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Quite Your, Job Follow Your Passion & Be Rich

Written By: Titus Mirieri

When you let go of what tires you then what inspires you will magically take its place.
Quitting Your Job and Following Your Dreams is about saying “YES” to your dreams, instead of
working towards other people's dreams.

We don’t necessarily choose our dreams as much as they choose us; our dreams always
point us in the direction of expressing our deepest gifts in our natural environment.

When you’re in the wrong job, you’re like a fish out of water gasping for air; suffocating
every day that you’re disconnected from your soul’s work.

Deep inside, you know there’s a bigger life for you than what you’re living now.

I hope by the time you finish reading this ebook, you will follow your dreams and never
ever give up on those dreams...A lot of Kenyans who have read this ebook have started living
their dreams!

Is there something inside of you whispering (maybe screaming) for you to come out of
hiding and to start creating a new and inspired life. In order for you to live an inspired life and
follow your dreams, you’re going to have to stop playing it safe and starting trusting in yourself,
your creativity, your strengths, and your truth.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. In fact, wanting to have it
all “figured out” is what stops the majority of people from living their dreams, getting paid to do
what they love and from ever experiencing true happiness, joy and freedom – especially in the
area of work.

Quit Your Job, Follow Your Passion & Be Rich is a book of self-discovery – discovering
who you are, what inspires you, what your natural talents are, what your dreams are, and what
gifts you can share with others and build a livelihood around . It’s also about identifying the
obstacles that are blocking and preventing you from living an inspired life.

If you're ready to make a change, then this book will help you create a plan to leave your
soul-crushing job and create life and business that you LOVE!

About The Writer

Dear friend, brother, sister, father or mother, This is

Mr.Titus Mirieri, a father to two. I'm a businessman and i
love entrepreneurship so much.

After spending almost all my adult life in the

business world, I can't stop being ANGRY that I live in a
generation where school brainwashes everyone about job.

Apart from being a businessman, i have a mission in

my life. To train one million Kenyans how to be successful
business owners. I think it is STUPID of us as adults, at this terrible time, to continue teaching
our children and youths how to be employees.

My goal is to liberate Kenyans from poverty. But i alone cannot do it. I need you to be
part of this vision.

I started my first business before i was 15. If You Want to Learn My Secrets then read
this eBook and more of my business training ebooks and i will see you at the top.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction Pg.6

Chapter 2: Is it Really Hard To Quit Your Job Pg.20

Chapter 3: Doing What You Love Will Make You Truly Rich Pg.28

Chapter 4: How To Shift from Employment to Business Pg.41

Chapter 5: Invest in your Business Before Quitting your Job Pg.48

Chapter 6: Wrong Reasons to Quit your Job and Start a Business Pg.56

Chapter 7: Learn From Kenyans who quitted their jobs to pursue their passion in
entrepreneurship Pg.62

Chapter 1


PROPHECY; This is what will happen to your job next 5 years

Few weeks ago I visited my elder friend (and business partner) because I needed him to
brainstorm with me on my new business project.

The day happened to be the same day his old father visited him.

Here is an excited, lively old man.

As we were talking, I got to know that this old man was once into printing press business,
in the era of typewritters and all those gigantic instruments.

Unfortunately, when computers was invented to serve ordinary men, this man and others
like him went bankrupt.

He didn’t lose his business because of competition or because he was not good enough,
he lost his business to technology.

Over the last century, so many businesses and jobs have been lost to technologies.

But, it’s not over yet.

Listen to this quotation;

The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will
be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.
Warren Bennis

It may not happen exactly as Bennis Pictures it, but believe me, the worse is ahead.

Tell me what job you have now and I’ll tell you that someone somewhere is preparing a
machine, robot or other technology to do your job.

Are you a driver?

Some companies are already testing a driverless car.

Are you a banker?

There are already ATM machines that are doing the work of tellers, there are already
USSD codes that make people bank without going to bank and soon, nobody will need to go to a
bank all for anything.

Then, what happens to you?

No matter what your job is today, in fact, no student would go to university in the future,
so if you’re a lecturer or a university staff, get prepared.

Online learning and certification is going to take away your job.

But why am I writing this?

So that you’ll get prepared.

Unfortunately, our school system is still busy teaching every child how to be employees.

That’s foolish, don’t you know?

I know many people who have read my business ebooks know that I hate school.

But if you don’t hate school, I’ll question you.

You think about it.

We are producing millions of children every year, to seek jobs. At the same time, we’re
producing technologies to do jobs.

How does that make sense to you?

If you care about your life, take it away from your employer and make it yours, TODAY.

It’s not easy, but it’s possible. If God could help me to do it, He can help you too.

I was a nobody, from a village, born sickly, by poor parents. Today, by the grace of God,
I’m not having problem of money.

I’m not a billionaire yet, but I have enough money to take care of myself, my family and
some token to give out.

Be determined.

Be strong.

Get business education.

Read good business books.

Attend good business training.


Make mistakes and act again.

Make up your mind and fight hard.

You’ll win!

4 People Who Proved You Can Turn Your Passion Into A Career

Follow your passion and let the money come later is a common phrase nowadays. Yet as
easy as it may sound, finding your true passion and making money from it isn’t easy.

I will share stories of 4 entrepreneurs who decided to heed that advice in good time. And
even though they faced numerous difficulties when starting, their sacrifices eventually paid off
big time. Some of them are already dollar millionaires while others are behind brands that are
recognized globally.
So next time you hear someone urging you to follow your passion just remember…

4. David Mathenge (Nameless) – Artist

Nameless recorded his first hit song “Megarider” at age 19 while still living in Mamlaka
A, hostels of University of Nairobi. Although he was pursuing a lucrative degree in Bsc
Architecture, he knew his true passion lay with music.

So he traded office suits for the mic – a decision that saw him dominate the Kenyan
music industry for nearly a decade. Today he’s not only a top MCSK royalty earner, he has won
numerous awards from MTV Africa Music Award (MAMA – 2009) to Channel O Award

3. Suzie Wokabi – Suzie Beauty Limited

When Suzie graduated with a degree in International Relations from the USIU a career in
diplomacy would have seemed like the perfect option for her. Her parents worked as diplomats
and naturally, they expected her to “fit in”.

However, Suzie had a different passion! She wanted to become a makeup artist. Oops,
any sane person at that time would have thought the young woman was running out of her mind.
But it didn’t take her long to prove her critics wrong.

Today her company Suzie Beauty Ltd has surpassed Ksh.100 Million in net worth having
grown to 13 local branches in a short period of 4 years. Watch this youtube video at about her.

2. Mohammed Ali – Moha Grafix

Mohammed’s first job was that of a door-to-door sales clerk where he was required to
collect contacts of potential clients for a strict boss. One day though, the boss decided to review
his diary contacts just to see how he was performing.
To his dismay he found that most pages of Moha’s diary were covered with drawings
instead of list of appointments as is expected of a salesman. Busted, Mohammed knew it was
time to take to the hills.

With little to no capital and only armed with the passion of an artist, Moha went on to
pioneer an industry that has since been christened “The Matatu Culture”. Today Moha’s Graffiti
works cost as much as Ksh.200,000 per vehicle and his garage is a bee-hive of activity day-in-
day out. He has since opened new branches in Nairobi, Rongai and Mombasa towns.

1. Simon & Sarah Kabu – Bonfire Adventures

Passion is the keyword when you think about Simon and Sarah Kabu who started Bonfire
Adventures a few years ago. The two had “normal” office jobs and were comfortably headed for
the middle-class status until one day the thought of pursuing their passion of travelling and
vacationing struck.

They started sharing some of their vacation photos on social media and gradually their
friends got interested in joining them for the next trip. A few months later, they started
organizing holidays and tour packages for their buddies. Fast forward to today and Bonfire
Adventures has grown to achieve a turnover of well above Sh.70 Million.

The company has branches throughout the country, a large fleet of tour vans and a global
clientele. The couple’s brainchild was recently recognized as the 5th fastest growing medium-
sized firm in Kenya by the Kenya Top 100 Survey which is conducted by KPMG, Nation Media
Group, Kuza Biashara among other partners.

The Bad Side of the Good Jobs

As a little boy of 13, I started having problem with the concept of going to school, to
learn how to be an employee.

At such tender age, it was too hard for me to convince the world that I knew what I was
doing. In fact, at age 21 when I finally voiced out to my family what I think about job and
school, I was nearly crucified.

Being the last born of 10 children of my family, it was too hard, even at 21, to tell my
family that I knew what they don’t know, that school is silly and job is a mess.

Up till today, millions of people all over the world are still being brainwashed about
school and job.

Even at this terrible time when it is very apparent to (even the stupid minds) that good
jobs were the stories of yesterday, most people in the world are still sending their children to the
university, polytechnic… to go and learn how to be employees, so they will get “good jobs”

So, my question actually is, what is good in good jobs?

I have been an “anti-job” for many years.

I have spoken against school‘s stupidity in teaching all our youths how to be employees.
I have written and agitated against all these, from the stand point that, no more good jobs, so we
are silly to continue teaching our children how to get what is not in existence.

In fact, I have written a very popular book that has liberated so many people (It’s called;
The Business World and What school did not teach you about business.)

Having’ successfully defended the fact that “good job” was in existence, only in the
yesterday’s world, now I want to move a little further.

I want to assume that it’s possible for every youth to get a well paid, “good” job (which is
a mere dream from my mind), so I say, what is good, even in the good jobs?

