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Bone Age: A Handy Tool for

Pediatric Providers
Ana L. Creo, MD,​a W. Frederick Schwenk II, MDa,​b

Pediatricians have relied on methods for determining skeletal maturation abstract

for >75 years. Bone age continues to be a valuable tool in assessing
children’s health. New technology for bone age determination includes
computer-automated readings and assessments obtained from alternative
imaging modalities. In addition, new nonclinical bone age applications are
evolving, particularly pertaining to immigration and children’s rights to
asylum. Given the significant implications when bone ages are used in high-
stake decisions, it is necessary to recognize recently described limitations
in predicting accurate age in various ethnicities and diseases. Current
methods of assessing skeletal maturation are derived from primarily white
populations. In modern studies, researchers have explored the accuracy
of bone age across various ethnicities in the United States. Researchers
suggest there is evidence that indicates the bone ages obtained from
current methods are less generalizable to children of other ethnicities,
particularly children with African and certain Asian backgrounds. Many of
the contemporary methods of bone age determination may be calibrated to
individual populations and hold promise to perform better in a wider range
Divisions of aPediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism and
of ethnicities, but more data are needed. bEndocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo

Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Dr Creo conceptualized the idea and wrote the first

Bone age is an interpretation of bone age study, which may determine draft; Dr Schwenk assisted in refining the concepts,
provided guidance throughout the project, and
skeletal maturity, typically based on placement and access to resources.
reviewed the manuscript; and all authors approved
radiographs of the left hand and wrist Given its importance when bone age the final manuscript as submitted.
or knee, that has provided useful is used in high-stake decisions (such DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2017-​1486
information in various clinical settings as immigration or legal matters), its Accepted for publication Aug 31, 2017
for >75 years. A child’s bone age may limitations must be recognized in
or may not approximate his or her Address correspondence to W. Frederick Schwenk
predicting accurate age in various II, MD, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and
chronologic age (the actual age of the ethnicities and disease states. Bone Metabolism, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, Rochester,
child in years according to his or her age is an old test, but new data reveal MN 55905. E-mail:
birth date). Many factors influence the how the standardized methods PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
progression of skeletal development, compare with each other and perform 1098-4275).
including nutrition, genetics, hormones, for various ethnicities. Additionally, Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of
and disease states. Although many alternate methods for determining Pediatrics
providers routinely order a bone age bone age are being pioneered, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have
study when evaluating growth, the including automated methods, indicated they have no financial relationships
test can provide useful information for ultrasonography, and MRI. With this relevant to this article to disclose.
many clinical concerns. present review, we aim to identify FUNDING: No external funding.
Pediatricians need to be aware that the expected maturation changes in POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors
assessments of skeletal maturity now various disease states, explore recent have indicated they have no potential conflicts of
have wider applications, ranging from clinical and nonclinical applications interest to disclose.
elite sports selection and forensics to of bone age, summarize limitations
international immigration programs. in methods of skeletal maturity To cite: Creo AL and Schwenk WF. Bone Age: A
For example, many children seeking assessments, and discuss upcoming Handy Tool for Pediatric Providers. Pediatrics.
asylum are required to undergo a technology.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 6, December 2017:e20171486 State-of-the-Art Review Article
7.9 minutes, is the preferred
method among European

