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Identify: When B moves, friction acts
on the surface separating A and B,
pointing to the left. We should draw a
free-body diagrams for each block.
Constant speed=equilibrium in x.! F
Setup: DRAW free-body diagram for A
and B. Starts with A (reason: it is a
simpler system with regard to forces)!

Setup for A: I can find out the friction force NBA

(which contributes to forces in B). fBA T
NBA Normal force that B exerts on A
Normal force that B exerts on A
fBA Friction to left as A moves relative to B to right
T Tension force to the right (note I didn’t label A or B, why?)

Execute: let’s do Newton II:!

In the y direction:! "F y = may
N BA " W a = 0 N BA = W a = 1.40N
So friction is:!
f BA = N BA µ = 1.40 " 0.3 = 0.42N
! in the x direction,
Now, ! since uniform motion, tension force is equal
and opposite to friction:!
"F x = max = 0
T " f BA = 0 # T = 0.42N B'

Setup for B: Draw a free-body diagram, n
NAB Normal force that A exerts on B, B T fAB
Equal and opposite to wA!
WB Weight of B WA
Friction to right as B moves relative to A to left
n Normal force ground acts on B
fGB Friction from ground to B, pointing to the right as B moves to left
f AB = N AB µ = N BA µ = 0.42N (Newton III, pointing to right)
Now the real trick in this problem, calculating the friction between B
and ground!!
fGB = NGB µ = (W A + W B )µ = 0.42N + W B µ
! = 0.42 + 4.2 " 0.3 = 1.68N
"F x = max
F = T + f AB + FGB
! F = 0.42 + 0.42 +!1.68 = 2.52 N E'

Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion

! v2
ac = !
If you recall, one of the multiple choices
that were given in the notes asks about the
acceleration of the system. Let’s revisit the
problem and think of it in dynamics:!

!! ! ! v2
Fnet = " F = mac = m !
This means that the centripetal acceleration is the result of NET FORCE
(gravity, thrust of the propeller, etc.). It is on the right side of the NEWTON II!
2"r (period)
! v
In terms of constant period of the circular motion T, the
! !
net force 4" 2r
Fnet = 2 m
T >'

Example: Uniform rotations in the vertical plane
Example: Trinity runs with uniform speed
along the interior of a cylindrical pipe in B
Machine City. She weighs 50 kg and moves
at 12 m/s. The radius of the pipe is 2.0 m. !
What is the normal force Trinity exerts on !
the wall of the pipe at A (bottom) and B

Identify: uniform circular motion, same

circular acceleration pointing to center.
Forces involved gravity, normal force
from pipe wall to Trinity.!
Setup+execute: DRAW free-body diagram for A A
and B. ! N
Starts with A: No horizontal force. Take !
A ay
up as positive! " Fx = max = 0 2
" Fy = may = m r WL'

v2 v2 12 2
N " mg = m N = m(g + ) = 50 " (9.81+ ) = 4090.90N
r r 2
Case at Point B: !
" F = ma = 0 x x
! ! v
" F = ma = m r
y y
"N " mg = "m (negative since Up is positive direction) !
! v2 r N a
"N = "m + mg
! r 2
v W
"N = m(g " ) = 50 # (9.81"12 2 /2) = "3109.50N
! r !
N = 3109.50N
! This indicates that the normal force is acting downward with
smaller magnitude than the magnitude of upward normal force
! at the bottom of the pipe! The fact N is positive because I
assumed it to be a positive quantity which separates from its
Downward direction indicated by “-”.! M'
“Rough” Flat Curves vs. Banked Curves
Two common types of problem in circular motion are (1) to solve for the
maximum/minimum speed of moving body on a flat curve with friction (to keep
it from slipping off path) and (2) to solve for the angle/speed of a banked
curve (with or w/o friction) to keep a moving body within a circular path. !

Flat Curve: In INDI-500 a car is rounding a flat unbanked

curve with a radius of 200 meters. If the coefficient of
static friction (remember small feet on tires) is 0.3, what
is the maximum speed Vmax that the car can safely round
the curve without skidding?!
Solution: DRAW free-body diagram for the car. ! N

# F = "W + N = 0
" F = f = ma = m r
x s x

To solve for Vmax, we need friction (static), To find ac
friction we need Normal force, which can be found by W
! N'
y component. !

Y component "W + N = 0
N = mg

X component
v max 2
fs = m
! r
! v max
µs " N = m
! v max 2
µs " mg = m
! v max = r " µs " g

! v max = 200 " 0.3 " 9.81

v max = 24.26 m/s
Note: (1) mass does not matter -! Formula 1 car or Monster truck make no
difference to maximum allowable speed!
!What happens if it is watery surface (rain, snow) --! coef of friction
decreases, which means maximum allowable speed also lowers! O'
Banked Curve: The surface of a banked circular track
makes an angle of ! degrees with ground. Now, suppose a
car is rounding this track with a radius of r meters
(considered at the center line of the car). Let’s assume the
normal force is N (perpendicular to track surface, inclined
to flat ground), What is the maximum speed Vmax that the
car can safely round the curve without skidding?!

Solution: DRAW free-body diagram for the car. !


r !
fs !
! ac

First, lets consider the simple case that

there is no friction (icy day). What can N
I conclude or find? !
weight W (mass x g), I can find Normal !
force given the angle since the vertical
fs !
component forces of W and Ncos(!) balances. ac
Knowing N I can further find friction W
(assuming coefficient of friction is known).
I can further find Vmax knowing fs.!
Now, lets go back to this problem with friction !!
Y component "W " f s sin # + N cos# = 0
"mg " Nµ sin # + N cos # = 0
N(cos" # µ sin " )
X component m =
! v 2
rN(sin " + µ cos " )
N sin " + !f s cos " = m max v max = <?'
r m
rN(sin " + µ cos " )
v max =
Mass again doesn’t matter, we got the following for mass,
N(cos" # µ sin " )
! g
Substitute into velocity expression,
rN(sin " + µ cos " )g r(sin " + µ cos" )g
v max = =
! N(cos" # µ sin " ) (cos" # µ sin " )

Again, only the inclined angles, radius, g and friction

! coefficient matter to the velocity (max without skidding)


Identify: Pulley problem. The weight
Fixed horizontal bar of the object causes the middle pulley
to move to the right through tension
forces on the angled at 20o.!
moveable fixed
Setup: Draw a free-body diagram for
foot 20o the foot inside the strap.!
20o !
T <B'
T = mg
In the y-direction!
"F y = T sin(20) # T sin(20) = 0

In the x-direction, positive to right!

! foot
! "F x = T cos(20) + T cos(20) 20o

165 = 2T cos(20)
165 T
T= = 87.79N
! 2cos20
! of the weight: ! T = mg

! /g = 87.79 /9.81 = 8.95 kg

Supplementary: To study damage to aircraft that collide with large birds,
!you design a test gun that will accelerate chicken-sized objects so that
their displacement along the gun barrel is given by x = (9.0!103 m/s2) t2
– (8.0"104 m/s3) t3. The object leaves the end of the barrel at t=0.025
s. a) How long must the gun barrel be? b) What will be the speed of
the objects as they leave the end of the barrel? c) What net force
must be exerted on a 1.50 kg object at i) t=0 and ii) t=0.025 s?!



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