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July 16, 2019

Interviewer: [Pause] Thank you. Here we are. As I was just explaining to you in the sub-
conference check, I am a professional moderator. This is what I do for a living so,
again, I am going to be talking to you about the Assured Living program today but
next week, I might be talking to people about how they shop for groceries or what
they like about the SUV they’re driving. I don’t work for -

Respondent: [Crosstalk] – four seven, where is that coming from?

Interviewer: I’m sorry?

Respondent: The phone number shows here 847 for the area code.

Interviewer: 847, that is probably the conference line for Civicom.

Respondent: Where you’re located at?

Interviewer: I am an independent market research so I am located in Western Massachusetts. We

are using a conference bridge from another company. I can ask where the area
code is. I promise that would help.

Respondent: I’m just trying to make sure that I’m not going to get charged for some offshore
phone bills like what’s happened in the past.

Interviewer: No, you will not be charged for any. There is no charge for participating in this
research and, as a reminder, we will be giving you an honorarium, a financial thank
you for spending this time with us, okay? | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: Right.

Interviewer: As I was saying, this purpose of this research is to improve the Assured Living
program. These results will be used directly by United Healthcare to make the
program better for people like yourself in the future. I’m going to be jotting down
some notes while we chat to keep track of things but we’re also recording this call.
That’s going to help me at end when I pull together the report with the findings
that I mentioned to you on the sub-conference. Why don’t you tell me a little bit
about yourself, Jack? Again, please don’t share anything that you feel might be too
personal but I’d love to just have you tell me a little bit about your family, how
you spend your time, that kind of thing.

Respondent: I’m just by myself, retired from the state of California and I haven’t really got any
other family really close to have here.

Interviewer: What do you like to do for fun?

Respondent: I ride Harleys, a little movies and fishing.

Interviewer: What’s a good movie that you’ve seen recently?

Respondent: Marvel movies.

Interviewer: Excellent, I have a teenage son at home so we’re very up on all the Marvel
everything. [Laughter] Let’s talk about the Assured Living program. As I mentioned
on the sub-conference, one of the first things I’m interested in is how you
connected with the program. Can you talk to me a little bit about that? Think back
to when you first learn about the program. Where did you come across the
program? How are you connected with that?

Respondent: I saw some of the questions that we’re going to miss but then, I’m trying to
remember how I spotted it. I don’t know if it was something United Healthcare
sent out or if it was Best Buy that did it because I know they sent their technician
out to put the program in.

Interviewer: Right, but you think - [Crosstalk] | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: - Best Buy maybe.

Interviewer: One of the two, what caught your attention? Whether it was UHC or Best Buy that
reached out, what was it about the program that made you think “I want to look
into this?”

Respondent: Since I’m living by myself, if it’s a monitoring system that tracks things, you’ll get
out of bed after a certain amount of time. They’re going to contact somebody and
let them know just in case something happens and I can’t get out of bed or
something. That’s the reason why I got it.

Interviewer: When you were first reading about the program, was their anything [Unintelligible]
to you as a potential negative or concern? Did you have any questions about
anything that you read?

Respondent: No.

Interviewer: After you first heard about the program, what happened next? How did you go from
first hearing about it to actually participating in the program?

Respondent: I just put it in a thing saying I was interested in the program and it went from
there. They contacted me and somebody came out to put the stuff in.

Interviewer: Got you. Talk to me about the insulation process. How did that work out for you?

Respondent: The technician’s name was Christian and I got his phone number here too just in
case I need it for anything. He was real good about everything. He gave me his
phone number and he actually came out here because the monitor that is in the
bed that I use at night wasn’t working right so he came out and swapped it out for
another one. The whole thing right now is I’m really thinking about dropping the
whole system because I get a call from this lady once a month asking how things
are going and stuff and she called up saying “We’re not getting any messages from
the monitors on your bed.” I said “Well, [you laid on it],” and it’s a problem with
the thing because it wrinkles up a bit so you get little [Crosstalk]. I’ve been
sleeping a little bit hard so every now and then, you’ve got to try to unwrinkle the
thing. It lays flat and it’s still acting up where she can’t get any responses saying | | 888-223-9488

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I’m laying on the thing in my bed so it’s not working and that’s the little thing
there. It’s not working and she knows it. She says “I should contact somebody and
fix that.” Okay, do that. I haven’t heard anything back. I haven’t heard any kind of
advice. Christian hasn’t called saying “I got a call,” from whoever the lady is,
again, that calls me saying [Crosstalk] check your thing again. He actually left
another bed monitor and another chair monitor downstairs that I have when I get
home at night. We have two of those here just in case we have to swap not again.
He’s on top of his game but it doesn’t seem like the system is on top of its game
the rest of the way.