The GP method is most commonly
used by pediatric radiologists and
endocrinologists in the United
States. First published in 1950 and
revised in 1988, it is based on 1000
radiographs of children in Cleveland,
Ohio.‍3 The GP method compares
the overall visual appearance
of the hand with age standards.
This method’s disadvantage is
that established standards do not
exist for weighting different bones
(eg, long bones versus carpals),
and no hand fits perfectly to 1
standard, so the reviewer must
decide which point of maturation
dominates. The method is faster
(estimated to take 1.4 minutes)‍9
and can be taught easily, so that
new learners quickly achieve
accuracy and their intraobserver
FIGURE 1 variation is comparable to that of an
An example of skeletal maturation during childhood at various ages. A, 5 years of age. B, 7 years of experienced reader.‍11 Because it is
age. C, 9 years of age. D, 11 years of age. E, 13 years of age. F, 15 years of age. simpler and quicker, the GP method
is preferred by 76% of pediatric
endocrinologists and radiologists for
Methods of Assessing Skeletal Standardized methods of scoring
determining bone age.‍9
Maturity skeletal maturity have existed
for almost 100 years. The 2 most Multiple comparisons have been
The basis for skeletal maturation commonly used methods are the made in accurately predicting bone
assessment lies in the predictable Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) and age with both methods. In a study
changes of ossification centers over Greulich-Pyle (GP) methods.‍3–‍‍ 6‍ The of 362 bone age assessments, the
time (‍Fig 1). Long bones, including TW method was initially developed 95% confidence interval (CI) for the
the ulna, radius, and phalanges, in the 1930s with white European GP method was −2.46 to 2.18 years;
grow until the ends of the bones children.4 The Tanner-Whitehouse, for the TW2 method, it was smaller
(epiphyses) fuse with the metaphyses second edition (TW2), based on (95 % CI, 1.42 to 1.43 years).‍12 In
at the growth plates. This growth data from the 1950s and 1960s, was an Italian sample, chronologic age
plate fusion does not happen at the published in 1983 and updated in was more closely approximated
same time uniformly in a child’s 2001 as the Tanner-Whitehouse, with the TW3 method than with
body.‍1 The radiograph of the hand in third edition (TW3).‍5,​6‍ The TW3 the GP and TW2 methods.‍13
particular reveals many ossification method estimates ages that are The GP method scored children
centers, with progression over time, slightly younger than estimates with consistently younger than the TW2
and it is the standard for estimating the TW2 method.‍7 The TW method method, but TW3 age estimates
bone ages in children older than 3 calculates a radius, ulna, and short are known to be younger than
years of age (‍Fig 1). Children and bones score, with each major bone TW2 estimates.‍7,​14
‍ In addition, the
infants younger than 3 years of age in the hand contributing to the total TW3 method was found to slightly
have changes in the knee that can score. A meta-analysis deemed TW3 overestimate age, whereas the GP
be more easily appreciated and a more accurate estimate of age than method slightly underestimated
compared with changes in the hand; TW2 or GP in white populations, age, but the authors of that study
therefore, radiographs of the knee or and both TW3 and TW2 were more concluded that GP was superior
even the hemiskeleton are often used accurate than GP in white children.‍8 because it took less than half the
for young children.‍2 The TW method, estimated to take time compared to TW3.15

