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1. REASONING AND SOLUTION According to Newton’s second law, the acceleration is

a = ΣF/m. Since the pilot and the plane have the same acceleration, we can write

 ΣF   ΣF  ΣF 
 m  =  or ( ΣF ) PILOT = mPILOT  
  PILOT  m  PLANE  m  PLANE

Therefore, we find
 3.7 × 104 N 
( ΣF ) PILOT = ( 78kg )   = 93N
 3.1 × 10 kg 


2. REASONING AND SOLUTION The acceleration of the bicycle/rider combination is

ΣF 9.78 N
= = 0.103 m/s 2
m 13.1 kg + 81.7 kg

3. SSM REASONING According to Newton's second law of motion, the net force applied to
the fist is equal to the mass of the fist multiplied by its acceleration. The data in the problem gives
the final velocity of the fist and the time it takes to acquire that velocity. The average acceleration
can be obtained directly from these data using the definition of average acceleration given in
Equation 2.4.

SOLUTION The magnitude of the average net force applied to the fist is, therefore,

∑ F = ma = m   = ( 0.70 kg ) 
8.0 m/s–0m/s 
 = 37 N
 ∆t   0.15 s 

4. REASONING AND SOLUTION Using Equation 2.4 and assuming that t 0 = 0 s, we have for
the required time that
v – v0
Since ΣF = ma, it follows that

v – v0
m (v – v 0 )= (5.0 kg )[(4.0 × 10 3 ) ]=
m/s – (0 m/s )
4.1 × 10 –2 s
Σ F / m Σ F 4.9 × 10 N


5. SSM REASONING The net force acting on the ball can be calculated using Newton's
second law. Before we can use Newton's second law, however, we must use Equation 2.9 from
the equations of kinematics to determine the acceleration of the ball.

SOLUTION According to Equation 2.9, the acceleration of the ball is given by

v 2 − v20

Thus, the magnitude of the net force on the ball is given by

 v 2 − v02   (45 m/s) 2 – (0 m/s) 2 

∑ F = ma = m  = (0.058 kg)   = 130 N
 2x   2(0.44 m) 

6. REASONING AND SOLUTION The acceleration is obtained from

1 2
x = v 0t + at
where v 0 = 0 m/s. So
a = 2x/t 2
Newton’s second law gives

 2x   2 (18 m ) 
ΣF = ma = m 2  = (72 kg ) 2  = 2900 N
t   ( 0.95 s ) 

7. REASONING According to Newton’s second law, Equation 4.1, the average net force Σ F is
equal to the product of the object’s mass m and the average acceleration a . The average
acceleration is equal to the change in velocity divided by the elapsed time (Equation 2.4), where
the change in velocity is the final velocity v minus the initial velocity v 0.

SOLUTION The average net force exerted on the car and riders is

v − v0
∑ F = ma = m
t − t0
= 5.5 × 103 kg(45m/s − 0 m/s
7.0s )
= 3.5 × 104 N

Chapter 4 Problems 115

8. REASONING AND SOLUTION From Equation 2.9,

v 2 = v 20 + 2ax

Since the arrow starts from rest, v0 = 0 m/s. In both cases, x is the same so

v12 2a1 x a1 v1 a1
= = or =
v 22 2a 2 x a 2 v2 a2

Since F = ma, it follows that a = F/m. The mass of the arrow is unchanged, and

v1 F
= 1
v2 F2
F2 2 F1
v 2 = v1 = v1 = ( 25.0 m/s ) 2 = 35.4 m/s
F1 F1

9. SSM WWW REASONING Let due east be chosen as the positive direction. Then,
when both forces point due east, Newton's second law gives

FA + FB = ma1
424 3 (1)

where a1 = 0.50 m/s . When FA points due east and FB points due west, Newton's second law


FA – FB = ma2
424 3 (2)

where a2 = 0.40 m/s . These two equations can be used to find the magnitude of each force.

a. Adding Equations 1 and 2 gives

m ( a1 + a 2 ) (8.0kg ) (0.50m/s 2 + 0.40m/s 2 )

FA = = = 3.6 N
2 2

b. Subtracting Equation 2 from Equation 1 gives


m ( a1 − a 2 ) (8.0kg ) ( 0.50m/s 2 − 0 . 4 0 m / s2 )
FB = = = 0.40N
2 2


FE = F cos θ = (720 N) cos 38° = 570 N

FN = F sin θ = (720 N) sin 38° = 440 N


11. REASONING According to Newton’s second law, the acceleration has the same direction as
the net force and a magnitude given by a = ΣF/m.

SOLUTION Since the two forces are perpendicular, the magnitude of the net force is given by
the Pythagorean theorem as Σ F = ( 40.0 N ) 2 + (60.0 N ) 2 . Thus, according to Newton’s
second law, the magnitude of the acceleration is

ΣF ( 40.0 N ) 2 + (60.0 N ) 2
a= = = 18.0 m/s 2
m 4.00 kg

The direction of the acceleration vector is given by

 60.0 N 
θ = tan –1  = 56.3° above the + x axis
 40.0 N 


body diagram is shown at the right, where
F1 = 45.0 N
F2 = 25.0 N θ
θ = 65.0°
W F1
When F1 is replaced by its x and y
components, we obtain the free body
diagram in the second drawing.
Chapter 4 Problems 117

If we choose the right as the positive

direction, then FN

F1 cos θ – F2 = max F2 F1 cos θ

F1 cos θ − F2
or ax =
( 45.0 N ) cos65.0° – (25.0 N ) F1 sin θ
ax = = –1.20 m/s 2
5.00 kg

The minus sign indicates that the acceleration

is to the left .

13. SSM REASONING According to Newton's second law ( ∑ F = ma ), the acceleration of the
object is given by a = ∑ F / m, where ∑ F is the net force that acts on the object. We must first
find the net force that acts on the object, and then determine the acceleration using Newton's
second law.

SOLUTION The following table gives the x and y components of the two forces that act on the
object. The third row of that table gives the components of the net force.

Force x-Component y-Component

F1 40.0 N 0N

F2 (60.0 N) cos 45.0° = 42.4 N (60.0 N) sin 45.0° = 42.4 N

∑ F = F1 + F2 82.4 N 42.4 N

The magnitude of ∑ F is given by the Pythagorean theorem as

∑ F = (82.4 N)2 + (42.4) 2 = 92.7 N

The angle θ that ∑ F makes with the +x axis is ΣF

θ 42.4 N
 42.4 N  27.2
θ = tan −1  = °
82.4 N  82.4 N

According to Newton's second law, the magnitude of the acceleration of the object is

∑ F 92.7 N
a= = = 30.9 m/s 2
m 3.00 kg

Since Newton's second law is a vector equation, we know that the direction of the right hand side
must be equal to the direction of the left hand side. In other words, the direction of the
acceleration a is the same as the direction of the net force ∑ F . Therefore, the direction of the
acceleration of the object is 27.2° above the + x axis .

 1   1 
14. REASONING Equations 3.5a  x = v 0 x t + a x t 2  and 3.5b  y = v 0 y t + a y t 2  give the
 2   2 
displacements of an object under the influence of constant accelerations ax and ay. We can add
these displacements as vectors to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant displacement.
To use Equations 3.5a and 3.5b, however, we must have values for ax and ay. We can obtain
these values from Newton’s second law, provided that we combine the given forces to calculate
the x and y components of the net force acting on the duck, and it is here that our solution begins.

SOLUTION Let the directions due east and due north, respectively, be the +x and +y directions.
Then, the components of the net force are

Σ Fx = 0.10 N + (0.20 N)cos 52 ° = 0.2231 N

Σ Fy = – ( 0.20 N ) sin 52 ° = –0.1576 N

According to Newton’s second law, the components of the acceleration are

ΣFx 0.2231 N
ax = = = 0.08924 m/s 2
m 2.5 kg

ΣFy –0.1576 N
ay = = = –0.06304 m/s 2
m 2.5 kg

From Equations 3.5a and 3.5b, we now obtain the displacements in the x and y directions:

x = v 0 x t + a x t 2 = ( 0.11 m/s )( 3.0 s ) +

(0.08924 m/s 2 )(3.0 s )2 = 0.7316 m

y = v 0 y t + 1 a y t 2 = (0 m/s )( 3.0 s ) +
(–0.06304 m/s 2 )(3.0 s )2 = –0.2837 m

The magnitude of the resultant displacement is

Chapter 4 Problems 119

x 2 + y 2 = ( 0.7316 m ) + ( –0.2837 m ) = 0.78 m

2 2

The direction of the resultant displacement is

 0.2837 m 
θ = tan –1  = 21° south of east
 0.7316 m 

15. REASONING AND SOLUTION Combining Newton's second law with v = v 0 + at, we have

 v – v0   ( –2.0 m/s ) – ( +2.1 m/s ) 

Σ F = ma = m  = ( 0.38 kg )  = –470 N
 t   3.3 × 10 –3 s 

The answer is negative, indicating that the force is directed away from the cushion.

 1 
16. REASONING For both the tug and the asteroid, Equation 2.8  x = v 0 t + at 2  applies with
 2 
v 0 = 0 m/s, since both are initially at rest. In applying this equation, we must be careful and use the
proper acceleration for each object. Newton’s second law indicates that the acceleration is given
by a = ΣF/m. In this expression, we note that the magnitudes of the net forces acting on the tug
and the asteroid are the same, according to Newton’s action-reaction law. The masses of the tug
and the asteroid are different, however. Thus, the distance traveled for either object is given by,
where we use for ΣF only the magnitude of the pulling force
1 ΣF  2
x = v 0 t + at 2 = 
2 2 m 

SOLUTION Let L be the initial distance between the tug and the asteroid. When the two
objects meet, the distances that each has traveled must add up to equal L. Therefore,

1 1
L = x T + x A = aT t 2 + a A t 2
2 2

1  ΣF  2 1  ΣF  2 1  1 1  2
L=  t +   t = ΣF  + t
2  mT  2  mA  2  mT m A 

Solving for the time t gives


2L 2 ( 450 m )
t= = = 64 s
 1 1   1 1 
ΣF +  ( 490 N )  + 
 mT m A   3500 kg 6200 kg 

17. SSM WWW REASONING We first determine the acceleration of the boat. Then, using
Newton's second law, we can find the net force ∑ F that acts on the boat. Since two of the three
forces are known, we can solve for the unknown force FW once the net force ∑ F is known.

SOLUTION Let the direction due east be the positive x direction and the direction due north be
the positive y direction. The x and y components of the initial velocity of the boat are then
v 0 x = ( 2.00 m/s) cos 15.0 ° = 1.93 m/s

v 0 y = (2.00 m/s) sin 15.0 ° = 0.518 m/s

Thirty seconds later, the x and y velocity components of the boat are

v x = ( 4.00 m/s) cos 35.0 ° = 3.28 m/s

v y = ( 4.00 m/s) sin 35.0 ° = 2.29 m/s

Therefore, according to Equations 3.3a and 3.3b, the x and y components of the acceleration of
the boat are
v −v 3.28 m/s – 1.93 m/s
a x = x 0x = = 4.50 × 10–2 m/s 2
t 30.0 s

v − v0 y 2.29 m/s – 0.518 m/s

ay = y = = 5.91 × 10–2 m/s 2
t 30.0 s

Thus, the x and y components of the net force that act on the boat are

∑ Fx = max = (325 kg) (4.50 × 10 –2 m/s 2 ) = 14.6 N

∑ Fy = may = (325 kg) (5.91 ×10–2 m/s 2 ) =19.2 N

The following table gives the x and y components of the net force ∑ F and the two known forces
that act on the boat. The fourth row of that table gives the components of the unknown force
FW .
Chapter 4 Problems 121

Force x-Component y-Component

∑F 14.6 N 19.2 N

F1 (31.0 N) cos 15.0° = 29.9 N (31.0 N) sin 15.0° = 8.02 N

F2 –(23.0 N ) cos 15.0° = –22.2 N –(23.0 N) sin 15.0° = –5.95 N

FW = ∑ F − F1 − F2 14.6 N – 29.9 N + 22.2 N = 6.9 N 19.2 N – 8.02 N + 5.95 N = 17.1 N

The magnitude of FW is given by the Pythagorean theorem as

FW = (6.9 N) 2 + (17.1 N) 2 = 18.4 N

The angle θ that FW makes with the x axis is

 17.1 N
θ = tan −1  = 68° 17.1 N
6.9 N 
Therefore, the direction of FW is 68°, north of east . 6.9 N


18. REASONING AND SOLUTION Newton's law of gravitation gives

G m1 m2
( )( )(
6.67 × 10 –11 N ⋅ m 2 / kg 2 1.50 × 10−3 kg 870.0 × 10− 3 kg )
= 8.70 × 10 –12 N
r2 ( 0.100 m )



a. According to Equation 4.5, the weight of the space traveler of mass m = 115 kg on earth
W = mg = (115 kg) (9.80 m/s 2 ) = 1.13 × 10 3 N

b. In interplanetary space where there are no nearby planetary objects, the gravitational force
exerted on the space traveler is zero and g = 0 m/s2. Therefore, the weight is W = 0 N . Since
the mass of an object is an intrinsic property of the object and is independent of its location in the
universe, the mass of the space traveler is still m =115 kg .


