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Our School of Hope and Service

Re-echo of the ICT Training Workshop in Lubayat NHS, A Success

Mrs. Aiza N. Leonidas was awarded
as the Third Honors for having
finished 34 courses, Mrs. Myla O.
Destajo as the Second Honors
having finished 54 courses, and Ms.
Erika Grace Ferreria who finished
66 courses. Mr. Emerson P.
Portales, the Asst. Principal of
Lubayat NHS together with
Teacher Love gave the awards to
Fruits of our Labor: Teachers while receiving their certificates and Transcript the participants. All the teachers
from the Microsoft Educators Community. were given certificates of
They eagerly answered participation and their printed
The Lubayat National High certificates and transcripts to be
School faculty conducted the re- some of the courses for beginners
and earned certificates and badges. included in the RPMS as plus factor.
echo of the ICT Training Workshop The teachers also committed that
entitled “Empowering Education, The facilitator challenged the
participating teachers to earn at they will still continue taking up
Inspiring Innovation” at Real courses in the MEC even if the ICT
Central Elementary School, June least 10 badges and 5 certificates.
Whoever gets the highest number training is already finished.
28. Truly, Microsoft Educator
It was a whole day training of courses taken until July 1 will be
given honors. For almost three Community is an amazing
facilitated by the School ICT educational tool for teachers like
Coordinator of Lubayat NHS Mrs. days, the teachers had the chance
to accomplish some training and us. It connects and make educators
Lovelyn S. Peregrina and was around the world collaborate in
participated by 20 faculty members earned as much badges as they can.
The awarding was held on developing professional plans that
of Lubayat NHS. The program allows teachers to be more diverse,
started at 7:30 in the morning and July 1, Monday after the flag
ceremony at the Lubayat NHS. innovative, and empowered.
ended at 5:00 in the afternoon. Her
discussion focused on the
importance of utilizing the
Microsoft Educator Community for
building sustainable professional
development. MEC is a Microsoft
online community offering free
trainings for everyone especially
teachers who continuously desire
to improve themselves by taking
up courses online and gaining
certificates right after finishing and
taking test about the program
The participants enjoyed
the short but empowering seminar.
Most of the teachers claimed it was

Teachers in Action:: Everyone is busy doing their tasks -prepared by: Lsperegrina

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