On The Least-Squares Residual Anomaly Determination - Abdelrahman1985

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 50, NO.3 (MARCH 1985); P. 473-480, 13 FIGS., 8 TABLES.

On the least-squares residual anomaly determination

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E. M. Abdelrahman*, S. Riadt, E. Refai*, and Y. Amin*


This paper discusses an approach to determine the nonorthogonal polynomials (Agocs, 1951; Fajklewicz, 1959;
least-squares optimum order of the regional surface and Coons et aI., 1964, 1967) have been used for least-squares
which, when subtracted from the Bouguer gravity determination of residual anomalies. In the latter methods, the
anomaly data, minimizes distortion of the residual com- regional surface is represented by the polynomial
ponent of the field. p
The least-squares method was applied to theoretical Z(x, y) = I I an-so s xn-sy', (3)
composite gravity fields each consisting of a constant n=O s=O
residual component (sphere or vertical cylinder) and a where the an - s , s are 1j2(p + l)(p + 2) coefficients and p is the
regional component of different order using successively order of the two-dimensional (2-D) polynomial; x and yare the
increasing orders of polynomial regionals for residual coordinates.
determination. The overall similarity between each two Condition (1) is fulfilled when the partial derivatives with
successive residual maps was determined by computing respect to each of the an-s,s are zero. This gives
the correlation factor between the mapped variables. 1j2(p + l)(p + 2) simultaneous linear equations from which the
Similarity between residual maps of the lowest orders,
1j2(p + l)(p + 2) different values of an-so s can be determined.
verified by good correlation, may generally be con-
The least-squares method is known to produce both positive
sidered a criterion for determining the optimum order
and negative residuals even when the true residuals are only
of the regional surface and consequently the least distor- positive (or only negative). The residual map is usually bal-
ted residual component. The residual map of the lower anced between positive and negative areas (Rao and Radhak-
order in this well-correlated doublet is considered the rishnammurthy, 1965). However, to emphasize either positive
most plausible one and may be used for gravity inter- or negative anomalies, a constant bias may be added to the
pretation. regional field as described by El-Batroukh and Zentani (1980).
This approach was successfully applied to the Bou- If only the locations and amplitudes of the least-squares re-
guer gravity of Abu Roash dome, located west of Cairo sidual anomalies are the principal objectives of the operation,
in the Western Desert of Egypt. the method can still be quite effective(Nettleton, 1976).
While Agocs (1951) represented the entire regional field by a
uniform plane surface, Fajklewicz (1959) approximated the re-
INTRODUCTION gional gravity function by second-order polynomials. Fajke-
wicz considered that using higher order polynomials might
Use of the least-squares method in estimating the residual result in the inclusion of part of the residual field in the regional
component of Bouguer anomalies has drawn considerable at- picture. Examples of using higher orders were also given by
tention. An excellent review was given in Nettleton (1976). This Coons et al. (1967), where the regional surfaces were repre-
method consists of fitting a mathematical surface that approxi- sented by a series of mathematical surfaces ranging from sev-
mates the regional component of the gravity data. In all cases, enth to thirteenth order. It is evident from this brief review that
the condition of the least-squares solution is the least-squares method is not completely objective because
I R 2 = minimum, (1) the results depend to a considerable degree on the operator's
judgment in deciding which order of the regional surface to use.
where R denotes the residual component and is given as It is well known that as the order becomes higher, residuals
R =!lg - Z, (2) become sharper and smaller; the total relief of the anomalies, in
general, decreases (Nettleton, 1976). Higher orders emphasize
where As is the observed gravity and Z is the regional surface. noise and errors in real data which further distort the true
Both orthogonal polynomials (Oldham and Sutherland, residuals. Even when the order of the computed regional is
1955; Grant, 1957; Van Voorhis and Davis, 1964) as well as equal to that of the true regional, some distortion in computed

Manuscript received by the EditorOctober 10, 1983; revised manuscript received September 4,1984.
*Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
tGeology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt.
© 1985 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rightsreserved.