20. REASONING AND SOLUTION The forces that act on the rock are shown
at the right. Newton's second law (with the direction of motion as positive) is R

Σ F = mg – R = ma

Solving for the acceleration a gives

a= =
mg – R ( 45kg ) 9.80 m/s – ( 250 N)
= 4.2 m/s 2
m 45kg

21. REASONING The magnitude of the gravitational force that each part exerts on the other is given
by Newton’s law of gravitation as F = G m1m2 / r 2 . To use this expression, we need the masses
m1 and m2 of the parts, whereas the problem statement gives the weights W1 and W2. However,
the weight is related to the mass by W = mg, so that for each part we know that m = W/g.

SOLUTION The gravitational force that each part exerts on the other is

G m1 m2 G ( W1 / g ) ( W2 / g )
F= =
r2 r2

( 6.67 × 10–11
N ⋅ m2 / kg 2 (11000 N) ( 3400 N)
= 1.8 × 10–7 N
( 9.80 m/s ) (12 m )
2 2 2


22. REASONING Each particle experiences two gravitational forces, one due to each of the
remaining particles. To get the net gravitational force, we must add the two contributions, taking
into account the directions. The magnitude of the gravitational force that any one particle exerts on
another is given by Newton’s law of gravitation as F = G m1m2 / r 2 . Thus, for particle A, we need
to apply this law to its interaction with particle B and with particle C. For particle B, we need to
apply the law to its interaction with particle A and with particle C. Lastly, for particle C, we must
apply the law to its interaction with particle A and with particle B. In considering the directions,
we remember that the gravitational force between two particles is always a force of attraction.

SOLUTION We begin by calculating the magnitude of the gravitational force for each pair of
Chapter 4 Problems 123

Gm A m B
(6.67 × 10 –11 N ⋅ m 2 / kg 2 )(363 kg )(517 kg )
= 5.007 × 10 –5 N
r2 ( 0.500 m ) 2

Gm B mC
(6.67 × 10 –11 N ⋅ m 2 / kg 2 )(517 kg )(154 kg )
= 8.497 × 10 –5 N
r2 (0.500 m ) 2

Gm A mC
(6.67 × 10 –11 N ⋅ m 2 / kg 2 )(363 kg )(154 kg )
= 6.629 × 10 –6 N
r2 (0.500 m )2

In using these magnitudes we take the direction to the right as positive.

a. Both particles B and C attract particle A to the right, the net force being

FA = FAB + FAC = 5.007 × 10 –5 N + 6.629 × 10 –6 N = 5.67 × 10 –5 N, right

b. Particle C attracts particle B to the right, while particle A attracts particle B to the left, the net
force being

FB = FBC – FAB = 8.497 × 10 –5 N – 5.007 × 10 –5 N = 3.49 × 10 –5 N, right

c. Both particles A and B attract particle C to the left, the net force being

FC = FAC + FBC = 6.629 × 10 –6 N + 8.497 × 10 –5 N = 9.16 × 10 –5 N, left



a. Combining Equations 4.4 and 4.5, we see that the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of
Saturn can be calculated as follows:

(5.67 × 10 26 kg ) =
( )(6.00 × 10 7 m) 2
M Saturn
g Saturn = G 2
= 6.67 × 10 –11
N ⋅ m /kg
2 2
10.5 m/s 2
r Saturn

b. The ratio of the person’s weight on Saturn to that on earth is

WSaturn mg Saturn g Saturn 10.5 m/s 2

= = = = 1.07
Wearth mg earth gearth 9.80 m/s 2

24. REASONING AND SOLUTION The magnitude of the net force acting on the moon is found by
the Pythagorean theorem to be
Sun F

2 2
F= F SM + FEM Earth

Newton's law of gravitation applied to the sun-moon (the units have been suppressed)

m m 30 22
S M -11 (1.99 x 10 )(7.35 x 10 ) 20
F = G =(6.67 x 10 ) = 4.34 x 10 N.
SM r2 (1.50 x 10

A similar application to the earth-moon gives

m m 24 22
E M -11 (5.98 x 10 )(7.35 x 10 ) 20
F = G = (6.67 x 10 ) = 1.98 x 10 N.
EM 2 8 2
r (3.85 x 10 m)

The net force on the moon is then

F= (4.34 × 10 20 N )2 + (1.98 × 10 20 N )2 = 4.77 × 10 20 N


25. REASONING According to Equation 4.4, the weights of an object of mass m on the surfaces of
planet A (mass = MA, radius = R ) and planet B (mass = MB , radius = R ) are

GM A m GM B m
WA = and WB =
R2 R2

The difference between these weights is given in the problem.

SOLUTION The difference in weights is

GM A m GM B m
W A – WB = – =
(M A – M B )
R2 R2 R2

Rearranging this result, we find

Chapter 4 Problems 125

(W A – WB )R 2 (3620 N )(1.33 × 10 7 m)

MA – M B = = = 1.76 × 10 24 kg
Gm (6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m /kg ) (5450 kg )
2 2


26. REASONING The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a planet is given by Equations
4.4 and 4.5 as g Planet = GM / r 2 , where M is the mass of the planet and r is its radius. By applying
this relation to the unknown planet and to the earth, and noting the ratios of the masses and radii,
we will be able to find the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet.

SOLUTION Taking the ratio of gPlanet to gEarth, and noting that MPlanet/MEarth = 0.10 and
rEarth/rPlanet = 1/0.50, we have that

GM Planet
 M Planet   rEarth  2
 1 
gPlanet rPlanet
= =    = ( 0.10)   = 0.40
gEarth GM Earth  M Earth   rPlanet   0.50 

Therefore, the acceleration due to gravity on the planet is

g Planet = ( 0.40 ) g Earth = ( 0.40 ) 9.80m/s 2( ) = 3 . 9 m / s2


27. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION According to Equations 4.4 and 4.5, the weight of
an object of mass m at a distance r from the center of the earth is

mg = 2

In a circular orbit that is 3.59 × 10 7 m above the surface of the earth (radius = 6.38 × 106 m ,
mass = 5.98 × 1024 kg) , the total distance from the center of the earth is
r = 3.59 × 10 7 m + 6.38 × 106 m . Thus the acceleration g due to gravity is

GM E (6.67 × 10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(5.98 × 10 24 kg)

g= = = 0.223 m/s 2
r 2 (3.59 × 10 7 m + 6.38 × 10 6 m) 2


28. REASONING AND SOLUTION The figure at the right 3

shows the three spheres with sphere 3 being the sphere of
unknown mass. Sphere 3 feels a force F31 due to the
F F 1.20 m
presence of sphere 1, and a force F32 due to the presence 31 32
of sphere 2. The net force on sphere 3 is the resultant of 30°
F31 and F32.

Note that since the spheres form an equilateral triangle,

each interior angle is 60°. Therefore, both F31 and F32
make a 30° angle with the vertical line as shown. 1 2

Furthermore, F31 and F32 have the same magnitude

given by

GMm 3
F= 2

where M is the mass of either sphere 1 or 2 and m3 is the mass of sphere 3. The components of
the two forces are shown in the following drawings:

31 F cos θ F cos θ 32
30.0° 30.0°

F sin θ F sin θ

Clearly, the horizontal components of the two forces add to zero. Thus, the net force on sphere 3
is the resultant of the vertical components of F31 and F32:

GMm 3
F3 = 2F cos θ = 2 2 cos θ.

The acceleration of sphere 3 is given by Newton's second law:

F3 GM (6.67 × 10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 ) (2.80 kg )

a3 = = 2 2 cosθ = 2 cos 30.0°
m3 r ( 1.20 m )2

= 2.25 × 10 –10 m/s 2

Chapter 4 Problems 127

29. REASONING According to Equation 4.4, the weights of an object of mass m on the surface of
a planet (mass = M, radius = R ) and at a height H above the surface are

W= and WH =
43 (R + H )2
On surface At height H above surface

The fact that W is one percent less than WH tells us that the WH/W = 0.9900, which is the starting
point for our solution.

SOLUTION The ratio WH/W is

WH (R + H )2 R2 1
= = = = 0.9900
W GMm ( R + H ) (1 + H / R ) 2

Solving for H/R gives
H 1 H
1+ = or = 0.0050
R 0.9900 R

30. REASONING The gravitational force that the sun exerts on a person standing on the earth is
given by Equation 4.3 as Fsun = GM sun m / rsun-earth
, where Msun is the mass of the sun, m is the
mass of the person, and rsun-earth is the distance from the sun to the earth. Likewise, the
gravitational force that the moon exerts on a person standing on the earth is given by
Fmoon = GM moon m / rmoon-earth
, where Mmoon is the mass of the moon and rmoon-earth is the
distance from the moon to the earth. These relations will allow us to determine whether the sun or
the moon exerts the greater gravitational force on the person.

SOLUTION Taking the ratio of Fsun to Fmoon, and using the mass and distance data found on
the inside of the front cover of the text, we have that

GM sun m
Fsun 2
rsun-earth  M   rmoon-earth 
= =  sun  
Fmoon GM moon m  M moon   rsun-earth 

 1.99 × 1030 kg  3.85 × 108 m 
=    = 178
 7.35 × 10 kg  1.50 × 10 m 
22 11

Therefore, the sun exerts the greater gravitational force.


31. SSM WWW REASONING AND SOLUTION There are two forces that act on the
balloon; they are, the combined weight of the balloon and its load, Mg, and the upward buoyant
force FB . If we take upward as the positive direction, then, initially when the balloon is
motionless, Newton's second law gives FB − Mg = 0 . If an amount of mass m is dropped
overboard so that the balloon has an upward acceleration, Newton's second law for this situation
FB − (M − m)g = ( M − m)a
But FB = mg , so that
Mg – ( M − m ) g = mg = ( M – m )a

Solving for the mass m that should be dropped overboard, we obtain

Ma (310 kg )(0.15 m/s 2 )

m= = = 4.7 kg
g + a 9.80 m/s 2 + 0.15 m/s 2

32. REASONING AND SOLUTION The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the neutron
star is

Gm (6.67 ×10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 )(2.0 ×1030 kg)

a= = = 5.3 ×1012 m/s2
r 2
(5.0 × 10 m)
3 2

Since the gravitational force is assumed to be constant, the acceleration will be constant and the
speed of the object can be calculated from v 2 = v02 + 2ay , with v0 = 0m/s since the object falls
from rest. Solving for v yields

( )
v = 2 ay = 2 5.3 × 10 12 m/s 2 (0.010 m ) = 3.3 × 10 5 m/s

33. REASONING We place the third particle (mass = m3) as shown in the following drawing:


m m3 2m
Chapter 4 Problems 129

The magnitude of the gravitational force that one particle exerts on another is given by Newton’s
law of gravitation as F = Gm1m2/r2. Before the third particle is in place, this law indicates that the
force on each particle has a magnitude Fbefore = Gm2m/L2. After the third particle is in place,
each of the first two particles experiences a greater net force, because the third particle also exerts
a gravitational force on them.

