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1. Rebut (Verb): 6. Shoddy (Adj):
Meaning : Claim or prove that (evidence or Meaning : badly made or done
an accusation) is false Synonyms : inferior, second-rate, tacky,
Synonyms : dispute, disprove, refute, cheap, poor, vulgar, tawdry,
contradict, confute, counter, flashy, showy, fake, meretricious
retort, negate, negative, overturn Antonyms : fine, choice, tasteful, elegant,
Antonyms : prove, substantiate, validate, authentic
establish, demonstrate, verify 7. Theatrical (Adj):
2. Recalcitrant (Adj): Meaning : relating to actors
Meaning : Having an obstinately Synonyms : dramatic, thespian, legitimate,
uncooperative attitude towards live, staged, histrionic,
authority or discipline dramaturgic, compelling, moving
Synonyms : obstinate, rebellious, refractory, Antonyms : natural, unaffected, straight-
stubborn, headstrong, intractable, forward, unexaggerated
defiant, unruly, ungovernable
8. Theoretical (Adj):
Antonyms : amenable, biddable, tractable,
Meaning : concerned with theory of a
docile, obedient, willing
3. Recede (Verb): Synonyms : speculative, hypothetical,
Meaning : go or move back or further away abstract, untested, untried,
from a previous position conjectural, suppositional
Synonyms : move back, withdraw, retreat, Antonyms : practical, pragmatic, experiential,
retire, back out, ebb
Antonyms : proceed, advance, press on,
9. Therapeutic (Adj):
progress, rise
Meaning : relating to the healing of disease
4. Shirk (Verb):
Synonyms : curative, healing, beneficial,
Meaning : avoid or neglect (a duty or
sanative, restorative, healthful,
salubrious, corrective, remedial
Synonyms : malinger, soldier, duck, dodge,
Antonyms : detrimental, harmful, damaging,
avoid, sidestep
Antonyms : shoulder, help, cooperate, take on,
volunteer 10. Thick-skinned (Adj):
5. Shocking (Adj): Meaning : insensitive to criticism or insults
Meaning : causing indignation or disgust; Synonyms : insensitive, callous, stolid, dull,
offensive obtuse, unresponsive, impervious,
Synonyms : astounding, horrifying, stunning, dense, thickneaded, stupid,
overwhelming, breathtaking, hardened
scandalous, scandalizing Antonyms : sensitive, thin-skinned,
Antonyms : reassuring, comforting, calming, impressionable, responsive,
soothing feeling, tender, touchy

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