474 Abdelrahman et al.

residuals should be expected because the regional is computed 3 •

from all input data points including the anomalous ones Z3(X,y)= L La._s.sx'-sy
,.=0 s=O
(Skeels, 1967). Our purpose here is to find an objective criterion
for selection of the optimum order of the regional surface (third-order surface). (6)
which, when subtracted from Bouguer anomalies, will produce
Values of the coefficientsused in each case are given in Table 1.
the least distorted residual component.
Each of these three regional components is added to the re-
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sidual field R, to obtain three maps Ag1 , Ag 2 , and Ag3 repre-

SOLUTION BY CORRELATION FACTOR senting theoretical composite gravity fields of orders 1, 2, and 3,
DETERMINATION BETWEEN RESIDUALS respectively (Figures 2, 3, and 4).
Each map of the theoretical composite field Agj is subjected
We compute a theoretical gravity field consisting of the
to a separation technique using the least-squares method. In
combined effect of a fixed residual component and a regional each case, regional components of first, second, third, and
component of various orders at 441 points on a 20 x 20 km fourth orders are fitted to the input data. In this way four
square grid with spacing of 1 km. Following Agocs (1951), the residual maps are obtained for each input map (Figures 5-10).
residual component R, is represented by the gravity effect of a Coefficients of the regional components applied to input data
spherical mass with a density of 1 g/cm', radius of 0.5 km, and
center of (10, 10, 1) (i.e., depth to the center of the sphere is 1
km). The maximum effect of such a body is 34.9g.u. (3.49mGal)
(Figure 1). Table 1. Numerical values of coefficients used in theoretical regional
The regional component is represented successively by each gravity fields.
of the followingpolynomial surfaces (orders 1 to 3):
Coefficients First order Second order Third order
1 •
ZI(X, y) = L L a._s.sx'-sy 10.00 10.00 10.00
n=O s=O 10.00 0.50 0.10
10.00 0.50 0.10
(plane surface), (4) 0.25 0.10
2 • 0.20 0.20
Z2(X,y) = L La._s.sx'-sy 0.25 0.10
.=0 s=o 0.01
(second-order surface), (5) 0.01

oL - . . J2Km

FIG. 2. Composite gravity anomaly of a buried sphere and

FIG. 1. Residual gravity anomaly of a buried sphere R s • Con- first-order regional (Ag1 = R, + Z I)' Contour interval - 25 g.u,
tour interval - 5 g.u. (0.5 mGal). (2.5 mGal).
Residual Anomaly Determination 475
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FIG. 3. Composite gravity anomaly of a buried sphere and FIG. 4. Composite gravity anomaly of a buried sphere and
second-order regional (Ag 2 = R, + Z2)' Contour interval -25 third-order regional (Ag 3 = R, + Z3)' Contour interval -25
g.u. (2.5 mGal). g.u. (2.5 mGal),

are determined and given in Tables 2, 3, and 4. The residual Finally, we substitute the gravity effect of a vertical cylindri-
maps (Figures 5-10) are designated Rij where i = I, 2, 3 is the cal mass [with a density contrast I g/cm", depth 1 km, radius
order of the true regional in the input data Ag; (Figures 2--4) 316.3 m, and the maximum gravity of 20.93 g.u. (2.1 mGal) at
and j = I, 2, 3, 4 is the order of the output residual map (or point (10, 10, 0)] for the gravity field of the spherical body to
assumed regional). represent the fixed residual component R, in each of the com-
Then we measure the overall similarity between each two posite theoretical gravity fields Ag I , Ag 2 , and Ag 3 and perform
successive residual anomaly maps obtained. The simplest way the same procedures. The results are presented only as corre-
to compare two maps is to compute the correlation between the lation factors between successive residual maps (Table 6).
mapped variables. Here the correlation factors between suc-
cessive residual maps were determined using a formula given by DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS
Davis (1973). The correlation factors shown in Table 5 are
given to compare the degree of similarity between successive The results of this study show:
residual maps. According to Davis, a value of correlation factor
higher than 0.7 indicates a good similarity between maps. (1) Least-squares residual maps Rij of orders j equal to

Table 2. Results of calculations in case of theoretical composite f1rst-order gravity map.