SOLUTION For the particle of mass m, we have

Gmm3 Gm 2m
+ 2
Fafter D 2
L2 = L m3 + 1
Fbefore Gm2 m 2mD 2

For the particle of mass 2m, we have

G2 mm3 Gm2m
( L – D)
2 2
Fafter L L2 m3
= = +1
m( L – D)
Gm2 m 2

Since Fafter/Fbefore = 2 for both particles, we have

L2 m 3 L2 m3
2 D2 = ( L – D)
+1 = +1 or
2mD 2
m (L – D ) 2

Expanding and rearranging this result gives D2 + 2 LD − L2 = 0 , which can be solved for D using
the quadratic formula:

–2 L ± ( 2 L )2 – 4(1) ( – L2 )
D= = 0.414 L or –2.414 L
2 (1)

The negative solution is discarded because the third particle lies on the +x axis between m and 2m.
Thus, D = 0.414 L .

34. REASONING In each case the object is in equilibrium. According to Equation 4.9b,
ΣFy = 0, the net force acting in the y (vertical) direction must be zero. The net force is composed
of the weight of the object(s) and the normal force exerted on them.

a. There are three vertical forces acting on the crate: an upward normal force +FN that the floor
exerts, the weight –m1g of the crate, and the weight –m2g of the person standing on the crate.
Since the weights act downward, they are assigned negative numbers. Setting the sum of these
forces equal to zero gives

FN + ( −m1g ) + ( −m2 g ) = 0
14444 4244444 3
Σ Fy

The magnitude of the normal force is

FN = m1g + m2g = (35 kg + 65 kg)(9.80 m/s2) = 9 8 0 N

b. There are only two vertical forces acting on the person: an upward normal force +FN that the
crate exerts and the weight –m2g of the person. Setting the sum of these forces equal to zero gives
FN + ( −m 2 g ) = 0
144244 3
Σ Fy
The magnitude of the normal force is

FN = m2g = (65 kg)(9.80 m/s2) = 6 4 0 N


35. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION According to Equation 3.3b, the acceleration of
the astronaut is a y = (vy − v0y ) / t = vy /t . The apparent weight and the true weight of the
astronaut are related according to Equation 4.6. Direct substitution gives

 vy 
F = mg + ma = m ( g + a ) = m  g + 
{ {N y y
Apparent True  t 
weight weight

 45 m/s 
= (57 kg)  9.80 m/s 2 +  = 7.3 × 10 N

 15 s 


a. The apparent weight of the person is

FN = mg + ma

= (95.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2 + 1.80 m/s2) = 1.10 X 103 N

Chapter 4 Problems 131

b. FN = (95.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2) = 931 N

c. FN = (95.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2 – 1.30 m/s2) = 808 N


37. REASONING AND SOLUTION The block will move only if the applied force is greater than
the maximum static frictional force acting on the block. That is, if

F > µsFN = µsmg = (0.650)(45.0 N) = 29.2 N

The applied force is given to be F = 36.0 N which is greater than the maximum static frictional
force, so the block will move .

The block's acceleration is found from Newton's second law.

ΣF F – f k F – µk mg
a= = = = 3.72 m/s 2
m m m

38. REASONING It is the static friction force that accelerates the cup when the plane accelerates.
The maximum magnitude that this force can have will determine the maximum acceleration,
according to Newton’s second law.

SOLUTION According to Newton’s second law, we have

ΣF = f sMAX = µs FN = µs mg = ma

In this result, we have used the fact that the magnitude of the normal force is FN = mg, since the
plane is flying horizontally and the normal force acting on the cup balances the cup’s weight.
Solving for the acceleration gives

( )
a = µs g = ( 0.30 ) 9.80 m/s 2 = 2.9 m/s 2

39. SSM REASONING In order to start the crate moving, an external agent must supply a force
that is at least as large as the maximum value fsMAX = µs FN , where µs is the coefficient of static
friction (see Equation 4.7). Once the crate is moving, the magnitude of the frictional force is very
nearly constant at the value f k = µk FN , where µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction (see

Equation 4.8). In both cases described in the problem statement, there are only two vertical forces
that act on the crate; they are the upward normal force FN , and the downward pull of gravity (the
weight) mg. Furthermore, the crate has no vertical acceleration in either case. Therefore, if we
take upward as the positive direction, Newton's second law in the vertical direction gives
FN − mg = 0 , and we see that, in both cases, the magnitude of the normal force is FN = mg .

a. Therefore, the applied force needed to start the crate moving is

fsMAX = µs mg = (0.760)(60.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) = 447 N

b. When the crate moves in a straight line at constant speed, its velocity does not change, and it
has zero acceleration. Thus, Newton's second law in the horizontal direction becomes P – fk = 0 ,
where P is the required pushing force. Thus, the applied force required to keep the crate sliding
across the dock at a constant speed is

P = fk = µk mg = (0.410)(60.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) = 241 N



a. fk = µkmg = (0.61)(92 kg)(9.80 m/s2) = 550 N

b. From kinematics
 f   –550 N 
v 0 = – at = –  k  t = –   (1.2 s ) = 7.2 m/s
 m  92 kg 

41. REASONING In each of the three cases under consideration the kinetic frictional force is given
by f k = µk FN. However, the normal force FN varies from case to case. To determine the normal
force, we use Equation 4.6 (FN = mg + ma) and thereby take into account the acceleration of the
elevator. The normal force is greatest when the elevator accelerates upward (a positive) and
smallest when the elevator accelerates downward (a negative).

a. When the elevator is stationary, its acceleration is a = 0 m/s2. Using Equation 4.6, we can
express the kinetic frictional force as
Chapter 4 Problems 133

f k = µk FN = µk (mg + ma) = µk m (g + a )

[( ) (
= (0.360 )(6.00 kg ) 9.80 m/s 2 + 0 m/s 2 )]= 21.2 N

b. When the elevator accelerates upward, a = +1.20 m/s2. Then,

f k = µk FN = µk (mg + ma) = µk m (g + a )

[( ) (
= (0.360 )(6.00 kg ) 9.80 m/s 2 + 1.20 m/s 2 )]= 23.8 N

c. When the elevator accelerates downward, a = –1.20 m/s2. Then,

f k = µk FN = µk (mg + ma) = µk m (g + a )

[( ) (
= (0.360 )(6.00 kg ) 9.80 m/s 2 + –1.20 m/s 2 )]= 18.6 N

42. REASONING The initial and final velocities of the car are known, so we may use Equation 2.9
( v 2x = v02 x + 2a x x ) of the equations of kinematics to determine the stopping displacement x,
provided the acceleration ax can be found. The acceleration is related to the net force ΣFx acting
on the car by Equation 4.2, ∑ Fx = max , where m is its mass. The only force acting on the car in
the x-direction is the static frictional force that acts on the tires. The minimum stopping distance
occurs when the static frictional force is a maximum, so the net force can be expressed with the aid
of Equation 4.7 as ∑ Fx = − fs MAX = − µs FN , where µs is the coefficient of static friction and FN is
the magnitude of the normal force that acts on the tires. The minus sign indicates that the force
points to the left, along the –x axis. By combining these relations, will be able to find the
displacement of the car.

SOLUTION Solving Equation 2.9 for x and substituting Newton’s second law ( a x = ∑ Fx /m )
into this equation yields

vx2 − v02x v 2 − v02x

x= = x
2a x 2 ( Σ Fx / m )

The net force acting on the car is equal to the maximum static frictional force. The maximum static
frictional force is given by − f sMAX = − µs FN . With this substitution, the displacement becomes:
v 2x − v02 x v 2x − v02 x
x= =
2 ( ΣFx / m ) 2 ( −µsFN / m )

There are two forces acting on the car in the vertical, or y, direction, the downward-acting weight
–mg and the upward-acting normal force +FN. Since the car is traveling on a horizontal road and
does not leave it, the net force in the vertical direction must be zero, so that FN – mg = 0, or FN =
mg. Thus, the displacement can be written as (notice that the mass m algebraically cancels out of
this expression)

v 2x − v02x v 2x − v02x
x= =
2 ( − µs FN / m) −2 µs g

The stopping displacements with and without antilock brakes are

v 2 − v02x ( 0 m/s ) − (17.9m/s )

2 2

xwith = x = = 21.4m
−2µs g (
−2 ( 0.764) 9.80m/s2 )

v 2 − v02 x ( 0 m/s ) − (17.9m/s )

2 2

xwithout = x = = 26.6m
−2 µs g 2 ( −0.615 ) 9 . 8 0 m / s2 )
The difference between these two displacements is 26.6 m – 21.4 m = 5 . 2 m .

43. SSM REASONING If we assume that kinetic friction is the only horizontal force that
acts on the skater, then, since kinetic friction is a resistive force, it acts opposite to the direction of
motion and the skater slows down. According to Newton's second law ( ∑ F = ma ), the
magnitude of the deceleration is a = f k / m .

The magnitude of the frictional force that acts on the skater is, according to Equation 4.8,
f k = µk FN where µk is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ice and the skate blades.
There are only two vertical forces that act on the skater; they are the upward normal force FN and
the downward pull of gravity (the weight) mg. Since the skater has no vertical acceleration,
Newton's second law in the vertical direction gives (if we take upward as the positive direction)
FN − mg = 0 . Therefore, the magnitude of the normal force is FN = mg and the magnitude of the
deceleration is given by

f µF µ mg
a= k = k N = k = µk g
m m m

a. Direct substitution into the previous expression gives
Chapter 4 Problems 135

2 2
a = µk g = (0.100)(9.80 m/s ) = 0.980 m/s

Since the skater is slowing down, the

direction of the acceleration must be opposite to the direction of motion .

b. The displacement through which the skater will slide before he comes to rest can be obtained
from Equation 2.9 (v 2 − v02 = 2 ax ). Since the skater comes to rest, v = 0 m/s. If we take the
direction of motion of the skater as the positive direction, then, solving for x, we obtain
–v 2 –(7.60 m/s) 2
x= 0 = = 29.5 m
2a 2(–0.980 m/s 2 )

44. REASONING The free-body diagrams for the large cube (mass = M) and the small cube
(mass = m) are shown in the following drawings. In the case of the large cube, we have omitted
the weight and the normal force from the surface, since the play no role in the solution (although
they do balance).

–FN fs MAX


In these diagrams, note that the two blocks exert a normal force on each other; the large block
exerts the force FN on the smaller block, while the smaller block exerts the force –FN on the larger
block. In accord with Newton’s third law these forces have opposite directions and equal
magnitudes FN . Under the influence of the forces shown, the two blocks have the same
acceleration a. We begin our solution by applying Newton’s second law to each one.

SOLUTION According to Newton’s second law, we have

Σ F = P – FN = Ma FN = ma
144 42444 3 1424 3
Large block Small block

Substituting FN = ma into the large-block expression and solving for P gives

P = (M + m) a

For the smaller block to remain in place against the larger block, the static frictional force must
balance the weight of the smaller block, so that f s M A X = mg. But f s M A X is given by

f s M A X = µsFN , where, from the Newton’s second law, we know that FN = ma. Thus, we have
µsma = mg or a = g/µs . Using this result in the expression for P gives

( M + m )g (25 kg + 4.0 kg )(9.80 m/s 2 )

P = ( M + m )a = = = 4.0 × 10 2 N
µs 0.71

45. REASONING The free-body diagram for the box is shown in the following drawing on the left.
On the right the same drawing is repeated, except that the pushing force P is resolved into its
horizontal and vertical components.