Today, the idea of good job is a high paying job, right? So if a man is working in a bank,
oil company, etc., he is assumed to be having a good job.

Like most other things, the world is wrong here.

Does high paying job equate good job?

My answer is, NO!

If you want to understand what I am talking about, go and ask 10 people who have
worked in the bank for at least 5 years.

They will tell you that what makes a job to be good is more than the salary.

So Titus, what makes a job good?

1. The passion for the job

More than anything else, the most important thing to consider when thinking of having a
job or whether the job is good or bad is your passion, interest and love for such a job.

Unfortunately most people don’t see it this way.

Why is your passion and interest so important in whatever job or business you’re doing?
Because that is where you’re spending close to 80% of your active day on.

You were told that there is 24hrs in a day. Well, that’s true, in theory.

In the real sense of it, you only have about 14 hours. No matter who you are, you’re
going to spend time preparing to sleep, sleep, rest, bathe, eat, or even relax (and waste time)
before television.

Most of the above time cannot be called a productive time (I.e what do you know is
happening while you’re sleeping and how does the time you spend sleeping become yours?)

So in the real sense of it, you only have about 14 hours in a day, out of which you’ll
spend 10-12 hours preparing for work, traveling to work, returning from work, resting after work
or thinking about work, Monday-Friday.

(In fact, even on Saturday and Sunday, you’re still doing something or preparing some
things or thinking, about your work)

Now you see the reason why I said your work takes a huge 80% or more of your
productive hours.

If 80% of something is bad, won’t you consider it all bad?

That’s the reason why, if you hate your job, no matter how much money such job is
giving you, your life will be miserable.

So whenever people talk about good job, they usually forget the bad side of the good job
which is, most people doing the so called “good job” really hate doing them.

Most bankers you see hate the banking job. Some people are working for multi-million
dollars company and earning a lot of money, yet, they really don’t like many things about their

They don’t have good job. They are in slavery!

So if we are talking about whether a job is good or not, you have to consider your
passion, interest and love, for such job.

If you hate the job, the money will not make the job good.

Something else;

2. The freedom to live like normal human being

I once had a friend who was working in one of the richest sectors of the economy (in
Kenya) and I called him one morning to say “hi”, only to know that my friend was sick of
malaria and could not go to work.

Few minutes later (as any good friend would want to do), I called to know how my friend
was copping, only for him to tell me that he was already at work.

Why will someone who is sick go to work?

He had to go because (as it is the custom in most companies these days) they have
warned them that “unnecessary absence could lead to the termination of the appointment”

My father-in-law was sick about two months ago and he had to (by force) be going to

I once heard about one employee who was sick and was admitted, receiving dreep in the
hospital when her employer called her and told her, “make sure you report at work”

What do you think about all these?

To me, it’s only animals or slaves you treat such way.

How on Earth can you try to force a sick man/woman to work?

This is just one out of many inhuman treatment most workers are receiving from their
employers today.

I told my wife about two days ago, “You see, what is going on now in the corporate
world is what we should call ‘modern slavery’, just a modern fashion of what our forefathers

Tell me if you think I’m wrong!

How can you tell me that a job is good when it doesn’t allow you to leave like human
being? Yet, most jobs we call “good jobs” today are nothing but slavery, modern form of it

3. The mental challenge and growth

I was on a visit to a police man, elder friend of mine last week and as we were talking, a
man came around. He is the coordinator of a very popular private primary and secondary school.

When this man went away, I told my police friend, “that man was the one who supervised
my KCPE”

That was so many years ago.

My pain is not that I’m now richer than him, but that he remains at the same point,
exposed to the same angle of life, learning on the same part of life.

This happens everywhere and that’s why I find it tough to swallow the goodness of job.

How can you cage me into a sector, exposing me to just an area of life, for 35 years?

You must be joking.

You need a mental growth to be a whole man/woman. You need challenges that comes
from different aspect of life. You need friends and associates, from different background and

To be a complete human, sound and mentally healthy, you need to know little things
about many things.

I am yet to see many jobs that can afford you such luxury.

Robbert Kiyosaki said, “Don’t work because of what you’ll earn. Work because of what
you’ll LEARN”

If any job is not making you brighter in mind, healthier in brain and growing in spirit,
how dare you call such a good job?

4. The ability to plan your life, YOURSELF.

A man just called me few hours ago as i am writing this ebook and told me how he lost
his job four months ago.

Another man told me a pathetic story of how he got to work on one Friday and his boss
called him and sacked him.

How on Earth do you think whatever job with such possibility is a good job?

I mean, it is barbaric.

I mean, it simply means that you are not the owner of your life.

You have a wife and three children. You have the so called “good job” you’re very proud
of because it gives you a lot of money every month, but behold, you get to work one Tuesday
and find a letter on your table.

You’re fired!

How do you continue life from there? And you want me to consider any job with such
tendency a good job?

Unfortunately, most jobs are with such evil possibility. The employer can fire you, any
time, so you’re not in control of your life, but your slave master (sorry, employer) owns you.

I hate that!

5. Then, the pay.

To mean, this is the last thing to consider. If any of the above is missing, or worst still, as
it is usually the case in today’s world, if all of the above are missing, I would rather put myself
into self-imposed slavery (as I did some years back) rather than to get a job.

Yes, I can be a slave, but I would rather be the one that (willingly) put myself into the
slavery, than to be forced in.

For about 5 years of my life, I was in what I called “self-imposed slavery” and I enjoyed

People were calling me to get a job, even in a bank, but I rejected the offers. I was
struggling hard with my businesses.

It was very tough. It was terribly hard, but I “stubbornly” moved on. I was in slavery. I
was working too hard. I was doing ugly things.

But I love such slavery because, first, it was self-imposed. Second, because it led me to
financial freedom.

When you take courage to start a business and take endurance to pay the price of the
early years’ headaches and troubles, you’ll one day be free and rejoice.

The slavery of a (serious and determined) entrepreneur is usually about 3-7 years, while
the slavery of most employees is 35 years.

The slavery of a serious entrepreneur ends up in freedom and riches while the slavery of
an employee ends up in worse poverty (after retirement).

If you want to be a successful business owner, you can be, even if you’re old.

Though it will not be easy for you, if you’re serious, determined and stubborn, no matter
what comes your way, with God, you will breakthrough.

There’s many bad sides to the so call “good jobs”

If you think I’m stupid, forgive me.

Chapter 2

Is it Really Hard To Quit Your Job

Why Do People find it Hard to Leave the Job They Hate & How You Can Leave the
Job You Hate for the Business You Love

About two years ago I read a sadden survey about the numbers of people who hate their

Can you guess? 10%? 40%?

You`re wrong. In that survey, more than 92% of people said they hated their jobs. I was
once among this number. I don`t know maybe you to have experienced a situation where you
hate going to a particular job, yet, you just must go every morning (Monday-Friday).

It`s horrible. There are only few things in the world as horrible as spending 8 hours every
day doing tasks you hate doing.

But why do people continue doing the very jobs they hate?

We can say because they have to earn a living. Yes, people have to earn a living and
sustain their family.
We can say because there is no other alternative. Maybe that`s true, at least for most
people in our world today.

The real reason why people cannot leave the work they hate is because we`re living in a
world (especially Africa continent) where most people were never trained how to create their
own lives.

Right from when an African child is in secondary school, till when he finish schooling,
he is likely following his parents` wish, societal opinion or whatever is available in the way he
decides which course to study, how to live and what to achieve with his life.

In general, most of us were never trained to create a kind of life we desire. Instead, we
were brought up to accept norms, status-quo and whatever is available.

Don`t let me sound as if it`s easy to do what I am advocating. It`s not. But as a person,
my philosophy about life is that, it`s better to die in the war front than to be a civilian.

It`s better to die trying to create the kind of life you love than to keep on living the kind
of life you hate.

I want to say this because I have experienced it firsthand. A beggar is better than
someone who is doing the job he hates (or maybe they are both the same)

The reason is this.

We spend major part of our life working or thinking about our job.

Some people spend 10-12 hours every day, preparing for, doing and thinking about their
jobs. How do people who hate their jobs feel? Sad. Horrible. Frustrated… all this for many hours
every Monday-Friday.

You deserve more from life than to remain unhappy for 30 years.

But what can you do?

WARNING; none of these things I am about to recommend is easy. That`s the reason
why most people cannot do them.

Can you do them? Yes, if you`re willing to.

First, decide how you want to live your life to enjoy it best.

The first thing every man/woman should do in the journey toward fulfillment is to sit
down and decide the kind of life he/she wants to live. How do you want your life to look like?
What job or profession do you think will make you the happy person you want to be?

How do you want your ideal working week to look like?

You have to first decide this or else you wouldn`t have a direction at which you`re
heading to.

Some years back I concluded that I cannot be a happy man if I have to spend 30 years
working for someone else (even if I’m receiving Ksh.1 million every month). The kind of life I
want to live will not just work with being an employee.

I`m not lazy, but I hate to receive instructions and to be mandated to do things I don`t
want to do.

I dreamed of a profession that will allow me to wake up anytime I want (if at all I will
have to work till 10pm). I wanted a career path that will allow me to abandon work on Tuesday if
I have headache or malaria.

I want to work hard, but I hate doing what I don`t have passion for.

I have not arrived. I have not gotten to that dream land as at the time of writing this, but I
am halfway.

Sit down and decide what your ideal life is.

Second, come up with the price you have to pay to get to that level you desire.

