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Definition: “A comparator is a precision instrument employed to

compare the dimension of a given component with a working
standard( usually slip gauges)”.
It works on relative measurement i.e. it does not measure the
actual dimension but indicates how much it differs form the basic
It has a sensing device, magnifying or amplifying systems and
or display system ( usually scale & pointer) to provide suitable
read out.
Eliminates human element in taking measurement & gives
accurate result consistently.
Basic Principle of Operation of Comparator:

 The comparator is first adjusted to zero on its dial or recording

device with a gauge block in position. The dimensions of gauge
block and work piece are same.
Then gauge block is replaced by work piece to be checked.
 The comparator gives the dimensional difference using
suitable magnification.
Uses of Comparators:
1. Mass production: where components are to be checked at a
very fast rate.
2. Laboratory standards: from which working or inspection
gauges are set and correlated.
3.Receiving inspection gauges: Checking parts received from
outside sources.
4.Working gauges: Attached with some machines, comparators
can be used as to prevent work spoilage.
5. In selective assembly of parts: where parts are graded in three
or more groups depending upon their tolerances.
Characteristics of Good Comparators:
1. Robust design and construction
2. High degree of accuracy and precision
3. The scale should be linear and must have straight line characteristic
4. High amplification and good resolution
5. Versatility
6. Compensation for temperature effects
7. Minimum wear of contact point
8. Quick in results
9. Quick insertion of work piece
10. Free from oscillation
Classification of Comparators:
According to the method used for amplifying & recording the
1. Mechanical Comparator: It works by gears pinions, linkages,
levers, springs etc.
2. Pneumatic Comparator: Pneumatic comparator works by using
high pressure air, valves, back pressure etc.
3. Optical Comparator: Optical comparator works by using lens,
mirrors, light source etc.
4. Electrical Comparator: Works by using step up, step down
5. Electronic Comparator: It works by using amplifier, digital
signal etc.
6. Combined Comparator: The combination of any two of the
above types can give the best result.
Mechanical Comparators:
In these comparators, magnification is obtained by mechanical
linkages and other mechanical devices. The usual magnification
ranges from about X250 to X1000.

1. Dial Indicator
2. The Johansson ‘Mikrokator’
3. Reed Type Mechanical Comparator
4. Sigma comparator
Systems of Displacement Amplification used in
Mechanical Comparators:

Rack and Pinion

Cam and gear train
Lever with toothed sector
Twisted Strip
Lever combined with band wound around drum
Tilting mirror projecting light spots
1.Dial Indicator:
Dial Gauge Set up:
Working of Dial Gauge:
Measurement of Dimensional Difference:
Dimensional Difference:
2. The Johansson ‘Mikrokator’
Principle: It works on the principle of a Button spinning on a loop
of string like in the case of Children’s toys.
Construction & Working:
Magnification up to 5000X can be obtained by this comparator

Magnification of the instrument dQ / dL α L/ w2 n

Q = twist of mid point of strip w.r.t. the end
L = length of twisted strip measured along its neutral axis
w = width of twisted strip
n = no of turns

For high magnification thin rectangular strip must be used.

1. Measuring plunger
2. Slit diaphragm
3. Knife edge
4. Cross strip hinge
5. Light metal Y- forked arms
6. Thin phosphor bronze ribbon
7. Driving drum
Fig. Cross strip liver 8. Pointer and scale

First stage magnification: The ratio of effective length (L) of arm and
the distance (a) of the knife edge from the pivot i.e. L/a

Second stage magnification: The ratio of the pointer length (l) and
the radius (r) of the driving drum i.e. l/r

Total magnification: ( L/a x l/r)

Sigma Comparator:
1. Safe operation
2. Dead beat readings are obtained by mounting a non-
ferrous disc on the pointer spindle and making it move in
the field of a permanent magnet.
3. Avoid parallax error
4. Constant pressure over the range of the instrument
5. Fine adjustments are possible
6. Provides magnification of X 300 to X 5000 and sensitivity
0.0001 mm
1. Wear due to motion of parts
2. Not sensible as optical comparator due to friction of moving
Mechanical –Optical Comparators:
Principle: In mechanical optical comparator, small variation in the plunger
movement is magnified: first by mechanical system and then by optical system.
Mechanical amplification: L2/L1 by lever principle

Optical amplification: If the movement of the plunger causes

the mirror to tilt by an angle α, then the image will be tilted by

Therefore optical amplification = 2 x L4/L3

Total magnification: (2 L2/L1 x L4/L3)
Mechanical –Optical Comparators:

1. Weightless and have less number of moving parts, due to this
there is less wear and hence less friction.
2. Higher range even at high magnification is possible.
3. No parallax errors.
4. They are used to magnify parts of very small size and of
complex configuration such as intricate grooves, radii.
1. The accuracy of measurement is limited to 0.001 mm
2. Electrical supply is required.
3. Eyepiece type instrument may cause strain on the operator.
4. Occupy large space and they are expensive.
5. Dark room is required as the scale is projected on a screen.
Zeiss Ultra Optimeter:
x- distance from the plunger centre line to the first mirror pivot
f- focal length
h- plunger moves a height
Then, the angular movement of the mirror δθ = h/x
Movement of the scale = 2f.δθ = 2f h/x
Therefore, magnification = 2fh/xh = 2f/x
Overall magnification: (2f/x) x (Eyepiece magnification)
Electrical Comparator:
Pneumatic Comparators:
Working Principle: It works on the principle of pressure difference generated
by the air flow. Air is supplied at constant pressure through the orifice and the air
escapes in the form of jets through a restricted space which exerts a back pressure.
The variation in the back pressure is then used to find the dimensions of a
Solex Pneumatic Gauges:
Angular Measurement
Sine Bars:
Sine bar is a precision measuring instrument used along with
slip gauges for the measurement of angles.
It consists of steel bar and rollers.
Sine bar is made up of high carbon, high chromium corrosion
resistant steel, suitably hardened, precision ground and stabilized.
It should be noted here that the holes are drilled in the body of
sine bar to
(i) make it lighter
(ii) facilitate handling
Most common types of Sine bar:
Characteristics of Sine Bar:
1. The axes of the rollers must be parallel to each other and the
center distance L must be known. The size of the sine bar is
specified by this distance.
2. The top surface of the bar must have a high degree of flatness.
It should be parallel to the plane connecting the axes of rollers.
3. The rollers must have identical diameters and round within a
close tolerance,

Sine Bar is used:

1. To measure the angle very accurately
2. To locate the work piece to a given angle within a very close
Principle of Working:
It works on trigonometric principle. The angle to be measured (or
to be set) is determined as a function of sine for this reason the
device is called a sin bar
Use of Sine Bar.
(1) Measuring known angles or locating any work to a given angle.
(2) Checking or Measuring unknown angles.

If ‘dx’ is the variation in parallelism over a distance ‘x’

Then, the corresponding variation in angle,

Approximate or Nominal angle =

(3) Checking of unknown angles of heavy component.
Advantages of sine bar:
1. It is used for accurate and precise angular measurement.
2. It is available easily.
3. It is cheap.

1. The application is limited for a fixed center distance between
two plugs or rollers.
2. It is difficult to handle and position the slip gauges.
3. If the angle exceeds 45°, sine bars are impracticable and
4. Large angular error may results due to slight error in sine bar.
Sine Centers:


• Auto-collimator is an optical instrument used for the

measurement of small angular differences.

• For small angular measurements it provides a very

sensitive and accurate approach.

• It is essentially an infinity telescope and acollimator

combined into one instrument.
1. Checking of an internal right angle.
2. Comparative measurement using master
3. Measuring straightness and flatness of the
4. Assessment of squareness and parallelism of
5. For machine tool adjustment setting.
• Angle Dekkor:-
• This is also a type of auto-collimator.
• There is an illuminated scale in the focal plane of the collimating lens.
• This illuminated scale is projected as a parallel beam by the
collimating lens which after striking a reflector below the instrument
is refocused by the lens in the filed of view of the eyepiece.
• In the field of view of microscope, there is another datum scale fixed
across the center of screen.
• The reflected image of the illuminated scale is received at right angle
to the fixed scale.
• Thus the changes in angular position of the reflector in two planes are
indicated by changes in the point of intersection of the two scales.
One division on the scale is calibrated to read 1 minute.
• Measuring the angle of a component.

• Checking the sloping angle of a vee-block.

• Measuring the angle of a cone or taper


• Precise angular settings for machining

Slip Gauges:
Slip gauges or gauge blocks are universally accepted end
standard of length in industry.
These were introduced by Johnson, a Swedish engineer, and
are also called as Johnson Gauges
Slip gauges are rectangular blocks of high grade steel with
exceptionally close tolerances. These blocks are suitably
hardened through out to ensure maximum
resistance to wear.
They are then stabilized by heating and cooling successively
in stages so that hardening
stresses are removed, After being hardened they are
carefully finished by high grade
Lapping to a high degree of finish, flatness and accuracy.
 For successful use of slip gauges their working
faces are made truly flat and parallel. Slip gauges
are also made from tungsten carbide which is
extremely hard and wear resistance.
 The cross sections of these gauges are 9 mm x 30
mm for sizes up to 10 mm and 9 mm x 35 mm for
larger sizes. Any two slips when perfectly clean
may be wrung together. The
 dimensions are permanently marked on one of
the measuring faces of gauge blocks
Uses of Slip Gauges:
1. Direct precise measurement, where the accuracy of the
work piece demands it.
2. For checking accuracy of vernier calipers, micrometers, and
such other measuring instruments.
3. Setting up a comparator to a specific dimension.
4. For measuring angle of work piece and also for angular
setting in conjunction with a sine bar.
5. The distances of plugs, spigots, etc. on fixture are often best
measured with the slip gauges or end bars for large
6. To check gap between parallel locations such as in gap
gauges or between two mating parts

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