancient depiction of Lord Siva,
a Vedic deity.
o In another recent report, a wooden piece which was discovered on the sea bed
was sent to three laboratories in and around India for Carbon Dating. It is
claimed that it belongs to the period 7500 BC.

o 'India Today' sent a group of people to the US, Germany and England to
interview professors in ancient history. They now claim that Saraswati Valley
is the cradle of world civilization.

o There is much similarity betweeen the Vedic- Indic civilization, the Greek
Civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization, Acchordian and Shamanic
civilizations of the Native Americans. Scholars point that this similarity could
be because of the migration of Aryans (noble men) from India and not into
India. Surprisingly in the Vedas there is the mention of the word Gilgamesh
the King about whom the scriptures of the Mesopotamian and Acchordian
civilization speak about.
o Several Native American practices have a similarity to several Vedic practices.
For instance the Zorastrians in Iran are also fire worshippers like the Vedic
o The Greeks have a lot of knowledge about the Indian philosophy. This could
be due to the reason that the ancient Saraswati Valley Civilization was spread
all over the world taking the message of the Vedas to all countries.

Read this fascinating story : A metallic head was found in an antiquities shop in
Delhi to be thrown away as scrap for melting. An American tourist couple bought it
for a small amount and took it to the US. They noticed that a lot of scrap material
was coming from inside the head. Out of curiosity they sent it for carbon dating to
three laboratories across the world. All three dated it to 3000 BC. They were stunned
to find a wonderful description in the Rig Veda about sage Vasistha which had a
resemblance with the metallic head. So the Vedic scholars claim that this must be
Rishi Vasistha's head.

Then why did such a prosperous civilization vanish? is the question that
arises. The geological evidence tells that there was a drought around 3000 BC for
almost 100 years. As the rains failed, people started deserting this place and
migrated to the West, Iran, some to the East. Some went up to Mesopotamia and

When a place is deserted, sand takes over, mud takes over and the entire city starts
sinking. By about 2000 or2500 BC, it got converted into the famous Rajasthan

The Aryan invasion theory lacks justification.

Friedrich Maxmuller, the famous German Indologist of England came up with the
hypothesis that the Indus valley was the ancient settlements of Dravidians.
According to him, a race called Aryans who belonged to central Asia, for some reason
came down to Himalayas through Afghanistan to a place now called Harappa and
later migrated to Mohenjodaro. They were a nomadic group who drove away the
Dravidians to the south. Within 500 years they came up with very famous literature
known as Vedas. He dated Rig Veda to 1500 BC. In 1921 Sir John Marshall concluded
that they were the remnants of the ancient Dravidian civilization. However no
skeletons were found to credit the theory that the Aryans raged a series of battles
against Dravidians.

o DNA tests done by American and Indian Universities has proved beyond
doubt that the Indian Dravidian DNA is the same as so called Indian Aryan
DNA. This clearly establishes the fact that Aryans and the Dravidians are the
same people.

o A second study done at Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi, also debunks

Aryan Invasion theory independently.

Towards the end of his life Maxmuller revised his earlier views. In his letter to the
London Times he disclaiming whatever he had enunciated. He wrote, 'I now believe
that the Aryans were not a race which came from Central Asia. They were Indigenous
to India'.

Government of India has taken several initiatives to analyse and understand the
ancient civilization. In Satellite photography, the colour code is that areas abundant
in water appear blue or green and areas with sparse water appear red. To their
surprise, they found that satellite pictures scanned in parts of Rajasthan Deserts
appeared greenish or bluish.

Shri Aurobindo in his famous book " Secret of the Vedas" had mentioned about
the famous river Saraswati river hidden below the sand. What we now call the Indus
river is just a remnant of the ancient Saraswati river.

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