Order of fit

Coefficients First Second Third Fourth

aOO 10.4591198 8.7552415 8.7552420 11.8122821

a0 1 10.o00ooo0 10.2690334 10.2690333 8.8564078
alQ 10.00‫סס‬OO0 10.2690334 10.2690333 8.8564078
a 02 -0.0134517 -0.0134517 0.2229134
all 0.‫ס‬0ooooo 0.‫ס‬0ooooo 0.1675847
a20 -0.0134517 -0.0134517 0.2229136
a 03 -0.0000ooo -0.0165734
a 12 -0.‫ס‬0ooooo -0.0083792
a21 -0.‫ס‬0ooooo -0.0083792
a 30 -0.‫ס‬0ooooo -0.0165734
a 04 0.0004143
a 13 0.‫ס‬0ooooo
a 22 0.0004190
a 31 0.‫ס‬0ooooo
a 40 0.0004143
476 Abdelrahman et al.

Table 3. Results of calculations in case of theoretical composite second-order gravity map.

Order of fit
Coefficients First Second Third Fourth
- 41.2075469 8.7552413 8.7552417 11.8122818
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7.5000000 0.7690334 0.7690333 -0.6435928

7.500000o 0.7690334 0.7690333 -0.6435923
0.2365483 0.2365483 0.4729136
0.200000o 0.200000o 0.3675847
0.2365483 0.2365483 0.4729135
-0.00000oo -0.0165734
-0.00000oo -0.0083792
-0.0000000 -0.0083792
-0.000000o -0.0165734

Table 4. Results of calculations in case of theoretical composite third-order gravity map.

Order of fit
Coefficients First Second Third Fourth
-93.3675469 28.2619080 8.7552414 11.8122808
11.1246667 -4.6062999 0.3690334 -1.0435922
11.1246667 -4.6062999 0.3690335 -1.0435919
0.4865483 0.0865483 0.3229135
0.600000o 0.200000o 0.3675846
0.4865483 0.0865483 0.3229134
0.0100000 -0.0065734
0.0100000 0.0016208
0.0100000 0.0016208
0.0100000 -0.0065734

or higher than that of the actual components in the residual map of the lower order in this well-
input data i are generally similar to each other or correlated doublet is considered the most plausible
sometimes are identical (Figures 5, 6, and 7). Each for gravity interpretation (Tables 5, 6, and 7).
pair of successive maps of this series correlates well (4) All the fourth-order residual maps (Figure 7) are
(Tables 5 and 6). When compared to the true residual identical, irrespective of the order of the theoretical
(Figure 1),they are also the least distorted (Table 7). regional present in the input data (first, second, or
(2) Residuals Rij of orders j less than the order i of the third order). The same is true for all the third-order
regional components included in the input data are residual maps (Figure 6), and the two second-order
quite different from each other and from the true residual maps obtained from the data of Figures 2
residual as well.Compare, for example, the first-order and 3. This indicates that residuals computed at high
residual maps (R 2 1 and R 3 1 ) shown in Figures 8 and orders depend largely on the order of the regional
9 with the original anomaly map R, in Figure 1. This used for the computation and not on the order of the
series correlates poorly, as indicated in Tables 5 and regional present in the input data (provided the
6. The residuals are generally highly distorted as a former order is equal to or higher than the latter).
result of the unremoved part of the regional (Table 7). (5) All residual maps obtained by applying the least-
(3) Similarity between residual maps of the lowest orders squares method to any of the composite gravity fields
verified by good correlation may generally be con- are more or less distorted as a result of the effects
sidered as a criterion for determining the optimum described by Skeels (1967), Nettleton (1976), and/or
order of the regional surface and consequently the as a result of the effects given in item (2) of this
least distorted residual component of the field. The discussion. The least distorted map in these model
Residual Anomaly Determination 477
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o - ..-/


x x
FIG. 5. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying FIG. 6. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying
first-order fit to the data of Figure 2 (R 11)' Contour interval - 5 second-order fit to the data of Figures 2 and 3 (R 12 and R 2 2 )
g.u. (0.5 mGal). also obtained by applying third-order fit to the data of Figures
2, 3, and 4. (R 13 , R 23 , and R 33 ). Contour interval - 5 g.u. (0.5