Interviewer: Got you.

Respondent: They should be sending somebody out here just to make sure it’s working properly
and she sticks on her own to do it not [Unintelligible] have me. You can give them
a call and do this and have them come out and stuff. I’m sitting [Unintelligible] to
have to call them. It’s their machine. It’s their monitoring system.

Interviewer: [Crosstalk] You want them to take care of it for you.

Respondent: Yes, if they want me to stay on this thing, then they should be doing it. That’s the
reason why I’m talking to you about this right now is maybe this would help get
things moving a bit.

Interviewer: I absolutely appreciate that and I can assure that this will go again directly to UHC
and they will hear about the kind of problems like this the people are having. It
sounds like there are a couple of different things going on. The monitors on the bed
make sleeping challenging so it’s just not working as well as it could be just in that
comfort and livability area and after that, it doesn’t appear to be actually doing its
job. It’s not sending the information to them and then, you’re having difficulty
getting a resolution to this problem. They’re not being as proactive as you need
them to be in terms of making sure they’re fixing this for you without you having to
pay for a lot of phone calls and go through the hassle so I hear that.

Respondent: Anybody else would need a new monitor to use in the bed because this one here
wrinkles up. I’m laying on it right now while I’m talking to you. I can feel the sheet
underneath and if I got to sit every night before I go to bed, reach down, pull up | | 888-223-9488

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the sheet, go underneath and try to straighten it all out so it fits into the cover
that’s in there [Crosstalk] [Unintelligible]. I try to figure different ways to pull it
out so the wrinkles go out and lay flat. I shouldn’t have to do that every day and

Interviewer: What about the other monitoring equipment that comes with the system? Is the
monitor on the bed the biggest problem or are you having issues with any of the
other monitors?

Respondent: Everything else seems to be working, right?

Interviewer: Okay.

Respondent: When that lady calls me up, she says “It says you’re in the bathroom so many times
a day.” They’ve got a monitor in the bathroom up here in my bedroom and they’ve
got monitors down there in the living room that spots any movement down there.
That one works fine. The bathroom works fine. I guess the one I sit on the chair I
sit in is fine. The only one that’s acting up is the one up here in the bed.

Interviewer: Got you. From other members that I talked to, I know that there’s also a pendant
that you can wear that’s got a panic button so if you fall, it would send the alert.
How is the pendant working for you?

Respondent: It’s not too bad. I don’t wear it that often. I got it down where the chair where I sit
at in the living room and I have it next to me there in case something happens.
Other than that, I don’t wear it when I’m going to go bed. I don’t want to roll over
and hit it by accident or something.

Interviewer: Got you. If you’re not wearing that often and you’re choosing not to wear it when
you go to sleep because you don’t want to trigger it accidentally, are there other
everyday situations where you are opting not to wear it? I want to understand what
is a “I’m wearing the pendant situation” and what’s a “I’m not going to risk
wearing the pendant situation?”

Respondent: I would think that the only time you’re supposed to wear the pendant is when
you’re at home if it works out at a distance away from the monitoring device that’s | | 888-223-9488

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in the living room. Is it set up? I don’t even know that for sure. Is it [Unintelligible]
that can be 10 miles away and push the button and it still works? I don’t know.

Interviewer: I don’t have the answer to that. Are you wearing it all the time at home except for
when you’re in bed going to sleep or there are other times when you’re taking it
off as well?

Respondent: A lot of times I don’t because I need to sit in that chair. It’s right next to where I’m
setting that so I can reach it easily enough.

Interviewer: Got you.

Respondent: That’s about it. I still work. I got tired of being retired so I drive Lyft so a lot of
times, I’m out driving during the day time so I’m not home.

Interviewer: Got you.

Respondent: We all come back and grab some lunch. I leave again. I come back for the evening
and I’m staying there and that’s my routine.

Interviewer: I’m going to ask you to do a couple of sentence completion exercises with me. I’m
going to tell you a sentence and I want to hear how you would finish the sentence.
I chose to participate in the Assured Living program because –

Respondent: I wanted peace of mind that if something happened to me, somebody would get
the word quick enough to help me.

Interviewer: For what happens to the data, who is going to be alerted? Is that going to be sent
to the local police? Do you happen to know who’s going to be –

Respondent: They have my brother’s phone number and they have my friend’s number.