Crossing from where you are to where you want to be will not be as easy as ABC (that`s
the truth). There is a price to be paid to get to your promised land. You may be poorer than you
are now, for sometimes. You may work harder. You may have the need to form a new habit
(such as reading habit). In fact, you may have to lose some friends.

Get your mind running. What and what are the possible challenges you have to

At this point, you`re not leaving your job. Instead, you`re planning for a better (and much
desired) life.

Learn, read and improve your mind.

What you know is what determines where you are. That`s the truth most people don`t
know. We are all the product of our knowledge. If you know more valuable things than what you
know now, you will automatically move to the next level that matches your level of knowledge.

Last week I was talking with an elder friend about certain business I had earlier worked
with and when I was leaving we had to look for someone who is capable of holding my position.
It happened that we chose a new person when there are workers who have spent much years

When my elder friend asked me why, my answer was, “She (that particular lady who has
spent longer years) doesn`t have the skills require”.

That`s it.

You cannot go beyond what you know. If truly you desire to move from where you are
today to a new level you desire tomorrow, you have to start your journey by increasing your

What is your ideal work life like? Is it a promotion in your present company, job in a
better company or business of your own?

What are those things, skills, knowledge or certificate people who are where you dream
to be have?

If you have such skills and knowledge as they have, you`re on your way to where they

Let`s talk about business. Let`s assume you want to cross from being an employee to
being a successful business owner. Where should you start?

A man asked question in a facebook group I belong to yesterday saying, “I wish to

become a successful entrepreneur. What can I do now?”

My reply to him was, “become a business student”.

That`s where to start. If you want to be a medical doctor, the first thing you`ll do is to be
trained. You won`t just go to the law court and say you want to practice as a lawyer. You have to
be trained.

Even bankers, accountants and very other professionals must be trained.

Only people who want to be entrepreneurs don`t think of being trained. That`s a great

Entrepreneurship is tougher than medicine. Quote my words!

You have to start today by acquiring the skills needed to become the kind of person you
really want to become. It`s easy to do (if you`re not lazy). Search google. Go to library. Visit
bookstore or pick one of these powerful business trainings.

Believe me, you cannot remain in level 3 if truly you have the knowledge and skills to
operate at level 9.

Third, be a slave today so as to be a king tomorrow.

For Israelite to cross from Egypt (the land of slavery) to Canaan (the land of freedom),
they had to pass through much pains than they had in the land of slavery.

Freedom is not free.

For Kenya to gain independence, there has to be struggles, war of word and protest. For
South Africa to be liberated from racism, someone had to fight, Mandela had to spend 27 years
in prison.

For America to have a racism free country, someone had to be a fighter, some lives had
to be lost, and Martin Luther had to lose his life at the prime age of 35.

Freedom is never free. You have to fight to be free.

If you truly want to be free tomorrow, you have to be willing to be a slave today.

You have to be willing to do whatever (legal and moral) it requires to leave where you
are to where you want to be.

Don`t mind gossips. You`re better than them.

If you acquire the needed skills and are willing to pay the price to migrate to where you
desire, nobody will tell you when the time comes to take the needed action.

Knowledge is like weapon. If you have it with you, you`ll dare things. For instance if a
man has gun with him, he could go to places unsafe to most people.

But as you`re going, you will meet some gossips and critics. They will think you`re

Don`t mind them. You`re better than them.

Ayo Arowolo is one of the rich Nigerians struggled many years ago to travel to the
United Kingdom. While there in the UK he was reading a book written by Anthony Robbins. He
furiously dropped that book and announced to his host that he was going back to Nigeria.

Everybody thought he was crazy but he had just discovered that what he needed in UK
was actually at home.

You cannot do such thing and not be criticized by people around you.

I was criticized because I refused to collect my good certificate from school. I was
attacked because I refused to get a job, even when I was poor.

Every great mind do things that arouse criticism.

As you`re planning to move to your dream land, you will be criticized by people who
truly love you (yes, they love you so much that they don`t want you to pass through the pains
that will lead you to the palace)

Decide where you belong.

Learn the new skills that will get you to where you belong.

Be willing to pay the price to get to where you belong.

Chapter 3

Doing What You Love Will Make You Truly Rich

So many people have heard about this more than once, but they cannot just understand
how it works.

Their concern is, I want to make money and be rich and you`re telling me to do what I
love doing, what is the relationship between the two?

You know, it`s easier to understand if you tell a guy to marry a lady he truly loves, than if
you advise him to engage in the vocation or business he loves.

Such a guy can easily reason, ‘’well, I’m going to be living with this lady, so it`ll be nice
if I can marry someone I truly love.

But what about business?

Do I really care? All I want is to make money, why again do I need to fall in love with
my business?

You just give me some minutes and I’ll explain the reasons why you have to go into a
business or vocation you`re passionate about.

But before then, I have three things to say.

First, you know unemployment has pushed most people to a corner where whatever job
comes is what they accept.

How can someone say he hates bank job when he cannot find another alternative?

And you see, the second thing I have to say is that, we found ourselves in this mess
because of the way school had brainwashed us.

Every human being should be trained to create his own world and design it the way he
loves to live it, but that`s not what school prepared us for, instead, we`re trained to live according
to a formalized template designed by someone … many at times someone who doesn`t care
about us.

We cannot be happy living the world we never created, and that`s why I hate school.

The third thing i have to say here is that, riches is beyond your bank account.

Will you love to work as a slave, with so many tortures and be paid a million shillings
every month?

Some will say yes, until they try it and find out that one million shillings doesn`t make up
for what they are losing within 10hrs of working as a slave.

And you see, this exactly is what we`ve been compelled (forced) to do.

People are forced to work the job they hate because school had trained them to obey

This is pathetic!

Below are the reasons why you should love your business (or work) if you want to be

1. Doing what you love gives you excitement.

You know what i`m talking about. You wake up in the morning and feel like, ‘’thank
God the time has come’’. You`re excited to see that day because it`s a day you`re going to meet
that lady you`ve long departed when she got admitted to a far away university. Why are you
excited here? You love that babe. There is a game you`re excited watching or playing.

You are always on the look out for an opportunity to play or watch that game. Similar
thing happens when you love what you`re doing for a living. You`re excited getting to the office.
Though such a feeling is almost strange to most people, it`s a real experience of some people.
When you love what you`re doing, you`re very excited doing it.

2. You will sleep less.

When I tell people how little I sleep, they usually wonder if it were possible. For instance
when I was in campus, I would sleep around 11pm and wake up around 3:30am. I remember
how I would jump up from my bed as if I was late for an appointment.

I was having about three other things I joined with my academics (campus politics,
talking and researching business, reading motivational/business books, 30-50 each year), yet I
was doing all of these wonderfully well.

Years after when I started doing the work I hate (as a banker at Barclays), I started
sleeping much. Now, I can live on 4hrs sleep and be okay. But why do you need only a little
sleep if you`re doing what you love doing?


3. You don`t really feel like you`re working.

That`s it.

You won`t be exhausted. You won`t feel like you`re working. You`ll be full of energy

4. You eat less.

Have you not found this to be true? Has it not occur to you that you forget food as you`re

Not only that, you just have a little need for food. I think this happens because if you love
what you`re doing, you`re not exhausting so much energy as when you hate what you are doing.

I noticed that when I was doing the work I hated, I could eat four solid meals per day,
why now, I sometimes eat an egg and a cup of tea for my breakfast.

5. You won`t need much entertainment.

So many people waste so many hours sitting before movies and television shows every
day. I have a secret to tell you. it`s because they have not found their loved vocation.

Since I was around 14 years till the time of writing this, I have never seen the need for
movies or television in my life. I have a smartphone with man fun applications on it, but i`ve

never for once used them. If you see me chatting on facebook, it might have something to do
with someone I love and respect so much …. Meaning i`m gaining something from him or
teaching him something.

Tell me, when you ‘’play’’ for a whole 14 hours a day, do you need another playing
again? If you really love your work, it will be like playing, so you`ll need very little playing
outside it.

6. You are happier with lesser materials.

When people hate their work, what you`ll observe is that they spend money lavishly. Do
you know why? They want to buy happiness.

7. If you love your work, you don`t need an external stimulant to make you happy.

You will need so little stimulants. You`re less attracted to the external, artificial
stimulants to make you happy

8. You have a stable emotion.

You really don`t need me to tell you this. Five minutes visitation to an office where
people don`t love their work will show you this truth. You`ll see an angry boss, an angry junior
staff, an angry everybody. What is happening here is this.

Those people hate their work, so they are having unstable (unhappy) emotion … so they
cannot help but to react negatively to everyone even clients/customers.

9. Your self-esteem increases.

If you love your work, you`ll be proud of it. You`ll sometimes feel like the whole world
lies inside your work.

If you`re a journalist, you may start thinking, well, my work is the reason why the whole
world is aware of happenings, so i`m doing the best work in the world.

If you`re a soldier, you will start thinking, well, we soldiers are the one who keep my
country together and save, without us, the enemies will destroy Kenya within 24 hours. If you`re
a writer, you start thinking, writing is the most creative work.

I love the way I join letters together to change the world, without us writers, there will
not be information or inspiration (see, I do think that way many times as a writer).

Now you can see, no matter what your job or business is, because you love it, you will be
proud of it. This increases your self-esteem and makes you a better and happier person

10. You don`t know how time goes.

I know you understand it. One day I asked someone and said, please why do people
usually want to ‘’wine away the time?’’ really, I cannot understand.

But I understand.