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2 Creo and Schwenk
Delayed Bone Age TABLE 1 Considerations in Delayed Bone Age
A traditional use of bone age has
  Constitutional delay (late bloomer)
been to assess a child’s growth and   Hypothyroidism
future height potential, particularly   Growth hormone deficiency
when a patient presents with   Panhypopituitarism
concerns about short stature or poor   Hypogonadism
  Cushing disease
growth. Although many processes
result in a delayed bone age (‍Table   Malnutrition
1), constitutional delay (late   Failure to gain wt as a result of disease
bloomer) is 1 of the most common   Inadequate bone mineralization
causes of a bone age delay and short Medications
  Glucocorticoids (including high-dose inhaled corticosteroids and oral budesonide in sensitive
stature.‍16 The conventional definition
of constitutional delay is a bone age   Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (modest effect)
at least 2 years less than chronologic   GnRH analogues (depot leuprolide and histrelin)
age in combination with associated   Aromatase inhibitors
short stature, delayed puberty, or Nonendocrine chronic disease
  Congenital heart disease
reaching final adult height later
  Chronic kidney disease
than peers.‍17,​18
‍ In contrast, children   Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
with familial short stature are short   Inflammatory bowel disease
because they have short parents; the   Liver disease
children have a normal bone age and   Celiac disease
  Cystic fibrosis
are destined to be short like their
  Severe asthma (likely from corticosteroid use)
parents. Many children evaluated   Immunodeficiency states, including HIV infection
at a referral center for short   Active tuberculosis
stature have familial short stature   Female athlete triad (leading to hypogonadism)
in combination with coexisting   Anorexia
  Neglect and abuse
constitutional delay.17,​18
‍ Although
many methods exist to predict   Trisomy 13, 18, and 21 syndromes
adult height, caution is required in   Turner syndrome
making these predictions. Among   Klinefelter syndrome
children with a 4-year delayed bone   Russell-Silver syndrome
age, final adult height has been GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone.
overestimated by 8 cm.‍19 Conversely,
in children with idiopathic short with cancer or cardiac, liver, or Poor nutrition or poor nutrition
stature and normal bone age, final kidney disease potentially have in the context of disease may halt
adult height predictions have been delays in skeletal maturation.‍22–‍‍ 26
‍ skeletal maturation.‍39,​40 In addition,
underestimated.‍20 Overall, final adult Diseases causing nutrient delays in skeletal maturation occur
height predictions have been slightly malabsorption, such as inflammatory in some unique genetic disorders,
more accurate for girls than for bowel disease, celiac disease, and including trisomy 21 syndrome,
boys.‍19 Serial bone ages and accurate cystic fibrosis, are associated with Turner syndrome, and Russell-Silver
height measurements over time delayed bone age.‍27–30 ‍‍ Processes ‍ 41‍ –43
syndrome.‍9,​16,​ ‍
are recommended for continually involving active inflammation or Endocrine problems causing short
assessing progress when growth is a infection, such as severe atopic stature are commonly associated
concern. dermatitis, juvenile idiopathic with delayed bone age; thus, a
arthritis, and immunodeficiency, can normal bone age is helpful in ruling
Children with chronic diseases may delay bone maturation independently out many endocrine conditions
have a delayed bone age because of of the poor weight gain that often and further testing.‍16 For example,
the disease process, whereas others occurs in children with these children with severe hypothyroidism
have normal skeletal maturation. conditions.‍31–‍‍‍‍ 37
‍ Psychiatric disease, do not have normal bone maturation,
Children who are born prematurely such as anorexia and depression, and the presence of age-appropriate
may have long-standing skeletal and social circumstances involving linear growth and a normal bone
maturation delays, and bone age may neglect and abuse are associated age are reassuring in the context of
continue to be slightly delayed until with poor growth and sometimes thyroid problems. At the extremes,
the child is 8 years old.‍21 Children with delayed skeletal maturation.‍38 providers must be aware that

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 6, December 2017 3
severe hypothyroidism causes such TABLE 2 Considerations in Advanced Bone Age
excessive production of thyrotropin- Endocrine
releasing hormone that crossover   Constitutional advancement (early bloomer)
stimulation of follicle-stimulating   Hyperthyroidism
  Precocious puberty
hormone and luteinizing hormone
  Premature adrenarche
leads to the unusual clinical picture   Ovarian tumors
of precocious puberty with delayed   Leydig cell tumors
bone age.‍44   Germ cell tumors
  Testicular tumors
Long-standing, untreated growth   Brain tumors and malformations (leading to precocious puberty)
hormone deficiency also leads to Nutritional
delayed skeletal maturation. Central   Obesity
Medications and supplements
pituitary problems because of
malformations, tumors, or infiltrative   Oral contraceptives
diseases may also cause delayed bone   Testosterone preparations
age from growth hormone deficiency   Lavender (estrogen-like effect)
or secondary hypothyroidism from   Tea tree oil (estrogen-like effect)
lack of thyrotropin secretion.‍45
  Familial male-limited precocious puberty
Also, any cause of hypogonadism at   McCune-Albright syndrome
puberty commonly slows skeletal   Sotos syndrome
maturation because estrogen   Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
and pubertal development are
critical in bone maturation. Excess
Advanced Bone Age or germ cell tumors can trigger
corticosteroid use was thought to
precocious puberty and lead to rapid
oppose skeletal maturation such A bone age that is rapidly advancing
skeletal changes. Brain tumors and
that Cushing disease (with delayed may be a normal variant or a
malformations may also trigger
bone age) could be distinguished cause for concern (‍Table 2). As in
central precocious puberty with
from simple obesity (with advanced families with a tendency toward
skeletal advancement. Adrenal
bone age). However, researchers constitutional delay, constitutional
tumors and adrenal disease alone
have reported conflicting evidence advancement (early bloomers) also
(eg, congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
of delay, with data from the largest runs in families.‍56 Many families
are associated with advanced bone
study revealing that Cushing disease have a history of early puberty. In
‍‍‍ In addition, hyperthyroidism
was usually associated with normal general, African American girls have
is associated with an advanced bone
or advanced bone age, and that only earlier puberty and therefore have
age, which may be independent of
3% of children with Cushing disease more relative skeletal advancement
pubertal progression.‍64,​65