Interviewer: Okay, how do you go about - [Crosstalk]

Respondent: I gave a key to my house and she knows that if she gets a call and she can’t get
hold of me, at least she’s got a key to come up and get into the house. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: Got you. What do they feel about the program when you talk to them about it?
What was their reaction?

Respondent: My brother got upset because he said that the lady that called him up acted like
she was his best friend. He didn’t know who she was when she called and she
started saying different things to him about his personal information and stuff that
she’d gotten from me or when Christian got the information when we were setting
the whole program up. She just called him like “Hey, this is your best bud,” and
she’s mouthing off all the stuff about where he lived and all those kinds of things
and he didn’t know. He thought it was some kind of a scam or something and hung
up on it. He called me up and he was all up in arms about it and he said “Yes, I
don’t mind if they have my number. If something happens to you, they’ll call me
and let me know but I don’t want to get this happy-go-lucky person talking to me
about everything and being all chummy with me and I don’t know who the hell
she’s talking about and who she is or anything. I don’t need all that stuff. I don’t
have time for that.”

Interviewer: Got you.

Respondent: That was the thing he was upset about.

Interviewer: Thinking about your complete experience so far with Assured Living, how satisfied
would you say you are with the program on a 1-10 scale where 10 is the best
possible rating?

Respondent: Probably about a six.

Interviewer: Okay, I am going to ask you for another numeric rating, our 1-10 scale for some
specifics and I know that we’ve talked about a number of these but I just want to
drill down and get the numbers from you. For the monitoring device and equipment
factoring in the bed monitor that is not working, the other monitors that do seem
to be doing their job, on our 1-10 scale, how would you rate your satisfaction with
the monitoring equipment? | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: I’m going to leave it at six. I’m waiting to see if they’re going to do anything about
fixing up this mattress one. If I don’t get any response from her, then I’m going to
tell them to pull the stuff out of my house. That’s where I’m at right now.

Interviewer: Understood, how is the alert to the program? How would you rate your satisfaction
with the alerts?

Respondent: What do you mean by the alerts?

Interviewer: It sounds like you have not had any experience with the devices alerting anyone yet
to an emergency on your part. How about the data? Are you using any data through
the program?

Respondent: No.

Interviewer: Or do you feel like that they can tell that I’m getting up and doing what I’m
supposed to be doing so is that of less use to you personally that that data is being

Respondent: What gets me is they’re not receiving any information that I’m sleeping on the bed.
That’s happening to the monitor. I would think they would have called me every
day of the week saying “We’re not showing that you’re on the bed. Are you okay?,”
or something like this. I’m not getting call about that or - [Crosstalk]

Interviewer: Okay, [Crosstalk].

Respondent: - the lady calls once a month saying “We’re still not receiving information about
your bed.” Why does it take a month for somebody to call up say “We’re not
getting anything from you.” They should be calling me to say “Are you actually
lying on that bed? If there’s a problem, we’ll come out and fix it.” That’s not

Interviewer: Now, I know that you had a good experience with Christian coming by to do the
installation. How would you rate that experience on our 1-10 scale?

Respondent: Ten, he’s the only bright light in the whole program as far as I can see. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: Now, you said you have contacted them for support and you’ve had a couple of
different experiences. Christian, your technician, did come to swap the monitors
out but then, on the other hand, you’ve also had some difficulty with this mattress
monitor that is still not resolved so it sounds like you’ve had a mixed bag with
support to the program. Is there anything else for support that we haven’t yet
talked about?

Respondent: No, they want me to be monitored on the bed and make sure I’m alive and each
morning, if I don’t get up at a certain time, then there’s something wrong. They
would be contacting me and that’s not [Unintelligible] because it’s not working.
It’s not working. I would think that whoever is monitoring that I’m sure he would
be getting in contact with me saying “Are you sleeping on that bed or what?” If I
tell them no, I would think they would send somebody out to fix it. That hasn’t

Interviewer: Okay.

Respondent: More on that with things - [Crosstalk] I think I should call Christian up to say, “This
monitor is still not working. Can you come back out when you find time between
putting in systems for other people?” [Crosstalk] – he swung by here to swap it out
for me that time and he’s the one that was telling me about the fact that these
things wrinkle up. He was showing it how he unwrinkles it and everything. I tried to
lay it out again but it’s still happening so they need a different type of bed

Interviewer: Certainly, have you heard about any other programs that are similar to Assured

Respondent: I really didn’t pay any attention to it. [Crosstalk] – kinks out of it.