The reason why people want to wine away time is because their time goes too slowly.
Why do their time go very slowly? They`re not involved with anything that excites them.

If I could have my way, I will beg God to (secretly) give me 36 hours in a day. I am
writing this ebook in June, 2017 and when I look at the projects (interesting projects) I wish I
could finish before this year is over, I will actually need about 10 months to finish them, yet the
year remains only 6 months.

I jokingly wrote a statement on facebook last week, I wrote, ‘’please help, someone is
stealing my time away!’’ That`s what happens when you`re doing what you love doing

11. Doing what you love makes you to hate Fridays.

The reason why people say, ‘’thank God it`s Friday’’ is because Monday-Friday has been
a burden to them. just like someone getting out of a prison, we say, thank God i`m getting out

The opposite will happen when you love what you`re doing. Earlier today I was reading a
quote from Matt Mullenweg, the 29 years old founder of the wordpress. He said, ‘’Wordpress is
my life’’.

He travels about 200 days in a year, yet, whenever ho goes, his domineering thought is
his business.

I have read about people working 14-16 hours a day, 7 days a week. Such people cannot
conceive the idea of Friday being a day of joy (after all they are happy every day)

12. You work with all of your mind.

Most people cannot work with all of their minds. They are consciously looking at the
wall clock. Lord, let 4pm come fast! Is their prayer.

When you love what you`re` doing, you will work on it with all of your heart, mind and

Now you can see the reason why I said you will be truly rich if you are doing what you
are in love with. Now you can see the reason why you will find it easier to make money doing
what you love doing, yes ….

13. You will make money, easier.

You think about it. You`re excited about your work, you`re energetic and cannot just
sleep much, because you`re not as tired as others.

You don`t need much entertainment, so you don`t waste much time.

You do not need much external stimulant or materials to make you happy, so you find it
easier to save or reinvest your profit.

You have an healthy self-esteem so you don`t have problem promoting your

When you combine all the above together, you`ll arrive at the reason why people who
love their works make more money, live happier, so are truly rich.

Can Your Talents Make You Rich & Successful?

So many people around you talk about talent, especially when they see someone who
becomes extremely rich as a result of his talents.

It`s common to hear, “That musician is very talented. Look at how he/she sings easily”

You can hear people saying, “Football is very easy for Ronaldo. He is a witch”

How true? Do talents truly give people easy success?

Yes and no, depending on what you call “easy success”.

Talents are like gold. Talent is great and can make you rich, yet, talent (like gold)
requires much work before it becomes an “ATM machine”.

Before I continue, let me share with you this good quotation:

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the
successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Stephen King

Wow! Read that quotation again.

Talent is cheaper than table salt, everybody has one. The only thing that turns talent to a
great success is work… a lot of work.

Take for instance, Michael Jackson was recognized as (probably) the most famous
musician ever in the history of the world. In his time, whenever Jackson released a musical
album he might sell one million copies in 12 hours.

He was rich, famous and influential… all because of his musical talents.

But that is just the public part of that story. Let me tell you the private side… Jackson
practiced 8hrs every day to arrive at that level. Now you can see. Anybody else would have
gotten a better talents than he got, if that person couldn`t put in work, a lot of work, he/she will
never become rich or famous with those talents.

We all know that Michael Jordan is very talented, don`t we? But do you know about his
secret hard work? Let`s read what he said:

“I have always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come” Michael Jordan

Though he is a great basketball player, though he has talents, work (hard work) is what
made him a great success.

Think about Tiger Wood, Okocha, Eto, or any great writer, singer, artist or even business
man (yes, business men use their talents to succeed too), you will find out that, though they may
have talents, hard work, concentrated efforts, commitment, focus and stubbornness (call it
persistence) are the virtues that make them successful.

Where am I going precisely? Why am I writing this?

There is a need for me to pen this because there is this great misconception about what
talent is and how it makes people rich. Many people, whenever they see a successful person,
ignorantly attribute his/her success to talent.

Why they may be right, they usually forget three facts.

First, they too have talents (as Stephen Kings says, talent is common like table salt). The
second fact I see that most people usually forget is that those who become rich and successful
because of their talents do so only after a hell of work.

The third mistake most people make is that, they don`t know that they have to discover
their talents.

Let me use again the analogy of gold (and other natural resources).

Nigeria is today the sixth largest oil producer in the world. We can boldly say that
Nigeria is “talented” in oil. But you know something? Oil was not discovered in Nigeria to be a
great wealth until around 1958.

Ghana is “talented” in gold. But if nobody dared to search, look for and find gold in the
nation of Ghana, Ghana would never have known anything to be called gold.

What is my message here?

Most times, talent is not what you just wake up to see (obviously) in your palm. Talent is
what you have to ”search out”. Talent has to be discovered (just as gold or oil has to be

There are some countries of the world that are having certain natural resources and are
yet to discover them. So it is that there are several millions of people in the world that are having
great talents, but are yet to discover them (and may never discover them in their whole life time,
because they don`t know that they have a duty to do so).

How do you discover your talents?

By paying attention to your heart. By observing your interests. By spending time with
your passion.

Let me explain all these.

You have to pay attention to your heart. What makes it glad? What is that thing that gives
your heart a great pleasure? What is that thing that when doing, time passes away so quickly and
you never feel any burden of working?

Search your heart (just as anyone searching for natural resources will) and look for some
pleasant signals in relation to your daily tasks, hobbies or engagements.

Take for instance, I am making money from being a writer today. But I never knew that
would happen in the last 10 years. But you know something? I have been writing since when I
was age 13-15. I love writing. Even as a young boy, I would leave my parents` house and go to a
silent secondary school classroom. I would start writing.

I never knew what I was doing could lead to anything. I was simply doing what I love

This is where you have to be careful. I never listen to my heart until many years later. So
many people will have talents and will never listen to their hearts, so they won`t see those talents
as things of great monetary value.

Secondly, observe what interests you. Observe those things that interest you and see how
you can commercialize them. Usually your talent will be like your hobby. You will love doing it
and you will do it with more ease than most people.

The third thing you have to do is, spend time perfecting your talents.

God doesn`t give human beings finished products. He gives us raw materials. He gives us
raw gold. We must refine it. He gives us raw oil. We must refine it. He gives us raw talent. We
must refine it.

Most people don`t know this truth. You better know now!

You will have to work (very hard) on your talent, if you will ever be successful with it.

You will have to practice, practice and practice your talent. I write virtually every day,
even if that will mean to write a short article.

Read good books about that line of your passion and other inspirational books that will
encourage and inspire you. If you don`t practice and study in the area of your talent (I mean
practicing like crazy), you cannot refine it or commercialize it.

My wife was a footballer, right from her very young age. She would leave home to play
football with young boys. But her father hated seeing her play ball, “you`re not a boy. What do
you have to do with football?” was his usual discouragement.

After fighting for what she loved doing for a time, she felt it was a too tough battle she
could win and gave up.

The only thing left with her today is, she walks smart (due to much exercise she had as
footballer). Nothing else. Nothing else.

If for any reason you cannot work (hard) on your talent, forget it. You cannot become
rich with it.

Chapter 4

How To Shift from Employment to Business

Are you an employee with a strong desire to start a business? Are you sick and tired of
your 9 – 5 job? Are you fed up with your boss? Do you want to start a business but don’t want to
quit your job yet? If any of the above situations apply to you, please read on.

“Control your destiny or someone else will.” – Jack Welch

I strongly believe every human is unique and possesses at least one good idea. I have
seen employees with brilliant ideas and plans; but they just don’t know how to give up their job
security to pursue their entrepreneurial career. Starting a small business and earning an extra
income has always been the dream of many employees but the problem is only few ever dare to
quit their job and start a business.

I was motivated to write this chapter because I have come across so many employees
with plans on starting a business but they just don’t seem to be making headway. Year in year
out, these same employees are still keeping their jobs. They are afraid to quit their jobs because
of the uncertainty associated with building a business.

“Without the element of uncertainty, the bringing off of even, the greatest business
triumph would be dull, routine and eminently unsatisfying.” – J. Paul Getty

If you are an employee reading this chapter and you are contemplating starting a small
business part time. Deep down inside you, you know you really need to quit your job but you
can’t just find the guts to quit due to fear and self doubts. If this situation above best describes
you; then my honest advice to you is this:

“Don’t start a business yet because you will definitely fail.”

Instead, I will advice you first clear your fears or self doubts because with either of these
in you; you are failure bound. In retrospect, I want you to know that the biggest corporations of
today and the billionaires of today started part time.

Bill Gates started Microsoft part time in Harvard’s dormitory. Mark Zuckerberg, Michael
Dell, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, David Filo and Jerry Yang started their business part time in
the dormitory of their various academic institutions. Amazon was started by Jeff Bezos in a
garage just as Apple was also started in a garage by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Robert Kiyosaki started his Nylon and Velcro wallet business while still an employee of
Xerox; and Ray Kroc of McDonald’s developed his business idea while working as a salesman.
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Oprah Winfrey started by building a business part time.

If these successful entrepreneurs and drop out billionaires can achieve the feat, I see no
reason why you can’t do the same. So in this chapter, I will outline an easy step by step guide to
starting your own business part time. If you are ready, then let’s proceed.

Now based on the challenges faced by these employees and aspiring entrepreneurs, I have
decided to outline an easy step by step guide to starting a small business part time. These
business building or startup steps are the exact steps taken by successful entrepreneurs and drop
out billionaires who started and built great businesses. So if you are prepared to go through the
entrepreneurial process of starting a small business part time; then below are seven steps to
starting a small business part time.