had delayed bone age.‍46–49
‍‍ when compared with white girls.‍57
Although puberty in white children
Certain medications alter bone Like the process of puberty,
rarely occurs before age 8 years in
development. Most commonly, medications and supplements with
girls and 9 years in boys, Hispanic
exogenous corticosteroids may or sex steroid effects advance the bone
and African American girls may have
may not inhibit bone maturation. age. Estrogen and oral contraceptive
normal puberty as early as 6 years.‍58
Small doses of exogenous pills, which quickly close epiphyseal
corticosteroids and even inhaled Most other causes of bone age plates and halt further growth, are
corticosteroids and oral budesonide advancement are because of used in growth attenuation therapy
are absorbed systemically and sex steroid exposure or obesity. as discussed below. Exposure to
may lead to delayed skeletal Conditions that accelerate topical testosterone and estrogen
maturation in select sensitive puberty also accelerate bone products may also close epiphyseal
children.‍50–‍‍ 53
‍ Amphetamines and age advancement. In evaluating plates. Less recognized are
dextroamphetamines, when used to precocious pubertal disorders, the supplements with potent estrogen
treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity presence of a rapidly progressing effects. Two essential oils, lavender
disorder, may decrease height bone age is concerning. Pathologic and tea tree oil, may have some
velocity and presumably delay causes of precocious puberty estrogen effect when used topically,
bone age. However, in a prospective that produce enough estrogen, but the findings have been reported
study, no maturation delay was testosterone, or adrenal hormones from only small case series.‍66,​67

found in children taking stimulant can cause marked skeletal Additionally, excessive consumption
medications.54,​55 ‍ advancement. Ovarian, Leydig, of foods containing phytoestrogens

