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Lesson Plan in ______________________________

Content Standard:

Lesson 1: _________________________________ Performance Standard:


Initial Tasks
Task 1. Motivation

Lesson Proper
Task 2: Mystery Words:
Task 3: Discussion of Topic:

Task 4: Understanding of the Topic

Your Discovery Tasks

Task 5: Graphic Organizer:

Your Final Task
Task 6



Prepared By: Observed by:

Nail diseases example
Onychia- Mario is chopping a lumber when suddenly a small piece of wood enters on his nail. He was afraid to remove that
small piece of wood in his nail, because he is thinking that when he removes it, there is a possibility that it will bleeds. So
what he did is he let the small piece of wood stock in his nail. A day after that incident, Mario notice that his nail is inflamed.
And when he told his friend about it, his friend told him that he has Onychia. A disease which is due to inflammation of the
nail fold and nail bed.
Onycholysis- It refers to the detachment of the nail from the nail bed, starting at its distal and/ or lateral attachment. The most
common cause of onycholysis is psoriasis.This is somewhat similar to Onychoptosis. It’s just that Onycholysis is the
detachment of nail from the nail bed while the Onychoptosis refers only to periodic shedding of the nail.
Onychomycosis- It is an infectious disease caused by a vegetable parasite. For you to easily understand it, I will give you a
scenario on which you may have this kind of disease.For example, Anna loves gardening. She has a vegetable garden in
their backyard. There, she planted some of her favorite vegetables such as squash and eggplant. And now, she is planning
to plant ampalaya. Upon planting, Anna didn’t notice that there is a vegetable parasite that enters to her nails. And then, after
gardening she neglect to wash and clean her nails. With this, she might have Onychomycosis, a kind of disease which is
cause by a vegetable parasite.
Onychoptosis-It is the periodic shedding of one or more nails, either in the whole or in part. This condition maybe a symptom
of a more alarm disease such as syphilis or can result from fever, trauma systematic upset or adverse reaction to drug. If
someone is taking drugs, he might have Onychoptosis. At first, the nail becomes color brown. And after several days, the nail
started to shed. It starts from one nail and there is a possibility that the nails near in the infected nail will be infected too.

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