studies is the-first-order residual map R l l obtained We again stress that these results are valid only for a single
when the data of the composite gravity field included mass point (sphere) or a single vertical line element source
the first-order regional (Table 7). In this particular (vertical cylinder) which could be taken as approximations of
case, the plane of the regional is raised by a small some real geologic structures. This was mathematically verified
constant value everywhere above that of the regional by Hammer (1977).
included in the input data. Compare first-order coef-
ficients in Tables 1 and 2.
(6) The third-order regional computed from the input RESIDUALS AND DEPTH ESTIMATION
data of Figure 2 or Figure 3, !J.g 1 or !J.gz, is exactly
the same as the second-order regional computed in Depth estimation is a primary concern in gravity prospecting
Table 2 and also in Table 3. As a result, the second- and other geophysical work. In this section we show how depth
order residual map obtained is identical to the third- determination of a buried sphere or vertical cylinder from the
order map r Z 3 = 1. This may not always be the case least-squares residual anomaly thus obtained would be af-
when dealing with real data. fected.

Table 5. Numerical values of correlation coefficients between successive

residual maps when the fixed residual component is represented by a
spherical body in the composite gravity fields. r . "+ 1 = correlation Table 6. Numerical values of the correlation coefficients between suc-
factor betweenjth order residual Rij and the next hIgher order R i • j + 1 , cessive residual maps when the fixed residual component is represented
for each order of input data i. by a vertical cylindrical body in the composite fields.

Order of the composite field (i) Order of the composite field (i)
Correlation First Second Third Correlation First Second Third
factor order order order factor order order order
"s. i+ 1 (i = 1) (i = 2) (i = 3) ri , i+ 1 (i = 1) (i = 2) (i = 3)

r 12(j=I) 0.9571 0.1541 0.1336 r12(j=I) 0.7311 0.1304 0.1304

r 23 (j = 2) 1.0 1.0 0.4841 r2 3 (j = 2) 1.0 1.0 0.4031
r3 4 (j = 3) 0.9420 0.9420 0.9420 r 34 (j = 3) 0.7660 0.7660 0.7660
478 Abdelrahman et al.
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FIG. 7. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying FIG. 8. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying
fourth-order fit to the data of Figures 2, 3, and 4 (R 14 , R 2 4 , and first-order fit to the data of Figure 3 (R 2 1 ) . Contour interval - 5
R 3 4 ). Contour interval - 5 g.u. (0.5 mGal). g.u. (0.5 mGal).

Simple formulas to determine the approximate depth of a anomalies generally decreases; hence, the depth computed from
buried structure from the residual gravity anomaly are based the least distorted residuals generally decreases with increasing
on the half-Rma x rule (Nettleton, 1940, 1942; Telford et aI., order of fit. Moreover, care must be taken in interpreting the
1976). However, because these methods are highly subjective, residuals of the vertical cylinder, since the percentage of error in
Gupta's method (Gupta, 1983) is used. The depth determi- the computed depth is generally very high.
nation problem was transformed by Gupta into finding a solu-
tion of a nonlinear equation of the form f(z) = O. He derived FIELD EXAMPLE
formulas for a sphere, vertical and horizontal cylinders, and a
vertical fault. There are many standard methods to solve the The method was applied to a gravity anomaly from the
equationf(z) = O. Here, it is first transformed into an equation northern Western Desert of Egypt associated with the Abu
of the form z = f(z) and then solved by a simple iteration Roash dome. The gravity anomaly, located west of Cairo, is
method (Demidovich, 1973). shown in Figure 11. The Bouguer anomaly map was compiled
Depths determined from the least distorted residuals for the in 1980 by the Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. using a
sphere (Figures 5, 6, and 7) and the vertical cylinder using four Bouguer density of 2.3 g/cm.'. This area, 625 km 2 forms an
points around Rma x on a central profile are shown in Table 8. 11 x 11 square grid pattern with grid separation of 2.5 km.
Comparing the results obtained with the model depth in the Information about the structure is available from surface ge-
sphere and the vertical cylinder (1 km), it is verified numerically ology and drill hole data (Said, 1962).
that as the order of the least-squares regional becomes higher, With regard to the geology of the area, it suffices to note that
the residuals become sharper and smaller. The total relief of the the basement rock (with its density higher than that of the