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4 Creo and Schwenk
(eg, soy) could theoretically advance to a different population, centers countries must decide how to grant
the bone age, but this possibility across the United States are offering asylum and provide protection
has not been studied extensively growth attenuation therapy for and welfare as fairly as possible.‍85
and remains controversial as an developmentally delayed children The US Immigration and Customs
endocrine disrupter.‍68,​69
‍ who will be dependent on caregivers Enforcement suggests that age
The largest cause of widespread for life, with the hope of improving examination based on wrist and hand
skeletal advancement is the increased the child’s and parent’s quality of radiographs may be considered, but
prevalence of childhood obesity. life.‍78,​79 they should not be used as complete
Overnutrition is clearly associated evidence.86 Although each country
with mildly advanced bone age.‍70,​71 ‍ has a variation of the process, the
Although these children are typically
Other Bone Age Applications assessment of skeletal maturity by
taller than peers throughout early bone age for age determination is the
Bone age has been used in nonclinical
childhood, many start puberty earlier second most common technique after
settings. With the emphasis on
and their growth plates fuse sooner. interview or documentation.‍85
athletics and athletic performance,
The specific mechanism is not well bone ages are being used to help The United Nations High
understood, but 2 groups have guide sporting decisions and Commissioner for Refugees
found correlation between higher resources for potentially elite guidelines suggest accounting for
homeostatic model assessment of athletes. Young boy athletes who the child’s physical maturation
insulin resistance, insulin levels, and want to participate competitively in and psychological maturation.‍87
bone age advancement, although this sports that emphasize stature may Other organizations, such as the
may simply reflect higher adiposity have bone age assessments to decide United Nations Children’s Fund,
and not a causal relationship.‍70,​72
‍ how much time and how many highlight the importance of the
Many clinicians consider resources to invest in early sport- cultural and social context of age
hypothyroidism in the differential specific training.‍80 For 477 young, assessments and interpretation of
diagnosis of severe obesity, but an white boy athletes who presented skeletal assessments.‍88 Although
advanced bone age is unlikely with to an outpatient sports medicine some countries rely heavily on
severe hypothyroidism. clinic and requested estimates for bone age, others consider the entire
Few syndromes are associated with final adult height, results from the developmental picture, supported
advanced bone ages. Boys with TW2 method for estimating adult by experts who encourage a more
familial male-limited precocious heights agreed with the final adult global and flexible approach.‍89–91
‍ In
puberty because of Leydig cell heights achieved.‍80 In addition, some sources, researchers suggest
hyperplasia and increased bone age, along with a pubertal that combinations of skeletal
testosterone production have timing estimate, can predict success and dental age assessments, still
advanced bone ages. Patients with for early-maturing boys in most limited by ethnic variations, may
McCune-Albright syndrome are sports and for late-maturing girls in improve accuracy for immigration
prone to have precocious puberty gymnastics and ballet.‍81 purposes.‍92–‍‍ 95
‍ Sweden, a country
and hyperthyroidism, resulting that admits some of the largest
Although official recommendations
in an advanced bone age. Two numbers of unaccompanied children
are against using bone age to
other overgrowth syndromes, in Europe (35 000 children in 2015
determine age when age is unknown,
Sotos and Beckwith-Wiedemann alone), began a new system in 2017
bone age is still used in both legal
syndromes, may accelerate skeletal that includes dental and skeletal
and policy matters.‍82 In forensic
‍ assessments to determine age.96
cases, the TW3 method has been
Achieving an advanced bone age is deemed most accurate.‍83 Another
an important outcome in growth application that pediatric providers
Limitations in Bone Age
attenuation therapy. Growth must be aware of is the use of bone
attenuation therapy has historically age to accept or deny international
been offered to tall girls in specific immigration. The United Nations With potentially important
European countries, but it has Convention on the Rights of the Child decisions resting on the accuracy
become less popular because of gives children the right to universal of determining bone age, the
concerns about future fertility.‍75–‍ 77
‍ safeguards and concessions.‍84 With shortcomings of the various methods
For these girls, ethinyl estradiol more children and adolescents for assessing skeletal maturity must
is used to achieve rapid bone age crossing borders, being separated be understood. Both TW and GP
advancement and shorter adult from families, and not having methods developed standards based
height. Applying the same technique documentary evidence of age, many on a largely white population. An

