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was inspired by a visited at the brawijaya museum

Oleh : Sholihatul Mardliyah

Malang City had one museum destination to study history. This museum holds
several historical objects. This place was the right destination for traveled with children and
school students to learned together about the history of Indonesia. The museum called
Brawijaya Museum was one of the historical tourist destinations in Malang that displays
relics during the struggle of Malang residents against invaders. Brawijaya Museum was
located on Jl. Ijen, No. 25 A, Malang City which was founded on the initiative of Indonesian
Army Brigadier General. Soerachman Pengdam VIII / BRW from 1959 to 1962 and stood on
an area of 10,500 m2. The museum was inaugurated on May 4, 1968 by Colonel Pur. Dr.
My Class and I went to Brawijaya Museum on 27 July 2019. I got many lessons in
the past time, and made me proud for heroes brave to fight for independence. In this place
many heritages, like a weapon, war shirt, tank, and old time pictures. We knew history about
Indonesia was for pictures, like in Meseum Brawijaya. Personally I think, I knew about
accompanied by writing “Pangsar jendral Soedirman
berziarah ke makam para pahlawan” I interested for this
object, because I tought in the past did not visit tomb
(ziarah), but in this place I found sometimes for broken
the argument about heroes in past time did not know
about ziarah but in the Museum Brawijaya given me
evidence actually.
Syar’u Man Qablana was a folowed person do
that. Like a ziarah. Usually I hear in pious people, but my heroes can do that also. And now
Aswaja people made and taqlid for ziarah. such traditions have existed since ancient times.
they came not to ask those who had tombs, but to pray for those who died. And appreciating
the services of heroes is not enough to just look at his grave, but we must continue their
struggle to prosper and safeguard Indonesia. We must strong and care to Indonesian, because
the true strength comes from togetherness and mutual trust. So many positive impact ang
struggle are by given to us. But what will we do for Indonesia?

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