P sin θ

θ P cos θ

fk fk

mg mg

Since the block is moving at a constant velocity, it has no acceleration, and Newton’s second law
indicates that the net vertical and net horizontal forces must separately be zero.

SOLUTION Taking upward and to the right as the positive directions, we write the zero net
vertical and horizontal forces as follows:

FN – mg – Psin θ = 0 P cos θ – f k = 0
144424443 1442443
Vertical Horizontal

From the equation for the horizontal forces, we have P cos θ = f k . But the kinetic frictional force
is f k = µk FN . Furthermore, from the equation for the vertical forces, we have FN = mg + P sin θ
. With these substitutions, we obtain

Pcos θ = f k = µ k FN = µk (mg + P sinθ )

Solving for P gives

µk mg
cosθ − µk sin θ
Chapter 4 Problems 137

The necessary pushing force becomes infinitely large when the denominator in this expression is
zero. Hence, we find that cos θ – µk sin θ = 0 , which can be rearranged to show that
sin θ
or θ = tan –1 
1 1 
= tan θ =  = 68°
cos θ µk  0.41 


a. In the horizontal direction the thrust, F, is balanced by the resistive force, fr, of the water. That
Fx = 0
fr = F = 7.40 × 105 N

b. In the vertical direction, the weight, mg, is balanced by the buoyant force, Fb. So

Fy = 0
Fb = mg = (1.70 × 108 kg)(9.80 m/s2) = 1.67 × 109 N

47. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION There are three vertical forces that act on the
lantern. The two upward forces of tension exerted by the wires, and the downward pull of gravity
(the weight). If we let upward be the positive direction, and let T represent the tension in one of
the wires, then Equation 4.9b gives

∑ Fy = 2T − mg = 0
Solving for T gives
mg (12.0 kg )(9.80 m/s 2 )
T= = = 58.8 N
2 2

48. REASONING AND SOLUTION The free body diagram for the plane is shown below to the
left. The figure at the right shows the forces resolved into components parallel to and
perpendicular to the line of motion of the plane.


θ W cos θ
W W sin θ

If the plane is to continue at constant velocity, the resultant force must still be zero after the fuel is
jettisoned. Therefore (using the directions of T and L to define the positive directions),
T – R – W(sin θ) = 0 (1)
L – W (cos θ) = 0 (2)

From Example 13, before the fuel is jettisoned, the weight of the plane is 86 500 N, the thrust is
103 000 N, and the lift is 74 900 N. The force of air resistance is the same before and after the
fuel is jettisoned and is given in Example 13 as R = 59 800 N.

After the fuel is jettisoned, W = 86 500 N – 2800 N = 83 700 N

From Equation (1) above, the thrust after the fuel is jettisoned is

T = R + W (sin θ) = [(59 800 N) + (83 700 N)(sin 30.0°)] = 101 600 N

From Equation (2), the lift after the fuel is jettisoned is

L = W (cos θ) = (83 700 N)(cos 30.0°) = 72 500 N

a. The pilot must, therefore, reduce the thrust by

103 000 N – 101 600 N = 1400 N

b. The pilot must reduce the lift by

74 900 N – 72 500 N = 2400 N

Chapter 4 Problems 139

the right shows the forces that act on the wine bottle. 45.0° 45.0° F2
Newton’s second law applied in the horizontal and vertical
directions gives

∑ Fy = F1 cos 45.0° + F2 cos 45.0° – W = 0 (1) W

∑ Fx = F2 sin 45.0° − F1 sin 45.0° = 0 (2)

From Equation (2), we see that F1 = F2 . According to Equation (1), we have

W mg
F1 = =
2 cos 45.0° 2 cos 45.0 °
(1.40 kg) (9.80 m/s 2 )
F1 = F2 = = 9.70 N
2 cos 45.0 °

50. REASONING The drawing shows the I-beam and the three
forces that act on it, its weight W and the tension T in each of the
cables. Since the I-beam is moving upward at a constant velocity,
its acceleration is zero and it is in vertical equilibrium. According to
Equation 4.9b, ∑ Fy = 0 , the net force in the vertical (or y)
direction must be zero. This relation will allow us to find the
magnitude of the tension. T T

SOLUTION Taking up as the +y direction, Equation 4.9b

70.0° 70.0°

+ T sin70.0° + T sin70.0 °−8.00×103 N = 0

14444444 4244444444 3
ΣF y

Solving this equation for the tension gives T = 4 2 6 0 N .

W = –8.00 × 103 N


51. REASONING The book is kept from falling as long as the total static frictional force balances
the weight of the book. The forces that act on the book are shown in the following free-body
diagram, where P is the pressing force applied by each hand.

fsMAX f sMAX


In this diagram, note that there are two pressing forces, one from each hand. Each hand also
applies a static frictional force, and, therefore, two static frictional forces are shown. The
maximum static frictional force is related in the usual way to a normal force FN, but in this problem
the normal force is provided by the pressing force, so that FN = P.

SOLUTION Since the frictional forces balance the weight, we have

( ) ( )
2 f sMAX = 2 µ s FN = 2 µ s P = W

Solving for P, we find that

W 31 N
P= = = 39 N
2µs 2( 0.40 )

52. REASONING AND SOLUTION Newton’s second law applied in the vertical and horizontal
directions gives

L cos 21.0° – W = 0 (1)

L sin 21.0° – R = 0 (2)
Chapter 4 Problems 141

a. Equation (1) gives

2 1.0 °
W 53 800 N
L= = = 57 600 N
cos 21.0° cos 21.0°
b. Equation (2) gives
R = L sin 21.0° = ( 57 600 N) sin 21.0° = 20 600 N


53. SSM REASONING In order for the object to move with constant velocity, the net force on
the object must be zero. Therefore, the north/south component of the third force must be equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction to the 80.0 N force, while the east/west component of the
third force must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the 60.0 N force. Therefore,
the third force has components: 80.0 N due south and 60.0 N due east. We can use the
Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction of this third force.

SOLUTION The magnitude of the third force is


F3 = (80.0 N)2 + (60.0 N) 2 = 1.00 × 102 N

The direction of F3 is specified by the angle θ where 80.0 N
θ F3
 80.0 N 
θ = tan –1  = 53.1° , south of east 60.0 N
60.0 N 

54. REASONING The free-body diagram in the drawing at the FN

right shows the forces that act on the clown (weight = W). In P
this drawing, note that P denotes the pulling force. Since the
rope passes around three pulleys, forces of magnitude P are P f sMAX
applied both to the clown’s hands and his feet. The normal
force due to the floor is FN , and the maximum static frictional
force is f sMAX . At the instant just before the clown’s feet move,
the net vertical and net horizontal forces are zero, according to
Newton’s second law, since there is no acceleration at this

SOLUTION According to Newton’s second law, with upward and to the right chosen as the
positive directions, we have

FN + P – W = 0 and f sMAX – P = 0
1442443 1 4
4244 3
Vertical forces Horizontal forces

From the horizontal-force equation we find P = f sMAX . But f sMAX = µsFN . From the vertical-
force equation, the normal force is FN = W – P . With these substitutions, it follows that
P = f sMAX = µs FN = µs ( W – P )
Solving for P gives
µs W ( 0.53 )( 890 N )
P= = = 310 N
1 + µs 1 + 0.53

55. REASONING The drawing shows the bicycle

(represented as a circle) moving down the hill. Since +x
the bicycle is moving at a constant velocity, its fair
acceleration is zero and it is in equilibrium. Choosing
the x axis to be parallel to the hill, Equation 4.9a states
that ∑ Fx = 0 , so the net force along the x axis is
zero. This relation will allow us to find the value of the
numerical constant c that appears in the expression for
fair. mg

SOLUTION Taking up the hill as the +x direction, the x-component of the weight is
–mg sin 8.0°, and the force due to air resistance is +f air = +cv, where the plus sign indicates that
this force points opposite to the motion of the bicycle, or up the hill. Equation 4.9a can be written
Chapter 4 Problems 143

+ cv −4
mg ° =0
144 2444

Solving this equation for the constant c gives

c= =
mg sin8.0° ( 85kg ) 9.80m/s sin8.0°
= 13kg/s
v 8.9m/s

56. REASONING AND SOLUTION If the +x axis is taken in the direction

of motion, Fx = 0 gives F

F – fk – mg sin θ = 0 fk

where F
fk = µkFN
W 25.0°
F – µkFN – mg sin θ = 0 (1)

Also, F y = 0 gives
FN – mg cos θ = 0
FN = mg cos θ (2)

Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1) and solving for F yields

F = mg( sin θ + µk cos θ )

F = (55.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2)[sin 25.0° + (0.120)cos 25.0°] = 286 N


57. SSM REASONING There are four forces that act on the chandelier; they are the forces of
tension T in each of the three wires, and the downward force of gravity mg. Under the influence
of these forces, the chandelier is at rest and, therefore, in equilibrium. Consequently, the sum of
the x components as well as the sum of the y components of the forces must each be zero. The
figure below shows the free-body diagram for the chandelier and the force components for a
suitable system of x, y axes. Note that the free-body diagram only shows one of the forces of
tension; the second and third tension forces are not shown. The triangle at the right shows the
geometry of one of the cords, where l is the length of the cord, and d is the distance from the

θ T θ


We can use the forces in the y direction to find the magnitude T of the tension in any one wire.

SOLUTION Remembering that there are three tension forces, we see from the free-body
diagram that
mg mg mgl
3T sin θ = mg or T= = =
3 sin θ 3(d / l) 3d

Therefore, the magnitude of the tension in any one of the cords is

(44 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )(2.0 m)

T= = 1.9 × 102 N
3(1.5 m)

58. REASONING AND SOLUTION Let the tension in wire 1 be T1 and the tension in wire 2 be
T2. The sum of the vertical forces acting on the point where the wires join must be zero.

T1 sin 43.0° + T2 sin 55.0° – mg = 0 (1)

Similarly, the horizontal forces must add to zero so

– T1 cos 43.0° + T2 cos 55.0° = 0 (2)

Solving Equation (2) for T1, substituting into Equation (1), and rearranging yields

T2 = 317 N

Using this result in Equation (2) gives T1 = 249 N

Chapter 4 Problems 145

59. REASONING The tree limb is in equilibrium, so we will apply Newton’s second law to it. This
law will allow us to determine the tension in both
segments of the wire. 0.800 m 3.20 m

SOLUTION Let T1 be the tension in the shorter T1 0.200 m T2

segment of the wire, T2 be the tension in the longer θ1 θ2
segment, and W be the weight of the limb (see the
drawing). In the horizontal direction, Fx = 0 W
(Equation 4.9a) gives
−T1 cos θ1 + T2 cos θ2 = 0
Σ Fx (1)
 0.200m   0.200m
where θ1 = tan− 1   = 14.0° and θ2 = tan − 1   = 3.58° . In the vertical
 0.800m   3.20m 
direction, Fy = 0 (Equation 4.9b) gives
+T1 sin θ1 + T2 sin θ2 − W = 0
ΣFy (2)
a. Solving Equation (1) for T2 in terms of T1 , and substituting the result into Equation (2) yields
W 151N
T1 = = = 499 N
sin θ1 + ( sin θ 2 ) ( cos θ1 ) / ( cos θ2 ) sin14.0°+ ( sin 3.58°) ( cos14.0°) / ( cos3.58° )

b. Substituting T1 = 499 N into Equation (1) and solving for T2 gives

T2 = T1 ( cos θ1 ) / ( cos θ2 ) = ( 499 N) ( cos14.0° ) / ( cos3.58° ) = 4 8 5 N



a. If the block is not to slide down the wall, then the vertical forces acting on the block must sum
to zero.
F cos 40.0° – mg + µsFN = 0

Additionally, the horizontal forces must sum to zero.