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 6, December 2017 5
early comparison of 599 bone ages TABLE 3 Ethnic Variations in Skeletal Maturation Compared With White Children
across various ethnicities found the Delayed
most discrepancies among African   Middle Eastern boys: 0.25–0.5-y delay
American girls and boys, Hispanic   Pakistani boys: 0.5-y delay
  Iranian boys: 0.5-y delay
girls, and Asian American boys.‍97
  Southeast Asian children
The GP method was assessed blindly   Average delay: 0.5 y
by radiologists who read films of   Indonesian boys: 1-y delay
children from 4 ethnic backgrounds   Indonesian girls: 0.5-y delay
living in Los Angeles from 2003   Indian children: 1-y delay (boys > girls)
  Asian American boys
to 2013.‍98 When compared to GP
  Children <7 y old: ≥2-y delay
standards, Asian American boys Advanced
showed a significant characteristic   African American children, especially girls: markedly advanced (10% are >2 SDs advanced)
delay in bone age from ages 2 to 7   Middle Eastern girls
years (P = .03), and children aged 4   Iranian girls
No change
to 6 years had a delay of >2 years.
  Korean children
Data for African Americans did not   Pakistani girls
reveal a tight correlation with GP   Italian children
standards; many values were outside   Scottish children
the normal limits, with significantly
advanced and delayed bone ages
for boys was 4.5 months less than GP years (95% CI, 0.37 to 0.47 years)
(P = .048). The GP standards did reveal
standards, and bone age for girls was compared to the GP method, and an
close congruence between Hispanic
older by 0.5 months compared to GP SD of 0.8 years (95% CI, 0.68 to 0.93)
and white children.‍98 In another
standards.‍105 In Italy, the TW2, TW3, compared to the TW3 method.‍107
assessment, values for African
and GP methods were compared When used with a Japanese cohort,
American children were shown to
among patients aged 6 to 20 years. BoneXpert performed excellently
have significantly advanced bone
The TW2 method had errors for both (SD, 0.17 years; 95% CI, 0.15 to 0.19
ages compared to GP standards (P =
sexes and was deemed unreliable; years) compared to manual readings
.002); values for 10% of the children
the GP and TW3 methods predicted (SD, 0.72 years; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.76
were outside 2 SDs.‍99
age among boys equally well, but years).‍109 The height prediction
among girls the TW3 method was model in BoneXpert, when applied
As providers care for children of
superior to GP.‍13 In a Scottish study, retrospectively to 1124 children
various ethnicities, results from
researchers found good correlation aged 6 years, performed well; the
international studies may be
between the GP method and the root-mean-square deviation between
increasingly relevant (‍Table 3).
study population, with a slight predicted and actual heights was 2.8
Indonesian girls had an estimated
tendency to overestimate the ages of cm for boys and 3.1 cm for girls.110
0.5-year delay in bone age compared
girls and underestimate the ages of
with white girls, and Indonesian boys Hand radiographs have
boys younger than 13 years.‍106
had a 1-year delay compared with conventionally been used to
white boys.‍100 Korean children’s evaluate bone age, but new work
bone ages were accurately estimated Technology and Future Directions is being done with dual-energy
with both GP and TW3 methods, and radiograph absorptiometry (DXA),
both showed good correlation with New commercial means are available ultrasonography, and MRIs.‍111,​
chronologic age.‍101 Indian children for automating the bone age reading 112
‍ Although most children never
also had delayed bone age, with up and for determining bone age from have DXA scans performed, being
to a 1-year delay in boys aged 7 to other imaging modalities. In 2008, able to simultaneously determine
12 years.‍102 In Pakistan, researchers the first fully automated method, skeletal age and bone density may
in 1 study found that the GP method BoneXpert (Visiana, Hørsholm, be convenient in a select pediatric
results correlated closely with age Denmark), was developed.‍107 The population. In a small cohort of 38
for girls but not for boys,​103 and in BoneXpert software can calculate children, additional DXA readings
a larger study, researchers found TW2, TW3, and GP scores with a with Lunar iDXA (GE Healthcare,
that chronologic age compared with precision within 0.18 years compared Little Chalfont, UK) of the left hand
bone age for boys and girls when the to a manual precision of 0.58 years showed excellent agreement with
GP method was used.‍104 In a large- for the same radiographs.‍108 With an interclass correlation coefficient
scale evaluation of Iranian children, original data from 1559 images, of 0.97 between traditional films
researchers concluded that bone age BoneXpert results had an SD of 0.42 and DXA readings.‍111 Children with

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6 Creo and Schwenk
a delayed bone age often have an associated with using bone age for 8. Serinelli S, Panetta V, Pasqualetti P,
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and meta-analysis. Leg Med (Tokyo).
the same chronologic age.‍112 When better for a wider range of ethnicities,
bone age is assessed with DXA, the but more data are needed.
bone mineral density z score can 9. De Sanctis V, Di Maio S, Soliman AT,
be recalculated according to bone Raiola G, Elalaily R, Millimaggi G. Hand
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their accuracy is questionable.113,​114
‍ 10. van Rijn RR, Thodberg HH. Bone age
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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 6, December 2017 11
Bone Age: A Handy Tool for Pediatric Providers
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Bone Age: A Handy Tool for Pediatric Providers
Ana L. Creo and W. Frederick Schwenk II
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