1. Start developing your entrepreneurial mindset

“Getting rich begins with the right mindset, the right words and the right plan.” – Rich

The first step I will recommend for anyone wanting to start a small business part time is
to develop the entrepreneurial mindset. The reason is because starting a business requires a
certain kind of mindset; the entrepreneurial mindset.

“There is little difference in people but that little difference makes big difference. The
little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” – W. Clement

Remember that building a business will require you give up your job security someday
and therefore, you will be transiting fully from being an employee to becoming an employer. So
you have to be mentally prepared for the business challenges involved with start.

“Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals; and
nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

Starting a small business, either part time or full time entails being responsible or
accountable and to successfully achieve it, you must develop the required entrepreneurial skills
such as negotiation skill, communication skill, leadership skill, sales skill and so on.

2. Write a strong business plan for your idea

“Dream more than others. Think practical.” – Howard Schultz

The next step to starting a small business part time is to write a strong business plan for
your business idea. If you are serious about starting a small business part time, then a business
plan is a necessity because it’s going to be a key factor to the future growth of your business.

“A business idea is just another idea. But an idea backed by a strong feasibility, a
thorough business plan and a smart business team is no longer an idea. It’s now a solid business
opportunity worth pursuing.” – Titus mirieri.

Your business plan must contain a thorough analysis of how you intend starting a small
business part time and how you intend to grow the business. You will also have to decide where
to locate your business.

3. Look for an ambitious goal oriented business partner

The issue of finding a business partner when starting a small business part time is indeed
a tactical one that must be treated with utmost caution. Some entrepreneurs have good stories to
tell with respect to business partnerships while others have tales of woe.

“Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.” – Bill

Before choosing a business partner, you must make sure your prospective business
partner shares the same vision and aspiration with you. He or she must understand the intricacies
of the proposed business and must be willing to put in equaled effort to ensure the survival of the
business. Most importantly, your business partner’s strength must complement your weakness.
One smart rule of thumb in forming a business partnership is to jointly sign a partnership
dissolution agreement just in case things don’t go as planned.

Another rule of thumb is to consider using a legal hedge such as Limited partnerships; it
will save you a lot of stress in the long run. If you are a die hard entrepreneur, you may decide to
go it solo, but with respect to starting a small business part time; it will be in your best interest to
find a business partner whose time schedule will cover for your absence. Most successful
businesses that started part time were all hinged on partnership. Examples of such businesses are
Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Yahoo, Google, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and HP.

4. Start the business part time

“Starting a business is like building a ship and embarking on a voyage, armed with a
plan, a map and a team. You have to sail with uncertainty against storms and unpredictable
weather. If your ship sinks, it’s either you quit or you swim back to shore, build a new ship and
sail again.” – Titus mirieri.

The fourth action step to starting a small business part time is to start the business. I
always emphasize this because most employees dream of building a business but fear holds them
back. They keep planning and waiting for all lights to go green before they start the business;
without knowing that all lights will never go green.

In the book “Rich Dad’s Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every
Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business,” Robert Kiyosaki
said that there are three components to starting a business. One is the right plan; two is the
right team and three is the money. In that, Robert Kiyosaki explained that rarely do these three
components come together when starting a business. But the most important point he made was

“It’s the duty of an entrepreneur to grab one piece and start the business, the remaining
two pieces will be found along the way. Finding the remaining two components may take a year
or more than 10 years; the point is, start with what you have.” – Robert Kiyosaki

“You stick it out. You’ve just got to.” – Steve Case

A good rule of thumb in the world of entrepreneurship is to start with what you have and
pick the rest along the way. Even if you have insufficient capital, just start with what you have.
Whenever you are filled with the fear of starting a small business, just remember that Amazon,
Apple and Ford Motor were started in a garage. Google, Yahoo, Dell and Facebook were started
in the dormitory.

5. Schedule your time and delegate duties to your business partner

The fifth action step to starting a business part time is to schedule your time. Are you
going to build your business at nights or after work hours or on weekends? You will really have
to sit and think it out. For your proposed business to stand, you must allocate time to build it, and
stick to that time. I know some successful entrepreneurs who kept their day job and built their
business at night. All it takes is a ruthless determination on your part.

“The best thing to invest in your business is your time. To schedule, plan and use time
effectively, know your turf and know your objectives. Assess the obstacles and opportunities,
then devise your strategies.” – The Mafia Manager

If you have a business partner, this is where he or she will come in handy. Delegating
some duties to your business partner will free you up and help you strategize towards the growth
of your business. Just make sure that the business tasks are evenly shared between you and your
business partner and each one of you should be accountable for the given task.

6. Set a benchmark or target to quit your job

After kick starting your small business, the next step will be to set a target time to quit
your job. Definitely, you are going to quit your job someday and go full time into building your
business. You can set your target exit date to be either based on your business growth, a certain
level attained in business or any other benchmark you feel suits you. Regardless of the
benchmark of your choice, just make sure you set a time to quit your job and focus on your
business full time.

7. Keep investing in your business until it meets your entrepreneurial target

Building a business is not a day’s affair, it’s an ongoing process. For your business to
survive, you must keep re-investing in it until it needs you no more. One of the major
characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is delayed gratification. This is the one big difference
between employees and entrepreneurs.

“I did 30 Minute Meals for five years on local television, and I earned nothing the first
two years. Then I earned $50 a segment. I spent more than that on gas and groceries, but I really
enjoyed making the show and I loved going to a viewer’s house each week. I knew I enjoyed it,
so I stuck with it even though it costed me.” – Rachael Ray

As an entrepreneur, you must learn to live without income from your business until your
business grows big enough. It is called “working for free.“

As a final note; these are my seven step action plan to shifting from employment to
business. Before I drop my pen, I want you to know that building a business while still keeping
your day’s job is not impossible.

So I encourage you to take a step of faith and begin planning today. With a strong
business idea and a dedicated entrepreneurial spirit, success will be yours. Remember, Bill Gates
started Microsoft part time in Harvard’s dormitory.

Chapter 5

Invest in your Business Before Quitting your Job

One of the most crucial factor an entrepreneur or manager must keep an eye on; is the
business expenditure. Big corporation with millions of shillings in budget can afford to spend
money on even the most absurd things; they can afford to gamble with a few millions on
research but not you.

You are probably a startup company; or a small business owner with limited capital and
you have little room for waste. So you have to make sure that every investment in your business
is justified; both in the short and long run.

“Waste of resources is a mortal sin at IKEA.” – Ingvar Kamprad

Effective capital direction is essential to success in business. Now we must all invest in
our business at one time or the other; but I want you to know that all business investments are
not equal. Some business elements are more important than others; but unfortunately, these
important elements are often the most ignored. Most entrepreneurs invest in stocking inventory;
while ignoring other little things that matters. Now what are the little things that matters? How
should an entrepreneur invest in a business?

The Two Most Important Elements You Must Invest in your Business

1. Profits

“Everything we earn we need as a reserve.” – Ingvar Kamprad

I believe this point is quite clear. An entrepreneur that is concerned about growing a
business must first demonstrate commitment to growth by re-investing the business profits. Once
a business kicks off and profit begins to pour in, you may be tempted to take out cash or look
into other industry. At this point, effective capital direction and concentration is highly needed.

“Watch the costs and the profits will take care of themselves.” – Andrew Carnegie

To build a successful business, you must resist the temptation to divest your capital or
profit; you must resist the urge to spend your money on frivolous activities. You must re-invest
your profits in your business; you must seek ways to increase efficiency and sales. You must
concentrate your resources on the core tasks that matters.

“Concentrate your energy, your thoughts and your capital.” – Andrew Carnegie

2. Time

“The best thing to invest in your business is your time. To schedule, plan and use time
effectively, know your turf and know your objectives. Assess the obstacles and opportunities, then
devise your strategies.” – The Mafia Manager

Warren Buffett ran Berkshire till his 80’s; so did Ingvar Kamprad. J. Paul Getty, Steve
Jobs and Mary Kay Ash ran their companies until death. What does this portray? It simply means
that an entrepreneur must run his/her business; an entrepreneur must be at the helm of affairs.
You may have a team of competent managers but nothing beats being part of the core team
running your business.

“I have run engineering since day one at Oracle, and I still run engineering. I hold
meetings every week with the database team, the middle ware team, the applications team. I run
engineering and I will do that until the board throws me out of there.” – Larry Ellison

After many years of building a business, I have come to observe that nobody can run
your business better than you. You can have the best managers in the world but you can never
find someone who is passionate about growing your business as you. I am saying this from

Your competent managers and professionals will work hard for your business, but their
effort will have to be proportional to their compensation. But an entrepreneur that started a
business from the scratch will be willing to work for free just to see his business succeed.

“Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes;
once gone is gone for good.” – Ingvar Kamprad

Capital alone is not enough; you need to invest time to grow your business. Just think of
Warren Buffett and Steve Jobs; they worked hard for their various companies, yet they were
among the lowest paid CEOs in the world. Invest time in running your business; it pays in the
long run.

“It’s my job for Oracle, the number two software company in the world; to become the
number one software company in the world. My job is to build better than the competition, sell
those products in the marketplace and eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being
number two to number one.” – Larry Ellison

Now that I have listed the two important things you must invest in your business, I will
now proceed to highlight specifically how to invest in your business. Now what must you invest
in to grow a business successfully? You can find your answer below.

