Assessment Task 2

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Assessment task 2

Develop an operational plan that includes Xây dựng kế hoạch hoạt động bao gồm
Executive summary Tóm tắt
stakeholders, consultation and approvals các bên liên quan, tham vấn và phê duyệt
operational goals and expected outcomes mục tiêu hoạt động và kết quả mong đợi
action plan (convert stratergies to actions kế hoạch hành động (chuyển đổi chiến lược
key performance indecators (KPIs) thành hành động
Human resource requirements (including người bảo vệ hiệu suất chính (KPIs)
training or PD and stratergies to address the Yêu cầu nguồn nhân lực (bao gồm đào tạo
requirements) hoặc PD và chiến lược để giải quyết các yêu
physical and other resource requirements cầu)
(including statergies to require resources) yêu cầu tài nguyên và tài nguyên khác (bao
budget / cost expectations gồm cả tài liệu để yêu cầu tài nguyên)
Key reponsibilities, including intellectual ngân sách / chi phí kỳ vọng
property rights and responsibilities Trách nhiệm chính, bao gồm quyền và trách
communication plan (how respective nhiệm sở hữu trí tuệ
responsibilities and KPIs will be kế hoạch truyền thông (cách thức trách
communicated) nhiệm và KPI tương ứng sẽ được truyền
Monitoring and evaluation đạt)
Contingency plan Giám sát và đánh giá
Kế hoạch dự phòng

communication plan (how respective responsibilities and KPIs will be communicated) kế

hoạch truyền thông (cách thức trách nhiệm và KPI tương ứng sẽ được truyền đạt)

 Send guests by room phone and cell to direct them if hotel

operations are disrupted or if an evacuation is needed.
 Send emergency alerts to security teams to direct them in crowd
control and managing external threats.
 Automated notification to provide entertainment suggestions,
directions, tips for added comfort and traffic or weather alerts over
the course of multiple-day-long event.
 Locate staff using mass notification that can reach them on devices
that include desk phone, cell phone, email, SMS, Blackberry and
 Manage staffing with automated notification that considers on-
premise and on-call schedules.
 Receive responses by voice or by written message, with responses
displayed in real-time, as well as archived.
Internal and External Stakeholder
Companies in the hospitality industry range from casinos, hotels and resorts,
to concerts, amusement parks and more. In each of these segments, tools
like Send Word Now and MIR3 are used to communicate things like
reservation details, weather events that may impact visitors, or even the
sudden closure of a property or other location to ensure everyone has the
information needed to plan their travel and stay accordingly.

For companies in the hospitality and entertainment industries, customer

satisfaction drives referrals and return visits that are critical to growing
revenue and being successful in the long term. To help ensure customers are
satisfied, companies need tools like MIR3and Send Word Now to
communicate clearly and reliably through all types of devices with a very
broad audience

Enterprise Class Mass Notification Solutions

Send Word Now’s award-winning mass notification system is proven to help
organizations worldwide improve readiness, response, and recovery through
better communication. Within seconds, and from any location, voice, text,
email, desktop and other alerts can be sent to any audience. Just as
importantly, the individual sending a notification or alert can receive word back
from recipients to help determine crucial next steps, or assess whether people
are safe and secure.

Monitoring and evaluation

Giám sát và đánh giá

Contingency plan

Kế hoạch dự phòng

What should contingency planning look like?

The plan should contain a list of each risk that you have identified, what should be done and who
should do it. It should also be listed in order of things to be addressed immediately, those to be
done in the first 4 hours and 24 hours, and those that can be addressed up to a week later. You
should include a list of contacts to be called for help or advice such as insurers, trades people, IT
service providers, leaseholder, suppliers etc. You may also be part of a news story so you might
need to decide who speaks to the press or in some cases, to have a solicitor to deal with any
enquiries. It’s not all negative though, as some minor incidents can provide a positive way to
promote your business.
So in summary-

 Identify a list or risks that may affect your business

 Identify ways to prevent or minimise the risk from processes and actions, to increasing
insurance due to the identified risks etc
 List actions to be taken when the risk appears and who is to undertake the actions
 Communicate your plan to staff and have it at hand when emergency strikes
 Keep a copy of the plan off site as you may not be able to access your premises
 Review regularly, at least once a year

Unfortunately common sense is not so common, so you cannot rely on staff doing the best for
the business in an emergency and also they might not feel empowered to do what’s required
without specific instructions. Also insurance does not cover every eventuality and often there is a
delay in paying out anyway so you might not recoup the full costs of an incident. Having a plan
will help you deal with a crisis without damaging your company’s brand or reputation and will give
your business a much greater chance of survival and keep your customers happy.

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