Interviewer: Thinking back to when you first heard about the assured living program or first
considering it yourself, given everything that we’ve talked about, how does your
experience with the program compare with what you expected to get out of it?

Respondent: It’s not. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: It sounds like you have had some significant disappointments. Tell me if I’m putting
words in your mouth but it sounds like you would have expected the mattress to
function the way it should.

Respondent: That’s the only reason why I’m doing this interview with you is to get the word
back to them that their system doesn’t work. They’re not putting in as much effort
as they should. That’s the only reason why I’m in this call to do this thing.

Interviewer: Absolutely, I appreciate that so the mattress monitor not working as it is intended
to do and on top of that, needing to be more proactive about resolving this
problems for you so that you’re not having to wonder if they’re going to get in
touch with and have this hanging over your head. Have you taken any action as a
result of having the Assured Living program that you might not have done if you
weren’t on the program? You said that you were tired of being retired and you have
been out there. Has that anything to do with the program or is that completely

Respondent: I was working before I get the program.

Interviewer: It didn’t sound like you have a high level of need. Have you felt any change in
terms of feeling more secure at home or healthier? Has it had any positive impact
on your peace of mind, well-being and health?

Respondent: No, I didn’t go in for that.

Interviewer: It sounds like if things continue as they are, you have said that you are likely to
drop out of the program. Tell me what could United Healthcare do at this point to
not only retain as a participating member but transform this experience for you so
it turns from something that is a disappointment into something that you’re
thinking “I’m really glad I’m doing this. I’m going to tell my friends that they
should look at this as well.” What would they need to do to turn that around for

Respondent: If this is going to go back to United Healthcare, I would say to tell them to light a
fire under this Assured Living ass to get them to get their equipment working the | | 888-223-9488

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right way. Otherwise, I think United Healthcare should drop Assured Living and go
look for somebody else that’s a little bit better.

Interviewer: With functional equipment [Crosstalk] and proactive support, okay, based on your
experience with the Assured Living program so far, how likely would you be to
recommend your UHC plan to friends and family who may be eligible for it?

Respondent: Nothing, I’m not going to recommend something that doesn’t work right.

Interviewer: How about your image of Best Buy? We know that Best Buy is affiliated with this
program. Does the Assured Living program have any impact on your image of Best

Respondent: No, I always do my business with them.

Interviewer: It sounds like you’ve had a negative experience with the program and it seems like
that has had a negative effect on your image of United Healthcare that you would
not recommend United Healthcare to your friends and family but it sounds like, it
hasn’t –

Respondent: No, I thought you said you were talking about I was going to recommend -

Interviewer: The program, I get you. Tell me what’s your image of - [Crosstalk]

Respondent: United Healthcare has taken care of me perfectly over the years.

Interviewer: Okay.

Respondent: I wouldn’t recommend Assured Living to anybody. That’s what I was saying.

Interviewer: Got you. Thank you for clarifying. So United Healthcare, negative experience with
Assured Living but that hasn’t affected your image of United Healthcare which has
always taken care of you and it hasn’t had a negative impact on your impression of
Best Buy which sounds like that’s positive. You have done business with Best Buy in
the past and you’re going to continue doing that so the problem is really isolated to
this Assured Living program that needs to get their equipment functioning and | | 888-223-9488

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needs to be proactive about resolving issues for members. Is there anything else
that we have not yet talked about that you really want the Assured Living program
to be aware of that they can fix for people.

Respondent: No, they take care of that, I would be happy. Then, I would feel comfortable
knowing that if I don’t get up by a certain time out of the bed, that I’m going to
give an alert or somebody’s going to call my friend to call me up and say “Hey, are
you okay because Assured Living called and said that, usually, you’re out of bed by
8:00 AM and you haven’t moved.” That’s not happening so I don’t have any
assurance that if something happens to me like if I get paralyzed, I might be lying
in bed for a month before somebody came over and unlocked the door and came in
and found me because I would be dead by that time.

Interviewer: I so appreciate you spending some time talking about this with me. I know that you
had some concerns about doing this and I hope this was a positive experience for
you. I will make sure that that feedback definitely gets back to United Healthcare
and the Assured Living program. Keep an eye out on the honorarium I mentioned.
Our “thank you” for participating in this research should reach you in a couple of
weeks. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Respondent: Have a good day.

Interviewer: You too, bye bye. [Pause]

- End of Recording - | | 888-223-9488

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