9 Smart Ways to Invest in your Business Wisely

a. Invest in yourself

“To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all that is possible to
know about that business.” – J. Paul Getty

You are the entrepreneur and this means you are the chief decision maker in your
business. The success or failure of your business largely depends on you; so it’s important that
you invest in yourself first. Even before starting a business, you must invest in yourself. You
must invest in developing leadership and business skills. You must learn how to sell, negotiate
and work with people. More important than all, you must know everything about running a
business; from accounting, sales and marketing to product development, etc.

“The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother
thinking about becoming a business owner.” – Rich Dad

b. Invest in marketing your business

The sustainability of a business is highly dependent on the management’s ability to

generate profit; and profit is a product of sales, while sales is a product of effective marketing.
As part of your marketing effort, you must strive to promote your business on the web.

c. Invest in your employees

“When people are placed in positions slightly above what they expect, they are apt to
excel.” – Richard Branson

Most entrepreneurs don’t invest in their employees; and they don’t see the need to. But if
you aim to build a successful business, you must invest in your employees; you must invest in
increasing their knowledge base. Another way you can invest in your employees is to train them
“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If
people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” – Sam Walton

You should also provide them with tools, software and materials that will make their task
easier and increase productivity. You must strive to keep your employees happy. You can
achieve that by paying them well and encouraging them with incentives. In fact, just maintain a
good relationship with them and you will bring out the best in them.

“If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put
compensation as a carrier behind it, you almost don’t have to manage them.” – Jack Welch

d. Invest in building a brand for your business

“If you are not a brand, you are a commodity.” – Robert Kiyosaki

Most people believe that branding is for big corporations with millions of shillings in
advertising budget but it is not so. The game of branding is now an all-comers affair. Both big
and small businesses can now build their brand without breaking the bank.

You don’t have to wait till you have a million in revenue; you don’t have to wait until
your business gets big before building a brand. Start small and work on your brand from the
beginning; this will enable your brand grow alongside your business.

e. Invest in your company’s communication system

“Team, it turned out that Michael Dell wasn’t perfect at predicting the future. Based on
today’s stock market close, Apple is worth more than Dell. Stocks go up and down and things
may be different tomorrow but I thought it was worth a moment of reflection today.” – Steve Jobs

One of the most important, yet often ignored systems of business is communication. In
fact, communication is so important that no business can survive or grow without it. So you must

invest in your business communication system. You must ensure that there is a smooth flow of
information between the management, employees, customers, suppliers and investors.

f. Invest in making your customers happy

“The customer is our business.” – Peter Drucker

The primary reason a business exists is because of the customer. Without the customer,
there is no business; so you must invest, not just in finding new customers but also in keeping
your existing customers happy.

Also, you must bear in mind that it is cheaper to retain a customer than to find a new one
and business thrives on recurring sales from loyal customers. So keep your customers happy.
You can do this by initiating a loyalty program, giving them incentives and maintaining a close
relationship with them.

“Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.” – James Cash


g. Invest in building business relationships

“The ability to deal with people is as purchasable as a commodity as sugar or coffee and
I will pay more for that ability than for any other thing under the sun.” – John D. Rockefeller

No entrepreneur ever built a successful business alone; successful businesses are built by
a network of people. That’s why my mentor Robert Kiyosaki said that:

“The richest people in the world build networks; everyone else is trained to look for
work.” – Robert Kiyosaki

To become a successful business owner, you must build a network of people and
businesses around yourself. A good way to invest in building relationships is to form strategic
partnerships with other businesses. You must also maintain a close touch with other
entrepreneurs, professionals, advisors, VCs, angels, etc. Before rushing to build a network of
business people, you must make honesty your watchword. You must be a person of integrity.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and only five Minutes to ruin it. If you think about
that, you will do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

“Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great
engineering and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of
human relationship.” – Henry Ross Perot

h. Invest in information

“The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitors, the best
way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information.
How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.” – Bill

Information in the hands of a smart entrepreneur can become a competitive advantage.

Having the right information and acting on it is the sole reason why some companies dominate
certain industry. So you must invest in acquiring information. Information can be industry news
and happenings, trend analysis, research work, inside information, etc.

One of the most important information an entrepreneur must acquire is information about
the competitor. You must invest in obtaining information about your competitor and you must be
prepared to act on such information. You may think you don’t need this but you do.

“Therefore I say: know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never
be defeated.” – Sun Tzu

i. Invest in legal protection

A lot of entrepreneurs rush into business without first covering their backs; they launch
their products while failing to protect it. This is one of the most dangerous mistakes small
business owners make. Therefore, it is advisable that you seek legal protection for your business.
You might think it’s too expensive but more expensive and painful is the loss of a business due
to poor legal structure.

A good way to start protecting your business legally is by choosing the right legal
business entity. Patents, trademarks, copyrights are also good legal shields for protecting your
business assets.

In conclusion, these are the few things you must invest in today. Even if you have limited
operating capital, investing in the highlighted elements will produce positive results on your
business both in the short and long run.

Chapter 6

Wrong Reasons to Quit your Job and Start a Business

Are you about quitting your job to start a business? If yes, then why do you want to quit
your job? Why do you want to start a business? Well, this chapter will help you get in the right
mindset to quit your job and start a business.

I am an advocate of the need to take control of your life and starting a business is one of
such ways you can gain control over your life. It thrills me to see people; both young and old
take the leap to start their own businesses. But it also saddens me because most of these budding
entrepreneurs start out with the wrong perception.

I love meeting entrepreneurs, I love listening to their plans, success or failure stories and
their ideas because I know I can get my spirit ignited simply by listening to others. Most
inspiring are the stories of employees; who are giving up the perceived security of their jobs to
start a business. However, I will like to point out certain perception I have noticed in individuals
who are making a transition from being employees to becoming entrepreneurs.

If you are an employee wanting to quit to start your own business; I will advice you put
your resignation letter on hold until you’ve read this chapter and absorb its message. As an
employee wanting to start your own business; have you at one time or the other made any of the
statements below:

1. I am tired of my job
2. I want to be my own boss
3. I want to get rich quick
4. I have a brilliant idea
5. I want to be free
6. I am the best in my workplace
7. I have gained a lot of experience from this job, it’s time I quit.

If any of the statements above is a reason why you want to quit your job to start a
business; I will advice you think again because your motive for going into business will
determine whether you succeed or fail. Without wasting your time, below is a detailed
explanation that will help you avoid quitting your job for the wrong reason.

1. I am tired of my job

My answer: if you are tired of your job; maybe because it’s stressful, or your boss is
lousy, or your job is something you hate doing. Then I will advice you get another job rather than
start a business. Why? The reason is because building a business is more stressful and
demanding than a regular job. In a regular job, you are assigned to one task; while a business will
require you handle multiple tasks almost at once. And as an entrepreneur, you might also need to
do exactly that same task you hate.

Let me give you some instances: most people hate their job because it entails either
selling, handling paper work, dealing with endless customer complaints, balancing the books or
focusing too much on a single task, etc. My dear, if any of the above applies to you; then please
forget about starting your own business because your business might just be dead on arrival.

I have seen entrepreneurs burn themselves out; simply because they weren’t prepared for
the stress involved with building a business. So please, don’t make the mistake of starting a
business simply because you are tired of your job. It’s not enough motivation to survive in the
business world.

2. I want to be my own boss

My answer: before I go further, let me first ask you this question. Do you really
understand what it means to be in charge? Do you have what it takes to be a boss? If you want to
quit your job simply because you want to be your own boss; I will advice you have a rethink.
Most people think being a boss/leader is all about being in control, barking out orders, hiring and
firing employees. From personal experience, I can tell you it is more than that.

Being a boss in your own business comes with responsibility; meaning you are
responsible for the success or failure of your business. As an entrepreneur, you have to make
sure that your business system is running at full capacity everyday; even if it means having to
make some personal sacrifices.

As the boss of your own company, you will have to make sure everything is provided for;
you will have to deal with all problems arising from your business and most importantly, you
will get paid only after your business and employees have taken their share. As a boss, you won’t
have the opportunity to say “it wasn’t my fault.” And even if you end up firing an employee; you
will still have to solve the problem the sacked employee created. Do you really understand what
it means to be the chief decision maker? Well if you don’t, then I will recommend you watch the
movie “24”; then you will get a feel of what it takes to be a boss.

3. I want to get rich quick

“The Rich Dad Company is an overnight success; but it took us ten years to get there.” –
Robert Kiyosaki

My answer: If you want to start a business because you want to get rich quick; then I say
congratulations, you are on the right track. But let me ask you a question: are you prepared to
work for three straight years without pay? I bet you will scream “NO.” well, this is where the
problem lies. Most people wanting to start a business are looking for instant gratification; they
want to be overnight successes. But let it be known to you that building a business is a high risk
venture with a high failure rate. 90% percent of all new start-ups fail in their first ten years; so
think again.

4. I have a brilliant idea

My answer: this is the most common statement made by potential entrepreneurs but
unfortunately, a brilliant idea is not enough. The world is filled with brilliant ideas but the world
lack determined entrepreneurs that understand the intricacies of building a multi-million shillings
business. If a brilliant idea is all it takes to build a successful business, then everyone will be a
millionaire overnight. But unfortunately, it takes more than that.

