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––––––– Point of Care –––––

in reversing the 3 Hs are known, and HBOT has It is incumbent on all of us to stay current with
been recognized as the standard of care in the the literature, especially in terms of new develop-
dental profession for many years. ments that question previous recommendations
However, recent research and reports have and accepted philosophies. This is not the first
questioned this assumption. Some even go so far as time standards of care have been questioned, then
to suggest that HBOT may worsen the outcome.4-6 modified or completely rewritten. It is inherent in
At major cancer treatment centres in the United science and part of what adds to the complexity of
States (e.g., MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering), and interest in our ever-changing profession. There
large series of patients who have had dental ex- is considerable value in repeating experiments to
tractions within the field of former cancericidal provide corroborating support to or question pre-
viously accepted theories and practices. a
radiation dosages without the use of HBOT have
not developed ORN. Currently, I am no longer
recommending preoperative HBOT for this group THE AUTHOR
of patients before extractions, implants or other
minor oral surgery. Dr. Archie Morrison is an associate professor in
the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery,
In addition, all patients about to undergo head division of surgery, faculty of dentistry, Dalhousie
and neck radiation therapy should have a dental University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
assessment, as this may go a long way toward pre- Email:
venting problems in the first place. If teeth require
extraction, it would be best to do this before radia- 1. Marx RE. A new concept in the treatment of osteoradionecrosis.
tion or within a few weeks of starting radiotherapy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1983;41(6):351-7.
2. Marx RE, Johnson RP. Studies in the radiobiology of osteoradio-
It is obviously important to ensure careful, clean necrosis and their clinical significance. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
surgical technique. Sharp bony edges must be Pathol. 1987;64(4):379-90.
smoothed, and primary soft tissue closure should 3. Curi MM, Dib LL. Osteonecrosis of the jaws: a retrospective
study of the background factors and treatment in 104 cases. J Oral
be achieved where possible without overreduction Maxillofac Surg. 1997;55(6):540-4; discussion 545-6.
of alveolar bone such that adjacent teeth or jaw 4. Annane D, Depondt J, Aubert P, Villart M, Gehanno P, Gajdos
P, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for radionecrosis of the jaw:
structure are compromised. a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind trial from the
Should prophylactic antibiotics be used? It is ORN96 study group. J Clin Oncol. 2004;22(24):4893-900. Epub
2004 Nov 1.
probably prudent to use antibiotics in this group 5. Maier A, Gaggl A, Klemen H, Santler G, Anegg U, Fell B, et
of patients, even though they would not be used al. Review of severe osteoradionecrosis treated by surgery alone
or surgery with postoperative hyperbaric oxygenation. Br J Oral
before simple extractions in the normal popula- Maxillofac Surg. 2000;38(3):173-6.
tion. Immediate preoperative chlorhexidine rinse 6. D’Souza J, Goru J, Goru S, Brown J, Vaughan ED, Rogers SN. The
influence of hyperbaric oxygen on the outcome of patients treated
may be beneficial, but there is no evidence to make for osteoradionecrosis: 8 year study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
this mandatory. 2007;36(9):783-7. Epub 2007 Jul 5.

Cite this as: Question 2

J Can Dent Assoc
2010;76:a36 What dose of epinephrine contained in local anesthesia can be safely administered to a
patient with underlying cardiac disease during a dental procedure?

Background dose limits for epinephrine, particularly when the

pinephrine is commonly used in health care drug is administered to patients with underlying
and has multiple applications. Two frequent cardiovascular disease.
and often life-saving uses are the manage- Epinephrine was first added to the local anes-
ment of anaphylaxis and cardiac arrest. The word thetic ester, procaine, over 100 years ago. Like
has a Greek origin and literally means “on” (epi) the no-longer-used procaine, all currently avail-
the “kidney” (nephros) referring to the anatomic able dental local anesthetics in North America
location (the adrenal gland) where the drug is cause some degree of vasodilation. This vasodila-
produced. Confusion still exists regarding the tory effect poses several problems for the clinician:

112 JCDA • • 2010 • Vol. 76, No. 2 •

––––––– Point of Care –––––

bleeding is noted at the site of injection; absorption be at particular risk from the effects of epineph-
of the anesthetic into the blood stream is rapid, rine. For these patients, elective dental treatment
shortening the duration of effect; and the rapid ab- should be postponed until their cardiac status
sorption results in higher, potentially dangerous, has been medically or surgically optimized.
plasma levels. To overcome these disadvantages, a Traditionally, a 6-month wait following an MI
vasoconstrictor is added to most local anesthetics, was recommended before proceeding with non-
with epinephrine being the most common. cardiac elective surgery to minimize the risk of
perioperative re-infarction and death. This recom-
The Effects of Epinephrine mendation was adopted by dentistry even though
The physiologic effects of epinephrine are num- the myocardial demands and stress of dental pro-
erous, as it is responsible for the “fight or flight” cedures are thought to be considerably less than
response seen in all animals including humans. those associated with the orthopedic, abdominal
The variation in response depends in part on the and thoracic procedures for which the guidelines
number and predominant type of adrenergic re- were developed. More recently, a 4- to 6-week wait
ceptors present in the target organ and on the following an MI has been suggested as adequate
physiologic reflex response that attempts to mini- when risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension
mize the effects of sympathetic stimulation. and dyslipidemia, are controlled and recent stress
As an adjunct to anesthetic, the effect this drug testing has not indicated residual myocardium at
has on heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, risk.1
heart rhythm, myocardial oxygen demand and For patients determined to be medically ca-
peripheral vascular resistance must be appreci- pable of undergoing general dentistry, pain con-
ated. Epinephrine’s effect on blood pressure de- trol is essential, particularly in those with cardiac
pends on the dose and route of administration. disease. Pain and other stressors can result in a
Small doses or doses administered subcutaneously dramatic endogenous release of epinephrine and
may result in little or no change in blood pressure. norepinephrine, which can affect the diseased
This is often due to the combination of a slight ele- heart deleteriously. Although the importance of
vation in systolic pressure and a lowering of dia- good local anesthesia technique cannot be over-
stolic pressure, resulting in little change in mean emphasized, the addition of epinephrine to local
arterial pressure. Larger doses, particularly when anesthetics improves both the depth and duration
given intravascularly, can cause a rapid elevation of anesthesia. Thus, the use of some exogenous epi-
in blood pressure due primarily to peripheral nephrine is beneficial in this group of patients, but
vasoconstriction. Epinephrine increases heart rate what is a safe dose in this at risk population? One
and the force of ventricular contraction, which of the most frequently quoted suggestions is that of
ultimately increases cardiac output. The elevation Malamed 2 who recommended a maximum dose of
in cardiac workload increases myocardial oxygen 40 μg epinephrine per dental appointment in this
consumption. This is a concern in an individual patient population.
suffering from cardiac disease, particularly given Unfortunately, no current recommendation re-
that the beneficial coronary vasodilatory effect of garding the maximum amount of epinephrine that
epinephrine is diminished or absent in the pres- can be safely administered to a cardiac patient
ence of coronary vessel atherosclerosis. A further undergoing dentistry is based on sound scientific
risk to the cardiac patient is the ability of epi- evidence. Given the population and the risk of an
nephrine to irritate cardiac pacemaker cells and untoward event, ethical considerations likely pre-
cause dysrhythmias. Thus, the injudicious use of clude a study to obtain such evidence.
epinephrine can be harmful to a patient with car- Nevertheless, research has demonstrated that
diac disease. the administration of local anesthesia containing
epinephrine does affect the heart. For patients re-
Assessing the Patient quiring emergent dental care who suffer unstable
A history is crucial in determining which car- cardiac disease (recent MI, unstable angina, cer-
diac patients are at particular risk during a dental tain dysrhythmias, significant valvular disease, de-
procedure. Patients with unstable coronary syn- compensated heart failure), epinephrine should be
drome (unstable angina, recent myocardial infarc- minimized and used with caution. These patients
tion [MI]), decompensated heart failure, significant are best managed by people specifically trained in
dysrhythmia or severe valvular disease seem to their assessment, monitoring and management.