Table 7. Numerical values of the correlation coefficients between each residual map R' J and the true residual R s '

Order of the composite field (i)

First order Second order Third order
Correlation (i = 1) (i = 2) (i = 3)
(r Rij. R) Sphere V. cylinder Sphere V. cylinder Sphere V. cylinder

rRi!. R, (j = 1) 1.0 1.0 -0.0902 -0.4508 -0.1433 -0.4354

r Ri2• R, (j = 2) 0.9571 0.7311 0.9571 0.7311 0.4634 0.2947
rRi], R, (j = 3) 0.9571 0.7311 0.9571 0.7311 0.9571 0.7311
rR '4. R, (j = 4) 0.9016 0.5600 0.9016 0.5600 0.9016 0.5600
Residual Anomaly Determination 479
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FIG. 9. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying FIG. 10. Least-squares residual anomaly obtained by applying
first-order fit to the data of Figure 4 (R 3 1). Contour interval second-order fit to the data of Figure 4 (Rd. Contour interval
-10 g.u. (1 mGal). - 5 g.u. (0.5 mGal).

overlying sedimentary cover) is uplifted due to compression in a observed gravity data, produces the least distorted residual
northwest direction as well as to subsidiary folding in a south- component of the field. The method presented is an attempt to
west direction (Said, 1962). Abu Roash dome exposes Cenoma- reach that goal.
nian clastics at its core followed by Turonian and Senonian
strata. There is an angular unconformity that separates this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Cretaceous succession from the overlying Eocene sediments
(Beadnell, 1902; Faris, 1948; and Said, 1962). We wish to express our sincere thanks to the reviewers and
The Bouguer values were subjected to a separation technique the editors for their keen interest, valuable comments on the
using the least-squares method. Regional components of first, manuscript, and for their improvements to this work. Thanks
second, third, and fourth orders were fitted to the input data. are also due to Dr. Saad, Gulf Oil Exploration and Production
The correlation coefficients between successive residual maps Company, for his critical review of the manuscript.
were computed in order to determine the optimum order of the The authors are highly indebted to Prof. Dr. A. Bayoumi, Dr.
regional surface to be used. Results were r 12 = 0.4760, r23 = M. Hanfy, and to Abdel Monem, Faculty of Science, Cairo
0.9362, and r34 = 0.6160. Using the criterion established above, University, for their help and constant encouragement; to Dr.
the regional field in this particular area can be represented by a M. Moustafa, Nuclear Materials Corp.; and to S. Hafez and
second-order surface. The polynomial used is other colleagues of Suez Oil Company for their immense help
and suggestions.
Z(x, y) = - 32.6368 + 5.8238y + 3.2622x Finally, the authors sincerely acknowledge the Egyptian
- 0.2349y 2 - 0.337xy - 0.3169x 2 • General Petroleum Corp. for providing the Bouguer anomaly
The least-squares second-order residual and regional maps map of the Abu Roash area.
of the area, as determined by the present method, are shown in
Figures 12 and 13, respectively. Other lows and highs sur-
rounding the central high of Abu Roash dome which are not Table 8. Depths determined from the least distorted residuals.
known from surface geology are found on the residual map.
Sphere Vertical cylinder
Depth % of Depth % of
Order of fit (km) error (km) error
The results obtained here may be of interest in the field of
exploration geophysics, although further detailed examination First order 1.0 0.0 0.917 -8.3
and additional examples are required before the complete util- Second order 0.975 -2.5 0.739 -26.1
ity of the method is understood. Our aim is mainly to find an or
objective approach for determining the optimum order of the third order
Fourth order 0.941 -5.9 0.704 -29.6
least-squares regional surface which, when subtracted from the
480 Abdelrahman et al.
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FIG. 11.Observed Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Abu Roash FIG. 12. Second-order residual gravity anomaly map of Abu
dome, west Cairo, Egypt. Roash dome, west Cairo, Egypt as obtained by the present

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