Growing a business requires capital, thorough understanding of the business,

competence, cash flow management, a good business team, diligence, leadership skill and most
importantly; the ability to sell. So now you see why it takes more than an idea to build a

5. I want to be free

My answer: it will be foolish of you to want to quit your job and start a business because
you want a lot of free time. Well if you must know, business offers no freedom especially in the
start-up phase. Do you realize that entrepreneurs work longer hours than most employees?
There’s never going to be a free time in business; it’s up to you to create the time you want.

As an entrepreneur, I sometimes never let go of my business. Even while on vacation, or

I am driving or travelling; I am always on the phone, laptop or mobile device just to stay in
touch. I sometimes wake up in the dead of the night to do some brainstorming, or reflect over a
business problem, or do some tasks or write for my protégés.

In fact, this chapter you are reading now was written in the wee hours of the morning;
while most of you are still enjoying your sleep. What am I trying to buttress? The point I am
trying to stress is this: there will never be enough free time to do everything that you want;
whether you are an employee or entrepreneur. But there will always be enough time to do a
single task, which you consider most important; only if you are willing to make out such time.

6. I am the best in my workplace

My answer: it takes a lot of knowledge and dedication to be the best in your workplace.
So if you are one of the best employees in your firm, then I give you a thumb up. But I want to
make a point clear: business is not about an individual, no matter how skilled that individual may
be; it’s all about the team. Business is a team sports, so also is investing. In business, team work
is more important and valuable than individual skill.

For instance, Lionel Messi may be the best player in the world but he is nothing without
his team mates. No successful entrepreneur ever rose to the top by individual effort; they rose by
the collective effort of their team. So even if you forget all the lessons, don’t forget that: “being
on the best team is much better than being the best player.” If you are the smartest person on
your team; you are heading for trouble but if you are part of the smartest team in your industry,
then it is massive profit all the way.

7. I have gained a lot of experience from my current job

My answer: if you have adequate experience from your job and you want to quit, then
my best advice is this: Get another job. The fact that you are an experienced chemical engineer
does not make you competent enough to run a chemical manufacturing business. Your
experience as a real estate agent does not qualify to be a real estate investor. Why? The reason is
because their role demands are different and your experience is one-sided.

Business is not a one skill affair; it is a synergy of different skills and experience. That’s
why entrepreneurs are generalists; they need to know a little of everythings. While your job
might forge you into a specialized technocrat such as an accountant, attorney or medical doctor;
an entrepreneur must know a little of business laws, production management, customer
relationships, marketing and sales, people management, accounting, product development, etc.
An entrepreneur must have a thorough understanding of the business basics; else, failure will be

As a final note, it is never my intention to discourage you from becoming an

entrepreneur. In fact, it’s my greatest wish to see you running your own business; because
entrepreneurship is the major driver of innovation and economic growth. That is why I took the
pain to write this chapter; I wrote this to equip you with the right mindset. To make you
understand that the mindset with which you start a business determines the outcome of your

So if you are going to quit your job or start a business, do it for the right reason. Do it
because you have a strong mission in your heart; just like Henry Ford and Steve Jobs. Do it
because you want to be part of the solution rather than the problem. Do it because you want to
satisfy a need or solve a problem. Above all, do it because you want to etch your name in the
sands of time by improving the welfare of humanity; taking a pointer from entrepreneurs like
Andrew Carnegie and Bill Gates.

Chapter 7

Learn From Kenyans who quitted their jobs to pursue their passion
in entrepreneurship

I hope, i have given you enough advice in the last 6 chapters. Now i would you to learn
the practical part from people who have achieved success in life after quitting their jobs to follow
their passion in business.

She Quit Her Job At KQ To Start A Business With Just A Laptop &
Facebook Page

Would you quit a well paying job at Kenya Airways?

Meet Gloria Michelle Otieno who quit her job in the customer services department at the
Kenya Airways because she was dissatisfied. She says she wasn’t passionate about it but on the
other hand advices that not everyone who hates their job should quit but they should have a plan

In her recent interview with the True Love Magazine, she says that her plan was to use
her excellent social media skills and her ability to write proposals business plans and CVs.

How It Started

Her first client was a 22 year old man who she did a CV for 200 shillings and a cover
letter for Ksh 150 after he was impressed with the CV.

After the young man landed an interview he referred her to his cousin and that is how the
cycle began.

She asked happy clients to post their testimonials on her Facebook page and when she
received more than 1,000 CVs in the first few months she knew she had business and she needed
more people.

And that is how she started Recours Four Kenya Consultants Limited; a company that
provides recruitment, selection, training and development of staff and design of corporate

It also offers training, helping to bridge the gap between education and employment by
equipping participants with the required skills necessary for the workplace.

Do you Love Being In Business?

“I love what I do and I am thankful that I have the chance to live my passion every day. I
now know what they mean when they say that your business is like your baby,” she says.

“When you do what you love everything in life just somehow falls into place and the
vision becomes very clear,” she emphasizes.

Ms. Otieno studied pharmacy in South Africa and even though she did not enjoy it, it
helped develop her critical thinking and problem solving abilities. She is now doing a degree in
management and leadership, majoring in human resource management.

What Are The Challenges?

Even with the joys that come with being a business owner she says that it also comes
with many sacrifices.

“It means working longer hours than your staff, taking the time to understand your staff,
identify weak areas in the business and not being afraid to point them out.”

She says that staff tends to emulate the owner and that the owner is meant to sacrifice and
be the first one at work and last one to leave except if there is a meeting or an important

“The owner must always pay the staff their salary whether the business has made money
or not!” she states.

She however feels happier now than she would have been if she was still employed.

“Each day I wake up excited about going to work, to see the new possibilities the day has
in store for the business and to discover the new things I will learn.”

Her Advice To Young Entrepreneurs

“An entrepreneur must have a plan. You must understand your business and the direction
you want it to take. You should have a working knowledge about the business you plan to start

before you start it. You also need common sense, appropriate experience, follow through and
attention to detail,” she concludes.

If you are planning to quit your job, do you have a plan?

Kevin Kairuki, 24: Quit His Accounting Job To Start a 100K Business With
Just Kshs.4,500.

24 year old Kevin Kariuki was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. When he
finished High School, he didn’t immediately go to campus due to financial constrains. He got a
temporary job with a tea and coffee company, where he assisted in preparing financial accounts,
thanks to his good grade in Maths.

While still holding on to the Accounting job, he later enrolled in St.Pauls University to
study Business Administration but he was not able to complete the course due to lack of

“I loved the Accounting job and I even considered pursuing a career in the field, but I
didn’t like the routine that came with my job,” he says.

He didn’t believe that one had to be employed in order to be successful. Because of

hating his routine so much while still desiring to be successful, he decided to look for an exit
plan, and becoming a business man seemed like the perfect route.

The Now CEO of 3 Businesses

Kevin Kariuki today has 3 very successful businesses . One is called Blessed Basket, a
vegetable delivery business he started in 2014. He grows vegetables such as Kunde, Terere &
Managu on his father’s farm in Kiambu county.

He notes that one of the things that has contributed to the success of his Farming business
is that more people are now embracing healthy living, which makes the demand for vegetables
very high.

Another reason that has contributed to his great farming business is because he eliminates
the middle man by delivering the vegetables to customers himself.

His second business is called Kake Sounds, a business he started with his friend Joseph
Gikonyo in 2015. At Kake Sounds, he offers services at events such as weddings, funerals, road
shows and rallies. In addition to this, he also offers DJ and MC services.

Kevin is also an affiliate marketer with Q Net International, a Hong Kong based online
marketing business that offers a range of products in areas such as health and wellness,
technology, beauty, education etc. According to him, this is his main business.

His First Business

After deciding to quit his Accounting job , he set up a food delivery business. He would
make smoothies, juices and fruit salads and sell them in offices around Kiambu town.

The business did well the first four months, but collapsed during the fifth month when the
cold season came.

“Fruits & juices don’t do well in cold seasons,” he notes.

Capital to Start

The most impressive part about Kevin’s entrepreneurial journey is that he began his first
business with just Kshs.4,500, which was part of his savings when he had an office job.

When his first business failed, he invested the money in farming. The profits he earned
from his farming business enabled him to start Kake Sounds.

A Day in the Life of Kevin Kariuki

He wakes up at 5 am every day, to reflect on the previous day’s activities, he then does
his devotion, writes 10 things he is grateful for and reads a chapter from a motivational book.

He then heads to the farm to check drip irrigation system, where he sometimes does some
manual activities such as weeding (kulima) and also ensures the orders for the day are parked.

On Making Money

The young entrepreneur says that some of his best moments are when a cheque slides
across the table. He says that it’s the most rewarding feeling to see your hard work pay off.

On a bad day he makes 100K.

Big Accomplishments

Kevin Kariuki has managed to put up a better house for his parents; he has invested in a
piece of land, and has even bought a car which he sometimes hires out to maximize on the


Juggling many businesses is not easy, says Kevin and this affects his work life balance.

Greatest Motivation

He says he is his own mentor, but he also looks up to Vijay Eswaran , the Executive
Director of QI, and the internet affiliate business he is in.

The Keys to Success

Kevin notes that passion, focus and mentorship from successful entrepreneurs is what has
helped him become a great entrepreneur.

Parting shot

He has made a living for himself with just Kshs.4, 500. Do you have a business idea?
Take the risk today and get it started. If Kevin did it, you can too.

Why I quit my lucrative job to venture into farming

Dennis Nyongesa Osebe in his poultry house located in Lwanya, Matayos Sub County
and Busia County.

Early in the morning, Dennis Osebe chops nappier grass into small pieces as his
farmhand looks on, ready to chip in where necessary.