F sin 40.0° – FN = 0
Eliminating FN gives
F= = 79.0 N
cos40.0° + µs sin 40.0°

b. The above analysis applies to the case where the block is starting to slide up the wall except,
that the frictional force will be in the opposite direction. Hence,
F= = 219 N
cos40.0° – µs sin 40.0°

61. SSM REASONING The following figure shows the crate on the incline and the free body
diagram for the crate. The diagram at the far right shows all the forces resolved into components
that are parallel and perpendicular to the surface of the incline. We can analyze the motion of the
crate using Newton's second law. The coefficient of friction can be determined from the resulting

P sin θ
fS fS
θ θ
P cos θ

θ mg sin θ mg cos θ

SOLUTION Since the crate is at rest, it is in equilibrium and its acceleration is zero in all
directions. If we take the direction down the incline as positive, Newton's second law indicates
∑ Fx = P cos θ + mgsin θ − fsMAX = 0

According to Equation 4.7, fsMAX = µs FN . Therefore, we have

Pcos θ+ mgsin θ − µsFN = 0 (1)

The expression for the normal force can be found from analyzing the forces that are perpendicular
to the incline. Taking up to be positive, we have

∑ Fy = Psin θ+ FN – mgcos θ = 0 or FN = mg cos θ – Psin θ

Equation (1) then becomes

Pcos θ+ mgsin θ − µs (mgcosθ – P sin θ) = 0

Solving for the coefficient of static friction, we find that

Chapter 4 Problems 147

P cos θ + mg sin θ (535 N) cos 20.0° + (225 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) sin 20.0°
µs = = = 0.665
mg cos θ – P sin θ (225 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) cos 20.0°– (535 N) sin 20.0°

62. REASONING The weight of the part of the washcloth off the table is moff g. At the instant just
before the washcloth begins to slide, this weight is supported by a force that has magnitude equal
to f sMAX , which is the static frictional force that the table surface applies to the part of the
washcloth on the table. This force is transmitted “around the bend” in the washcloth hanging over
the edge by the tension forces between the molecules of the washcloth, in much the same way that
a force applied to one end of a rope is transmitted along the rope as it passes around a pulley.

SOLUTION Since the static frictional supports the weight of the washcloth off the table, we have
f sMAX = moff g. The static frictional force is f sMAX = µsFN . The normal force FN is applied by
the table to the part of the washcloth on the table and has a magnitude equal to the weight of that
part of the washcloth. This is so, because the table is assumed to be horizontal and the part of the
washcloth on it does not accelerate in the vertical direction. Thus, we have
f sMAX = µs FN = µs mon g = moff g

The magnitude g of the acceleration due to gravity can be eliminated algebraically from this result,
giving µsmon = moff . Dividing both sides by mon + moff gives

 mon  moff
µs   = or µs f on = f off
 mon + moff
  mon + moff

where we have used f on and f off to denote the fractions of the washcloth on and off the table,
respectively. Since f on + f off = 1, we can write the above equation on the left as

( )
µs 1 – f off = f off or f off =
1 + µs
1 + 0.40
= 0.29


63. REASONING AND SOLUTION Newton's second law, F = ma, implies that the
acceleration a and the net force are in the same direction. This is 64° N of E . The magnitude of
the net force is

F = ma = (350 kg)(0.62 m/s2) = 220 N


64. REASONING Suppose the bobsled is moving along the +x direction. There are two forces
acting on it that are parallel to its motion; a force +Fx propelling it forward and a force of
–450 N that is resisting its motion. The net force is the sum of these two forces. According to
Newton’s second law, Equation 4.2a, the net force is equal to the mass of the bobsled times its
acceleration. Since the mass and acceleration are known, we can use the second law to determine
the magnitude of the propelling force.

a. Newton’s second law states that

+ Fx − 4 5 0 N = max
144244 3 (4.2a)

Solving this equation for Fx gives

( )
Fx = max + 4 5 0 N = ( 270kg ) 2.4m/s 2 + 4 5 0 N = 1 1 0 0 N

b. The magnitude of the net force that acts on the bobsled is

( )
Σ Fx = max = ( 270kg ) 2.4m/s 2 = 6 5 0 N (4.2a)

65. SSM REASONING If we assume that the acceleration is constant, we can use Equation 2.4
( v = v0 + at ) to find the acceleration of the car. Once the acceleration is known, Newton's
second law (∑ F = ma ) can be used to find the magnitude and direction of the net force that
produces the deceleration of the car.

SOLUTION The average acceleration of the car is, according to Equation 2.4,

v − v0 17.0m/s − 27.0m/s
a= = = − 1.25m/s 2
t 8.00s

where the minus sign indicates that the direction of the acceleration is opposite to the direction of
motion; therefore, the acceleration points due west.

According to Newton's Second law, the net force on the car is

∑ F = ma = (1380 kg)(–1.25 m/s 2 ) = –1730 N

Chapter 4 Problems 149

The magnitude of the net force is 1 7 3 0 N . From Newton's second law, we know that the
direction of the force is the same as the direction of the acceleration, so the force also points
due west .

66. REASONING AND SOLUTION From Newton's second law and the equation: v = v 0 + at,
we have
v − v0
F = ma = m

a. When the skier accelerates from rest (v 0 = 0 m/s) to a speed of 11 m/s in 8.0 s, the required
net force is
v - v0 (11 m/s) − 0m/s
F=m = (73 kg) = 1.0 × 10 2 N
t 8.0 s

b. When the skier lets go of the tow rope and glides to a halt (v = 0 m/s) in 21 s, the net force
acting on the skier is
v − v0 0 m/s − (11m/s)
F=m = (73kg) = −3 8 N
t 21 s

The magnitude of the net force is 38 N .



Newton's second law applied to
Object 1 Object 2
block 1 (422 N) gives
T = m1a1 T
Similarly, for block 2 (185 N)
T – m2g = m2a2 W2

If the string is not to break or go slack,

both blocks must have accelerations of
the same magnitude.

Then a1 = a and a2 = –a. The above equations become

T = m1a (1)

T – m2g = – m2a (2)

a. Substituting Equation (1) into Equation (2) and solving for a yields

m2 g
a= = 2.99 m/s 2
m1 + m2

b. Using this value in Equation (1) gives

T = m1 a = 129 N

68. REASONING Let’s assume that the rocket is moving in the +y direction. There are three forces
acting on it: the upward thrust of +T, the force –f air of air resistance, and the weight
–mg of the rocket. The net force is the sum of these three forces. According to Newton’s second
law, Equation 4.2b, the net force is equal to the mass of the rocket times its acceleration. We can
use the second law to determine the acceleration.

Newton’s second law states that

T − mg − f air = may
144244 3 (4.2b)
Σ Fy

Solving this equation for ay gives

+T − mg − f air
ay =

( )( )
7.5 × 10 6 N − 4.5 × 105 kg 9.80m/s 2 − 2.4 × 10 6 N
= +1 . 5 m / s 2
4.5 × 10 kg5


69. SSM WWW REASONING The speed of the N

skateboarder at the bottom of the ramp can be found by solving

Equation 2.9 (v 2 = v02 + 2 ax where x is the distance that the
mgsin θ
skater moves down the ramp) for v. The figure at the right mgcos θ
shows the free-body diagram for the skateboarder. The net
force ∑ F , which accelerates the skateboarder down the ramp,
Chapter 4 Problems 151

is the component of the weight that is parallel to the incline: ∑ F = mg sin θ . Therefore, we know
from Newton's second law that the acceleration of the skateboarder down the ramp is

∑ F mg sin θ
a= = = g sin θ
m m

SOLUTION Thus, the speed of the skateboarder at the bottom of the ramp is

2 2 2 2
v = v 0 + 2ax = v0 + 2gx sin θ = (2.6 m/s) + 2(9.80 m/s )(6.0 m) sin18 ° = 6.6 m/s
a. A free-body diagram for the crate gives
TB – WC = mCa

TB = WC + mCa

TB = 1510 N + 
1510 N 
2 
 9.80 m/s 
( )
0.620 m/s 2 = 1610 N

b. An analysis of the free-body diagram for the platform yields Man

TA – TB – WW = mW a

TA = TB + WW + mW a

 965 N 
TA = 1610 N + 
 9.80 m/s 
2  0.620 m/s
+ 965 N ) W

= 2640 N


71. SSM REASONING We can use the appropriate equation of kinematics to find the
acceleration of the bullet. Then Newton's second law can be used to find the average net force on
the bullet.

SOLUTION According to Equation 2.4, the acceleration of the bullet is


v − v0 715 m/s − 0 m/s

a= = = 2.86 × 105 m/s2
2.50 ×10 s

Therefore, the net average force on the bullet is

∑ F = ma = (15 × 10 −3 kg)(2.86 × 10 5 m/s 2 ) = 4290 N


72. REASONING AND SOLUTION Newton’s second law gives

F cos 35.0° – fk = ma
 70.0 N  37.8 N
a=   cos 35.0° – = 1.30 m/s 2
 15.0 kg  15.0 kg

73. REASONING AND SOLUTION The acceleration needed so that the craft touches down with
zero velocity is
v2 - v2 - (18.0 m/s) 2
0 2
a= = = 0.982 m/s .
2s 2(- 165 m)

Newton's second law applied in the vertical direction gives

F – mg = ma
F = m(a + g) = (1.14 × 104 kg)(0.982 m/s2 + 1.60 m/s2) = 29 400 N

74. REASONING The free-body diagrams for Robin

(mass = m) and for the chandelier (mass = M) are given T T
at the right. The tension T in the rope applies an upward
Robin Chandelier
force to both. Robin accelerates upward, while the
chandelier accelerates downward, each acceleration mg
having the same magnitude. Our solution is based on Mg
separate applications of Newton’s second law to Robin
and the chandelier.

SOLUTION Applying Newton’s second law, we find

24 ma
3 and T 42=4–4
1–4Mg Ma
Robin Hood Chandelier
Chapter 4 Problems 153

In these applications we have taken upward as the positive direction, so that Robin’s acceleration
is a, while the chandelier’s acceleration is –a. Solving the Robin-Hood equation for T gives
T = mg + ma

Substituting this expression for T into the Chandelier equation gives

 M – m 
mg + ma – Mg = – Ma or a= g
 M + m

a. Robin’s acceleration is

 (220 kg ) – (82 kg ) 
a = 
M – m
 M + m  (220 kg ) + (82 kg )
 9.80 m/s = 4.5 m/s
2 2

b. Substituting the value of a into the expression for T gives

T = mg + ma = (82 kg ) 9.80 m/s 2 + 4.5 m/s 2 = 1200 N)

75. SSM REASONING The shortest time to pull the person from the cave corresponds to the
maximum acceleration, a y , that the rope can withstand. We first determine this acceleration and
then use kinematic Equation 3.5b ( y = v0 y t + 2 ayt 2 ) to find the time t.

