05 - JMeter Threads - Use A Simple Model To Avoid Issues With More Complex Scripts With Multiple Thread Groups

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Splitting Virtual Users across Injectors

I'll start getting into some coding details now. This part is straight forward as I'm not
using quite a large part of the original solution: splitting up threads automatically across
injectors. The original solution allows you to specify a number of threads in your jmeter
script which will be split evenly across injectors for you. This sounds good but I'll show
you why it doesn't work for me.

Here is a snippet of the controller code:

The problem comes when you have several thread blocks in your script, with
initialisation and shared data setup by bespoke threads. In the example script I have
included, we have an initialisation thread that reads the injector id for example and a
data thread that reads a csv file into memory. The data file is then used by all users in
the main block:

With the setup above, splitting up threads across injectors gets confused - in practice I
found it trying to give me extra users as it couldn't split 1 user from the initialise thread
across 3 injectors for example.
Also, the way I intend to work with these jmeter scripts is to test them on the target
injectors to see how many users I can run per injector. This is highly dependent on the
script itself - how many objects it uses etc. So once I have established the limits of users
per injector, I can then leave that and increase users by increasing injectors. I feel happier
myself having this more direct control on users per injector.

So I've effectively commented out the threads section of the controller. This can easily be
reset if it fits your needs:

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