After cutting, he embarks on feeding his dairy cows and goats. Mr Osebe then heads to
another section housing poultry and starts preparing feeds for his chicken, turkeys and geese.

“This has become my daily routine for five years since l started this farming project. It is
what l was used to at various places l worked,” says Mr Osebe.

He quit his lucrative job to fully concentrate in farming. Osebe’s last station before
quitting his job was Busia where he worked in the Trade and Industry ministry as the national
branch chairman for Measurement & Standards.

His farm is located in Lwanya, Matayos Sub County, Busia County. It has over 500
poultry-kienyeji (local) and hybrid, 35 turkeys, 50 guinea fowls, 45 geese, 200 broilers, 15 dairy
goats, 10 dairy cows and four calves.

Osebe’s records show that he started in 2011 with three dairy cows, two dairy goats and
100 chicks - 50 each for layers and broilers. He also had two turkeys. Guinea fowl and geese
were introduced two years later.

“I have been expanding this project since then, and still do. So far, the gains are good and
encouraging,” he says. Osebe says he initially faced a challenge in caring for one-day-old chicks,
which involved regulating two heaters even at night.

He says although he lost 30 of them, he pressed on. Today, he explains, managing the
entire project is quite hectic, but he is now used to it.

“I started small, but have been learning and adjusting as the project grows,” Osebe says,
adding that he has invested a lot in the project. He says he does over 90 per cent of the farming
work, despite having a farmhand.

He injected over Sh1 million in the project, part of his savings most of which went into
construction of structures such as the poultry house and sheds for dairy cows and goats.

The structure, with different sections, can accommodate 50 dairy cows, 5,000 chicken
(broilers and layers), 100 turkeys and 1,000 geese and guinea fowls each.

Citing the latest project as major in his entire life, Osebe says he has been involved in
farming since childhood, but has been interrupted time and again by studies and employment.

“In primary and secondary schools, agriculture was my favourite subject. It gave me the
knowledge l used to keep rabbits, chicken and some vegetables such as tomatoes, onions and
sukuma wiki at home. When l joined college and later employment, it became a challenge to
fully concentrate on farming,” he told Smart Harvest.

But he did not abandon farming completely. Despite being transferred from one town to
another, Osebe would ensure he has crops, chicken and dairy cows in the estates.

He says that in Garissa, he had over 100 goats and a local cow. He would have wished for
more but had very little space. He moved to Kakamega and the presence of better space attracted
Osebe who grew more vegetables and kept chicken and two dairy cows in the estate.

“Some people thought l was crazy, yet l was using my own milk, while they bought from
shops. In fact, l supplied to other residents and would earn over Sh.5,000 every month,” he

In Busia, Osebe had three dairy cows, over 100 chicken and vegetables in a quarter-acre

He quit his job with all eyes fully focused on a major farming project. And, since he
wanted to start afresh, he sold all the farming investment he had in Busia, worth Sh.150,000.

But before he began, Osebe attended several seminars, consulted various agricultural
extension officers in poultry, livestock and horticulture. He also read more about farming from
the internet.

In his farming project, Osebe aims mainly to induct youths into agriculture in his area. He
says active employment had kept him too busy and away from home.

But now he is back and does not just want to interact with youths, but do it on something
beneficial to all.

“There are so many idle youth in this area. Poverty is also very high, yet they have not
embraced agriculture - which is within their reach and being touted as maker of future
millionaires,” Osebe says. He blames the area leadership for not encouraging youths into

He jokes that he feels insecure being surrounded by hundreds of unemployed youths.

“They can easily turn on you and your wealth that you’ve sweated for many years,”
Osebe says.

Tens of youths already frequent his project for mentorship in farming - livestock and
crops. He reads a lot to acquaint himself with agricultural information.

“The two years l have been with them, they are very inquisitive on agribusiness. So, l
must arm myself with information and provide it any time they ask,” he says.

He says youth seeking his advice, most of whom are boda boda operators, have interest in
agribusiness. Their main challenge is how to get the start-up capital.

He says he will seek to partner with the Busia county government and other organisations
to educate and help the youth get start-up kits in agribusiness.

I quit my pilot job to design clothes

Liz Kitua, 28, is the founder and CEO Kidosho Apparel.

When I got my first job as a pilot for a local commercial airline, it was a childhood dream
come true. Growing up, I always wanted to fly.

I was also the small girl who made clothes for her dolls, and later, the teenager who
advised her friends on what to wear and how to pair their outfits. I flew for five years before
quitting to pursue fashion design.

The book “The E-myth Revisited” by Michael Gerber, has had the biggest impact on me
as an entrepreneur. It examines the various reasons why most small businesses don’t work, and
what to do about it. I’d recommend it to anyone thinking of starting a business. The other “E-
Myth” books by the same author are also great for entrepreneurship knowledge.

Five questions

1. What were you doing at 22? I was setting up my clothing line and working as a
freelance pilot.

2. How did you know that it was time to quit employment to become an entrepreneur? I
can’t say that I knew for sure it was time to quit. I just took a risk and decided to dedicate all my

time and effort to my business. At the time, my business required my full attention, so I took the
leap and followed my passion for fashion.

3. What does your job as a fashion designer entail? - My job is ensuring that the
company’s goals are met. I train my staff, I work on the production of the garments, the sales and
distribution, marketing and leading my team - the list of my responsibilities is endless.

4. Which is the biggest challenge you have encountered as an entrepreneur? – I have had
many challenges in this business, ranging from hiring the right team and acquiring customers’
trust to getting good quality fabric. I can’t say that I have overcome the challenges as I’m
continuously growing my business.

5. Who is your mentor? I’ve had different mentors for different phases of my life, but
business wise, my current mentor is Susan Vundi. She’s a dear friend and a business woman who
has lots of experience. She’s my go-to person. She is on my speed dial.

My success secrets

1. When I got into this business, I made sure to learn the mechanics of it. Being well
versed in the economics of the industry has been my greatest charm.

2. To succeed in business, you must be able and willing to take the word ‘no’ and then
keep going.

3. When you let your passion drive you, everything else will fall into place. Discover
what you are good at and keep at it.

4. You must be willing to take risks. Get out of your comfort zone and watch yourself

5. Having faith in God has helped me tremendously. It is what keeps me going during the
rough moments.
How to know you’re ready to quit employment for entrepreneurship

Have you been flirting with the idea of quitting your current job so as to make your side
hustle a full time job?

Does the idea of becoming your own boss through entrepreneurship seem like a fairy tale
that you cannot wait to make a reality?

On its own, entrepreneurship is an amazing journey to undertake because of its several

perks. But before diving into it, most people are forced to leave the comfort of employment in
order to pursue it. So when is the right time to quit employment in favour of becoming your own

Quit employment if your idea is brilliant and well researched

World famous business magazine, Fortune, advises that before quitting employment to go
start your own business, you should research on it and ask yourself some hard questions. For
instance, find out if someone else has done what you want to do, find out who are your
competitors, the status of your SWOT analysis and if the business solves a problem. If so, then
you could consider quitting employment and starting out on your own.

Quit employment if you have a sizeable savings account

Before quitting your current job, ensure that you have enough money to make your ends
meet at a personal level while also meeting the expenses of your business.

According to Perminus Wainaina, CEO of Career Point Kenya, a person should have
enough money saved up to live comfortably for at least six months without a job. Broken down,
do the math of your monthly expenses such as rent, food supplies, transport costs and so on, and
then multiply them by at least six times. Then do the same for your business. If your business
premises require rent, save up its rent for the first six months and any other recurrent expense. If
all these are met, then you can quit employment.

Quit employment if you have ready clientele for your business

For entrepreneurship to thrive, customers are at the core. Upon identifying which need
your product is meeting, identify potential customers and convert them into your repeated

This notion is also echoed by Time magazine which advises people to find clients before
quitting their jobs as this will help in building the cash flow needed to make the leap.

Quit employment if your side ‘hustle’ gives you more joy than your full time job

Wainaina further explains that before he started Career Point, he used to do an accounting
job that left him gravely miserable. However, pursuing activities that made Career Point what it
is today gave him more joy. This ultimately led to him quitting his full time job to pursue the

This should also be applicable to people debating whether to call it quits with their
employer in order to go out on their own.

Quit employment if your start-up can support you fully

You may have started a side business that has quickly turned out to be successful.
However, you are afraid of losing all the perks that employment is currently giving you such as
paid gym memberships, company healthcare and insurance and so on.

But it is time for you to go despite all those perks if your business is already established,
has a decent turnover and shows potential to do better if you concentrated on it fully.

Fast Company advises aspiring entrepreneurs to use the ‘Tarzan’ technique of

determining whether it is time to quit your current job. Simply explained, do not let go of your
old job until your start-up is supporting you; just like Tarzan would not let go of the vine that
holds him without getting a hold of another one when in the jungle.

Quit employment if you’ve tested your idea and it seems to work

I previously spoke about doing your research and testing your start-up idea to see if it
works. But there is another equally important technique that all aspiring entrepreneurs should do
before taking a final bow as far as employment is concerned; testing the idea.

Fast Company also recommends the idea of testing the idea before quitting your job. A
great way of doing this is taking your leave days and using them to test the idea. If you have
twenty one leave days, you could apply for extra ones that would enable you to test the idea.
During these leave days, you should put the plan to test. Although a bit short, this duration will
give you an idea of whether or not the idea is bound to work.

I wish you success in your quest to quit your job and follow your passion/dreams.

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