SOLUTION As the person is being pulled from the cave, there are two forces that act on him;
they are the tension T in the rope that points vertically upward, and the weight of the person mg
that points vertically downward. Thus, if we take upward as the positive direction, Newton's
second law gives ∑ Fy = T – mg = may . Solving for a y , we have

T T 569 N 2 2
ay = –g= –g= 2 2 − 9.80 m/s = 0.92 m/s
m W /g (5.20 ×10 N)/(9.80 m/s )

Therefore, from Equation 3.5b with v0y = 0 m/s, we have y = 2 ay t 2 . Solving for t, we find

2y 2(35.1 m)
t= = = 8.7 s
ay 0.92 m/s 2

76. REASONING AND SOLUTION If the +x axis is taken to be parallel to and up the ramp, then
Fx = max gives

T – fk – mg sin 30.0° = max

where fk = µkFN . Hence,
T = max + µkFN + mg sin 30.0° (1)
Also, F y = may gives
FN – mg cos 30.0° = 0

since no acceleration occurs in this direction. Then

FN = mg cos 30.0° (2)

Substitution of Equation (2) into Equation (1) yields

T = max + µkmg cos 30.0° + mg sin 30.0°

T = (205 kg)(0.800 m/s2) + (0.900)(205 kg)(9.80 m/s2)cos 30.0°

+ (205 kg)(9.80 m/s2)sin 30.0° = 2730 N

77. REASONING AND SOLUTION The static frictional force accelerates the crate so that it does
not slip against the bed of the truck. The maximum force that friction can supply is

fsmax = µsFN = µsmg

Newton's second law gives fsmax = ma, so

a = µsg = (0.40)(9.80 m/s2) = 3.9 m/s2


78. REASONING Newton’s second law, Equation 4.2a, can be used to find the tension in the
coupling between the cars, since the mass and acceleration are known. The tension in the coupling
between the 30th and 31st cars is responsible for providing the acceleration for the 20 cars from the
31st to the 50th car. The tension in the coupling between the 49th and 50th cars is responsible only
for pulling one car, the 50th.

a. The tension T between the 30th and 31st cars is
Chapter 4 Problems 155

Tx = (Mass of 20cars)a x (4.2a)

( )( )
= ( 20cars ) 6.8 × 103 kg/car 8.0 × 10 −2 m / s 2 = 1.1 × 104 N

b. The tension T between the 49th and 50th cars is

Tx = (Massof1car) a x (4.2a)

( )( )
= (1car ) 6.8 × 103 kg/car 8.0 × 10 −2 m / s 2 = 5.4 × 102 N

79. SSM REASONING The box comes to a halt because the
kinetic frictional force and the component of its weight parallel to
the incline oppose the motion and cause the box to slow down.
mg sin θ
The distance that the box travels up the incline can be can be
found by solving Equation 2.9 (v 2 = v02 + 2 ax ) for x. Before we mg cos θ
use this approach, however, we must first determine the
acceleration of the box as it travels along the incline.

SOLUTION The figure above shows the free-body diagram for the box. It shows the resolved
components of the forces that act on the box. If we take the direction up the incline as the positive
x direction, then, Newton's second law gives

∑ Fx = – mgsin θ – fk = max or – mgsin θ – µk FN = max

where we have used Equation 4.8, f k = µk FN . In the y direction we have

∑ Fy = FN – mgcos θ = 0 or FN = mg cosθ

since there is no acceleration in the y direction. Therefore, the equation for the motion in the x
direction becomes

–mgsin θ – µk mgcosθ = max or ax = – g(sin θ+ µk cos θ)

According to Equation 2.9, with this value for the acceleration and the fact that v = 0 m/s, the
distance that the box slides up the incline is

v20 v02 (1.50 m/s) 2

x=– = = = 0.265 m
2a 2g(sin θ+ µk cosθ ) 2(9.80 m/s 2 )[sin 15.0 ° + (0.180)cos 15.0°]

80. REASONING AND SOLUTION If the x axis is taken parallel to the slope with +x down the
slope, then F x = max gives
Fw + mg sin θ – fk = max

where fk = µkFN and Fw is the force exerted by the wind on the person and sled.
Fy = may gives
FN – mg cos θ = 0

since there is no acceleration of the sled in this direction. Hence,

FN = mg cos θ

Substitution of this into the above result gives

ax = Fw/m + g sin θ – µkg cos θ

ax = (105 N)/(65.0 kg) + (9.80 m/s2)sin 30.0° – (0.150)(9.80 m/s2)cos 30.0° = 5.24 m/s2

The time required for the sled to travel a distance, x, subject to this acceleration is found from
x = vot +(1/2)axt2

Therefore, and using the fact that v 0 = 0 m/s, the time is

2x 2(175 m )
t= = = 8.17 s
ax 5.24 m/s 2

81. REASONING AND SOLUTION The figure to the left below shows the forces that act on the
sports car as it accelerates up the hill. The figure to the right below shows these forces resolved
into components parallel to and perpendicular to the line of motion. Forces pointing up the hill will
be taken as positive.


mg sin θ
mg cos θ
Chapter 4 Problems 157

a. The acceleration will be a maximum when P = f smax . From the forces along the line of motion:
f smax − mg sin θ = ma

The force f s is equal to µs FN. The normal force can be found from the forces perpendicular to
the line of motion:

FN = mg cos θ
µ s ( mg cos θ) − mg sin θ = ma
( ) ( )
a = g µs cosθ – sin θ = 9.80 m/s 2 (0.88 cos18° – sin 18° ) = 5.2 m/s 2

b. When the car is being driven downhill, P (= f smax ) now points down the hill in the same
direction as (mg sin θ). Taking the direction of motion as positive, we have

f smax + mg sin θ = ma

Following the same steps as above we obtain

µ s ( mg cos θ) + mg sin θ = ma
( ) ( )
a = g µs cosθ + sin θ = 9.80 m/s 2 (0.88 cos18° + sin 18° ) = 11 m/s 2

82. REASONING AND SOLUTION The distance required for the truck to stop is found from

v 2 – v02 ( 0 m/s ) – v0
2 2
x= =
2a 2a

The acceleration of the truck is needed. The frictional force decelerates the crate. The maximum
force that friction can supply is

f smax = µsFN = µsmg

Newton's second law requires that

f smax = – ma so a = – µsg

Now the stopping distance is


v 02 ( 25 m/s )2
x= = = 49.1 m
2 µs g 2 ( 0.650 )(9.80 m/s 2 )


SOLUTION The penguin comes
to a halt on the horizontal surface θ
because the kinetic frictional force
opposes the motion and causes it to FN1 FN2
slow down. The time required for fk1
the penguin to slide to a halt mg sin θ
( v = 0 m/s) after entering the
horizontal patch of ice is, according mg cosθ mg
to Equation 2.4,

v − v0 −v0 Free-body diagram A Free-body diagram B

t= =
ax ax

We must, therefore, determine the acceleration of the penguin as it slides along the horizontal

For the penguin sliding on the horizontal patch of ice, we find from free-body diagram B and
Newton's second law in the x direction (motion to the right is taken as positive) that

– f k2 –µk FN2
∑ Fx = – fk2 = max or ax = =
m m

In the y direction in free-body diagram B, we have ∑ Fy = FN2 – mg = 0 , or FN2 = mg .

Therefore, the acceleration of the penguin is

– µk mg
ax = = – µk g (1)

Equation (1) indicates that, in order to find the acceleration a x , we must find the coefficient of
kinetic friction.

We are told in the problem statement that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the penguin and
the ice is the same for the incline as for the horizontal patch. Therefore, we can use the motion of
the penguin on the incline to determine the coefficient of friction and use it in Equation (1).
Chapter 4 Problems 159

For the penguin sliding down the incline, we find from free-body diagram A and Newton's second
law (taking the direction of motion as positive) that

∑ Fx = mgsin θ – fk1 = max = 0 or f k1 = mgsin θ (2)

Here, we have used the fact that the penguin slides down the incline with a constant velocity, so
that it has zero acceleration. From Equation 4.8, we know that f k1 = µk FN1 . Applying
Newton's second law in the direction perpendicular to the incline, we have

∑ Fy = FN1 – mgcos θ = 0 or FN1 = mg cosθ

Therefore, f k1 = µk mg cosθ, so that according to Equation (2), we find

f k1 = µk mg cos θ = mgsin θ

Solving for the coefficient of kinetic friction, we have

sin θ
µk = = tan θ

Finally, the time required for the penguin to slide to a halt after entering the horizontal patch of ice is
−v –v0 v0 1.4 m/s
t= 0 = = = = 1.2 s
ax – µk g g tanθ (9.80 m/s 2 ) tan 6.9°


a. The rope exerts a tension, T, acting upward on each block. Applying Newton's second law to
the lighter block (block 1) gives

T – m1g = m1a

Similarly, for the heavier block (block 2)

T – m2g = – m2a

Subtracting the second equation from the first and rearranging yields

 m2 – m1 
a=   g = 3.68 m/s 2
 2
m + m1 

b. The tension in the rope is now 908 N since the tension is the reaction to the applied force
exerted by the hand. Newton's second law applied to the block is

T – m1g = m1a
Solving for a gives
T (908 N )
a= –g= – 9.80 m/s 2 = 11.8 m/s 2
m1 42.0 kg

c. In the first case, the inertia of BOTH blocks affects the acceleration whereas, in the second
case, only the lighter block's inertia remains.


a. The left mass (mass 1) has a tension T1 pulling it up. Newton's second law gives

T1 – m1g = m1a (1)

The right mass (mass 3) has a different tension, T3, trying to pull it up. Newton's second for it is
T3 – m3g = – m3a (2)

The middle mass (mass 2) has both tensions acting on it along with friction. Newton's second law
for its horizontal motion is

T3 – T1 – µkm2g = m2a (3)

Solving Equation (1) and Equation (2) for T1 and T3, respectively, and substituting into Equation
(3) gives
(m - m - µ m )g
a = m3 + 1m +k m2 .
1 2 3
a = 0.60 m/s2
b. From part a

T1 = m1(g + a) = 104 N and T3 = m3(g - a) = 230 N



a. The static frictional force is responsible for accelerating the top block so that it does not slip
against the bottom one. The maximum force that can be supplied by friction is
Chapter 4 Problems 161

fsmax = µsFN = µsm1g

Newton's second law requires that fsmax = m1a, so

a = µsg

The force necessary to cause BOTH blocks to have this acceleration is

F = (m1 + m2)a = (m1 + m2)µsg

F = (5.00 kg + 12.0 kg)(0.600)(9.80 m/s2) = 1.00 × 102 N

b. The maximum acceleration that the two block combination can have before slipping
occurs is
a = F/(17.0 kg)

Newton's second law applied to the 5.00 kg block is

F – µsm1g = m1a = (5.00 kg)(F)/(17.0 kg)

F = 41.6 N
a. According to Equation 4.4, the weight of an object of mass m on the surface of Mars would
be given by

where MM is the mass of Mars and RM is the radius of Mars. On the surface of Mars, the weight
of the object can be given as W = mg (see Equation 4.5), so

mg = or g=
Substituting values, we have

(6.67 ×10−11 N ⋅ m 2 /kg2 )(6.46 ×1023 kg)

g= = 3.75 m/s2
(3.39 ×10 m)6 2

b. According to Equation 4.5,


W = mg = (65 kg)(3.75 m/s2) = 2.4 ×10 2 N


88. REASONING AND SOLUTION Since the skier is pulled at F

constant velocity, the net force on the skier is zero. The free body
diagram is shown at the right, where P is the horizontal pulling force R P
and R is the resistive force exerted on the skier by the water. The
positive directions are to the right and up in the diagram.
a. Σ Fx = P – R = 0 or R = P = 350 N

b. Σ Fy = FW – mg = 0

or ( )
FW = mg = (92kg ) 9.80 m/s 2 = 9.0 × 102 N

89. REASONING AND SOLUTION Consider a free body diagram for the stuntman with the x-axis
parallel to the ground and the +y-axis vertically upward. The motion is along the +x-axis.
Newton's second law written for no motion along the y-axis is Fy = 0 or

FN – mg = 0
This gives the normal force to be

FN = mg = (109 kg)(9.80 m/s2)

Newton's second law for uniform motion in the x direction is Fx = 0 or

T – fk = 0
T = fk = µkFN = (0.870)FN = 929 N

90. REASONING The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the satellite by the earth is
given by Equation 4.3 as F = Gmsatellite mearth / r 2 , where r is the distance between the satellite and
the center of the earth. This expression also gives the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted
on the earth by the satellite. According to Newton’s second law, the magnitude of the earth’s
acceleration is equal to the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on it divided by its mass.
Chapter 4 Problems 163

Similarly, the magnitude of the satellite’s acceleration is equal to the magnitude of the gravitational
force exerted on it divided by its mass.


a. The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the satellite when it is a distance of two
earth radii from the center of the earth is

Gmsatellite mearth
( 6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m2 / k g2 ) ( 425kg ) ( 5.98 × 1024
kg ) = 1.04 × 103 N
r2 ( 2 ) ( 6.38 × 10 m ) 
 

b. The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the earth when it is a distance of two earth
radii from the center of the satellite is

Gmsatellite mearth
( 6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m2 / k g2 ) ( 425kg ) ( 5.98 × 1024
kg ) = 1.04 × 103 N
r2 ( 2 ) ( 6.38 × 10 m ) 
 

c. The acceleration of the satellite can be obtained from Newton’s second law.