JCDA • • 2010 • Vol. 76, No. 2 • 113

––––––– Point of Care –––––

For patients with “stable” cardiac disease, it is THE AUTHOR

still prudent to administer a minimal amount of
epinephrine while always avoiding intravascular Dr. Ben Davis is associate professor in the depart-
injections. Although pain control is of paramount ment of oral and maxillofacial sciences and head
of the division of oral and maxillofacial surgery,
importance, the potentially deleterious effect of Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
epinephrine can be minimized by limiting the Email:
amount to 40 μg. There is no evidence to support
exceeding this dose for such patients. This amount 1. Fleisher LA, Beckman JA, Brown KA, Calkins H, Chaikof EL,
is contained in 2 cartridges of 1:100 000 or 4 car- Fleishmann KE, et al. 2009 ACCF/AHA focused update on periopera-
tive beta blockade incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines
tridges of 1:200 000 (there is little benefit from on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac
using the 1:100 000 concentration of epinephrine surgery: a report of the American college of cardiology founda-
tion/American heart association task force on practice guidelines.
for routine dentistry). 3 Although the half life of Circulation. 2009;120(21):e169-276. Epub 2009 Nov 2.
epinephrine is short, exceeding 40 μg epinephrine 2. Pharmacology of vasoconstrictors. In: Malamed SF, editor.
per appointment cannot be recommended unless Handbook of local anesthesia. 5th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby;
2004. p. 41-54.
the patient’s cardiac status is monitored continu- 3. Becker DE, Reed KL. Essentials of local anesthetic pharmacology.
ously during the procedure. a Anesth Prog. 2006;53(3):98-108.

Cite this as: Question 3

J Can Dent Assoc
2010;76:a37 How are odontogenic infections best managed?
Background anaerobic bacteria and only 6% by aerobic bac-

ental infections, including gingivitis, peri- teria alone.1 The most common species of bacteria
odontitis, dental caries and odontogenic isolated in odontogenic infections are the anaer-
infections, result in numerous dental visits obic gram-positive cocci Streptococcus milleri
each year in Canada. They can range in severity group and Peptostreptococcus.2 Anaerobic gram-
from a mild buccal space infection to a severe negative rods, such as Bacteroides (Prevotella) also
life-threatening multi-space infection. All dentists play an important role. Anaerobic gram-negative
should be comfortable with prompt diagnosis and cocci and anaerobic gram-positive rods have little
management of these types of infections. This re-
view of odontogenic infections describes causative
Odontogenic infections progress through 3
organisms, management including appropriate
antibiotic selection and the indications for referral stages: inoculation, cellulitis and abscess (Table 1).3
to a specialist. Bacteria gain entrance to the surrounding facial
Most odontogenic infections are caused by spaces by direct extension from the periapical re-
more than 1 species of the bacteria normally found gion of the involved tooth. The pattern of spread is
within the oral cavity. Roughly 50% of odonto- predictable depending on the relationship between
genic infections are caused by anaerobic bac- the point of attachment of the adjacent muscle and
teria alone, 44% by a combination of aerobic and the tooth apex.4

Table 1 Characteristics of the 3 stages of infection

Characteristic Inoculation Cellulitis Abscess

Duration (days) 0–3 2–5 4–10
Discomfort Mild Severe, diffuse Mild, localized
Palpation Soft, doughy Firm, indurated Fluctuant, tender
Pus None None Present
Skin Normal Red Red periphery
Severity Minimal Greater Less
Bacterial species Aerobic Mixed Anaerobic

114 JCDA • • 2010 • Vol. 76, No. 2 •

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