F 1.04 × 103 N
asatellite = = = 2.45m/s2
msatellite 425kg

d. The acceleration of the earth can also be obtained from Newton’s second law.

F 1.04 × 103 N
aearth = = = 1.74 × 10−22 m / s2
mearth 5.98 × 10 kg


91. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION Four forces act on the sled. They are the pulling
force P, the force of kinetic friction f k , the weight mg of the sled, and the normal force FN exerted
on the sled by the surface on which it slides. The following figures show free-body diagrams for
the sled. In the diagram on the right, the forces have been resolved into their x and y components.

P sin θ

fk P cos θ

x x

mg mg

Since the sled is pulled at constant velocity, its acceleration is zero, and Newton's second law in
the direction of motion is (with right chosen as the positive direction)

∑ Fx = P cos θ − f k = ma x = 0

From Equation 4.8, we know that f k = µk FN , so that the above expression becomes

P cos θ − µk FN = 0 (1)
In the vertical direction,

∑ Fy = P sinθ + FN − mg = ma y = 0 (2)

Solving Equation (2) for the normal force, and substituting into Equation (1), we obtain

P cos θ − µk ( mg − P sin θ ) = 0

Solving for µk , the coefficient of kinetic friction, we find

P cosθ (80.0 N) cos 30.0°

µk = = = 0.444
mg − P sin θ (20.0 kg) (9.80 m/s 2 ) − (80.0N) sin 30.0°

92. REASONING The skydiver is falling along the –y direction. There are two forces acting on him:
the upward-acting force +f air of air resistance, and his weight, –mg. The net force is the sum of
these forces. According to Newton’s second law, Equation 4.2b, the net force is equal to the mass
of the skydiver times his acceleration. We can use the second law to determine the acceleration.

Chapter 4 Problems 165

Newton’s second law states that

+ f air − mg = may
14243 (4.2b)
Σ Fy

Solving this equation for ay and noting that f air = 13 mg , we have

− mg + 13 mg
ay = = − 23 g = − 6 . 5 m / s2

The magnitude of the skydiver’s acceleration is 6 . 5 m / s2 .

b. When the skydiver falls at a constant velocity, his acceleration is zero, and he is in equilibrium.
According to Equation 4.9b, ΣFy = 0, and the net force acting on him must be zero.

f air − mg = 0
14 243
The force of air resistance is

f air = mg = (110kg ) 9 . 8 m / s 2 ) = 1100 N,upward


a. In the vertical direction Fy = may gives

T – mg = may
T = may + mg = mg(1 + ay/g)

 1.10 m/s 2 
T = ( 822 N )  1 +  = 914 N
 9.80 m/s 2 

b. The acceleration of the man is zero if his velocity is constant. From part a

T = mg = 822 N

94. REASONING AND SOLUTION The apparent weight is

FN = mw(g + a)

We need to find the acceleration, a. Newton's second law applied to the elevator gives

T – (mw + me)g = (mw + me)a

Solving for a gives

9410 N
a = m T+ m - g = - 9.80 m/s 2 = 0.954 m/s2 .
w e 60.0 kg + 815 kg

Now the apparent weight is

FN = 60.0 kg(9.80 m/s2 + 0.954 m/s2) = 645 N



a. Each cart has the same mass and acceleration; therefore, the net force acting on any one of the
carts is, according to Newton's second law

∑ F = ma = (26 kg)(0.050 m/s 2 ) = 1.3 N

b. The fifth cart must essentially push the sixth, seventh, eight, ninth and tenth cart. In other
words, it must exert on the sixth cart a total force of

∑ F = ma = 5(26 kg)(0.050 m/s 2 ) = 6.5 N


96. REASONING AND SOLUTION The acceleration required is

v2 - v2 2
- (15.0 m/s)
0 2
a= = = - 2.25 m/s
2x 2(50.0 m)

Newton's second law then gives the magnitude of the net force as

F = ma = (1580 kg)(2.25 m/s2) = 3560 N

Chapter 4 Problems 167



a. Newton's second law applied to the spacecraft gives

ΣF 2240 N
a= = = 0.0640 m/s 2
m 3.50 × 10 kg

This is a + acceleration since the thrust is in the direction of motion.

b. The distance traveled is found to be

v 2 – v 02 (2310 m/s ) 2 – (1820 m/s ) 2

x= = = 1.58 × 10 7 m = 1.58 × 10 4 km
2a (
2 0.0640 m/s 2

98. REASONING As discussed in Conceptual Example 7, the same net force is required on the
moon as on the earth. This net force is given by Newton’s second law as ΣF = ma, where the
mass m is the same in both places. Thus, from the given mass and acceleration, we can calculate
the net force. On the moon, the net force comes about due to the drive force and the opposing
frictional force. Since the drive force is given, we can find the frictional force.

SOLUTION Newton’s second law, with the direction of motion taken as positive, gives

ΣF = ma or (1430 N ) – f = (5.90 × 10 3 kg )(0.220 m/s 2 )

Solving for the frictional force f , we find

( )( )
f = (1430 N ) – 5.90 × 10 3 kg 0.220 m/s 2 = 130N

y y
The system is shown in the drawing. We will
let m1 = 21.0 kg, and m2 = 45.0 kg . Then,
m1 will move upward, and m 2 will move T T
downward. There are two forces that act on
each object; they are the tension T in the
cord and the weight mg of the object. The m1 x
forces are shown in the free-body diagrams m2
m2 g
at the far right. m1 g

We will take up as the positive direction. If the acceleration of m1 is a, then the acceleration of
m 2 must be –a.

From Newton's second law, we have for m1

∑ Fy = T − m1g = m1a (1)

and for m 2
∑ Fy = T − m2g = – m2a (2)

a. Eliminating T between these two equations, we obtain

 45.0 kg – 21.0 kg 
m2 – m1
a= (9.80 m/s 2 ) = 3.56 m/s 2
m2 + m1  45.0 kg + 21.0 kg 

b. Eliminating a between Equations (1) and (2), we find

2 m1 m2  2(21.0 kg)(45.0 kg) 

T= g=  (9.80 m/s 2 ) = 281 N
m1 + m2  21.0 kg + 45.0 kg  

100. REASONING AND SOLUTION The deceleration produced by the frictional force is

fk – µk mg
a= – = = – µk g
m m

The time it takes for the car to come to a halt is given by Equation 2.4 as

v − v0 v − v0 0m/s − 16.1m/s
t= = = = 2.28s
a (
− µk g − ( 0.720) 9.80m/s2 )

101. REASONING AND SOLUTION Take the x-axis of a free body diagram for the block to be
parallel to the incline with +x down the incline. Newton's second law for uniform motion in the +x
direction is Fx = 0, so
mg sin θ – fk = 0
where fk = µkFN . Then
mg sin θ = µkFN

Similarly, the equation for the y direction is Fy = 0, so

Chapter 4 Problems 169

FN – mg cos θ = 0 or mg cos θ = FN

Division of the equations gives tan θ = µk , hence µk = tan 11.3° = 0.200


102. REASONING Since the boxes are at rest, they are in equilibrium. According to Equation 4.9b,
the net force in the vertical, or y, direction is zero, ΣFy = 0. There are two unknowns in this
problem, the normal force that the table exerts on box 1 and the tension in the rope that connects
boxes 2 and 3. To determine these unknowns we will apply the relation ΣFy = 0 twice, once to the
boxes on the left of the pulley and once to the box on the right.

SOLUTION There are four forces acting on the two blocks on the
left. The blocks are in equilibrium, so that the net force must be zero.
Choosing the +y direction as being the upward direction, we have that
− W1 − W2 + FN + T = 0
14442444 3 T
ΣF y
where W1 and W2 are the magnitudes of the weights of the boxes, FN
is the magnitude of the normal force that the table exerts on box 1,
and T is the magnitude of the tension in the rope. We know the T
weights, but do not know the tension. To find the tension, we note
that the block on the right is also in equilibrium, so that the net force
acting on it must be zero.
− W3 + T = 0 sothat T = W3 W2
1424 3
Σ Fy

Substituting this expression for T back into the first equation and
solving for the normal force gives W1
FN =W 1 +W2 − W3 = 5 5 N + 3 5 N − 2 8 N = 6 2 N

103. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION Three forces act on the man. They T T

are two upward forces of tension of equal magnitude T, and the force of gravity mg.
Therefore, if we take up as the positive direction, Newton's second law gives
∑ F = 2T − mg = ma

Solving for the acceleration a, we find

2T − mg 2T 2(358 N)
a= = −g= − 9.80 m/s2 = 0.14 m/s 2
m m 72.0 kg


104. REASONING According to Newton’s second law, the acceleration of the probe is a = ΣF/m.
Using this value for the acceleration in Equation 2.8 and noting that the probe starts from rest
(v 0 = 0 m/s), we can write the distance traveled by the probe as

1 1  ΣF  2
x = v 0 t + at 2 =  t
2 2 m 

This equation is the basis for our solution.

SOLUTION Since each engine produces the same amount of force or thrust T, the net force is
ΣF = 2T when the engines apply their forces in the same direction and Σ F = T 2 + T 2 = 2T
when they apply their forces perpendicularly. Thus, we write the distances traveled in the two
situations as follows:

1  2T  2
x = 
1 2T  2
t and x=   t⊥
2  m 2 m 
144244 3 1442443
Engines fired in Engines fired
same direction perpendicularly

Since the distances are the same, we have

1 2T  2 1  2 T  2
 t =   t⊥ or 2 t 2 = t 2⊥
2 m  2 m 

The firing time when the engines apply their forces perpendicularly is, then,

t⊥ = (4 2 )t = (4 2 )(28 s ) = 33 s

105. REASONING The tension in each coupling bar is responsible for accelerating the objects behind
it. The masses of the cars are m1, m2, and m3. We can use Newton’s second law to express the
tension in each coupling bar, since friction is negligible:

T A = (m1 + m2 + m3 )a TB = (m 2 + m3 )a TC = m 3 a
1444 424444 3 144 42444 3 14243
Coupling bar A Coupling bar B Coupling bar C

In these expressions a = 0.12 m/s2 remains constant. Consequently, the tension in a given bar will
change only if the total mass of the objects accelerated by that bar changes as a result of the
Chapter 4 Problems 171

luggage transfer. Using ∆ (Greek capital delta) to denote a change in the usual fashion, we can
express the changes in the above tensions as follows:

∆TA = ∆ m1 + m2 + m 3 a
4244444 3
)] 1444 424444
∆TB = ∆ m 2 + m 3 a
)] (
∆TC = ∆m3 a
Coupling bar A Coupling bar B Coupling bar C

a. Moving luggage from car 2 to car 1 does not change the total mass m1 + m2 + m3, so
∆(m1 + m2 + m3) = 0 kg and ∆TA = 0 N .

The transfer from car 2 to car 1 causes the total mass m2 + m3 to decrease by 39 kg, so
∆(m2 + m3) = –39 kg and
[ ] (
∆ TB = ∆ (m2 + m3 ) a = (–39 kg ) 0.12 m/s 2 = –4.7 N )
The transfer from car 2 to car 1 does not change the mass m3, so ∆m3 = 0 kg and ∆TC = 0 N .

b. Moving luggage from car 2 to car 3 does not change the total mass m1 + m2 + m3, so
∆(m1 + m2 + m3) = 0 kg and ∆TA = 0 N .

The transfer from car 2 to car 3 does not change the total mass m2 + m3, so ∆(m2 + m3) = 0 kg
and ∆TB = 0 N .

The transfer from car 2 to car 3 causes the mass m3 to increase by 39 kg, so ∆m3 = +39 kg and
∆TC = (∆m 3 )a = ( +39 kg ) 0.12 m/s 2 = +4.7 N )

106. REASONING AND SOLUTION Since both motions are characterized by constant
acceleration, it follows that
yJ a J t 2J
yE 1
a E t 2E

where the subscripts designate those quantities that pertain to Jupiter and Earth. Since both
objects fall the same distance, the above ratio is equal to unity. Solving for the ratio of the times

tJ aE GM E / RE2 RJ ME 1
= = = = (11.2 ) = 0.628
tE aJ GM J / RJ2 RE MJ 318

107. SSM REASONING AND SOLUTION The free-body diagram is

shown at the right. The forces that act on the picture are the pressing force fS

P, the normal force FN exerted on the picture by the wall, the weight mg of FN P

the picture, and the force of static friction f sMAX . The maximum magnitude
for the frictional force is given by Equation 4.7: fsMAX = µs FN . The picture mg

is in equilibrium, and, if we take the directions to the right and up as positive,

we have in the x direction

∑ Fx = P − FN = 0 or P = FN
and in the y direction

∑ Fy = fsMAX − mg = 0 or fsMAX = mg

fs = µs FN = mg
But since FN = P , we have
µs P = mg

Solving for P, we have

mg (1.10 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )
P= = = 16.3 N
µs 0.660


a. The force acting on the sphere which accelerates it is the horizontal component of the tension in
the string. Newton's second law for the horizontal motion of the sphere gives

T sin θ = ma

The vertical component of the tension in the string supports the weight of the sphere so

T cos θ = mg

Eliminating T from the above equations results in a = g tan θ .

Chapter 4 Problems 173

b. ( )
a = g tan θ = 9.80 m/s 2 tan 10.0° = 1.73 m/s 2

c. Rearranging the result of part a and setting a = 0 m/s2 gives

θ = tan –1 (a / g ) = 0°


a. Newton's second law for block 1 (10.0 kg) is

T = m1a (1)

Block 2 (3.00 kg) has two ropes attached each carrying a tension T. Also, block 2 only travels
half the distance that block 1 travels in the same amount of time so its acceleration is only half of
block 1's acceleration. Newton's second law for block 2 is then

2T – m2g = – (1/2)m2a (2)

Solving Equation (1) for a, substituting into Equation (2), and rearranging gives

m g
2 2
T= = 13.7 N
1 + 1 (m 2 / m1 )

b. Using this result in Equation (1) yields

T 13.7 N
a= = = 1.37 m/s 2
m1 10.0 kg

110. REASONING The diagram at the right shows the two applied forces
that act on the crate. These two forces, plus the kinetic frictional force fk +y
constitute the net force that acts on the crate. Once the net force has
been determined, Newtons’ second law, ΣF = ma (Equation 4.1) can
be used to find the acceleration of the crate.

SOLUTION The sum of the two applied forces is F = F1 + F2. +x
The x-component of this sum is Fx = F1 cos 55.0° + F2 F2
= (88.0 N) cos 55.0° + 54.0 N = 104 N. The y-component of F is Fy = F1 sin 55.0° =
(88.0 N) sin 55.0° = 72.1 N. The magnitude of F is

(104N ) + ( 72.1N) = 127 N

2 2
F = F x2 + F y2 =

Since the crate starts from rest, it moves along the direction of F. The kinetic frictional force fk
opposes the motion, so it points opposite to F. The net force acting on the crate is

the sum of F and fk. The magnitude a of the crate’s acceleration is equal to the magnitude ΣF of
the net force divided by the mass m of the crate

ΣF − f k + F
a= = (4.1)
m m

According to Equation 4.8, the magnitude f k of the kinetic frictional force is given by f k = µk FN ,
where FN is the magnitude of the normal force. In this situation, FN is equal to the magnitude of the
crate’s weight, so FN = mg. Thus, the x-component of the acceleration is

a= =
− µk mg + F − ( 0.35 ) ( 25.0kg ) 9.80m/s + 1 2 7 N
= 1.65m/s 2
m 25.0kg

The crate moves along the direction of F, whose x and y components have been determined
previously. Therefore, the acceleration is also along F. The angle φ that F makes with the x-axis
can be found using the inverse tangent function.

F   F1 sin55.0° 
ϕ = tan− 1  y  = tan − 1  
 Fx   F1 cos55.0 ° + F2 

 ( 88.0N) sin55.0° 
= tan− 1   = 34.6° abovethe x axis
 ( 88.0N) cos55.0° + 5 4 . 0 N

111. SSM REASONING When the bicycle is coasting straight down the hill, the forces that act on
it are the normal force FN exerted by the surface of the hill, the force of gravity mg, and the force
of air resistance R. When the bicycle climbs the hill, there is one additional force; it is the applied
force that is required for the bicyclist to climb the hill at constant speed. We can use our
knowledge of the motion of the bicycle down the hill to find R. Once R is known, we can analyze
the motion of the bicycle as it climbs the hill.
Chapter 4 Problems 175

SOLUTION The figure to the left below shows the free-body diagram for the forces during the
downhill motion. The hill is inclined at an angle θ above the horizontal. The figure to the right
shows these forces resolved into components parallel to and perpendicular to the line of motion.
+x FN

mg sin θ
mg cos θ

Since the bicyclist is traveling at a constant velocity, his acceleration is zero. Therefore, according
to Newton's second law, we have ∑ Fx = 0 and ∑ Fy = 0 . Taking the direction up the hill as
positive, we have ∑ Fx = R − mg sin θ = 0 , or

R = mg sin θ = (80.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) sin 15.0 ° = 203 N

When the bicyclist climbs the same hill at FN P

constant speed, an applied force P must push the
system up the hill, and the force of air resistance
will oppose the motion by pointing down the hill. mg sin θ
The figure at the right shows the resolved forces mg cosθ
that act on the system during the uphill motion. R

Using the same sign convention as above, we have ∑ Fx = P − mg sin θ – R = 0 , or

P = R + mg sin θ = 203 N + 203 N = 406 N



a. Yes. Since there is only one force acting on the man in the horizontal direction, it is the net force.
According to Newton’s second law, Equation 4.1, the man must accelerate under the action of this
force. The factors that determine this acceleration are (1) the magnitude and (2) the direction of the
force exerted on the man, and (3) the mass of the man.

b. Yes. When the woman exerts a force on the man, the man exerts a force of equal magnitude,
but opposite direction, on the woman (Newton’s third law).


a. The acceleration of the man is, according to Equation 4.1, equal to the net force acting on him
divided by his mass.

ΣF 4 5 N
aman = = = 0.55m/s 2 (dueeast)
m 82kg
b. The acceleration of the woman is equal to the net force acting on her divided by her mass.

ΣF 4 5 N
a woman = = = 0.94m/s 2 (duewest)
m 48kg


a. The other force is the static frictional force exerted on the refrigerator by the floor.

b. Since the refrigerator does not move, the static frictional force must be equal in magnitude, but
opposite in direction, to the horizontal pushing force that the person exerts on the refrigerator.

c. The magnitude of the maximum static frictional force is given by Equation 4.7 as f s MAX = µs FN .
This is also the largest possible force that the person can exert on the refrigerator before it begins
to move. Thus, the factors that determine this force magnitude are the coefficient of static friction
µs and the magnitude FN of the normal force (which is equal to the weight of the refrigerator in this

a. Since the refrigerator does not move, it is in equilibrium, and the magnitude of the static
frictional force must be equal to the magnitude of the horizontal pushing force. Thus, the magnitude
of the static frictional force is 267 N . The direction of this force must be opposite to that of the
pushing force, so the static frictional force is in the +x direction .

b. The magnitude of the largest pushing force is given by Equation 4.7 as

f sMAX = µs FN = µsmg = (0.65)(57 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) = 360 N



a. The gravitational force exerted on the rock is greater than that on the pebble, because the rock
has the greater mass.

b. The accelerations are equal, because all objects, regardless of their mass, fall to the earth with
the same acceleration due to gravity.
Chapter 4 Problems 177

a. The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the rock by the earth is given by Equation
4.3 as

Gmearth mrock
Frock = 2

( 6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 5.98 × 10 24 kg (5.0kg ) ) = 49 N
( 6.38 × 10 m)

The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the pebble by the earth is

Gmearth mpebble
Fpebble = 2

( 6.67 × 10 −11
)( )(
N ⋅ m 2 / k g 2 5.98 × 10 24 kg 3.0 × 10 −4 kg )= 2.9 × 10−3 N
( 6.38 × 10 m)

b. The acceleration of the rock is equal to the gravitational force exerted on the rock divided by its

Frock Gmearth
arock = = 2
mrock rearth

( 6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m2 /kg2 )( 5.98 × 10 24
kg )= 9.80m/s2 , downward
( 6.38 × 10 m)
6 2

The acceleration of the pebble is equal to the gravitational force exerted on the pebble divided by
its mass.

Fpebble Gmearth
apebble = = 2
mpebble rearth

( 6.67 × 10 −11
N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 5.98 × 1024 kg )= 9.80m/s 2, downward
( 6.38 × 10 m)


115. CONCEPT QUESTION Yes, the raindrop exerts a gravitational force on the earth. This
gravitational force is equal in magnitude to the gravitational force that the earth exerts on the
raindrop. The forces that the raindrop and the earth exert on each other are Newton’s third law
(action–reaction) forces.

a. The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the raindrop by the earth is given by
Equation 4.3:

Gmearth mraindrop
Fraindrop = 2

( 6.67 × 10 −11
)( )(
N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 5.98 × 1024 kg 5.2 × 10−7 kg )= 5.1 × 10−6 N
( 6.38 × 10 m)6 2

b. The magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on the earth by the raindrop is

Gmearth mraindrop
Fearth = 2

( 6.67 × 10 −11
)( )(
N ⋅ m 2 /kg 2 5.98 × 1024 kg 5.2 × 10 −7 kg )= 5.1 × 10−6 N
( 6.38 × 10 m)6 2



a. F2 can be positive and can have any magnitude. F2 can also be negative, provided that its
magnitude is less than the magnitude of F1.

b. F2 must be negative and have a magnitude that is greater than that of F1.

c. F2 must be negative and have a magnitude that is equal to that of F1.

a. We may use Newton’s second law, ΣFx = max, to find the force F2. Taking the positive x
direction to be to the right, we have

F1 + F2 = max so F2 = max − F1
1424 3

F2 = (3.0 kg)(+5.0 m/s2) − (+9.0 N) = +6 N

b. Applying Newton’s second law again gives

F2 = max − F1 = (3.0 kg)(−5.0 m/s2) − (+9.0 N) = −24 N

Chapter 4 Problems 179

c. An application of Newton’s second law gives

F2 = max − F1 = (3.0 kg)(0 m/s2) − (+9.0 N) = −9.0 N



a. No, the magnitude of the normal force is not equal to the FN
weight of the car. As the drawing shows, the normal force FN
points perpendicular to the hill, while the weight W points
vertically down. Since the car does not leave the surface of the
hill, the magnitude of the perpendicular component of the weight θ W cos θ
W cos θ must equal the magnitude of the normal force, so FN = θ
W cos θ . Thus, the magnitude of the normal force is less than the W
magnitude of the weight.

b. As the hill becomes steeper, θ increases, and cos θ decreases. Consequently, the normal force
decreases as the hill becomes steeper.

c. The magnitude of the normal force does not depend on whether the car is traveling up or down
the hill.

a. From part a of the Concept Questions, we have that FN = W cos θ . The ratio of the magnitude
of the normal force to the magnitude W of the weight is

FN W cos θ
= = cos15° = 0.97

b. When the angle is 35°, the ratio is

FN W cos θ
= = cos35° = 0.82

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